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Andy Ant and Beatrice Bee

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Andy Ant and Beatrice Bee Frank Scott and Nisa Montie

Andy Antand

Beatrice BeeFrank Scott and Nisa Montie

Copyright © 2015 Frank Scott and Nisa Montie.

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ISBN: 978-1-5043-4265-0 (sc)ISBN: 978-1-5043-4266-7 (e)

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Balboa Press rev. date: 10/16/2015

One Summer morning, an ant was travelling through the forest. Andy Ant was a get-it-done kind of guy, always on the go.

Andy Antand

Beatrice Bee

He was busy looking for food to take to his home under a rotting log, where his large family of one thousand ants awaited. Suddenly he heard something,

“Help. Bzzzzz. Help. Bzzzz.”

Andy looked around and saw a bee lying on her side, not far away. Usually the bees were in the air, or on a flower, sucking up nectar and gathering pollen. Being a compassionate ant, Andy left his task and scurried over to the side of the bee.

“What’s happening?”

He exclaimed with a tone of concern.

“A big gust of wind came and knocked me against that tree limb over there, so I fell to the ground. How kind of you to ask! By the way, I’m Beatrice.” Beatrice smiled at Andy in a way that made him feel soft and warm all over.

“What’s your name?”

“Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Andy. Do you think that you can fly home?” Andy asked with concern for his new friend.

“I don’t know. She tried to move her wings.

Ow, my left wing feels stiff.” Trained in Insect First Aid, Andy carefully examined the injured wing.

“It doesn’t look broken. I think you may need to give it a rest for a couple of days, and then you’ll be all right.”

“Oh my goodness, how will I get home to our hive?”

“I will carry you to your hive,” Andy said promptly.

“Are you sure?” Beatrice asked. It’s rather far—past the rotten log and across the stream.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve crossed that stream before. It’s just a matter of balance,” he told her reassuringly.

Gently he picked her up and placed her on his back.

“Ready to go,” Andy asked Beatrice, as he held her safely using his two front legs.

“Yes, thank you,” said Beatrice chuckling.

“Riding on the back of an ant is a completely new experience.”

“Enjoy the ride,” Andy replied with a grin.

He looked at her once more, and smiled.

Around the rotten log, across fallen leaves and pine needles, and over the stream, hopping from rock to rock, the tiny ant travelled, carrying his new bee friend.

By evening, they made it to Beatrice’s hive.

Gently Andy lifted Beatrice off his back and placed her on the ground.

“You’re my hero!” she said, and gave him a big kiss. He blushed shyly. Just then… all one hundred of Beatrice’s sisters flew out to thank the little ant.

They helped carry their sibling back inside the hive to recover.

“Bye, bye, Andy. Thank you, again,” Beatrice called out, waving to him with one wing.

“Bye, bye, Beatrice. Glad to be of service.”

Before he could think about how he was going to get all the way back to his own home, one of Beatrice’s sisters flew over and said,

“Want a lift?”

“I’d love one!”

“Hop on…” she said, gesturing to a nearby maple leaf. As he did, four more sisters came by and lifted the leaf in the air.

That is how Andy flew all the way home.

And in no time at all…

Spring became summer. Summer became fall. Just when food was getting scarce for Andy’s ant family, a wonderful surprise arrived in the form of a beautiful container filled with honey.

Andy’s family was very grateful, knowing this food was a precious gift made by Beatrice and her hive sisters. The thread of compassion, that began with caring for one hurt bee, ended with caring for a whole family of ants.

All was well.

More Stories to Read by the Author of Andy Ant and Beatrice Bee

www.loginthesoul.org (Children)

Beauty is on the Inside

Bee and Fairy Power (a short novel in which the Beings of Nature use the super-power Virtue of Love to help humans Grow Organically).

How Alexander the Gnome Found the Sun

Katie Caterpillar Finds Her Song

Return to Paradise (A short novel in which Happy the Bluebird and Bright-Wings the Cardinal use Virtues to bring back Paradise)

The King and the Castle

For Adults:

www.loginthesoul.com (Adults)

Echoes of a Vision of Paradise: If you cannot Remember,

You will return, Volumes 1 - 3

Echoes of a Vision of Paradise: If you cannot Remember,

you will Return, Synopsis

Restoring the Heart

The Simulator


We gratefully acknowledge the artists who contributed their art to be available online, allowing us to illustrate this book. Thank you!

Copyright March 2015—Kito & Ling Productions. All rights reserved.

“My name is Andy!”

Color Andy

“By the way, I’m Beatrice.”

Color Beatrice

“…a wonderful surprise

arrived… filled with honey.”

Color Beatrice’s Sisters

Color Andy’s brother, Rudolph

“Bye, bye, Beatrice. Glad to be of service.”
