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Animal Attack 2 - Reunite

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  • 7/29/2019 Animal Attack 2 - Reunite



    Alex, dont forget your lunch! Its on the table!

    Thanks Aunt Rain.

    Alex smiled to herself. Her Aunt Rain, a thirty-three year old woman with really long

    brown hair, brown tail and ears with an English accent, had to keep reminding her totake her lunch or she would forget it and have to make her friends share with her.

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    Her friends were always happy to share with her but her Aunt thoroughly

    unapproved, so she took to reminding Alex not to forget her lunch.

    Nut, a squirrel like animal Alex and her friends found last month in the forest behind

    the school, rode on her shoulder. He was munching on a nut. Nuts favorite thing

    other than Alex, he loved her. She had convinced the principal to let her keep him but

    only if she took care of his food and other things.

    Alex loved to walk to school. She loved to breathe the morning air. The only thing

    that really ruined her good mood was the large jacket and snow hat that she had to

    were to hide her features, the ears and tail of a wolf.

    The school she loved so much was a special school for kids with special abilities,

    whether mental or physical. Alex was a half wolf. The only other half wolf she had

    seen ever since her parents and her Aunt was Leo. A 17 year old boy with jet black

    hair, ears and tail and the deepest blue eyes you have ever seen.

    Alex, an attractive girl to her standards, had all white blond hair and fur with

    beautiful lavender eyes, and had always admired the beauty of her three other

    friends, Alice, a half dragon, Grace, a mental, Cassie, a metamorphic, and Neil, the

    invisible one.

    Alexs muses about her friends were interrupted when someone slammed into her.

    She fell hard and felt her hat tug. She opened her eyes and saw a handsome young

    man dressed in a large jacket and a hat like hers. He had brown hair and blue eyes

    that looked a little familiar.

    Nuts squeaked and fell only to land on his feet and climb back up on her shoulder.

    He looked, surprised, at her head for a moment and then grinned. He extended a

    hand to her and gingerly, she accepted.

    Sorry, I didnt see you.

    Thats okay. I wasnt looking were I wasgoing.

    He was still staring at her head until she noticed her hat was on the ground and he

    was staring at her ears, not her head.

    She snatched her hat and jammed it on her head just as he took off his.

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    Alex stopped dead. He had ears just like hers. Only his were brown and bigger

    because he was male.

    He grinned at the expression she must have had and put his hat back on.

    My name is Shelder. Whats yours?

    Alex Lanner.

    His grin widened and he waved.

    See you soon, Alex Lanner.

    Then he was gone.

    Alex stood there, stunned. He did not even pay the slightest attention to Nut like

    most people do but just kept his eyes on her. Even more, he was a half wolf! And

    what did he mean by *see you soon*?

    Nut squeaked loudly and indicated the path towards school. Oh no! Im going to b

    late! Alex ran the rest of the way, thinking of how she was going to tell about her

    mornings events to her friends.

    As Alex reached the classroom ten minutes later, she walked over to her desk, wasabout to tell her friends about the strange half wolf named Shelder when Leo came

    straight over to her, sniffing madly. She knew he could smell the scent of another

    wolf on her.

    When he was done, everyone was looking at him as if he was out of his mind but Alex

    kept his gaze.

    Where did you meet him? he sniffed once more.

    About three blocks from the school. Alex knew her face held a large smile but tried

    to hide her excitement. He said his name was Shelder and that he would see me

    soon. We literally bumped into each other.

    Leo looked surprised. He said he would see you soon?

    Alex nodded.

    Whoa there! What is this all about?

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    Cassie held a confused smile on her face while looking from one to the other and Alex

    launched into the story about how she met Shelder, the half wolf, making sure she

    did not leave out any details.

    Cassie opened her mouth but before she could say anything, the bell rang and they

    had to return to their seats.

    Alex first went to the back of the class to put Nut in his little base in the corner. Every

    time class started, she would put him there and he would wait patiently for the class

    to end. He was very calm about it and Alex usually gave him a treat for his good


    The moment she had taken her seat again, the class door opened and Mr. Ragret,

    their teacher, a man of about thirty with a friendly face walked in with none other

    than the wolf eared stranger, Shelder.

    Alright class, I know its a bit late but we are going to have another new student,

    and a very special one at that.

    He gestured and Shelder introduced himself.

    My name is Shelder Nack, big brother of the infamous Leo over there. Every eye in

    the room went to Leo and back. Im eighteen years old and, Im a half wolf too.

    Alexs breath caught. He is Leos brother. No wonder his eyes looked so familiar. She

    had been looking into the same eyes for a month now.

    Just as Alex remembered, Shelders ears and tail were as brown as his hair. He caught

    her eye and winked. She smiled back.

    Mr. Ragret cleared his throat and pointed to the only empty seat.

    That will be your seat, Mr. Nack, next to Alex.

    Mr. Ragret only called the students in the rank threes by name, and the ones he liked

    the most.

    Shelder took the seat next to Alex and grinned at her.

    I told you Id see you soon.

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    He winked and smiled at her blush. He was as handsome as Leo was but there was

    wickedness about him that Leo did not have.

    She heard a small growl behind her and turned to see Leo. He had on a scowl and

    was glaring hard at his older brother.

    Alex had never seen Leo with a face like that.

    I wonder if Leo gets along with his brother I hope they do. She thought. If they

    dont, were in for big trouble.


    The bell rang.

    Alex got up, thinking of joining her friends but, quick as a flash, Shelder caught her

    wrist. He looked at her with such a seriously fierce face that she felt fear build inside


    Thankfully, Leo saved her from her instinct of yelling for help because he took his

    brothers shoulder and whipped him around to face him. He glared and said,

    Why are you here?

    Shelder only smiled and turned away from his younger brother to face Alex. His smile

    only widened when he saw her expression of fear and confusion.

    To ask your pretty little friend for help.

    Only then did Leo realize that Alex was there andthat Shelder had a tight grip on her.

    He reached out, grabbed Shelders wrist and twisted until he let go of her. When

    Shelder did let go, Leo took Alexs hand and pulled her behind him, out of his

    brothers reach.

    Whatever this is, leave her out of it.

    This time Leos expression was calm and cold, with a hint of fury in his eyes.

    Shelder looked a little surprised and then comprehension donned on his face. He


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    No way, little brother. Im not going to sink as low as to ask youfor help, He looked

    at Alex with deep blue eyes just like Leos. So Im going to ask your pretty little

    female friend.

    Alex was starting to get annoyed. This stranger was saying he wanted her to help her

    but he was not saying with what he wanted help with.And why didnt he want Leos


    Alex snarled.

    Shut up, both of you! The two boys stared at her in surprise. Good. Alex looked at

    Leo. Please try to calm down enough to listen to what he has to say.

    He grimaced, clearly not liking the idea but he did not interrupt again. Alex turned tolook at Shelder.

    And you, The smug grin on his face that had appeared when she scolded Leo faded.

    Will you quit stalling and tell us the reason why you will not just leave me alone?

    Now it was Leos turn to grin, the look on his older brothers face was one like a child

    recognizing that he had done something really wrong and was about to get a scolding

    for it. He bent his head, ears drooping, admitting defeat.

    By now, Nut had gotten bored with his place in the corner and was now sniffing

    Shelder furiously. When he was done, he settled on Alexs shoulder and was now

    staring at her as if waiting for instructions.

    The others, who had probably come to see what was taking Alex and Leo so long,

    started to stare too.

    I think I would like to know whats going on, wouldnt you?

    Cassies her arms were crossed at her chest and she had a curious look in her eyes.

    Alex smiled at her. She looked at Shelder and said,

    I would too.

    Shelder looked around at everybody with an exasperated look on his face and gave

    in. He sighed.

    Alright. He gave Alex a defeated look and then glared at Leo. But listen to mywhole story before you refuse.

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    Leo glared right back at his older brother. Alex thought Leo would just refuse without

    listening to a single word from his brother but it was herShelder was asking help

    from, not him.

    She tugged on his sleeve. His ear twitched and he looked down at her. She whispered

    in his ear so only he could hear.

    Leo, please. Listen to what he has to say.

    He stared stubbornly at her for a moment, then his ears drooped and he nodded.

    Lets sit down.

    When everyone had taken his or her seat, Shelder cleared his throat.

    I guess Ill start at the very beginning then. Well, the first half wolf ever to be born

    was Talamath. His mother was a wolf while his father was a man. The pack of wolves

    had accepted him as if he were a wolf himself. Then a fight broke out between the

    pack and his mother was badly injured, he was so furious that he killed the wolf that

    had hurt her. Wolves are very territorial and protective animals. Soon after, many

    more cubs were born to human and wolf, and so the half wolf tribes were made. Up

    to now, the half wolves still get along great with any canine breed they find.

    Alex smiled. She had always attracted dogs and even wolves to her everywhere she

    went. Now she knew why.

    But the half wolves werent the only half breed created during that time. The

    Salthlex were also breeding and building in numbers.

    What are the Salthlex? asked Grace.

    Shelder grimaced.

    They are a breed between reptile and human. They could be lizard, snake, or any

    other kind of reptile. No one knows how it was done, but it was. Moreover, with that,

    a war broke out between the half wolves and the Salthlex. We dont know why the

    Salthlex want to kill us but they wont stop until all of the half wolves are dead.

    Alex had felt a wave of anger go through her when the name *Salthlex* had been

    mentioned. She could not forget what those monsters had done to her, what they

    had taken from her. She snarled.

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    Please tell me we are going to try to kill them. It would give me great pleasure to

    find and kill the one who took my parents.

    The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. She blushed and

    blinked back tears from the memory of her parents.

    Everyone stared at her. She had never mentioned what had happened to her parents

    and whenever the subject was brought up, she had either walked away or changed

    the subject.

    Shelder and Leo looked a little sympathetic. The others looked surprised.

    We lost our mother to the Salthlex.

    Leo spoke. He looked sad. Alex gave him a brave little smile and then looked at


    Please continue.

    He nodded and went on.

    I came here to ask your help because my dad has been captured along with some

    other half wolves.

    Leo stiffened and his ears stood erect. Alex could see him working it out in his mind.

    After a long moment of silence, he said,

    How was he captured?

    Shelder, looking glad Leo had not yelled at him again, answered.

    He and I had found group of seven half wolves running from a group of Salthlex and

    he insisted we help them fight. When the fight was over, two of the half wolves wehad helped were dead; three were captured along with our dad, and the other three

    are waiting in a hotel not far. We managed to escape thanks to the old couple that

    was captured. I want to repay the dept.

    They are here? Alex looked expectantly at Shelder.

    Of course. Did you think they would wait in another country? Shelder looked


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    Alex blushed. She had thought the other half wolves in the world were either dead or

    taken prisoner. The Salthlex had gone through everything in their power to try to kill

    her parents. She was lucky they had hid her from them so they did not kill her too.

    Ever since her parents were murdered, her Aunt had been hiding her from them.

    Finally, she asked a question that was on her mind ever since the Salthlex were

    brought up.

    But why do they want to kill us?

    Shelder and Leo both looked at her grimly, as if they were reluctant to give the

    information. Shelder opened his mouth to speak and Alex did not like what she


    Because its what they do. They live to kill. They are going to hunt down every half-

    breed in the world until only they exist. Then theyll go to war with themselves.

    Alex was still a little confused. Then why wouldnt they just skip us and go to the next

    half-breed?Alex asked Shelder this but he just grinned and said,

    The Salthlex are violent but very particular. Once they start killing a race, they dont

    stop until every one of them is dead.

    Alice sighed. Thats horrible.

    But Alex did not hear the response Shelder gave Alice. She had her attention drawn

    to a sound she had just heard. It was a terrible screeching sound. She could hear a

    voice from inside the screeching.

    Come. Come little half wolf. Come little princess.

    Ears up and flicking towards the sound, Alex bolted. She did not hear the others

    outraged cries or even see when Leo and Shelder ran after her, she just wanted to go

    to that sound.

    Faintly, she could hear other voices calling her name. She felt something grab her

    wrist. She whirled to see Leo and Shelder looking at her with concerned faces.

    Alex shook her head. The voice was gone. She felt dizzy, like she had just been pulled

    out of a trance.

    Are you alright?

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    Leo looked at her, worry staining in his deep blue eyes.

    Slowly, Alex nodded and then told them what she had heard; how it had made her

    body think that she needed to go to it.

    Shelder and Leo exchanged glances, then Leo said,

    Wed better save this until we find our dad. He might know what it means. If it

    happens again, tell one of us and well help.

    Alex smiled.

    Nut nudged her chin. She took the little animal in her arms and hugged him. He

    started making a small purring sound.

    The others came running a few seconds later.

    What was that all about?

    Alex smiled weakly.

    It was nothing. I just heard something, thats all. They walked back to the

    classroom and sat down again.

    But one thing is still bothering me. She looked at Shelder. Why are you asking me

    for help? Why not ask Leo?

    Shelder, to Alexs surprise, blushed. He looked at Leo and back. Then he sighed and


    Leo told you our mother was murdered by the Salthlex.

    Alex nodded and he continued.

    It was my fault.

    Alex gasped and looked at Leo as if to confirm it. He was glaring at his brother again

    and when he caught her eye, he nodded.

    I was six. I did not understand very much about the warnings our parents gave us

    about the Salthlex and thought I could take them.

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    He looked down and Alex thought she could see a tear fall. He continued with his

    voice a bit strained.

    She found me before the Salthlex could kill me but she died protecting me. It was

    four years before Leo could accept it and he ran away. Neither me nor our dad has

    seen him since today.

    He sniffed and ran a hand through his short brown hair.

    I knew he wouldnt help me even if I got down on my knees and begged. Thats why

    I did a little investigating, and not long after, I learned about you.

    He smiled at Alex and winked.

    I also knew that if Leo would go into the forest with you, he would come along if you

    agreed to help me. Im sorry I didnt tell you, but it seemed the only way.

    Alex was not happy that she was being used to get Leos help but she could not

    ignore the plea in his voice. He did not want them to loose another parent because of

    him. She felt compelled to help.

    I accept.

    Shelders head snapped up while Leo fell out of his chair from sitting up so fast.

    You what? Shelders anxious voice came out from all of the laughter emanating

    from the others.

    I said: *I accept.*

    Leo finally picked himself up and shot a glare at the others to stop laughing. He was

    now glaring at Alex.

    You cant go!

    Alex glared back. She growled.

    Well, from where Im standing, Shelder asked me for help, not you. So its not really

    your choice, is it? I can do whatever I want.

    Leo snarled.

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    I seem to remember being put in charge of protecting you. That means from now

    on, it is my choice. I will not allow you to run off and get yourself killed.

    As Alex opened her mouth to reply, Cassies exaggerated voice cut her off.

    Oh, would you two cut it out!

    The two rounded on her, growling at her. She stood her ground and glared back.

    Now dont you pull your claws out on me! Its getting old, you two. You fight almost

    every day. Looking directly at Alex, she said, Down girl. Come on, Ill scratch your


    Alex obeyed. No matter how hard she tried, she could never resist the temptation of

    Cassies touch. By the time she was done, Alexs tail was wagging and Leo had settled

    down thanks to Neil.

    Shelder was eyeing Alexs wagging tail with a grin. She caught his eye and grinned


    Well, Alex looked at Leo and then at Shelder. I have a feeling hell tag along even if

    he hates it, so, She smiled. Lets go ask Mr. Anlet for permission to leave school.


    Just as Alex had said he would, Leo tagged along. He was still skulking behind when

    they entered Mr. Anlets office.

    Alex smiled at the middle-aged man as he came to greet her and her friends.

    Alex, my dear! What brings you here at this hour? and spotting Leo and Shelder, he

    said, In trouble already?

    Alex giggled. Good morning, Mr. Anlet. She smiled brightly. Whenever she finds

    herself around Mr. Anlet, she always feels ten times more cheerful.

    Actually, Mr. Anlet, I was wondering if you could grant us, She gestured to Leo and

    Shelder. The time to go on a quest.

    Mr. Anlet looked at them thoughtfully. He looked all three of them up and down,

    nodded his head, more to himself than to them, and walked around them, as if

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    checking their condition. He stopped after the third turn and regarded them with a

    small smile.

    Only three? He asked.

    Alex did not understand what he was talking about until Shelder answered.

    There are three more waiting for us not far from here. Theyll join us if we go on this


    He must have known what our quest was. Alex thought. But of course he did, hes Mr.


    Mr. Anlet nodded solemnly. After staring at each of them for a few minutes,

    particularly Alex, he smiled and gestured for them to come closer.

    I will grant you permission to go on this quest but one thing still does worry me. He

    looked at Alex and frowned. My dear, you most of all will have this journey rough

    and will find many wounds in your heart when it is over. He winked. But you will

    also find that old wounds are healed anew.

    Mr. Anlet turned his attention towards the two brothers. His gaze lingered on Leos

    face for a moment.

    You two will have to sort out your problems with each other in order to not let any

    others get killed. His piercing gaze drifted to Alex. Protect her. Your mission may be

    to rescue a few half wolves but near the end, it will take an unexpected turn. A turn

    that involves our lovely young half wolf and the end of the war.

    He smiled yet again and waved them off.

    Good luck and make sure you visit Mrs. Ragret before you go. Shell want to giveyou something Alex.

    With that, they left.

    Nut; most reluctantly, had been told to stay behind by Alex when she had asked

    Cassie to take care of him while she was gone.

    Mrs. Ragret, it turned out, wanted to give Alex a new bag of herbs that would cure

    any injury, and to wish her luck on the quest.

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    Good luck Alex! I want you to come back, you hear me. I want to find that almost

    none of this herb has been used, got it? Try not to get hurt sweetie. Then she had

    turned a stern look on the boys and said, Make sure she does not do anything

    reckless to get herself hurt. And that does not mean you can do anything reckless

    either, mind you.

    The meeting with Mr. Anlet and Mrs. Ragrets had kept Alexs heart leaping. She did

    not even feel scared when they said goodbye to the rest of the gang and walked out

    the big gate of the schools entrance.

    But what did Mr. Anlet mean about a turn that includes me and the end of a war? I

    dont get it. She thought.And why do the boys have to protect me? I can defend

    myself. But what war? Is there a war still going on?

    ex. Alex!ALEX!!

    She started.

    Im sorry. What?

    It was Shelder. He looked annoyed.

    I was just saying that we should go meet the other half wolves now. Theyre in theScotch hotel.

    Okay, sure.

    Even though she was excited about meeting more half wolves, she could not keep

    her mind off what Mr. Anlet had said. Even when they reached the door of the hotel

    room, she still had her mind on what her principal had said.

    However, thoughts of her principal were wiped out of her head when the dooropened. A very young girl half wolf appeared wearing a big smile. She jumped into

    Shelders arms and kissed him soundly on the cheek. Alex giggled. Somehow, Shelder

    did not look the big brother type with a little sister.

    Shel, are these the friends you talked about?

    Yes they are Nanaka.

    He pointed to Leo.

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    This is my little brother, Leo.

    He waved. She waved back, a little shy now.

    Shelder then pointed at Alex.

    And this is Alex. Shes pretty, isnt she?

    The little girl nodded and asked to be put down. Shelder set the girl down and she

    went up to Alex. Nanaka pulled on her sleeve and Alex crouched to be almost head-

    to-head with the little girl.

    Hello Miss Alex. May I call you sis?

    Alex smiled kindly. Sure. May I call you Nanaka?

    The little girl smiled back and then hugged Alex unexpectedly.

    Ive always wanted a big sister. She whispered.

    Alex hugged her back and picked her up.

    And Ive always wanted a little sister. She whispered back.

    Shelder cleared his throat

    Can you show us inside Nanaka?


    Nanaka jumped out of Alexs arms, took her hand and led her inside.

    They walked past a kitchen like place and two bedrooms when the little girl led them

    to a living room with two people sitting on a couch, talking fast. When Alex and the

    others walked in, they stopped talking and went to greet them. One was a female

    with golden hair and fur and big blue eyes. The other, a male with dark brown hair

    and fur with broad shoulders and green eyes. Both were about thirty.

    The female looked worried.

    Oh Shelder, Im so glad your back. She gave him a small hug and looked at Alex and

    Leo. These must be your friends. She shook both of their hands and introduced

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    herself and the male. Im Selina and this is my husband, Tylor. I guess you already

    know our little Nanaka. She smiled.

    They shook Tylors hands and introduced themselves.

    Im Alex and this is my friend Leo. Weve come to help in any way we can. Well, I

    will but, She glanced at Leo. He was scowling again. I dont know about Leo. Hes

    just in a bad mood. Hes usually nice but he didnt really want to tag along.

    He blushed and said,

    Of course Ill help. I just dont want big brother here to get in my way.

    Tylor interrupted before Alex could comment.

    We should get going. We have a long way to go.

    Alex frowned.

    Where do the Salthlex keep prisoners?

    Selina answered.

    The Salthlex keep a huge mansion out on the borders of California. They call it the

    Sallex Mansion. That means it would take us about a month or so to get there on

    foot. But that would be in between fights for our lives with the Salthlex that keep


    Nanaka had found Alexs hand again and was now asking to be picked up.

    Alex picked up the little girl and asked her,

    Are you ready for an adventure?

    You bet!


    The groups of half wolves were finally on the road to the Salthlex mansion and had

    gone six hours when Nanaka started to complain.

    Im tired and Im hungry. Cant we stop to eat?

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    Leo looked at her for a moment and took pity. He smiled kindly ay her and picked her


    Ive got a candy bar in my pocket. You can have it. But be sure to make it last or you

    will not have much to eat until we stop for the night.

    That was nice of him. Alex thought. But what about money? Surly we need a lot tobe

    walking to California.

    Where are we going to get the money to stop at a different hotel every night and

    pay for the food we need?

    Selina answered with a large smile.

    I had an important job before the Salthlex found us. Tylor too. So we have plenty of

    money. We can even buy new clothes if we need them.

    Thats great! What kind of jobs did you have?

    Selinas smile broadened.

    I was a model and Tylorwas an actor.

    Even Shelder sounded surprised at this. The three teenagers looked at one anotherand grinned.

    Mommy was in all sorts of books. And daddy did cartoons.

    Nanaka had seemed to forget that she was tired and hungry and was ecstatic that

    she could join a grown up conversation.

    What she means is, Selina said with a smile at Nanaka. That I was a model for

    winter clothes and Tylor was a voice over person for cartoons. So we have at leastten thousand dollars in the bank with six thousand right here in our pockets. We

    saved it for a rainy day.

    Nanaka giggled. But it isnt rainy.

    Leo glanced at the sky and Alex did the same. It was getting dark and very cloudy.

    Not yet at least. she muttered.

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    They could hear a small rumble of thunder far away. It was also starting to get a bit

    cold. Alex started to wish she had brought her coat as she shivered.

    Tylor noticed the shiver. He winked, took off his coat and put it around her shoulders.

    With that getup Im not surprised your cold.

    Alex spared a glance at her clothes. It may have been summer but frequent

    rainstorms made it a bit chilly and Alexs T-shirt and tight fitting jean shorts made her

    way too underdressed for the night. She drew Tylors coat tighter around her.

    She gave Tylor an appreciative look.


    Selina stopped, looked Alex up and down and took her hand.

    Come on; lets get you in a coat. And while were at it, I dont think sleeping in your

    clothes is good either. Pajamas for everyone. She started to tug her to the nearest

    clothes shop. And then we can look for a hotel to settle down in.

    As all three boys started to follow them, Selina whirled around to face them. She

    pointed to the sign of the shop.

    This is a girls shop, boys. Unless you would rather sleep in lacy pink pajamas, I

    suggest you shop in the shop next to us.

    She pointed to a shop to the left of the one they were entering. It was a boy version

    of the girls shop.

    Tylor grinned and said,

    See you later.

    But as the boys got father away, Alex distinctly heard Leo saying to the other two,

    Id like to see Alex dress in lace. Ha! Shes way too manly for that.

    Alex grinned.

    I heard that, you idiot.

    Even at this distance, she knew he heard her.

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    He started guiltily and the other two laughed.

    It was true though, Alex did choose a jacket that did not have lace but all of the

    pajamas there had lace. In the end, Selina chose a blush pink silk pajama with light

    blue paw prints for her. She and Nanaka already had a pair of their own.

    They boys were done before the girls and had already picked out a hotel. Tylor


    I picked one of the three star hotels instead of the five star ones. We dont want to

    draw too much attention to ourselves by spending a lot of money. He grinned.

    Shelder and Leo were pretty disappointed though.

    Shelder grinned back. It would have been nice to have five star though.

    Nanaka yawned loudly, joined by Alex.

    Selina smiled.

    Were all tired. We should eat a nice dinner and then settle down for the night.

    They were in room 306 which had two bedrooms, a kitchen and a lovely living room.

    They had decided that Selina, Tylor and Nanaka would sleep in one room while Alex,

    Leo and Shelder would sleep in the other.

    Are you sure you dont want to sleep with me and Nanaka? asked Selina. She had a

    bit ofworry in her big blue eyes. Tylor could sleep with the boys in the other room.

    Alex shook her head. Thank you for your offer but if there is to be any action; I

    would rather keep you and Nanaka out of trouble.

    Leo grinned. Yeah, trouble seems to follow Alex everywhere.

    Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs, with story time. Leo had let slip about the forest

    quest and Selina and Nanaka had begged Alex to tell it. The plates were taken and

    replaced by desert by the time she was finished.

    Nanaka was snoozing in her chair and Selina was dozing off by the second.

    Tylor clapped loudly and the two jerked out of sleep.

    I think its time to go to sleep. Alright, off to bed. Come here Nanaka.

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    Night. She said weakly.

    Good night. They all said simultaneously.

    Selina waved.

    They were gone.

    Alex got up and headed for the other bedroom, the two boys at her heels. She picked

    up the bag that had the pajamas and light blue slippers inside and headed for the

    bathroom. She turned, looking at the boys.

    Im going to take a shower.

    They nodded and went to get their clothes.

    When she was done and dressed in the silk pajamas, whose fit was a bit tight, she

    found herself nervous to go outside the bathroom. She had not thought much of it

    earlier when Selina had asked if she wanted to sleep with her and Nanaka but now

    she was wondering if she should have accepted. She could hear their low voices. Alex

    wondered what the boys were talking about. Gathering courage she did not have,

    she opened the door. She was still towel drying her hair.

    As the door opened, she could see their heads turn in her direction. They were both

    wearing a T-shirt and shorts to their knees and sitting on Leos bed.

    Leo looked her up and down and sniggered, but before she could smack him over the

    head, Nanaka and Selina came running in. Nanaka was crying and Selina was pleading

    her to come back.

    I dont want to sleep with you! I want to sleep with big sis!

    Nanaka, please.

    Alex smiled and picked up the little girl.

    Its OK. She can sleep with me.

    Alex, are you sure?

    Yeah, sure. And to Nanaka she added, As long as you dont snore.

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    The little girl squealed and threw her tiny arms around Alexs neck. Then she ran out

    of the room to get her stuff.

    Thank you Alex. It seems she has become quite fond of you.

    Alex smiled and continued to dry her shoulder length hair as Selina came over to her

    and examined her pajamas.

    A bit tight. Are they okay?

    Alex nodded.

    I like them. Theyre comfortable. And they fit my personality. She said, pointing to

    the paw prints. They both giggled.

    Nanaka came running back in, dragging along a pink blanket and a large teddy bear.

    Alright, you behave Nanaka. Good night Alex. Selina waved over Alexs shoulder.

    Good night boys. Selina kissed both Nanaka and Alex on the forehead and left.

    You dont have to worry, The little girl said. I dont snore. Do you?

    Alex smiled and crossed the room to the biggest bed. The boys had insisted she have

    the biggest bed.

    No, I dont.

    She set the little girl down on the bed, waited a few seconds, then she pounced.

    Trapping the little girl under her wriggling fingers, she tickled her until she was

    gasping for breath. By the time they were done giggling, they were on the floor,

    panting. Nanaka turned a pleading face to the boys and they nodded, grinning. They

    got up and advanced on Alex.

    Her eyes widened as she found out their intention. She backed away, crawling on all


    Oh, no you dont. Three on one isnt fair! And she took off, running and dodging

    the beds until Leo caught her around the waist and started tickling her. Shelder and

    Nanaka joined in shortly after.

    Ten minutes of insufferable laughter and rolling around on the floor later, they sat on

    their beds, exhausted.

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    Nanaka was still giggling when Alex offered to brush her hair. Alex thought hers could

    use a brush too. When that was done got up to look through her backpack.

    What are you looking for? asked the little girl.

    Alex grinned at her then at the boys, who looked surprised.

    Well, little wolf cub, something with which you and I can have some fun. Tossing a

    glance at the two boys she said, I dont know if the boys will want to join, but how

    about She paused, waiting for the girls excitement to boil over. And when the

    little girl was practically crying for the information, Alex leaned in and whispered in

    her ear.

    Lets have a dance competition. Ive got music and snacks.


    Alex grinned as the little girl ran over to Leo and Shelder to tell them the good news.

    The boys smiled at the little girl and then looked at Alex. Shelder looked a bit scared.

    Oh come on! Its freestyle! Besides, Ive got candy, chips, and soda. You cant refuse

    because if you dont participate you cant have any.

    Both gave a defeated shrug and nodded.

    Alright, but no girly music. Shelder added.

    Alex pretended to look offended.

    Me Girly? Ha! Youll regret your words.

    And the competition began.

    In the end, Alex and Nanaka had won thanks to a really cool move the two had

    invented while the others were dancing. As they were talking and finishing the rest of

    their soda, Shelder belched loudly.

    Ewwwwww! Nanaka said but she was laughing with the others.

    This time it was Leo who burped. His was longer but weaker. For the next fifteen

    minutes, the room was filled with loud belches.

    Alex giggled.

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    Come on guys, cant you do it right? Or do I have to show you how?

    All three of them looked at her in surprise.


    You can burp? asked Leo.

    What a stupid question. Of course I can burp. Ill show you.

    She took a big sip from her soda and swallowed, then took a big breath and did the

    biggest and loudest burp of the night.

    Once the laughter had died down, Alex looked at her watch. It was one in the


    Whoa! Okay, guys, bedtime!

    Leo nodded. Yeah.

    When they had all brushed their teeth and had taken care of cleaning up, they finally

    climbed into their beds. Alex walked around the big bed to tuck Nanaka in.

    Thank you for the wonderful day, big sis.

    Alex smiled gently. Its amazing haw dear people can get to you in such a short time.

    No problem, Nanaka. Im glad you enjoyed it.

    Good night, big sis.

    Good night, little wolf cub.

    A snigger came from somewhere in the dark and Leos voice came to her ears.

    Hey, big sis, can you tuck me in too?

    She was on her way to give him a knuckle sandwich when she accidently tripped on

    one of their slippers.

    An *Uh oh! * came at the same time Alex had said *Whoa!*.

    Strong arms caught her as she fell and the boy turned to take the brunt of the fall.

    They landed with a *ooof!* as the air escaped their lungs from the fall.

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    You okay? came Leos voice.

    Yeah, thanks.

    Alex blushed and she hated herself for it. She knew he could see it but thankfully he

    did not say anything. He helped her up.

    Sure your okay? he asked.

    Alex smiled. Yes.Im fine, thank you.

    He smiled back. Well, okay, good night.

    Good night. To Shelder she added, Good night, Shelder.

    A muffled snort was her answer.

    But as she climbed into bed with Nanaka, her face was still hot.


    The days that passed were calm and normal. Traveling by day and sleeping in some

    new hotel at night. Most of the hotels were two star or higher but one, to Alexs

    distaste was a one star. There was only one bed, so the teenagers let the grownups

    take it and sleep on the floor. That night was cold so they had to huddle together for

    warmth. Alex had woken up to find Nanaka cuddling up to her and Leos arm around

    her waist in a somewhat protective way. Alex had just lain there, waiting for him to

    wake up and when he did, he looked at his arm in astonishment for a moment before

    removing it. Alex of course, pretended to be asleep.

    Nanaka had made it a usual thing to do everything with Alex now. They were

    inseparable; she would not leave her for the world and she was very reluctant when

    they had to divide in pairs to investigate an abandoned farm on the outskirts of

    California, not far from where the Mansion they were looking for was.

    It had gotten hot in the while they were traveling and since there was hardly anyone

    living where they were traveling, they had let their features show freely, as to cool

    down a bit. It would be sheer torture to wear a hat and cloak in this hot weather.

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    Nanaka had thrown a fit and would not let go of her grip on Alexs neck until her

    parents said it was okay with them if she went with Alex but only if the young girl

    would approve. When looking in the big blue eyes of the little girl, she had to say yes.

    And so, the married couple had gone to investigate the glade, Leo and Shelder had

    gone to the farm while Alex and her little friend did the house.

    Do you think we will find any monsters? asked the little girl.

    Alex smiled. I dont think so. But if we do, hide and dont come out until I deal with

    it. Ok?

    Nanaka nodded.

    They walked up to the house and Alex knocked on the door. There was no answer.

    She knocked again, no answer.

    Hello? Anyone home? Hello?

    Alex looked inside from a small window. It was dark, no one was home. She turned

    to Nanaka.

    I guess no ones home. Come on, lets find the others.

    But before she could take another step, she heard the sound of breaking glass and

    suddenly felt herself flying in the air.

    Nanaka screamed. Alex yelled after her.

    Nanaka go! Go get the others!

    The little girl obeyed and Alex got up with a sigh. She had been hoping to save

    fighting for another few days. Turning, she saw a huge alligator like figure. It had legsand arms like a human but all of its skin had turned into scales and its head was that

    of a large lizard.

    They must be the Salthlex, she thought and looking around, she saw five of them.

    Alex growled and bared her teeth and claws, ready to fight.

    Well, well, look what weve caught. said the largest of the group. He must be their


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    Alex sneered. Who are you?

    The lizard man grinned. We are the Salthlex. And you are trespassing on our


    Alex barked a laugh. Yourterritory? What happened to the farmers that owned this

    farm? You killed them didnt you.

    The mans grin widened. Yes, we did. And it looks like we did the right thing to wait

    and camp here for a while. We caught ourselves a pretty little half wolf.

    You havent caught me yet! She lunged.

    But to her surprise, only one lizard man stepped forward to fight. The large one just

    stood there looking on as Alex fought the smallest of the group. She had been given a

    bloody gash on her arm before she managed to kill the thing. It did not fight like

    human or animal. She had never experienced anything like it before.

    The minute she had defeated the first, a second stepped up to fight her. She had a

    feeling they were testing her. Seeing what she could do before they went all on with

    her. A slash on her cheek and another gash on her thigh later, the second lizard man

    was down. At that same moment, Nanaka, Leo, Shelder, Selina and Tylor came


    The Salthlex group leader scowled as the five half wolves ran to help their friend.

    Ah I see you have friends.

    As Alex collapsed against Leo, the young man carried her over to Selina and Nanaka

    to get her wounds healed. He gave her a small smile and gestured to Shelder and


    Wait, Alex held out a hand. Her wounds were almost healed anyway. I want to

    fight, please.

    No. It was not Leo who spoke, it was Selina. You mustnt. She looked pleadingly

    at Alex If you keep on fighting, they wont stop until you are dead, or theyll die

    trying to kill you.

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    Which is why its better to kill them before they kill me. Her wounds were healed

    now and Alex was determined not to back out, but Selina grabbed her wrist before

    Alex could walk up to the enemy.

    Alex Her eyes now glistened with unshed tears.

    Let go Selina. came Tylors voice.

    Surprised, Selina let go and glared at her husband. Still looking at Selina, he said,

    Leo has explained to me and Shelder about Alex. Now I see he was right about her

    being very stubborn.

    To Alex he added,

    You can fight well. But we will be there for you if you are too weak to fight, got it.

    Alex nodded and turned to Selina, who now had fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.

    Itll be alright. This isnt my first fight you know.

    At those words, Selinas composure broke. She pleaded with Alex.

    But it is your first fight with something stronger than you! You could get really hurt!

    Leo stepped in. Dont worry. I wont let anything happen to her.

    Me neither. said Shelder.

    With a look from her husband, Selina closed her mouth but Alex did not see it. She

    was looking at the now silently crying Nanaka. She went over to the little girl and

    when she did, Nanaka flung her arms around her.

    Dont go. I dont want you to die. She whispered urgently.

    Alex patted the girl on the back and kissed her tearstained face.

    I wont die. Dont worry.

    The little wolf girl let go of Alex and nodded.

    And when I come back, Alex winked at the little girl. We can beat the boys in a

    dance competition again.

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    Nanaka giggled and went to sit near her mother. Selina gave Alex a reproachful look

    but said,

    Be careful.

    Alex smiled and went off to battle.


    Well, wasnt that touching? sneered the largest lizard man.

    Alex turned to meet his eyes and wasnt surprised when she saw only yellow irises.

    With the three boys behind her, she lunged.

    All three of the lizard men were fast and agile. Though they were narrow-minded,

    they kept attacking with the same strategy so it was easy to doge and attack without

    getting hurt. After many cries of rage and pain, the bodies of the three lizard men

    were lying at their feet.

    Alex, still panting after the wrestling match she had had with her opponent looked to

    see if the others were all right. The three boys were panting like her but otherwise

    okay. When everyone had caught his or her breath, Tylor said,

    We should get going before other Salthlex find us like these guys. He pointed to the

    bodies of the dead lizard men.

    Alex nodded her head and everyone else agreed.

    They found a nice two star hotel and spent the night there. Though Alex tried to

    sleep, she found herself wondering why the Salthlex had so many strange ways. Like

    the way they had waited while she had talked with the others and the way they onlycame after her in the fight, constantly making the boys block her.

    Iguess Ill find out soon, she thought.

    The next few days went without notice. A month could have passed and the group of

    half wolves would not have noticed. They were still out in the middle of nowhere but

    there was a gas station and a hotel nearby. In addition, if Alex looked hard, she could

    see a large house like building in the distance. She asked Selina about it.

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    Yup! She said brightly. Thats the one. Come on, we have to plan on a way to get

    in without being noticed.

    They headed to the main room of the hotel and whispered so not to be overheard.

    They could hear fine anyway.

    I think we should go in the night. And sneak back out before dawn. said Shelder.

    Good idea. said Tylor. If we cannot find them on the first try, we go back another


    Alex looked directly at Tylor and said,

    I want to go tonight.

    Selina kicked in.

    I dont think that in a very good idea. We dont know the place and it is very likely

    there are Salthlex crawling all over the place.

    Alex looked at Selina. The woman had a stubborn look on her face.

    Selina You know that I can take care of myself. Besides, the sooner we get these

    people out of there, the less likely it is that the Salthlex will kill them.

    Selina went quiet at that. She knew Alex was right.

    Shes right. said Tylor, to everyone. We have to move soon, the sooner the

    better. There was a pause, and then he clapped his hands. Alright, he turned to

    Selina. You need to stay here and take care of Nanaka. She cant go, shes too


    Selina opened her mouth to protest but then closed it and nodded reluctantly.

    Tylor gave his wife a loving look and turned to the three young half wolves in front of


    I will go ahead, see if the coast is clear and when I howl, you will know it is safe, but

    if I bark, go back, without hesitation, and understand? He looked at them sternly.

    They nodded.

    Shelder and Leo will go before Alex of course. interrupted Selina.

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    Tylor gave a small half smile. He looked at the two boys and said,

    It seems my wife has a soft spot for our pretty little friend. Then a solemn face

    replaced his grin.

    But she is right. The Salthlex tend to want to kill females first, seeing as they alone

    can produce more half wolves. The exact thing they dont want. Keep her safe.

    Alex interjected with a scowl.

    I dont need to beprotected, I can take care of myself.

    I know you can, but still we dont want to take chances.

    Alex opened her mouth to protest some more but Leo cut her off.

    Whether you like it or not, you are not leaving my sight. He grinned. Alex glared


    There was a pause and then Tylor said unexpectedly,

    Alex is right; I think we should go tonight.

    Everyone looked at him in surprise.

    Okay, said Shelder. Then we need to plan.

    Ive got a plan.

    Alex was sure they would not agree with her plan at all, but she had to through it out

    there anyway.

    Two of us should draw their attention while the other two get the other half


    The three boys looked at her for a moment and then Tylor nodded.

    Thats a good plan. I like it. Now, who will distract the Salthlex?

    I will. said Alex immediately.

    Leo grabbed her arm. You will not!

    Alex wrenched her arm out of Leos grip and growled at him.

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    You cant decide for me! Youre not my mother!

    He growled back and glared at her.

    No, but I was put in charge of your protection!

    Tylor intervened before Alex could make a comeback.

    Stop it you two. Alex, it will be very dangerous for you even to come, so Leo is right.

    You do need to be protected. For that, only I will go and get the others. Leo and

    Shelder will help you with the distraction.

    Alex began to protest but he cut her off before she could utter a sound.

    Now, how are you going to distract them?

    Selina grinned widely.

    You could try seduction. I bet they would fall high and wide for Alex.

    Alex ginned.

    You forgot one small detail, Im a half wolf. I doubt they wouldnt notice my ears

    and tail

    They laughed.

    You know, said Shelder. That might just work.

    Alex giggled.

    Youre joking right?

    No, Im not. If it does not work, we can just fight our way out. There probably wont

    be many solders there so well win.

    Tylor smiled. That is not a bad idea. Okay, but wear light clothes. Ill let Selina figure

    out how to hide your ears and tail. You have one hour.

    By the time Selina had finished making her *irresistible*, Alex was wearing a tight

    pink T-shirt with really short shorts, sneakers, a cute hat that was designed to look

    like you had fake ears to hide her real ones, and a thick dark blue cape to keep her

    warm and hide her tail.

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    Selina had made Alex wash and put on a perfume that strongly scented of lilacs but

    she did not put too much. She had put just enough on for when Alex passed by or

    stood close, you could smell it. She had also persuaded Alex to let her put a bit of

    make up on, so in the end she looked six years older then she was.

    You look beautiful! cried Nanaka, loud enough for the whole hotel to hear. At

    Nanakas yell, the three boys came in to see for themselves. They had finished far

    earlier than her.

    Alex, who had turned just in time for them not to see her, blushed.

    Come on big sis! Show them how pretty you look!

    Nanaka took Alexs hands in her own smaller ones and allowed the little girl to urnher. The moment she had turned around, a flash went of and the sound of a picture

    being taken filled her muffled ears.

    When the light flash had gone, Selina stood next to the boys with a camera pressed

    to her eye. She lowered it and smiled.

    I couldnt resist. I had to take a picture of you. You look so pretty!

    Tylor smiled and nodded.

    You look beautiful.

    Alex smiled back.

    Im glad you think so. I just hope the Salthlex think so too.

    Selina hugged Alex.

    They wont be able to resist you. I just hope they dont go too far. But the boyswont let that happen, will you boys?

    She looked hopefully towards Leo and Shelder.

    The two boys were still looking at Alex as if she were an alien. It pitched Alexs

    temper up to where she gave them a scowl and walked pass them as if they were not

    there. She stepped on Leos foot as she walked by.

    Selina gave them a look and followed Alex.

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    After tears from Nanaka and hugs and good lucks from Selina, they departed to

    rescue their friends.


    There were only two guards outside so she suspected there were not many of them

    inside either. Alex had a sudden Idea.

    Ill ask them how many of them are inside.

    Tylor nodded. Good idea. Ask them if where they keep their prisoners too. Itll help

    me and save time.

    Alex looked at the others for a moment and smiled nervously.

    Okay, she said. Any other questions?

    She looked at Leo and Shelder but they both shook their heads. Tylor grinned and

    shook his head.

    Alright, Alex undid her cape just enough to appear half-naked and winked at the

    three boys. Here I go.

    But before she could go towards the two men guarding the entrance, Leo grabbed

    her wrist.

    If anything happens, weve got your back.

    Alex nodded and he let go of her. She started towards the men when she stopped

    suddenly and threw over her shoulder,

    Only if I dont fix it first!

    She walked away from the three others.

    Alex walked towards the right first, so it seemed that she was coming from the

    mansions back entrance and then started for the two Salthlex men.

    They saw her approaching and drew their weapons. Alex waved them aside and said

    in the most seductive tone she could manage,

    No need for that, boys. I only came out here to talk. And maybe play a little.

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    The two men exchanged glances and put their weapons away. Alex smiled lazily and

    came towards them. They both had the build of a football player and were very tall.

    Both looked exactly the same as the Salthlex that had been waiting at the farm. Alex

    guessed they probably had no brain. From the way they looked at her, she was most

    likely right. She just hopped they had the information she wanted.

    Well, well, said the first. Look what we have here. Come out to play darlin. I bet

    the boss aint goin to be happy bout that.

    Actually said Alex, in which she thought, was a bored voice. I was bored.

    Ha! Ye hear that Horvath? She was bored. The second man thumped the first on

    the shoulder.

    The other chuckled.

    I guess, said the first, his eyes on Alex, looking her up and down. Its our gain, huh,


    The way he was looking at her, Alex had to suppress a look of disgust and tried to

    hide it from her face the best she could.

    I was wondering, Alex stepped closer to the man named Horvath and touched hischeek. It felt rough and scaly. If you could answer a few questions, and then maybe

    we could play.

    Gladly. He said, and pulled Alex closer, his arm around her waist.

    The stench was horrible. It was all she could to smile and say,

    You are a rough man, Mr. Horvath.

    He grinned, reveling yellow and rotting teeth.

    Call me Vath. He said and licked her cheek.

    Alex wiggled out of his arms and waved a teasing finger in his direction.

    Remember Vath, questions first.

    His grin widened and he gestured.


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    How many men are here exactly?

    Nine. Why?

    Just curious. And, are there any prisoners?

    Of course. We brought in three half wolves in five weeks ago. Too bad they had to

    go and kill that couple though.

    They killed two of them? Alex could hardly keep the snap out of her voice. Why?

    Gait stepped in, eager to converse with the two.

    Yea, they did it not just yesterday. They was making trouble they was. The only ones

    left are the kid and the smart mouth grandpa.

    Really? Well, were do they keep them? Are there any men guarding them?

    In the basement and no. said Horvath. Why are you asking such questions?

    Alex improvised quickly.

    I-I was just wondering if the screams I heard were real, thats all. However, you have

    answered my questions and I must go now. I am very cold.

    Hold it. said Horvath. You said you would play with us if we answered your

    questions. And I was hoping for a little fun.

    The two men closed in on her but she was too quick for them. She dodged an arm

    swiping to hold her still and giggled.

    If you want me, youll have to catch me.

    The two men kept lunging for her but she kept dodging every attempt to catch her.Finally, growing tired of the game of *catch me if you can* Gait snuck up behind her

    and caught her.

    He gave a triumphant growl and fell on top of her. He laughed and reached for her

    shirt but never even got to touch her stomach. Leo came up behind him and twisted

    his neck. A thud nearby told her that either Shelder or Tylor had killed Horvath.

    Gait fell on top of her but was tossed off almost immediately by Leo who also pulled

    Alex to her feet. He wore a smug smile on his face that Alex did not like.

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    Who said you dont need protecting?

    Alex glared but nodded.

    Thank you.

    He smiled even more widely.

    Youre welcome.

    Two down, seven to go. came Shelders voice.

    Alex looked at Tylor.

    Seven shouldnt be that bad, well distract them, and you go.

    He nodded.

    Alright, just dont get too reckless.

    At that moment, Alex remembered something Horvath had said.

    And Tylor, He looked in her direction, tears in his eyes. Im sorry for your loss.

    He nodded again but did not say anything until they reached the entrance.

    Alex, you will enter first. Run inside and yell that the two men outside are dead and

    in their confusion, He turned to look at Leo and Shelder. Kill as many as you can

    without getting caught. While you are fighting, I will sneak down to the basement

    and free them.

    Alex smiled and made herself look as if she had ran all of the way.

    Before she could go inside, Tylor stopped her.

    Dont get yourselves killed.

    He looked at all of them when he said it but Alex had the feeling it was aimed more

    at her than the boys.

    The seven snake looking men were all sitting at a table, looking at a map when she

    came in. She supposed they were talking about where they would find more half

    wolves to kill.

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    Dead! She cried. The two guards are dead!

    In that exact moment, too many things happened at once.

    Leo and Shelder twisted the necks of three Salthlex without being noticed. Alex

    threw off her cape to help and killed another Salthlex and Tylor shot past everyone to

    the basement without being noticed.

    Leo, Shelder and Alex both had one Salthlex to fight. The biggest and meanest

    seeming to go to Alex. In no time, Leo and Shelder had killed their opponent and

    were making their way towards Alexs.

    Get away! Hes mine!

    They backed away obediently and her opponent laughed.

    Taking orders from a girl are we? How embarrassing!

    He had a sort of pompous voice with a bit of authority in it and everything in it made

    Alex loathe the man even more.

    Taking advantage of the mans moment of detraction, she lunged, however, he must

    have been expecting it and swiped at her. Alex avoided her stomach being ripped

    open by just a second but managed to rip her shirt enough for her symbol to show. A

    black circle around her navel with a spiral heading upwards and a spiral going down

    and a dot on either side of the circle.

    The lizard man looked at it in surprise and then smiled broadly.

    Looks like we have ourselves a princess.

    Alex sneered at him.

    What are you talking about?

    He chuckled maliciously.

    I mean that the Salthlex killed the last of the *Spiral* clan six years ago. They were

    said to be the king and queen, and that they had a daughter. Looks like the little girl


    Alex stood there in her crouched position, too stunned to do anything.

  • 7/29/2019 Animal Attack 2 - Reunite


    I guess they sacrificed themselves to save the little princess, but their death will be

    in vain. I will kill you right here and now.

    He leaped and aimed for her head but she was too quick for him, and gave him four

    large and deep claw marks on his face. He roared in pain and, catching her off guard,

    pulled a knife from his belt and slashed her middle.

    Alex screamed in pain. The cut was deep and there was a lot of blood. The boys took

    that moment to take over the fight and killed the man. By now, Alex was getting

    dizzy. She tried to walk towards the place where Tylor had disappeared but would

    have fallen if Leo had not caught her in time.

    She saw three figures emerging from the stairs and heard the voice of Tylor.

    What happened? I heard a scream.

    Then he saw Alex and for the first time since she had met the man, she saw fear in his

    brown eyes.

    We need to get her to the hotel and fast! Lets go!

    The last thing she was conscious of was Leos voice, saying it was all right. Saying that

    she wasnt going to die.

