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Annual Report 2008 - Archdiocese of Boston...see Jesus in all the people of the parish. Junto a mi...

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Page 1: Annual Report 2008 - Archdiocese of Boston...see Jesus in all the people of the parish. Junto a mi familia, la parroquia de San Patricio es quizás la institución más impor-tante


















2008 AN





2008 AN





2008 AN













Page 2: Annual Report 2008 - Archdiocese of Boston...see Jesus in all the people of the parish. Junto a mi familia, la parroquia de San Patricio es quizás la institución más impor-tante


LAWRENCE, MASSACHUSETTS 01843 (978) 683-9416


Cover photo (The Multiplication of Loaves and Fish) is one of the beautiful stained glass windows of St. Patrick Church on the Salem Street side. Reference to this miracle of Jesus can be found in

each of the Gospels: Matthew 14:15-21; Mark 6:35-44; Luke 9:12-17 and John 6:4-17.

Page 3: Annual Report 2008 - Archdiocese of Boston...see Jesus in all the people of the parish. Junto a mi familia, la parroquia de San Patricio es quizás la institución más impor-tante

Maryalice Kilcoyne St. Patrick Parish is where I received all my sacraments and where the nuns at St. Patrick Grammar School and High School prepared me to do so….I enjoy serving as an Extraordi-nary Minister of the Eucharist, helping with religious education and Cor Unum….The Holy Spirit is working in our parish by the way many people of various ethnic backgrounds are working together to make the parish more vibrant and cohesive…I feel God has blessed me, and I learned from my parents’ example to give back for all that He has been given to me…Someday when I meet God, I want Him to tell me I used my time, talent, and treasure wisely, and not be accused of squandering my gifts.

La Iglesia de San Patricio fue donde recibí todos mis sacramentos y donde las hermanas de la escuela elemental y secundaria de la parroquia me educaron….Disfruto servir como una ministra extraordinaria de la Eucaristía, ayudando con el programa de educación religiosa y Cor Unum….El Espíritu Santo está trabajando en nuestra parroquia por medio dela manera en que personas de diferentes etnias trabajan juntas para hacer que esta parroquia sea mas

vibrante y unida….Siento que Dios me ha bendecido y aprendí del ejemplo de mis padres a dar de lo que Él me ha da-do….Algún día cuando esté frente a Dios quiero que me diga que usé mi tiempo, talento y tesoro sabiamente y no ser acusada de desperdiciar mis dones.

Liane Arroyo I enjoy St. Patrick Parish because it is a place where people who believe in God come together to pray. I like Padre Paul because he has a good sense of humor. I share my time serving as an altar server at the 12:30 p.m. Mass. I feel that by sharing my time, I am giving something back to my community. Something that makes me happy is that I come to St. Patrick Parish with my whole family. We come together and pray together as a family. I only wish that more people would come to St. Patrick Parish to be part of this community. Disfruto la parroquia de San Patricio porque es un lugar donde personas que creen en Dios se reúnen para orar. Me agrada el Padre Paúl porque tiene un buen sentido del humor. Comparto mi tiempo sirviendo como monaguilla en la misa de las 12:30 p.m. Siento que al compartir mi tiempo o estoy dándole algo a mi comunidad. Algo que me hace feliz es venir a la parroquia de San Patricio con mi familia. Venimos juntos y ora-mos juntos como familia. Tan solo quisiera que más personas vinieran a San Patricio

para ser parte de esta comunidad.

Phu Nguyen Saint Patrick Parish is a diverse congregation with different cultures, backgrounds, and na-tionalitiies coming together to build the Kingdom of God in Lawrence.…Strong leadership makes this parish vibrant and lively….Through stewardship and countless volunteers, we are able to feed the hungry people of Lawrence. … I am proud to be a part of this family that ca-res and lives the Words of Christ like He intended it. It’s truly a blessing and an honor to be a part of the parish. Continuing to see enthusiastic younger crowds in Saint Patrick’s, I hope to have a more vibrant and diverse Saint Patrick community.…Together with God’s grace, the help from the Holy Spirit, and the people of this parish, we are sure to preach the Good News. La parroquia de San Patricio es una congregación diversa con diferentes culturas, historias y nacionalidades que se reúnen para construir el reino de Dios en Lawrence….Un liderazgo eficaz hace que esta parroquia sea vibrante y viva….A través del compartir los dones de Dios y el servicio de muchos voluntarios podemos alimentar a las personas que padecen de ham-bre en Lawrence….Me siento orgulloso de ser parte de esta familia que se preocupa y vive la Palabra de Cristo como él quiere. Verdaderamente es una bendición y un honor ser parte de esta parroquia. Espero continuar viendo jóvenes entusiastas en San Patricio, espero tener una comunidad más vibrante y di-versa en San Patricio….Con la gracia de Dios, la ayuda del Espíritu Santo y las personas de esta parroquia, estamos seguros de predicar la Buena Nueva.

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Elizabeth Bradley This is a place of spiritual growth for me…almost like a second home for me. I see the Holy Spirit at work in our parish in many ways, but especially through the amazing work that the volunteers at Cor Unum do every day….I hope that there will soon be a pro-life group for teens and for children as well, so that the message of “life” can be spread throughout the community….I am able to live the Good News of Christ by teaching God’s love to the wonderful children of St. Patrick’s Special Needs Religious Education…Because I don’t have a job at the age of 14, I often don’t have much in the way of treasure to sacrifice for my parish. However, when I acquire a few spare dollars, I try to tithe and give back to my parish. Éste es un lugar de crecimiento espiritual para mí… casi como un segundo hogar para mi. Yo veo la acción del Espíritu Santo en nuestra parroquia en muchas formas pero especialmente a través del increíble trabajo que los voluntarios en Cor Unum hacen todos los días….Espero que pronto haya un grupo pro-vida para jóvenes y niños para

que el mensaje de “la vida” se pueda esparcir en nuestra comunidad….Puedo vivir La Buena Nueva de Cristo en-señando el amor de Dios a los niños maravillosos del programa de educación religiosa para niños con necesida-des especiales….Como no tengo empleo a la edad de 14 años, usualmente no tengo mucho tesoro para sacrificar en mi parroquia. Sin embargo, cuando recibo algunos dólares, trato de dar el diezmo y apoyar a mi parroquia.

Ed Nasser I see the Holy Spirit working in our parish in the deep faith that people have. I try to live the Gospel through volunteering my time doing God’s work at the church and at Cor Unum....To be with such good people is why I sacrifice my time and talent through St. Patrick’s....I know that God will continue to send many more people to carry on this great tradition of reaching out to others. Veo al Espíritu Santo trabajando en nuestra parroquia en la fe profunda que las personas tienen. Trato de vivir el Evangelio cuando ofrezco mi tiempo como voluntario haciendo el trabajo de Dios en la iglesia y en Cor Unum….Para estar con personas tan buenas, sacrifico mi tiempo y talento en San Patricio....Sé que Dios continuará enviando muchas personas para continuar esta gran tradición de servicio a los demás.

Hue Nguyen Fr. O'Brien and Fr. Nguyen are so supportive to the Vietnamese Catholic Community. We are so grateful to them for their kindness…. For me, St. Patrick Parish is a place where peo-ple come to pray, get support, and assist each other in the community. It’s also a place where we choose to devote our time to serving people in many different types of activities such as serving food at Cor Unum, catechism, ESOL, Vietnamese language classes, etc....I sacrifice my time and talent through St. Patrick because it is the first church that I attended when I came to the U.S.A. The staff working in the office are conscientious and I feel comfortable to ask for assistance. El padre O’Brien y el padre Nguyen apoyan mucho a la comunidad católica vietnamita. Estamos muy agradecidos con ellos por su bondad….para mí San Patricio es un lugar don-de las personas vienen a orar, reciben apoyo y se ayudan mutuamente en la comunidad. También es un lugar donde dedicamos nuestro tiempo a servir a las personas en diferentes

clases de actividades, cómo servir comida en el centro Cor Unum, la catequesis, ESOL, clases de vietnamita, etc. Yo sacrifico mi tiempo y talento en San Patricio porque fue la primera Iglesia a la que asistí cuando vine a los Es-tados Unidos. Las personas que trabajan en la parroquia son comprensivas y me siento cómoda pidiendo ayuda.

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Miguel Collazo San Patricio significa para mí una comunidad de diferentes razas, diferentes idiomas, tra-bajando todos juntos en común unión, profesando un solo Credo, una sola Fe….Aquí ve-nimos a alimentarnos del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo para cooperar con Él a través de nuestro sacrificio por el bien de los demás….He podido comprender que desde mi Bautis-mo he sido llamado a colaborar por el Reino de Dios. Aquí en San Patricio se me ha dado la oportunidad de compartir mi tiempo, talento y tesoro. Es para mí un gran honor que se me permita trabajar voluntariamente junto con mi familia y otros hermanos cristianos por un bien común. Espero que Dios me siga dando fuerzas para continuar dedicando mi vida a la misión que Cristo me ha encomendado.

For me, St. Patrick Parish is a community with different backgrounds, different lan-guages; working together as one, professing one Creed, one Faith….We come here to be nourished with the Body and Blood of Christ and then work with Him through our sacri-

fice for the good of others….I came to understand that since my Baptism I have been called to bring about the Kingdom of God. Here at St. Patrick Parish I received the opportunity to share my time, talent, and treasure. It is an honor to be able to volunteer with my family and other Christian brothers and sisters for a common good. I hope that God will give me the strength to continue dedicating my life to the mission that Christ has given to me.

Joanne Morrow Next to my family, St Patrick’s is perhaps the most important institution in my life....I see the Holy Spirit working through the many parishioners who are reaching out to others constantly. I see the Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit at work in the many en-deavors of the parish.…I was attracted to the parish as I got to know the people and became aware of the outreach of the parish itself to its people. I knew this was the place for me…. It would be wonderful for many more parishioners to accept and reach out to the poor in our parish….I am keenly aware that many of those people who “appear” to be less fortunate than I, are indeed very close to Our Lord. I try to see Jesus in all the people of the parish.

Junto a mi familia, la parroquia de San Patricio es quizás la institución más impor-tante en mi vida….Yo veo al Espíritu Santo trabajando a través de muchos feligreses quienes están tratando de llegar a otros constantemente. Yo veo los Frutos y Regalos del Espíritu Santo trabajando en muchos de los proyectos de la parroquia….Me sentí atraída a la parroquia conforme fui conociendo a las personas y me di cuenta de có-mo la parroquia trata de llegarle a su pueblo. Yo supe que este era el lugar para mí… Sería maravilloso que más feligreses aceptaran y trataran de ayudar a los pobres en nuestra comunidad. Estoy profundamente consciente que muchas de las personas que “parecen” ser menos afortunadas que yo, están muy cerca de nuestro Señor. Yo trato de ver a Jesús en todas las personas de nuestra parroquia.

Ramón Mora La Iglesia de San Patricio es para mí un lugar donde nos reunimos para celebrar en co-munidad la palabra de Dios y la oración. Un lugar donde a todos por igual se nos da la oportunidad de aprender a compartir como hermanos en la comunidad. Me veo compro-metido en la Iglesia a seguir creciendo en el Espíritu para ayudar a todos por igual. A través de mi servicio en San Patricio trato de llegar a todos nuestros hermanos en Cristo para vivir nuestra fe como bautizados y como hijos de Dios.

St. Patrick Parish is, for me, a place were we come together to celebrate as a community the Word of God and to pray. It is a place where we all have an equal opportunity to learn to share as brothers and sisters in a community. I see myself in the Church dedi-cated to grow more in the Spirit to help others. Through my service at Saint Patrick Par-ish I try to reach out to all our brothers and sisters in Christ to live our faith as baptized people and as children of God.

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Julio E. Andújar Desde pequeño fui educado en la Iglesia Católica pero donde realmente aprendí del Señor fue en la iglesia San Patricio. La razón por la cual yo me siento en casa en la parroquia es porque desde un principio a través del grupo de jóvenes y con la ayuda de las Hermanas Misioneras fuimos aprendiendo cada día más y más….En este mundo conocí al Señor y mi fe aumentó más….La iglesia de San Patricio es todo para mí porque ahí está mi fundación y es donde básicamente Dios me hizo quien soy y estoy más que agradecido por tener el privilegio de ser parte de esta comunidad….Yo le dedico todo el tiempo que pueda a la iglesia para ayudar a mi comunidad y también para ser un ejemplo a la juventud para que ellos vean que en la iglesia se aprende, se goza y se ama mutuamente. Since I was a child, I was raised in the Catholic Church, but where I really learned about the Lord was at St. Patrick Parish. The reason why I feel at home in the parish is because

through the youth group and with the help of the Missionary Sisters we learned more and more. In this setting, I came to know the Lord and my faith increased more….St. Patrick Parish is everything to me because it is there where my foundation is and it is where God basically made me who I am and I am more than grateful for the privi-lege of being part of this community….I dedicate all the time that I can to Church to help my community and also to be an example to the youth so that they will see that at Church we can learn, have fun, and love one another.

Mercedes de la Cruz La parroquia de San Patricio es para mí un hogar de descanso en el Señor. Veo la ac-ción del Espíritu Santo presente en la parroquia. Yo escogí ser miembro de San Patri-cio porque me queda cerca y porque Padre Paúl es muy ungido por el Espíritu Santo con palabras que dan vida. Mi vida se la he dado a Dios y de Él es todo lo que tengo y soy.

For me, St. Patrick Parish is a home where I can be calm in the Lord. I see the action of the Holy Spirit present in the parish. I chose to be a member here because I live nearby and because Padre Paul is anointed with the Holy Spirit with words that give life. I have given my life to God and from Him have received all that I have and all that I am.

Paul J. Croteau My parish is a community of people called together by God and united by the Holy Spirit.…Hearing God’s word in the parish strengthens me to live the faith I received in Baptism.…My parish helps me learn more about our Catholic faith, so that I live as Je-sus taught and helps me live my life as a Christian in this world.…God has blessed us with many gifts, both material and spiritual. How we look after and use these gifts should be pleasing to God.…I live the Gospel in the parish by participating and using my God-given gifts and talents to help with the mission of our parish. By example, I encourage others to serve as members and ministers of our parish. Mi parroquia es una comunidad de personas llamadas por Dios y unidas por el Espíritu Santo… Escuchar la Palabra de Dios en la parroquia me fortalece a vivir la fe que reci-

bí en el bautismo….My parroquia me ayuda a aprender más sobre mi fe católica para vivir como Jesús me enseñó y me ayuda a vivir mi vida como un cristiano en este mundo. Dios nos ha bendecido con muchos rega-los, ambos materiales y espirituales. El cuidado y uso de estos regalos debe agradar a Dios….Yo vivo el Evangelio en la parroquia participando y usando los dones y talentos que Dios me ha dado para ayudar con la misión de esta parroquia. A través del ejemplo yo animo a otros a servir como miembros y ministros de nuestra parroquia.

Page 7: Annual Report 2008 - Archdiocese of Boston...see Jesus in all the people of the parish. Junto a mi familia, la parroquia de San Patricio es quizás la institución más impor-tante

Financial Processes, Oversight, and Analysis This booklet offers the detailed financial reports for Saint Patrick Parish, Saint Patrick School, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, and the Cor Unum Meal Center – their Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 budgets, FY 2008 actuals, FY 2008 variances, and FY 2009 budgets – in accordance with the reporting standards of the Archdiocese of Boston. Because this space does not allow for an explanation of the specific line items in the reports, parishioners who have detailed questions or comments are invited to attend the Parish Finance Council meeting on Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 8:00 am. The budgets for the various institutions of Saint Patrick Parish are established each spring for the next fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30. Budgets are monitored on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis by our staffs and by the members of the Parish Finance Council. (During FY 2008, the members of the Parish Finance Council were David Abdoo, Bev Hart, Ron Caredeo, Jack Kaslow, Paula MacPherson, Padre Paul McManus, Phu Nguyen, Father Paul B. O’Brien, and Ed Sampson.) The Archdiocese of Boston monitors all of Saint Patrick’s financial transactions and accounts through a monthly reporting system, and our parish is formally audited every three years by an independent auditing agency. An examination of our detailed financial reports for FY 2008 leads to the following analysis of the highlights and challenges of our parish’s financial situation. During FY 2008, our parish’s total offertory income decreased by $5,804 as compared to FY 2007. Donations to our autumn Grand Annual Appeal increased by $4,178 as compared to FY 2007. Given the difficult economy in which we have been living, these figures positively reflect the sacrificial generosity of many members of our parish family. At the end of FY 2008, Saint Patrick’s balance of revenue and expenses carried a deficit of $8,595. Because the sale of our convent was completed just as FY 2008 was ending, $8,595 was transferred from the convent sale income to balance our FY 2008 budget. (The rest of the funds from the convent sale were transferred to our Facilities Fund, described below.) Turning to the current fiscal year – FY 2009 – our parish faces the challenge of increasing our income by just over $30,000 in order to cover the projected unavoidable increases in our very tightly-controlled budget. In order to meet this challenge, we have established the goal of raising at least $90,000 in this autumn’s Grand Annual Appeal. Our ability to increase income during the current fiscal year also depends upon the weekly sacrifi-cial generosity of all parishioners. We continue to witness particular strength in our offertory in-come through: (1) the sacrifice of treasure by parishioners who make formal stewardship commit-ments, and (2) the financial donations made by parishioners who sign up for ParishPay (our elec-tronic giving service) or who faithfully use the envelope system. Our parish’s two non-restricted savings accounts, the Parish Endowment Fund and the Parish Revolving Fund, at the end of FY 2008 held $360,745. This figure, which is $31,941 lower than our savings at the end of FY 2007, reflects the investment losses experienced by all parishes with

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savings pooled in the investment accounts managed by the Archdiocese of Boston. Our savings funds are available for emergencies or temporary transfers. The profit from the sale of our convent has been reserved in a separate account called the Facilities Fund. Combined with the funds reserved in our Promise for Tomorrow Fund (monies raised sev-eral years ago through the Archdiocesan capital campaign, and held for facilities improvements), at the end of FY 2008 we had $344,195 set aside for long-needed upgrades to our physical plant. During the current fiscal year, our Parish Finance Council will oversee the use of these funds to ad-dress a prioritized list of major deferred maintenance projects at Saint Patrick’s. The accounting for the use of these funds will be reported as a separate budget in next year’s Annual Financial Report. During FY 2008, a donor to Labels Are For Jars provided $50,000 to renovate the kitchen and construct the new chapel in our parish center. (During the past two fiscal years, donors to Labels Are For Jars have provided a total of $120,000 for renovations in the parish center.) The leaders of our Planned Giving Committee are organizing the promotion of the means through which parish-ioners may offer long-term gifts to fund projects like these, and to significantly support the work of God at Saint Patrick’s. Saint Patrick School operates financially on a break-even basis. The school must end each fiscal year in the black, and any net income is placed immediately into the next fiscal year’s budget. During FY 2008, our parish contributed $76,740 from our offertory income to help support our school. To continue to provide a superb Catholic education that is affordable for the families of hundreds of children in Lawrence, our school in 2008 hired an experienced Director of Advance-ment, who is responsible for overseeing the expansion of our long-term development efforts. Our parish’s cemetery, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in North Andover, also operates financially on a break-even basis, without any subsidy from our offertory income. Any net income is placed immediately into the next fiscal year’s budget. Our Perpetual Care Fund, which is restricted solely for the long-term care of the cemetery, is solidly endowed (at the end of FY 2007, with $250,242). The Cor Unum Meal Center, which is funded entirely by sources separate from the rest of the organization of Saint Patrick Parish, is in very good financial shape. The leaders of Cor Unum and Labels Are For Jars have done a fine job of raising the funds needed to run the meal center, as well as reserve funds that are available to cover long-term capital improvements and unforeseen budget necessities. It is remarkable to note that that during the last fiscal year more than 150,000 meals were served at Cor Unum, at a total cost of slightly less than one dollar per meal. Recognition of the overwhelming number of meals served so efficiently at Cor Unum is a reminder that the financial statistics of our parish are important only because they reflect the superabundant work of God that is accomplished through our faith community. At Saint Patrick’s, thousands of people each week grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and sacrifice their time, talent, and treasure to help build God’s Kingdom. As we continue to grow as Christian stewards, we may be confident that the Lord will bless us with all the resources we need to do His will in Lawrence.

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Offertory Collection $ 543,949 $ 552,651 $ (8,702) $ 550,961 Monthly Parish Projects Collection 52,512 55,597 (3,085) 53,000 Grand Annual Collection 66,748 62,570 4,178 90,000 Gifts, Bequests, Donations, Memorials 77,482 86,197 (8,715) 32,500 Sacramental Offerings 22,169 28,280 (6,111) 27,200 Christmas & Easter Flowers 9,886 10,800 (914) 9,900 Fundraising 5,200 6,500 (1,300) 5,200 Religious Education Fees 7,978 7,700 278 8,000 Other (including, bulletin Advertisement, rental income) 14,117 14,000 117 14,117 Convent Sale Transfer 8,595 - 8,595 - Prior FY Cash Balance 1,072 1,072 - -__ TOTAL PARISH REVENUE $ 809,708 $ 825,367 $ (15,659) $ 790,878 PARISH EXPENSES Employee Compensation & Benefits $ 332,991 $ 350,375 $ (17,384) $ 343,405 Clergy Stipend & Benefits 87,773 91,354 (3,581) 104,933 Office Expense 50,236 36,857 13,379 48,000 Household 14,169 16,446 (2,277) 14,500 Utilities & Maintenance 119,048 109,274 9,774 122,800 Property Insurance 22,411 24,500 (2,089) 22,000 Vehicle Expense 8,841 8,000 841 9,000 Pastoral/Liturgical 20,500 37,000 (16,500) 20,000 Altar supplies/Flowers 17,980 19,000 (1,020) 17,500 Capital Acquisitions/Improvements 55,606 60,000 (4,394) 10,000 School Support 76,740 76,740 - 76,740 Convent Maintenance 1,860 6,894 (5,034) - Other 1,553 5,000 (3,447) 2,000 TOTAL PARISH EXPENSES $ 809,708 $ 841,440 $ (31,732) $ 790,878

Recap Other Financial Information: (as of June 30, 2008) Parish Endowment Fund $ 292,786

Parish Revolving Fund $ 67,959

Promise for Tomorrow Fund $ 60,004 Facilities Fund $ 284,191

NET INCOME $ 0 $ 16,073 $ (16,073) 0

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FISCAL YR FISCAL YR 2008 VARIANCE 2009 SCHOOL REVENUE ACTUALS BUDGET TO BUDGET BUDGET Tuition and Fees $ 1,027,000 $ 1,121,450 $ (94,450) $ 1,048,860 Gifts and Bequests 23,975 16,300 7,675 - Rental Income 2,450 2,450 - 2,500 Cafeteria Sales 3,200 4,000 (800) 3,200 Fundraising Activities 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 Transfer from Parish 76,740 76,740 - 76,740 Transfer from After School Program 8,000 15,000 (7,000) 8,000 RCAB Support 24,564 10,500 14,064 28,104 Other 42 - 42 8,800 Development Funds - - - 50,000 Prior FY Cash Balance 72,731 72,731 _- 35,521 TOTAL SCHOOL REVENUE $ 1,268,702 $ 1,349,171 $ (80,469) $ 1,291,725 SCHOOL EXPENSES Compensation $ 661,161 $ 719,622 (58,461) $ 736,564 Employee Benefits 135,020 140,153 (5,133) 143,577 Religious Stipend & Benefits 201,272 212,651 (11,379) 186,063 Utilities & Maintenance 192,096 186,500 5,596 205,100 Development Expenses 200 15,000 (14,800) 5,000 Office Expenses - 2,400 (2,400) - Other Expenses 295 - 295 300 Capital Acquisitions/Improvements 43,137 50,000 (6,863) 15,000 TOTAL SCHOOL EXPENSES $ 1,233,181 $ 1,326,326 $ (93,145) $ 1,291,304

NET INCOME $ 35,521 $ 22,845 $ (12,676) $ 421

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FISCAL YR FISCAL YR 2008 VARIANCE 2009 CEMETERY REVENUE ACTUALS BUDGET TO BUDGET BUDGET Sale of Lots $ 24,213 $ 13,000 $ 11,213 $ 25,000 Openings 40,350 42,000 (1,650) 43,600 Concrete Burial Units 11,050 10,000 1,050 11,000 Foundations/Markers 1,088 700 388 1,000 Vault Preparation 2,825 2,900 (75) 2,800 Other 605 408 197 600 Prior FY Cash Balance 9,699 9,699 - 3,213 TOTAL CEMETERY INCOME $ 89,830 $ 78,707 $ 11,123 $ 87,213


Office & Related $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 Professional Services 64,553 45,375 19,178 65,000 Utilities & Maintenance 10,185 9,000 1,185 11,000 Vehicle & Related 830 900 (70) 800 Other 1,049 1,800 (751) 400 TOTAL CEMETERY EXPENSES $ 86,617 $ 67,075 $ 19,542 $ 87,200

Recap Other Financial Information: (as of June 30, 2008) Perpetual Care Fund $ 250,242



Donations $ 397,209 $ 198,750 $ 198,459 $ 195,000 TOTAL COR UNUM INCOME $ 397,209 $ 198,750 $ 198,459 $ 195,000


Liability, Auto insurance, Benefits $ 12,121 $ 17,950 $ (5,829) $ 15,000 Office, Professional Services, and General Operating 56,275 62,800 (6,525) 65,000 Utilities & Maintenance 55,817 73,000 (17,183) 75,000 Food and Beverage 10,759 37,000 (26,241) 30,000 Fundraising & Communications 4,128 8,000 (3,872) 10,000 TOTAL COR UNUM EXPENSES $ 139,100 $ 198,750 $ (59,650) $ 195,000

Recap Other Financial Information: (as of June 30, 2008) Cor Unum Reserve Funds $ 1,027,268

NET INCOME $ 3,213 $ 11,632 $ 8,419 $ 13

NET INCOME $ 258,109 $ 0 $ 258,109 $ 0
