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Annual Report Astra 2014

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  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

    Keep Progressing


  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Daftar IsiTable of Contents

    I跴J寨K믢믢60Y믢䏓Z煦䰪[ 믢䪂  \믢믢]믢燁

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    I#tro ¬e"aTheme Introduction

    0 otto® ¯ita°¯ita® ¯at%r D±ar"a® isi da# ²isi ³straMotto Aim Corporate Philosoph! "ision # Mission







  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014










    Kro#o!oºis »e#catata# ·a±a"-toc. Listing Chronolog!

    Ko"$osisi »e"eºa#º ·a±a"-hareholders Composition

    »e"eºa#º ·a±a"-hareholders


  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    0 Á³»½¸³¼ ³¼³JÀÀ¼Management Reports

    0 Áa$ora# Dewa# Ko"isarisReport from the 0oard of Commissioners

    0 Áa$ora# DiresiReport from the 0oard of /irectors

    0 »er#Âataa# ¬a#ºº%#º Jawab Áa$ora# ¬a±%#a#2014 o!e± Dewa# Ko"isaris da# Diresi-tatement of Responsibilit! on &'() AnnualReport b! the 0oard of Commissioners and/irectors

    0 »¸½FIÁ »À¸¹·³¶³³¼Compan! Profile

    ÃÄÄÄ I#for"asi ¹"%" »er%sa±aa#Corporate Information

    ÃÄÄÅ ·tr%t%r Ke$e"i!ia# ·a±a" ¹ta"a-hareholding -tructure

    ÃÄÅ0 ·ei!as ³stra Astra at a 1lance

    2´ ¬o#ººa ·ejara±Milestone

    ÃÄÄÄ »rod% da# Jasa Æ ·eº"e# ¹sa±aProducts and -er+ices 2 0usiness -egment



    »rofi! Dewa# Ko"isaris0oard of Commissioners3 Profile

    »rofi! Diresi0oard of /irectors3 Profile

    ·tr%t%r ½rºa#isasi4rgani5ation -tructure

    2´ Áe"baºa »e#%#ja#º »asar oda!Capital Mar.et -upporting Institutions

    ÃÄÄÄ ³ses I#for"asiInformation Access

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    106ÃÄÄÄ ¬i#ja%a# ¹"%"


    2´ ¬i#ja%a# da# »ros$e Ào#o"i I#do#esia

    Indonesia *conom! Re+ie, and4utloo.

    ÃÄÄÄ ·tr%t%r ¾is#is0usiness -tructure

    ÃÄÄÄ ¬i#ja%a# ¾is#is0usiness Re+ie,

    (() Automoti+e


    (67 Jasa Ke%a#ºa#%inancial -er+ice

    (77 ³!at ¾erat da# »erta"ba#ºa#$ea+! *8uipment and Mining

    &'& ³ºribis#is Agribusiness

    ÃÄÄÄ I#frastr%t%r® Áoºisti Ç Áai##ÂaInfrastructure Logistics # 4thers

    &9' ¬e#o!oºi I#for"asiInformation Technolog!

    ÃÄÄÄ ¬i#ja%a# Ki#erja Ke%a#ºa#%inancial Performance 4+er+ie,

    2Ã6 Á³»½¸³¼ ¬³¬³ KÀÁ½Á³ »À¸¹·³¶³³¼Corporate 1o+ernance Report


    ÃÄÄÄ »e#ºe!o!aa# Ái#º%#ºa#® Kese±ata# da# Kese!a"ata#Kerja ÈÁK´É 2014*n+ironmental $ealth and :or. -afet! ;*$-< &'()

    2´ »e#ºe!o!aa# ¯·¸ di ¬a±%# 2014C-R Management in &'()

    2´ »e#ºe!o!aa# ¬a#ºº%#º Jawab e$ada Ko#s%"e# di¬a±%# 2014Consumer Responsibilit! Management in &'()


    2´ »rofi! Ko"ite°Ko"iteCommittees Profiles

    ÃÄÄÄ ³#a »er%sa±aa#® »e#ºe#da!ia# ¾ersa"a À#titas® da#»er%sa±aa# ³sosiasi-ubsidiaries =ointl! Controlled *ntities and Associates


    D³¬³¯or o 

    a#aºe"e#tÊs Disc%ssio# ¯or$orate ·ocia!³¼³ÁI·I· D³¼ »À¾³¶³·³¼ ¬³¼¿¿¹¼¿ J³Ë³¾ ·½·I³Á

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    ´44 Á³»½¸³¼ KÀ¹³¼¿³¼ K½¼·½ÁID³·I³¼ 2014Consolidated %inancial -tatements &'()

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Panduan >mum? $arap diperhati.an [email protected] membaca laporan ini Perseroan3mengacu pada PT Astra International Tb.sebagai perusahaan indu.B Astra3 1rup Astra3dan Perusahaan3 mengacu pada PT AstraInternational Tb. ana. perusahaan danperusahaan afiliasiB Laba bersih mengacu padalaba !ang diatribusi.an .epada pemili. entitasindu.B

    1eneral >se of Terms? %or guidance ,henreading this report please note the term theCompan!3 refer to PT Astra International Tb. asthe parent compan!B Astra Astra 1roup3 and theCompan!3 refer to PT Astra International Tb.subsidiaries and affiliatesB et income refers toprofit attributable to o,ners of the parentB

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Keep Progressing

    Forward²isi da# isi ³stra se#a#tiasa "e"a#d% a"i da!a" "ew%j%da# diri "e#jadi$er%sa±aa# Âa#º "e"i!ii orie#tasi $ert%"b%±a# bere!a#j%ta# da!a" ja#ºa

    $a#ja#º de#ºa# "e"astia# $ert%"b%±a# %sa±a Âa#º seja!a# de#ºa#e"aj%a# ba#ºsa da# e!estaria# !i#º%#ºa#Ì

    Ko#disi %sa±a Âa#º "e#a#ta#º tida "e#Â%r%ta# !a#ºa± a"i %#t%"erea!isasia# re#ca#a i#&estasi $e#ºe"ba#ºa# %sa±a berdasara# strateºi Âa#º

    te!a± a"i s%s%# de#ºa# cer"at® "e"$erti"ba#ºa# $ote#si i#ter#a! "a%$%#risio Âa#º ±ar%s a"i atasiÌ Ka"i se#a#tiasa "e"astia# setia$ rea!isasi re#ca#a

    i#&estasi aa# "e#sti"%!%s t%"b%±#Âa si#erºi a#tar !i#i bis#is da# "e"beri"a#faat besar baºi $e#i#ºata# i#erja da# #i!ai terbai e$ada $ara $e"a#º%


    ¾er!a#dasa# eÂai#a# ba±wa o"$ete#si se!%r%± jajara# i#sa# Âa#º ber$ad%de#ºa# se!%r%± $ote#si !i#i %sa±a "e#jadi sat% esat%a# Âa#º aa# "a"$%

    "e"b%at ³stra ter%s t%"b%± da# bere"ba#º® ³stra bertead ter%s "e!a#ºa±"aj% da# seja±tera bersa"a ba#ºsaÌ

    :e are continuall! guided b! the "ision and Mission of Astra to gro, to,ard

    becoming a compan! that places longDterm and sustainable gro,th as its focus

    ensuring that the de+elopment of the business is consistent ,ith the nation3s

    ad+ancement and en+ironmental sustainabilit!B

    The challenging business en+ironment ,ill not dampen the endea+ors that ,e ,ill ta.e to

    reali5e the plan to eEpand our business based on the strateg! that ,e ha+e carefull!

    engineeredB :e ha+e considered all internal potentials and ris.s that ,e ma! ha+e

    to faceB :e ,ill ma.e sure that the reali5ation of each of our in+estment plans ,ill bring

    together the potential of our different business segments generating greater benefits for the

    performance of the compan! and to bring about the best +alue for our sta.eholdersB

    -trongl! underpinned b! the belief that the competence of all indi+iduals coupled ,ith

    the potential of all business segments ,ill propel the gro,th and de+elopment of Astra

     Astra shall staunchl! progress for,ard to prosper ,ith the nationB

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    e"astia#»e#i#ºata# Ko"$ete#si·%"ber DaÂa a#%sia*nsuring $uman Capital Competenc! *nhancement

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    eÂai#i s%"ber daÂa "a#%sia ada!a± aset $a!i#ºber±arºa da# "itra »er%sa±aa# da!a" "e"astia#daÂa ta±a# ter±ada$ o#disi ester#a! sea!iº%se"a"$%a# "e"b%a $e!%a#º $ert%"b%±a#® a"i

    o#siste# "erea!isasia# $roºra"°$roºra"$e#ºe"ba#ºa# ·%"ber DaÂa a#%sia È·DÉÌ

    Ka"i "e#era$a# $roºra" ³stra People Roadmap de#ºa# d%%#ºa# $%sat $e#ºe"ba#ºa# da# $e!ati±a#i#ter#a! %#t% "e"astia# t%"b%± e"ba#º#Âao"$ete#si ·D da# b%daÂa i#o&asi Âa#º aa#"e#d%%#º »er%sa±aa# se#a#tiasa berada di de$a#da!a" "e#ºatasi ta#ta#ºa#®da# "e#cari serta "e"a#faata# $e!%a#º$ert%"b%±a# %sa±aÌ

    :e belie+e that human resources are the most +aluable asset and

    an integral part of the Compan! that ,ill determine the Compan!3s

    resilience to eEternal conditions as ,ell as its abilit! to disco+er

    gro,th opportunitiesB Therefore ,e consistentl! carr! out $uman

    Capital ;$C< de+elopment programsB

     Astra3s People Roadmap is implemented ,ith support from the

    internal center for de+elopment and training to ensure $C

    competence enhancement and the nurturing of a culture of

    inno+ation to allo, the Compan! to al,a!s be at the forefront ofefforts to pre+ail o+er challenges to eEplore and to sei5e gro,th


    >pacara Adat Perang Topat F The TraditionalCeremon! of Topat :ar 

    ³d±i »raÂoºa

    »e"e#a#º Áo"ba Foto ³stra 2014Ëi##er of 2014 ³stra »±oto ¯o#test

    ¹$acara adat de#ºa# rit%a! Í$era#ºÊ de#ºa#sa!i#º "e!e"$ar et%$at i#i ada!a± si"bo!

    $erda"aia# a#tara %"at %s!i" da# ¶i#d%Ì·ete!a± %$acara® et%$at "e#jadi ba±a#

    reb%ta# are#a di$ercaÂa "e"bawa bera±%#t% ±asi! $a#e#Ì

    ¬±e traditio#a! cere"o# t±at co#sists of 

    rice cae t±rowi#º rit%a! is a sÂ"bo! of $eace betwee# os!e"s a#d ¶i#d%sÌ

    ³fter t±e cere"o#Â t±e $artici$a#ts wo%!d jost!es for rice caes be!ie&ed to be bri#ºi#º

    b!essi#ºs %$o# t±eir ±ar&estsÌ

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Ka"i bero"it"e# "e!a#j%ta# i#&estasi de#ºa#ber$edo"a# $ada ³stra Portofolio Roadmap da#"e"ba#º%# si#erºi di ra#tai bis#is Âa#º sa!i#º"e#d%%#ºÌ ·i#erºi ra#tai bis#is aa# "e"astia#

    $ero!e±a# #i!ai $er%sa±aa# Âa#º o$ti"a! beratd%%#ºa# ·D a"i Âa#º bero"$ete#si ti#ººi da#"e"i!ii e"a"$%a# beri#o&asi® se±i#ººa a"ise#a#tiasa sia$ "e#ºatasi o#disi %sa±a Âa#º ber%ba±de#ºa# ce$atÌ

    :e are committed to carr!ing out in+estment b! obser+ing

     Astra3s Portfolio Roadmap to ma.e sure that ,e establish a

    s!nergistic business chain that is mutuall! supporti+eB A

    s!nergistic business chain ,ill further ensure generatingoptimum corporate +alue on the bac. of our highl! competent and

    inno+ati+e $C ,hich allo,s us to be prepared to adapt to an!

    business conditions that change rapidl!B

    0uda!a 0ersepeda 4ntel F The "intage 0i.e

    Riding CultureIs±a %tiara»e"e#a#º Áo"ba Foto ³stra 2014

    Ëi##er of 2014 ³stra »±oto ¯o#test

    ·e$eda o#te! Âa#º te!a± !a"a di!%$aa#® "%!aiera 2000°a# dib%r% e"ba!i o!e± se"%a

    a!a#ºa#® "%!ai dari $e!ajar ±i#ººa $ejabat$e"eri#ta±a#

    ¬±e !o#º°forºotte# &i#taºe bicÂc!e ±as i# factbee# $%rs%ed b $eo$!e a!! wa!s of !ife ° fro"

    st%de#ts to ºo&er#"e#t officia!s

    ° si#ce t±e 2000ÊsÌ

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    e"astia#Àfisie#si da# Àfetifitas½$erasio#a!*nsuring 4perational *fficienc! and *ffecti+eness

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Da!a" "e#º±ada$i o#disi %sa±a Âa#º "e#a#ta#º®a"i "e#era$a# $roºra" efisie#si biaÂa Âa#º"e#ºede$a#a# beraºa" !a#ºa± i#o&asi de#ºa# teta$"e#º%ta"aa# etersediaa# $e#d%%#º distrib%si®

    e"%da±a# ases serta ja"i#a# %a!itas $rod% da#!aÂa#a# baºi $ara $e!a#ººa#Ì

    ·ea!i$%# &o!%"e $e#j%a!a# bebera$a !i#i %sa±a"e#%r%#® #a"%# a"i "a"$% "e#ºi"ba#ºi$e#%r%#a# terseb%t de#ºa# efisie#si $e#ºe!%ara#biaÂa o$erasio#a! Âa#º da$at di$erta#ºº%#º jawaba#Ì

    In facing challenging business conditions ,e implement cost

    efficienc! programs that emphasi5e +arious inno+ati+e steps

    and at the same time focus on the a+ailabilit! of distribution

    support ease of access and guaranteed product and ser+ice

    8ualit! for customersB

     Although there ha+e been decreases in sales +olumes in

    se+eral of our business segments ,e ha+e been able to offset

    these decreases b! implementing measures to achie+e

    operating cost efficienc! in an accountable mannerB

    Peti. Laut F Petik Laut 

    ¾adr%s Y%dos%se#o»e"e#a#º Áo"ba Foto ³stra 2014

    Ëi##er of 2014 ³stra »±oto ¯o#test

    ¬radisi #e!aÂa# Jawa %#t% "ew%j%da# rasasÂ%%r e$ada se"esta "e!a!%i rit%a! adat di

    ±ari ̧ ab% tera±ir di b%!a# ·afarÌ

    Ja&a#ese fis±er"e#Ês traditio# of e'$ressi#ºt±eir ºratit%des to t±e %#i&erse t±ro%º± t±e

    c%sto"ar rit%a!s o# t±e !ast Ëed#esdaÂs of ·afar ° t±e seco#d "o#t± of t±e Is!a"ic


  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014



    ¼i!ai ¬a"ba±baºi »ara »e"a#º% Ke$e#ti#ºa#Impro+ing Added "alue for -ta.eholders

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Ka"i se#a#tiasa ber%$aÂa "erea!isasia# i#erjaterbai di te#ºa± o#disi %sa±a Âa#º %ra#ºo#d%sifÌ

    ·eº"e#°seº"e# %sa±a %ta"a "a"$% "e"b%tia#%a!itas#Âa sebaºai market leader Ì Ki#erja e%a#ºa#$ada ta±%# 2014 $%# secara ese!%r%±a# teta$ $ositif de#ºa# $e#da$ata# bersi± sebesar ¸$ 201®µ tri!i%#da# !aba bersi± sebesar ¸$ 1Å®2 tri!i%#Ì

    »ert%"b%±a# seº"e# %sa±a terseb%t "e"berida"$a $ositif !ai# ber%$a terja"i##Âa $asoa#bara#º da# jasa baºi $ara $e!a#ººa# serta "e"b%aese"$ata# erja da# "e"ba#t% $e#i#ºata#eseja±teraa# baºi $ara $eerja da# "asÂaraatseitarÌ

    :e are continuousl! stri+ing to deli+er the best performance in

    spite of the ad+erse business conditionsB

    Leading business segments ,ere able to sho, their 8ualit! as

    mar.et leadersB 4+erall in &'() the financial position

    remained positi+e ,ith net re+enue at Rp &'(BG trillion and net

    income of Rp (HB& trillionB

    The gro,th of business segment brings positi+e impacts not

    onl! it ensures the a+ailabilit! of goods and ser+ices suppl! for

    the customers it also opens @ob opportunities and helps

    impro+ing the ,elfare of ,or.ers and surrounding communitiesB

    Penggembala 0ebe. F /uc. -hepherd

    Fa%Îa# ¸Ì»e"e#a#º Áo"ba Foto ³stra 2014

    Ëi##er of 2014 ³stra »±oto ¯o#test

    e#ººe"ba!a bebe %#t% "e#ci$taa#r%a#º ºera baºi ter#a "asi± "e#jadi

    baºia# dari ati&itas $erter#aa# diI#do#esia Âa#º di!a%a# secara t%r%#


    D%c s±e$±erdi#º to $ro&ide $o%!tr wit±a"$!e roo"s for "o&e"e#t is a#cie#t $o%!trÂ

    far"i#º traditio# sti!! bei#º $racticed i#I#do#esiaÌ

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    otto® ¯ita°¯ita® ¯at%r D±ar"a® isi da# ²isi ³straMotto Aim Corporate Philosoph! Mission and "ision

    -otto ¯ita°cita

    »er ³s$era ³d ³stra ³i"·eja±tera¾erj%a#º da# "e#e"b%s seºa!a bersa"a ba#ºsa

    ta#ta#ºa# %#t% "e#ca$ai bi#ta#º To prosper ,ithThrough difficulties to reach a star  the nation

    ¯at%r D±ar"a½%r ¯or$orate


     e#jadi "i!i Âa#º ber"a#faat baºi ba#ºsa da# #eºaraTo be an asset to the nation

     e"beria# $e!aÂa#a# terbai e$ada $e!a#ººa#To pro+ide the best ser+ice to our customers

     e#º±arºai i#di&id% da# "e"bi#a erja sa"aTo respect indi+iduals and promote team,or.

     ·e#a#tiasa ber%sa±a "e#ca$ai Âa#º terbaiTo continuall! stri+e for eEcellence

    10 Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    otto® ¯ita°¯ita® ¯at%r D±ar"a® isi da# ²isi ³straMotto Aim Corporate Philosoph! Mission and "ision

    isiissio#·eja±tera bersa"a ba#ºsa de#ºa# "e"beria# #i!ai

    terbai e$ada $ara $e"a#º% e$e#ti#ºa#ÌTo prosper ,ith the nation b! pro+iding the best +alue to our sta.eholders

    ²isi²isio#0 e#jadi sa!a± sat% $er%sa±aa# de#ºa# $e#ºe!o!aa# terbai

    di ³sia »asifi de#ºa# $e#ea#a# $ada $ert%"b%±a# Âa#ºbere!a#j%ta# de#ºa# $e"ba#º%#a# o"$ete#si "e!a!%i$e#ºe"ba#ºa# s%"ber daÂa "a#%sia® str%t%r e%a#ºa#Âa#º so!id® e$%asa# $e!a#ººa# da# efisie#si

    1 e#jadi $er%sa±aa# Âa#º "e"$%#Âai ta#ºº%#º

     jawab sosia! serta $ed%!i !i#º%#ºa#& To be one of the best managed corporations in Asia Pacific ,ith an

    emphasis on sustainable gro,th b! building competence through people

    de+elopment solid financial structure customer satisfaction and efficienc!

    9 To be a sociall! responsible and en+ironmentall! conscious corporation

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report 11»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    I±tisar Ke%a#ºa#%inancial $ighlights

     Ang.aDang.a pada seluruh tabel dan grafi. din!ata.an dalam miliar Rupiah dan mengguna.an notasi bahasa Inggris .ecuali disebut.an lainB

    umerical notation in all tables and graphs in billions of Rupiah and in *nglish format unless stated other,iseB

    2014 &'(9 &'(& &'(( &'('Áa$ora# Áaba ¸%ºi »rofit a#d Áoss ³cco%#tPendapatan 0ersih 201®µ01 (H977' (77'69 (J&6J) (&H'97 et Re+enueLaba 0ruto ´Ä®Ä0Å 969(( 9J&'' 9&'9) &6H&( 1ross Profit

    Laba tahun ber@alan 22®12Ã &&&HG &&G)& &('GG (G'') Profit for the !ear  Laba !ang diatribusi.an .epada? Profit attributable to?

    Pemili. entitas indu. 1Å®1Ä1 (H)(G (H)&( (GG76 ()9JJ 4,ners of the parentKepentingan nonpengendali

    2®Å44&77' 99&( 9&H& &J97 onDcontrolling interests

    Laba .omprehensif tahun ber@alan 22®1Ã1 &9G'7 &&)J' &(9)7 (G&66 Comprehensi+e Income for the !ear  

    Laba .omprehensif !ang diatribusi.an Comprehensi+e Income attributable

    .epada? to?

    Pemili. entitas indu. 1Ä®Ä6µ &'(9G (H'69 (7'67 ()J)( 4,ners of the parent

    Kepentingan nonDpengendali ´®2Ä4 96G( 9)'G 9&H' &J() onDcontrolling interests

    »osisi Ke%a#ºa# ȼeracaÉ Fi#a#cia! »ositio# Ⱦa!a#ce ·±eetsÉ=umlah Aset 2´6®02Å &(9HH) (7&&G) (6)9(H ((99J& Total Assets

     Aset Lancar  ŵ®241 7796& G6GHH JJ'J6 )JH&J Current Assets

     Aset Tetap 41®2Ã0 9G7J& 9)9&J &7H79 &&&9H %iEed AssetsIn+estasi pada Pengendalian 0ersama 2µ®2Ã0 &97G' (H7'( (JHHG (6(69 In+estments in =ointl! Controlled

    *ntitas dan *ntitas Asosiasi *ntities and Associates

    =umlah Liabilitas 11îµ0à ('G7'J H&)J' G7)7( 6)66H Total Liabilities

    Liabilitas =ang.a Pende. µ´®Ã2´ G((9H 6)(G7 )H(JH 9J7G9 Current Liabilities

    Liabilitas =ang.a Pan@ang 42®1Ä2 9JJJG 97&7& &H9(& (GJ7J Long Term Liabilities=umlah Pin@aman µ0®0µ2 J)6&9 6JG6G ))HH' 9(G97 Total 0orro,ings

    =umlah *.uitas 120®´24 ('J(77 7H7() G6797 677'9& Total *8uit!

    Modal Ker@a 0ersih( 1Å®4µÅ (G''( (H')9 ('HG) ('H67 et :or.ing Capital(

    *.uitas !ang /apat /iatribusi.an Åî611 79H97 G(&'( J'))H )H)&) *8uit! Attributable toKepada Pemili. *ntitas Indu. 4,ners of the Parent

    ³#a!isa ̧ asio da# I#for"asi Áai# ¸atio ³#a!Âsis a#d ½t±er I#for"atio#Laba terhadap Aset9 ÅÏ (' (& () (6 Return on Assets9

    Laba terhadap *.uitas) 1ÄÏ &( &6 &7 &H Return on *8uit!)

    Mar@in Laba 0ruto 1ÅÏ (7 (H &' &' 1ross Profit MarginRasio Laba terhadap Pendapatan 11Ï (& (& (9 (9 et Income MarginRasio Lancar ;E< 1Ì´ (B& (B) (B9 (B9 Current Ratio ;E<

    Rasio Liabilitas terhadap =umlah Aset ;E< 0ÌÃ 'B6 'B6 'B6 'B6 Liabilities to Total Assets Ratio ;E<

    Rasio Liabilitas terhadap =umlah *.uitas ;E< 1Ì0 (B' (B' (B' 'BH Liabilities to Total *8uit! Ratio ;E<-aham 0eredar ;dalam =utaansaha Persediaan D >tang >saha =ang.a Pende.

    ( /ire.lasifi.asi untu. memenuhi P-AK oB( Pen!a@ian Laporan Keuangan !ang

    berla.u efe.tif di &'((

    & Laba tahun ber@alan 2 =umlah Aset

    9 Laba tahun ber@alan 2 Total *.uitas

    ) /isesuai.an dengan proporsi pemecahan nilai saham dengan rasio (?(' berla.u untu.

    restatement &'(( # &'('B

    6 Tergantung persetu@uan pemegang saham pada Rapat >mum Tahunan bulan April &'(6

    J >tang bersih tida. termasu. =asa Keuangan 2 Total *.uitas

    ' Trade Recei+ables In+entories D Current Trade Pa!ablesB

    ( Reclassified in order to fulfill P-AK oB ( NPresentation of %inancial -tatementsO

    ,hich is effecti+e in &'((B

    & Profit for the !ear2Total Assets

    9 Profit for the !ear2*8uit! attributable to o,ners of the parentB

    ) Ad@usted to the proportion of stoc. split ratio of (?(' effecti+e for restatement in &'((

    # &'('

    6 -ub@ect to the appro+al of shareholders at Annual 1eneral Meeting in April &'(6B

    J et debt eEcludes %inancial -er+ices di+ided b! e8uit!B

    12 Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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    »e#da$ata# ¾ersi±et Re+enue 201®µ01




       R  p   b   i   l   i  o  n (&H'97

       R  p  m   i   l   i  a

      r   2

    &'(' &'(( &'(& &'(9 2014

    J%"!a± ³setTotal Assets

    &(9HH) 2´6®02Å


       R  p  m   i   l   i  a  r   2   R  p   b   i   l   i  o  n (6)9(H


    &'(' &'(( &'(& &'(9 2014

    Áaba ¾ersi± $er ·a±a"*arning per -hare

    )7' )7'4µ4



       R   p

    &'(' &'(( &'(& &'(9 2014

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward

    I±tisar Ke%a#ºa#%inancial $ighlights

    Áaba Âa#ºDiatrib%sia# e$ada»e"i!i À#titas I#d%Profit Attributable to 4,ners of the Parent

    (H)&( (H)(G 1Å®1Ä1

    ()9JJ (GG76

       R  p  m   i   l   i  a  r   2   R  p   b   i   l   i  o  n

    &'(' &'(( &'(& &'(9 2014

    J%"!a± À%itasTotal *8uit! 120®´24



       R  p  m   i   l   i  a  r   2   R  p   b   i   l   i  o  n G6797


    &'(' &'(( &'(& &'(9 2014

    Di&ide# $er ·a±a"/i+idend per -hare

    (H7 &(J &(J 216 %inal(6' (6& 1Ã2Ð

    (J' (97


       R   p )G J' JJ J) 64 Interim

    &'(' &'(( &'(& &'(9 2014

    Tergantung persetu@uan Pemegang -aham padaR>P- bulan April &'(6B

    -ub@ect to appro+al of -hareholders at A1M- in April &'(6B

    Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report 1´»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    »eristiwa »e#ti#º*+ent $ighlights

    Ja#%ari=anuar!»e"be#t%a# Joi#t ²e#t%re ³stra ³&i&a ÁifePT Astra International Tb. ;NAstraO< dan A+i+a International $oldings Limited

    ;NA+i+aO< menandatangani .esepa.atan pembentu.an joint  venture

    bersama Astra A+i+a Life dengan .epemili.an 6'?6' !ang a.an  

    mena,ar.an dan memasar.an produ. asuransi @i,a di IndonesiaB

    Joi#t ²e#t%re of ³stra ³&i&a ÁifePT Astra International Tb. ;NAstraO< and A+i+a International $oldings

    Limited ;NA+i+aO< entered into a @oint +enture agreement to establish

     Astra A+i+a Life ,ith 6'?6' o,nershipB The ne, compan! ,ill offer and

    mar.et life insurance products in IndonesiaB

     »roses ¸iº±t Iss%e ²I »er"ata¾a#Permata0an. berhasil men!elesai.an proses Right Issue "IB$asil !ang diperoleh Permata0an. dari right issue ini adalah

    se@umlah Rp (6 triliunB Pasca right issue .epemili.an saham

     Astra di Permataban. tetap ))6J

    »er"ata¾a# ̧ iº±ts Iss%e ²IPermata0an. completed Rights Issue "IB Proceeds gained b!

    Permata0an. from the rights issue amounted to Rp (B6 trillionB

    Post rights issue Astra3s o,nership on Permata0an. remained


    D%%#ºa# ³stra %#t% ¿eraa# ¼asio#a! »e!o$orKese!a"ata# ¾er!a!% Ái#tas

     Astra mendu.ung 1era.an asional dan /e.larasi Pelopor

    Keselamatan 0erlalu Lintas !ang dihadiri oleh Presiden RI

    -usilo 0ambang Qudho!ono dan :a.il Presiden RI 0oedionoB

    ³stra ·%$$orts ¼atio#a! ¸oad ·afet »io#eeri#ºo&e"e#t

     Astra supported the ational Road -afet! Pioneering

    Mo+ement and /eclaration attended b! President and "ice

    President of the Republic of Indonesia $B*B -usilo 0ambangQudho!ono and 0oedionoB


    ¶¹¬ e°Ãµ ³stra Ç I##o&³stra ´0 Astra men!elenggara.an Inno+Astra .eD9' a@ang tahunan untu.

    menampil.an dan menghargai .emampuan berino+asi seluruh

    insan Astra di tanah air di 1edung PT Astra International Tb.

    pada hari ini Kamis &G %ebruari &'()B

    ³stra õt± ³##i&ersarÂ Ç t±e ´0t± I##o&³straInno+Astra the annual e+ent to sho,case and recogni5e

    inno+ati+e achie+ements of all indi+iduals in Astra ,as held for 

    the 9'th timeB The a,arding e+ent ,as held at PT Astra

    International Tb. building on Thursda! &G %ebruar! &'()B

    »e#diria# »¬ ³straºra$±ia Ñ$ri#s I#do#esia ȳÑIÉPT Astragraphia meresmi.an pendirian ana. perusahaan PT

     Astragraphia prins Indonesia ;AI< sebagai pemisahan dari

    unit bisnis prins dan La!an 1era. dari AstragraphiaB

    Àstab!is±"e#t of »¬ ³straºra$±ia Ñ$ri#s I#do#esia ȳÑIÉPT Astragraphia launched subsidiar! PT Astragraphia prins

    Indonesia ;AI< D a spinDoff of the prins and La!an 1era.

    units of AstragraphiaB

    ³D Às$or Á¯¿¯ e Fi!i$i#a A/M sela.u produsen Lo, Cost 1reen Car ;LC1C< Astra

    /aihatsu A!la dan Astra To!ota Ag!a memulai lang.ah

    berse@arah dengan pencapaian baru !a.ni mela.u.an e.spor

    model LC1C berbasis Ag!a .e %ilipinaB

    ³D À'$orts Á¯¿¯ to t±e »±i!i$$i#es A/M a manufacturer of Lo, Cost 1reen Car ;LC1C< Astra

    /aihatsu A!la and Astra To!ota Ag!a embar.ed on a ne,

    milestone ,ith the eEport of LC1C +ehicles modeled on Ag!a to

    the PhilippinesB

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    14 Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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    »eristiwa »e#ti#º*+ent $ighlights

    aretMarch¾i#ca#º I#s$iratif ·³¬¹ I#do#esia ³wards2014°JaÂa$%raProgram -AT> Indonesia A,ards mengada.an bincang

    inspiratif dengan pemudaDpemudi =a!apuraB -ebelumn!a

    telah dila.sana.an Kic. 4ff -AT> Indonesia A,ards &'() di

    =a.arta !ang [email protected] dengan roadshow  .e .ota

    0an@armasin dan ManadoB

    I#s$iratio#a! ¬a! ·³¬¹ I#do#esia ³wards 2014 ° JaÂa$%ra-AT> Indonesia A,ards program in+ited !oung people from =a!apura to attend an inspirational tal. programB Leading to the main e+ents

    ,ere the -AT> Indonesia A,ards &'() .ic.Doff in =a.arta follo,ed b! a roadsho, to 0an@armasin and ManadoB

    »e#Âertaa# oda! »er"ata¾a# $ada ³·FPermata0an. mela.u.an pen!ertaan &6 saham PT Astra

    -eda!a %inance ;A-%< dengan nilai total sebesar Rp && triliunB

    ÀÒ%it »artici$atio# »er"ata¾a# i# ³·FPermata0an. subscribed &6 of PT Astra -eda!a %inance

    ;A-%< shares amounted to Rp &B& trillionB

    ³$ri! April

     ¸¹»· ¬a±%#a# ³stra 2014R>P-T Astra di =a.arta mengang.at dua orang /ire.tur Astra

    baru !aitu -uparno /@asmin dan 0ambang :[email protected] -antosoB

    ³stra ³##%a! ¿· 2014 Astra A1M- in =a.arta appointed t,o ne, members of Astra3s

    0oard of /irectors -uparno /@asmin and 0ambang :[email protected]


    eiMa!»eres"ia# 20 ¸%"a± »i#tar ³stra°³#i Y%d±oÂo#oPeresmian &' rumah pintar Astra oleh Ibu egara Republi. Indonesia

    $@B Ani 0ambang Qudho!ono !ang dibangun di sembilan pro+insi di

    ,ila!ah Indonesia !aitu Lampung 0anten /KI =a.arta =a,a 0arat

    Qog!a.arta =a,a Timur Kalimantan Timur usa Tenggara 0arat dan

    -ula,esi 0aratB

    I#a%º%ratio# of 20 ³stra Áear#i#º ¯e#ters°³#i Y%d±oÂo#oThe inauguration of Astra3s &' learning centers b! the %irst Lad! of the

    Republic of Indonesia $@B Ani 0ambang Qudho!ono established across

    nine pro+inces in Indonesia? Lampung 0anten /KI =a.arta :est

    =a+a Qog!a.arta *ast =a+a *ast Kalimantan :est usa Tenggara

    and :est -ula,esiB

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report 1û¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    »eristiwa »e#ti#º*+ent $ighlights

     ¶¹¬ e°´4 YD¾³Pera!aan $ari >lang Tahun .e 9) Qa!asan /harma 0ha.ti

     Astra ;Q/0A< dengan tema N*le+ate the CompetenciesO

    dengan tu@uan mening.at.an .ompetensi Q/0A dan >saha

    Kecil Menengah ;>KM< men!ongsong Mas!ara.at *.onomi

     Asean ;M*A< tahun &'(6B

     YD¾³ ´4t± ³##i&ersarÂ/harma 0a.ti Astra %oundation ;Q/0A< celebrated its 9)th

    anni+ersar!B The theme chosen for the occasion ,as N*le+ate

    the CompetenciesO to enhance Q/0A and small and medium

    enterprises ;-M*s< competencies to prepare for the A-*A

    *conomic Communit! ;A*C< &'(6B


    ³stra ¿ree# ÁifestÂ!e°Jaarta ¿ree# ̧ %# 2014Pen!elenggaraan Astra 1reen Lifest!le ;A1L

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    »eristiwa »e#ti#º*+ent $ighlights

    ³º%st%s August¶¹¬ Ke"erdeaa# e°6Å ¸e$%b!i I#do#esiaPresiden /ire.tur Astra Pri@ono -ugiarto sela.u pembina upacara

    memberi.an ucapan selamat dan terima .asih .epada petugas

    upacara $>T Kemerde.aan .eDJH Republi. Indonesia !ang

    terdiri dari .ar!a,an di .antor pusat Astra seusai upacaraB

    6Åt± a##i&ersar of I#do#esia# I#de$e#de#ceCommemorating the JHth anni+ersar! of Indonesian

    independence Astra President /irector Pri@ono -ugiarto as the

    ceremon! leader congratulates and con+e! his appreciation

    to the members of the Indonesian %lag $oisting Team &'()

    ,hich comprises of Astra3s emplo!eesB The ceremon! ,as held

    in Astra head 8uarterB

    ·e$te"ber -eptember 

    ¸estr%t%risasi ¬¬³PT Pamapersada usantara dan PT Tuah Turangga Agung telah

    mela.sana.an restru.turisasi saham atas .onsesi batu bara !ang

    tergabung dalam grup >TB

    ¬¬³ ¸estr%ct%ri#ºPT Pamapersada usantara and PT Tuah Turangga Agung

    restructured share capitals of all >T 1roup subsidiaries possessing

    coalDmining concessionsB

    ½tober 4ctober 

    »eres"ia# ¸%as ¬o! Kertoso#o°ojoerto ¶IMenteri Pe.er@aan >mum /@o.o Kirmanto meresmi.an =alan tol

    KertosonoD [email protected] -e.si ( !ang merupa.an bagian dari

    pro!e. nasional tol Trans =a,a dan @uga men@adi ruas

    terpan@ang di =a,a Timur dengan total @ara. )'6 .mB

    Kertoso#o°ojoerto ¶I ¬o!! ¸oad I#a%º%ratio#Public :or.s Minister /@o.o Kirmanto inaugurated -ection 4ne of

    the [email protected] Toll Road part of the TransD=a+a toll road

    national pro@ect and the longest section in *ast =a+a co+ering a

    distance of )'B6 .ilometersB

    ·era± ¬eri"a 6 ·eo!a± ¾i#aa# Y»³D¸ Astra melalui Qa!asan Pendidi.an AstraDMichael / Ruslim


  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    »eristiwa »e#ti#º*+ent $ighlights

    ¼o&e"ber o+ember 

     ¯À½ ³stra ¸ai± ³sia ¾%si#ess Áeader of t±e Year ³ward 2014Presiden /ire.tur Astra Pri@ono -ugiarto menerima Asia 0usiness Leader

    of The Qear A,ard &'() pada Asia 0usiness Leaders A,ards ;A0LA<

    !ang diselenggara.an C0C di -ingapuraB Acara penghargaan tersebut

    dihadiri oleh &6' pemu.a bisnis seDAsiaB Pri@ono -ugiarto men@adi Chief

    *Eecuti+e 4fficer ;C*4< pertama dari Indonesia !ang dianugerahi Asia

    0usiness Leader of The Qear A,ard se@a. program tersebut pertama .ali

    dila.sana.an pada tahun &''(B

    ¯À½ ³stra recei&ed ³sia ¾%si#ess Áeader of t±e Year ³ward 2014President /irector of Astra Pri@ono -ugiarto recei+ed the Asia 0usiness Leader of The Qear A,ard &'() at the Asia 0usiness Leaders A,ards

    ;A0LA< e+ent held b! C0C at -ingaporeB The e+ent ,as attended b! &6' of Asia3s top business leadersB Pri@ono -ugiarto is the first

    Indonesian C*4 to be recogni5ed ,ith an Asia 0usiness Leader of The Qear A,ard since the program ,as first held in &''(B

     Áa%#c±i#º ³stra ÁifePT Astra A+i+a Life ;Astra Life< !ang memasar.an produ. dan

    la!anann!a dengan nama NAstra Life po,ered b! A+i+aO resmi

    diluncur.an dan siap mela!ani mas!ara.at IndonesiaB

    ³stra Áife Áa%#c±i#ºPT Astra A+i+a Life ;Astra LifeT menandatangani Per@an@ian Pengi.atan =ual 0eli -aham

    dengan dua pemegang saham PT Acset Indonusa Tb. ;AC-TT PT Kar!a -upra Per.asaB

    ¯o#ditio#a! ·a!e a#d »%rc±ase of ·±ares ³ºree"e#t ¹¬ a#d ³¯·¬>T signed Conditional -ale and Purchase of -hares Agreement ;C-PA<

    ,ith shareholders of PT Acset Indonusa Tb. ;AC-TT3s subsidiar! PT Kar!a -upra Per.asaB

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    1Ä Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    »eristiwa »e#ti#º

    *+ent $ighlights

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report 1Å»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    »e#º±arºaa# da# ·ertifiasi A,ards and Certificates

    »e#º±arºaa# A,ards

    0 ¿o!d Ëi##er ° ¬±e ´rd ·»· I#do#esia I#±o%se

    aºaÎi#e ³wards ÈI#³ ÉThe 0est of Pri+ate Compan! Inhouse Maga5ine ;InMA<&'()

    1 Fort%#e I#do#esiaÓs ost ³d"ired ¯o"$a#ies 2014 °Fort%#e I#do#esia

    ' o ( The 0est &' of Most Admired Companies

    ( o ( The : inner in Miscellaneous Industr!

    & o ( The : inner in Cross D -ector Industr!

    2 ¯or$orate ¿o&er#a#ce »oo! 2004° 201´ ° 2Ã Years of ³sia"o#eÂ4+erall 0est Compan! in Indonesia for Corporate


    ´ I#do#esia ost ³d"ired ¯o"$a#Â 2014 ° ËartaÀo#o"i

    4 I# ³$$reciatio# of ¶is ½%tsta#di#º ¯o#trib%tio# i#»ro"oti#º ¹¾¹D ° %se%" »%ri Á%isa# Ç »±i!i$Kot!er ¯e#ter Pri@ono -ugiarto

    Ã ³siaÓs ¾est ¯o"$a#ies 2014 ° Fi#a#ce ³sia' o ( 0est Managed Companies

    ( o ( 0est Corporate 1o+ernance

    & o ( 0est In+estor Relations

    9 o ( 0est Corporate -ocial Responsibilit!

    ) o G Most Committed to a -trong /i+idend Polic!

    6 ¼¯ ¾%si#ess ³wards 2014The 0est Listed Compan! Manufacturing -ector 

    Miscellaneous Industr!

    0 ·Ë³ 100 ° aja!a± ·wa

    ' o ( Indonesia 0est Public Companies &'() D Industr!Categor!? Automobiles # Components

    ( o & Indonesia 0est Public Companies &'() D 4+erall

    & o ( Asean 0est Public Companies &'() D Industr!

    Categor!? Automobiles # Components

    9 o & Asean 0est Public Companies &'() D 4+erall

    1 ¾est ·%stai#ab!e ¾%si#ess I##o&atio# ¯o"$a#Â i#De&e!o$i#º Àco Forrest ° Ëarta Ào#o"i$olding Compan! Categor!

    2 ³#tara#ews ¯·̧ ³ward 2014 ° ÈÁK¾¼É ³#tara

    ´ »¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b as Ái&i#º Áeºe#d¯o"$a# 2014 Ô Ëarta Ào#o"i

    4 ³##%a! ¾est Fi#a#cia! I#stit%tio# ³wards 2014 dz##%a! ¯or$orate ³wards 2014 Ô aja!a± ³!$±a·o%t±east ³siaÕ

    ' Most 4rganised In+estor Relations

    ( 0est -enior Management IR -upport

    & 0est -trategi C-R

    à ¾est ¯o"$a#ies i# ¯reati#º Áeaders Fro" wit±i#2014 Ô ·Ë³ aºaÎi#e® ¼¾½ a#d ·wa#etwor

    6 ³sia ¾%si#ess Áeader of ¬±e Year ³ward 2014ȳ¾Á³É ° ̄ ¼¾¯Pri@ono -ugiarto

    µ Ke!!oºº I##o&atio# ¼etwor ÈKI¼É ³sea# ³ward 2014Pri@ono -ugiarto for $is In+aluable Contribution and

    -upport to KI Asean

    Ä ¾est of t±e best 2014 ³wards ° Forbes I#do#esiaThe Top 6' Companies %or &'()

    20 Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    »e#º±arºaa# da# ·ertifiasi

     A,ards and Certificates

    %asilitasDfasilitas pada >nit 0isnis Astra telah

    mendapat.an sertifi.asi standar !ang

    dia.reditasi piha. .etiga secara bar.ala


    0 I·½ Ô Å001Õ200Ä-istem Mana@emen Mutu

    1 I·½ Ô 14001Õ2004-istem Mana@emen Ling.ungan

    2 ½¶·³· ° 1Ä001Õ200µ

    -istem Mana@emen Keselamatan danKesehatan Ker@a

    ´ ·K´-istem Mana@emen Keselamatan dan

    Kesehatan Ker@a


    Most facilities of Astra3s business units ha+e

    attained certificates of management standards

    accredited periodicall! b! a third part!B The

    certificates co+er?

    2´ I·½ Ô Å001Õ200ÄSualit! Management -!stem

    24 I·½ Ô 14001Õ2004*n+ironment Management -!stem

    2à ½¶·³· ° 1Ä001Õ 200µ4ccupational $ealth and -afet!Management -!stem


    26·K´4ccupational -afet! and $ealth

    Management -!stem

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report 21»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    I±tisar ·a±a"-toc. $ighlights

    »erºeraa# ¶arºa da# ²o!%"e »erdaºa#ºa# ·a±a" 2014 di ¾ÀI&'() -toc. Price Mo+ement and Trading "olume at I/dalam Rupiah 2 in Rupiah

    (J'B'''B''' 7B6''()'B'''B''' 7B'''

    (&'B'''B''' GB6''

    (''B'''B''' GB'''

    7'B'''B''' JB6''

    J'B'''B''' JB'''

    )'B'''B''' 6B6''

    &'B'''B''' 6B'''

    ' =an %eb Mar Apr Ma! =un =ul Aug -ep 4ct o+ /ec =an %eb Mar Apr Ma!=un =ul Aug -ep 4ct o+ /ec


    -umber 2 -ource ? Thomson Reuters $arga Penutupan 2 Closing Price ;L$-< "olume Perdagangan 2 Trading "olume ;R$-<

    »erºeraa# ¶arºa da# ²o!%"e »erdaºa#ºa# ·a±a" 2012°201´ di ¾ÀI&'(&D&'(9 -toc. Price Mo+ement and Trading "olume at I/dalam Rupiah 2 in Rupiah

    (J'B'''B''' 7B6''()'B'''B''' 7B'''

    (&'B'''B''' GB6''

    (''B'''B''' GB'''

    7'B'''B''' JB6''

    J'B'''B''' JB'''

    )'B'''B''' 6B6''

    &'B'''B''' 6B'''

    ' =an %eb Mar Apr Ma! =un =ul Aug -ep 4ct o+ /ec =an%eb Mar Apr Ma! =un =ul Aug -ep 4ct o+ /ec


    2012 201´

    -umber 2 -ource ? Thomson Reuters $arga Penutupan 2 Closing Price ;L$-< "olume Perdagangan 2 Trading "olume ;R$-<

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report 2´»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    I±tisar ·a±a"-toc. $ighlights

    ¶arºa da# ²o!%"e $erdaºa#ºa# ·a±a" $er ¬riw%!a# 201´°2014 di ¾ÀI&'(9D&'() Suarterl! -hare Price and Trading "olume at I/

    ¸ata°¸ata ²o!%"e¶arºa ¬erti#ººi ¶arºa ¬ere#da± ¶arºa »e#%t%$a# »erdaºa#ºa# ¶aria#

    »eriode $ighest Lo,est Closing A+erage /ail!Periods ;Rp< ;Rp< ;Rp< Trading "olume

    ;unit<201´ 2014 201´ 2014 201´ 2014 201´ 2014

    Tri,ulan Ke (



     Suarter 79'' 7'&6 G9'' J&6' GH'' J7'' 9(J&H&'G )'(HG7&(

    Tri,ulan Ke &

    &nd Suarter  GH6' 7'&6 J(6' J7'' ('' G&G6 9G((6H)) )&((H7G'

    Tri,ulan Ke 9

    9rd Suarter  G6'' GH'' 6('' G''' J)6' G'6' 9(6H)9H9 &7&)7GJ)

    Tri,ulan Ke )

    )th Suarter  G&6' G)&6 J'6' J96' J7'' G)&6 &99GGG'7 &J&)((J6

    Kro#o!oºis »e#catata# ·a±a"Chronological -toc. Listing

    ¬a±%# Kebijaa#Ƭi#daa# »er%sa±aa#Qear Polic!2Corporate Actions

    1ÅÅ0 Pena,aran >mum Perdana 9' @uta saham dengan nilai nominal Rp (B''' ;dalamsatuan Rupiah< per saham harga pena,aran Rp ()B76' ;dalam satuan Rupiah< per 


    Initial Public 4ffering of 9' million shares ,ith a par +alue of Rp (''' ;full Rupiah<

    per share offering price of Rp ()76' ;full Rupiah< per shareB

    1ÅÅ4 Pena,aran >mum Terbatas dengan $a. Memesan *fe. Terlebih /ahulu atas

    )7B)9HBJ'' saham dengan harga Rp (9B76' ;dalam satuan Rupiah< per sahamB

    Limited Public 4ffering ,ith preDempti+e rights of )7)9HJ'' shares at the price of 

    Rp (976' ;full Rupiah< per shareB

    Pembagian saham bonus !ang berasal dari .apitalisasi tambahan modal disetor 

    se@umlah Rp 7G& miliar atau setara dengan 7G(BH(&B7'' sahamB

    /istribution of bonus shares from the capitalisation of additional paidDin capital

    amounting to Rp 7G& billion e8ui+alent to 7G(H(&7'' sharesB

    24 Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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    I±tisar ·a±a"-toc. $ighlights

    ¬a±%# Kebijaa#Ƭi#daa# »er%sa±aa#Qear Polic!2Corporate Actions

    1Åŵ Kon+ersi obligasi men@adi &7'B79G saham !ang dila.u.an oleh sebagian pemegangobligasi .on+ersiB Pemecahan nilai nominal saham dari Rp (B''' ;dalam satuan

    Rupiah< per saham men@adi Rp 6'' ;dalam satuan Rupiah< per saham !ang

    menga.ibat.an .enai.an @umlah saham !ang beredar men@adi &B9&6BJJ&B)G)B

    Con+ersion of bonds into &7'79G shares b! certain con+ertible bondholdersB

    Changes in par +alue from Rp (''' ;full Rupiah< per share to Rp 6'' ;full Rupiah<

    per share increasing the number of shares issued to &9&6JJ&)G)B

    1ÅÅÅ Penerbitan &67B9H7B(66 rights .epada para .reditur dan pemegang obligasi

    sehubungan dengan restru.turisasi utang satu right  berha. untu. membeli satu

    saham Perseroan dengan harga Rp 6'' ;dalam satuan Rupiah< per sahamB -e@umlah

    &69B(67BJJ6 saham telah diterbit.an sehubungan dengan pela.sanaan rights iniB

    The issuance of &679H7(66 rights to creditors and bondholders in relation to a

    debt restructuring one share of the Compan! for e+er! right held at the price of Rp

    6'' ;full Rupiah< per shareB &69(67JJ6 shares ,ere issued as a result of the rights


    Persetu@uan atas .ompensasi berbasis saham bagi .ar!a,an dan e.se.utif 

    Perseroan sampai dengan G' @uta sahamB Pada tanggal @atuh tempo se@umlah

    J)BG6)B''' saham telah diterbit.an sehubungan dengan e.se.usi opsi saham

    .ar!a,an tersebutB

     Appro+al for stoc.Dbased compensation for the Compan!s emplo!ees and

    eEecuti+es up to G' million sharesB As at the eEpir! date J)G6)''' shares had

    been issued as a result of emplo!ee stoc. options eEercisedB

    2002 Pena,aran >mum Terbatas dengan $a. Memesan *fe. Terlebih /ahulu

    (B)')BG7'B(G6 saham dengan harga Rp (B''' ;dalam satuan Rupiah< per sahamB

    Limited Public 4ffering in respect of a rights issue ,ith preDempti+e rights()')G7'(G6 shares at the price of Rp (''' ;full Rupiah< per shareB

    2012 Pemecahan nilai nominal saham dari Rp 6'' ;dalam satuan Rupiah< men@adi Rp

    6' ;dalam satuan Rupiah< per saham !ang mengubah @umlah saham beredar dari

    )B')7B966B9() saham men@adi )'B)79B669B()' sahamB

    Changes in par +alue from Rp 6'' ;full Rupiah< to Rp 6' ;full Rupiah< per share

    changing the number of issued shares from )')79669() shares to )')79669()'


    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report 2û¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    I±tisar ·a±a"-toc. $ighlights

    Ko"$osisi »e"eºa#º ·a±a"-hareholders Composition

    ´1 Dese"ber 2014 Æ 9( /ecember &'() ´1 Dese"ber 201´ Æ 9( /ecember &'(9Desri$si J%"!a± J%"!a±

    I#&estor J%"!a± ·a±a" I#&estor J%"!a± ·a±a"/escription oB of oB of -hares oB of oB of -hares

    In+estors In+estorsDo"esti Æ /omestic

    (B Ritel 2 Retail ()669 99(9966J7 'B7& (J977 )(97)G9J( (B'&

    &B Korporasi 2 Corporation (7' J)&6&J9'H (B6H (H6 66J&&796' (B9G

    9B Asuransi 2 Insurance JH J)J7(G9)9 (BJ' J7 GG77GGH)9 (BH&

    )B Qa!asan 2 %oundation &(J &9J9J)H)' 'B67 &J9 &H&'&(9)' 'BG&

    6B Koperasi 2 Cooperati+e G &9&GGG9' 'B'J G &6)G&'9' 'B'J

    JB LainDlain 2 4thers &(' 7H'97G(6( &B&' (H7 H76)G)G'( &B)9

    ·%b ¬ota! 1î2´Ã 2®µµ0®µ0Å®041 6ÌÄ4Ï 1µ®11Å ´®0Ã1®Å21®µ2à µÌÃ4ÏI#ter#asio#a! Æ International

    (B Ritel 2 Retail &9J J7J'GJ' 'B'& &&G 79')JJ' 'B'&

    &B Institusional 2 Institutional (966 9GG'6H7999H H9B() (&6) 9G)&99&JG66 H&B))

    ·%b ¬ota! 1®ÃÅ1 ´µ®µ12®Ä44®0ÅÅ Å´Ì16Ï 1®4Ä1 ´µ®4´1®6´1®41à Å2Ì46Ϭota! 16®Ä26 40®4Ä´®Ãô®140 100Ì00Ï 1Ä®600 40®4Ä´®Ãô®140 100Ì00Ï

    -umber ? 0iro Administrasi *fe. PT Ra!a -aham Registra 2 -ource ? -hare Registrar PT Ra!a -aham Registra

    »e"eºa#º ·a±a" $er ´1 Dese"ber 2014 da# 201´-hareholders as of 9( /ecember &'() and &'(9

    »e"i!i ·a±a"-hareholders

    =ardine C!cle # Carriage Ltd

     Anthon! =ohn Liddellightingale ;Komisaris 2Commissioner 0- A1 $ong Kong onDTreat! 4mnibus 2 Allshares are o,ned through >0- A1 $ong Kong onDTreat! 4mnibus

    =ardine C!cle # Carriage adalah perusahaan !ang tercatat di

    bursa -ingapura dan anggota 1rup =ardine MathesonB

    Perusahaan ini memili.i 6'(( saham PT Astra International

    Tb. salah satu perusahaan .onglomerat terdepan terbu.a di

    Indonesia serta .epemili.an di bidang usaha lainn!a di Asia

    TenggaraB /i ba,ah bendera C!cle # Carriage =C#C memili.i

    usaha otomotif di -ingapura Mala!sia dan M!anmar termasu.

    PT Tunas Ridean Tb. di Indonesia dan Truong $ai Auto

    Corporation di "ietnamB

    =ardine C!cle # Carriage is a leading -ingaporeDlisted compan!

    and a member of the =ardine Matheson 1roupB It has a 6'B((

    interest in PT Astra International Tb. a premier listed Indonesian

    conglomerate as ,ell as other interests in -outheast AsiaB

    =C#C has motor businesses operating in -ingapore Mala!sia

    and M!anmar under the C!cle # Carriage banner as ,ell as

    other motor interests through PT Tunas Ridean Tb. in Indonesia

    and Truong $ai Auto Corporation in "ietnamB

    26 Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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    -esuai .eputusan Rapat >mum Pemegang

    -aham Tahunan ;R>P-T< !ang diselenggara.an

    pada tanggal &H April tahun &'() Astra

    mela.u.an pemba!aran di+iden final tahun bu.u

    &'(9 sebesar )6 dari laba bersih atau senilai Rp

    7BG)) miliarB Rasio pemba!aran di+iden ini sama

    dengan rasio pemba!aran di+iden untu. tahun

    bu.u &'(& !ang ditetap.an oleh R>P-T &'(9B

    /i+iden per saham !ang diba!ar.an pada untu.

    tahun bu.u &'(9 adalah sebesar Rp &(J sama

    dengan nilai pemba!aran di+iden per saham

    tahun bu.u &'(&B

    Pursuant to the resolutions of the Annual 1eneral

    Meeting of -hareholders ;A1M-< held on &H April

    &'() Astra has paid a final di+idend for the &'(9

    fiscal !ear amounting to )6 of net income or Rp

    7G)) billionB The di+idend pa!out ratio reflects the

    di+idend pa!out ratio in fiscal !ear &'(& ,hich

    ,as determined during the &'(9 A1M-B

    /i+idend per share for fiscal !ear &'(9 ,as Rp

    &(J reflecting the perDshare +alue paid in fiscal

    !ear &'(&B

    ¸iwaÂat Di&ide#/i+idend $istor!

    Di&ide#Di&ide# /i+idend

    %#t% ¬a±%# ¸asioKe%a#ºa# I#teri" ¬a#ººa! »e"baÂara# Fi#a! ¬a#ººa! »e"baÂara# »osisi ·a±a"/i+idend for Interim Pa!ment /ate %inal »e"baÂara# Di&ide# 4utstanding

    %inancial Qear  ;Rp< ;Rp< Pa!ment /ate /i+idend -hares

    Pa!out Ratio

    &'(' )G' (6 o+ember &'(' ((9' (J =une &'(( )6B( )')79669()

    &'(( J'' () o+ember &'(( (97' 'J =une &'(& )6B( )')79669()

    &'(& JJ 'G o+ember &'(& (6' 'G =une &'(9 )6B' )')79669()'

    &'(9 J) 9( 4.tober &'(9 (6& (& =une &'() )6B' )')79669()'

    &'() J) 9( 4.tober &'() (6& &H Ma! &'(6 )6BJ )')79669()'

    Catatan? /i+iden per lembar saham tahun &'(&D&'() merupa.an data di+iden setelah dila.u.an stoc. split dengan rasio (?(' pada tahun &'(&B otes?

    The &'(&D&'() di+idend per share represents di+idends after stoc. split in &'(& ,ith the ratio of (?('

    5888 Tergantung persetu@uan Pemegang -aham pada RUPST  bulan

     April &'(6 -ub@ect to appro+al of -hareholders at A1M- in April &'(6B

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report 2µ»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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    Memba,a La!angDla!ang Ra.sasa F Carr!ing the 1iant Kiteade Y%distira

    »e"e#a#º Áo"ba Foto ³stra 2014Ëi##er of 2014 ³stra »±oto ¯o#test

    Áa$ora#a#aje"e#Management Reports

    2Ä Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Áa$ora# Dewa# Ko"isarisReport from the 0oard of Commissioners

    »e"a#º% Ke$e#ti#ºa# Ya#º ¬er±or"at®"alued -ta.eholders

    /i tahun &'() Indonesia berhasil melalui tahun

    politi. dengan damai dan menghasil.an

    pemerintahan baruB 0eberapa [email protected] !ang

    dila.u.an pemerintah baru mulai membangun

    .eperca!aan dan harapan dari dunia usahaB -alah

    satu contohn!a adalah upa!a untu. mengurangi

    subsidi 00M dan mengalo.asi.ann!a untu.

    penggunaan di se.tor produ.tif seperti

    infrastru.turB $al tersebut diharap.an a.an

    memberi dampa. positif bagi e.onomi Indonesiadalam @ang.a pan@angB

    /i lain piha. tantangan e.onomi regional dan

    global masih berlan@ut di tahun &'()B Cina masih

    mengalami perlambatan e.onomi demi.ian @uga

    =epang dan .a,asan *ropa termasu. =ermanB

    -ementara itu di Ameri.a -eri.at .ondisi

    pere.onomian telah berangsur pulih dimana 0an.

    -entral ;The Fed < secara bertahap mulai

    mengurangi program stimulus .euanganB Lang.ah

    ini mung.in memba,a dampa. positif bagi Ameri.a -eri.at namun efe. penguatan nilai tu.ar 

    dolar Ameri.a terhadap berbagai mata uang lain

    telah memba,a pengaruh pada e.onomi global

    termasu. Indonesia !ang masih mengalami defisit

    transa.si ber@alanB A.hir tahun lalu e.onomi

    Indonesia han!a tumbuh 6B

    »e#i!aia# ¬er±ada$ Ki#erja Diresi³tas »e#ºe!o!aa# »er%sa±aa#Kondisi ma.ro e.onomi !ang masih penuh

    tantangan tersebut @elas mempengaruhi .iner@a

     Astra terutama di bidangDbidang usaha !ang

    dipengaruhi oleh pergera.an harga .omoditas dan

    su.u bunga seperti pen@ualan alat berat dan

    pen@ualan mobil !ang sebagian besar dila.u.an

    melalui s.ema pembia!aanB amun demi.ian

     Astra tetap berhasil membu.u.an laba bersih

    sebesar Rp (H& triliun mencermin.an

    pening.atan .ontribusi dari segmen agribisinis

    sebesar 9H pening.atan .ontribusi sebesar 

    (( dari segmen @asa .euangan dan

    pening.atan (' dari segmen alat berat dan

    pertambangan !ang ter.ore.si oleh ()penurunan .ontribusi dari segmen otomotifB

    In &'() Indonesia successfull! carried through a

    peaceful political !ear and has in place a ne,

    administrationB The ne, go+ernment introduced a

    series of ne, policies ,hich reinstalled

    confidence and hope among business societ!B

     Among these policies is the reduction of the fuel

    subsid! and the reallocation of funds to producti+e

    sectors such as infrastructure ,hich is eEpected

    to bring a positi+e impact to Indonesia3s econom!

    in the long termB

    4n the other hand globall! economic challenges

    persisted in &'()B China continued to eEperience

    a slo,do,n as did =apan and man! *uropean

    countries including 1erman!B Mean,hile the

    >nited -tates econom! impro+ed leading the

    %ederal Reser+e to graduall! retract their stimulus

    programB Although this decision ma! ha+e resulted

    in a positi+e impact to the >- the strengthening of 

    the >- dollar on other currencies has ine+itabl!affected the global econom! including Indonesia

    ,hich continues to eEperience a current account

    deficitB In &'() Indonesia3s econom! recorded a

    moderate 6 gro,thB

    À&a!%atio# of t±e ¾oard of DirectorsÊ a#aºe"e#tThe challenging macroDeconomic en+ironment

    ine+itabl! impacted Astra3s performance

    especiall! in businesses that are +ulnerable to

    changes in commodit! prices and interest rates

    namel! the hea+! e8uipment and automoti+e

    segment in ,hich most transactions are carried

    out under a financing schemeB 4+erall Astra

    recorded net income of Rp (HB& trillion reflecting a

    9H increase in the contribution from

    agribusiness an (( increase from financial

    ser+ices and a (' increase from hea+!

    e8uipment and mining offset b! a () decline

    from automoti+eB

    ´0 Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Áa$ora# Dewa# Ko"isarisReport from the 0oard of Commissioners

    /e,an Komisaris memandang .iner@a tersebut

    sebagai prestasi /ire.si beserta mana@emen

    !ang mampu mele,ati .ondisi usaha !ang .urang

    .ondusif melalui serang.aian lang.ah strategis

    cepat dan tepat sehingga Astra berhasil

    [email protected] .egiatan operasional dengan lebih

    efisien dan produ.tifB /e,an Komisaris @uga

    mengingat.an bah,a .ondisi !ang .urang

    .ondusif tersebut belum a.an berlalu dan

    beberapa lini usaha masih a.an menghadapitantangan berat pada tahun mendatangB

    Kendati menghadapi .ondisi usaha !ang penuh

    tantangan sebagian besar bisnis Astra mampu

    mempertahan.an posisi .epemimpinan pasarB

    -epeda motor $onda meraih J) pangsa pasar 

    .endaraan roda dua dan otomotif roda empat

    meraih pangsa pasar 6( sementara Komatsu

    memimpin dengan )' pangsa pasar alat beratB

    >pa!a pengembangan .apasitas serta

    di+ersifi.asi portofolio @uga terus dila.u.anB Astra

     @uga mengembang.an @aringan usahan!a dengan

    menggandeng mitra bisnis dari dalam dan luar 

    negeriB -ebagai apresiasi atas .eunggulan .iner@a

    dan operasional Astra berhasil meraih berbagai

    penghargaan lo.al dan internasionalB

    /e,an Komisaris memberi.an apresiasi atas

    prestasi /ire.si beserta mana@emen !ang telah

    be.er@a .eras guna mengatasi tantangan

    operasional serta mengambil peluangdengan merealisasi.an rencana in+estasi

    demi pengembangan usaha !ang [email protected] perhitungan matangB

    The 0oard of Commissioners ac.no,ledges this

    result as the achie+ement of the 0oard of 

    /irectors and the management the! ,ere able to

    address the unfa+orable business climate through

    a number of appropriate strategic steps ta.en in a

    timel! manner enabling operations to be more

    efficient and producti+eB The 0oard of 

    Commissioners ,ishes to caution the

    management that unfa+ourable conditions remain

    and certain segments ,ill ha+e to o+ercome e+engreater obstacles in the coming !earB

    In spite of the challenging business en+ironment

    most of Astra3s businesses in &'() ,ere able to

    maintain their mar.et leadershipB $onda

    motorc!cle led the t,oD,heeler mar.et ,ith a J)

    mar.et share and fourD,heeler ,ith a 6( mar.et

    share ,hile Komatsu led the hea+! e8uipment

    mar.et ,ith )'B Astra continued to increase its

    capacit! and portfolio di+ersificationB Astra also

    de+eloped its business net,or. b! building

    partnerships ,ith international and national

    partnersB Astra recei+ed numerous a,ards from

    local and international organi5ations for its

    performance and operational eEcellenceB

    The 0oard of Commissioners ,ould li.e to

    ac.no,ledge the achie+ement of the 0oard of 

    /irectors and its management through their 

    dedication to successfull! pre+ail o+er operational

    challenges and capture opportunities b! reali5ing

    in+estment plans for business de+elopmentprudentl! based on sound considerationsB

    ¶a!°±a! $ositif ter%s di!a#j%ta#da# diti#ºata#® ses%ai ²isi

    ³stra 2020 Ô "e#jadi$er%sa±aa# eba#ººaa# ba#ºsaPositi+e actions are eEpected to continueto bring Astra closer to its &'&' +ision of 

    becoming the pride of the nation

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report ´1»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Áa$ora# Dewa# Ko"isarisReport from the 0oard of Commissioners

    »a#da#ºa# ³tas ¸e#ca#a Kerja da#»ros$e ¹sa±a Âa#º Dis%s%# o!e±Diresi/engan mempertimbang.an .ondisi e.sternal dan

    .ompetensi Astra /e,an Komisaris menilai

    bah,a rencana .er@a !ang disusun /ire.si telah

    memperhitung.an dengan se.sama prospe.

    usaha pada tahun mendatangB -e.alipun .ondisi

    e.onomi global belum menentu beberapa

    lang.ah pemerintahan baru !ang telah [email protected]

    diper.ira.an a.an memberi ,arna positif terhadap

    .ondisi pere.onomian domesti.B [email protected] mengurangi subsidi harga @ual 00M

    a.an mendorong pembangunan infrastru.tur 

    dasar antara lain .etenagalistri.an sarana @alan

    dan pelabuhanB $al tersebut [email protected]

    peluang usaha terutama di se.tor .onstru.si dan

    se.torDse.tor lainn!a ter.ait industri .onstru.si

    termasu. alat berat di tahun mendatangB

    /ari sisi bisnis utama Astra .ami memandang

    bah,a segmen roda empat masih a.an

    menghadapi te.anan sebagai a.ibat dari

    persainganB 4leh .arena itu dalam men@[email protected] bisnis pada tahun mendatang

    /e,an Komisaris mene.an.an bah,a setiap

    .ela!a.an in+estasi dipertimbang.an secara

    se.sama dengan dua fo.us utama !aitu potensi

    bisnis dan profitabilitas @ang.a pan@angB $al

    penting lainn!a !aitu menganalisa setiap rencana

    dengan hatiDhati terhadap berbagai

    .emung.ingan dan mela.u.an tin@auan ber.ala

    !ang dileng.api dengan me.anisme lang.ah

    .ore.tif !ang cepat dan memitigasi risi.o dengan


    Kami !a.in bah,a fa.torDfa.tor utama !ang

    menentu.an .esu.sesan bisnis telah diidentifi.asi

    dan diperhitung.an dengan se.sama oleh /ire.si

    untu. men@amin .eberhasilan rencana

    pengembangan usaha !ang telah disusun


    ²iew o# Ëor »!a# a#d ¾%si#ess½%t!oo For"%!ated b t±e ¾oard ofDirectorsTa.ing into account the business en+ironment and

     Astra3s competence the ,or. plan formulated b!

    the 0oard of /irectors has thoroughl! considered

    business prospects for the coming !earB /espite

    the uncertain global econom! some decisions

    implemented b! the ne, administration signal a

    positi+e change in the national econom!B The

    Indonesian 1o+ernment3s reduced fuel price

    subsidies ,ill support the de+elopment of basicinfrastructure such as electricit! roads and portsB

    This has also led to eEpectations of ample

    business opportunities in the coming !ears

    especiall! in the construction sector and other 

    sectors related to construction including hea+!


    In terms of Astra3s core business the fourD,heeler 

    segment ,ill li.el! remain under pressure due to

    competitionB To that end in eEamining future

    business de+elopment the 0oard of  Commissioners ,ould li.e to emphasi5e the

    importance of thorough consideration of 

    in+estment feasibilit! based on t,o factors?

    business potential and longDterm profitabilit!B

     Another important point is to prudentl! anal!se

    each business plan against se+eral scenarios

    undergo regular re+ie, and be e8uipped ,ith

    mechanisms for 8uic. correcti+e action and ris.


    :e belie+e the main factors that determine

    business success ha+e been identified and ta.en

    into account b! the 0oard of /irectors to ensure

    the effecti+eness of the business de+elopment


    ´2 Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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    ¬ata Ke!o!a »er%sa±aa# Astra saat ini men!andang predi.at sebagai salah

    satu best managed company  dari segi tata .elola

    perusahaan !ang bai. ;ood   Corporate

    overnance21C1ntu. itu unit Internal Audit

    dan Komite Audit di ba,ah penga,asan /e,an

    Komisaris a.an mela.sana.an fungsi

    penga,asan dengan optimalB

    -eluruh upa!a pening.atan penerapan pra.te.

    terbai. 1C1 tersebut bermuara pada satu tu@uan

    [email protected] Astra sebagai .orporasi dengan

    pengelolaan !ang ber.ualitasB

    ¬a#ºº%#º Jawab ·osia! da#Ái#º%#ºa#Kegiatan tanggung @a,ab sosial ;Corporate Social 

    Responsibility 2C-R< di 1rup Astra telah

    dila.sana.an dengan .onsistenB Kegiatan C-R

    dila.sana.an bersamaDsama dengan sembilan

    !a!asan di ba,ah naungan 1rup Astra !ang

    secara .husus berfo.us pada programDprogram


    Kami menilai bah,a a.ti+itas C-R Astra .ini

    men@adi sema.in terfo.us dan sema.in bai.

    langsung men!entuh .ebutuhan penerima

    manfaat secara n!ata dan ber.esinambunganB $altersebut adalah hasil dari .onsistensi Astra

    melibat.an seluruh pemang.u .epentingan

    Áa$ora# Dewa# Ko"isaris

    Report from the 0oard of Commissioners

    ¯or$orate ¿o&er#a#ceToda! Astra has distinguished itself as one of the

    best managed companies in Indonesia from a

    good corporate go+ernance ;1C1< perspecti+eB

    This is a recognition of the 8ualit! of the corporate

    management conducted based on the Astra3s

    Code of Conduct and the Astra Management

    -!stem b! adopting +arious ,orldDclass s!stemsB

    The s!stem is regularl! re+ie,ed and impro+ed to

    sta! in line ,ith the latest de+elopments in the

    Compan!3s business en+ironmentB

    The implementation of 1C1 best practices has

    pro+en to be of utmost benefit for Astra in the form

    of sta.eholders3 trustB 1C1 impro+ement is

    therefore important along ,ith the highest

    integrit! standards founded upon the philosoph!

    and +alues of Catur !harmaB

    To support 1C1 best practices the committees

    under the 0oard of Commissioners ha+e

    endea+ored to ensure sound implementation of 

    1C1 in Astra aligned ,ith norms and regulationsBTo that end the Internal Audit and the Audit

    Committee under the 0oard of Commissioners are

    dedicated to carr!ing out o+ersight optimall!B

    The efforts to impro+e 1C1 best practices are

    e+entuall! mo+ing to,ard one goal to ma.e Astra

    a good corporate citi5en managed in a sound


    ¯or$orate ·ocia! ¸es$o#sibi!itÂ

     Astra 1roup has carried out acti+ities of corporate

    social responsibilit! ;C-R< in a consistent mannerB

    C-R acti+ities are conducted together ,ith nine

    foundations under Astra 1roup that are focusing

    on C-RDrelated programsB

    In our +ie, Astra3s C-R programs ha+e become

    more focused and better eEecuted addressing the

    needs of beneficiaries directl! and generating

    tangible and sustainable resultsB This is due to Astra3s consistenc! in engaging all sta.eholders in

    the planning eEecution and

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report ´´»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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    Áa$ora# Dewa# Ko"isarisReport from the 0oard of Commissioners

    ³$resiasi/e,an Komisaris mengucap.an ban!a. terima

    .asih .epada seluruh pemang.u .epentingan

    1rup Astra !ang terus memberi.an du.ungan

    untu. tumbuh dan ber.embang men@adi salah

    satu grup usaha nasional ter.emu.a di tanah airB

    Kepada seluruh insan Astra .hususn!a /ire.si

    dan .ar!a,an 1rup Astra .ami sangat

    menghargai .er@a .eras dan dedi.asin!aB Kami

    berpesan .epada seluruh insan Astra terusbe.er@alah dengan sepenuh hatiB isca!a dengan

    demi.ian tu@uan Astra untu. se@ahtera bersama

    bangsa dapat ter,u@ud sema.in cepatB

    Kami @uga men!ampai.an terima .asih .epada

    Pemerintah Indonesia !ang berhasil men@aga

    .eharmonisan .ehidupan .enegaraan dan

    mencipta.an .ondisi usaha !ang sema.in bai.B

     Apresiasi !ang sangat tinggi .ami sampai.an

    .epada seluruh pelanggan atas .eperca!aann!a

    .epada AstraB Kami a.an terus mela.u.an

    berbagai perbai.an mencipta.an ino+asi untu.

    selalu memenuhi .ebutuhan pelanggan dan

    memberi.an solusi .epuasan pelanggan dalam

    mengguna.an produ. dan @asa .amiB

    ³c#ow!edºe"e#tThe 0oard of Commissioners ,ould li.e to con+e!

    heartfelt than.s to all sta.eholders of Astra 1roup

    ,ho ha+e contributed to Astra3s gro,th and

    de+elopment in becoming one of the most

    reno,ned national business groups in the countr!B

    %or all indi+iduals in Astra especiall! the 0oard of 

    /irectors and emplo!ees of Astra 1roup our 

    appreciation goes to their hard ,or. and

    dedicationB :e ,ould li.e to encourage allindi+iduals ,ithin Astra to maintain their hard

    ,or. so as to ensure the success of our goal to

    prosper ,ith the nationB

    :e also ,ould li.e to than. the 1o+ernment of 

    Indonesia for successfull! maintaining a harmon!

    that fosters an auspicious business en+ironmentB

    :e con+e! our highest appreciation to all

    customers for the trust the! ha+e placed in AstraB

    :e ,ill see. continuous impro+ement and

    inno+ation to al,a!s fulfill customers3 needs and

    pro+ide customers3 satisfactor! solutions ,ith

    respect to our products and ser+icesB

    =a.arta April &'(6

     Atas ama /e,an Komisaris 2 4n 0ehalf of The 0oard of Commissioners

    PT Astra International Tb.

    ¾%di ·etiad±ar"aPresiden Komisaris 2 President Commissioner 

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report ´Ã»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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    Dewa# Ko"isaris0oard of Commissioners

    6Ì 2Ì´Ì 4Ì



    6Ì ³#t±o# Jo±# Áidde!! ¼iº±ti#ºa!e ÅÌ ¯±iew ·i# ̄ ±eo

    Komisaris 2 Commissioner Komisaris 2 Commissioner  

    µÌ ¾e#ja"i# Ëi!!ia" Keswic 10Ì Jo#at±a# ̄ ±a#º

    Komisaris 2 Commissioner Komisaris 2 Commissioner  

    ÄÌ ar ·$e#cer ¿ree#berº 11Ì Da&id ³!e'a#der ¼ewbiººi#º

    Komisaris 2 Commissioner Komisaris 2 Commissioner  

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report ´µ»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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    Áa$ora# DiresiReport from the 0oard of /irectors

    ³stra "a"$% "e!a!%i ta±%# 2014 Âa#º$e#%± ta#ta#ºa# de#ºa# "e#catata#sej%"!a± $restasiÌ ³stra "e"$er%at

    fo#dasi %sa±a da# ter%s bero"it"e#%#t% bert%"b%± seiri#º de#ºa#$ert%"b%±a# I#do#esia sebaºai #eºaraber$e#da$ata# "e#e#ºa±Ì

     Astra na+igated through a challenging period of &'()

    ,ith good resultsB :e strengthened our business

    foundation and continued our commitment to gro,ing

    ,ith Indonesia as a middleDincome countr!B

    ·eiri#º de#ºa# aa# diber!a%a##ÂaasÂaraat Ào#o"i ³·À³¼$ada a±ir 201î I#do#esia aa#"e#º±ada$i ta#ta#ºa# sea!iº%s$e!%a#º %#t% bera#ja "e#jadi#eºara "aj% ber$e#da$ata# ti#ººida!a" bebera$a ta±%# "e#data#ºÌ

    :ith the implementation of the A-*A *conomic

    Communit! at the end of &'(6 ,ithin the neEt fe,

    !ears Indonesia ,ill be facing more challenges as

    ,ell as opportunities to mo+e for,ard as a

    de+eloped and highDincome countr!B

    »rijo#o ·%ºiartoPresiden /ire.tur 2 President /irector 

    ´Ä Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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    Áa$ora# DiresiReport from the 0oard of /irectors

    »e"a#º% Ke$e#ti#ºa# Ya#º ¬er±or"at®/ear "alued -ta.eholders

    Kondisi usaha pada tahun &'() di,arnai dengan

    ban!a.n!a tantanganB -ecara global

    pere.onomian tumbuh dengan tida. seimbang

    negara di .a,asan Asia terutama Cina dan

    =epang tetap mengalami pelemahanB Ameri.a

    -eri.at !ang mulai membai. han!a memberi.an

    sedi.it .ontribusi terhadap e.onomi global

    sementara berpengaruh signifi.an terhadap

    perputaran pasar uang dan modal

    Masih lemahn!a pere.onomian global mendorong

    penurunan harga min!a. dunia .e titi. terendah

    dalam beberapa tahun tera.hir di .isaran >-V 6'

    per barel demi.ian @uga harga .omoditas primer 

    lainn!a termasu. batu bara sehingga berdampa.signifi.an terhadap neraca pemba!aran nasionalB

    -elan@utn!a rupiah terdepresiasi di.arena.an

    adan!a aliran dana asing !ang .eluar dan

    permintaan !ang signifi.an dari pasar atas dollar 

     Ameri.aB KondisiD.ondisi tersebut di atas

    berimbas pada pere.onomian IndonesiaB

    Tahun &'() pemerintah Indonesia memutus.an

    untu. mengurangi subsidi 00M !ang

    menga.ibat.an nai.n!a harga 00M dan ting.at

    inflasi mencapai 79JB >ntu. mendu.unglang.ah .estabilan e.onomi 0an. Indonesia

    menai..an acuan ting.at su.u bunga men@adi

    GG6B Agenda politi. !ang telah terselenggara

    dengan bai. turut mendu.ung .estabilan e.onomi

    negeriB /engan .ondisi tersebut Indonesia tetap

    mampu bertahan dengan mencatat pertumbuhan

    e.onomi sebesar 6B

     Astra telah menetap.an rencana antisipatif untu.

    mengatasi tantangan tersebut dan telah

    men!iap.an rencana pengembangan usaha

    secara cermat di beberapa segmen usaha !ang

    .ami !a.ini memili.i prospe. menari. dalam

     @ang.a pan@angB

    0usiness conditions in &'() ,ere mar.ed ,ith

    challengesB 1loball! economies around the ,orld

    mo+ed in different directions ,ith se+eral ma@or 

    economies in Asia especiall! China and =apan

    continuing to be sluggishB The >nited -tates

    mean,hile sa, a fair impro+ement ,hich onl!

    contributed minor benefits to the global econom!

    ho,e+er it significantl! affected the financial and

    capital mar.etsB

    The +ulnerabilit! of the global econom! caused

    global oil prices to drop to their lo,est point in

    se+eral !ears reaching approEimatel! >-V 6' per 

    barrelB -imilarl! prices of other primar!

    commodities including coal also slumped ,hichin turn significantl! affected the countr!3s balance

    of pa!mentsB 4utflo, of foreign funds from

    Indonesia and significant demand for the >-

    dollar from industr! pla!ers depreciated the

    Indonesian rupiahB These conditions affected

    Indonesia3s econom!B

    The Indonesian go+ernment e+entuall! decided to

    reduce fuel subsidies last !ear resulting in fuel

    prices increases and inflation @umping to 7B9JB In

    response to this 0an. Indonesia too. measuresto stabili5e the econom! b! increasing the interest

    rate to GBG6B Another factor that influenced

    Indonesia3s econom! progressed in &'() ,as

    political e+ents that too. place in the countr!

    successfull!B Indonesia3s econom! remained

    resilient and notabl! managed to perform at 6


    %orestalling these challenging e+ents ,e had our 

    strateg! in place and ta.ing conser+ati+e

    initiati+es in business de+elopment in our 

    business segments that ,e belie+ed to ha+e

    si5eable potential in the longDtermB

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report ´Å»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Áa$ora# DiresiReport from the 0oard of /irectors

    De#ºa# $e#ºa!a"a# da!a" "e#º±ada$i $asa#º s%r%t bis#is® ³stra i#i"e"i!ii fo#dasi Âa#º se"ai# %atÌ Ka"i sia$ "e#Âa"b%t $e!%a#º

    terseb%t da# bertra#sfor"asi "e#jadi $er%sa±aa# eba#ººaa#ba#ºsaÌ ¾ersa"a°sa"a ita da$at "e"ba#º%# #eºeri i#i®

    "e#ºa#tara# I#do#esia "e#jadi #eºara "aj% Âa#º ber"artabatÌ

     Astra3s eEperience in facing the ups and do,ns of business has pro+ided Astra ,ith a more

    solid foundationB :e are prepared to sei5e the opportunities and to become the pride of the

    nationB Together ,e can build this countr! ,hereb! Indonesia ,ill rise as a de+eloped and

    respected nationB

    Ki#erja ½$erasio#a! »ada ¬a±%#2014/ire.si bers!u.ur bah,a di tengah situasi !ang

    penuh tantangan Astra mampu men@aga

    profitabilitasn!aB /i+ersifi.asi portofolio bisnis

     Astra men@adi .eunggulan untu. dapat

    mencatat.an .iner@a !ang bai.B Pendapatan

    bersih .onsolidasian tumbuh ) men@adi Rp

    &'(G triliun terutama didu.ung oleh .ontribusi

    pening.atan pendapatan bersih dari agribisnisdan .ontra.tor penambanganB Laba bersih turun

    ( men@adi Rp (H& trill iun disebab.an

    penurunan laba bersih dari segmen otomotif dan

    penurunan nilai tercatat ter.ait properti tambang

    batu bara 1rup AstraB =i.a penurunan nilai

    tercatat properti tambang batu bara tersebut

    ditiada.an Astra mencatat.an .enai.an laba

    bersih sebesar ) men@adi Rp &'( triliunB

    Persaingan dis.on pada pasar mobil dan

    depresiasi nilai tu.ar rupiah terhadap dolar 

     Ameri.a -eri.at !ang menga.ibat.an .enai.an

    harga bahan ba.u .omponen dan produ.

    completely built%up ;C0>

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Áa$ora# DiresiReport from the 0oard of /irectors

    Pada segmen alat berat dan pertambangan

    melalui PT >nited Tractors Tb. ;>T< 1rup Astra

    membu.u.an pendapatan bersih senilai Rp 69(

    triliun pada tahun &'() atau nai. ) dari Rp 6'H

    triliun di tahun &'(9B Kontribusi segmen pada total

    pendapatan bersih 1rup Astra di tahun &'()

    mencapai &J dan laba bersih nai. (' men@adi

    Rp 99 triliunB 0erlan@utn!a tren penurunan harga

    .omoditas pada tahun &'() mempengaruhi

    .iner@a pen@ualan alat berat di ba,ah >TB:alaupun total unit pen@ualan alat berat Komatsu

    .embali turun men@adi 9B6(9 unit dari )B&'9 unit

    pada tahun &'(9 >T tetap dapat

    mempertahan.an posisin!a sebagai pemimpin

    pasar dengan penguasaan pangsa pasar sebesar 

    )'B Pada bisnis .ontra.tor penambangan

    .onsistensi dalam menerap.an inisiatif efisiensi

    bia!a operasional dan pening.atan produ.tifitas

    !ang optimal membantu terciptan!a re.or terbai.

    dalam produ.si batu bara dan hauling   !ang

    mencapai ((H @uta ton nai. dari ('6 @uta ton pada

    tahun sebelumn!a mes.ipun +olume pemindahan

    tanah turun 6 men@adi 7'J @uta bcm dari 7)6

     @uta bcm pada tahun &'(9B Pen@ualan batu bara

    dari lini bisnis ini @uga mening.at hingga )&

    men@adi J @uta ton dari )& @uta ton pada tahun


    /engan mempertimbang.an .ompetensi di

    bidang .onstru.si sipil potensi sinergi serta

    pro!e.si pertumbuhan .egiatan infrastru.tur !ang

    cerah pada a,al tahun &'(6 Astra

    mengumum.an pengambilalihan saham PT Acset

    Indonusa Tb. perusahaan .onstru.si di =a.artaB

    Kami memili.i .e!a.inan !ang .uat atas prospe.pertumbuhan bisnis iniB

    Kiner@a se.tor agribisnis 1rup Astra di ba,ah PT

     Astra Agro Lestari Tb. ;AAL

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Áa$ora# Diresi

    Report from the 0oard of /irectors

    yield per.ebunan melalui penerapan program

    intensifi.asi dengan du.ungan me.anisasi

    otomatisasi dan penggunaan bibit unggul hasil

    riset dari fasilitas R#/ !ang di.elola sendiriB

    Pada tahun &'() pendapatan bersih 1rup Astra

    dari segmen agribisnis nai. sebesar &H men@adi

    Rp (J9 triliunB Kontribusi segmen terhadap

    pendapatan bersih 1rup Astra tercatat 7dengan laba bersih Rp &' triliun atau nai. 9HB

     AAL berhasil mening.at.an produ.si min!a.

    .elapa sa,it sebesar (9 dari (6 @uta ton pada

    tahun &'(9 men@adi (G @uta tonB "olume

    pen@ualan turun (9 men@adi () @uta ton dengan

    telah beroperasin!a fasilitas pen!ulingan min!a.

    sa,it AAL !ang berlo.asi di -ula,esi 0arat !ang

    berhasil men@ual seban!a. &66 ribu ton oleinB

    Pada segmen infrastru.tur logisti. dan lainn!a

    1rup Astra membu.u.an pendapatan bersih

    senilai Rp G7 tril iun tumbuh (7 dan

    memberi.an .ontribusi ) .epada pendapatan

    bersih 1rup Astra tahun &'()B Laba bersih dari

    segmen ini turun 9) men@adi Rp )H' miliarB

    -elan@utn!a Astra terus berupa!a men!elesai.an

    proses .onstru.si pro!e. @alan tol [email protected]

    Kertosono sepan@ang )'6 .m di =a,a Timur !ang

    diharap.an selesai pada tahun &'(6B Pada tahun

    &'() se.si ( sepan@ang ()G .m berhasil

    diselesai.an dan mulai beroperasi se@a. bulan

    4.toberB -ementara itu PT Marga Mandalasa.ti

    operator @alan tol ruas TangerangDMera.

    sepan@ang G&6 .m berhasil mening.at.an+olume lalu lintas sebesar J men@adi )9 @uta

    .endaraan dan .enai.an tarif sebesar HB

    PT -erasi Autora!a ;-*RA< mencatat.an

    .enai.an pen@ualan mobil be.as namun

    mengalami penurunan @umlah .ontra. se,a

    .endaraan di bisnis rental .endaraan TRAC

    sebesar G men@adi &HB''' unit dan melemahn!a

    +olume pen!e,aan .endaraan di perusahaanD

    perusahaan tambang sebagai imbas pelemahan

    harga .omoditas batu baraB >ntu.

    mempertahan.an .iner@a -*RA a.an terus

    berusaha memberi.an harga dan la!anan !ang

    lebih .ompetitifB

    through its intensification program on the bac. of 

    mechani5ation and automation initiati+es as ,ell

    as the use of 8ualit! seeds de+eloped b! AAL3s

    o,n research and de+elopment facilit!B

    In &'() the Astra 1roup3s net re+enue from

    agribusiness increased b! &H to Rp (JB9 trillionB

    The contribution from this segment to the Astra

    1roup3s net re+enue ,as 7 ,ith net income of Rp &B' trillion an increase of 9HB AAL increased

    the palm oil production b! (9 from (B6 million

    tons in &'(9 to (BG million tonsB -ales +olume

    decreased b! (9 to (B) million tons because of 

    the operation of AAL3s refiner! in :est -ula,esi

    ,hich sold &66 thousand tons of olein during the


    In the infrastructure logistics and other segment

    net re+enue from this segment amounted to Rp

    GB7 trillion increasing b! (7 and contributed )

    to the Astra 1roup3s net re+enue in &'()B et

    income from this segment fell b! 9) to Rp )H'

    billionB %urther Astra ,as still in the process of 

    completing the [email protected] toll road

    ,hich stretches for )'B6 .m in *ast =a+aB The

    pro@ect is slated for completion in &'(6B In &'()

    ,e successfull! concluded the construction of 

    ()BG .m D section ( ,hich started to operate in

    4ctoberB %urther PT Marga Mandalasa.ti

    operator of the TangerangDMera. tollroad ,hich

    co+ers G&B6 .ilometers recorded an increase of 

    traffic +olume b! J to )9 million +ehicles and atariff increase of HB

    PT -erasi Autora!a ;-*RA< boo.ed an increase in

    sales of used cars ho,e+er the +olume of rented

    cars in our TRAC rental business declined G to

    &H''' unitsB -imilarl! rental of +ehicles from

    mining companies also decreased ,hich ,as due

    to the effect of lo,er coal pricesB To maintain

    performance -*RA ,ill continue to offer 

    competiti+e prices and ser+icesB

    Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report 4´»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

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    Áa$ora# DiresiReport from the 0oard of /irectors

     Astra @uga telah memulai bidang usaha baru di

    se.tor properti melalui pembangunan gedungper.antoran Menara Astra dengan grade  A dan

    pro!e. residensial e.s.lusif Anandama!a

    Residences !ang berlo.asi di pusat bisnis

    =a.artaB $ingga a.hir tahun &'() 7' dari total

    6'H unit apartemen telah berhasil ter@ualB

    -ementara pembangunan per.antoran Menara

     Astra telah mencapai tahap pembangunan

    basement B /iharap.an .edua pro!e. properti

    tersebut a.an selesai pada tahun &'(7B

    Pada segmen Te.nologi Informasi melalui PT

     Astra 1raphia Tb. Astra mencatat.anpendapatan bersih senilai Rp &' triliun atau

    turun & dan memberi.an .ontribusi ( .epada

    total pendapatan bersih 1rup AstraB Laba bersih

    dari segmen ini tumbuh &) men@adi Rp &''

    miliarB /engan adan!a tuntutan mobilitas dan

    mening.atn!a .ebutuhan la!anan @asa berbasis

    te.nologi informasi .ami !a.in segmen ini dapat

    terus ber.embang di masa mendatangB

    Pencapaian .iner@a di setiap segmen 1rup Astra

    [email protected] tinggin!a .eperca!aan para

    pelanggan a.an .ualitas produ. dan @asa 1rup AstraB Kami a.an berupa!a .eras men@aga

    .eperca!aan tersebut dan mening.at.an

    .ompetensi seluruh insan Astra dalam

    pengembangan usaha dan pemenuhan

    .ebutuhan pelanggan dengan produ. dan la!anan

     @asa !ang ber.ualitasB

    »e#ºe"ba#ºa# ·%"ber DaÂaa#%sia

     Astra men!adari pentingn!a strategi

    pengembangan sumber da!a manusia !angsenantiasa diselaras.an dengan per.embangan

    industri ter.ini serta se@alan dengan targetDtarget

    PerusahaanB 4leh .arena itu Astra menempat.an

    .ar!a,an sebagai aset !ang berharga se.aligus

    mitra utama perusahaanB -ebagai aset Astra

    terus mening.at.an .ompetensi dan produ.ti+itas

    sumber da!a manusia ;-/M< melalui

    pen!elenggaraan pelatihan !ang terstru.turB

    -ebagai mitra utama rencana dan realisasi

    pengembangan usaha dapat dila.sana.an

    dengan .omitmen dan dedi.asi oleh insan Astra

    dari berbagai ting.atan organisasiB

     Astra also started a ne, business segment in the

    propert! sectorB This ,as signaled b! theconstruction of a grade A office to,er Menara

     Astra and an eEclusi+e residential pro@ect

     Anandama!a Residences located in the heart of 

    =a.arta3s business districtB 0! /ecember &'()

    7' of the 6'H apartment units had been soldB

    Mean,hile Menara Astra construction pro@ect had

    reached basementDconstruction phaseB 0oth

    propert! pro@ects are eEpected to complete in


    In the Information Technolog! segment helmed b!

    PT Astra 1raphia Tb. Astra recorded net re+enueof Rp &B' trillion decreasing b! & contributing

    ( to the Astra 1roup3s total net re+enueB et

    income from this segment gre, b! &) to Rp &''

    billionB -eeing the demand for mobilit! and

    informationDtechnolog!Denabled ser+ices ,e are

    confident that this business segment could

    continue to gro, in the coming !earsB

    The achie+ements of our respecti+e business

    segments are testament to the le+el of trust

    among our customers in the 8ualit! of productsand ser+ices offered b! Astra 1roupB :e are

    determined to .eep that trust and to unceasingl!

    impro+e the competence of all indi+iduals so that

     Astra can continue to gro, its business and satisf!

    customers3 demands for sound products and


    ¶%"a# ¯a$ita! De&e!o$"e#t

     Astra recognises the importance of human capital

    de+elopment strateg! ,hich is aligned ,ith thecurrent industr! de+elopment as ,ell as the

    Compan!3s targetsB As such Astra firml! belie+es

    that emplo!ees are the most important assets to a

    compan! and constitute as the .e! partner to

    business de+elopmentB As assets Astra

    continuall! impro+es the human capital3s ;$C<

    competence and producti+it! through structured

    trainingB As a .e! partner all business plans and

    business actions need to be ,ell implemented b!

    all Astra indi+iduals across all le+els of the


    44 Laporan Tahunan 2014  Annual Report Kee$ »roºressi#º Forward»¬ ³stra I#ter#atio#a! ¬b

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    Áa$ora# DiresiReport from the 0oard of /irectors

    ³stra "e"beria# ba#t%a#e$ada !ebi± dari 1´Ì262 seo!a±®"e#Âa!%ra# 1ÃÅÌ24Ã beasiswa®

    da# "e"bi#a 2ÄÌ1ÅÅ º%r% Astra assisted more than (9&J& schoolsgranted (6H&)6 scholarships and trained

    &7(HH teachers

    Program A%C mengacu pada empat pilar .egiatan !aitu? pendidi.an income generating 

    activity ;I1AKM dengan total penerima

    manfaat 9&B&J& orangB Melalui fasilitas

    pembia!aan Q/0A @umlah transa.si >KM-ub.on binaan 1rup Astra sebesar Rp 99 triliun

    dan men!erap 6GB79G orang tenaga .er@aB

    Program Public Contribution lainn!a dila.sana.an

    melalui program -emangat Astra Terpadu >ntu.

    ;-AT>< IndonesiaB Program ini memberi.an

    apresiasi .epada generasi muda Indonesia !ang

    memberi.an .ontribusi positif .epada

    ling.ungann!a bai. di bidang

     A%C comprises four acti+it! pillars namel!?education income generating acti+it! ;I1A

  • 8/18/2019 Annual Report Astra 2014


    pendidi.an ling.ungan .esehatan >KM dan atau

    te.nologiB Astra menganugerah.an apresiasi dana

    serta pembinaan dan memberi.an penghargaan

    dalam program -AT> Indonesia iniB Pada tahun

    &'() -AT> Indonesia A,ards diberi.an .epada

    lima pemenang menambah @umlah apresiasi

    men@adi &6 penerim
