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Progress Report 2 nd Year of the 10 th Plan (July 2009 – June 2010) “Towards Innovation & Change in Strengthening Construction Management, Skills & Technology” Ministry of Works & Human Settlement Thimphu: Bhutan
  • Progress Report

    2nd Year of the 10th Plan (July 2009 – June 2010)

    “Towards Innovation & Change in Strengthening Construction Management,

    Skills & Technology”

    Ministry of Works & Human Settlement

    Thimphu: Bhutan

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    The primary objective of the Ministry of works and Human Settlement is to provide adequate and sustainable physical infrastructure such as roads, urban services, housing, promotion of the construction industry and maintenance of construction standards and practices. Development of physical infrastructure is one of the most important requirement for the socio-economic development of a nation and the pre-requisite for growth, employment and poverty reduction. Infrastructure includes road, water supply, telecommunication, buildings and other structures that are necessary for the wellbeing of a society.

    The goal of the Royal Government, specific to the Ministry of Works and Human settlement as enshrined in the Vision 2020 document is to ensure that in general no settlements are beyond half a day’s walk from a motor road, provide safe and potable drinking water to all. To ensure that all human settlements are properly planned and developed. In view of the rapid urbanization, urban planning and development has also been accorded equally high priority to ensure safe, clean and well organized cities to cater to the needs of urban population. It is expected that over 50% of Bhutan’s population would live in towns by the year 2020.

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    Tenth Plan

    The most important objective of the Royal Government during the 10th Plan is to connect every gewog by motor road wherever technically and financially feasible. Therefore, despite the formidable challenges in terms of resources and capacity constraints, one of the main objectives of the Royal Government is to provide road connectivity to every gewog centre within the 10th FYP. Out of 205 gewogs, 156 gewogs have already been connected by motorable road and 44 gewogs are in the process of being connected by the end of the 10 FYP. The remaining 5 gewogs are not possible to be connected during this plan period. A comprehensive road connectivity strategy has been prepared for the realization of this goal. The 10th Plan period is a crucial time to lay down sound basis for town planning and urban development. The emphasis is to improve existing infrastructure and to plan for future growth in a sustainable and equitable manner. Major activities include the development of the core and extended areas of Thimphu and Phuentsholing cities. Structural plans have been prepared for regional growth centers like Gelephu, Gyalposhing, Samdrup Jongkhar, Denchi, Nanglam, Mongar, Bumthang, Samtse, Wangduephodrang, Sarpang and Punakha and the development of infrastructure is in the process. The Ministry also proposes to construct 100 suspension bridges, carry out major river protection works and construct roads to link hydro power projects.

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    Achievements under Roads Roads and bridges is one of the main catalyst and backbone for the socio-economic development of a country. During this FYP immense demand has continued for the expansion of road networks. The thrust of the road sector is to connect all 205 gewogs by motorable roads, construct additional National Highways as well as roads to facilitate the accelerated 10,000 MW hydropower development. Major activities and progress under the road sector during the Financial Year July 2009 – June 2010 are as follows:

    (a) A total length of 276 kms comprising of Gyalposhing-Nganglam highway, Gomphu-Panbang highway, Samtse-Phuentsholing highway, Damji–Gasa, Damchu-Chukha bypass and Halhalay-Dorokha stretches are nearing completion. Samtse -Phuentsholing highway is motorable up to Tading village. A major bridge over Amochu is under construction;

    (b) Double laning of the 40 km highway between Chukha and Rinchending are nearing completion;

    Construction of motor bridge replacement at Sarpang

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    Road widening at Tashithang - Damchi

    (c) Double laning of the 180 km highway between

    S/Jongkhar and Trashigang is in good progress;

    (d) Improvement of 68 km of Gelephu-Trongsa highway has been completed and the widening works will be started soon;

    (e) 11 km of road realignment between Tingtibi and

    Wangdigang has been completed and the remaining 5 km is in progress;

    (f) Works on improvement of 155 km of Gelephu-

    Wangduephodrang highway is being reactivated and it is progressing well;

    (g) Construction of 5 motorable bridges on national

    highways/roads in Mongar, Dagana, Thimphu and Lhuentse dzongkhags have been completed and construction of 22 bridges in various

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    dzongkhags like Chhukha, Zhemgang, Wangdue, Tsring, Sarpang, P/Gatshel, Trongsa Lhuentse, Bumthang, T/gang, Gasa and Dagana are progressing;

    Zhabtog Lyonpo & Layog Lyonpo’s visit to Nganglam

    (h) Construction of 166 Km of Feeder Roads under World Bank and Asian Development Bank credit assistance are taken up such as Khodakpa-Khar-Tsebar-Yurung, Drujegang-Balung, Jangchucholing-Tashidingkha, Kharungla-Kangpara, Meritsemo-Bongo, Garbaktang-Chali and Autsho-Gumrang is ongoing. Construction of Tikizam-Bjena road has been completed;

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    Improvement works carried out at Daga road

    (i) Feasibility studies for construction and up-gradation of 201 km of new roads in Chukha, S/Jongkhar, P/Gatshel, Zhemgang and Dagana dzongkhags have been completed. Detail design is in progress; implementation of these roads will be started by October 2010 under ADB grant assistance;

    (j) For gewog connectivity, Department of Roads is

    providing technical support to the Dzongkhags for survey of 49 farm roads prioritized in the 10th FYP. Out of 49 farm roads, survey of 25 farm roads have been completed in several dzongkhags like Chukha, Lhuentse, Mongar, S/Jongkhar, Sarpang, T/gang, Thimphu, P/Gatshel, Ha, T/Yangtse, Paro and Samtse;

    (k) Department of Roads is also providing technical support to the Dzongkhags for survey, design, procurement and construction of bridges on farm

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    roads. Out of 72 bridges, survey of 28 bridges and design of substructures for 14 bridges have been completed in dzongkhags like Chukha, P/Gatshel, Punakha, Lhuentse, S/Jongkhar, Mongar and T/Yangtse.

    Zhabtog Lyonpo’s visit to road construction site at Chancha, Tsirang

    Environmental Friendly Road Construction Technique

    The growing demand for increasing road connectivity has led to immense pressure on the natural environment. Owing to harsh and rugged topography a large section of the rural population reside in far flung villages, which are away from the economic mainstream. Because of weak geology the country is highly vulnerable to natural hazards and landslides. To minimize slope instabilities caused by road construction, the Department of Roads gives high importance to the adoption of Environmental

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    Friendly Road Construction (EFRC) technique in the country.

    Construction of Pedestrian/Suspension Bridges

    The Rural Infrastructure Services Division of the Department of Urban Development and Engineering Services has constructed 3 trail bridges in Trongsa, Mongar and Chhukha.

    Although the total target for construction of suspension bridges for the 10th FYP is 100 numbers, only 34 suspension bridges could be constructed due to budget constraint. Construction of the remaining bridges will depend on the availability of the fund and priority of the gewogs.

    Suspension Bridge at Samdrup Jongkhar

    Eighteen numbers of bridges are under construction in various Dzongkhags like Dagana, Ha, Sarpang, Trashigang, Mongar, Chukha, P/Gatshel, S/Jongkhar, Paro, Lhuentse, Wangdue, Samtse, Tsirang, T/Yangtse, and Thimphu.

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    Contracts for fabrication of bridge steel parts for 18 numbers of bridges in S/Jongkhar, Lhuentse, Thimphu, Mongar, T/Yangtse, Trongsa, Paro, Ha, Zhemgang, Pema Gatshel have been awarded and fabrication is expected to complete by the end of October, 2010.

    The concerned Dzongkhags will take up the construction of the above suspension bridges as soon as fabrication of parts is completed.

    Urban Development

    The primary mandate of the Department of Urban Development and Engineering Services is to prepare national urban development policy, standards and strategy, improve the quality of urban services and facilitate balanced and sustainable development of human settlements. Some of the major achievements during the year are:

    (a) The filter media for the slow sand filter has been changed in order to provide clean water supply to Trashigang town;

    (b) Sewerage treatment plant and sewer network has been completed in Gyalposhing town to improve the living conditions of the population in the Municipality;

    (c) The landfill site at Gyalposhing has been

    constructed. Access road to municipal landfill has also been improved;

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    (d) Construction of the ecoline sewerage treatment

    plant and network has been completed to improve the urban environment of Damphu Municipality;

    Ecoline sewerage treatment plant at Damphu

    (e) Construction of the water treatment plant and water distribution network is ongoing in Tsirang, Damphu;

    (f) New water treatment plant of 4 million liters per

    day, 600 cubic meter clear water reservoir and laying of 2.5 km of new pipeline has been completed to improve potable water supply for Gelephu town;

    (g) Preparation of urban development master plan for Denchi Thromde has been completed. Infrastructure provision and land acquisition for infrastructure development are in the process;

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    Workshop on water safety plans at Paro

    (h) Preparation of Local Area Plans for Rinchenthang town (Nganglam) covering an area of about 200 acres is in progress and will be completed by July 2010. Survey of the present town and additional areas measuring about 350 acres has been completed;

    (i) Preparation of urban development master plan for Sarpang Thromde has begun and preparation of local area plans for Ranibhagan is in progress;

    (j) Survey of Dagana town and additional areas covering about 500 acres has been completed for urban planning. Survey of 11 km of water supply line has been completed;

    (k) Preparations of plan using land pooling technique for Gelephu and Samtse Thromdes have been completed in 2008. DUDES and NLCS are working closely to redistribute the land or plot to

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    the landowners as per the land pooling norms. Once land issues are resolved, infrastructure development would immediately follow.

    Damages restoration of earthquake and fire affect in the east

    The Ministry of Works & Human Settlement provided technical backstopping in reconstructing the earthquake and fire affected homes in the east under the command of His Majesty the King.

    The Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness Project (ERR&RPP) has been implemented to cover Thimphu, Phuentsholing and Samdrup Jongkhar towns.

    Training of zows, carpenters and skilled masons on earthquake safe construction practices has been carried out in Mongar, T/gang, Lhuentse, P/Gatshel, T/Yangtse and S/Jongkhar.

    Ha Redevelopment - Fire damage assessments, design and estimates for rehabilitation of four houses gutted by a fire incident at Ha have been carried out and reports for redevelopment has been submitted to Gyalpoi Zimpon’s Office.

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    Training to Local Masons and Carpenters in the six Eastern Dzongkhags

    Participants during the presentation Trainees: Stone dressing

    Fixing of horizontal steel bands & Trainees: Observing Timber Joinery

    Improving Construction Industry Services

    To promote, improve and streamline the growth and expansion of the construction industry to a level that is capable of producing and delivering high quality construction works, the following activities were initiated:

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    i. Online services for database and industry information

    CiNET User Training: 4 batches of focal persons from 70 procuring agencies were trained on the usage of CiNET.

    ii. Improve capacity of contractors, Managers and Engineers to take up large scale works, improved contract/financial management and quality Assurance systems.

    Carried out 2nd and 3rd Induction Course

    at Bumthang and Phuentsholing: A total of 370 new contractors were trained on basic construction skill and norms in construction industry

    Some important ongoing activities are:

    i. Implementation of Point Based System for contractor selection: Development and institutionalization of all supporting tools and monitoring mechanisms for the new point based system for contractor selection to ensure smooth and successful implementation

    ii. Implementation of new system for contractor classification:

    In order to promote greater professionalism and accountability and as mandated by the Procurement Manual-2007 (Clause 2.3.3), Construction Development

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    Board (CDB) as an interagency is mandated to develop a system for identifying and registering qualified Contractors. One of the main functions therefore is classification, categorization and registration of contractors to provide the Government Agencies with a means of identifying a Contractor’s general ability to carry out works based on their current financial capacity, human resources, equipment & facilities and track record. The registration system is a process of formal pre-qualification and is not limited to a particular contract or project. However the present system of Four Class contractors, namely Class A, Class B, Class C and D or Petty Class has not had the desired impact on the industry. Despite continued effort on the part of the government by way of facilitating, enabling and providing support, the Bhutanese private construction sector remains relatively small and limited in its delivery capacity, e.g. large hydropower projects are carried out entirely by foreign firms. The major capacity limitation that the sector faces is the lack of trained and skilled human resources, lack of professionalism thus leading them to remain outdated and resulting in employing old technologies. This has its effect both on the managerial and operational capacity of the companies, which continues to rely, to a large extent on foreign workforces. Typically, Bhutanese construction firms are categorized by a highly personalized management structures - owned and operated by a family (sole proprietorship) and often looked at as a means to supplement other businesses.

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    Despite its establishment in late 80’s, the Contractors in class A, B, and C have remained more static than dynamic in terms of its strength while on the contrary; there is proliferation of class D contractors. 85% of contractors belong to class D. Vertical movement from one class to another has remained insignificant. Further, a study in the past has shown that 70% of construction works by value were undertaken by class A contractors who number around 2.2% of the total only. Class D contractors carried out less than 5% of the work by value. This is an indication that the present system of classification is not conducive to promote small construction firms. It indicates that the industry needs to be more dynamic and more competitive through a liberalization policy and greater competition. The old system is no longer adequate. Therefore CDB, MoWHS through Accelerating Bhutan’s Socio-economic Development Project with technical backing from Mckinsey has initiated to introduce a new system for contractor classification that allows more flexibility and is better suited to the needs of the construction sector in view of the increased outlays for construction in the 10th FYP. It provides opportunities to, in particular, for the small and potential contractors’ to relatively easier vertical integration opportunity. The modified system permits to have three classes such as Large, Medium and Small as below. 1. LARGE class of contractors

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    These contractors will be allowed to execute all works of size greater than Nu 15 million

    2. MEDIUM class of contractors These contractors will be allowed to execute all

    works of size greater than Nu 4 million and less than or equal to Nu 15 million

    3. SMALL class of contractors These contractors will be allowed to execute all

    works of size less than or equal to Nu 4 million


    Spatial Planning Bill

    The Urban Planning and Development Division, DUDES have initiated drafting of the Spatial Planning Bill. In the absence of a Spatial Planning Act, to prepare urban development plans, which involve private lands, becomes illegal. If the Act is in place, structural planning and local area planning including land pooling schemes will have a legal support.

    Thromde Rules 2009

    In line with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2009, Thromde Rules and Regulations 2009 have been drafted and will be put up to the Cabinet for approval. In seeking to achieve its objective, a Thromde shall endeavor to promote the social, economic and environmental viability and sustainability of its municipal area; ensure that resources are used efficiently

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    and effectively; improve the quality of life of people in the local community; promote appropriate business and employment opportunities; ensure that services and facilities provided by the Thromde are accessible and equitable and ensure transparency and accountability in decision making.

    Standards Bill

    The Bhutan Standards Bill which is already with the National Assembly Secretariat is accepted to be deliberated in the upcoming session of the parliament. The primary objective of the bill is to establish Bhutan Standards Bureau which will have the mandate to establish metrological referral and calibration laboratories. The bill will facilitate development of testing infrastructure, operation of product and management system certification scheme, develop and operate a national accreditation framework. Commence a system for laboratories and certification bodies, promote quality and standardization and implement World Trade Organization Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.

    Road Act

    The Road Act, 2007 is currently being reviewed for amendment as a new legislation to harmonize with the Guidelines on Road Classification System and Delineation of Construction and Maintenance Responsibilities 2009. Enable local governments to

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    effectively implement the Act and foster relations between road agencies, persons and legal entities with regard to the ownership, management and control over the use of roads without ambiguity. The act will also help to ascertain clarity in their functions and powers; to remove the width of the road right of way from the Act to the regulations and make road construction activities conducive to technological change. Guideline on Proper Construction Practices

    The guideline on “Proper Construction of Non-Engineered Buildings” (Stone masonry) has been published and released both in Dzongkha as well as in English. The guideline will provide simple yet effective “planning and construction techniques” to improve and enhance the resilience to earthquake events of stone masonry houses. While the measures recommended in the guideline are made with particular focus on stone masonry construction practices mostly prevalent in eastern regions but it can be replicated in similar constructions elsewhere.

    Another manual produced is “Proper Construction Practices for Traditional Timber Framework”. The manual aims to point out the general “Do’s” and “Don’ts” for construction of traditional timber frame houses in the country. The timber joinery details presented in the manual have been drawn from proper traditional techniques practiced by local craftsmen. A

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    team from SQCA visited the earthquake affected areas and conducted hands on training to the local craftsmen during the reconstructions of the earthquake affected areas.

    Ministerial Enclave Project (MEP) The Ministerial Enclave Project (MEP) at Motithang was conceived based on the decision of the National Assembly of Bhutan held in 2005, wherein it was decided that the Royal Government should start the work for the construction of residential accommodation for the members of Parliament, Judges and Ministers.

    Minister’s Enclave at Mothithang

    Despite the many hurdles and difficulties, the Ministerial Enclave Project was finally completed in April 2010 with the buildings fully furnished. The complex served one of the most important facilities during the historic 16th SAARC summit to accommodate the heads of government/states and the accompanying delegation members.

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    Special Report on the 16th SAARC Summit

    Thimphu City Corporation was entrusted with various “Chardi” responsibilities during the 16th SAARC summit

    primarily related to maintenances of general cleanliness and sanitation, decorations, greening and plantation, maintenance of the footpaths, children parks, streetlight, erection of banners, portraits and gates within core city area. Thimphu City Corporation carried out all the works delegated to them satisfactorily on time, without failure.

    Accelerating Bhutan’s Socio-Economic Development (ABSD) Project

    Under the ABSD Project, the Project Owners of MoWHS has already signed the charters with the Project Sponsors on the following initiatives in the construction sector:

    1. Leveraging cost-saving opportunities in procurement of materials;

    2. Point based system for selection of contractors; 3. Creation of separate agencies for road works;

                  Chardi for SAARC

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    4. Collaboration with international engineering consulting firms for outsourcing of design, supervision and constructions;

    5. Active involvement of MoWHS and industry in vocational training;

    6. Consolidation of projects; 7. Awarding construction and maintenance


    The progress milestones and sub-activities under the above initiatives are updated on weekly basis using the PlaMS (Planning and Monitoring System) software. The progress of most of the Milestones and Sub-activities are on-track.

    One Year Achievement of the various departments/agencies of the Ministry: Annexure “A”

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    i. Department of Roads Annexure “A”

    Sl# Program/Activities Unit

    Tenth Plan Target & Outlay

    Financial Year Target and Ach't (July 2009 to April 2010)


    Phy. Fin. (Nu.


    Phy. Target

    App. Budget (Nu.M)

    Phy. Ach

    Fin. Ach

    (Nu. m)


    A.1 National Highway 1 Gyalposhing-Nganglam Highway

    i)Formation cutting Km 44.30 18.14 10.586

    ii) Base course km 64.30 1082.380 0.00 295.000 0.00 64.305

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 64.30 0.00 0.00 iv) Permanent works km 64.30 15.30 17.96 3.909

    2 Gomphu- Panbang Highway Retaining//Breast wall 28 Nos, 25 Nos H/Pipe culverts completed.

    i )Formation cutting km 51.00 16.14 16.50 ii )Base course km 56.00 1069.900 2.50 90.000 2.50 71.715

    iii )Bitumen sealing km 56.00 0.00 0.00

    iv) Permanent work km 56.00 16.14 2.50


    Samtse-Phuentsholing Highway

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    i) Formation cutting km 18.00 2.50 1.50

    ii) Base course km 61.00 811.340 0.00 50.000 0.00 33.105

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 61.00 0.00 0.00

    iv)Permanent works km 46.00 15.00 9.75

    4 Realignment of East-West Highway between Nangar-Ura

    i) Formation cutting km 3.90 4.89 4.89

    ii) Base course km 29.50 299.580 6.45 37.500 3.96 43.735

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 35.60 6.45 0.00

    iv)Permanent works km 30.10 6.45 3.96

    5 Damji-Zamechu Road

    i) Formation cutting km 11.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    ii) Base course km 11.30 73.300 5.20 6.850 0.780 0.376

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 11.30 0.00 0.000 0.000

    iv)Permanent works km 11.30 0.00 0.000 0.000

    6 Zamechu - Gasa Road

    i) Formation cutting km 14.00 1.60 1.500

    ii) Base course km 14.00 141.480 0.00 5.000 0.000 2.182

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    iii) Bitumen sealing km 14.00 0.00 0.000

    iv) Permanent works km 14.00 0.00 0.000

    7 Construction of Gesarling, Dagana-Lhamoizingkha Highway through Kerabari (75 km) Work not yet started

    i )Formation cutting km 75.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    ii )Base course km 75.00 470.100 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    iii )Bitumen sealing km 75.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    iv )Permanent work km 75.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    8 Damchu –Chukha realignment (24 km) Under Project DANTAK. Work not yet started. i )Formation cutting km 24.00 24.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    ii )Base course km 24.00 618.800 24.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    iii )Bitumen sealing km 24.00 24.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    iv )Permanent work km 24.00 24.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    9 Double laning of Babesa-Phuntsholing Highway ( 40 km)

    FC-40 Km completed,B.C= 36.38Km and P.W= 37.03Km i )Formation cutting km 40.00 40.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    ii )Base course km 40.00 1200.000 40.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    iii )Bitumen sealing km 40.00 40.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    iv )Permanent work km 40.00 40.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

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    Total for National Highway

    i)Formation cutting km 281.50 107.27 34.98

    ii) Base course km 375.10 5766.880 78.15 484.350 7.24 219.327

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 381.20 70.45 0.00

    iv)Permanent works km 360.70 116.89 34.17

    A.2 Road Connecting Hydro Power Project

    1 Hallalay-Dorokha road

    i) Formation cutting km 15.20 8.50 4.00

    ii) Base course km 26.00 199.343 0.00 30.000 0.00 11.115

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 26.00 0.00 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 19.00 8.50 0.00

    2 Pangtang - Digala Works not yet started

    i) Formation cutting km 23.00 0.00 0.0

    ii) Base course km 23.00 218.400 0.00 1.000 0.0 0.000

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 23.00 0.00 0.0

    iv) Permanent works km 23.00 0.00 0.0

    3 Realignment of Tingitibi -Wangdigang

    Works in progress.

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    i) Formation cutting km 15.83 7.55 7.20

    ii) Base course km 15.83 223.400 12.16 80.000 0.00 95.047

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 15.83 12.16 0.00 iv) Permanent works km 15.83 12.16 5.00

    4 Upgrading of Gelephu - Trongsa Highway Works in progress.

    i) Formation cutting km 174.00 3.50 3.50

    ii) Base course km 174.00 1893.900 39.54 198.554 72.52 168.481

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 174.00 39.54 66.06

    iv) Permanent works km 174.00 39.54 88.02

    5 Upgrading of Sunkosh - Chineythang Road As per the progress review meeting held in DHPC, it was agreed that by-pass road for all eight bridges will be constructed after 2010 monsoon.

    i) Formation cutting km 62.00 31.00 31.00

    ii) Base course km 62.00 102.290 31.00 66.896 31.00 66.896

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 62.00 31.00 31.00

    iv) Permanent works km 62.00 31.00 31.00

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    6 Upgrading of Gelephu - Wangdue Highway DPR submitted to GNHC. Works not yet started

    i) Formation cutting km 155.00 0.00 0.00

    ii) Base course km 155.00 1077.600 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 155.00 0.00 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 155.00 0.00 0.00

    7 Tintibi - Praling DPR submitted to GNHC. Works not yet started

    i) Formation cutting km 38.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    ii) Base course km 38.00 72.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 38.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 38.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total for Hydro Power Project Roads

    i) Formation cutting km 483.03 50.55 45.70

    ii) Base course km 493.83 3786.933 82.70 376.450 103.52 341.539

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 493.83 82.70 97.06

    iv) Permanent works

    km 486.83 91.20 124.02

    A.3 Dzongkhag Road / Feeder Road 1453.42

    WB Funded Projects (RAP-II)

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    1 Drujeygang Balung Road (24.91 km)

    i) Formation cutting km 24.91 10.41 10.41

    ii) Base course km 24.91 10.41 78.965 2.00 26.069

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 0.00 0.00 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 24.91 10.41 2.50

    v) Bio-Engineering km 11.22 2 Khodakpa-Khar-Tsebar Road (37.51km)

    i) Formation cutting km 37.51 10.00 9.70

    ii) Base course km 37.51 0.000 10.00 58.384 2.70 23.970

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 0.00 0.00 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 37.51 10.00 5.50

    v) Bio-Engineering 5.50

    3 Jangchucholing-Tashidingkha Road (24.51 km)

    i) Formation cutting km 11.83 4.30 0.00

    ii) Base course km 11.83 0.000 4.30 25.00 0.00 0.00

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 0.00 0.00 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 11.83 4.30 0.00

    v) Bio-Engineering 13.87 0.00

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    Sub-Total for World Band funded Projects

    i) Formation cutting km 74.25 24.71 20.11

    ii) Base course km 74.25 0.000 24.71 162.349 4.70 50.039

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 0.00 0.00 0.00

    iv) Permanent works

    km 74.25 24.71 8.00

    ADB Funded Projects

    1 Kharungla-Kangpara Road (42.5km)

    i) Formation cutting km 42.5 4.09 5.284

    ii) Base course km 42.5 0.00 15.09 73.000 0.00 49.816

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 1.00 15.09 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 42.5 7.29 8.20

    2 Meritshemo-Bongo Road(16.57km)

    i) Formation cutting km 16.57 8.47 1.98

    ii) Base course km 16.57 0.00 15.30 26.015 0.00 20.170

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 1.00 15.30 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 16.57 9.30 4.00

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    3 Garbagtang- Chali Road(12.02km)

    i) Formation cutting km 12.02 8.45 6.93

    ii) Base course km 12.02 0.00 12.02 39.866 0.00 37.713

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 1.00 0.00 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 12.02 12.02 6.12

    4 Autsho - Gumrang Road(14.98km)

    i) Formation cutting km 14.98 6.28 4.41

    ii) Base course km 14.98 0.00 14.98 46.110 0.00 19.690

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 1.00 0.00 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 14.98 7.49 2.40

    5 Tekizam-Bjena road (6.14km)

    i) Formation cutting km 6.14 0.00 0.102

    ii) Base course km 6.14 0.00 6.14 19.908 5.342 17.446 iii) Bitumen sealing km 1.00 0.00 0.000

    iv) Permanent works km 6.14 2.64 2.740

    Sub-Total for ADB funded Projects i) Formation cutting km 92.21 27.29 204.899 18.706

  • 10  

    ii) Base course km 92.21 0.00 63.54

    5.342 144.835 iii) Bitumen sealing km 5.00 30.39 0.000

    iv) Permanent works

    km 92.21 38.74 23.460

    RGoB Funded

    1 Chamkhar-Dekiling bypass road i) Formation cutting km 1.65 1.65


    0.00 ii) Base course km 1.65 0.00 1.65 0.00 0.00 iii) Bitumen sealing km 1.65 1.65 0.00 iv) Permanent works km 1.65 1.65 0.00

    2 KuenselPhodrang road Contract cancelled due to declaration of Red Zone area by MOHCA. i) Formation cutting km 0.00 0.00 0.00

    ii) Base course km 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 4.50 0.00 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 4.50 0.00 0.00

    3 Upper Mothithang

    i) Formation cutting km 3.00 0.000 0.000

    ii) Base course km 3.00 0.00 1.058 4.00 0.846 4.00

  • 11  

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 3.00 0.000 0.000 iv) Permanent works km 3.00 0.697 0.420

    4 Approach road to Namaphug

    i) Formation cutting km 5.85 0.000 0.000

    ii) Base course km 5.85 0.00 2.418 4.00 1.930 2.241

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 0.00 0.000 0.000

    iv) Permanent works km 5.85 2.418 1.400

    5 Upper Babesa work not yet started

    i) Formation cutting km 0.00 0.000 0.000

    ii) Base course km 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 3.00 0.000 0.000

    iv) Permanent works km 3.00 0.000 0.000

    6 Approach road to RENEW centre at Sisina

    work not yet started

    i) Formation cutting km 2.30 0.000 0.000

    ii) Base course km 2.30 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 0.00 0.000 0.000

    iv) Permanent works km 0.00 0.000 0.000

  • 12  

    vi) L-drain 2.30 0.000 0.000

    7 Samojab Khasadrapchu Road

    i) Formation cutting km 0.00 0.00 0.00

    ii) Base course km 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.500 0.34 0.501

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 0.00 0.00 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 2.00 2.00 0.34

    8 Under pass road at Chanjiji work 100% completed

    i) Formation cutting km 0.00 0.000 0.00

    ii) Base course km 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 0.00 0.000 0.00

    iv) Permanent works km 0.00 0.000 0.00

    Sub-Total for RGoB

    i) Formation cutting km 12.80 1.65 0.00

    ii) Base course km 14.80 0.00 7.13 20.500 3.12 6.742

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 12.15 1.65 0.00 iv) Permanent

    works km 20.00 6.77 2.16

  • 13  

    Total for Dzongkhag/Feeder Roads

    i) Formation cutting km 179.26 53.65 38.82

    ii) Base course km 181.26 1453.418 95.37 387.748 13.16 201.616

    iii) Bitumen sealing km 17.15 32.04 0.00

    iv) Permanent works

    km 186.46 70.21 33.62

    ii. Department of Urban Development and Engineering Services

    SL Programme/Activity

    Financial Outlay Achievements, July 2009-June 2010 Remarks No (FY'09-2010) Physical Ach. Financial Ach.


    Design of vegetable market and parking area at Damphu township. completed

    2 Finalized the re-alignment of the bypass road at Damphu completed

    3 Pocket Plan prepared for the area damaged by fire at Haa. completed


    Plan prepared for the plots displaced by the construction of the bridge at Sunkosh. completed

  • 14  


    Revised the re-configuration of plan of Thuepang palace area for demarcation at site completed


    Preparation of Structure plan and Local Area plans for Sarpang and Nganglam On-going

    Concept plan presented to public and draft structure plan to be presented to the public within fourth week of May 2010

    7 Preparation of Local Area Plan for Nganglam On-going

    First public consultation meeting held and concept plan to be presented to the public within first week of June 2010

    8 Local Area Plan for Damphu On-going


    Preparation of structure plan and two Local Area Plans for Samdrup Jongkhar Completed

    This is continued from previous plan

    10 Preparation of Master Plan for Denchi,Pema Gatshel Completed

    Demarcation to commence from end of May 2010

    11 Review of Local Area Plan for Core area ,Trashigang Completed

    Local Area Plan approved and released to the municipal

    12 Review of Local Area Plan for Melphey ,Trashigang Completed

    Local Area Plan submitted to the ministry for approval

    13 Dagana Water supply survey completed

  • 15  

    14 Dagana township topographical survey completed

    15 Nanglam township survey for extended area completed

    16 Demarcation of Denchi township on-going

    17 Topographical survey of Bumthang township On-going

    18 Conducted survey training for the municipal engineers completed

    Sl.No Activities Financial Outlay (July '09-June 2010

    Achievements (July 2009-June 2010)

    Physical % Financial %

    1 Construction of new suspension 28.34 75%

    bridges (2700 series ) spill over   


    2 Construction of new suspension   

    bridges (2800 series) 20%   


  • 16  

    iii. Thimphu City Corporation

    Nu. In Million Sl.No Programme/Acitvities Financial Outlay

    (FY 09-10) Achievements (July ’09-June ‘10) Remarks Physical Financial

    1 Construction of storm water drain at Changedaphu near Rinchen High School

    0.77 (Strom water drain budget)




    2 Centenary Park, Riverbank protection works along Wangchu, store and guard house construction, near Changlimithang Stadium. Thimphu

    8.500 (Cyclon aila reconstruction Fund)




    3 Construction of Mortuary house and renovation of old mortuary house and public toilet at crematorium

    1.870 ( Planning Budget)



    Tendered under


    4 Construction of storm water drain from ring road till express way

    2.340 (storm water drain + planning budget)



    Tendered under


    5 RT (River Training) works along olarongchu near olakha workshop

    5.860 (Cyclon aila reconstruction Fund)




    7 Construction of storm water drain near call center

    0.510 (storm water drain budget)




  • 17  

    8 LAP Demarcation at Taba 1.000 - - on-going

    9 Regular Demarcation within Municipality

    1.000 - - on-going

    10 Road Cutting (Planned and Unplanned)

    2.000 - - on-going

    11 Outsourcing planning of unplanned areas

    1.300 - - Tendered under evaluation

    12 Design and development of D/ling Neighborhood node

    2.000 - - Tendered under evaluation.

    13 Road Cutting 1.000 - - Taba GLD & C/gangkha completed

    iv. Phuentsholing City Corporation

    Sl No. Programme/Activities

    Proposed Work 10 Five Year Plan

    Achievement (July 2009-Feb, 2010) Remarks

    Budget Outlay Target Physical % Financial %

    I River Training and Annual Dredging

    a Construction of R/T works along Omchu, Pling 20.00 50% 2.50

    50% Achieved till date Completion by June 2010

  • II Construction

    a Park Develop


    Construction Bhutan-India Phuentsholing


    Extension of w

    d Extension of W

    e Extension of WRinchending

    f Septic tank by

    h ElectrificationToribari, Phu

    n of Parking, Footpath


    of Slab Cover along Border drain,


    water supply at Kabyeta

    Water Supply at Damda

    Water Supply at


    n works at Landfill site,entsholing


    h and Drainage

    ar Water Works in Drilling

    boreholes for Phuentsholin

    g ara

    New Water Supply at Dhamdhara Realigning of Sewer main line-400mm



    2.20 1No

    4.50 Schem


    2.00 Schem


    0.40 1No

    0.30 No

    60% Paym


    85% 2



    100% Bill Proce



    ment Not ade till date

    Work UndeProgress

    and Completion

    by June 2010


    85% Achieved till date-Completionby June 2010

    ment not e till

    75% Achieved till date-Completionby June 2010

    under ess Completed

    ment not ade till date

    Work Awarded and Completionby June 2010






  • 19  

    j Construction of Drains within City Area



    Payment not made till date

    50% Achieved till date-Completion by June 2010


    Interconnection for new and old booster pumping lines to STP gravity lines for both ways water supply distributions No 100%


    100% achieved till date-Completion by May 2010

    l Repair of Road At Land fill Site No 40%

    Payment not made till date

    Work Awarded and Completion by June 2010

  • 20  

    v. Standards and Quality Control Authority

    (Nu. In Millions)

    Sl.No. Programme / Activity Unit

    10 FYP Achievement from July '09 - June '10 Remarks Budget (2009 -

    2010) Target Physical

    Ach. Financial Ach.

    Material Testing & Research Division

    I Plan Activities


    Supply of quality construction materials facilitated & monitored through establishment of regional laboratories 1. Construction of Shed in Gyelposhing, Mongar

    No. 2.00 55.00 100% 2.00 Construction will be Complete in June 2010

    2 Research and Development No. 0.50 5.00 0.50

    This budget reappropriated for construction of shed in Gyelposhing, Mongar

  • 21  

    3 Testing of building materials and field investigations No. 100%

    Routine and ongoing (tests conducted are charged)

    II Non Plan Activities

    1 Implementation of Weights and Measures in commercial shops No. 0.00 0.00 100% 0.00

    Assistance of UNIDO. Collaboration with Dept. of Trade, MoEA, Weights of commercial shops in Thimphu calibrated

    2 Reconstruction of Earthquake & Fire affected homes in the East No. 0.00 0.00 100% 0.00

    Under the command of HM; Construction complete

    3 Establishment of Engineering Association 80% Civil Engineering Association

    4 Publishing of 'Guideline on Proper construction practices for Non-Engineered Buildings'

    100% Funded under the assistance of UNDP

  • 22  

    5 Training to local masons and carpenters on earthquake resilient techniques (6 eastern dzongkhags)


    Funded under the assistance of UNDP in collaboration with DDM, MoHCA

    Grand Total (Plan + Non Plan) 2.50 60.00

    Technical Monitoring

    I Plan Activities



    1. Structural assessment & retrofitting of buildings

    USD 44,200 USD 44,200

    1. 100% 1. 100%

    2. Procurement of retrofitting tools & equipments

    USD 10,000 USD 10,000

    2. 100% 2. 100%

    2 Earthquake Risk Reduction and

    Recovery Preparedness Project(ERRRPP) activity 1


    1. Review/ adopt appropriate standards, codes, guidelines for earthquake-resistant building design in collaboration with national, regional and international institutions

    USD 30,000 USD 30,000

    1. 95% 1,2&3 85%

  • 23  

    2. Review/ adopt seismic vulnerability evaluation guidelines and tools for private and public buildings

    2. 90%

    3. Review/ adopt seismic retrofitting guidelines and tools for private and public buildings

    3. 90%

    ERRRPP activity 2 USD 30,000 USD 30,000



    Complete 1. Assess seismic risks and vulnerability of public constructions and private housings in the project areas

    ERRRPP activity 3 USD 141,000


    1. Skill training to construction professionals

    1. 80% 1. 80%

    2. Long term and short term training for capacity building to the appropriate government individuals for earthquake preparedness and safe construction practices.

    2. 90% 2. 90%

  • 24  

    3. Procurement of tools and equipments

    USD 141,000

    3. 100% 3. 100%

    4. Visits to the earthquake affected areas in the region to learn from their mistakes and their initiatives for earthquake mitigation/preparedness

    4. 95% 4. 95%

    5. Attend regional workshops/seminars and conferences related to disaster risk reduction and recovery

    5. 90% 5. 90%

    ERRRPP activity 4


    1. Model design/construction/retrofitting of selected public buildings (e.g., schools, hospitals etc.) in the high risk areas

    USD 90,000

    100 3.30

  • 25  

    Standardization and Certification

    I Plan Activities

    1 Publication of BSR-2009 and related documents No. 0.5 100% 0.1


    2 Provide technical support on BSR, Specifications and other SQCA publications


    3 Prepare New Scheme for Product Brand Approval Complete

    4 Prepare Guideline on Units of Measurement 100% 0.05


    5 Inspection of Electrical Works


    6 Review and Publish Manual on Storage and Stacking 50% 0.05

    To be Completed by June end

  • 26  


    Standardization & Quality control activities: Certification of Construction Material brands through Engineerig Standards Sub-Committee, Mandatory approval of local steel and cement namufacturing companies and quarterly monitoring of the steel companies.


    8 ADB-MSME product standards: Standards development for the MSME sector in Bhutan

    Consultant to be recruited in June

    9 Technical Information Centre: Publication of SQCA library catalogue 60% 0.05

    To be Published by June end


    Networking with ISO/IEC/SAARC/BIS and other regional Standards bodies for harmonization of standards: Participation in the ISO Annual General Meetings


    11 Operation of WTO-TBT National enquiry point

  • 27  

    vi. Construction Development Board

    Sl.# Activities/Programmes Unit Achievement (July 2009-December 2009)

    2 Further expansion of registration services including registration of architects, Engineer and Consulting firms and establishing online registration system


    3 Service delivery- Developing Arbitration and CDA Act million

    4 Online services for database and industry information:

    4 batches of focal person from different procuring agencies were trained on the usage of CiNET.

    a) Training - Others million 0.117

    b) Computers & Peripherals million 0.600

    c) Professional Services million 0.550

    5 Establish effective monitoring system to curb corruption, fronting, collusion and improve quality in Construction


    6 Electronic bidding, E-procurement and evaluation using software. million

  • 28  

    7 Establish regional linkages to share and bring in knowledge, skill and best practices, in-house capacity building.


    8 Improve capacity of contractors, Managers and Engineers in taking up large works, improved contract management, financial management and quality Assurance systems.

    2nd Induction course held from 25th - 27th Aug. 2009 at Bumthang. 3rd Induction training course held on from 1st - 3rd Dec. 2009 at Phuentsholing. 4th Induction course held on 12th - 14th April 2010 a) Training - Others million 1.083

    c) Professional Services million

    Research and Technology Development Project million

    1 Research, Development and Introduction of appropriate technology, materials, use of indigenous materials, demonstrate, introduce and promote small scale business to create materials availability and employment opportunities in the PS.


    2 Establishment of Technical Library and production of guidelines, journals, literatures etc. million

  • 29  

    vii. National Housing Development Corporation

    Nu. In Million

    Sl.No Activities/Program

    Financial Outlay Achievements (July '09-June '10)

    Remarks (FY '09-'10) Physical Financial I Planned Activities

    1 Construction of Ministers Enclave 454.71 Million



    PM residence, 14 Ministerial residences, 5 Constitutional Post Holders' residences


    Furnishing of Ministerial residences (15 Nos) Furnishing of Constitutional Post Holders residences (5 Nos)

    90 Million

    2.54 Million

    100% -

    100% -

    GOI funding for SAARC summit On-going

    4 Construction of sewer line within old housing colonies 1.5 Million 20% 100% Work executed departmentally; Materials procurement complete; work under progress

  • 30  

    5 6

    Construction of access road to NHDC office Resurfacing of road at Changjiji Housing Complex

    2.0 Million

    4.5 Million





    On-going On-going

    II Non-Planned Activities

    1 2

    Major renovation of govt. quarters Design of residential buildings in T/phu and P/ling

    13.5 Million






    On-going On-going

    3 Corporatization of NHDC NA - N/A Awaiting Asset transfer to NHDC

    CoverFinal WriteUpAnnexure
