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AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics - 1 - Chapter 19. Chemical Thermodynamics 19.2 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Entropy Change Entropy, S, is a thermodynamic term that reflects the disorder, or randomness, of the system. The more disordered, or random, the system is, the larger the value of S. Entropy is a state function. independent of path. For a system, S = S final S initial . If S > 0 the randomness , if S < 0 the order . Suppose a system changes reversibly between state 1 and state 2. Then, the change in entropy is given by, Where q rev is the amount of heat added reversibly to the system. The subscript “rev” reminds us that the path between states is reversible. Example: A phase change occurs at constant T with the reversible addition of heat. with the units JK -1 or J(mol -1 K -1 ) ∆S for Phase Changes Phase changes (such as melting a substance at its melting point) are isothermal processes. Sample Exercise 19.2 (p. 819) Elemental mercury is a silver liquid at room temperature. Its normal freezing point is -38.9 o C, and its molar enthalpy of fusion is H fusion = 2.29 kJ/mol. What is the entropy change of the system when 50.0 g of Hg (l) freezes at the normal freezing point? (S sys = -2.44 J/K) T q S rev = S fusion = q rev T = H fusion T
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AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics

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Chapter 19. Chemical Thermodynamics 19.2 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Entropy Change

• Entropy, S, is a thermodynamic term that reflects the disorder, or randomness, of the system. • The more disordered, or random, the system is, the larger the value of S. • Entropy is a state function. • independent of path. • For a system, ∆S = Sfinal – Sinitial. • If ∆S > 0 the randomness ↑, if ∆S < 0 the order ↑. • Suppose a system changes reversibly between state 1 and state 2. • Then, the change in entropy is given by,

• Where qrev is the amount of heat added reversibly to the system. • The subscript “rev” reminds us that the path between states is reversible. • Example: A phase change occurs at constant T with the reversible addition of heat.

• with the units J• K-1 or J• (mol-1K-1)

∆S for Phase Changes

• Phase changes (such as melting a substance at its melting point) are isothermal processes.

Sample Exercise 19.2 (p. 819) Elemental mercury is a silver liquid at room temperature. Its normal freezing point is -38.9oC, and its molar enthalpy of fusion is ∆Hfusion = 2.29 kJ/mol. What is the entropy change of the system when 50.0 g of Hg(l) freezes at the normal freezing point?

(∆Ssys = -2.44 J/K)

TqS rev


∆Sfusion =qrev




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Practice Exercise 1 (19.2) Do all exothermic phase changes have a negative value for the entropy change of the system?

a) Yes, because the heat transferred from the system has a negative sign. b) Yes, because the temperature decreases during the phase transition. c) No, because the entropy change depends on the sign of the heat transferred to or from the system. d) No, because the heat transferred to the system has a positive sign. e) More than one of the previous answers is correct.

Practice Exercise 2 (19.2)

The normal boiling point of ethanol, C2H5OH, is 78.3oC, and its molar enthalpy of vaporization is 38.56 kJ/mol. What is the change in entropy in the system when 68.3 g of C2H5OH(g) at 1 atm condenses to liquid at the normal boiling point? (-163 J/K)

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

• The second law of thermodynamics explains why spontaneous processes have a direction. • In any spontaneous process, the total entropy of the universe will increase . • The change in entropy of the universe is the sum of the change in entropy of the system and the change in entropy of the surroundings.

∆Suniv = ∆Ssys + ∆Ssurr • For a reversible process:

∆Suniv = ∆Ssys + ∆Ssurr = 0 • For a spontaneous process (i.e., irreversible):

∆Suniv = ∆Ssys + ∆Ssurr > 0 • Entropy is not conserved: ∆Suniv is continually ↑. • Note: The second law states that the entropy of the universe must ↑ in a spontaneous process. • It is possible for the entropy of a system to ↓ as long as the entropy of the surroundings ↑.

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19.3 The Molecular Interpretation of Entropy

• The entropy of a system indicates its disorder. • A gas is less ordered than a liquid which is less ordered than a solid. • Any process that ↑ the number of gas molecules ↑ in entropy. • When NO(g) reacts with O2(g) to form NO2(g), the total number of gas molecules ↓.

2NO(g) + O2(g) 2NO2(g) the entropy ↓.

• How can we relate changes in entropy to changes at the molecular level? • Formation of the new N-O bonds “ties up” more of the atoms in the products than in the reactants. • The degrees of freedom associated with the atoms have changed. • ↑ freedom of movement and degrees of freedom ↑ the entropy of the system. • Individual molecules have degrees of freedom associated with motions within the molecule. • There are three atomic modes of motion: • Translational motion. • The moving of a molecule from one point in space to another. • Vibrational motion. • The shortening and lengthening of bonds, including the change in bond angles. • Rotational motion. • The spinning of a molecule about some axis.

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• Energy is required to get a molecule to translate, vibrate or rotate. • These forms of motion are ways molecules can store energy. • ↑ energy stored in translation, vibration and rotation ↑ entropy.

Boltzmann’s Equation and Microstates

• Statistical thermodynamics is a field that uses statistics and probability to link the microscopic and macroscopic worlds.

• Entropy may be connected to the behavior of atoms and molecules. • Envision a microstate: a snapshot of the positions and speeds of all molecules in a sample of a

particular macroscopic state at a given point in time. • Consider a molecule of ideal gas at a given temperature and volume. • A microstate is a single possible arrangement of the positions and kinetic energies of the gas

molecules. • Other snapshots are possible (different microstates). • Each thermodynamic state has a characteristic number of microstates (W). • The Boltzmann equation shows how entropy (S) relates to W.

S = k lnW, where k is Boltzmann’s constant (1.38 × 10–23 J/K). • Entropy is thus a measure of how many microstates are associated with a particular macroscopic state. • Any change in the system that increases the number of microstates gives a positive value of ∆S and vice

versa. • In general, the number of microstates will increase with an increase in volume, an increase in

temperature, or an increase in the number of molecules because any of these changes increases the possible positions and energies of the molecules.

Probability and the locations of gas molecules.

The two molecules are colored red and blue to keep track of them. (a) Before the stopcock is opened, both molecules are in the right-hand flask. (b) After the stopcock is opened, there are four possible arrangements of the two molecules. Only one of the four arrangements corresponds to both molecules being in the right-hand flask. The greater number of possible arrangements corresponds to greater disorder in the system. In general, the probability that the molecules will stay in the original flask is (½)n, where n is the number of molecules.

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Making Qualitative Predictions About ∆S

• In most cases an increase in the number of microstates (and thus entropy) parallels an increase in: • temperature • volume • number of independently moving particles.

• Consider the melting of ice. • In the ice, the molecules are held rigidly in a lattice.

• The intermolecular attractions in the three dimensional lattice restrict the molecules to vibrational motion only.

• When it melts, the molecules have more freedom to move (↑ degrees of freedom). • The molecules are more randomly distributed.

• Consider a KCl crystal dissolving in water. • The solid KCl has ions in a highly ordered arrangement. • crystal dissolves the ions have more freedom more randomly distributed. • However, now the water molecules are more ordered. • Some must be used to hydrate the ions. • Thus this example involves both ordering and disordering. • The disordering usually predominates (for most salts).

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• In general, entropy will increase when: • liquids or solutions are formed from solids, • gases are formed from solids or liquids, or • the number of gas molecules increases.

Sample Exercise 19.3 (p. 826)

Predict whether ∆S is positive or negative for each of the following processes, assuming each occurs at constant temperature:

a) H2O(l) H2O(g)

b) Ag+(aq) + Cl-

(aq) AgCl(s)

c) 4 Fe(s) + 3 O2(g) 2 Fe2O3(s)

d) N2(g) + O2(g) 2 NO(g)

Practice Exercise 1 (19.3)

Indicate whether each process produces an increase or decrease in the entropy of the system:

a) CO2(s) CO2(g)

b) CaO(s) + CO2(g) CaCO3(s)

c) HCl(g) + NH3(g) NH4Cl(s)

d) 2 SO2(g) + O2(g) 2 SO3(g)

Practice Exercise 2 (19.3)

Since the entropy of the universe increases for spontaneous processes, does it mean that the entropy of the universe decreases for nonspontaneous processes?

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Sample Exercise 19.4 (p. 827)

In each pair, choose the system that has greater entropy and explain your choice:

a) 1 mol of NaCl(s) or 1 mol of HCl(g) at 25oC. b) 2 mol of HCl(g) or 1 mol of HCl(g) at 25oC

c) 1 mol of HCl(g) or 1 mol of Ar(g) at 298 K.

Practice Exercise 1 (19.4) Which system has the greatest entropy? a) 1 mol of H2(g) at STP b) 1 mol of H2(g) at 100oC and 0.5 atm c) 1 mol of H2O(s) at 0oC d) 1 mol of H2O(l) at 25oC

Practice Exercise 2 (19.4) Choose the substance with the greater entropy in each case: a) 1 mol of H2(g) at STP or 1 mol of SO2(g) at STP b) 1 mol of N2O4(g) at STP or 2 mol of NO2(g) at STP.

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The Third Law of Thermodynamics • In a perfect crystal at 0 K there is no translation, rotation or vibration of molecules = state of perfect order • Entropy will ↑ as we ↑ the temperature of the perfect crystal. • Third law of thermodynamics: The entropy of a perfect pure crystal at 0 K = 0. • Entropy will increase as we increase the temperature of the perfect crystal. • Molecules gain vibrational motion ↑ degrees of freedom. • As we heat a substance from 0 K the entropy must ↑. • The entropy changes dramatically at a phase change. • When a solid melts, the molecules and atoms have a large ↑ in freedom of movement. • Boiling corresponds to a much greater change in entropy than melting. • In general, entropy will ↑ when liquids or solutions are formed from solids.

• Gases are formed from solids or liquids. • The number of gas molecules increase.

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19.4 Entropy Changes in Chemical Reactions

• Absolute entropy can be determined from complicated measurements. • Values are based on a reference point of zero for a perfect crystalline solid at 0 K (the 3rd law). • Standard molar entropy, So: molar entropy of a substance in its standard state. • Similar in concept to ∆Ho. • Units: J/mol-K. • Note: the units of ∆H are kJ/mol.

In general, the more complex a molecule (that is, the greater the number of atoms present), the greater the molar entropy of the substance, as illustrated by the molar entropies of these three simple hydrocarbons:

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( ) ( )∑∑ °−°=°∆ reactantsproducts mSnSS

• Some observations about So values: • Standard molar entropies of elements ≠ zero. • So

gas > Soliquid or So

solid. • So tends to ↑ with ↑ molar mass of the substance. • So tends to ↑ with the number of atoms in the formula of the substance. • For a chemical reaction which produces n products from m reactants:

• Example: Consider the reaction:

N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g)

∆So = {2So(NH3) – [So(N2) + 3So(H2)]}

Sample Exercise 19.5 (p. 829)

Calculate the change in the standard entropy of the system, ∆So

, for the synthesis of ammonia from N2(g) and H2(g) at 298 K. N2(g) + 3 H2(g) 2 NH3(g) (-198.3 J/K)

Practice Exercise 1 (19.5) Using the standard molar entropies in Appendix C, calculate the standard entropy change, ∆So, for the “water-splitting” reaction at 298 K: 2 H2O(l) 2 H2(g) + O2(g)

a) 326.3 J/K b) 265.7 J/K c) 163.2 J/K d) 88.5 J/K e) -326.3 J/K

Practice Exercise 2 (19.5) Using the standard entropies in Appendix C, calculate the standard entropy change, ∆So for the following reaction at 298 K: Al2O3(s) + 3 H2(g) 2 Al(s) + 3 H2O(g) (180.39 J/K)

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Entropy Changes in the Surroundings

• For an isothermal process, • ∆Ssurr = –qsys / T • For a reaction at constant pressure, • qsys = ∆H • Example: consider the reaction: N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) • The entropy gained by the surroundings is > the entropy lost by the system. • This is the sign of a spontaneous reaction: the overall entropy change of the universe is positive. • ∆Suniv > 0

19.5 Gibbs Free Energy

• For a spontaneous reaction the entropy of the universe must ↑. • Reactions with large negative ∆H values tend to be spontaneous. • How can we use ∆S and ∆H to predict whether a reaction is spontaneous? • The Gibbs free energy, (free energy), G, of a state is:

G = H–TS • Free energy is a state function. • For a process occurring at constant temperature, the free energy change is: ∆G = ∆H–T∆S • Recall: • ∆Suniv = ∆Ssys + ∆Ssurr = ∆Ssys + [–∆Hsys / T] –T∆Suniv = ∆Hsys – T∆Ssys

• The sign of ∆G is important in predicting the spontaneity of the reaction. • If ∆G < 0 then the forward reaction is spontaneous. • If ∆G = 0 then the reaction is at equilibrium and no net reaction will occur. • If ∆G > 0 then the forward reaction is not spontaneous. • However, the reverse reaction is spontaneous. • If ∆G > 0, work must be supplied from the surroundings to drive the reaction. • The equilibrium position in a spontaneous process is given by the minimum free energy available to the

system. • The free energy ↓ until it reaches this minimum value.

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Standard Free-Energy Changes • We can tabulate standard free energies of formation, ∆Go

f . • Standard states are: pure solid, pure liquid, 1 atm (gas), 1 M concentration (solution), and ∆Go = 0 for

elements. • We most often use 25oC (or 298 K) as the temperature. • The standard free-energy change for a process is given by:

• The quantity ∆Go for a reaction tells us whether a mixture of substances will spontaneously react to produce more reactants (∆Go > 0) or products (∆Go < 0).

Free energy and equilibrium.

In the reaction N2(g) + 3 H2(g) ⇌ 2 NH3(g), if the reaction mixture has too much N2 and H2 relative to NH3 (left), the equilibrium lies too far to the left (Q < K) and NH3 forms spontaneously. If there is too much NH3 in the mixture (right), the equilibrium lies too far to the right (Q > K) and the NH3 decomposes spontaneously into N2 and H2. Both of these spontaneous processes are "downhill" in free energy. At equilibrium (center), Q = K and the free energy is at a minimum (ΔG = 0).

( ) ( )∑∑ °∆−°∆=°∆ reactantsproducts ff GmGnG

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Sample Exercise 19.6 (p. 833)

Calculate the standard free energy change for the formation of NO(g) from N2(g) and O2(g) at 298 K:

N2(g) + O2(g) 2 NO(g)

Given that ∆Ho = 180.7 kJ and ∆So = 24.7 J/K. Is the reaction spontaneous under these circumstances?

Practice Exercise 1 (19.6)

Which of the following statements is true?

a) All spontaneous reactions have a negative enthalpy change, b) All spontaneous reactions have a positive entropy change, c) All spontaneous reactions have a positive free-energy change, d) All spontaneous reactions have a negative free-energy change, e) All spontaneous reactions have a negative entropy change.

Practice Exercise 2 (19.6)

A particular reaction has ∆Ho = 24.6 kJ and ∆So = 132 J/K at 298 K. Calculate ∆Go. Is the reaction spontaneous under these conditions?

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Sample Exercise 19.7 (p. 834)

a) Use data from Appendix C to calculate the standard free-energy change for the following reaction at 298 K:

P4(g) + 6 Cl2(g) 4 PCl3(g) (-1102.8 kJ)

b) What is ∆Go for the reverse of the above reaction? (+1102.8 kJ)

Practice Exercise 1 (19.7 ) The following chemical equations describe the same chemical reaction. How do the free energies of these two chemical equations compare?

(1) 2 H2O(l) 2 H2(g) + O2(g) (2) H2O(l) H2(g) + ½ O2(g)

a) ∆G1

o = ∆G2o b) ∆G1

o = 2 ∆G2o c) 2 ∆G1

o = ∆G2o d) none of the above

Practice Exercise 2 (19.7 ) Using the data from Appendix C, calculate ∆Go at 298 K for the combustion of methane: CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) CO2(g) + 2 H2O(g) (-800.7 kJ)

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Sample Exercise 19.8 (p. 835)

In Section 5.7 we used Hess’s law to calculate ∆Ho for the combustion of propane gas at 298 K:

C3H8(g) + 5 O2(g) 3 CO2(g) + 4 H2O(l) ∆Ho = -2220 kJ

a) Without using data from Appendix C, predict whether ∆Go for this reaction is more negative or less negative than ∆Ho.

b) Use data from Appendix C to calculate the standard free-energy change for the reaction at 298 K. Is your prediction from part (a) correct? (-2108 kJ)

Practice Exercise 1 (19.8) If a reaction is exothermic and its entropy change is positive, which statement is true?

a) The reaction is spontaneous at all temperatures, b) The reaction if nonspontaneous at all temperatures, c) The reaction is spontaneous only at higher temperatures, d) The reaction is spontaneous only at lower temperatures.

Practice Exercise 2 (19.8) Consider the combustion of propane to form CO2(g) and H2O(g) at 298 K: C3H8(g) + 5 O2(g) 3 CO2(g) + 4 H2O(g) ∆Ho = -2220 kJ Would you expect ∆Go to be more negative or less negative than ∆Ho?

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19.6 Free Energy and Temperature

• The sign of ∆G tells us if the reaction is spontaneous, at a given T and P condition. • Focus on ∆G = ∆H – T∆S. • If ∆H <0 and –T∆S <0: • ∆G will always be <0. • Thus the reaction will be spontaneous. • If ∆H >0 and –T∆S >0: • ∆G will always be >0. • Thus the reaction will not be spontaneous. • If ∆H and –T∆S have different signs: • The sign of ∆G will depend on the sign and magnitudes of the other terms. • Temperature will be an important factor. • For example, consider the following reaction:

H2O(s) H2O(l) ∆H >0, ∆S > 0 • At a T < 0oC: • ∆H > T∆S • ∆G> 0 • The melting of ice is not spontaneous when the temperature is < 0oC. • At a T > 0oC: • ∆H < T∆S • ∆G < 0 • The melting of ice is spontaneous when the temperature is > 0oC. • At 0oC: • ∆H = T∆S • ∆G = 0 • Ice and water are in equilibrium at 0oC. • Note that we have assumed that both ∆H° and ∆S° were independent of temperature; they aren’t, but the

changes are negligible. • Even though a reaction has a negative ∆G it may occur too slowly to be observed. • Thermodynamics gives us the direction of a spontaneous process; it does not give us the rate of the


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Sample Exercise 19.9 (p. 837)

The Haber process for the production of ammonia involves the following equilibrium: N2(g) + 3 H2(g) 2 NH3(g) Assume that ∆Ho and ∆So for this reaction do not change with temperature.

a) Predict the direction in which ∆G for this reaction changes with increasing temperature.

b) Calculate ∆G at 25oC and 500oC. (-33.3 kJ, 61 kJ)

Practice Exercise 1 (19.9) What is the temperature above which the Haber ammonia process becomes nonspontaneous?

a) 25oC b) 47oC c) 61oC d) 193oC e) 500oC

Practice Exercise 2 (19.9)

a) Using standard enthalpies of formation and standard entropies in Appendix C, calculate ∆Ho and ∆So at 298 K for the following reaction:

2 SO2(g) + O2(g) 2 SO3(g).

(∆Ho = -196.6 kJ, ∆So = -189.6 J/K)

b) Use your values from part (a) to estimate ∆G at 400 K. (∆Go = -120.8 kJ)

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19.7 Free Energy and the Equilibrium Constant • Recall that ∆Go and Keq (equilibrium constant) apply to standard conditions. • Recall that ∆G and Q (equilibrium quotient) apply to any conditions. • It is useful to determine whether substances will react under specific conditions:

∆G = ∆Go + RTlnQ

Sample Exercise 19.10 (p. 839) As we saw in Section 11.5, the normal boiling point is the temperature at which a pure liquid is in equilibrium with its vapor at a pressure of 1 atm.

a) Write the chemical equation that defines the normal boiling point of liquid carbon tetrachloride, CCl4(l).

b) What is the value of ∆Go for the equilibrium in part (a)?

c) Use data from Appendix C and ∆Go = ∆Ho – T∆So to estimate the normal boiling point of CCl4. (70oC)

Practice Exercise 1 (19.10) If the normal boiling point of a liquid is 67oC, and the standard molar entropy change for the boiling process is +100 J/K, estimate the standard molar enthalpy change for the boiling process.

a) +6700 J b) -6700 J c) +34,000 J d) -34,000 J

Practice Exercise 2 (19.10) Use data in Appendix C to estimate the normal boiling point, in K, for elemental bromine, Br2(l). (The experimental value is given in Figure 11.5). (330 K)

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Sample Exercise 19.11 (p. 840)

We will continue to explore the Haber process for the synthesis of ammonia:

N2(g) + 3 H2(g) 2 NH3(g) Calculate ∆G at 298 K for a reaction mixture that consists of 1.0 atm N2, 3.0 atm H2, and 0.50 atm NH3. (-44.9 kJ/mol)

Practice Exercise 1 (19.11) Which of the following statements is true?

a) The larger the Q, the larger the ∆Go. b) If Q = 0, the system is at equilibrium. c) If a reaction is spontaneous under standard conditions, it is spontaneous under all conditions. d) The free-energy change for a reaction is independent of temperature. e) If Q > 1, ∆G > ∆Go.

Practice Exercise 2 (19.11)

Calculate ∆G at 298 K for the reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen to form ammonia if the reaction mixture consists of 0.50 atm N2, 0.75 atm H2, and 2.0 atm NH3. (-26.0 kJ/mol)

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• At equilibrium, Q = Keq and ∆G = 0, so: ∆G = ∆Go + RTlnQ 0 = ∆Go + RTlnKeq ∴ ∆Go = – RTlnKeq • From the above we can conclude: • If ∆Go < 0, then Keq > 1. • If ∆Go = 0, then Keq = 1. • If ∆Go > 0, then Keq < 1.

Sample Exercise 19.12 (p. 841) The standard free energy change for the Haber process at 25oC was obtained in Sample Exercise 19.9 for the Haber reaction (-33.3 kJ):

N2(g) + 3 H2(g) 2 NH3(g) Use this value of ∆Go to calculate the equilibrium constant for the process at 25oC. (7 x 105)

Practice Exercise 1 (19.12) The Ksp for a very insoluble salt is 4.2 x 10-47 at 298 K. What is ∆Go for the dissolution of the salt in water?

a) -265 kJ/mol b) -115 kJ/mol c) -2.61 kJ/mol d) +115 kJ/mol e) +265 kJ/mol

Practice Exercise 2 (19.12) Use data from Appendix C to calculate the standard free-energy change, ∆Go, and the equilibrium constant, K, at 298 K for the following reaction: H2(g) + Br2(l) 2 HBr(g) (-106.4 kJ/mol; 4 x 1018)

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Driving Nonspontaneous Reactions

• If ∆G > 0, work must be supplied from the surroundings to drive the reaction. • Biological systems often use one spontaneous reaction to drive another nonspontaneous reaction. • These reactions are coupled reactions. • The energy required to drive most nonspontaneous reactions comes from the metabolism of foods. • Example: Consider the oxidation of glucose:

C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g) 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) ∆Go = –2880 kJ. • The free energy released by glucose oxidation is used to convert low energy adenosine diphosphate

(ADP) and inorganic phosphate into high energy adenosine triphosphate (ATP). • When ATP is converted back to ADP the energy released may be used to “drive” other reactions.

Sample Integrative Exercise 19 (p. 843) Consider the simple salts NaCl(s) and AgCl(s). We will examine the equilibria in which these salts dissolve in water to form aqueous solutions of ions: NaCl(s) Na+

(aq) + Cl-(aq)

AgCl(s) Ag+(aq) + Cl-


a) Calculate the value of ∆Go at 298 K for each of the preceding reactions. b) The two values from part (a) are very different. Is this difference primarily due to the enthalpy term or

the entropy term of the standard free-energy change?

c) Use the values of ∆Go to calculate Ksp values for the two salts at 298 K.

d) Sodium chloride is considered a soluble salt, whereas silver chloride is considered insoluble. Are these descriptions consistent with the answers to part (c)?

e) How will ∆Go for the solution process of these salts change with increasing T? What effect should this

change have on the solubility of the salts?
