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Appendices - City of Bunbury and Minutes/Archives … · Appendices Council Meeting 6 September...

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City of Bunbury 4 Stephen Street Bunbury WA 6230 Western Australia Correspondence to: Post Office Box 21 Bunbury WA 6231 Telephone: (08) 9792 7000 ◌ Facsimile: (08) 9792 7184 ◌ TTY: (08) 9792 7370 www.bunbury.wa.gov.au Appendices Council Meeting 6 September 2016 Appendix MTBN-1 Policy Review and Development Committee Minutes – 18 August 2016 Appendix MTBN-2 Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes – 10 August 2016 Appendix MTBN-3 Withers Advisory Committee Minutes - 19 August 2016 Appendix RAC-1 Revised Council Policy – Purchasing Local Preference Appendix RAC-2 Revised Council Policy – Publication of Information Appendix RAC-3 Council Policy – Conferences, Seminars, Training and Induction Courses – Elected Member Attendance Appendix RAC-4 Council Policy – Street Addressing Appendix RAC-5 Corporate Guideline – Street Addressing Appendix RAC-6 Council Policy – Art Collection Appendix RAC-7 Revised Corporate Guideline – Art Collection Appendix RAC-8 Heritage Local Planning Policies – East Bunbury Heritage Area Appendix RAC-9 Heritage Local Planning Policies – Application Fees for Planning Approval of Development of Heritage Places Appendix RAC-10 Heritage Local Planning Policies - Development Assessment Process for Heritage Places Appendix RAC-11 Heritage Local Planning Policies – Heritage Places Appendix RAC-12 Heritage Local Planning Policies – Assessment of Cultural Heritage Significance Appendix RAC-13 Heritage Local Planning Policies – Rate Concession for Heritage Places Appendix RAC-14 Heritage Local Planning Policies – Variations to Development Requirements for Heritage Places Appendix CEO-1 Statement of Comprehensive Income Appendix CEO-2 Statement of Financial Activity Appendix CEO-3 Statement of Net Current Assets
Page 1: Appendices - City of Bunbury and Minutes/Archives … · Appendices Council Meeting 6 September 2016 Appendix MTBN-1 Policy Review and Development Committee Minutes – 18 August

City of Bunbury 4 Stephen Street

Bunbury WA 6230 Western Australia

Correspondence to: Post Office Box 21

Bunbury WA 6231

Telephone: (08) 9792 7000 ◌ Facsimile: (08) 9792 7184 ◌ TTY: (08) 9792 7370 ◌ www.bunbury.wa.gov.au

Appendices Council Meeting 6 September 2016

Appendix MTBN-1 Policy Review and Development Committee Minutes – 18 August 2016

Appendix MTBN-2 Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes – 10 August 2016

Appendix MTBN-3 Withers Advisory Committee Minutes - 19 August 2016

Appendix RAC-1 Revised Council Policy – Purchasing Local Preference

Appendix RAC-2 Revised Council Policy – Publication of Information

Appendix RAC-3 Council Policy – Conferences, Seminars, Training and Induction Courses – Elected Member Attendance

Appendix RAC-4 Council Policy – Street Addressing

Appendix RAC-5 Corporate Guideline – Street Addressing

Appendix RAC-6 Council Policy – Art Collection

Appendix RAC-7 Revised Corporate Guideline – Art Collection

Appendix RAC-8 Heritage Local Planning Policies – East Bunbury Heritage Area

Appendix RAC-9 Heritage Local Planning Policies – Application Fees for Planning Approval of Development of Heritage Places

Appendix RAC-10 Heritage Local Planning Policies - Development Assessment Process for Heritage Places

Appendix RAC-11 Heritage Local Planning Policies – Heritage Places

Appendix RAC-12 Heritage Local Planning Policies – Assessment of Cultural Heritage Significance

Appendix RAC-13 Heritage Local Planning Policies – Rate Concession for Heritage Places

Appendix RAC-14 Heritage Local Planning Policies – Variations to Development Requirements for Heritage Places

Appendix CEO-1 Statement of Comprehensive Income

Appendix CEO-2 Statement of Financial Activity

Appendix CEO-3 Statement of Net Current Assets

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Council Meeting 6 September 2016 Complete Appendices

Page 2

Appendix CEO-4 Statement of Financial Position

Appendix CEO-5 Capital Works Expenditure Summary

Appendix CEO-6 Operating Project Expenditure Summary

Appendix DPDRS-1 Lot 27 (15A) Forrest Avenue – Development Plans

Appendix DPDRS-2 Lot 27 (15A) Forrest Avenue – Location Plan

Appendix DPDRS-3 Lot 27 (15A) Forrest Avenue – Extract of Scheme Map

Appendix DPDRS-4 Lot 27 (15A) Forrest Avenue – Correspondence from AccordWest

Appendix DPDRS-5 Lot 27 (15A) Forrest Avenue – Schedule of Submissions

Appendix DPDRS-6 Lot 27 (15A) Forrest Avenue - Petition

Appendix DPDRS-7 Lot 27 (15A) Forrest Avenue – Local Planning Policy: Mixed Business Zone Special Development Area (Residential/Mixed Use Development)

Appendix DPDRS-8 Lot 30 (22) Palmer Crescent – Location Plan

Appendix DPDRS-9 Lot 30 (22) Palmer Crescent – Council Minutes and Agenda Report

Appendix DPDRS-10 Lot 30 (22) Palmer Crescent – Letter from the City of Bunbury

Appendix DPDRS-11 Lot 30 (22) Palmer Crescent – Schedule of Submissions

Appendix DPDRS-12 Farmer’s Market – Site Location Plan and Approved Development Concept Plan

Appendix DPDRS-13 Farmer’s Market – Site Photographs

Appendix DPDRS-14 Farmer’s Market – Applicant’s Covering Letter

Appendix DPDRS-15 Farmer’s Market – Schedule of Submissions

Appendix DPDRS-16 Retravision – Location Plan

Appendix DPDRS-17 Retravision – Site Photographs

Appendix DPDRS-18 Retravision – Proposed Development Plan

Appendix DPDRS-19 Retravision – Road Safety Audit

Appendix DPDRS-20 Retravision – Schedule of Submissions

Appendix DPDRS-21 Lot 162 (41) Gibbs Street – Location Plan of the Subject Site

Appendix DPDRS-22 Lot 162 (41) Gibbs Street – Photographs of the Development

Appendix DPDRS-23 Lot 162 (41) Gibbs Street – Development Plans

Appendix DPDRS-24 Lot 162 (41) Gibbs Street – Submission of Objection

Page 3: Appendices - City of Bunbury and Minutes/Archives … · Appendices Council Meeting 6 September 2016 Appendix MTBN-1 Policy Review and Development Committee Minutes – 18 August

City of Bunbury 4 Stephen Street

Bunbury WA 6230 Western Australia

Correspondence to: Post Office Box 21

Bunbury WA 6231

Telephone: (08) 9792 7230 ◌ Facsimile: (08) 9792 7184 ◌ TTY: (08) 9792 7370 ◌ www.bunbury.wa.gov.au

Policy Review and Development Committee

Minutes 18 August 2016

Committee Terms of Reference

1 To review all existing Bunbury City Council policies within a two year period, in line with the local government election cycle and facilitate the development of new policies for consideration by Council on an ongoing basis.

2 To make recommendations to Council on matters of policy, policy review and policy development.

3 To explore opportunities that promote policy development in all areas that are within Council’s jurisdiction.

4 To allow any draft policy developed and fully considered by another Advisory Committee of Council to be referred directly to Council for consideration.

5 To provide Bunbury City Councillors with assistance and support to develop new Council policies.

Appendix MTBN-1

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Policy Review and Development Committee Minutes

Table of Contents

Item No Subject Page No

1. Declaration of Opening ................................................................................................................... 2

2. Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................................... 2

3. Announcements from the Presiding Member .................................................................................. 2

4. Attendances ................................................................................................................................... 2

4.1 Apologies ........................................................................................................................................ 2

4.2 Approved Leave of Absence ........................................................................................................... 2

5. Declaration of Interest .................................................................................................................... 3

6. Public Question Time ...................................................................................................................... 3

7. Confirmation of Minutes ................................................................................................................. 3

8. Petitions, Presentations and Deputations ........................................................................................ 4

8.1 Petitions ......................................................................................................................................... 4

8.2 Presentations ................................................................................................................................. 4

8.3 Deputations .................................................................................................................................... 4

9. Method of Dealing with Agenda Business ........................................................................................ 4

10. Reports .......................................................................................................................................... 5

10.1 Review of Heritage Planning Policies ............................................................................................. 5

10.2 Review of Council Policy – Purchasing Local Preference ............................................................... 7

10.3 Review of Council Policy – Publication of Information .................................................................. 9

10.4 Review of Council Policy – Conferences, Seminars, Training and Induction Courses – Elected Member Attendance .......................................................................................................... 11

10.5 Review of Council Policy – Street Addressing .............................................................................. 13

10.6 Review of Council Policy – City of Bunbury Art Collection Policy ................................................ 15

11. Applications for Leave of Absence ................................................................................................. 17

12. Questions from Members ............................................................................................................. 17

12.1 Response to Previous Questions from Members taken on Notice .............................................. 17

12.2 Questions from Members ............................................................................................................ 17

13. Urgent Business ............................................................................................................................ 17

14. Date of Next Meeting ................................................................................................................... 17

15. Close of Meeting........................................................................................................................... 17

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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

Page 2

1. Declaration of Opening The Presiding Member declared the meeting open at 10.03am.

2. Disclaimer Not applicable to this committee.

3. Announcements from the Presiding Member Nil

4. Attendances Committee Members:

Member Name Representing

Mayor Gary Brennan City of Bunbury

Cr Brendan Kelly (Presiding Member) City of Bunbury

Cr Wendy Giles City of Bunbury

Cr Monique Warnock City of Bunbury

Ex-officio Members (non-voting):

Member Name Representing

Mr Andrew Brien Chief Executive Officer

Support Staff:

Name Title

Mr Greg Golinski Manager Governance

Cr Hayward was absent.

4.1 Apologies Nil 4.2 Approved Leave of Absence Nil

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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

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5. Declaration of Interest

IMPORTANT: Committee members to complete a “Disclosure of Interest” form for each item on the agenda in which they wish to disclose a financial/proximity/impartiality interest. They should give the form to the Presiding Member before the meeting commences. After the meeting, the form is to be forwarded to the Administration Services Section for inclusion in the Corporate Financial Disclosures Register.


6. Public Question Time Not applicable

7. Confirmation of Minutes

Committee Decision: Moved Cr Giles Seconded Cr Warnock

The minutes of the Policy Review and Development Committee Meeting held on 16 June 2016, are confirmed as a true and accurate record.


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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

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8. Petitions, Presentations and Deputations

8.1 Petitions Nil 8.2 Presentations Nil 8.3 Deputations Nil

9. Method of Dealing with Agenda Business

Items were dealt with in the order they appear in the agenda.

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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

Page 5

10. Reports 10.1 Review of Heritage Planning Policies

Applicant/Proponent: Internal

Responsible Officer: Greg Golinski, Manager Governance

Executive: Andrew Brien, Chief Executive Officer

Appendix: Nil

Summary This purpose of this report is to advise the Policy Review and Development Committee (PRDC) that a review of seven (7) Heritage Planning Policies is currently being undertaken by the Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC). Executive Recommendation That the Policy Review and Development Committee receive the information. Strategic Relevance Key Priority Area 5 Corporate Objective 5.2 Maintain a high standard of corporate governance and improve access to

information Background The terms of reference of the PRDC makes provision for any Council policies that have been fully considered by another Committee to be referred directly to Council for consideration. This report merely seeks to bring to the attention of the PRDC the fact that seven (7) Heritage Planning Policies are being reviewed by another Committee of Council. Council Policy Compliance Not applicable Legislative Compliance Not applicable. Officer Comments The HAC will be reviewing the following policies at its meeting on 10 August 2016:

1. East Bunbury Heritage Area 2. Application fees for Planning Approval of Development of Heritage Places 3. Development Assessment Process for Heritage Places 4. Heritage Places

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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

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5. Assessment of Cultural Heritage Significance 6. Rate Concession for Heritage Places 7. Variations to Development Requirements for Heritage Places

As per standard Council procedure, these policies (once reviewed) will then be presented directly to Council for ratification. Councillor/Officer Consultation Nil

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications Nil Outcome of Meeting - Policy Review and Development Committee

The Executive Recommendation was MOVED Cr Giles and SECONDED Cr Warnock, and was carried unanimously as follows: That the Policy Review and Development Committee receive the information.


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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

Page 7

10.2 Review of Council Policy – Purchasing Local Preference

Applicant/Proponent: Internal

Responsible Officer: Greg Golinski, Manager Governance

Executive: Andrew Brien, Chief Executive Officer

Attachments: Appendix 1: Revised Council Policy – Purchasing Local Preference

Summary The purpose of this report is for the Policy Review and Development Committee to consider a revised Policy relating to Purchasing Local Preference, which applies for local contractors and/or suppliers. Executive Recommendation That the Policy Review and Development Committee recommend that Council adopt the revised Council Policy Purchasing Local Preferences as presented at Appendix 1. Strategic Relevance Key Priority Area 5 Corporate Objective 5.2 Maintain a high standard of corporate governance and improve access to

information Background The Policy was adopted by Council in July 2001 and last reviewed in January 2015. The purpose of the Policy is to promote economic activity, increase employment opportunities and facilitate small business participation in the buying process of the City of Bunbury. The entitlement is for local suppliers and contractors within the Bunbury Wellington region. Council Policy Compliance This report proposes a revision of an existing Council Policy. Legislative Compliance This policy complies with the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996. Officer Comments Officers have undertaken a review of the Council Policy Purchasing Local Preferences in accordance with the City’s policy review schedule. The proposed amendment (if supported) would require those organisations responding to a request for tender or quotation to nominate whether this policy is applicable to their business (ie. are they a business with an office and permanent staff located within the Bunbury Wellington region).

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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

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The validation of such a declaration would still be confirmed by the City’s procurement team, however this process would be greatly simplified as the submitting organisation would need to nominate the particulars of the locally based office. The core elements of the policy remain and the percentage of local preference (5%) remain unchanged. It should also be noted that in the last two-year period, this policy has not had an influence on the outcome of any tender or quotation process. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications There are no financial or budgetary implications impacting from the recommendations of this report when considering changes from the current policy to the recommended policy. Where the Purchasing – Local Preferences policy has an influence over the selected tenderer then there may be an increase in expenditure of 5% on a case by case basis for either project or base line expenditure within budgeted allocations. Councillor/Officer Consultation The revised policy is presented to the Policy Review and Development Committee for consideration. Outcome of Meeting - Policy Review and Development Committee

The Executive Recommendation was MOVED Mayor Brennan and SECONDED Cr Warnock, and was carried unanimously as follows: That the Policy Review and Development Committee recommend that Council adopt the revised Council Policy Purchasing Local Preferences as presented at Appendix 1.


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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

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10.3 Review of Council Policy – Publication of Information

Applicant/Proponent: Internal

Responsible Officer: Greg Golinski, Manager Governance

Executive: Andrew Brien, Chief Executive Officer

Attachments: Appendix 2: Revised Council Policy – Publication of Information

Summary The purpose of this report is for the Policy Review and Development Committee to review Council’s current policy relating to Publication of Information. Executive Recommendation That the Policy Review and Development Committee recommend that Council adopt the revised Council Policy Publication of Information as presented at Appendix 2. Strategic Relevance Key Priority Area 5 Corporate Objective 5.2 Maintain a high standard of corporate governance and improve access to

information Background Prior to this policy being adopted in July 2014, the City of Bunbury did not currently have a formal policy or procedure in relation to the publishing of information collected during Council submission periods or consultation processes. Council Policy Compliance This report facilitates the review of an existing Council Policy. Legislative Compliance Not applicable Officer Comments Officers have undertaken a review of the Council Policy Publication of Information in accordance with the City’s policy review schedule. When the policy was originally developed, advice was sought from the Western Australian Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC), and whilst the OIC was unable to provide specific advice regarding support or restriction of making personal information publically available, it was indicated there is nothing in the Freedom of Information Act 1992 to prevent an agency developing policies to make certain kinds of documents routinely available.

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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sections 5.23, 5.94 and 5.95 of the Local Government Act 1995 provide advice on how to deal with information that is confidential, information that may be inspected and limits on that information respectively. Research undertaken has not been able to source any legislation that prohibits Council from publishing collected information. Additionally, Western Australian local governments are not bound by specific privacy legislation, although we can be guided by the Commonwealth 1988 Privacy Act. It would seem justifiable that if information is disclosed for the same purpose for which it was collected (or a similar one), the individual has consented to the disclosure, and therefore Council would not be breaching the intent of the Commonwealth Privacy Act. Following review, it is considered that the policy is still relevant in its current format, and only one minor change is recommended as presented at Appendix 2, which does not alter the intent of the current policy. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications There are no financial or budgetary implications impacting from the recommendations of this report. Councillor/Officer Consultation The revised policy is presented to the Policy Review and Development Committee for consideration. Outcome of Meeting - Policy Review and Development Committee

The Executive Recommendation was MOVED Cr Giles and SECONDED Cr Warnock, and was carried unanimously as follows: That the Policy Review and Development Committee recommend that Council adopt the revised Council Policy Publication of Information as presented at Appendix 2.


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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

Page 11

10.4 Review of Council Policy – Conferences, Seminars, Training and Induction Courses – Elected Member Attendance

Applicant/Proponent: Internal

Responsible Officer: Greg Golinski, Manager Governance

Executive: Andrew Brien, Chief Executive Officer

Attachments: Appendix 3: Council Policy – Conferences, Seminars, Training and Induction Courses – Elected Member Attendance

Summary The purpose of this report is for the Policy Review and Development Committee to review Council’s current policy relating to conference and seminar attendance by Elected Members. Executive Recommendation That the Policy Review and Development Committee recommend that Council note the review of Council Policy Conferences, Seminars, Training and Induction Courses – Attendance by Elected Members, with no changes recommended. Strategic Relevance Key Priority Area 5 Corporate Objective 5.2 Maintain a high standard of corporate governance and improve access to

information Objective 5.2 Ensure organisational capability Background Council Policy Conferences, Seminars, Training and Induction Courses – Attendance by Elected Members was last reviewed by Council in November 2014. A copy of the most current policy is contained at Appendix 3. Council Policy Compliance This report facilitates the review of an existing Council Policy. Legislative Compliance Not applicable Officer Comments Officers have undertaken a review of the Council Policy Conferences, Seminars, Training and Induction Courses – Attendance by Elected Members in accordance with the City’s policy review schedule. It is considered that the intent of the Policy remains current and appropriate, and therefore no changes are proposed.

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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

Page 12

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications There are no financial or budgetary implications impacting from the recommendation of this report. Councillor/Officer Consultation The revised policy is presented to the Policy Review and Development Committee for consideration. Outcome of Meeting - Policy Review and Development Committee

The Executive Recommendation was MOVED Cr Kelly and SECONDED Cr Giles, and was carried unanimously as follows: That the Policy Review and Development Committee recommend that Council note the review of Council Policy Conferences, Seminars, Training and Induction Courses – Attendance by Elected Members, with no changes recommended.


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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

Page 13

10.5 Review of Council Policy – Street Addressing

Applicant/Proponent: Internal

Responsible Officer: Greg Golinski, Manager Governance

Executive: Andrew Brien, Chief Executive Officer

Attachments: Appendix 4A: Council Policy – Street Addressing Appendix 4B: Corporate Guideline – Street Addressing

Summary The purpose of this report is for the Policy Review and Development Committee to review Council’s current policy relating to the standards and procedures for the assignment and amendment of street numbering within the City of Bunbury. Executive Recommendation That the Policy Review and Development Committee recommend that Council note the review of Council Policy Street Addressing, with no changes, as presented at Appendix 4A and 4B. Strategic Relevance Key Priority Area 5 Corporate Objective 5.2 Maintain a high standard of corporate governance and improve access to

information Background The Street Addressing Policy was developed to establish a clear documented policy position rather than an otherwise unidentified process which residents can relate to when seeking advice or opposing proposed re-allocation of street numbers. The Policy was first adopted by Council at its meeting held 25 September 2012, and last reviewed in January 2015. Council Policy Compliance This report facilitates the review of an existing Council Policy. Legislative Compliance There is no legislative compliance impacting upon this report. Officer Comments Officers have undertaken a review of the Council Policy Street Addressing and propose no changes to the existing policy and guidelines. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

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There are no financial or budgetary implications impacting from the recommendations of this report, as the intent of the existing Policies has not been altered. Councillor/Officer Consultation This policy is presented to the Policy Review and Development Committee for consideration.

Outcome of Meeting - Policy Review and Development Committee

The Executive Recommendation was MOVED Cr Giles and SECONDED Cr Warnock, and was carried unanimously as follows: That the Policy Review and Development Committee recommend that Council note the review of Council Policy Street Addressing, with no changes, as presented at Appendix 4A and 4B.


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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

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10.6 Review of Council Policy – City of Bunbury Art Collection Policy

Applicant/Proponent: Julian Bowron, Manager Arts and Culture

Responsible Officer: Julian Bowron, Manager Arts and Culture

Executive: John Kowal, A/Director Corporate and Community Services

Attachments: Appendix 5A: Council Policy - Art Collection Appendix 5B: Revised Corporate Guideline - Art Collection

Summary The purpose of this report is for the Policy Review and Development Committee to review the City’s Art Collection policy. The Policy and associated Corporate Guideline are attached at Appendices 5A and 5B respectively.

Executive Recommendation That the Policy Review and Development Committee: 1. Note the review of Council Policy City of Bunbury Art Collection, with no changes

recommended. 2. Note the amendments made to the City of Bunbury Art Collection Corporate Guideline as

presented at Appendix 5B.

Strategic Relevance Key Priority Area 1 Community and Culture Objective 1.5: Celebrate and recognise the richness of our arts, culture and heritage

Background The City of Bunbury Art Collection Policy was originally adopted by Council on 21 May 2013. The Policy was last reviewed by Council at its meeting held 20 January 2015 (refer Decision 10/15).

Council Policy Compliance There is no other Council policy relevant to this report Legislative Compliance There is no legislative compliance relevant to this report

Officer Comments In consultation with the City of Bunbury Art Collection Acquisition Panel, Officers have undertaken a review of the Council Policy City of Bunbury Art Collection Policy in accordance with the City’s policy review schedule. Whilst no changes are recommended to the Policy, the Corporate Guideline has been amended to maintain consistency with the City’s current processes and procedures, and updated in

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18 August 2016 Minutes – Policy Review and Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

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accordance with professional art museum standards generally. The revised Corporate Guideline was endorsed by the Executive Leadership Team on 10 August 2016, and a copy is attached at Appendix 5B. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications There are no financial or budgetary implications resulting from the recommendations of this report. Community Consultation N/A Councillor/Officer Consultation The City of Bunbury Art Collection Acquisition Panel, which includes Councillor McCleary, was consulted as part of the review process for this policy. Outcome of Meeting - Policy Review and Development Committee

General discussion took place in relation to this item, and specifically whether this policy and guideline should also incorporate the museum collection. It was generally agreed that the museum collection should be the subject of a separate policy, which will be drafted and presented to the Committee at a subsequent meeting. The Executive Recommendation was MOVED Mayor Brennan and SECONDED Cr Warnock, and was carried unanimously as follows: That the Policy Review and Development Committee: 1. Note the review of Council Policy City of Bunbury Art Collection, with no changes

recommended. 2. Note the amendments made to the City of Bunbury Art Collection Corporate Guideline as

presented at Appendix 5B.


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11. Applications for Leave of Absence Not applicable to this committee.

12. Questions from Members 12.1 Response to Previous Questions from Members taken on Notice


12.2 Questions from Members Nil

13. Urgent Business Nil

14. Date of Next Meeting 27 October 2016.

15. Close of Meeting The Presiding Member closed the meeting at 10.20am.

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City of Bunbury4 Stephen Street

Bunbury WA 6230Western Australia

Correspondence to:Post Office Box 21

Bunbury WA 6231

Telephone: (08) 9792 7230 ◌ Facsimile: (08) 9792 7184 ◌ TTY: (08) 9792 7370 ◌ www.bunbury.wa.gov.au

Heritage Advisory Committee 

Minutes 10 August 2016 

Advisory Committee Terms of Reference 

Aims and Objectives 

The Heritage Advisory Committee is to provide heritage advice on: 

* City‐owned heritage assets

* Strategic and statutory planning instruments

* Promotion and education of heritage

* Enhancement of economic development and tourism opportunities

* Matters raised by the general community

Appendix MTBN-2

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Page 1 




Minutes 10 August 2016 


Contents1.  Open Meeting ............................................................................................................................... 2 2.  Attendances & Apologies ............................................................................................................. 2 3.  Public Question Time .................................................................................................................... 2 4.  Election of Presiding Member ...................................................................................................... 2 5.  Confirmation of Minutes .............................................................................................................. 3 6.  Disclosures of Interest .................................................................................................................. 3 7.  Reports and Recommendations ................................................................................................... 4 

7.1  Heritage Local Planning Policies .........................................................................................................4 7.2  Community Survey – Heritage Priorities ............................................................................................8 7.3  Conservation Management Plan – State Government Infant’s School (fmr) .................................. 10 

8.  Other Business ............................................................................................................................ 14 9.  Confidential Items....................................................................................................................... 14 10.  Date of Next Meeting ................................................................................................................. 14 11.  Close Meeting ............................................................................................................................. 14 


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10 August 2016   Minutes – Heritage Advisory Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

Page 2

 Heritage Advisory Group 


Minutes 10 August 2016 

1.  Open Meeting 

   The meeting was opened at 4.00pm 

2.  Attendances & Apologies 

 Committee Members: 

Member Name  Representing  Attendance 

Councillor Brendan Kelly (Presiding)  City of Bunbury  Present 

Councillor Wendy Giles (left at 4.40pm)  City of Bunbury  Present  

Mr Bernhard Bischoff  Community  Present 

Mr Morris Johnston  Community  Present 

Mr Richard Sargeant  Community  Present 

Mr Peter Suckling  Community  Present 

 Support Staff: 

Member Name  Representing  Attendance 

Ms Annabel Wills   City of Bunbury  Present 

Ms Stephanie Addison‐Brown  (Executive Officer)  City of Bunbury  Apology 

Ms Lacey Brown (Strategic Planning Officer, Heritage)  City of Bunbury  Present 

Mr Thor Farnworth (Manager Sustainability, Planning and Development) 

City of Bunbury  Present 

Ms Cassandra Uren (Minute Taker)  City of Bunbury  Present 


3.  Public Question Time 


4.  Election of Presiding Member 

   Cr Kelly was nominated by Cr Giles  to continue his appointment as Presiding Member, which he 

accepted.  Mr Johnston seconded the motion which was unanimously carried by the Committee. 



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5.  Confirmation of Minutes 

Outcome of Meeting      The recommendation was moved by Cr Giles and Seconded by Mr Johnston.  

The Presiding member put the motion to the vote and it was adopted to become the Committees decision on the matter. 



6.  Disclosures of Interest  

IMPORTANT:   Committee members to complete a “Disclosure of  Interest” form for each  item on the agenda  in which they wish  to disclose a  financial/proximity/impartiality  interest.   They should give  the  form  to  the Presiding Member before  the meeting  commences.   After  the meeting,  the  form  is  to be  forwarded  to  the Administration &  Property Services Section for inclusion in the Corporate Financial Disclosures Register.



Committee Decision:    The  minutes  of  the  Heritage  Advisory  Committee  Meeting  held  on  8  June  2016,  are confirmed as a true and accurate record.  CARRIED 6 votes “for” / Nil votes “against” 

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7.  Reports and Recommendations 

7.1  Heritage Local Planning Policies 


Applicant/Proponent:  Internal Report 

Responsible Officer:  Lacey Brown, Strategic Planning Officer 

Executive:  Stephanie Addison‐Brown, Acting Director Planning and Development Services 

Attachments:  Appendix 2 –  East Bunbury Heritage Area Appendix 3 –  Application fees for Planning Approval of Development 

of Heritage Places Appendix 4 –  Development Assessment Process for Heritage Places Appendix 5 –  Heritage Places Appendix 6 –  Assessment of Cultural Heritage Significance Appendix 7 –  Rate Concession for Heritage Places Appendix 8 –  Variations to Development Requirements for Heritage 


 Summary  In  conjunction with  a  local  planning  policy  review  and  the  development  of  proposed  new  local planning  policies  for  heritage,  the  attached  local  planning  policies  have  been  piloted  in  the assessment of development applications and rate concession requests.  

 Strategic Relevance  Key Priority Area 1:  Community and Culture Objective 1.5:    Celebrate and recognise the richness of our arts culture and heritage  Key Priority Area 3:  Natural and Built Environment Objective 3.4    Facilitate urban design, diversity of land uses and enabling infrastructure.  Executive Recommendation  That:  

1. The  Heritage  Advisory  Committee  note  and  endorse  the  attached  local planning policies for the purposes of being presented to Council to commence public notification. 

 2. The Heritage Advisory Committee recommend that Council: 

 a) In accordance with Clause 4 of  ‘Division 2 – Local Planning Policies’ under  ‘Part 2 – Local 

Planning Framework’ of ‘Schedule 2 – Deemed provisions for local planning schemes’ of the Planning  and  Development  (Local  Planning  Schemes)  Regulations  2015,  to  proceed  to advertise the draft local planning policies attached at Appendix 2‐8 for public comment for a period of not less than 30 days.  

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b) Following  public  advertising  of  the  draft  local  planning  policies,  the  policies  and  any submissions  from  the public advertising period are  to be  returned  to Council  for  further consideration. 


At its meeting held on 6 November 2007, Council adopted the Local Planning Strategy (LPS) for 

Heritage and Character. 

The  LPS  for Heritage  and  Character  is  one  of  a  number  of  related  planning  strategies  that  are 

currently being fully integrated into a Local Planning Strategy for Bunbury. 

The Strategy recognises the City of Bunbury’s rich and diverse built heritage and the contribution it 

makes to Bunbury’s unique character. By acknowledging the City of Bunbury’s statutory obligations 

and the need to complement other local planning strategies, the strategy endeavours to promote a 

planning framework that will ensure  inherent values are conserved for the benefit of current and 

future generations.  

The  local  planning  policies  are  based  on  principles  of  sound  and  responsible  planning  for  the conservation and protection of Western Australia’s historic heritage.  Legislative and Council Policy Compliance  The draft local planning policies have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of ‘Division 

2 –  Local Planning Policies’ under  ‘Part 2 –  Local Planning Framework’ of  ‘Schedule 2 – Deemed 

Provisions for Local Planning Schemes’ of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) 

Regulations 2015. 

Officer Comments  

East Bunbury Heritage Area  

Local Planning Policy – East Bunbury Heritage Area sets out performance based design guidelines 

for the development of places within the established East Bunbury Heritage Area. 

The  local  planning  policy  sets  out  design  guidelines  that  augment  the  R‐Codes  in  guiding 

landowners, developers and Council on how to ensure that development does not adversely affect 

the heritage significance of heritage places or the heritage area. 

Application Fees for Planning Approval of Development of Heritage Places  

Planning  applications  are  required  for  development  of  a  place  on  the  LGHI  (Local  Government 

Heritage Inventory), Heritage List or in the Heritage Area. This local planning policy provides for the 

waiving of fees. 

Development Assessment Process for Heritage Places 

Local  Planning  Policy  –  Development  Assessment  Process  for  Heritage  Places  sets  out  how  an 

application for development of a place entered  into the Municipal  Inventory, Heritage List or  in a 

heritage area will be assessed by Council. 



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Heritage Places 

Local Planning Policy – Heritage Places  sets out design guidelines  for  the development of places 

within City of Bunbury that are not included within a specified heritage area. 

The design guidelines are similar in desired outcomes as the East Bunbury Heritage Area but allow 

for  site  specific consideration  that does not adversely affect  the heritage  significance of heritage 


Assessment of Cultural Heritage Significance  

The City of Bunbury Local Planning Policy – Assessment of Cultural Heritage Significance details the 

way that places within the City of Bunbury are assessed for heritage value.   Compliance with this 

policy makes sure that assessments are accountable, comparable and consistent. 

The criteria adheres to well established ‘best‐practice’ in the identification and assessment of local 

heritage places  in Western Australia and  throughout Australia at a  local, state and national  level, 

and are consistent with those published by the State Heritage Office. 

The  cultural heritage  significance of  a place  is determined  through  the  assessment of  aesthetic, 

historic,  scientific  and  social  values,  rarity  and/or  representativeness.  The  physical  condition, 

integrity and authenticity of a place  is also  taken  into account.  It  is possible  for a place of poor 

condition to be entered  in the LGHI (Local Government Heritage  Inventory) or Heritage List when 

other values such as historic or rarity values are high. 

Rate Concession for Heritage Places 

Some conservation works to places on the Heritage List or in the Heritage Area are eligible for a 

heritage rate concession of up to $1,000 per annum. 

Eligible works include:   preservation, restoration and reconstruction to the interior and/or exterior of a place; 

conjectural reconstruction of elements where original details have been previously removed; 

works to protect significant fabric from deterioration and/or damage; and 

external painting (but not to surfaces which were originally unpainted – e.g. brickwork). 

Variations to Development Requirements for Heritage Places 

Under  the  Town  Planning  Scheme,  the  City  of  Bunbury  is  able  to  allow  some  variations  to  the 

requirements of the Scheme and/or the R Codes to facilitate the development of a heritage place. 

The variations are assessed on a site by site basis and this local planning policy provides guidance in 

determining when a variation should be supported. 

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications  There are no associated  financial or budgetary  implications other  than  the  costs associated with public consultation. The City of Bunbury already offers rate concessions for conservation works and the  draft  local  planning  policy  provides  guidance  and  a  consistent  approach  to  assessing applications for rate concessions.  

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Community Consultation The community representatives on the Heritage Advisory Group (now Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) were consulted as part of the development of the local planning policies.   Subject to Council’s approval, the local planning policies will be publicly advertised for community comment for a period of not  less than 30 days  in accordance with provisions of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and further comment will be sought from the HAC during this submission period.  Councillor/Officer Consultation  The draft  local planning policies have been piloted  for development assessment by  the  statutory planners and referred to the City of Bunbury’s Development Coordination Unit (DCU). 

   Outcome of Meeting   The recommendation was moved by Cr Giles and seconded by Mr Bischoff.

The Presiding Member put the motion to the vote and it was adopted to become the Committees decision on the matter.


Committee Decision:    

1. That the Heritage Advisory Committee note and endorse the attached local planning policies  for  the  purposes  of  being  presented  to  Council  to  commence  public notification with the following amendment –   “1.1 Citation  This Local Planning Policy is made pursuant to the provisions of ‘Division 2 ‐ Local planning policies’ under ‘Part 2 ‐ Local planning framework’ of ‘Schedule 2 ‐ Deemed provisions for local planning schemes’ of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, and may be cited as Local Planning Policy: <TITLE> (here in referred to as the ‘Local Planning Policy’). 

 1.3 Relationship to the Scheme and other Local Planning Policies 1.3.1 Pursuant to the provisions of ‘Division 2 ‐ Local planning policies’ under ‘Part 2 – Local planning framework’ of ‘Schedule 2 ‐ Deemed provisions for local planning schemes’ of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, this Local Planning Policy supplements the provisions of the Local Planning Scheme. Where a provision of this Local Planning Policy is inconsistent with the Scheme, the Scheme prevails”. 

 2. That the Heritage Advisory Committee recommend that Council:  

a) In accordance with Clause 4 of ‘Division 2 – Local Planning Policies’ under ‘Part 2  –  Local  Planning  Framework’  of  ‘Schedule  2  – Deemed  provisions  for  local planning schemes’ of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations  2015,  to  proceed  to  advertise  the  draft  local  planning  policies attached at Appendix 2‐8  for public comment  for a period of not  less than 30 days. 


b) Following public advertising of the draft local planning policies, the policies and any  submissions  from  the  public  advertising  period  are  to  be  returned  to Council for further consideration. 

CARRIED 6 votes “for” / Nil votes “against” 

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7.2  Community Survey – Heritage Priorities 

 Applicant/Proponent:  Internal Report 

Responsible Officer:  Lacey Brown, Strategic Planning Officer 

Executive:  Stephanie Addison‐Brown, Acting Director Planning and Development Services 

Attachments:  Nil 

 Summary  The purpose of this report is for the committee to request that the City of Bunbury consult with the community in order to confirm what the heritage priorities/focus areas should be for the Heritage Advisory Committee over the next four years. 

 Strategic Relevance  Key Priority Area 1:  Community and Culture Objective 1.5:    Celebrate and recognise the richness of our arts culture and heritage  Key Priority Area 2:  Transport and Infrastructure Objective 2.3:    Maintain a high standard of community infrastructure  Key Priority Area 3:  Natural and Built Environment Objective 3.4:    Facilitate urban design, diversity of land uses and enabling infrastructure.  Executive Recommendation  That  Council  request  the  Chief  Executive Officer  to  consult with  key  heritage  stakeholders  and interest groups to  inform the community priorities for heritage  in Bunbury and to guide the focus areas for the Heritage Advisory Committee.  


  A  strategic  workshop  was  conducted  with  members  of  the  Heritage  Advisory  Group  (now Committee) in December 2015 and a number of priorities were identified. However, it was raised in the last Heritage Advisory Committee meeting that it would be beneficial to confirm these priorities with the wider community.  Council Policy Compliance  Not applicable.  Legislative Compliance  Not applicable.  Officer Comments  The  strategic  planning  workshop  conducted  in  December  2015  highlighted  the  following  focus areas for the Heritage Advisory Committee: 

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city‐owned assets; 

strategic and statutory planning; 


heritage tourism/promotion. 

Consultation  with  the  wider  community  would  provide  direction  in  confirming  the  heritage priorities/focus areas for the Heritage Advisory Committee.  Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications  Financial implications should be minimal if the “Household Panel” and key interest/advisory groups are utilised for the survey.   Community Consultation  Consulting with  the community will provide confirmation and direction on  the heritage priorities and focus for the Heritage Advisory Committee.  Councillor/Officer Consultation  Members of the Heritage Advisory Committee have sought to confirm that the priorities and focus for  heritage  in  the  Bunbury  community  is  in  line with  the  outcomes  of  the  strategic  planning workshop. 

   Outcome of Meeting  The recommendation was moved by Mr Sargeant and seconded by Mr Suckling.

The Presiding Member put the motion to the vote and it was adopted to become the Committees decision on the matter.  


Committee Decision:  That Council request the Chief Executive Officer to consult with key heritage stakeholders and interest groups to  inform the community priorities for heritage  in Bunbury and to guide the focus areas for the Heritage Advisory Committee.   CARRIED 6 votes “for” / Nil votes “against” 

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7.3  Conservation Management Plan – State Government Infant’s School (fmr) 


Applicant/Proponent:  Internal Report 

Responsible Officer:  Lacey Brown, Strategic Planning Officer 

Executive:  Stephanie Addison‐Brown 

Attachments:  Appendix 9 – Conservation Management Plan for the State Government Infants’ School (fmr) 

 Summary  The  purpose  of  this  report  is  for  the  committee  to  note  the  key  findings  of  the  Conservation Management Plan for the State Government Infants’ School (fmr), now known as the Stirling Street Arts Centre Bunbury Band site. 

 Strategic Relevance  Key Priority Area 1:  Community and Culture Objective 1.5:    Celebrate and recognise the richness of our arts culture and heritage  Key Priority Area 2:  Transport and Infrastructure Objective 2.3    Maintain a high standard of community infrastructure  Key Priority Area 3:  Natural and Built Environment Objective 3.4    Facilitate urban design, diversity of land uses and enabling infrastructure.  Executive Recommendation  That the Heritage Advisory Committee note the key findings of the Conservation Management Plan and the recent Council Decision 253/16 from the Ordinary Meeting held on 26 July 2016.  

 Background  In  2010/2011  a  master  plan  for  the  redevelopment  of  Stirling  Street  Arts  Centre  (SSAC)  was prepared by MCG Architects for the SSAC Board. The plan proposed an extensive redevelopment of the  centre  including  an  auditorium,  new  studios,  administration  offices,  toilets  and  an amphitheatre. This initial master plan was not the subject of any report to Council at the time and soon after being developed the plan was superseded by a proposal to  include accommodation for ‘not‐for‐profit’ organisations in the redevelopment of the SSAC. A working group, which reported to Council, was  established  to develop  the not‐for‐profit proposal but  strong opposition  to  various aspects of the plan followed and therefore the proposal did not proceed.   In early 2015  the SSAC Board,  led by Chairwoman Margaret Perkins approached Council  to once again  begin  progressing  towards  redevelopment  of  the  SSAC.  At  that  time  it  was  agreed  that Council would carry out a new consultation process and the SSAC Board would prepare a business case with which to seek funding for future development.   A public meeting was held in May 2015 to begin the consultation process. The SSAC Board, nearby Stirling  Street  residents  and  property  owners  (including  the  (ROSS)  Residents  of  Stirling  Street group), stakeholders and SSAC user groups were  invited. The Council Executive Team and several Councillors also attended. The meeting was followed by a survey distributed to all participants.  

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Twenty  five  (25)  responses were  received  and  the main matters  that were  identified  in  priority were heritage conservation; management of increases to traffic volumes and car parking.   As  a  result,  a  brief  was  prepared  with  the  following  specific  requirements  for  a  Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for the site:   

safeguard and celebrate the character and integrity of the heritage buildings on the site;  

provide  recommendations and priorities  for any measures necessary  to  restore and enhance 

the character and integrity of the heritage buildings on the site;  

provide  guidelines  for  sympathetic  and  appropriate  future  use  of  the  site  including 

considerations such as noise, drainage, traffic and parking;  

guidelines for maintaining open space on the site including adjacent open space;  

character and proximity of the neighbourhood,  it’s current use and central city  location when 

making recommendations for future use and development of the site;  

design guidelines and building footprints for any new buildings on the site.  

The tender process resulted  in the appointment of Greenward Consulting who delivered the draft CMP on schedule  in May 2016. The CMP, and officer comment regarding site considerations that will  influence design  (heritage, planning, engineering and environmental), have been provided  to the Manager Arts and Culture  in order  to  commence discussions with  the  SSAC Board and  local residents and revisit the master plan.   The Council Decision 253/16 from the Ordinary Meeting held on 26 July 2016 was that Council:  1. Endorse the Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for the State Government Infants’ School as 

Appendix DPDRS‐2. 

2. Requests  that  the  State Government  Infants’  School  (fmr)  be  assessed  for  entry  in  the  State 

Heritage Register. 

Council Policy Compliance  Local Planning Policy – Heritage Conservation and Development Policy  for Heritage Places  states that “the City of Bunbury will seek to lead by example through the management of premises either owner or vested, in accordance with this Local Planning Policy”. Council’s endorsement of the CMP is consistent with this policy.  Legislative Compliance  The  completion  of  the  CMP  supports  requirements  of  the  Australian  International  Council  on Monuments  and  Sites  (ICOMOS) Burra Charter; Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990  and  the Planning and Development Act 2005.     

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Officer Comments  The  CMP, which was  prepared  in  accordance with  the Heritage  Council  of WA’s  standard  brief, includes:  

historical and physical evidence relevant to the assessment of the cultural heritage significance 

of the place;  

assessment of the place’s cultural heritage significance;  

conservation policy recommendations; and  

implementation recommendations.  

The  CMP  states  that  the  State  Government  Infants’  School  (fmr)  and  its  setting  is  of  cultural heritage significance. Funding opportunities are available on application for places with a CMP.   There has been considerable consultation with  the SSAC Board, Stirling Street  residents  together with other  stakeholders  in  relation  to  the previous  SSAC development plans  and  the  completed CMP and associated recommendations requires further consideration of the previous development plans.  Therefore,  it  is proposed  that  should Council  endorse  the CMP,  an  internal meeting with relevant staff will then be arranged to discuss and further progress the proposed SSAC master plan in accordance with  the recommendations as  identified within  the CMP. Staff will  then meet with the  SSAC  Board,  Stirling  Street  residents  and  other  stakeholders  to  further  discuss  and  seek agreement on the preferred future outcomes of the master plan  in compliance with the CMP and other site considerations.    Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications  Implementation of the recommendations contained within the CMP will have financial implications. It should be noted that the plan contains recommendations only. Any future intentions to lease the property  should  clearly  identify  responsibilities  and  staging  of  works  for  conservation  and maintenance as detailed in the schedules contained in Section 9 of the CMP.  

 Part  of  the  revenue  from  any  future  lease  should  be  transferred  into  the  Heritage  Building Maintenance  Reserve  for  the  purpose  of  capital maintenance  which may  be  required  for  this building.   Community Consultation  There has previously been considerable consultation with all relevant stakeholders as identified in this  report  and  most  recently  representatives  from  the  SSAC  Board  were  consulted  in  the preparation of the CMP. The Heritage Advisory Group (now Committee) has also been advised of the completion of the CMP.   Councillor/Officer Consultation  This report seeks to consult with members of the Heritage Advisory Committee to inform them of the  findings  in  the  CMP  and  advise  of  Council’s  resolution  for  the  purpose  of  any  future development on the Stirling Street Arts Centre site. 


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10 August 2016   Minutes – Heritage Advisory Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

Page 13

 Outcome of Meeting  The recommendation was moved by Mr Suckling and seconded by Cr Kelly.

The Presiding Member put the motion to the vote and it was adopted to become the Committees decision on the matter.  


Executive Recommendation  That  the  Heritage  Advisory  Committee  note  the  key  findings  of  the  Conservation Management Plan and the recent Council Decision 253/16 from the Ordinary Meeting held on 26 July 2016.   CARRIED 6 votes “for” / Nil votes “against” 

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10 August 2016   Minutes – Heritage Advisory Committee ______________________________________________________________________________

Page 14

8.  Other Business 

 8.1  Lady Mitchell Memorial Child Health Centre 

 Outcome of Meeting  General discussion took place regarding the Lady Mitchell Memorial Child Health Centre, where the following recommendation was made (moved by Mr Suckling and seconded by Mr Johnston). 


 The Presiding Member put the motion to the vote and it was adopted to become the Committee’s decision on the matter. 

 8.2  DA Heritage Assessment Template Update 

 Lacey  Brown  provided  an  update  to  the  Heritage  Advisory  Committee  that  a  new  Heritage Assessment template has been developed to assist statutory planners with assessments to reduce assessment time and costs     

8.3  Nominations received for vacant position on HAC 

 Lacey Brown provided an update to the Committee and advised that a subsequent report will be presented to the Heritage Advisory Committee. 

9.  Confidential Items (Pursuant to Section 5.23 of the Local Government Act 1995) 


10.  Date of Next Meeting 

   Wednesday, 12 October 2016. 

11.  Close Meeting 

The meeting was declared closed at 5.15pm. 

Committee Decision  That  the Heritage Advisory Committee  recommends  that  the City of Bunbury  include on‐going monitoring  for  potential moisture  and  damage  arising  from  the  placement  of  a limestone  retaining wall  against  the west  side  of  the  Lady Mitchell  Child Health  Centre building.  CARRIED 6 votes “for” / Nil votes “against” 

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Telephone: (08) 9792 7000 ◌ Facsimile: (08) 9792 7184 ◌ TTY: 133 677 ◌ www.bunbury.wa.gov.au

City of Bunbury 4 Stephen Street

Bunbury WA 6230 Western Australia

Correspondence to: Post Office Box 21

Bunbury WA 6231

Withers Advisory Committee

Minutes Friday 19 August 2016

Committee Terms of Reference

1. To review and progress the Withers Action Plan.2. Endorse or amend recommendations subject to conditions as per Council Decisions 34/14.3. Receive information from Council and the Withers Community to assist decision making.4. To provide stronger community relations in Withers.5. Oversees projects implemented from the Withers Reserve

Appendix MTBN-3

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Table of Contents

Item No Subject Page

1. Declaration of Opening / Announcements of Visitors ...............................................................................1

2. Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................................................1

3. Announcements from the Presiding Member ............................................................................................1

4. Attendance .................................................................................................................................................1

4.1 Apologies ............................................................................................................................................1

4.2 Approved Leave of Absence ...............................................................................................................2

5. Declaration of Interest ................................................................................................................................2

6.1 Public Question Time ..........................................................................................................................3

6.2 Responses to Public Questions Taken ‘On Notice’ .............................................................................3

7. Confirmation of Minutes ............................................................................................................................4

8. Petitions, Presentations and Deputations ..................................................................................................4

8.1 Petitions ..............................................................................................................................................4

8.2 Presentations ......................................................................................................................................4

8.3 Deputations ........................................................................................................................................4

9. Reports .......................................................................................................................................................5

9.1 Financial Report ..................................................................................................................................5

9.2 Withers Action Plan Projects Status ...................................................................................................9

9.3 Withers Action Plan Projects 2016/2017 ........................................................................................ 11

9.4 Future of Withers Advisory Committee and Community Information Session............................... 20

10. Questions on Notice ............................................................................................................................ 22

10.1 Response to Previous Questions from Members taken on Notice ................................................. 22

10.2 Questions from Members ............................................................................................................... 22

11. New Business of an Urgent Nature Introduced by Decision of the Meeting ...................................... 22

12. Date of Next Meeting .......................................................................................................................... 22

13. Close of Meeting .................................................................................................................................. 22

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Page 1

Withers Advisory Committee Minutes Friday 19 August 2016

The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority as per Council Decision 13/14 Note: These minutes are subject to confirmation at the next Withers Advisory Committee Meeting

1. Declaration of Opening / Announcements of Visitors

Cr James Hayward declared the meeting open at 1:10pm and acknowledged Cr Murray Cook in attendance

2. Disclaimer

All persons present are advised that the proceedings of this meeting will be recorded for record keeping purposes and to ensure accuracy in the minute taking process.

3. Announcements from the Presiding Member

Cr James Hayward announced that UDLA have received 2016 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects WA (AILA WA) Communities Award of Excellence for the Withers Local Area Plan.

4. Attendance


Member Name Representing

Cr James Hayward City of Bunbury Council

Cr Jaysen Miguel City of Bunbury Council

Cr Karen Steele City of Bunbury Council

Barbara Watkins Withers Community Member

Joanna Hugues-Dit-Ciles Withers Community Member

Ken Warnes Withers Community Member

Mary Dunlop Withers Community Member

Ex-officio Members:

Member Name Representing

Gavin Harris Director Works and Services

Support Staff:

Name Title

Alison Baker Executive Assistant Works and Services

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4.1 Apologies

Doug Fimister

4.2 Approved Leave of Absence

5. Declaration of Interest

Members should fill in Disclosure of Interest forms for items in which they have a financial, proximity or impartiality interest and forward these to the Presiding Member before the meeting commences.

Section 5.60A: “a person has a financial interest in a matter if it is reasonable to expect that the matter will, if dealt with by the local government, or an employee or committee of the local government or member of the council of the local government, in a particular way, result in a financial gain, loss, benefit or detriment for the person.”

Section 5.60B: “a person has a proximity interest in a matter if the matter concerns –

(a) a proposed change to a planning scheme affecting land that adjoins the person’s land; or

(b) a proposed change to the zoning or use of land that adjoins the person’s land; or

(c) a proposed development (as defined in section 5.63(5)) of land that adjoins the person’s land.”

Regulation 34C (Impartiality): “interest means an interest that could, or could reasonably be perceived to, adversely affect the impartiality of the person having the interest and includes an interest arising from kinship, friendship or membership of an association.”

6. Public Question Time

In accordance with Reg. 7(4)(a) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, members of the public in attendance at the meeting may stand, state aloud their name and address, and ask a question in relation to any matter over which the municipality of Bunbury has jurisdiction or involvement. In accordance with Standing Order 6.7(3)(a) a person wishing to ask a question, must complete a question form which is provided in the trays at the back of the public gallery and on the City’s website. The completed form must include your name and address and contain no more than three (3) questions. If your question requires research or cannot be answered at the meeting, it will be taken on notice and you will receive a written response and a summary of your question (and any responses provided) will be printed in the minutes of the meeting.

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6.1 Public Question Time

Ms May Goodman 17 Westwood Street, Withers Question 1: Would like the Council to do an update on the area, as to the progress as far and

future development. Answer: This will be dealt with under Item 9.4 Future of the Withers Advisory Committee

and Community and Ms Goodman advised.

6.2 Responses to Public Questions Taken ‘On Notice’

At the Withers Advisory Committee Meeting held 10 August 2016, a question was asked during Public Question Time that could not be answered during the meeting. A copy of the question and the written response forwarded to the questioner following the meeting is provided below for public information:

Ms Lorene Kemps 34 Wilkerson Way, Withers

Question 1: Will the minutes (08 April 2016) be amended to state whilst the Withers Action Group provided the list to Council, that the list provided was from community consultation organised by the City?

Answer: As per WAC Decision 14/16 the minutes will not be amended. Upon further investigation of Council records, a list of all the projects still to be

implemented was provided to Council by Mr Glen Willets at Council Special Meeting on 24 July 2013, included in this list was the 10 laneways. In Mr Willetts’s address to the meeting, he was stated that the Withers Action Group (WAG) held eight community meetings to lock in the WAP. The report to Council for the Withers Action Plan in 2011 only identified six laneways for closure of which only 3 are on the list provided by the WAG. Therefore the statement in the Officers Comment is correct and has been the stated in Council Minutes on 6 August 2013 and 27 August 2013 when Council dealt with the Closure of Laneways – Withers.

Question 2: Withers Advisory Committee minutes 13 February 2014 stated sign (Welcome Park)

is due for installation by mid February 2014. How much longer before the sign will be installed? It is now 16 months past Feb 2015.

Answer: The sign is scheduled for installation on Friday 17 June 2016.

Question 3: There are concrete barriers between Davenport Way and Rand Court. How much is

this costing the rate payer? Answer: The concrete barriers were installed in December 2015 at a cost of $6,500. The

concrete barriers were installed to prevent vehicles using the reserve between Davenport Way and Rand Court. Prior to the installation of the barriers, access was prevented by pine bollards. The pine bollards were being vandalised and removed by persons unknown. This resulted in ongoing maintenance costs. Since the barriers were installed Council has not had a report of vandalism or removal of barriers. Which has reduced Council’s maintenance costs.

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7. Confirmation of Minutes

The minutes for the Withers Advisory Committee meeting held on 10 June 2016 have been circulated. Recommendation The minutes of the Withers Advisory Committee held on 10 June 2016 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. Outcome – Withers Advisory Committee 19 August 2016 The Executive Recommendation (as printed) was moved by Barbara Watkins, seconded by Mary Dunlop. Cr James Hayward put the motion to the vote and was adopted to become the Committee’s decision on the matter

WAC Decision 21/16

The minutes of the Withers Advisory Committee held on 10 June 2016 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. Carried 5 votes ‘for’ / Nil votes ‘against’

8. Petitions, Presentations and Deputations

8.1 Petitions


8.2 Presentations


8.3 Deputations


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9. Reports

9.1 Financial Report

File Ref: A06599

Applicant/Proponent: Internal Report

Responsible Officer Alison Baker, Exec. Assistant Works and Services

Executive: Gavin Harris Director Works and Services

Attachments: DWS 1 Expenditure Report as at 05.08.16

Summary The purpose of this item is to present the Committee with a current financial report. Executive Recommendation That the monthly financial report be received.

Background Council Decision 128/11 provided a $300,000 annual allocation for a period of five years to a total of $1,500,000 for Withers Action Projects. As of 1 January 2014 expenditure against the Withers Action Plan was recorded as $214,187 with $385,813 in the Withers Reserve and accounts for expenditure in years one and two of the five year period. Effectively when the Withers Advisory Committee was formed the remaining funding available was $1,285,813. $300,000 was available for 2013/14 Withers Action Plan projects with a further $385,813 held in the Withers Reserve. Council Decision 99/14 approved the transfer of $129,000 from the Withers Reserve to Withers Projects. Council Decision 144/14 approved the transfer of $135,000 from the Withers Reserve to Withers Projects. Council Decision 274/14 approved the transfer of $30,804 into the Withers Reserve which represented savings from completed 13/14 Projects and the transfer of $42,000 from the Withers Reserve for the CCTV project. Council Decision 370/14 approved the transfer of $8,650 from the Withers Reserve which represented the over budget expenditure in the 2013/14 Devonshire Street Path project. The audited 2013/14 Financial Statement showed that adjustment of $122 to the Withers Reserve was required due to end of financial year processing. Council Decision 76/15 approved transfer of $29,400 from the Withers Reserve to fund an additional $35,000 to construct a pedestrian crossing on Ocean Drive.

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Net savings for 2014/2015 completed projects as at May 2015 was $32,198, which has been transferred into the Withers Reserve. Council Decision 239/15 approved transfer of $37,320 from the Withers Reserve for the following projects:

- $4,320 PR-2851 Design and Upgrade Ashrose Reserve - $20,000 PR-3888 Closure of Laneways – survey and legal costs - $3,000 increase to PR-3740 Construct pedestrian crossing on Ocean Drive. - $10,000 increase to PR-3618 Install CCTV to cover maintenance/replacement costs.

Net savings for 2014/2015 for completed projects as at 30 June 2015 was $36,090, which has been transferred into the Withers Reserve. Net savings for 2015/2016 completed projects as at 31 October 2015 was $11,172, which has been transferred into the Withers Reserve. Net savings for 2015/2016 completed projects as at 31 January 2016 was $886, which has been transferred into the Withers Reserve. Council Decision 388/15 approved $8,000 was transferred to PR-3729 Prepare Withers Local Area Plan / General Structure Plan to allow for the completion of the plan as part of Council’s October Budget Review. Withers Advisory Committee Decision 6/16 was referred to the Bunbury City Council as there was not unanimous support of the Elected Members for the decision. At the 8 March 2017 Council Meeting Council Decision 68/16, resolved to endorse the WAC 6/16 including Point 3

3. Approve $67,000 Construction of footpath on Naturaliste Avenue from Costello Street to Ocean Drive.

Council further resolved Point 2 a and b (a) Advise the Withers Advisory Committee that the City of Bunbury is unable to fund the

footpath in Naturaliste Avenue from Costello Street to Lefroy Place within the current budget as the current focus of Council’s footpath programme is on upgrade and renewal of poor condition paths.

(b) Approve the construction of the footpath Naturaliste Avenue from Costello Street to Lefroy Place at a cost $52,500 from within the Withers Reserve

Net savings for 2015/2016 completed projects as at 31 March 2016 was $10,665, which has been transferred into the Withers Reserve. Withers Advisory Committee Decision 18/16 recommended Council approve the allocation of $115,000 for the implementation of a Withers Youth Strategy. Council will consider this project at 23 August 2016 Council meeting. This report is based on Council approving the project. Withers Advisory Committee Decision 19/16 approved the transfer of the remaining funds from PR-3435 Closure of Laneways to PR-3888 Closure of Laneways in Withers Survey and Legal costs. The total funds available for Withers Action Plan Projects for 16/17 is $148,636 subject to Council endorsing the implementation of a Withers Youth Strategy. This figure is represented by the balance of the Withers Reserve ($126,136) and the annual 2015/16 allocation ($300,000), less those projects already approved for 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 ($277,500).

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Officer Comments This report only covers expenditure and income from the City of Bunbury Withers Action Plan funded projects. A detailed report is attached which includes expenditure, remaining balance and status of projects (see DWS 1 - Expenditure Report as at 05.08.16). Table 1 – Source of Funds The following figures are based on Council endorsing the $115,000 project for the Implementation of the Withers Youth Strategy.

Withers Reserve $ 1,500,000

Less 2011/2012 Projects $ 169,460

Less 2012/2013 Projects $ 44,727

Less 2013/2014 Projects $ 350,092

Less 2014/2015 Approved and Carried over Projects $ 563,276

Withers Reserve $ 372,445

Add 2014/2015 Net Project savings as at May 2015 $ 32,198

Withers Reserve $ 404,643

Less 2014/2015 Approved Projects (12.06.15 meeting) $ 37,320

Add 2014/2015 Net Project savings as at June 2015 $ 36,090

Balance of Withers Reserve including 2015/2016 Allocation $ 403,413

Less 2015/2016 Approved Projects $ 162,500

Add 2014/2015 Net project savings as at October 2015 $ 11,172

Add 2015/2016 Net Project savings as at January 2016 $ 886

Add 2015/2016 Net Project savings as at March 2016 $ 10,665

Less 2016/2017 Approved Project (subject to Council’s endorsement 23.08.16)

$ 115,000

Balance of Withers Reserve $ 148,636

2016/2017 Withers Action Plan Funding The following figures are based on Council endorsing the $115,000 project for the Implementation of the Withers Youth Strategy.

Balance of Withers Reserve 10.06.16 $ 263,636

Less PR-XXXX Implementation of Withers Youth Strategy $ 115,000

2016/2017 Available Funds including Withers Reserve $ 148,636

Project Description Budget Expenditure

PR-3435 Close Laneways $80,000 $70,100 $9,900

Transferred to PR-3888 Closure of Laneways – Survey and Legal Costs $9,900

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Table 2 – Summary of DWS 1 – Expenditure Report as at 05.08.16

Project Description Budget Expenditure Committed

Total Expenditure

Remaining WAC


PR-3888 Closure of Laneways – Survey and Legal Costs

$ 29,900 $ 489 $ 489 $ 29,411 WAC 12/15 WAC 19/16


Construction of footpath on Naturaliste Avenue (Ocean Drive to Lefroy Place)

$119,500 $97,929 $9,495 $107,424 $ 12,076 WAC 6/16 Council 68/16

PR-XXXX Implementation of Withers Youth Strategy

$115,000 $115,000 WAC 18/16

TOTALS $164,400 $98,418 $9,495 $107,912 $156,488

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

This report provides a financial report for the Withers Advisory Committee. Council Policy Compliance The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to prioritise and commence relevant works subject to conditions as per Council Decision 34/14.

Legislative Compliance The provisions of Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulation 34 (1) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 are applicable for Council reporting. Outcome – Withers Advisory Committee 19 August 2016 The Executive Recommendation (as printed) was moved by Barbara Watkins, seconded by Cr Jaysen Miguel.. Cr James Hayward put the motion to the vote and was adopted to become the Committee’s decision on the matter

WAC Decision 22/16 That the monthly financial report be received.

Carried 7 votes ‘for’ / Nil ‘against’

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9.2 Withers Action Plan Projects Status

File Ref A06599

Applicant/Proponent: Internal

Responsible Officer Gavin Harris, Director Works and Services

Executive: Gavin Harris, Director Works and Services


Summary The purpose of this report is to update the Withers Advisory Committee on the status of the Withers Action Plan Projects. Executive Recommendation That the status of the endorsed Withers Action Plan projects be noted. Background At the Committee’s meeting held on 14 November 2014, it was advised that the Financial Report and status of projects will be separated into two reports. Council Policy Compliance N/A Legislative Compliance N/A

Officer Comments Individual Withers Action Plan Project status is as follows:

PR-3888 Closure of Laneways – survey and legal costs Following Council’s endorsement to close D, E, G, H, J and Slee Place, the Department of Lands has commenced the investigations into the formal closure of the laneways. They have advised that the process will take a minimum of 6 months and they will provide updates at significant milestones. PR-4132 Construction of footpath on Naturaliste Avenue (Ocean Drive to Lefroy Place) Footpath completed. Western Power to relocate light pole. PR-XXXX Implementation of Withers Youth Strategy Subject to decision at Council Meeting to be held on 23.08.16 Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications There are no financial or budgetary implications impacting from the recommendations of this report.

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Outcome – Withers Advisory Committee 19 August 2016 The Executive Recommendation (as printed) was moved Barbara Watkins, seconded Doug Fimister. Cr James Hayward put the motion to the vote and it was adopted to become the Committee’s decision on the matter.

WAC 23/16 That the status of the endorsed Withers Action Plan projects be noted. CARRIED 7 votes “for” / Nil votes “against”

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9.3 Withers Action Plan Projects 2016/2017

File Ref A06599

Applicant/Proponent: Internal

Responsible Officer: Gavin Harris, Director Works and Services

Executive: Gavin Harris, Director Works and Services

Attachments: DWS 2 Status of Withers Action Plan Projects – May / June Consultation DWS 3 Withers Action Plan Projects DWS 4 Proposed Upgrade of Ashrose Reserve DWS 5 Ashrose Reserve preliminary Costings for Landscape Works. DWS 6 Pages 96 and 97 Sub Precinct 3A – Ashrose Reserve DWS 7 Formal Closure of Withers Public Access Ways DWS 8 Map of Withers Pathways DWS 9 Roads with paths by suburb DWS 10 Traffic Calming examples DWS 11 Figure 35 Withers Community Hub - Structure Plan Concept DWS 12 Proposed location for external toilet at Withers Library

Summary This report details the progress of the Withers Advisory Committee implementing the Withers Action Plan and details the outstanding projects for the Committee to consider funding. WAC 20/16 Pursuant to clause 11.1(b) of the City of Bunbury Standing Orders the debate on Part 2 of the Executive Recommendation - Approve all remaining Withers Reserve Funds to be allocated to PR-4140 Implement Withers Local Area Plan Strategies be adjourned until the next Withers Advisory Committee Meeting to be held 12 August 2016. Recommendation A Pursuant to clause 11.63 of the City of Bunbury Standing Orders 2012, the debate be resumed in order for further discussion to be undertaken. Executive Recommendation The Withers Advisory Committee

1. Approve $53,910 for Installation of CCTV (Jacaranda – Davenport and Rendell – Westwood Laneways)

2. Approve $55,000 for External Toilet Facilities at Withers Library 3. Recommend to Council that all remaining Withers Reserve Funds to be allocated to PR-

4140 Implement Withers Local Area Plan Strategies.

Background The Withes Advisory Committee was established to progress the Withers Action Plan. The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to prioritise and commence relevant works subject to conditions as per Council Decision 34/14. The Withers Action Plan consists of 33 priorities. The Committee with the assistance of the City of Bunbury conducted public consultation in May / June

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2014 to further prioritise the 33 priorities. The status of the Withers Action Plan priorities at the time of the consultation is attached DWS 2 Status of Withers Action Plan Projects – May / June Consultation. As a result of the public consultation at the 08 August 2014 Meeting the Committee endorsed the following projects as priority:- WAC 42/14 Note the priority projects identified through May – June consultation process.

1. Develop parks, reticulate include beatifying bushland 2. Closure of Laneways 3. More pathways / repairs to pathways 4. Security – lighting and CCTV

5. Traffic calming devices installed on Jacaranda Crescent adjacent to Moriarty Park. 6. Pedestrian crossing on Hudson Road near shops 7. More after school stuff for kids 8. Remove Rubbish 9. Underground Power

Council Policy Compliance The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to prioritise and commence relevant works subject to conditions as per Council Decision 34/14. Legislative Compliance Nil Officer Comments A list of projects funded by the Withers Reserves is attached DWS 3 Withers Action Plan Projects. Below is the status of the 9 prioritised projects as per WAC Decision 42/14 and decisions made by the Committee since 08 August 2014. 1. Develop parks, reticulate include beatifying bushland

The Withers Advisory Committee endorsed the following projects Install water supply next to BBQ in Welcome Park Design and Upgrade Ashrose Reserve

In addition the South West Development Commission has provided grants to upgrade Des Ugle and Moriarty Park. A number of submissions have been received for the upgrade of the Ashrose Reserve since

2012 including options to construct a junior soccer field, playground and more recently a

nature play area incorporating water sensitive urban design and nature play equipment. At the

Withers Advisory Committee Meeting on 12 June 2015 a report was presented to the

Committee to upgrade the reserve at a cost of $653,345. The Committee’s decision was:-

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WAC 11/15

The Withers Advisory Committee;

1. Notes the concept plans and preliminary estimates to upgrade Ashrose Reserve

2. Defers any works on the site until the Local Area Plan have been completed

The Withers Local Area Plan (LAP) was endorsed at Council’s Meeting on 8 March 2016.

Council Officers have reviewed the plan presented to the meeting on 12 June 2015 in

conjunction the LAP and produced the attached plan DWS 4 Proposed Upgrade of Ashrose

Reserve and DWS 5 Ashrose Reserve preliminary Costings for Landscape Works. The revised

plan features Shade Structure, Nature Play area, pathways and improvements to the drainage

swale. The LAP recommends Ashrose Reserve be developed with Mixed Use Development and

High Amenity Active Park DWS 6 Pages 96 and 97 Sub Precinct 3A – Ashrose Reserve.

Priority 5 in the LAP – Upgrade open space and park amenity recommends an audit of public open space and associated amenity within Withers. The Upgrade of Ashrose Reserve is one of the recommendations of the LAP and would not be affected by the audit.

2. Closure of Laneways The Withers Advisory Committee endorsed the following projects Close Laneways

Closure of Laneways in Withers –Survey and Legal Costs

The list of Public Access Ways that were endorsed by Council as per Council Decision 271/13 were provided by the Withers Action Group. Council Decision 117/14 prioritised the laneways that had been identified for closure, with the remaining four laneways being subject to further investigation, being A B F and I. The following Laneways have been closed by fencing and Council Officers have commenced the formal closure of the laneways:- (D) Jacaranda Crescent to Wilkerson Way (E) Whitley Place to Hudson Road (G) Davenport Way to Open Space (H) Littlefair Drive to Crews Court (J) Whatman Way to Littlefair Drive Slee Place At the Withers Advisory Committee meeting the following laneways were recommenced to remain open, the recommendation was endorsed at the 03 May 2016 Council Meeting. A– Jacaranda – Davenport Lot 624; B – Plowers Place – Jacaranda via Moriarty Playground Lot 605; F - Whitley Place – Withers Library Lot55; I – Lockwood Crescent – Craven Court Lot 55 Laneway C – Jacaranda Court to Whitley Place remain closed with temporary fencing until the area is developed as per the Withers Local Area Plan It is estimated that the cost to complete the closure of the laneways is $24,835. WAC 19/16 endorsed the transfer of the remaining funds from PR-3435 to PR-3888. The estimated cost does not include the value that the Department of Lands will place on the sale of the land to the adjoining owners.

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3. More pathways / repairs to pathways

The Withers Advisory Committee endorsed the following projects Construct Rendell Elbow Footpath

Construct Footpath in Lockwood Crescent (Littlefair Dr to Washington Ave)

Construct Footpath in Sweeting Way (Rendell Elbow to Lockwood Cres)

Construction of footpath on Naturaliste Avenue (Ocean Drive to Lefroy Place)

Attached is DWS 8 Map of Withers Pathways which shows the roads with paths (pre and post

2012) and roads without paths. The percentage of roads for all of Bunbury that have paths is

67%, 63% of Withers roads have paths. Refer to attached DWS 9 Roads with paths by suburb

which shows how Withers compares to other Bunbury suburbs.

4. Security – lighting and CCTV

The Withers Advisory Committee endorsed the following projects

Install lighting to Maidens Reserve

Withers CCTV Extension

Install Solar Lighting in Rendell Elbow Laneway

The Withers CCTV Network was funded with the assistance of the South West Development

Commission. The network consists of 19 cameras. The Withers CCTV Extension project

enabled the footage to be streamed to the Administration Building, linking it with all CCTV the

City operates.

At the Withers Advisory Committee meeting is was requested to obtain indicative costs to

install CCTV in Rendell Elbow to Westwood Street laneway due to anti-social behaviour and

reports of motorbikes using the laneway as a shortcut and Jacaranda Crescent to Davenport

Way laneway due to anti-social behaviour. Solar lighting has been installed in these laneways.

The following indicative cost has been provided:-

Rendell Elbow to Westwood Street laneway:

1 x PTZ camera = $3200

1 x pole (installed) = $2500

1 x installation of conduits to new pole (560m @ $33pm 2 horizontal bore @ $3,000) $24,000

1 x supply of power and fibre t pole to pole (low voltage) $560

1 x fibre splice and media converters $1500

1 x camera licence = $300

1 x integration to system $1000

Total $33,060

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Jacaranda Crescent to Davenport Way laneway:

1 x PTZ camera = $3200

1 x pole (installed) = $2500

1 x installation of conduits to new pole (3000m @ $33pm 2 horizontal bore @ $3,000) $12,000

1 x supply of power and fibre t pole to pole (low voltage) $350

1 x fibre splice and media converters $1500

1 x camera licence = $300

1 x integration to system $1000

Total $20,850

Total for both locations $53,910

5. Traffic calming devices installed on Jacaranda Crescent adjacent to Moriarty Park.

Council officers presented options to the WAC 12 September 2014 meeting based on recommendation from workshops attended by the committee to review the May / June Public Consultation. The following projects were presented for the Committees consideration:- Investigate and cost options of a splitter Island at the intersection of Westwood and Jacaranda

Cost Estimate $60,000

Investigate and cost options of traffic calming near Moriarty Park on Jacaranda

Cost Estimate $32,000

Investigate and cost option to install pedestrian refuge on Ocean Drive near Westwood (route

to schools, library and community centre)

Review street lighting on Washington Ave immediately east of Ocean Drive

Review speed zoning on Ocean Drive (Washington Ave to Hudson Road)

The WAC endorsed the following projects Review of Street Lighting on Washington Avenue Review of Speed zoning on Ocean Drive Construct pedestrian crossing on Ocean Drive Council officers have reviewed the splitter island at the intersection of Westwood and Jacaranda Crescent and traffic calming near Moriarty Park on Jacaranda Crescent and advise the following:- A slow point on Jacaranda Crescent (Moriarty Park) previous cost estimate of $32,000 is considered valid. The splitter island at the intersection of Westwood Street and Jacaranda Crescent cost estimate of $60,000 is considered valid. It will be a minimum of 1.5m wide and 12m long. The western side of the intersection is constrained by a Western Power pole thus the eastern side of the intersection will be widened and the drainage relocated to accommodate the suggested treatment. An example of the treatments are attached in DWS 10 Traffic Calming examples. In addition Council Officers provided the following advice:- The CoB makes an assessment on the need for traffic calming (LATM) and an Intersection upgrade based on the warrants in accordance with Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 8 as follows:

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Warrants versus Jacaranda Crescent data shown in red:

Street Hierarchy; Access Road with a desirable maximum of 3,000 vpd (Liveable Neighbourhoods)

Traffic volumes; Current Traffic Volumes 516 vpd

Through traffic volumes; N/A

Commercial vehicle activity; N/A

Activity connections for Pedestrian/Cycle links/connections; Connection to Moriarty Park

Traffic Speed (85th percentile speed); 85 percentile speed is 48.6 km/hr

Crash data; No recorded Crashes

Based on the above Jacaranda Crescent meets the warrants in only one instance “Activity Connections” and is not therefore considered a high risk area for pedestrians and cyclists.

Warrants versus the intersection of Jacaranda Crescent and Westwood Street:

Street Hierarchy; Access Road with a desirable maximum of 3,000 vpd (Liveable Neighbourhoods)

Traffic volumes; Current Traffic Volumes Jacaranda Crescent 516 vpd, Westwood Street 1,415 vpd

Through traffic volumes; N/A

Commercial vehicle activity; N/A

Activity connections for Pedestrian/Cycle links/connections; footpath connection at intersection

Traffic Speed (85th percentile speed); 85 percentile speed is Jacaranda Crescent 48.6 km/hr, Westwood 51.8 km/hr

Crash data; No recorded Crashes

Based on the above the intersection of Jacaranda Crescent and Westwood Street meets the warrants in only one instance “Activity Connections” and is not therefore considered a high risk area for pedestrians and cyclists. Additionally peak traffic has been estimated using 10% of the daily traffic volumes, peaks of 51 vph and 141 vph for Jacaranda Crescent and Westwood Street respectively, thus the level of service at the intersection is assessed at the highest level as a LoS A. Jacaranda Crescent features within the LAP including a low speed road connection from Minninup Road, a potential link between Hester Place and Jacaranda Crescent, with a narrow pedestrian and vehicle link to Davenport Way, a future road connection between Jacaranda Crescent and Whitely Place. Any traffic calming installed on Jacaranda Crescent should consider the implications on the LAP recommendations.

6. Pedestrian crossing on Hudson Road near shops The crossing point as it stands is close the intersection where traffic will slow to use the roundabout, thus there is no requirement to reduce the posted speed limit. A recent Traffic Count showed that of the 22,570 vehicles recorded in a seven day period only 1.2% (270 vehicles) were above the posted 50 km/h speed limit. The average speed was 34.7 km/h. Any traffic calming would see a further reduction of vehicles speed and it will be likely that a 20km/h advisory sign will be installed to indicate the speed of the raised area.

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The LAP recommends improving pedestrian connection at major roads and connection to Minninup Forum as per DWS 11 Figure 35 Withers Community Hub - Structure Plan Concept. Council Officers have reviewed the concept plan and advise the following The extract of the plan showing the improvements at Hudson Road for the LAP connection is based on a concept that includes the wider area (Park and adjoining roads). Hudson Road is shown as a shared area for pedestrian and cars and traffic management measures include high end traffic calming that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. Officers advise that it would be premature to undertake these works without further detail relating to the treatment of the overall site as any works now may be out of context with future works. Where it is decided to proceed without this detail it is estimated that the cost would be in the order of $200,000 which would require a concept drawing before the final estimated cost could be ascertained.

7. More after school stuff for kids To be considered at Council’s 23 August 2016 meeting.

8. Remove Rubbish This is an ongoing priority for Council which existing Council programs (Hard and Green waste pick-ups) are funded separately from the Withers Reserve.

9. Underground Power In March 2006 the nominal cost of Underground Power for Withers was $16million. The project required contributions for ratepayers and public consultation was conducted. The proposal received 37% support, however the Department of Housing & Works (DHW) did not support the proposal. The Office of Energy advised Council in February 2009, based on the non-support of DHW and supplementary information supplied that the Office of Energy Underground Power Steering Committee (in a letter dated 4 February 2009) has decided not to proceed with the Withers Underground Power Programme as it believes there is no substantial community support for the project. Due to the funding available in the Withers Reserve Underground Power has not been pursued. The Withers LAP lists Underground Power as Priority 10 in the Ten Strategies to Improve Withers. The LAP notes that although underground power was highlighted as a top ten action it was agreed that this is low priority in comparison to other key actions and that this infrastructure would be an expensive exercise to roll out.

Additional Toilet Facilities at Withers Library Following a request from a Committee member, Council has investigated the option of additional toilet facilities at Withers Library. With the growth of the Community Garden it has been suggested that the library requires additional facilities as users of the garden are required to use the library facilities. The location of the toilet facilities is shown on DWS 12 Proposed location for external toilet at Withers Library. This location would eliminate the need for users of the garden to enter the library to use the facilities. The proposal was referred to the Library Manager who has supported the project and the need for external toilet facilities to service the Community Garden. The Manager has advised that access to the facility from within the library is not a priority and if internal access to the facility would result in loss of floor area for the library this would not be supported.

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Implementation of Withers Local Area Plan At the 08 August 2014 meeting the Withers Advisory Committee endorsed the following

WAC Decision 43/14 The Withers Advisory Committee 1 Formally request that the City of Bunbury and the South West Development Commission facilitate the development of a Local Area Plan for entire suburb of Withers. 2 That the Local Area Plan is to look at such issues such as proposed structure plans for the area, proposed road linkages, proposed new development sites across the suburb 3 That the Local Area Plan be expedited and completed as soon as practicable.

The Withers Local Area Plan was adopted at Council’s meeting on the 8 March 2016. The City of Bunbury has included $150,000 over 2016/17 and 2017/18 for the Implementation of the Withers Local Area Plan (subject to endorsement at Budget meeting). It is anticipated that further State Government funds will be contributed to the implementation of the Withers LAP. A Project Group has been formed with representatives from City of Bunbury and various State Government Departments to progress the LAP. The Withers Advisory Committee could recommend any unspent Withers Reserve funds be rolled into PR-4140 Implement Withers Local Area Plan Strategies. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications The balance of the Withers Reserve is $148,636. Projects to be considered for endorsement by the Withers Advisory Committee 1. Develop parks, reticulate include beatifying bushland

Upgrade Ashrose Reserve $260,000

4. Security – lighting and CCTV Installation of CCTV (Jacaranda – Davenport and Rendell – Westwood Laneways) $53,910

5. Traffic calming devices installed on Jacaranda Crescent adjacent to Moriarty Park. Traffic calming near Moriarty Park on Jacaranda Crescent $32,000 Splitter Island at the intersection of Westwood and Jacaranda Crescent $60,000

6. Pedestrian crossing on Hudson Road near shops Pedestrian crossing on Hudson Road $200,000

External Toilet Facilities at Withers Library $55,000 PR-4140 Implement Withers Local Area Plan Strategies Remaining Balance Community Consultation The Withers Advisory Committee and City of Bunbury conducted public consultation in May / June 2014. Councillor/Officer Consultation Council officers from Community Development and Engineering and Civil Operations Departments have been consulted on these projects.

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Outcome – Withers Advisory Committee 19 August 2016 The recommendation A (as printed) was moved by Cr Karen Steele, seconded by Joanna Hugues-Dit-Ciles. Cr James Hayward put the motion to the vote and it was adopted to become the Committee’s decision on the matter.

WAC 24/16 Pursuant to clause 11.6 of the City of Bunbury Standing Orders 2012, the debate be resumed in order for further discussion to be undertaken. Carried 7 votes ‘for’ / Nil votes ‘against’

It was requested the points on the Executive Recommendation be voted individually.

The Executive Recommendation point 1 (as printed) was moved by Ken Warnes, seconded Mary Dunlop. Cr James Hayward put the motion to the vote and it was adopted to become the Committee’s decision on the matter – 7 votes ‘for’/ nil votes ‘against’ The Executive Recommendation point 2 (as printed) was moved by Ken Warnes, seconded Karen Steele. Cr James Hayward put the motion to the vote and it was adopted to become the Committee’s decision on the matter – 7 votes ‘for’/ nil votes ‘against’ The Executive Recommendation point 3 lapsed as there was no mover.

WAC 25/16 The Withers Advisory Committee

1. Approve $53,910 for Installation of CCTV (Jacaranda – Davenport and Rendell – Westwood Laneways)

2. Approve $55,000 for External Toilet Facilities at Withers Library Carried 7 votes ‘for’ / Nil votes ‘against’

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9.4 Future of Withers Advisory Committee and Community Information Session

File Ref: A06599

Applicant/Proponent: Internal Report

Responsible Officer: Gavin Harris, Director Works and Services

Executive: Gavin Harris, Director Works and Services


Summary Subject to the Committee’s endorsement of Item 9.3 Withers Action Plan Projects 2016/2017 all the funds from the Withers Reserve have been allocated and the future for the Withers Advisory Committee requires decision. Executive Recommendation The Withers Advisory Committee recommend to Council

1. Due to the Withers Reserve Funding has been allocated in full that the Withers Advisory Committee be disbanded

2. Community members of the Withers Advisory Committee be considered as members of any Community Reference Groups established to progress the Withers Local Area Plan

3. A Community Information Session be held on Friday 14 October 2016 at the Withers Library a. The Community Information Session be held jointly with South West Development

Commission b. The Community Information Session celebrate the achievements of the Withers

Advisory Committee and South West Development Commission Urban Renewal Project

c. The Community Information Session inform the community of the status of the Withers Local Area Plan

Background Council included in 2011/2012 budget Council funding of $300,000 per year over 5 years for Withers Action Plan Projects. The Withers Advisory Committee was established in 2013 to review and progress the Withers Action Plan. At the time the Withers Advisory Committee was established there was $385,813 in the Withers Reserve and 3 years remaining on the $300,000 per year funding. The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to prioritise and commence relevant works subject to conditions as per Council Decision 34/14. The final allocation of $300,000 was in 2015/2016 and the Committee has endorsed the expenditure of all funds subject to Item 9.3 Withers Action Plan Projects 2016/2017. Council Policy Compliance The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to prioritise and commence relevant works subject to conditions as per Council Decision 34/14. Legislative Compliance Nil

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Officer Comments In addition to the decision on the future of the Withers Advisory Committee it is considered appropriate to hold a Community Information Session to celebrate the achievements of the Withers Advisory Committee and inform the community regarding the Withers Local Area Plan. Council Officers will prepare a newsletter to be delivered to all residents of Withers. The newsletter will detail the achievements made by the Withers Advisory Committee and include an invitation to attend the Community Information Session proposed to be held in place of the next scheduled Withers Advisory Committee meeting date, Friday 14 October 2016 at the Withers Library. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications Subject to Item 9.3, the Withers Advisory Committee has endorsed projects to the value of $1,285,813 being the balance of the Withers Reserve at the time of the Committees was formed. Community Consultation

Nil Councillor/Officer Consultation Councillors Hayward and Steele attended an out of session Withers Advisory Committee meeting where this was discussed informally. Community members Mary Dunlop and Ken Warnes also attended the meeting. The Community Information Session was discussed briefly at the last Withers Advisory Committee meeting. Outcome – Withers Advisory Committee 19 August 2016 Pursuant to clause 11.1(b) of the City of Bunbury Standing Orders Local Law 2012, Cr Karen Steele moved and Joanna Hugues-Dit-Ciles seconded that debate on Points 1 and 2 this matter be adjourned until the next meeting of the Withers Advisory Committee and Point 3 be amended to removed ‘at the Withers Library’. Cr James Hayward put the motion to the vote and was adopted to become the Committee’s decision on the matter.

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WAC 26/16 The Withers Advisory Committee recommend to Council

1. A Community Information Session be held on Friday 14 October 2016 a. The Community Information Session be held jointly with South West Development

Commission b. The Community Information Session celebrate the achievements of the Withers

Advisory Committee and South West Development Commission Urban Renewal Project

c. The Community Information Session inform the community of the status of the Withers Local Area Plan

Pursuant to clause 11.1(b) of the City of Bunbury Standing Orders the debate regarding Points 1 and 2 of Future of the Withers Advisory Committee and Community Information Session be adjourned until the next Withers Advisory Committee Meeting date to be advised. Carried 7 votes ‘for’ / Nil votes ‘against’

10. Questions on Notice

10.1 Response to Previous Questions from Members taken on Notice

10.2 Questions from Members

11. New Business of an Urgent Nature Introduced by Decision of the Meeting

12. Date of Next Meeting

Subject to Item 9.4

13. Close of Meeting

Actions Required after Meeting 1. Minutes of meeting to be sent to Council for noting. 2. Items to be raised for Council following requests/recommendations/motions by committee 3. Any other actions required

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COUNCIL POLICY: Purchasing – Local Preferences

POLICY OWNER: Manager Governance

POLICY STATEMENT: Council will provide a local price preference to local suppliers / contractors as a means to increase the level and range of buying sourced locally, which will:

Promote economic activity;

Increase the employment opportunities; and

Facilitate small business participation in the City of Bunbury buyingprocess.


The Purchasing – Local Preferences Policy promotes economic development through the use of local based contractors and suppliers.

The Policy:

Covers all buying including goods and services sourced and used; and

Covers all construction, including housing and public based buildings



A preference is applicable to locally based contractors and suppliers with a permanent office and staff located within the Bunbury Wellington Region for a minimum period of six (6) months prior to the closing date of the submission for tender/quotation, and where the supplier or contractor has

identified their eligibility to claim the Local Price Preference in their tender/quotation submission.

i) Goods and ServicesA 5% price preference, to a maximum of $50,000 applies to goods and services sourced andused in the City of Bunbury.

ii) Construction, including Housing and Public BuildingsA 5% price preference, to a maximum of $50,000 applies to goods and services sourced andused in the City of Bunbury.

iii) Long Term ContractingWhere the procurement is for a good or service contract longer than a twelve (12) monthperiod in duration, the 5% price preference to a maximum of $50,000 shall be applied perannum.

iv) The preferences listed in part (I), (ii) and (iii) may also apply to contractors based outside theprescribed area, who use goods, materials or services that are within the prescribed area.The preference may only be applied to the value of the goods, materials or services sourcedlocally.

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If a supplier has concerns with the application of this Policy, it must attempt to resolve the issue with the City of Bunbury in the first instance. If this fails, the grievance may be investigated independently by the Department of Local Government.


i) Goods

“Goods” include tangible, quantifiable material requirements usually capable of being moved or transported that are purchased, rented, leased or hired by the City of Bunbury.

ii) Services or Provision of Services

“Services” or “provision of services” means that any task, consultancy, work or advice to be performed or provided that is procured by the City of Bunbury. Included are services such as management consultancies, outsourcing, maintenance contract / agreement, cleaning, waste removal, equipment repairs, external auditors, utilities and services.

Excluded are payments made directly to employees, superannuation and pension payments, statutory or involuntary payments and grants, subsidies and transfer payments.

iii) Construction, including Housing and Public Buildings

Construction is defined as: The carrying out of any improvement on or over any area of land, lake, river or ocean and any services related to that activity in the City of Bunbury.

This includes the construction of buildings, housing and other public infrastructure as well as related services such as architectural, surveying, facilities management and general maintenance.

iv) Local Contractor / Supplier

To qualify as a local contractor, a supplier must meet all the following conditions:

Have had a permanent office and permanent staff in the Bunbury Wellington Region for a period of six (6) months prior to the closing date of the submission for tender / quotation ; and

Be either registered or licensed in Western Australia.

v) Prescribed Areas

Within the boundary of the Bunbury Wellington Region.


- Local Government Act 1995

- Local Government (Functions and General) Amendment Regulations 2000

Authority: Chief Executive Officer

Adopted by Council: Res 314/01 24 July 2001

Last Review: Res 08/15 20 January 2015 Reviewed with changes

Res 121/10 29 June 2010

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COUNCIL POLICY: Publication of Information

POLICY OWNER: Chief Executive Officer

POLICY STATEMENT: To establish protocols identifying collected information which may be published and made publicly available during a Council invited consultation process and which relates to matters determined by Council.


In accordance with the City of Bunbury’s mission, Council regularly invites members of the public and local community to make submission or comment. Community consultation, written submissions or comments may occur for matters such as proposed developments, strategies, town planning scheme amendments and changes of policy.

All details received as part of any consultation or submission process, including, but not limited to, name, address and contact information, may be available to the public as part of the Council’s consultation processes.


- Local Government Act 1995

Authority: Chief Executive Officer

Adopted by Council: Res 236/14 8 July 2014

Last Review: N/A

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COUNCIL POLICY: Conferences, Seminars, Training and Induction Courses – Attendance by Elected Members

POLICY OWNER: Chief Executive Officer

POLICY STATEMENT: Council supports the attendance of Elected Members at relevant conferences and seminars, and wherever possible will take advantage of appropriate training opportunities for Elected Members.


1. Training courses, seminars or conferences held within the State where the cost to the City isexpected to be less than $2,000, may be authorised by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

2. Where the cost of a training course, seminar or conference held within the State is more than$2,000, Council will appoint a nominee(s) by a decision of Council.

3. Conferences, seminars or training courses in other States are to be dealt with in the same wayas a conference within the State other than requiring an absolute majority decision by Council.

4. Where in any case authorisation is not forthcoming from the CEO, the matter will be referredto Council for consideration.

5. Priority will be given to the attendance of any new Elected Members at any induction ortraining course specifically organised for the benefit of new Elected Members.

6. Priority will be given to any course or seminar that is specifically relevant to an ElectedMember’s responsibilities as a member of a committee or other group.

7. Conferences, seminars or training courses hosted by an organisation of which the City ofBunbury is a member or has an interest, would usually be attended by Council’s appointedrepresentatives to that organisation.

8. In deciding who should attend a conference, seminar or training course, an Elected Member’slength of service and remaining term of office on Council may be taken into account.

9. Where more than the appropriate numbers of Elected Members apply, selection will be inaccordance with the details set out in this Policy.

10. When determining the cost of a conference, seminar or training course, all costs includingtravel, accommodation, meals, telephone and other expenses incurred by the ElectedMember will be in accordance with Council’s “Reimbursement of Accommodation andAssociated Expenses” Policy.

11. Reports detailing the proceedings, knowledge gained and outcomes (for the City of Bunbury)are to be prepared by each attendee and tabled at the subsequent meeting of Council.


- City of Bunbury Council Policy: Reimbursement of Accommodation and Associated Expenses

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Authority: Chief Executive Officer

Adopted by Council: Council Decision (18)(a) 26 August 1991

Last Review: Council Decision 413/14 11 November 2014

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ATTENDANCE AT SEMINAR / TRAINING COURSE (to be completed and returned to the Executive Leadership Team)

Elected Member Name:

I am interested in attending the following Seminar/Training course (insert name of course):

To be held on: ____/_____/_____ At (place):

I certify that I have read the criteria for selection contained in Council Policy Conferences, Seminars, Training and Induction Courses – Attendance by Elected Members and provide the following reasons in support of my application. (Attach separate sheet if insufficient room):

Signed Date: _____/_____/_____


Date Application received: ____/_____/_____ Signed: …………………………………………………..

Position: …………..……………………………………..

Refer to Council Meeting YES/NO Date of Meeting _____/_____/_____ Note: Where cost of attendance is below $2000 the Chief Executive Officer may authorise the application

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COUNCIL POLICY: Street Addressing

POLICY OWNER: Manager Finance

POLICY STATEMENT: This Policy defines the standards and procedures for the assignment and amendment of street numbering within the City of Bunbury


Any requests for the assignment, renumbering or amendment of street addresses within the City of Bunbury will be considered in accordance with the Australian/New Zealand Standard 4819:2011 – Rural and Urban Addressing.


- Australian / New Zealand Standard 4819:2011 – Rural and Urban Addressing

- Landgate Manual for Addressing Urban Property in WA

- City of Bunbury Private Property Local Law 2003

- Local Government Act 1995

- City of Bunbury Corporate Guideline – Street Addressing

Authority: Chief Executive Officer

Adopted by Council: Res 278/12 25 September 2012

Last Review: Res 09/15 20 January 2015 Reviewed with no changes

Appendix RAC-4

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1. To ensure the clear identification of street addresses for all properties within the City ofBunbury.

2. To allocate street addresses that are unique, clear, logical and unambiguous.3. To outline the process and procedure of numbering and renumbering properties within the

City of Bunbury.4. To ensure that property developers are made aware of Council’s policy requirements and

proposed street numbers at the early stages of proposed developments.


1. Determining the Street AddressThe main access from a road to a property (i.e. front door) determines the correct streetaddress. Properties must have the street number clearly displayed and visible from the road.This is in accordance with Landgate guidelines and to meet the requirements of EmergencyService responders, Australia Post and other service provider requirements.

2. Street Addressing for Subdivisions and Developmentsa) The start point for street addressing is to commence from the start point of the subject

road. The following methods are to be used to determine the start point:i. for roads between two other roads, the start point is to be at the intersection

adjoining the road of greater importance;ii. for roads of equal importance, the start point is the end closest to the GPO

Bunbury;iii. the start point for cul-de-sacs is the entrance to the road; andiv. the start point of loop roads is at the end adjoining the road of greater


b) Street Addressing Patternsi. Street numbers will be consecutive and where a street number has been

allocated to a property, then that number must be used.ii. Odd and even numbers cannot be used on the same side of a street.iii. Odd numbers will be allocated to the left hand side of a street, and even numbers

will be allocated on the right hand side, commencing from the start point. Cul-de-sacs will be numbered in the same way to the head of the cul-de-sac.

iv. Every lot will be allocated a street number. Normally one street number will beallocated per lot, but if possible, extra numbers will be set aside to allow for thedevelopment potential of a lot.

v. Where a lot has two street frontages and the orientation of the dwelling/buildinghas not yet been determined, then the subject property will be allocated a streetaddress for both roads where possible. Upon completion of the development, aprimary address in one frontage shall be allocated, and the unused number willbe reserved in case of future use.

vi. All street addresses will be sequential, ranging from the lowest to the highest, forexample 1, 1A, 2, 2A, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and so on.

Appendix RAC-5

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vii. If a new subdivision is being developed in stages and if the first portion occurs in the middle section of what will eventually be a continuous road, an estimate will be made of the total number of lots likely to be created along the entire road. This will be aligned with the Residential Design Code provisions for density, and lot frontage widths for properties.

c) Street numbers for subdivisions/amalgamations and vacant strata surveys will be

allocated at the Clearance of Conditions stage. Surveyors, developers, owners and the WA Planning Commission will be advised of the new street address at this stage.

d) Single houses and grouped dwellings may be required to share a street number. e) If a property containing an existing dwelling/building is redeveloped with an additional

dwelling/building at the rear and where there is only one street number available, the front dwelling/building will retain the original street number and the new dwelling/building will be allocated the suffix ’A’ (e.g. 17A). Two new dwellings/buildings will be numbered with suffixes (e.g. 17A and 17B respectively).

f) Where there is more than one dwelling/building being constructed on a property and

where they have individual street frontages, the allocated street numbers will follow the current street numbering pattern and where possible individual street numbers will be allocated. However, if there is a lack of spare street numbers they will be allocated numbers with suffixes (e.g. 5, 7, 7A, 9).

g) Where there is only one street number, developments of up to four units will be

numbered with suffixes (e.g. 17A to 17D). More than four dwellings/buildings will be numbered with a numeric prefix (eg.1/9, 2/9…8/9).

3. Changing Street Address

a) The City of Bunbury will only consider altering the address of a property if there are difficulties associated with its identification.

b) The City of Bunbury cannot accede to requests for a change in street address in the

following circumstances: i. a dislike of the number; ii. superstition; iii. religious reasons; iv. personal preference; v. to improve the “feng shui” of the property; vi. where the number is considered ‘not good for business’; vii. where the property is considered difficult to sell; viii. where the number is considered to devalue the property; and/or ix. any other reason contrary to this policy and the like.

c) An unused street number which has been set aside for a corner lot cannot be re-allocated to the adjoining property as this number may be required for future purposes.

d) The City will only consider re-allocating other unused street numbers if the adjacent

property cannot be further developed.

e) The City will consult with affected owners where a change in street address is being considered.

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f) Council will consider all requests where objections to the proposal are received from

affected owners.

4. Notification a) Where a change of street address is approved, the City will notify any affected owners

and the relevant Government Agencies. b) All costs associated with the change of street address notifications remain the

responsibility of the property owner/developer. This includes the replacement and/or relocation of letterboxes, costs of new numbers, alterations to numbers on buildings, replacing/removing painted kerb side numbers, and notifications to other agencies, business contacts, friends and acquaintances as well as alterations to business and personal stationery.


- Australian/New Zealand Standard 4819:2011- Rural and Urban Addressing

- Landgate Manual for Addressing Urban Property in WA

- City of Bunbury Private Property Local Law 2003

- Local Government Act 1995

- Council Policy Street Addressing

Document Owner: Manager Finance

Created Date: 25 September 2012

Last Review: 18 December 2014 – Policy Review Development Committee

Related Policy: COUNCIL POLICY: Street Addressing

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COUNCIL POLICY: City of Bunbury Art Collection

POLICY OWNER: Director Corporate and Community Services

POLICY STATEMENT: This policy guides the acquisition, deaccession, management, conservation, interpretation, exhibition and loan of works of art acquired for the permanent collection of the City of Bunbury.


The City of Bunbury Art Collection is owned and managed by the City of Bunbury, through Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, on behalf of the people of the City of Bunbury.

Bunbury Regional Art Galleries will apply professional art museum ‘best practice’ standards to develop and manage the Collection.

Acquisitions will be made by purchase, commission, donation, gift, bequest, or transfer. Deaccession will be made upon recommendation of the Director of Bunbury Regional Art Galleries and where this exceeds the approved delegation limit, by resolution of Council.

Artworks will be identified for potential acquisition by the Director, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries or the Collection Curator/Registrar.

Once an artwork has been identified as a potential acquisition under the criteria detailed in the City of Bunbury Art Collection Policy Guidelines it will be considered by an acquisition panel made up of the Director, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, the Collection Curator/Registrar, the Head of Visual Arts at Edith Cowan University Bunbury, one Councillor and one external professional curator.

Artworks purchases for the Collection will be enabled through an annual acquisition budget allocation by the City of Bunbury and, where possible, by corporate, private and public sources.


- CORPORATE GUIDELINE: City of Bunbury Art Policy Guideline

- Local Government Act 1995

- Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 Division 376 – Gifts or Contributions

- Cultural Bequests Program Guidelines (no 1) 1997

- Cultural Bequests Program(Maximum Approval Amounts) Determination (No 1) 1997

- Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program

- Museums Australia, Code of Ethics for Art, History and Science Museums (1990)

- National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries (Version 1.2)

- Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006

- Copyright Act 1968

- UNESCO Cultural Convention 1970

Authority: Director Corporate and Community Services

Adopted by Council: Res 118/13 21 May 2013

Last Review: Res 10/15 20 January 2015 Reviewed with changes

Appendix RAC-6

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CORPORATE GUIDELINE: City of Bunbury Art Collection


1. The Collection

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Mission

1.3 History of the Collection

1.4 Scope

2. Policy Guidelines

2.1 Acquisition and Collection Development

2.2 Acquisition Guidelines

2.3 Acquisition Approval Process and Procedure

2.4 Gifts and Bequests

2.5 Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status

2.6 De-accessioning and Disposal of Collection Artworks

2.7 Method of Disposal

3. Collection Management, Care, Valuation and Conservation

3.1 Exhibitions

4. Loans

4.1 Objectives

4.2 Rights and Responsibilities

4.3 Parameters

4.4 Procedures

4.5 Inward Loans

Appendix RAC-7

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1. The Collection 1.1 Introduction:

The City of Bunbury Art Collection is a significant regional art collection owned and managed by the City of Bunbury, through Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, on behalf of the people of the City of Bunbury.

Bunbury Regional Art Galleries apply professional art museum ‘best practice’ collection management systems, knowledge and skills appropriate to developing and managing a significant regional art collection.

1.2 Mission

To acquire ‘art museum quality’ works of art which expand, enhance andbuild on the strengths of the City of Bunbury Art Collection making it a significant attraction for visitors and to make the Collection accessible for Bunbury residents and visitors through exhibitions and public programs.

1.3 History of the Collection

In the late 1940’s, The West Australian philanthropist, Sir Claude Hotchin donated significant artworks to towns across Regional Western Australia. His aim was to bring art to the people of regional Western Australia and to encourage regional artists. In 1948, the then town of Bunbury received the first of twenty two works donated by Sir Claude Hotchin. This donation marked the beginning of the Bunbury Art Collection and a committee was established to manage the Collection. From 1948 until the early 1950s, the Society of Artists managed and acquired works for the Collection, until a Collection Committee was established under the Local Government Act. From then until they disbanded in 2009, the Society of Artists was represented on the Committee.

In 1979, the City purchased the old Convent of Mercy to permanently house and exhibit the Collection and to provide the community with an ‘A’ class gallery that became Bunbury Regional Art Galleries.

In 2008 the City of Bunbury Art Collection Committee accepted a generous gift of twenty one artworks donated by Alcoa of Australia. A significant number of prominent Australian artists are represented in the Alcoa Gift.

A collection of 330 botanical watercolour paintings by Bunbury artist Rosetta Kelly (1861-1963) were purchased in 2010. The works were painted between 1916 and 1940 and are of significant local historical interest.

From the original twenty two Hotchin Bequest artworks donated in 1948, the Collection hasgrown to over eight hundred items with works dating from 1841 to the present day.

Bunbury Biennale


In the early 1990’s, the City of Bunbury Art Collection Committee resolved to develop and expand the Collection by increasing the focus on acquiring artworks by contemporary West Australian artists. In 1993, the first Bunbury Biennale was launched to facilitate this new direction. Its aim was to invite established and emerging artists to submit contemporary works and from these, acquire new works to further enhance the Collection.

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Another major goal for the inaugural Bunbury Biennale was to challenge and confront audiences with ideas about the nature of contemporary art, and ways to seeing the world. It was held with the belief that it would benefit and educate the Bunbury and South West community by providing a broader context in which local art could be viewed and accessed.

The Biennale is central to the City of Bunbury Art Collection’s acquisitive program, presenting

the best practitioners the State has to offer from which new works may be included in the

Collection. The Biennale is held every two years and is conducted at Bunbury Regional Art


Noongar Country

BRAG has held an annual Noongar artists’ exhibition since 2002. Noongar Country is open to

all Aboriginal artists living and working on Noongar Country and provides a regular

opportunity to build on a growing collection strength.

1.4 Scope

This policy applies to all works of art owned and managed by the City of Bunbury as part of the City of Bunbury Art Collection.

This policy does not apply to works held in the other City of Bunbury collections such as the Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre Collection, the Sister Cities Collection and the Local Studies Collection.

2. Policy Guidelines 2.1 Acquisition and Collection Development

2.1.1 Acquisition Criteria

Works in all media may be acquired meaning all forms of expression in the visual arts. This may include painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, pottery, photography, printmaking, textiles, wood, glass, mixed media, installation works and digital and audio visual work.

Work that will fill gaps in the existing collection or build on holdings of artists whose work is already held in the collection.

Contemporary and historical works by Australian and International artists with strong links to Bunbury and the South West such as subject matter, issues and themes.

Work that reflects current directions within the broader context of Australian art.

Particular emphasis is given to contemporary art by:

Artists living and working in the South West region

Contemporary Indigenous artists of Noongar heritage

Artists working with digital and audio visual media

2.2 Acquisition Guidelines

All Collection acquisitions are subject to a process of due diligence to ensure that artwork acquired for the collection:

Are of public art collection quality

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Are consistent with one of more collection criteria

Have clear legal title (proof of ownership and provenance) to enable full transfer of title to the City of Bunbury Art Collection.

Are able to be appropriately stored and cared for by the City of Bunbury and are available for research and display.

Are in good condition, or are able to be conserved and stabilised.

Are unlikely, in the future, to result in major expense (for conservation, storage, display and security) unless such likelihood is identified and considered in the approval process.

Are unlikely to cause occupational safety and health problems in the course of handling, storage, display and accessibility.

Comply with the Museums Australia Code of Ethics for Art, History and Science Museums (1999) and the UNESCO Cultural Convention of 1970 regarding “means of prohibiting and preventing illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property”.

The City of Bunbury and Bunbury Regional Art Gallery will be mindful of religious and/or cultural sanctions attached to objects, especially from Australian Aboriginal culture and will not acquire or exhibit an object in breach of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. All acquisitions will be accompanied by a Deed of Gift or a Deed of Acquisition, completed and signed by the donor/vendor. All acquisitions will be subject to consistent art museum standard registration procedures before they are stored or displayed.

2.3 Acquisition Approval Process and Procedures

Artworks will be identified for potential acquisition by the Director Bunbury Regional Art Galleries or the Collection Curator/Registrar. Once an artwork has been identified as a potential acquisition under the criteria detailed in the City of Bunbury Art Collection Policy Guidelines it will be considered by an acquisition panel made up of the Director, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, the Collection Curator/Registrar, the Head of Visual Arts at Edith Cowan University Bunbury, one City of Bunbury Elected Member and one external professional curator. An acquisition proposal form will be completed as soon as possible detailing the rationale for inclusion the collection considered against the selection criteria and identifying availability of funds in the appropriate budget line. The proposal form will be circulated to the acquisition panel, where possible the panel will meet to consider the proposed acquisition or alternatively approval or non approval will be given by email. A majority of panel members must approve the recommended acquisition.

Delegated Authority DAG10: “Pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.42 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Chief Executive Officer is delegated the authority to purchase and dispose of artworks up to the value of the Annual Budgetary Line item allocation purchases), or $5,000 per item (disposals).”

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2.4 Gifts and Bequests

Bequests and Donations to the Collection are encouraged to further enhance the Collection but must comply with the acquisition criteria, processes and guidelines detailed in this policy. Bunbury Regional Art Gallery will maintain endorsement for Deductible Gift Recipient DGR status with the Australian Tax office for the City of Bunbury Art Collection to enable donors to obtain a deductible tax incentive.

As a pre-requisite for DGR status the City of Bunbury will establish and maintain a gift fund for any monies for any monies or artworks to be accountable and separately identified and be for the sole purpose of the City of Bunbury Art Collection.

Winding up clause: If for any reason in the unlikely event of the gift fund being wound up, or revoked, any surplus assets of the gift fund remaining after the payment of liabilities attributed to it, shall be transferred to a fund, authority or institution to which income tax deductible gifts can be made.

The Collection Curator/Registrar, in consultation with the Director Bunbury Regional Art Gallery will receive offers of gifts and bequests and submit them to the acquisition panel for consideration.

All proposed gifts and bequests must be examined by the Collection Curator/registrar before deciding on acceptance of the artwork. If physical examination is not possible, photographs with information on the work will be a considered alternative,

Gifts and Bequests should be unconditional however conditions attached to works offered should be given special consideration prior to acquisition,

Long term loans will not be considered.

When preparing an Acquisition Proposal Form the Collection Curator/Registrar will ensure that supporting documentation will include: o Artist’s name, o Background information on the artist, o Title of the work, o Provenance of the work, o A current valuation of the work (if available) o Reason for donation, o A brief condition report commenting on any significant issues, o Any limitations on being able to properly store and maintain the work.

2.5 Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status from the Australian Tax Office

Bunbury Regional Art Gallery will maintain endorsement for Deductible Gift Recipient DGR status with the Australian Tax office for the City of Bunbury Art Collection to enable donors to obtain a deductible tax incentive.

As a pre-requisite for DGR status the City of Bunbury will establish and maintain a gift fund for any monies for any monies or artworks to be accountable and separately identified and be for the sole purpose of of the City of Bunbury Art Collection.

Winding up clause: If for any reason in the unlikely event of the gift fund being wound up, or revoked, any surplus assests of the gift fund remaining after the payment of liabilities attributed to it, shall be transferred to a fund, authority or institution to which income tax deductible gifts can be made.

2.6 De-accessioning and Disposal of Collection Artworks

De-accessioning and disposal should only occur in rare cases, consistent with the role of a public art collection as a valuable community resource.



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A recommendation to deaccession an artwork must include the artwork’s catalogue information, a statement of justification, proposed method of disposal and where the work has been lost or stolen the date it was last seen, by whom, and steps taken to locate the artwork. The Director Bunbury Regional Art Galleries will make recommendations for deaccessioning artworks in consultation with the Collection Curator/Registrar. Recommendations to deaccession artworks will be presented as a report to Council. The final decision to deaccession an artwork rests with Council. No work shall be de-accessioned unless it has been in the collection for five years to provide a fair and reasonable period for review.

There will be a six-month pending period from the date of approval for de-accession and the disposal of the work, in line with City of Bunbury’s legal requirements authority is delegated to the CEO to approve the disposal of art works up to a value of $5,000. De-accessioning recommendations will be made by the Collection Curator in consultation with the Director Bunbury Regional Art Gallery then referred to the Acquisitions Panel. Panel recommendations will be forwarded to the CEO of the City of Bunbury as per Council Decision No.256/12. Deaccessioning should only be considered if there is unlikely to be an adverse effect on the City of Bunbury’s ability to attract future donations of artwork or financial assistance towards the purchase of artworks. Artworks may be considered for removal from the Collection under the following criteria

The work does not meet the acquisition criteria for the Collection.

The work does not have historical or artistic merit as determined by industry experts.

The work is in poor condition and is considered to be of insufficient merit to allocate the resources to ensure its conservation.

The work is irreparably damaged or destroyed, or is missing or stolen without hope of return.

The artwork lacks any supporting information to enable proper identification or to establish its relevance to the collection, or is of insignificant historical, artistic or archival value.

The work poses a hazard to other objects in the Collection,

The artwork is a duplicate or forgery that serves no specific cultural function.

The work proves to be not authentic or not of an original nature A substantiated request for the return of the work to its owner/donor is received. In this instance the donor may be required make restitution of any unreasonable financial loss to the Collection,

Legal evidence proves that the work is the property of a party other than that represented at time of acquisition and should legal process be indicated, recovery of associated costs will be sought from the dealer or agent responsible for the acquisitions.

2.7 Method of Disposal & Documentation

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The proceeds of work/s sold should be used for further acquisitions or maintenance of other work/s as indicated,

Work acquired by donation may, at the discretion of the Council be offered in the first instance to the donor or the family of the donor if deceased,

Appropriate channels to de-accession works include auction, private treaty, through services of an accredited Gallery or Art Dealer or donated to an appropriate non-profit or public institution,

Full documentation including photographs of de-accessioned works is to be retained,

The Director Bunbury Regional Art Gallery, the Collection Curator/Registrar members of the Acquisition Panel, staff of the City of Bunbury and Bunbury Regional Art Galleries and families, are prohibited from purchasing or otherwise acquiring de-accessioned work in the last instance.

After deaccessioning the following shall be maintained:

Record of deaccession against the object in the accession register; and

A record of all previous documentation, including catalogues, cards, correspondence and research, to be placed in a separate deaccession file housed with the accession and registration records.

3.0 Collection Management, Care, Valuation and Conservation

Collection items will be exhibited, stored, sited and otherwise maintained in accordance with the National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries and shall not be stored or hung in situations where conditions are detrimental to the work or have the potential to be harmful to the public.

The display of items with cultural and/or religious significance will be in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Art, History and Science Museums (1999).

Where works are held or displayed outside of BRAG facilities the ambient environment and the works shall be closely monitored.

Only personnel trained in arts handling will handle Collection items.

Professional registration procedures and appropriate records of the collection will be maintained, including cataloguing, documentation, continued research and loans management.

A conservation management plan will be established using the expertise of an appropriate conservator and maintained to ensure necessary work is completed in a timely manner. The conservation management plan will be regularly reviewed.

Only appropriately trained and accredited conservators will be contracted to advise or work on the Collection.

A full professional valuation of the entire collection will take place every five years. The valuer(s) will accredited by the Australian Tax Office. Interim valuations will be obtained as required.

Collection storage facilities will be fully climate controlled and maintained at appropriate established industry levels of temperature and humidity.

Storage facilities will be inspected at least once every quarter for security, damp, pests, and any other condition that may pose a risk to the work/s.

A Collection Disaster Management Plan will be prepared and a fully equipped disaster management kit will be maintained in an appropriate location.

All works will be documented in the MOSAIC database system. Information will include:

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o Artist’s name, Curriculum Vitae and Artist Statement; o Relevant dates and details including provenance; o Record of donation or how it was acquired; o Photographic record; o Construction/ installation record; o Interpretative material; o Conservation/ restoration details; o Condition Report; o Installation instructions.

3.1 Exhibitions

Bunbury Regional Art Gallery will schedule an annual program of City of Bunbury Collection exhibitions. Collection exhibitions will be installed and curated in a considered and professional manner which prioritises public access to the Collection and its many stories.

4 Loans

4.1 Objectives

To create a foundation of reciprocal goodwill of loan of works between the Bunbury Regional Art Gallery and appropriate regional, state, national and international galleries. To promote Bunbury Regional Art Gallery, the City of Bunbury and the region as a whole to a broader audience will profile the significance of the Collection on a local, national or international level. To capitalise on opportunities that benefit Council from loans to other institutions through negotiation or reciprocal services that build and foster care of the work such as conservation, photography, professional development or valuation, etc. as appropriate.

4.2 Rights and responsibilities

Bunbury Regional Art Galleries will consider requests for loans in accordance with this Policy and the Director Bunbury Regional Art Galleries will have authority to approve requests which comply with the Policy. The gallery requesting the loan will be responsible for all costs associated with the loan, including all packing, transport and insurance requirements during the term of the loan. When making any decision on requests for loan of works from the Collection, the Director will take into consideration the physical condition of the work and its ability to withstand the rigours of travel. This consideration must also be made in relation to loans which include touring.

4.3 Parameters

Any requests for loans which are outside the guidelines of this Policy will be referred to the CEO.

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Any proposal for Bunbury Regional Art Gallery staff or a Council representative to travel with art works as couriers or to attend exhibitions where works are loaned are to be approved by the Director Corporate and Community Services.

4.4 Procedure

Consideration for outgoing loans of works will be undertaken in the context of the development of meaningful reciprocal arrangements that are in the best interests of Council. Requests will be considered and approved by the Director Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, subject to an Outward Loan Agreement being signed by the applicant. Appropriate transport, packing and courier services are to be approved by the Director Bunbury Regional Art Galleries and will be detailed in the Loan Agreement. Before an agreement is signed, applicants must provide a satisfactory facilities report detailing the conditions under which the loaned work will be handled and exhibited including environmental control (climate), security and display standards. Applicants must also provide documentation proving adequate insurance cover for the borrowed work for the loan period including when in transit, during exhibition preparation and display period.

4.5 Inward Art Loans

As part of the Art Collection exhibition program, the City of Bunbury may enter into arrangements with other institutions and/or individuals to borrow works of art to complement public exhibitions of the Art Collection.

All borrowed artworks will be covered by an extended insurance through the City of Bunbury,

All lenders will be acknowledged in any public display, marketing and promotions,

A formal loan agreement, including the Terms and Conditions of the loan must be completed by both the Lender and the City of Bunbury.


- Council Policy - City of Bunbury Art Collection

- WA Local Government Act 1995

- Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 Division 376 – Gifts or Contributions

- Cultural Bequests Program Guidelines (no 1) 1997

- Cultural Bequests Program(Maximum Approval Amounts) Determination (No 1) 1997

- Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program

- Museums Australia, Code of Ethics for Art, History and Science Museums (1999)

- National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries (Version 1.2)

- Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006

- Copyright Act 1968

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Document Owner: Director Corporate and Community Services

Created Date: 21 May 2013

Last Review: Reviewed and endorsed at the Policy Review and Development

Committee Meeting 18 December 2014

Related Policy: COUNCIL POLICY: City of Bunbury Art Collection Policy

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Policy Title: DRAFT Local Planning Policy:

East Bunbury Heritage Area

Policy No.: 5.1

Previous Policy (No.): Stirling Street Heritage Area (No. 61)

Date Adopted: 18 February 2003 (Council Decision no. 47/03)

Date Last Reviewed: 26 February 2008 (Council Decision no. 29/08)

Legal Parent: Planning and Development Act 2005

Legal Subsidiary: City of Bunbury Town Planning Scheme No. 7, Part 2 – Local Planning Policy Framework.



1.1 Citation

This Local Planning Policy is made pursuant to the provisions of ‘Division 2 – Local planning policies’ under ‘Part 2 – Local planning framework’ of ‘Schedule 2 – Deemed provisions for local planning schemes’ of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, and may be cited as Local Planning Policy: East Bunbury Heritage Area (herein referred to as the ‘Local Planning Policy’).

1.2 Commencement

This Local Planning Policy was adopted by the Council of the City of Bunbury (the “City”) on 18 February 2003. The reviewed Local Planning Policy commenced operation on DAY MONTH YEAR.

1.3 Relationship to the Scheme and other Local Planning Policies

1.3.1 Pursuant to the provisions of ‘Division 2 – Local planning policies’ under ‘Part 2 – Local planning framework’ of ‘Schedule2 – Deemed provisions for local planning schemes’ of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, this Local Planning Policy supplements the provisions of the Local Planning Scheme. Where a provision of this Local Planning Policy is inconsistent with the Scheme, the Scheme prevails.

1.3.2 The East Bunbury Heritage Area is designated pursuant to section 7.2 of the Scheme, and this policy has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of that section.

1.3.3 Where a provision of this Local Planning Policy is inconsistent with another adopted Local Planning Policy that relates to a designated area, then the provisions of the Local Planning Policy that relate to design guidelines for a designated area shall prevail.

1.3.4 The provisions of this Local Planning Policy comprises of the Policy Text and Policy Map. The Local Planning Policy is to be read in conjunction with the Scheme.

Appendix RAC-8

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Notes: 1. Land use and development within the Local Planning Policy Area is also subject to the Local Planning Scheme.

2. It should be noted that other relevant Local Planning Policies that pertain to cultural heritage matters may apply to the consideration of applications for planning approval within the East Bunbury Heritage Area (the “Heritage Area”).

3. A Local Planning Policy is not part of the Scheme and does not bind the local government in respect of any application for planning approval but the local government is to have due regard to the provisions of the Policy and the objectives which the Policy is designed to achieve before making its determination.

1.4 Relationship with Local Laws 1.4.1 This Local Planning Policy operates in conjunction with the local government’s Local Laws in

the regulation of development and the use of land within the Scheme Area. 1.4.2 Where a provision of the Local Planning Policy is inconsistent with a Local Law, the

provision of the Local Law shall prevail. 2 PURPOSE

2.1 The purpose of the Local Planning Policy is to ensure that the preparation and assessment

of applications for planning approval for the development of land in the East Bunbury Heritage Area achieve the objectives of the policy in an accountable, comparable and consistent manner.

2.2 The intent of the Local Planning Policy is to provide guidance to landowners and the local

government in preparing and assessing applications for planning approval within the East Bunbury Heritage Area.

2.3 This Local Planning Policy augments the development requirements (Deemed-to-comply

and Design principles) of State Planning Policy 3.1: Residential Design Codes (Residential Design Codes or R-Codes), in order to ensure consistency between State and Local Planning Policy approaches in conserving the character and amenity of the East Bunbury Heritage Area.

2.4 This Local Planning Policy augments the principles of sound and responsible planning for

the conservation and protection of Western Australia’s historic heritage set out in State Planning Policy 3.5: Historic Heritage Conservation, in order to ensure consistency between State and Local Planning Policy approaches in conserving heritage places.


In accordance with the Aims of the Scheme, land use and development should achieve the following outcomes for historic heritage conservation in the East Bunbury Heritage Area -

(a) to conserve existing buildings identified as making an “Exceptional”, “Considerable” or “Moderate/Some” contribution to the cultural heritage significance and character of the East Bunbury Heritage Area (herein referred to as the “Heritage Area”). Refer to the Schedule of Places that Contribute to the Significance of the East Bunbury

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Heritage Area;

(b) to encourage new building developments, including alterations or additions to existing buildings, that are sympathetic to, and maintain the integrity of, the East Bunbury Heritage Area’s cultural heritage significance, its established character and visual amenity;

(c) to enable the East Bunbury Heritage Area to develop as a residential neighbourhood in a manner that retains its character and cultural heritage significance in making a considerable contribution to the cultural heritage values of the City; and

(d) to conserve the cultural significance of the East Bunbury Heritage Area which is significant for the following reasons:

the area comprises a high concentration of single residential buildings from the late nineteenth to mid twentieth century that includes a mix of upper, middle and working class homes together with some individually significant places, including the State Government Infants School (1917), the Residency (1896) and the Mill Store and Residence (1897);

the area contains a rare and highly intact collection of timber framed and clad cottages, including railway workers’ homes from the late nineteenth and mid twentieth century;

the area contains a number of examples of attached cottages, of both masonry and timber construction;

the area comprises highly intact streetscapes of heritage buildings of similar form and scale that are broadly unified as examples ranging from Federation Queen Anne, to modest homes in the vernacular style typical of railway or wharf workers’ homes from the early to mid twentieth century;

historically the area represents the development of a part of Captain James Stirling’s Leschenault Location 26, resulting from the expansion of residential development to the east of the Bunbury town centre following the relocation of the railway in 1893;

the aesthetic character of the area results from the irregular pattern of streets influenced by the alignment of the Blair Street former railway reserve to the west and the Leschenault Inlet to the north. This has led in some locations (e.g., Ednie Street, the northern section of Charles Street and part of Moore Street) to an unusual ‘saw tooth’ arrangement of timber cottages; which is rare, if not unique, in a West Australian residential context; and

the work of the National Trust of Australia (WA) from the 1970s, and subsequently the City of Bunbury, to document and protect the significance of the area demonstrates the social importance of the area in providing a sense of place and history in the context of the contemporary City of Bunbury.

4 LOCAL PLANNING POLICY AREA 4.1 This Local Planning Policy applies to all land within the East Bunbury Heritage Area of the

City of Bunbury. 4.2 The boundaries of the Local Planning Policy Area incorporates that area referred to as the

East Bunbury Heritage Area, as defined by Map 1: East Bunbury Heritage Area.

Note: Refer to East Bunbury Heritage Area Study document for further information regarding

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the background and context that informed the policy review.

5 APPLICATION 5.1 The provisions of this Local Planning Policy apply to all development and/or use of premises

in the Local Planning Policy Area where indicated as permitted or discretionary land uses under the Zoning Table of the Scheme and/or where proposed development is considered incidental to a permitted use/development within the zone provisions of the Scheme as determined by the local government.

5.2 Subject to Part 7 – Local Planning Framework of the Residential Design Codes, the

provisions of this Local Planning Policy augment the codes by providing additional Performance Criteria (Design principles) and Deemed-to-Comply provisions for aspects related to heritage and character.

5.3 Subject to the Scheme, development and use of land within the East Bunbury Heritage Area

for the purposes of historic heritage conservation shall be in accordance with the standards and requirements of this Local Planning Policy; and except as otherwise provided, shall require the prior planning approval of the local government in accordance with the provisions of the Scheme.

5.4 In considering an application for planning approval where a variation is proposed to one or

more Acceptable Development requirements prescribed under the Residential Design Codes and/or this Local Planning Policy, the local government may require the submission of a Development Impact Statement (Heritage & Character), which has been undertaken by a suitably qualified and experienced heritage professional, at the applicant’s expense, to the satisfaction of the local government as part of any application for planning approval.


Except where provided for within the provisions of the Residential Design Codes and subject to compliance with the relevant development requirements and standards of the Scheme, there are no other exemptions or exclusions permitted under the Scheme.

Notes 1. The Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 requires the local government to seek the advice of the Heritage Council of Western Australia when considering an application for planning approval affecting a place entered on the State Register of Heritage Places.

Planning applications for a place entered on the State Register of Heritage Places shall be referred by the local government to the Heritage Council of Western Australia. In addition, nearby development that is considered by the local government to have the potential to impact on a State Registered Heritage place may be referred by the local government to the Heritage Council of Western Australia. The local government will determine the application in accordance with the advice provided by the Heritage Council of Western Australia and in these cases additional conditions may be applied in order to achieve an appropriate conservation outcome.

2. Local Planning Policy: Development Assessment Process for Heritage Places applies to the East Bunbury Heritage Area.

3. Section 11 of this Local Planning Policy sets out terms of reference for a Development Impact Statement (Heritage & Character).

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7 MEANING OF TERMS 7.1 Unless the context otherwise requires, words and expressions used in this Local Planning

Policy have the same meaning as they have -

(a) in the Planning and Development Act 2005; or

(b) if they are not defined in that Act -

i. in the Greater Bunbury Region Scheme (GBRS); or

ii. in the Dictionary of Defined Words and Expressions in Schedule 1 of the City of Bunbury Town Planning Scheme No. 7; or

iii. in the Residential Design Codes; or

iv. Building Code of Australia; or

v. in a relevant Australian Standard; or

(c) Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990. 7.2 The meaning of other specific words and expressions relevant to this Local Planning Policy

are given below: “Adaptation” means modifying a place to suit an existing use or a proposed use. “Archival Record” means a document containing drawings, photographs and written

information prepared in order to record the state of a place at a given time, usually prior to demolition or major change.

“Averaged building line” for the purposes of this Local Planning Policy the term “averaged

building line” shall mean the average of multiple building lines on a lot as measured from the front boundary.

“Building” for the purposes of this Local Planning Policy the term “building” shall have the

same meaning as given in the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990.

Notes: 1. The two statutory definitions for a “building” are differing in so far as the Residential Design Codes exclude fences, pergolas and swimming pools; whereas the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 specifically includes all structures due to their potential cultural heritage significance. Therefore, developments involving such things as fences and pergolas that normally would not be relevant to the assessment of a dwelling must be a consideration in a Heritage Area. The reliance upon the Act’s definition of a building by this Local Planning Policy does not affect the operation of the Residential Design Codes, but merely ensures proper consideration of fencing and other ancillary structures as part of the assessment of all development within the Policy Area.

2. Under the Residential Design Codes the term “building” means “any structure whether fixed or movable, temporary or permanent, placed or erected on land, and the term includes dwellings and structures appurtenant to dwellings such as carports, garages, verandahs, patios, outbuildings and retaining walls, but excludes boundary fences, pergolas and swimming pools.”

3. Under the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 the term “building” means “in

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relation to any land, includes any structure erected or placed on or in that land, and any part of the building or fence or other appurtenance to the building.”

4. For the purposes of this Local Planning Policy the terms “building” and “dwelling” are used interchangeably. Therefore, the Policy applies equally to the development of residential dwellings and other buildings that are used for non-residential purposes.

“Building front setback” means the distance between the front boundary of the lot and the

front of a building on the site. Sometimes there is a minimum setback requirement which is the minimum setback allowed for a building in a street or particular location.

“Building line” means the line formed by the front wall of the building facing the primary

street of a lot. “Burra Charter” means the Australian chapter of the International Council of Monuments

and Sites (ICOMOS) Charter for the conservation of places of cultural significance. The Charter has been generally accepted as the standard for heritage practitioners in Australia.

“Conservation” has meaning as that given in the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990.

Note: Under the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 the term “Conservation” means all the processes of looking after a place so as to retain its cultural significance. It includes maintenance and may, according to circumstances, include preservation, restoration, reconstruction and adaptation. Conservation will commonly involve a combination of more than one of these.”

“Conservation Plan” means a document that details how to identify and look after the

significant cultural values of a place. Its preparation involves a systematic way of considering, recording and monitoring actions and decisions relating to all aspects of managing a place. The Heritage Council of WA provides guidelines for the preparation of Conservation Plans to ensure that all important matters are considered.

“Cultural Heritage Significance” has meaning as that given in the Heritage of Western

Australia Act 1990.

Note: “Cultural Heritage Significance” means the aesthetic, historic, social and scientific values of a place for past, present or future generations (Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990)

“Contributory Building” means a building that has been included in the Schedule of Places

that Contribute to the Significance of the East Bunbury Heritage Area. “Heritage Agreement” means a contract under section 29 of the Heritage of Western

Australia Act 1990 (the “Act”) which is undertaken on a voluntary basis by the owners of a heritage place. The agreement binds current and successive owners to a set of conservation conditions and may provide compensating benefits in some circumstances. Essentially, the purpose of a Heritage Agreement is to secure the long-term conservation of a heritage place. A Heritage Agreement runs with the land and is confirmed through a Memorial placed on the Certificate of Title.

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“Heritage Assessment” means a systematic assessment that describes a place and its setting and states its significant heritage values (level of contribution) in terms of the criteria adopted by the Heritage Council of Western Australia. These criteria are the aesthetic, historic, social and scientific values of the place.

“Heritage Council of Western Australia” means the State Government’s advisory body on

heritage matters and is responsible for the State Register of Heritage Places. Under the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990, places listed on the State Register are given legal protection. The Heritage Council provides advice to the Minister for Heritage on heritage issues, identifies and conserves places of cultural heritage significance, facilitates development that is in harmony with cultural heritage values, and promotes awareness and knowledge of cultural heritage.

“Heritage List” means a list of those places within the Scheme Area which have been

assessed as being of cultural heritage significance and worthy of conservation under the provisions of the Scheme.

The list includes those places identified as having “Exceptional”, “Considerable” or “Moderate/Some” significance in the local government Heritage Inventory.

Note: “Exceptional Significance” means that the place has been assessed as an essential part of the heritage of the City of Bunbury.

“Considerable Significance” means that the place has been assessed as a very important part of the heritage of the City of Bunbury.

“Moderate/Some Significance” means that the place has been assessed as making a positive contribution to the heritage of the City of Bunbury.

“Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990” (the “Act”) is the statutory framework for the

identification and conservation of places which have significance to the cultural heritage of Western Australia. The Act also describes the composition and powers of the Heritage Council of WA and requires local governments to prepare Municipal Heritage Inventories.

“Heritage Place” means a building, structure, landscape element, site, area of land or other

physical element valued for its cultural (or historic) heritage significance, together with associated contents and surrounds.

For the purpose of the Local Planning Policy this means those places that have been included in the Heritage List.

“Interpretation” means all the ways of presenting the significance of a heritage place.

Interpretation can include the use of colour, lighting, furnishings, historic material or signage or a combination of these to tell the story of the building or place.

“Interpretation Plan” means a document that explains the ways in which a place could be

interpreted. Interpretation Plans should aim to increase both our understanding and our enjoyment of heritage places.

“Local government” means the City of Bunbury, or the Council of the City of Bunbury, as

the context requires. “National Trust of Australia (WA)” means an independent community organisation

established under the National Trust of Australia (WA) Act 1964, and is part of a world-wide movement of National Trusts. The Trust identifies and maintains a list of

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premises of heritage significance to the State, and is custodian of heritage assets vested in it. The Trust also has a traditional educational role in promoting community concern for, and understanding of, the State’s heritage. The Trust does not have the power to impose preventative or restrictive conditions on listed places, however it can lobby on behalf of the community for governments and interested parties to act towards this effect.

“Natural ground level” is defined by Statement of Planning Policy No. 3.1: Residential

Design Codes, means the levels on a site which precede the proposed development, excluding any site works unless approved by the decision-maker or established as part of subdivision of the land preceding development.

Note: This Statement of Planning Policy was adopted under Part 3 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).

“Plot ratio area” is defined by Statement of Planning Policy No. 3.1: Residential Design

Codes, means the gross total area of all floors of buildings on a development site, including the area of any internal and external walls but not including the areas of any lift shafts, stairs or stair landings common to two or more dwellings, machinery, air conditioning and equipment rooms, space that is wholly below natural ground level, areas used exclusively for the parking of wheeled vehicles at or below natural ground level, storerooms, lobbies, bin storage areas and passageways to bin storage areas or amenities areas common to more than one dwelling, or balconies, eaves, verandahs, courtyards and roof terraces.

“Structural Condition Assessment” means a report prepared by a qualified structural

engineer that assesses the structural state of a building or element. “Surrounding development in the immediate locality” for the purposes of this Local

Planning Policy, “surrounding development in the immediate locality” means the five premises on either side of the proposed development on both sides of the street that the subject building is oriented towards. More significance will be given to development in the immediate locality that is closer to the proposed development, particularly in the case of corner lots.

“Traditional street pattern” for the purposes of this Local Planning Policy, “traditional

street pattern” means one house per lot with single storey houses facing the street. Houses are rectangular in form with pitched roofs and verandahs or porches at the front. The term also recognises traditional and local patterns of front and side setbacks.

7.3 Notes, and instructions printed in italics, are not part of the Local Planning Policy.

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PART B 8 GENERAL STANDARDS FOR LAND USE & DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Land Use & Development in the East Bunbury Heritage Area

The development of land is to be in accordance with the requirements of –

(a) this Local Planning Policy: East Bunbury Heritage Area; and

(b) the Residential Design Codes for residential and mixed use developments, subject to the variations; and

(c) the applicable zone provisions under the Scheme; and

(d) relevant Special Control Area(s); and

(e) relevant Local Planning Policies or Local Laws; and

(f) applicable Australian Standards; and

(g) Burra Charter principles.

Note: Section 8 - General Standards for Land Use & Development of this Local Planning Policy sets out the prescriptive provisions by which protection/conservation of heritage & character must be provided for as part of any land use and development proposal within the Policy Area.

8.2 Works Requiring Planning Approval

All development affecting a place on the Heritage List requires planning approval, and this includes minor works such as replacement of roofing, gutters and downpipes. This is to ensure that these works do not have a negative impact on the heritage significance of the place.

Works impacting on the setting of the place, including fencing, swimming pools, and other ancillary structures, also require planning approval.

Note: Under Local Planning Policy: Application Fees for Planning Approval for Development of Heritage Places, the City of Bunbury will waive planning fees for places on the City of Bunbury Heritage List or located within a designated heritage area in the following circumstances:

Planning applications for a heritage place which would not normally require a planning application.

Planning application involving alterations and additions, which have no adverse affect on the heritage significance, associated with the heritage listed place.

Planning application involving partial demolition that has no adverse affect on the heritage significance associated with the heritage listed place.

8.3 Demolition and Removal of Significant Landscape Elements 8.3.1 Demolition of any building or place within the Local Planning Policy Area requires the

planning approval of the local government. The local government may not approve demolition of a building within the Local Planning Policy Area until there is a planning

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approval granted for a new building that complies with the Local Planning Policy. 8.3.2 Application for demolition of all or part of an existing contributory building in the Local

Planning Policy Area may be required to demonstrate that the building fabric to be demolished is of little or no individual cultural heritage significance and does not contribute to the cultural heritage significance of the Heritage Area, and that demolition will not have a negative impact on any associated significant fabric. The local government may require that a comprehensive Development Impact Statement (Heritage & Character), that addresses the implications of demolition, be prepared for the local government’s consideration.

8.3.3 Demolition approval will not be considered for a contributory building on the grounds of

economic/other gain for redevelopment of the land; however the local government may consider demolition approval of a building on the grounds of structural inadequacy, as demonstrated by a suitably qualified engineer. This will need to be considered with the Development Impact Statement.

8.3.4 The local government may require that a comprehensive Structural Condition Assessment

be prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced structural engineer for the local government’s consideration if structural inadequacy is cited as a reason for demolition.

Note: It is recommended that where demolition of all or part of a building or place within the East Bunbury Heritage Area is being contemplated, the applicant first seeks the advice of the City of Bunbury Heritage Officer prior to the preparation of a proposal for a new building on the site.

Clause 6.6 of State Planning Policy 3.5 Historic Heritage Conservation states that the local government may require an acceptable redevelopment proposal as a condition of a planning approval for demolition.

8.3.5 The local government may require the preparation of an Archival Record (in accordance

with the Heritage Council of WA guidelines) as a condition of planning approval for demolition.

8.3.6 The local government may require the preparation and implementation of an

Interpretation Plan as a condition of planning approval for demolition. 8.3.7 Demolition of ancillary buildings or structures that do not relate to the heritage significance

of the place will generally be acceptable. 8.3.8 Where a tree has been identified as a significant element in its own right or forms a

significant part of the setting/amenity of a heritage place, and is proposed for removal, the local government may require that a comprehensive report (demonstrating why removal is necessary) be prepared by a suitably qualified arborist.

8.4 Conservation of Existing Buildings

The protection of the historic heritage values of the City of Bunbury depends on the conservation of significant places.

8.4.1 Retention of original, significant fabric

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Good conservation practice involves retaining significant building and landscape elements where possible.

8.4.2 Replacement of fabric

If part of the significant fabric has deteriorated to the point where it requires replacement, a policy of ‘like for like’ is generally recommended. However, in some cases similar, but not identical, fabric may be appropriate. Examples include existing corrugated iron roof sheeting, which in some cases may be replaced by Colorbond or zincalume sheets; or asbestos cement sheets which should be replaced with comparable sheet material that does not contain asbestos.

Note: Asbestos removal shall be carried out in accordance with WorkSafe Australia Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of Asbestos.

Within Bunbury there are some places where original fabric has been removed/replaced to the detriment of heritage values. Examples include replacement of corrugated iron roof sheeting with ‘decramastic’ roof tiles (galvanized steel pressed metal sheets that look like tiles); replacement of timber window frames with aluminium; enclosure or removal of traditional verandahs; etc. Restoration/reconstruction of places to their original or earlier form and detailing is encouraged where practicable. Where possible this should be based on evidence such as remaining traces of earlier fabric, old photographs, or comparison with other similar places.

In the event of the removal of a tree that has been identified as a significant part of a heritage place, the local government may require a replacement tree of the same species to be planted in the same or a nearby location.

8.4.3 Adaptation

It is recognised that heritage buildings often require adaptation to meet current needs and new uses.

Generally adaptation will be supported provided:

any required modifications do not substantially detract from the heritage significance of the place;

the proposed works are consistent with the provisions of this Local Planning Policy;

the proposed use(s) will not impact negatively on the amenity of the surrounding area; and

the use is consistent with the Scheme and other relevant local planning policies.

Adaptation should be carried out with the least amount of change to the significant fabric as possible.

Where possible, evidence of the original use of a building should be retained, and in some circumstances interpretation may be appropriate to help understand the former use where this is not readily apparent.

8.4.4 Internal Alterations

Where any internal fabric has been identified as being of exceptional or considerable

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significance this should be conserved where practicable. Where the original assessment for entry in the Heritage List has not included an internal inspection the local government may require that a Development Impact Statement (Heritage & Character) that addresses the impact of internal alterations be prepared for the local government’s consideration.

8.4.5 Relocation of Buildings/Structures In the majority of cases the physical location of a place is an important part of its cultural heritage significance, therefore the relocation of a building or other component of a place on the Heritage List is unacceptable, except in the following circumstances:

this is the sole practical means of ensuring the building’s survival;

it can be demonstrated that the place already has a history of relocation and that further relocation will not diminish either the significance of the place or the cultural heritage of the City of Bunbury; or

its relocation forms part of a proposal for a new use or development on the site, and is fundamental to retention of the place on the same site.

8.4.6 Development on Neighbouring Properties

Adjacent development should not unduly detract from the significance or setting of a place on the Shire’s Heritage List and the local government shall have due regard for the heritage values of a place when assessing development proposals on neighbouring properties.

8.4.7 Recording Change Where substantial modifications to a place of Exceptional or Considerable Significance are approved, the local government may require an archival record to be prepared in accordance with the Heritage Council of WA guidelines (as a condition of planning approval).

8.4.8 Interpretation Interpretation can enhance understanding and enjoyment of heritage places, particularly where the cultural heritage values are not readily apparent.

The local government may require the preparation and implementation of an Interpretation Plan as a condition of development approval in a range of circumstances, including:

proposals that will substantially impact on the heritage significance of the place, or on the public appreciation of that significance; or

changes of use for a heritage place, particularly where the original use will no longer be readily apparent.

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The development and use of land for the purposes of historic heritage conservation is to be in accordance with the general requirements and standards for land use and development of the Scheme, and the following development requirements of the Local Planning Policy: East Bunbury Heritage Area.

Performance Criteria Deemed-to-Comply


1. Section 9 of this Local Planning Policy sets out the performance-based provisions by which any land use and development within the Scheme Area is regulated.

2. Pursuant to Part 4 and Part 5 of the Scheme, development must meet the following Performance Criteria.

3. Pursuant to Part 4 and Part 5 of the Scheme, development that complies with the following Deemed-to-Comply is deemed to have met the relevant Performance Criteria.

4. The Deemed-to-Comply provisions illustrate one way of meeting the associated Performance Criteria.

5. Where no Deemed-to-Comply provisions are provided, the local government may require the preparation a Development Impact Statement (Heritage & Character) that addresses the manner in which the proposal meets the relevant Performance Criteria.

9.1 Development Pattern, Lot Subdivision or Amalgamation

The East Bunbury Heritage Area is comprised of mainly single storey dwellings on single lots. There are some traditional examples of attached pairs of dwellings and one example of three attached dwellings. These dwellings are side by side and face the street.

Any amalgamation or subdivision proposals impacting on places of considerable or moderate contribution to the heritage area shall be assessed with reference to the potential impact of the subdivision/amalgamation (inclusive of future development) on the cultural heritage significance of the place.

Future development on a subdivided/amalgamated lot must fully address all other requirements of this Local Planning Policy. This applies to the lot containing the heritage place and any new vacant lots that may be created by a subdivision.

Amalgamation of lots is not encouraged, however redevelopment of previously amalgamated lots shall ensure that the established traditional street pattern in the Heritage Area is reinstated.

Within the Heritage Area retention of dwellings of considerable or moderate contribution is required and this may impact development potential. Where the policy recognises that there is little or no contribution to character, the site may be developed within the parameters of this Local Planning Policy.

Note: The local government is not a decision making authority with respect to subdivision and amalgamation. These provisions will be used to guide the local government in its assessment and recommendations to the relevant decision making authority.

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Performance Criteria Deemed-to-Comply

Desired Development Outcomes:

Where the Residential Design Codes and Scheme allow for more than one building with the subdivision/amalgamation of the existing lot, this should only be approved where places of considerable or moderate contribution to the heritage area (inclusive of significant buildings, landscape elements etc) are retained within a setting that is appropriate to the cultural heritage values of the place.

Future development of any new lots created by subdivision/amalgamation must be capable of being achieved without negatively impacting on the significance of the heritage place. For example, the development of these lots should not:

o require the removal of significant mature trees;

o remove or unduly limit opportunities for parking in accordance with clause 9.2 of this Local Planning Policy (either directly associated with the heritage place or on a new adjacent lot);

o remove or unduly limit opportunities for sympathetic additions to the heritage place, as may be required to meet modern living requirements;

o result in adjacent new buildings or boundary fences unsympathetically intruding on the setting of the heritage place; or

o result in any adjacent new development of a scale, siting or bulk that is unsympathetic to the heritage place (for example, small lots necessitating two storey development with small setbacks adjacent to a single storey heritage place).

P1.1 Subdivision retains the established street pattern and respects the traditional subdivision layout of surrounding development in the immediate locality.

P1.2 Subdivision does not require the

demolition or modification of significant fabric.

P1.3 Subdivision/amalgamation retains an appropriate physical setting and important public views to the heritage place.

This includes the retention of original garden areas, landscaping features or other features that are considered essential to the setting of the heritage place or its heritage significance.

P1.4 Subdivision will not unduly restrict opportunities for meeting the other requirements set out in this Local Planning Policy.

P1.5 Future development on any new lots created by subdivision/ amalgamation can be achieved without unduly compromising the significance or

C1.1 Subdivided lots with frontage to a primary street shall be configured to allow buildings orientated to address the primary street, and have a consistent building setback with adjacent premises.

C1.2 If the site comprises an amalgamation of former residential lots, the development reflects the traditional street pattern for the immediate locality.

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Performance Criteria Deemed-to-Comply

setting of the heritage place.

9.2 Access, Parking & Rights-of-Way

Many dwellings in the East Bunbury Heritage Area are setback only a short distance behind the front boundary. Many are also located close to the side boundaries with limited opportunities for new accessways, or for garages or carports to be constructed to the side.

Modern access and parking requirements can have a major impact as carparking was not a prominent, traditional feature of many places on the Heritage List.

Figure 1: Access, Parking and Rights-of-Way.

Desired Development Outcomes:

New accessways and parking areas should be designed to minimise the visual and physical impact on heritage places.

Where there is an existing driveway this should continue to be used for vehicular access.

Where there is an existing right-of-way behind the property, this should be used for vehicular access where possible.

New driveways and hardstand areas should be designed and sited to avoid having a negative impact on any original mature landscaping, garden areas, and other landscaping features where these are considered to form an important part of the setting of the heritage place, and/or contribute to its heritage.

P2.1 Access and parking for buildings is adequately provided within the

C2.1.1 Parking areas of lots/development sites are visually concealed from the

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Performance Criteria Deemed-to-Comply

boundaries of the lot/development site, and does not negatively impact on:

(a) the setting of the heritage place;

(b) significant landscape elements;

(c) the streetscape character and amenity; and

(d) the availability of on-street parking in the locality.

primary street.

C2.1.2 Parking areas of lots/development sites for grouped or multiple dwellings are accessed from either:

(a) a shared accessway; or

(b) rear boundary right-of-way,

in order to minimise the number of crossovers and reduce the impact of garages and carports on the primary streetscape.

9.3 Building Setbacks and Orientation

Front and side building setbacks are an important element defining the character of a streetscape. Generally in the Heritage Area, dwellings are set back a similar distance from the street boundary. While there is some variation between streets, front setbacks are generally such that there is little opportunity for development in the street setback area.

The Heritage Area contains some streetscapes where the pattern of setbacks is particularly significant. These are:

the north-eastern end of Charles Street and the Eastern side of Moore Street between Thomas and Hayes Streets where there is a rare ‘saw-tooth’ pattern to the setbacks of adjacent houses; and

the southern side of Ednie Street where the set-back pattern is particularly consistent.

Figure 2: Building Setbacks.

Desired Development Outcomes:

All development shall retain/reinforce the traditional orientation and front and side setback pattern in the immediate locality.

New development shall not impede opportunities to meet the access and parking requirements of this policy.

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Performance Criteria Deemed-to-Comply

P3.1 Additions to all buildings are set back from the primary street a distance equal to the prevailing traditional setback of surrounding development in the immediate locality.

P3.2 Additions to contributory buildings allow the contributory building to remain dominant when viewed from the street.

P3.3 New buildings are orientated to address the street and ensure the retention of the traditional street pattern.

P3.4 New buildings are constructed with setbacks from side boundaries generally consistent with the traditional street pattern.

C3.1 Ground floor additions to a contributory building are setback a minimum of 1m behind the primary frontage of the existing building.

C3.2 Where an existing building on a lot is

not to be retained, new buildings with a frontage to a primary street shall have a setback generally consistent with the surrounding development in the immediate locality.

C3.3 Where an existing building on a lot is

retained, new buildings with frontage to a primary street are set back:

(a) in line with the existing building to be retained; or

(b) consistent with the established front setback of the surrounding development in the immediate locality.

C3.4 New buildings are constructed with a setback distance from the side boundary equal to the traditional setback distance of buildings on the adjoining lots.

9.4 Alterations and Additions to Existing Buildings

The local government supports adaptation and additions to existing buildings in the East Bunbury Heritage Area and encourages building work that is compatible with the fabric and significance of the original building or place.

Figure 3: Additions to Existing Dwellings.

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Performance Criteria Deemed-to-Comply

Desired Development Outcomes:

All development should, as far as practicable, retain the significant character, detailing, orientation and setting of the heritage place.

Additions and new buildings/structures (including garages, carports, patios, swimming pools, gazebos etc.) should take account of the significance and character of the heritage place, involve the least possible alteration to significant fabric, retain the prominence of the original building in public views, and not unnecessarily obscure significant elements/details.

Where practicable, the works should include reinstatement of significant detailing where this has been previously removed or severely damaged.

Additions and new buildings/structures should be set back behind the main façade.

Single storey alterations/additions are preferred for a single storey heritage building. Provided they retain clear evidence of the original scale and form of the significant structure, these may be designed as a direct continuation of the building footprint or as a linked pavilion.

A second storey may be constructed at the rear, but the significant form of the original building must remain clearly evident and visually prominent when viewed from the dominant street. Additions built forward of, or up to, the ridge of the original building are generally not appropriate.

Alterations/additions to a heritage building may be in the same general style as the existing building or provide a visual contrast. However, additions should always respect the heritage place in terms of scale, massing, form, setbacks, external materials, colours and detailing (including design aspects such as the proportions of doors and windows, width of eaves overhangs, roof form etc).

Alterations/additions should always be distinguishable from the original fabric at close inspection.

Alterations to the interior of a heritage place to meet reasonable modern living standards and/or to suit a compatible new use will be supported, subject to consideration of the impact on any fabric identified as being of exceptional or considerable significance.

Ideally, where original internal walls or features are proposed to be removed these changes should be managed to allow evidence of the original layout to be read at close inspection where practicable (for example by retention of small wall “nibs” or the use of different finishes).

The style and detailing of new buildings should not directly mimic the heritage place (ensuring a clear distinction between old and new).

Where new development impacts on setbacks this should not impede opportunities to meet the access and parking requirements of this policy.

P4.1 Alterations, additions or new structures are designed to ensure that, as far as practicable:

(a) the work involves the minimum possible alteration to, or loss of, significant form and fabric (both internally and externally, and inclusive of both built and landscape elements);

C4.1.1 Single storey additions are located:

(a) behind the main building; and/or

(b) constructed 1m behind the primary frontage of the existing building.

C4.1.2 Rear additions take the form of a linked pavilion that allow the original

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Performance Criteria Deemed-to-Comply

(b) the setting of the heritage place is not adversely affected by the new works (inclusive of any new landscaping, hard stands, fences etc);

(c) the heritage place remains the dominant element when viewed from the primary street; important public views to the heritage place are not adversely affected; and the original building’s contribution to the streetscape is maintained.

dwelling to retain its original form.

C4.1.3 Second storey additions are:

(a) accommodated within the existing roof;

(b) built behind the original building and not visible from the street; or

(c) constructed so that the roof of the addition is contained below the line of sight of a person standing on the opposite side of the street. A minor variation to this may be permitted on the basis of its impact on the streetscape.

C4.1.4 The reinstatement of significant original detailing where this has been previously removed or seriously damaged.

P4.2 New buildings, additions or other works are designed:

(a) to match (but not exactly mimic) the style of the heritage building; or

(b) in a contemporary style that is compatible with the original.

C4.2.1 New work such as additions to the place may be acceptable where it does not distort or obscure the cultural significance of the place, or detract from its interpretation and appreciation.

C4.2.2 New work should be readily identifiable as such.

9.5 Construction of New Buildings

The majority of dwellings that contribute to the East Bunbury Heritage Area are examples of modest vernacular buildings built between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. There are some modest examples of homes in the Federation Queen Anne and Federation Bungalow styles and there are some Inter-War Californian Bungalows. The majority of dwellings contribute to the significance of the Heritage Area because their general form and style is typical of domestic buildings from this period rather than because they are individually significant for their architectural qualities.

While new dwellings should respect the qualities of the existing buildings, there is no requirement for them to copy or replicate building styles more typical of a by-gone era.

Figure 4: Desired bulk and scale of new dwellings.
