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Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 1 Applied Cryptography Week 8 Web Services, Secure Voting and XML...

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Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 1 Applied Cryptography Week 8 Web Services, Secure Voting and XML Signature Mike McCarthy

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 1

Applied Cryptography Week 8Web Services, Secure Voting and

XML Signature

Mike McCarthy

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 2

XML Web Services

Hot topic

Foundation of Service Oriented Architectures


Remote Method Invocation

Supported by all the big players

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 3

Existing XML Web Services

GoogleEBayAmazonXIgnite (financial computations)Hundreds of othersSee www.xmethods.comMany are not public

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XML Web Services & Cryptography

Bob and Alice – Exchange SOAP messages



Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 5

What’s going on?

Web Services Security (WSS) specification from OASIS

Message confidentiality

Message authentication

End-to-end (not just point-to-point)

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 6

The WS Cryptography Stack

XML Web Services SecuritySAML (Security Assertion ML),XKMS (XML Key Management Specification),

XACML (eXtensible Access Control Markup Language)


.NET Crypto API’s Java Security API’s

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 7

Development Tools We’ll Use

Apache’s WSS4J (Web Services Security)

Apache’s Tomcat/Axis (for XML RPC)

Java’s JCE and JCA

C# Crypto API’s

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 8

Main Project Secure Voting

Hot topic

Build an interoperable implementation of one of Schneier’s “Esoteric Protocols”

Exercise mathematical skills (blind signatures are not normally found in crypto API’s)

Involves the consideration of issues associated with many other secure protocols

Involves the consideration of programming and security issues associated with web services

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Goals Of Secure Voting

Only Authorized Voters Can Vote

No one can vote more than once

No one can determine for whom anyone else voted

No one can duplicate anyone else’s vote

No one can change anyone else’s vote without being discovered

Every voter can make sure that his vote has been taken into account in the final tabulation.

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First Attempt

Each voter encrypts his vote with the public key of a Central Tabulating Facility (CTF)

Each voter send his vote in to the CTF

The CTF decrypts the votes, tabulates them, and makes the results public

What are some problems with this protocol?

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Second Attempt

Each voter signs his vote with his private key

Each voter encrypts his signed vote with the CTF’s public key

Each voter send his vote to the CTF

The CTF decrypts the votes, checks the signature, tabulates the votes and makes the results public

What are some problems with this protocol?

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Third Attempt Page 1

Each voter generates 10 sets of messages, each set containing a valid vote for each possible outcome. Each message also contains a randomly generated identification number, large enough to avoid duplicates with other voters.

Each voter individually blinds all of the messages, signs the package, and sends it to the CTF

The CTF checks its database to make sure the voter has not submitted his blinded votes for signature previously

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Third Attempt Page 2

The CTF chooses 9 of these sets randomly and requests the blinding factors for these 9.

The voter sends the 9 blinding factors to the CTF

The CTF opens 9 of the 10 sets to make sure they are properly formed

The CTF signs each blinded message in the remaining set

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Third Attempt Page 3

It sends them back to the voter, storing the name of the voter in its database

The voter unblinds the messages and is left with a set of votes signed by the CTF

The voter chooses one of the votes, adds some salt and encrypts it with the CTF’s public key

The voter send his vote in to the CTF

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Third Attempt Page 4

The CTF decrypts the vote, discards the salt and checks the signatures, it checks its database for a duplicate identification number, saves the identification number, and tabulates the votes

It publishes the results of the election, along with every identification number and its associated vote

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Detail Page1

Each voter generates 10 sets of messages, each set containing a valid vote for each possible outcome. Each message also contains a randomly generated identification number, large enough to avoid duplicates with other voters.

Kerry862322309811 2 of 10 sets Bush862322309811 Nader862322309811 Kerry732341309936 Bush732341309936 Nader732341309936

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Detail Page 2

Each voter individually blinds all of the messages and sends them to the CTF

(Kerry862322309811)*k1e mod n

(Bush862322309811 )*k1e mod n

(Nader862322309811 )*k1e mod n

(Kerry732341309936 )*k2e mod n

(Bush732341309936 )* k2e mod n

(Nader732341309936 )* k2e mod n

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Detail Page 3

The CTF checks its database to make sure the voter has not submitted his blinded votes for signature previously.

Voter’s signature(

(Kerry862322309811)*k1e mod n

(Bush862322309811 )*k1e mod n

(Nader862322309811 )*k1e mod n

(Kerry732341309936 )*k2e mod n

(Bush732341309936 )* k2e mod n

(Nader732341309936 )* k2e mod n)

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Detail Page 4

The CTF chooses 9 of these sets randomly and requests the blinding factors for these 9.

The voter sends the 9 blinding factors to the CTFThe CTF opens 9 of the 10 sets to make sure they

are properly formed

Suppose m = Nader732341309936 (m*k2

e)d = mdk2ed = mdk2

mdk2 * k2 -1 = md

mde = m

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Detail Page 5

The CTF signs each blinded message in the remaining set

Suppose m = Kerry862322309811

(m*k1 e)d = mdk1

ed = mdk1

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Detail Page 6

It sends them back to the voter, storing the name of the voter in its database

The voter unblinds the messages and is left with a set of votes signed by the CTF

mdk1 * k1-1 = md

The voter can read this by computing

(md) e = m

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Detail Page 7

The voter chooses one of the votes, adds some salt and encrypts it with the CTF’s public key: (md + salt)e mod n

Why the salt? If the voter sends (md)e = m the “encryption” would remove the signature and m would be in the clear.

The voter send his vote in to the CTF.

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Detail Page 8

The CTF decrypts the vote, discards the salt and checks the signatures, it checks its database for a duplicate identification number, saves the identification number, and tabulates the votes

(md + salt)e mod n (md + salt)ed mod n = md + salt mde = m verifies the signatureIt publishes the results of the election, along with

every identification number and its associated vote

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 24

Programming Project 1 - Two Parts

Write a simulation in Java

Write the simulation as a JAX-RPC web service

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 25


A stand alone simulator

Writing a simple JAX-RPC web service

A JAX-RPC simulator

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 26

Applied Cryptography Web Services Security and XML


Michael McCarthy

Notes adapted from “Web Services Security”, Bilal Siddiqui

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The Need For Web Services

Application integration within the enterprise

Application integration across enterprise boundaries




Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 28

A Tourism Supply Chain

Tourists Tour Operator

Car Rental


Car Rental




Without XML/WSS - message formats must be agreed to - coarse-grained protection provided by firewalls

With XML/WSS - SOAP is used for RPC - WSS provides fine grained security decisions

Anyone may call

Restricted callers

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 29

Service Oriented Architecture




SOAP Server


Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 30

Listing 1 SOAP RequestPOST /Vendors HTTP/1.1Host: www.myHotel.comContent-Type: text/xml;Charset=utf-8Content-Length: 350SOAPACtion:""

<?xml version='1.0'?>   <SOAP-ENV:Envelope       xmlns:SOAP-ENV='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' >      <SOAP-Env:Body>         <s:GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners             xmlns:s='http://www.MyHotel.com/partnerservice/' >         <!--Parameters passed with the method call-->         </s:GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners>      </SOAP-Env:Body> </SOAP-Env:Envelope>

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Listing 2 SOAP Response

HTTP/1.0 200 OKContent-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8Content-Length: 1474

<?xml version="1.0"><SOAP-ENV:Envelope    xmlns:SOAP-ENV='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' >   <SOAP-ENV:Body>      <m:GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartnersResponse         xmlns:m="http://www.MyHotel.com/partnerservice/" >           <!-- Booking confirmation details-->      </m:GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartnersResponse>   </SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

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1st Generation Web Services

SOAP Client SOAPServer

Hotel Class


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2ND Generation Web Services


Hotel Class


SOAP Client SOAPServer

Tour Planning


Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 34

3RD Generation Web Services


Hotel Class


SOAP Client SOAPServer

Tour Planning



Plane Class



Tour Planning



Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 35

WS Security


ServerHotel Class


SOAP Server (SOAP Aware Firewall)• inspect SOAP message• match user roles with access lists• XML Signature (not SOAP specific)• XML Encryption (not SOAP specific)• WSS (SOAP specific use of XMLEnc and XMLDsig)• Security Access Markup Language (SAML) for single sign on replacing HTTP cookies• XACML (extensible Access Control Markup Language) to express authorization and access policies

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 36

XML SignatureAn IETF/W3C Recommendation

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 37

XML Digital Signatures

Review Message Digest message + digest algorithm -> hash value transmit (message,hash value) pair useful for checking if errors occurred

Problem Mallory might replace the message, hash value

pair with her own message, hash value pair.

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 38

XML Digital Signatures

Solution: get a secret key involved in the

calculation of the hash

Given a message m, compute a hash of m.

Encrypt the hash with a private key.

Mallory doesn’t know the private key.

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 39

XML Signature

• XML Signatures are digital signatures used in XML transactions

• May be used to sign only a portion of an XML document. The document might have

a long history with different parts holding different signatures

• The signature may apply to XML or non-XML data

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 40

Referencing What is Signed

• The XML Signature may hold a URI

• The signature may be a sibling of what is signed.

• The signature may be a parent of what is signed.

• The signature may be a child of what is signed

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 41

XMLDsig General Form

The Components of an XML Signature


Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 42

The <Reference> Element

• Each signed resource is specified with

a <Reference> element

• A typical <Reference> element will contain

- a pointer to what is signed

- a digest method (for example SHA1)

- and a digest value of the signed data in

base 64 notation

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 43

The <Reference> Element

<Reference URI = “http://.../po.xml”> <DigestMethod>….</DigestMethod> <DigestValue> calculated digest of po.xml </DigestValue> </Reference>

This is the locationof the document beingsigned.

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 44

We may have many references


pointer, digest method, digest value




pointer, digest method, digest value


Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 45

Place Within a SignedInfo Element

<SignedInfo> <CanonicalizationMethod> algorithm used on SignedInfo element <SignatureMethod> for example dsa-sha1 <Reference> pointer, digest method, digest value </Reference> <Reference> pointer, digest method, digest value </Reference>


Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 46

Compute Digest of SignedInfo

<SignedInfo> <CanonicalizationMethod> algorithm used on

SignedInfo element

<SignatureMethod> for example dsa-sha1


pointer, digest method, digest value



pointer, digest method, digest value



Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 47

Sign the digest and place value in a SignatureValue element…

<SignedInfo> <CanonicalizationMethod> algorithm used on SignedInfo element <SignatureMethod> for example dsa-sha1 <Reference> pointer, digest method, digest value </Reference> <Reference> pointer, digest method, digest value </Reference></SignedInfo>

<SignatureValue>Base 64 signature of the SignedInfo Element


Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 48

Enclose in a Signature Element

<SignedInfo> <CanonicalizationMethod> algorithm used on SignedInfo element <SignatureMethod> for example dsa-sha1 <Reference> pointer, method, digest value </Reference> <Reference> pointer, method, digest value </Reference></SignedInfo><SignatureValue>Base 64 signature of the SignedInfo Element</SignatureValue>



Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 49

We may include KeyInfo

<SignedInfo> <Canonicalization> <SignatureMethod> <Reference>… <Reference>…</SignedInfo><SignatureValue>Base 64 signature of the SignedInfo Element</SignatureValue>

<KeyInfo> <X509Data> <X509SubjectName>CN=Cristina McCarthy, O=CMU,… <X509Certificate> base 64 public key and identity signed by

a CA </X509Certificate> </X509Data></KeyInfo>



Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 50

KeyInfo Element in XMLDsig

• Optional element

• Holds key information required to validate the signature or

• Points to that key information

• May have children such as

<PGPData> <SPKIData> <X509Data>

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 51

What Can Mallory Do?

Can she modify the CA signed certificate so that someone else appears to have signed the document?

Can she modify what is being pointed by the reference element?

Can she change the canonicalization method?

Can she change the contents of the signature method tag?

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 52


1. Canonicalize the SignedInfo element.2. Compute the digest of the SignedInfo element using the method described within it3. Compare the above value with that value got from applying the signer’s public key to the value in the SignatureValue element4. Compute digests of referenced items (after any transformations) and compare those digests found within each reference tag

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 53

Using IBM’s XML Security Suite

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Signing in Three Steps(1)

Prepare a Signature DOM tree

This an XML document holding the Signature element.

This may be done with an XSS4J TemplateGenerator or with an existing template document

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 55

Signing in Three Steps(2)

2. Create an XSS4J SignatureContext instance

-- may be used to fetch resource to be signed using URLConnection -- may used to find an element being referred to within the same

document -- has a sign() method

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 56

Signing in Three Steps(3)3. Sign with the sign method of the XSS4J SignatureContext object

Prepare a key object (holding the private key in DSS or RSA) used to sign

Prepare a KeyInfo object with an X509 certificate

Insert the KeyInfo into the Signature element

sigContext.sign(sigElement, key)

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 57

Sign a grade book


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><GradeBook> <Student> <Score>100</Score> <Score>89</Score> </Student></GradeBook>

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We need keys…


keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keystore test.keystore

-dname "CN=Mike McCarthy, OU=Heinz School,

O=CMU, L=Pgh, S=PA, C=US" -alias mjm

-storepass sesame -keypass sesame

Creates test.keystore holding keys and a self-signed certificate

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 59

Run XSS4J’s SampleSign2


SampleSign2>java SampleSign2 mjm

sesame sesame

-embxml gradebook.xml > signature.xml

Key store: test.keystore

Sign: 851ms

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 60

Examine Signature.xml<Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> <SignedInfo>

<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"></CanonicalizationMethod>

<SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"></SignatureMethod>

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 61

<Reference URI="#Res0"> <Transforms> <Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-

c14n-20010315"> </Transform> </Transforms> <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"> </DigestMethod> <DigestValue>m6f9xhOc4iEXokD/29V9EsdY3yI= </DigestValue> </Reference>

We are signing resource 0


Prior to hashing

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 62

</SignedInfo> <SignatureValue>



Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 63

<KeyInfo> <KeyValue> <RSAKeyValue> <Modulus>



4MXb5TbhA+eo1Qbr2IjlV10aLbVhUk/g+ylag+k= </Modulus> <Exponent>AQAB</Exponent> </RSAKeyValue> </KeyValue>

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 64

<X509Data> <X509IssuerSerial> <X509IssuerName>CN=Mike McCarthy,OU=Heinz School,O=CMU,L=Pgh,ST=PA,C=US </X509IssuerName> <X509SerialNumber>1049138061 </X509SerialNumber> </X509IssuerSerial> <X509SubjectName>CN=Mike McCarthy,OU=Heinz School,O=CMU,L=Pgh,ST=PA,C=US </X509SubjectName> <X509Certificate>

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Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 66

</X509Certificate> </X509Data> </KeyInfo> <dsig:Object xmlns="" xmlns:dsig="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" Id="Res0">

<GradeBook> <Student> <Score>100</Score> <Score>89</Score> </Student> </GradeBook> </dsig:Object></Signature>

The resource 0 object

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 67

Let’s change the low grade!

<dsig:Object xmlns="" xmlns:dsig="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" Id="Res0">

<GradeBook> <Student> <Score>100</Score> <Score>100</Score> </Student></GradeBook></dsig:Object>

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 68

And run verify…D:\McCarthy\www\95-804\IBMXMLSecuritySuite\SampleSign2>java VerifyCUI <


The signature has a KeyValue element.The signature has one or more X509Data elements.Checks an X509Data:1 certificate(s).

Certificate Information: Version: 1 Validity: OK SubjectDN: CN=Mike McCarthy, OU=Heinz School, O=CMU, L=Pgh, ST=PA, C=US IssuerDN: CN=Mike McCarthy, OU=Heinz School, O=CMU, L=Pgh, ST=PA, C=US Serial#: 0x3e88938dTime to verify: 521 [msec]Core Validity: NGSignature Validity: OK[0] "#Res0" NG: Digest value mismatch: calculated: tfVyHns8wRB6l/HDU2dXZkzf+7Q=Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Core Validity: NG at dsig.VerifyCUI.main(VerifyCUI.java:137)

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 69

Another Example PO.XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><PurchaseOrder xmlns="urn:purchase-order"> <Customer> <Name>Robert Smith</Name> <CustomerId>788335</CustomerId> </Customer> <Item partNum="C763"> <ProductId>6883-JF3</ProductId> <Quantity>3</Quantity> <ShipDate>2002-09-03</ShipDate> <Name>ThinkPad X20</Name> </Item></PurchaseOrder>

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 70

PO After Signing<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><SignedPurchaseOrder>

<PurchaseOrder id="id0" xmlns="urn:purchase-order"> <Customer> <Name>Robert Smith</Name> <CustomerId>788335</CustomerId> </Customer> <Item partNum="C763"> <ProductId>6883-JF3</ProductId> <Quantity>3</Quantity> <ShipDate>2002-09-03</ShipDate> <Name>ThinkPad X20</Name> </Item> </PurchaseOrder>

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 71

<Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> <SignedInfo> <CanonicalizationMethod

Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/> <SignatureMethod

Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/> <Reference URI="#id0"> <DigestMethod


<DigestValue>UfeiscUCL7QkhZtRDLWDPWLpVlA=</DigestValue> </Reference> </SignedInfo>

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Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 74

WSS XMLDSig Listing 1

<?xml version=”1.0”?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope    xmlns:SOAP-ENV=”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”>    <SOAP-ENV:Body>        <s:GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners            xmlns:s=“http://www.MyHotel.com/partnerservice/”>                 <!--Parameters passed with the method call-->         </s:GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners>    </SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

From “Web Services Security”, Bilal SiddiquiThere is no XMLDS in this example.

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 75

Sign The SOAP Request <?xml version=”1.0”?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope    xmlns:SOAP-ENV=”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”    xmlns:ds=”http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#”>

    <SOAP-ENV:Header>        <ds:Signature> <!– wraps all other XMLDS elements             <ds:SignedInfo> <!– note the ds prefix              </ds:SignedInfo> <!– note three children of signedInfo              <ds:SignatureValue>             </ds:SignatureValue>             <ds:KeyInfo>             </ds:KeyInfo>        </ds:Signature>    </SOAP-ENV:Header>

    <SOAP-ENV:Body>        <s:GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners            xmlns:s=“http://www.MyHotel.com/partnerservice/”>                 <!--Parameters passed with the method call-->         </s:GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners>    </SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 76

<?xml version=”1.0”?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope    xmlns:SOAP-ENV=”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”    xmlns:ds=”http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#”>

    <SOAP-ENV:Header>        <ds:Signature>             <ds:SignedInfo>                  <ds:CanonicalizationMethod                      Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>                  <ds:SignatureMethod                      Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/>                  <ds:Reference URI="#GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners">                      <ds:Transforms>                          <ds:Transform                              Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>                      </ds:Transforms>                     

After Signing (1)

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 77

<ds:DigestMethod                          Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>                      <ds:DigestValue>                          BIUddkjKKo2...                      </ds:DigestValue>                  </ds:Reference>             </ds:SignedInfo>             <ds:SignatureValue>                 halHJghyf765....             </ds:SignatureValue>             <ds:KeyInfo> <!– the key name for signature verification                  <ds:KeyName>MyKeyIdentifier</ds:KeyName>             </ds:KeyInfo> <!– application dependent, perhaps a symmetric key ID         </ds:Signature>    </SOAP-ENV:Header>

After Signing (2)

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 78

    <SOAP-ENV:Body>        <s:GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners            xmlns:s=“http://www.MyHotel.com/partnerservice/”            ID="GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners">                 <!--Parameters passed with the method call-->         </s:GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners>    </SOAP-ENV:Body>


After Signing (3)

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 79

Validation Procedure

(1) Canonicalize the SignedInfo element.

(2) Check message integrity. We’ll need

a. the data to be digested

b. any transforms to perform first

c. the digest algorithm

(3) If the digests compare equal verify the

signature (continued)

Applied Cryptography Week 8 Slide 80

Validation Procedure

(3) If the digests compare equal verify the signature a. get the signer’s key (public key or shared secret) perhaps by consulting the <keyInfo> element. b. read the signature method used to compute the signature c. Attempt to verify and if we have a match call GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners
