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Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

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PROPOSAL Name : Sri Puji Astuti Nim : TE. 090 415 Faculty : Tarbiyah Subject : English Department Semester : VI C Title : “Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text” Method : Kualitatif (PTK) A. Background of the Research The subjects English is one subject that is very important language because language is a social phenomenon that can not be separated from the existence of society itself. Language is needed by the public as their fellow adhesive, as a communication tool in meeting the needs of life as well as cultural identity. English is an international language. English is spoken with a very wide distribution range as the language of the world's information, science and technology, as well as the communication medium between nations. In the development of science and 1
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Name : Sri Puji Astuti

Nim : TE. 090 415

Faculty : Tarbiyah

Subject : English Department

Semester : VI C

Title : “Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’

Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text”

Method : Kualitatif (PTK)

A. Background of the Research

The subjects English is one subject that is very important language because

language is a social phenomenon that can not be separated from the existence of

society itself. Language is needed by the public as their fellow adhesive, as a

communication tool in meeting the needs of life as well as cultural identity.

English is an international language. English is spoken with a very wide

distribution range as the language of the world's information, science and

technology, as well as the communication medium between nations. In the

development of science and technology is full of communication in English, the

empowerment of English. Therefore it is no exaggeration to say that presumably

in Indonesia's human resources is an ideal resource to equip themselves with

skills in English.

Because of that, today almost all levels of education have included subjects

English as compulsory subjects studied by students. However, in the learning

process is not as easy as with what is expected. The teacher's role affects the

process of learning English, including the methods he used when teaching. Many


Page 2: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

teachers are wrong in applying the methods of learning. And the results of the

learners do not get the most out of learning English. Teaching itself contains

activities - activities that make children were motivated to learn and good

teaching will certainly look at the condition and the various aspects that exist in

students so that they can learn with the best.

Professional teachers are the teachers who make the learning process as a

source of income for life that requires the expertise, skill, or ability to meet

quality standards. Therefore, teachers should be able and skilled to implement an

appropriate method of learning English in order to run properly.

The purpose of learning English in school is to equip students can master

the competence communication include: listening, speaking, reading, and writing,

and be able to communicate orally and in writing in accordance with the context

smoothly and accurately in daily. The cause of the low quality of education is the

use of inappropriate teaching methods, evaluation tools that are less good or less

material given in accordance with the level of student thinking. The efforts for

improve the quality of learning English has been conducted by several parties,

especially the government through the Ministry of Education. It can be seen by

the improvement of curriculum, improvement of learning systems, improvement

of qualification of teachers, procurement of equipment and lessons.

In this research, the researchers focused to examine the students' writing

skills, especially writing descriptive text. From the data in the field, that in

general the students’ ability in English in class VIIB the Junior high school 5

Muaro Jambi is still less than satisfactory, where the students have learned at

least six years of learning English from junior high through high school and some

even from SD. But most of them are still less capable of writing good English


Page 3: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

subtitles. Besides the unpleasant atmosphere of learning is also a problem in

learning English, so they do not have the motivation to learn the English


Besides that, teachers applied the lecture method and students only listened

and recorded when necessary. Finished explaining the material, the teacher asks

students to road and translated their own English texts in their manuals.

Sometimes they just told to fill out any entries there is a brief guide in their book.

While the teacher sat in the front seat, immediately after the results of his work

collected. They lack the opportunity to better understand the material they

studied. This condition lasted about 15 to 20 minutes. Quite a long time and seem

to be ineffective. Students look bored and busy with their own activities (chatting

with their friends, staring at the ceiling and look dreamy, toying with writing

materials, etc.). This situation shows a lack of quality of the learning process. In

this case the teacher does not have to know how the process of students. Teachers

only know the result as a judgment. The use of media as well as existing

infrastructure is also not used optimally.

From interviews with students Class VII b the junior high school 5 Muaro

Jambi indicate that students' interest towards learning of writing English is low,

and even student reading too low, but interest in reading is closely related to the

writing skill. In fact the more students read, the more likely he writes well. When

they were interviewed several students said the difficulty in expressing their ideas

so that they feel lazy, they scared and bored when there is a writing lesson. This

is because they lack the training to make English essays. They also assessed their

teachers are less creative in presenting the material, so as not to foster learning

motivation and interest in the English language. In addition, students also

complained about the absence of further appreciation of the works ever swum.


Page 4: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

English teaching methods can not use one method because the English

language itself is dynamic. Language itself is not a science but as a skill so that

the use of appropriate methods need to be done. One is the type of Cooperative

Learning Methods Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD).

STAD is one of the three strategies under the umbrella of Student Study

Team developed at Johns Hopkins University. This is based on the research on

cooperative learning. In STAD, students learn by 4-5 member teams of teachers

following the presentation. Students take a quiz individually to show how much

they have learned. Individual quiz scores are summed to form team scores, and

teams are rewarded for their performance. The team consists of students with

different academic abilities, gender, and race.

According to Slavin (2008: 10) students who work in learning and

responsible to his teammates able to make them learn as well1. In this case the

application of cooperative learning carried out, based on the theory that students

will more easily find and understand the concepts that are difficult if they are able

to discuss concepts with others. While, STAD (Student Teams Achievement

Division) is the method that prioritizing a good cooperation in the teams. As in

Slavin (2008: 144) is the teams are the most important features in STAD2. If

students wish to have his team was awarded the team, they have helped his

teammates to learn the material. They should support his teammates to do their

best, show the norm that learning is important, valuable, and fun.

In STAD learning method consist of some activities in learning. As Isjoni

said :

1 Robert E. Slavin. 2008. Cooverative Learning Teori, Riset Dan Praktik. Nusa Media : Bandung. p. 102 Ibid, p. 144


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The type of STAD cooperative learning consists of five main components,

namely the presentation of classes, study groups, quizzes, score development

and appreciation of the group. In addition STAD also consists of a regular cycle

of teaching activities3.

This research is expected to bring a positive impact on teachers and students

in order to improve the quality of the learning process and write English at the

school. If the learning model as was done in all schools starting from the most

basic education up to the highest level, I am sure we will come back in human a

humanist, not an arrogant man and easy to blame others. If the unity has become

our culture, then all the issue will surely be resolved easily. Eventually, the

togetherness will be life is more beautiful and meaningful.

Based on the grand tour that has been done through observation and through

the depth interviews and documentation is supported by the facts, then there are

some things that assessed against the relevant rules. Namely:

1. Teachers do not apply an appropriate method of learning to write English

text, the teacher should have the expertise, skill, or prowess and skilled in

designing a method of learning.

2. In the learning process they were told to work on his own all the tasks

assigned by the teacher, and it's just a read and write the important points,

even though the text in order to write their English well, they have to practice

to make a bouquet of English, one of them in a way work together in a team

work atmosphere so that classes do not vacuum and they are more eager to


3. The absence of further appreciation of the works they've achieved, so that the

students should be more enthusiastic about their learning achievements

should be rewarded for their achievements.

3 Isjoni. 2011. Cooperative Learning: Mengembangkan Kemampuan Belajar Kelompok. Bandung: Alfabeta, p. 51


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Based on the above problem, the researches will be held a research entitled

"Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students' Achievement in

Writing Descriptive Text.

B. Identification of Problems

The cooperative learning STAD model is one model of learning that is

useful to foster co-operation skills, creative, critical thinking and an ability to

help a friend and is a very simple cooperative learning.

Isjoni said that STAD is one that emphasizes cooperative type of activity

and interaction among students to motivate each other and help each other master

the subject matter in order to achieve maximum performance4.

Based on the experience of learning the English language teachers in junior

high school 5 Muaro Jambi or apperception usually begins with an introduction,

explanation of the lecture material, rarely using the methods of the group, and

ended by giving the task. But many students are not generally biased finish the

job properly and that achieved the achievement of learning are not optimal.

Based on the issues that have been previously described the problems that

need attention include:

1. Teaching methods are less precise

2. Low-controlled material

3. The achievement of learning student is low

C. Formulation of the problem

4 Ibid. p. 51


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Based on the above issues, then the points can be formulated as the

following issues:

1. Is the cooperative learning STAD method can improve students’

achievement in writing descriptive text?

D. Limitations of the Problem

To avoid misunderstandings in answering the above issues to be studied, as

well as to overcome the limitations of time and ability, the authors consider it

necessary to limit the problem in the study of this class action, namely:

1. The authors focus only in the conduct of research on learning English

writing descriptive text aspects by applying the method of type STAD

cooperative learning.

2. The achievement of learning English in students Class VII b the junior

high school 5 Muaro Jambi, as well as students and teachers in active

learning English.

E. The Purposes of Research

The purpose of this study was to determine whether application of the

STAD cooperative learning method to write descriptive text in students Class VII

b the junior high school 5 Muaro Jambi.

F. The Benefits of Research

a. For Educators

Expected after using the method of type STAD cooperative learning,

students can improve the achievement of learning in general and in particular the

results of learning to write descriptive text in students Class VII b the junior high

school 5 Muaro Jambi.


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b. For institutions / agencies.

The results class action on the Application of Cooperative Learning

Methods Type STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) To Improve the

achievement of learning of descriptive text written in students Class VII b the

junior high school 5 Muaro Jambi as an input in setting up development programs

in education quality improvement program next year.

c. Researcher Other

Hopefully the results of research about the class action method STAD

Cooperative Applying for Improving Students' Achievement in Writing

Descriptive Text in students Class VII b the junior high school 5 Muaro Jambi

can be developed for research on other subjects.

G. Review of Related Literature

1. Learning

Business understanding of the significance of this study will begin by

making some definitions of learning. There are several definitions of learning,

among others, can be described as follows:

Cronbach give a definition: Learning is shown by a change in behavior as

a result of experience. Harold Spears give a limitation: Learning is to observe, to

read, to imitate, to try something themselves, to listen, to follow direction. Geoch,

said that: Learning is a change in performance as a result of practive

According to Sardiman :

“Of the three definitions above, it can be explained that learning is always a

change in behavior or appearance, with a series of activities such as reading,


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listening, imitating and so forth. Also learned it would be better, if the subject had

to learn it or do it, so do not be verbalistic5.”

William Burton believes that a good learning situation consist of a rich and

varied series of learning ecperiences vigurous unified around a purpose and

Carried on in interaction with a rich and profocative environtment6.

2. The achievement of learning

The achievement of learning is often referred to as "Scholastic

achievement" or "academic achievement".

According to Bloom in Agus (2010: 6) the achievement of learning include

cognitive, affective, and psychomotor7.

Gagne and Briggs (1979:52) states that learning is a result of internal

capabilities (capability), which includes knowledge, skills and attitudes that have

become a person's private property and allow that person to do something8.

The achievement of learning are the results achieved in the form of numbers

or scores after learning the results of tests given at the end of each lesson

(Dimyati and Mudjiono, 2006: 3).

Learning is a complex process that produces a variety of different kinds of

behavior called "capacity. It acquired the capacity of9:

(1). Stimulus from the environment, and

(2). Cognitive processes carried out the study.

5 Sardiman. 2010. Interaksi & Motivasi Belajar Mengajar. Rajawali Pers : Jakarta, p. 206 Agus.Suprijono. 2009. Cooperative Learning: Teori dan Aplikasi PAIKEM. Jakarta: Bima Bayu Arijah. p. 57Ibid, p. 68 Ekawarna.2011. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta : Gaung Persada Press. p.409 Ibid, p. 42


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The achievement of learning are influenced by several factors, both factors

of the (internal factors) as well as external factors (external factors). According

Suryabrata (1982: 27) :

Which includes internal factors are the physiological factors and psychological

factors (such as intelligence, achievement motivation, and cognitive abilities),

while the included external factors are environmental factors and instrumental

factors (for example) of teachers, curriculum and learning models )10.

3. Method of cooperative

Method of learning is the way that teachers use to convey a lesson to the

students. Because the delivery took place in educative interaction, learning

methods can be interpreted as a means used by teachers to make contact with

students at the time of the lesson. Thus, the learning method is a tool for creating

teaching and learning process.

According to Sugiyono :

The research method is basically a scientific way to get data specific to the purpose

and usefulness. Based on this there are four key words to note that, scientific

methods, data, purpose, and usefulness. Scientific way means that research

activities are based on the characteristics of science, the rational, empirical, and


According to Ahmad Sabri in Kasful:

The method in learning is the way or technique to deliver learning materials.

Therefore, the teachers have to know about kinds of method. So that, it the teacher

can easy to choose appropriate method with the students’ situation and condition12.

10 Ibid, p. 8111 Sugiyono. 2011. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung : Alfabeta, p. 212 Kasful Anwar Us dan Hendra Harmi,. 2010. Perencanaan Sistem Pembelajaran KTSP. Bandung : Alfabeta, p. 122


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Gagne and Riggs in this view the importance of learning students actively

in learning. So, which is important in teaching is not the efforts of teachers to

delivering learning materials, but how students can learn the material in

accordance with the purpose of learning. The efforts teachers are a series of

events that can affect student learning. This means that the role of teacher are

changing, initially as a provider of learning materials, the first source of influence

and an enabler for the process of student learning.

Slavin (1995) suggested, "in cooperative learning methods, students work

together in four-member teams to master material initially Presented by the

teacher". From the description it can be pointed out that cooperative learning is a

model in which the learning and work system in small groups, numbering 4-6

people in a collaborative manner so as to stimulate the students more enthusiastic

in learning.

Anita lie in isjoni called :

Cooperative learning in terms of mutual aid learning, this is learning system that

provides an opportunity for students to collaborate with other students in a

structured task. Furthermore, cooperative learning is said to only run when it's

formed a group or a team in which students work as directed to achieve the

objectives that have been determined by the number of group members generally

consist of 4-6 people13.

The term of cooperative learning in Indonesian language meaning is the

known by the name of cooperative learning. According to Johnson & Johnson

(1994) cooperative learning is to group students can work with a maximum

capacity they have and learn from each other in the group.

13 Isjoni. 2011. Cooperative Learning: Mengembangkan Kemampuan Belajar Kelompok. Bandung: Alfabeta, p. 16


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Cooperative learning can be formulated as a directed group learning

activities, integrated, effective, efficient, to the search or examine something

through the process of cooperation and mutual assistance (sharing) in order to

reach the process and a productive the achievement of learning (survive).

4. STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division)

STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) was developed by Robert E.

Slavin and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins University, which is the simplest

approach to cooperative learning.

Arends (1997: 119) states that the STAD method is a method that is based

on cooperative learning, where students are divided into groups to work together

in teams in carrying out the task group will be given14.

Type STAD cooperative learning model is one model of learning that is

useful to foster co-operation skills, creative, critical thinking and an ability to

help a friend and is a very simple cooperative learning.

STAD is one that emphasizes cooperative type of activity and interaction

among students to motivate each other and help each other master the subject

matter in order to achieve maximum performance.

According to Isjoni :

In the process of learning, cooperative learning type STAD through five stages

include: 1) the stage of presentation of the material, 2) phase of group activity, 3)

individual test phase, 4) stage of development of the individual scores count, and

5) the award stage (Slavin, 1995)15.

14 Ibid, p. 1815 Ibid, p. 51


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Stage presentation of the material, which teachers begin to convey the indicators

to be achieved that day and motivate the students curiosity about the material to

be studied. Followed by giving the perception which purpose of reminding

students of material learned, so that students can connect the material to be

presented with the knowledge that has been owned.

Stages of group work, at this stage all students are given a task sheet of material

to be studied. In a group of students share work duties, mutual help provide a

solution to enable all members of the group can understand the material covered,

and one sheet was collected as a result of group work.

Individual test stages, namely to determine the extent of learning has been

achieved, the test conducted on an individual basis, the matter has been

discussed. Acquisition of these individual scores are recorded and archived, to be

used in the calculation of recovery score group.

Calculation of scores of individual developmental stages, calculated based on

the initial score, in this study are based on the evaluation of the achievement of

learning semester 1.

The calculation of the score performed by summing the scores of each

individual development and the results were divided according to the number of

group members. The awards are given based on the average gain scores are

categorized into either group, and a great group of super groups. The criteria used

to determine the award of the group are as follows: a) group with an average

score of 15, as a good group, b) a group with an average score of 20 as a

formidable group, c) a group with an average score of 25 as a super group.


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5. Writing in English

Writing is to reduce or write symbols chart depicting a language that is

understood by a person. So that others can read the symbols of the chart if they

understand the language of the symbol graph. Such criteria may be said language

copy or copies of letters or draw up a script in certain letters to be printed is not

written if those people do not understand do not understand the language and its


Henri said writing is a skill that is used for the language to communicate

indirectly, not face to face with others16.

In the oxford dictionary "where is produce something in written form so

that people can read, perform, or use it"17.

Writing is one of language skills. In the division of language skills, writing

is always placed at the end of the after the ability of listening, speaking, and

reading. While it is always written at the end, does not mean that writing is an

ability that is not important.

In writing all the elements of language skills should be concentrated in full

in order to get results that are really good.

According to Eric Gould, Robert DiYanni, and William Smith (1989: 18)

says writing is a creative act, the act of writing is creative Because its requires to

interpret or make sense of something: a experience, a text, an event. Writing is a

creative behavior, the behavior because it requires an understanding of creative

writing or feel something: an experience, writing, event.

16 Henry Guntur Tarigan. 2008. Menulis sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa. P. 317 Oxford learner’s pocket dictionary, 2008, ocford university press, p. 516


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6. Descriptive Text

Learning writing skills have a variety of forms. One of them is the essay

writing skills. In learning to write, we are expected not only to develop the ability

to make a bouquet, but also the precision needed to make the argument, has the

ability to put the idea or ideas in a way to make writing interesting to read one of

them is an description essay.

Tarigan (1986:5) states that a description essay invites readers together to

enjoy, feel, understand with the best objects, scenes, and personal mood that has

been experienced by the author.

Description essay is writing that seeks to provide details or describe and

express the object being discussed (such as people, places, things, or anything

else). Or essay of this type contains a description of a case / situation so that

readers like to see, hear, or feel it. Description essay aims to describe or give an

idea of something very clearly so that readers like to see, hear, read, or feeling

things that are described.

Keraf (1982:94) also used the word "provide the details and objects",

meaning the way to deliver have to object details will be discussed.

Descriptive writing appeals to the sense, so it Tells how something looks,

feels, smells, tastes and / or sounds. A good description is a word pictures. The

reader can imagine the object, place or person in his or her mind18.

Description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of

a person, place, object or event e.g. to: ·

18 Alice Oshima and hogue, 2007. ann. Intricudtion to academic writing. Pearson education :united states of America. P. 61


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Describe a special place and explain why it is special.

Describe the most important person in your live.

Describe the animal’s habit in your report.

Descriptive writing or text is usually also used to help writer develop an

aspect of their work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a

place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects etc.

As a feature, description is a style of writing which can be useful for other

variety of purposes as:

To engage a reader’s attention

To create characters

To set a mood or create an atmosphere

To being writing to life

While in language function, descriptive writing;

Aims to show rather than tell the reader what something/someone is like

Relies on precisely chosen vocabulary with carefully chosen adjectives

and adverbs.

Is focused and concentrates only on the aspects that add something to the

main purpose of the description.

Sensory description-what is heard, seen, smelt, felt, tasted.Precise use of

adjectives, similes, metaphors to create images/pictures in the mind e.g.

their noses were met with the acrid smell of rotting flesh.

Strong  development of the experience that “put the reader there” focuses

on key details, powerful verbs and precise nouns.


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Beyond the characteristics stated on, descriptive writing also consists of generic

structure in range as:

1. General statement

2. Explanation

3. Closing

7. Using Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense indicates an action in the present time which is not

finished. This can be a habitual action (something done regularly such as

brushing your teeth every day) or a general truth.19

Some examples are:

1) a habitual action: I wash my car every Friday 2) a general truth: The Rolling

Stones play rock'n roll

This tense is easy to conjugate in English because all terminations are the

same except he/she/it (third person singlual) which adds an "s"

Some examples are:

Subject conjugated verb

I eat

You eat

She/He eats

We eat

You (plural) eat

They eat


19 M.J. Lado. 2007. Complete English Grammar. Jakarta: Titik Terang. P. 6


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Action hypothesis in this research is if the applied the Cooperative

Learning STAD method, it will improve the students’ achievement of writing

descriptive text at VII b Class the junior high school 5 Muaro Jambi.

I. Types of Research

This study uses a type of classroom action research (classroom action

research). As noted by ebbutt (1985), TOD is a systematic study of efforts to

improve the implementation of educational practice by groups of teachers to

perform actions in learning, based on their reflections about the results of those

actions. Added by Kunandar (1991), PTK is an activity undertaken by a teacher

or jointly with others (collaboration) which aims to change or improve the quality

of the learning process in class20.

PTK is the purpose of carrying out the teacher in order to improve teaching

methods through the application of new methods or new actions and believed he

had found as a new method that has proven it is effective improving the

achievement of learning as expected. The end goal through PTK will result in an

increase in both the quality of student the achievement of learning. With always

improve teaching methods, teachers are expected to solve real problems that

occur in the classroom.

Accrording to Ekawarna there are several characteristics of the PTK,


1. Cyclical or repetitive, there is meaning in PTK or iteration cycles from

planning, administration action, observation and reflection, as a standard

procedure TOD.

20 Ekawarna.2011. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta : Gaung Persada Press. p. 5


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2. Long-term or longitudinal, which means that PTK should take place within a

certain time period (e.g. 2-3 months), continuously to obtain the necessary


3. Teacher as a researcher and agents of change and targets that need to be


4. Collaborative nature.

5. PTK working on specific cases or specific in nature learning real and affordable

by the teacher.

6. Using the natural context of the classroom.

7. PTK only requires the use of a simple statistic, not complicated.

8. Intends to change reality, and learning situation for the better and live up to


Given the research conducted over the emphasis on solidarity activities and

the students in the study group, the type of classroom action research is highly

relevant supposed to use. Due to this learning model we trained and accustomed

to not only work together but actually work together and each one of us to

contribute for the success together.

J. Research Approach

This study uses the approach of education, which, according to Dewey

(1990), research in educational approach focuses on aspects of the process of

maturation and maturation of students, but he also is a process for the physical

and mental maturity of a balanced.

Departing from the study researchers, who studied the field of language

education, the researchers focused on methods of cooperative learning STAD

type (student achievement teams division) in learning English in VII b class the

Senior High School 5 Muaro Jambi is more focused on learning to write 21 Ibid, p. 6


Page 20: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

descriptive text. According ceraff (1995) ethnographic approach to language,

more emphasis on the empowerment of learners in terms of pronunciation skills.

K. The Kinds and Source of Data

1. Kinds of Data

a. Primary Data

Primary data are the data obtained by the researches from respondents

and informant, or some fact that is observed. Also primary data are the

data taken directly by researcher from the respondent and without


In this thesis, the primary data is all the condition of teaching English

with application of the STAD cooperative learning method to write

descriptive text in students in VII b Class the junior high school 5 Muaro


b. Secondary Data

the secondary data are the data taken from the source as document,

opinions, facilities and the structure organization and geographical place

of the research object. In this point, the researcher taken the data from the

database of teachers and students in VII b Class the junior high school 5

Muaro Jambi.

2. Source of Data

The source of data in this research are consist of students, documentation

and the expert’s opinion.

L. The Subject of Research


Page 21: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

1. Population

Arikunto said : “population is all of subject researched.”22 So, the

population in this research are all the students in VII b Class the junior high

school 5 Muaro Jambi. Consist of male and female.

Table 1 : the Total Number of Students in VII b Class the junior high

school 5 Muaro Jambi in Academic Year 2011/2012.

No Gender VII b Class

1. Male 13

2. Female 25

Total 28

Source : the absence of that class under the permission of the teacher and one of the student in VII b Class the junior high school 5 Muaro Jambi.

2. Sample

Arikunto said : “sample is part of researching population. It’s called

sample researching if we want to generalization the result of sample


“… if the subject are less than 100 person, will be better if it take all...”

In this research the population only 28 person, so the research is called

total sampling. The number of sample are 28 students.

22 Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006. Prosedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. P. 13023 Ibid. p. 131


Page 22: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

M. The Methods of Collecting Data

Appropriate forms of Classroom Action Research as well as types of data

sources used, The methods of collecting data to be used in this study are:

1. Observation

Observation performed on the learner and teacher class VII b SMPN Muaro

Jambi. Observation is the process of collecting data by observation. Observation

in this study was to determine the activity of learners in learning to write desripsi.

Observations were also made to monitor the learners motivation, process and

impact of learning to organize remedial measures in order to more effectively and

efficiently. Observations made in conjunction with the implementation of the

action takes place when the learning process. Observations made within and

outside the classroom in accordance with the learning process that takes place.

Observations carried out with a check list format of the observation sheet

consisting of learner activity sheets and assessment sheets to the teacher. This

tool contains a set list of important events that were observed in the study. When

the last observation, the observer will quickly and objectively choose to uncheck

the list of events. Observations made on the learner to know the child's activities

during the learning process. In addition to teacher observation was also

conducted to determine the performance of teachers in learning. Observations

carried out at every meeting cycle I and cycle II. Apart from the above,

observations were also conducted on the initial observations with the state of the

research object class IVA during the learning process takes place. The results of

preliminary observations attached.


Page 23: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

This observation measures include planning (planning), implementation of

classroom observation (classroom) and discussion of reversal (feed back).

2. Documentation

The document is an object that provides information. The document is also a

vehicle for knowledge and human memory container, since the knowledge stored

in documents obtained by humans and humans to remember everything that is

poured into the document.

The documents used to determine the child's development during the learning

process at the time of the action in the form of lesson plans, images and values

about the students' essay writing descriptions using the approach Student Teams

Achievement Division (STAD).

In addition as a means of support in data collection techniques are required

then the technique will be used as documentation supporting the research, and

archives can be used as evidence of research. In addition to the above is based on

engineering models of this same document, that the description of the writing

skills of students through the pretest before the approach using STAD and after

using an STAD approach that is in cycles I and II can be seen an increase in the

description in the essay writing skills of students .

3. The test method

The test is a tool used to measure the ability of something, skill, knowledge,

mastery, and so on.

This test is performed to determine the ability of early and late learners in

learning Indonesian, especially on the subject of essay writing descriptions.


Page 24: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

Methods of test given to students VII b class SMPN Muaro Jambi. This test

method is directed to write a description of the low skills of learners. This test

method refers to the two tests, namely the initial test used to determine the ability

of the students before the beginning of the pretest measures are used as the score

early in order to determine the score on the development and abilities of each

individual in the application of contextual learning. Final test is used to determine

the level of learning success of students. The results of this study can be shown in

the results of the pretest, the cycle I and cycle II that the each stage is known for a

significant increase in students' writing skills descriptions. From the test results

were classified as quantitative data. These data were analyzed descriptively, by

comparing the results of test scores between cycles. Which then dianalaisis test

scores of students before experiencing the action and test scores of students after

the action was carried out with how much the cycle. By knowing the results of

these tests can then plan the activities undertaken to improve the learning process.

In addition, tests are also used to determine the development and successful

implementation of the action. Intake of the test is performed in conjunction with

the implementation of the action takes place during the learning process.

N. The Instrument of Collecting Data

In this study, researchers act as data collectors and as an active instrument in

the effort to collect data in the field. while the data collection instrument other

than humans are different forms of aid instruments and other documents of which

can be used to support the validity of the research, but serves as a supporting

instrument. Therefore, the presence of researchers in the field directly as a

measure of success to understand the cases studied, so the researchers involved

directly and actively with the informants and or other data sources is absolutely

necessary here.

Data Validity


Page 25: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

In the research necessary to the validity of the data, that is all the data

collected should reflect what is actually measured or studied. In the Classroom

Action Research is to test the validity of the data used triangulation of data and

triangulation methods. As is the two things are:

A. Triangulation of data

Triangulation of data by collecting similar data from different data sources.

Based on the results of interviews with teachers and learners VII b class SMPN

Muaro Jambi, observations on the performance of teachers in action and activity

of the students who obtained from the action before and after diterapkannaya

contextual approach in the study.

This result is known then it can learn the skill to write a description of an

increase in students.

2. Triangulation method

Triangulation method is a type of data collected using different methods of

data collection. In the case of using the method of data collection in the form of

in-depth interviews of the same informants, observation of classroom teachers

and learners VII b class SMPN Muaro Jambi, as well as providing a test

implementation of the measures in each study and the results are tested by

collecting data using a technique similar documentation in the form of photos,

student worksheets and activity sheets observed at players.

From the data obtained through several different data collection techniques

are compared and the results can be concluded that in this study obtained an

increase in the study of students to write descriptions of skills.


Page 26: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

O. Data Analysis Techniques

Techniques of data analysis in this study is a qualitative analysis with

interactive analysis in which there are three basic steps. These steps are:

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is performed through the simplification process of selection,

focusing, and the abstraction of raw data into meaningful information. Reduction

is also used as a form of data analysis to discard things that do not need and

organize the data that was gathered in such a way that can be drawn a final

conclusion (final). The data selected for use in this study is to learn the results

before the action, interviews, observations of teachers and learners, and learning

outcomes of students after the cycle I and cycle II. While the data are not selected

for use in this study is the result of discussions of the learners in the group.

2. Serving Data

Once the data is reduced to the next step which is held the presentation of

data. Presentation of data is a set of structured information that gives the

possibility of a withdrawal of the conclusions and taking action. Presentation of

data is part of the process looks simple data in the form of narrative exposure,

representatasi tabular, graphical representations, and so forth.

3. Withdrawal of Conclusion

The data from the study after reduced, presented in the final step is drawing a

conclusion. Inference is a process of making the essence of the presentation of

data that have been organized in the form of either sentence statement presenting

the contents of the sentence in a brief and compact, but contains a broad sense.

P. Research Procedures


Page 27: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

This class action research procedure consisted of two cycles. Each cycle is

implemented in accordance with the changes achieved. Each cycle includes four

activities: 1) planning, 2) implementation, 3) observation, and 4) reflection. The

fourth stage of the relationship shows a cyclic or continuous and repetitive


The detailed procedure of this Class Action Research can be defined in stages

as follows:

1) Draft Cycle I

a) Phase Planning (Planning)

The steps undertaken in this phase are: 1) determine the subject matter that is

about to write essays based on the description of the observed objects, 2)

planning approach to learning by using STAD (RPP), 3) develop learning

scenarios based on the draft RPP are made , 4) Developing Student Worksheet, 4)

Prepare the necessary equipment in teaching, such as books supporting the Book.

An example sheet description essay entitled My room and stationery and

worksheets for the students, 5) Setting up the facilities and means of support, in

the form of classroom space, an object that will observe the students and a

camera for documentation, 6) Setting up the media to be used as a support in the

learning process of introduction of cardboard material that contains introductory

material and a sheet containing the text of the description essay example, 7)

develop a learning evaluation format.

b) Implementation Phase (Action)

Teachers to implement learning approach STAD which refers to the Learning

Implementation Plan (RPP), screenwriter and Student Worksheet. In this case, the

implementation of learning is done in two meetings in the class VII b SMPN

Muaro Jambi.


Page 28: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

c) Observations (0bservavation)

Make the observation of the learning activities of students using the teacher

observation sheet. Phase observation also made by observing the activities of

learners and the learning process by teachers. Observations focused on the points

in the guidelines that have been formulated by researchers with the class teacher.

On the observation that learners class VII b SMPN Muaro Jambi known activity

and low motivation of learners. This essay looks at the results that have not

mamaknai students learning to write good descriptions. In addition there are a

few of the students who are busy during the learning process takes place and the

lack of conceptualizing group discussions as well. They thought that by doing it

yourself they can do it without a discussion group. The observations on the

activity of learners in the annex attached to the sheet.

d) Reflection (Reflection)

Reflection means the assessment and review of the evaluation of data related

to performance indicators in the pre-cycle and cycle I. This reflection is done by

comparing the activity of learning, as well as a description of the essay grade

students of VII b class SMPN Muaro Jambi before and after application of STAD


2) The design of Cycle II

a) Phase Planning (Planning)

The steps undertaken in this phase are: 1) determine the subject matter that is

about to write essays based on the description of the observed objects, 2)

planning approach to learning by using STAD (RPP), 3) develop learning

scenarios based on the draft RPP are made , 4) Developing Student Worksheet, 4)


Page 29: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

Prepare the necessary equipment in teaching, stationery and worksheets for the

students, 5) Setting up of facilities and supporting facilities, a classroom, an

object that will observe the students as well as a camera for documentation, 6)

Setting media to be used as a support in the learning process of introduction of

cardboard material that contains introductory material and a sheet containing the

text of the description essay example, 7) develop a learning evaluation format.

b) Implementation Phase (Action)

Teachers to implement learning approach STAD which refers to the Learning

Implementation Plan (RPP), screenwriter and Student Worksheet. In this case, the

implementation of learning is done in two meetings in the class VII b SMPN

Muaro Jambi.

c) Phase observation (Observation)

Phase observations made by observing the activities of learners and the

learning process by teachers. Observations focused on the points in the guidelines

that have been formulated by researchers with the class teacher. In this case the

observation of the learning activities of students using observation sheet by

teachers, as well as the activities of the teacher of teachers' performance during

the learning process takes place.

d) Phase Reflection (Reflection)

The analysis of data from the second cycle is used as a reference for

determining the level of achievement of objectives that teachers do in improving

the writing skills of description in the students class VII b SMPN Muaro Jambi

using STAD approach as an evaluation to assess the results or effects of applying

the approach STAD Initiative at the end silklus II. Based on the results obtained

by reflection on the second cycle, namely, during the learning process takes place


Page 30: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

and the sight of people exiting the activity of learners has increased, the quality of

processes and ability of students in essay writing descriptions are also increasing

in carrying out the learning process, teachers have been in accordance with lesson

plans that have been made previously .

P. The Schedule of the Research

To easier the writer in doing research, the writer arranged the agenda

systematically as shown at the table below :






1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Making


x x

2 Doing



3 Repairing


x x x x x

4 Getting the



x x

5 Research x x x x x x

6 Arranging


x x x x

7 Writing the


x x x x x

8 Preparing

the thesis

x x x

9 Completing

the thesis

x x


Page 31: Applying Cooperative STAD method for Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text


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