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April 2011 COMMERCE

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  • 8/7/2019 April 2011 COMMERCE



    Recently the Napa Chamber oCommerce hosted a ree workshop withthe Napa Police Department, ocused onprotecting your business rom burglary.What become very clear is that it is betterto approach this process in your business

    by expecting that you will become avictim some day.How can you protect business from


    The most common type o loss roma business is your computer system. Askyoursel do you have a backup systemor your data? This is the easiest way tokeep yoursel in business in the evento a stolen computer. There are backupsystems that will use the internet to storeyour data, which is a good economicalway i you are backing up just a ewcomputers. You could move to Tape

    systems or even backing up to a separatehard drive. These systems are inexpensivewhen you consider the alternative o nothaving the data at all. Having a goodbackup system can keep you in businessas easily as going home and retrieving thedata you need to continue to meet yourcustomers needs!



    1556 First Street | Napa CA 94559 | 707.226.7455 | napachamber.com

    Napa Valley EXPO and MIXER atThe Meritage Resort and Spa

    Member Spotlight: Net-Flow Corporation Bill SB 883, CalChamber Infoand more

    April Offer! Ofce DepotMember Special

    Welcome New Members Sales: Negotiate and Close2011




    Exertec Health & FitnessNapa Recycling & Waste Services

    Hawthorn Suites by WyndhamBank of Marin

    Republic Services

    Travis Credit UnionGolden State Warriors

    Mark Coleman, State Farm

    Napa Planner Financial Group

    Markstein Beverage CompanyRedwood Credit Union

    ComcastNapa Valley Marketplace Magazine

    Silverado Resort and Spa

    Net-Flow CorporationAccelerated Marketing Group

    Infuence Internet

    SeeTRACTIONon page 4

    The Valleys Daily News Source


    SeeCRIMEon page 2


    by Katherine Zimmer

    VP Marketing & Communications

    There are millions o resources to help us organize our time andaccomplish tasks. Literally. I just Googled getting stu done and got231 million results. There are books, lists o tricks, theories, principles,rubrics, methods, programs and revealed secrets... rubrics?

    I am time boxing to get this column nished. (Time boxing means to assign a setamount o time to work on a task and ocus entirely on that one thing during that time.) Is itoolproo? Not really, Ive been distracted three times already. Is it a good tool anyway? Yesbecause I am orcing mysel to stop giving in to the interruption temptations and come backto this page.


    I you have a door where the lockingmechanism can be seen, consider installinglatch plate. This will put up an extra barrierthat will take some time to break. Remembthieves are creatures o convenience and

    speed wherever the easy target is - theywill be.

    Lock interior doors - look around yourbusiness and ask yoursel - how can I makemore dicult or someone to steal rom meWindows, Lights and Blinds - oh my!

    Dont leave interior lights on - this onlyhelps the thie identiy what hed like to steEspecially i laptop computers are in view!Speaking o Laptops, consider removing throm your desk and locking them away in aspare room or sae.

    Close your blinds at the end o the day.I your windows dont have blinds consider

    installing some.Windows are the perect place or entry

    Look around your oce and assume someocould smash them and enter your business.Consider installing a sound sensitive alarm,one that recognizes breaking glass. Alarmsare meant to cause a disturbance and can ac

    GAINING TRACTION:The big picture vs. getting stuff done

    Reprinted with permission from

    the Napa Valley Register.

  • 8/7/2019 April 2011 COMMERCE


    April 2011 | COMMERCE | Page 2 | napachamber.com

    CRIME continued from page 1...


    Negotiate and Close the Sale


    Location / Time:Napa Chamber Board Room

    1556 First Street, Napa8 a.m. to 11 a.m.



    Individual Workshops:$49 Napa Chambe membes$99 non-membes

    Presented by:

    SAlES MAStEry SEMiNAr:


    Kick start 2011 by learning the latesttechniques for closing more business.

    Dont miss this last seminar in the 4-part series!

    tuesday Apil 26, 2011

    1556 First StreetNapa Chamber Board Room

    S A L E SM A S T E R Ys e m i n a r s e r i e s

    Register online at napachamber.com


    Tesay, April 268 a.m. to 11 a.m.

    $49 members($99 non-members)

    Who should attend? eeryone

    April seminars


    May bsiness


    as a deterrent. Make sure your alarm is registered with the Napa Police Department,it is just a $35 ee and they collect all your contact inormation. This makes it easy tocontact you in the middle o the night or when you are away rom your business.Help investigators recover your loss and nd the Bad Guys by:

    Taking photos of all of your equipment. Recording serial numbers of all electronics. Installing a camera security system and make sure the cameras are set in a plac

    that will capture a ull ront ace shot. Many times these cameras are set in highplaces that make it dicult to identiy a perpetrator.

    Cleaning Crew Safety

    Make sure your janitorial service is locking the doors while they clean. The lastthing you want is an open oce door late at night while the cleaning crew is distracte

    with their duties.Finally, be aware o your surroundings. Crime happens when you least expect it

    and prevention comes by awareness!For more inormation on how to protect your business please visit the Napa

    Chamber o Commerce online Business Directory at www.napachamber.com orbusiness resources to t your needs.

    Bill helps Proie Certainty orCaliornia Employers - SB 883


    A Caliornia Chamber oCommerce-supported bill that willhelp provide certainty or Caliorniaemployers regarding the correctapplication o the states stringentwage and hour laws is scheduled to be

    considered by a Senate policy committeeon April 13.

    The CalChamber-sponsoredbill, SB 883 (Correa; D-Santa Ana),provides employers who rely in goodaith upon and in conormity with theopinions, interpretations, guidance,advice, or orders o the Division oLabor Standards Enorcement (DLSE)with an armative deense againstclaims challenging the validity o theemployers wage and hour practices onsuch issues.


    The DLSE is a state agency thatis charged with the responsibility andauthority to enorce the wage, hour, andworking condition labor laws. As a part its eort to ulll this responsibility, the

    DLSE issues opinion letters on variouswage, hour and working condition topicas well as an enorcement manual thatsets orth the DLSEs interpretation andposition on these issues.

    Currently, employers are encourageto reer to the DLSEs written materialsor guidance on these topics when theis no published, on-point case availableEmployers are provided with no certainthowever, that they will be shielded rom

    SeeSB 883 on page 4

    Tsay, May 24, 2011Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa

    11:30 am - 1:00 pm

    $55 p psn

    Wh A YCmmnty Hs?


    CoMMuNiTY BooSTerHeAlTHCAre ProeSSioNAl

    NAPA VAlleY College STudeNTHoSPiTAliTY/TouriSM AWArd

    NoNProiT eMPloYeeNoNProiT orgANizATioN

    Th wn cats hav bnvt n... Tn n at 9:00am nay, Ap 8th t KVoN 1440 AMt ha th awas annc v!

    rst nn ca 707.226.7455

    m nmatn.

    Ths Awas lnchn cnsca cmmnty as, nvasan bsnsss th tstannashp, cntbtns an/achvmnts twa th bttmnt th cmmnts Napa Vay.

    Th wnns Tach th Ya anNnpft oanatn th ya w bannnc at th nchn.

  • 8/7/2019 April 2011 COMMERCE


    is the Chambers role in our SustainableFuture? As part o our 5-Year Visionprocess we have ormed a small task orce

    to address this topic. Words began loatingaround Triple Bottom Line; Glocal;Thriving Communities, Renewable Energyand companies, like Better Place.

    As I sat there, I began thinking aboutPresident Obamasrecent speech abourenewable energy.He said that aboutthree years ago thegas prices were in tsame range as theyare today. I remembabout that time

    many o my riendswere investigatingelectric cars, but thgas prices startedalling and so did t

    incomes o many o my riends, due to therecession. While personally, Im not crazyabout producing more oil here in AmericaI do like the ideas or new energy resource

    Imagine having a company like BettePlace come in to our City and providing

    On March 21, The Meritage Resortand Spa was taken over by local businesspeople focking to the Napa Chamber oCommerces 2011 Napa Valley BusinessEXPO. More than 650 attendees and 65exhibitors showed up to this, the 22ndannual, sold-out event, and the roomwas abuzz with the sound o networking.Whether it was the move o the eventrom a Friday to a Monday or a sign o

    the economy nally coming around, thiswas the most successul Business Expo inrecent past.

    In wandering about the room, youcouldnt help but run into a riend orbusiness associate nor could you avoidmeeting someone new. And at the booths,you couldnt help but be drawn in by theexhibitors riendly smiles, valuable wares,new ideas, and their sweets and treats.

    Business partnerships were being ormedand strengthened simply by mingling in thebooths and aisles.

    And in conversations had or overheard,the question most often asked was, Howis business? Are things picking up? Andmore oten than not, the answer was yes.There was a sense o optimism in the

    room that seemed to pervade almost everyconversation. So not only were businesspeople talking, they were encouraging eachother with positive stories and anecdotes.

    This event let me proud o our

    community, optimistic or our utureand energized to continue working hardtowards that light at the end o the tunnel.

    Congratulations to the winners oBest Booth Decoration: Alkar Human

    by Lisa Batto, ACEPresident/CEO,Napa Chamberof Commerce

    CEOs FOCus

    Chairmans FOCus

    by Ryan Gregory,Vice President,Riechers Spenceand Associates

    2011 Napa Chamberof CommerceChairman of the Board

    I recently received an email rom ariend sharing a very interesting TED talk

    (www.ted.com) about a virtual choir. TEDis a nonproit dedicated to Ideas WorthSpreading and began in 1984. I spent 10minutes watching this very interestingvideo and ound mysel thinking aboutthe man, his passion and his commitmentor the project he created. It was a greatreconnection back to my own passions. Ido really enjoy being the CEO o the NapaChamber o Commerce. This positionand organization has introduced me to somany passionate people. Small BusinessEntrepreneurs are the hardest working

    TAkE 10 MINuTES OuT



    people I know. They never give up, evenwhen roadblocks get in the way. I they ail,they get back up and try something new. Iveoten wondered what causes this undyingdevotion to eed our passions.

    For my cousin whoowns Andies Ca, herpassion is much morethan providing the bestood she can create.She works so hard ather small business sometimes, Im amazedat the energy that she

    expends day ater day greeting customers,managing sta andpaying all the bills!Ive been at her homewhen she arrives ater an incredibly long dayand while the days strain does show, she isalways incredibly positive because she loveswhat she does!

    Last weekend, I was the plus one ata conerence or the US Green BuildingCouncil. I sat in on only one 30 minuteprogram and I ound mysel asking what


    April 2011 | COMMERCE | Page 3 | napachamber.com

    words began oating

    around Triple

    Bottom Line; Glocal;

    Triving Communities,

    Reneable Energy

    and companies, like

    Better Place.

    not only ere

    bsiness people taling,

    tey ere encoraging

    eac oter it positie

    stories an anecotes.

    Resources (First Place), Bank o Napa(Second Place) and Compadres Rio Grill(Third Place). This was a tough choice aall exhibitors deserved recognition or thcreative eorts.

    Finally, I would like to thank theChamber sta or working extra hard tomake this a successul event and all theguests and exhibitors or attending in recnumbers, helping to make this one o thebest business events o the year.

    Speaking o antastic business eventsthe next great networking opportunity isjust around the corner. The Napa Chambe15th Annual Benet Gol Tournament is

    coming up on Friday, July 15. ThiAnnual Benet Gol Tournamentis an important undraiser or locacommunity organizations. The everaises money to sustain the eortsthe Napa Chamber Foundation whmission is to support and advance educational, cultural and economicinterests o the communities o theregional City o Napa area.

    Mark your calendar now or thvaluable chance to get out into thecommunity and engage ace-to-acin networking and quality time wi

    riends and colleagues!(See page 8 for more event information.)

    SeeCEO on page 7

  • 8/7/2019 April 2011 COMMERCE


    are you:

    check out:

    a Napa-based contractorwho would like to be doing

    more work in residential energy efciency retrots?

    a Napa County homeownerwho would like to lowerutility bills but doesnt know where to start?

    Energy Upgrade Californias Home Retrot Program


    Homeowners can choose to pursue either a BasicRetrot or the Advanced Upgrade. All homeowners areeligible for this program; there is no income limit.

    CHF Residential Energy Retrot Program


    For a free home energy audit and grant opportunitiesto cover parts of the retrot costs!

    lowerutility bills!more green jobs in Napa County!

    more work forlocal contractors!




    ATTENTION CONTRACTORS!Training for both programs is happening in early April;check out the websites for details. If we can showenough local interest, CHF might be willing to do aNapa-based contractor orientation.

    April 2011 | COMMERCE | Page 4 | napachamber.com

    TRACTIONcontinued from page 1Researching which system will work best

    or you is a great way to urther procrastinateyour to-do list, whatever shape it is currentlyin. And then theres the time it takes to learnthe new complicated system and integrateit into your life, which requires the dreadedchange, and we all know how we eelabout that.

    Add in the daily issues presented byour ever-increasingly time-starved societyand its a wonder were not all zombieswandering aimlessly. I know it eels likethat sometimes.

    As a business leader (owner, executive,manager, etc.), there is even more pressureto execute the requirements of visioningand guiding your organization to ulll itsmission and value proposition. This involvebig-picture, creative, out-o-the-box, beat-the-competition methods o thinking.

    Not a quick process by any means.Theres more to success than just survivingIts going to be critically important to comeout o the current economic issues aheado the game with your sta on board andcustomers engaged with your brand.

    So what do you do to get everythingnished?

    First, accept that you are never going toget everything nished. The key is to ndbalance. Almost everything drops into oneo three buckets: your to-do list, delegate itor ignore it and hope it goes away.

    Finding balance calls or a good senseo prioritization. As things come up andget added to the to-do list, think about how

    they would best be processed. Suggestedreasoning includes: do it now, add it tosomething else (consolidation), deadlinemanagement, not urgent, and consider whois depending on the results o this task.

    Oten, the latter is a strong motivator toaccomplish a task because it directly aectyour relationships, both internally andexternally.

    When it comes to delegation, ask yourselwhat is the best use o your time? Will it takelonger to explain it than to just do it? Willdelegating it give you an opportunity to builda relationship? I talk a lot about relationships,

    because without them we wouldnt havebusinesses and we wouldnt have any un.Im sorry that I cant give you a quick

    miracle x to sort out your overwhelm. Takebits and pieces o methods that make senseto you and incorporate them a little at a timenot all at once.

    Just or un, I counted 23 dierentinterruptions that I staved o during the twohours I allotted to write this column. Thetrick o counting helped me to stay aware anocused.

    liability i they comply in good aithwith the DLSEs opinions/interpretationsand such opinions or interpretations arelater directly or indirectly reversed orrejected by a court. SB 883 provides

    employers with that needed certainty.AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE

    Specically, SB 883 allowsemployers to assert as an armativedeense in any litigation where awage and hour practice, policy, actionor omission is challenged, that suchpractice, policy, action or omission wasbased upon their good aith relianceand conormity with an opinion letter,interpretation, advice or order issued bythe DLSE.

    This policy provides credibility tothe DLSE, which is charged with the

    responsibility to enorce such laws. Inaddition, it encourages employers tocomply with the DLSEs guidance, whichin return will provide a positive andconsistent environment or employees.

    SB 883continued from page 2FEDERAL LAW

    Notably, the ederal governmentallows the same deense or employerswho rely in good aith upon the advice,opinion letters and guidance o the U.S.

    Department o Labor regarding the FairLabor Standards Act.CALCHAMBER SUPPORT

    CalChamber believes thatproviding employers with certaintythrough SB 883 by allowing themto rely upon the interpretations othe DLSE, will assist in relievingthis burden on employers, producea better environment or employees,and contribute to the growth o theeconomy.ACTION NEEDED

    SB 883 will be considered in the

    Senate Labor and Industrial RelationsCommittee on April 13. To take action,contact your legislator by visitingCalChamber.com.

    Napa Business FocusYour Chambers Award Winning E-Newsletter


    Read hot topic articles that will beneft your businessonline atnapachamber.com/businessfocus.

  • 8/7/2019 April 2011 COMMERCE


    AttorneysCoombs & Dunlap, LLPBrian DeWitt, Esq., (707) 252-91001211 Division St, [email protected]

    Attractions, Tours & Sightseeing

    Knight Wine ToursStan Knight, (707) [email protected]

    Beauty Salons - Services & RetailSkin by Tiffany Kaiser(707) 287-3023V Marketplace, Yountvillewww.skinbytianykaiser.com

    Computers - MacIntoshNapa OneDon Hirsohn, (707) 226-51601436 Second St Ste 221, Napa

    [email protected]

    Event ServicesMerlot Weddings and EventsJennier Woods, (707) [email protected]

    Supersonic EntertainmentDoug Peacock, (925) [email protected]

    WElCOmE nEW mEmbErs!Film & Video ProductionFirst Press ProductionsJessica Martin, (866) 380-5746PO Box 5539, [email protected]

    Ofce Supplies

    Staples Copy Center #422Bernadette Carter(707) 258-14903325 Jeerson St, Napawww.staples.com

    PhotographersKathi Cook Photography(707) 226-1688kathi@kathicookphotography.comwww.kathicookphotography.com

    PublishersChez Tomas Wine CountryTom Grifth, (415) 264-9400

    925 Lakeville St Ste 212, [email protected]

    Real Estate - Agents & RealtorsPacic Union Intl Real EstateTeresa Davis(707) 252-4100944 Main St, [email protected]

    RestaurantsBottegaKellie Magna, (707) 945-10506525 Washington St, Yountvillekellie.magna@botteganapavalley.comwww.botteganapavalley.com

    April 2011 | COMMERCE | Page 5 | napachamber.com

    Connect with us...

    mEmbEr bEnEFit bullEtinApril



    dId YOu kNOw?Chamber members and their employees cansave up to 60% o a list o 175 most commonly

    purchased items. In addition to your specialpricing you can receive 10% o your purchaseo $100 or more or the month o April!

    Not yet registered? Click here to join the ChamberOfce Depot Program!

    Already a member? Visit the website or thepromotional code and then log into your Chamberaccount and start shopping!

    Skin CareMary Kay Cosmetics and Skin CareSandra Gundersen(707) [email protected]/sgundersen

    Specialty FoodsFood & Vine, Inc.

    Nanette Humer, (707) 251-390068 Coombs St Ste I-2, [email protected]

    Things to DoGrapeBomb.comDina Okada, (707) [email protected]

    VineyardsJarvis WineryDeanna Martinez, (707) 255-52802970 Monticello Road, [email protected]

    Wine Tasting RoomsJohn Anthony VineyardsDave Bryant, (707) 265-77111440 First St, Napawww.javwine.com

    Mason Cellars, Oxbow DistrictMegan Mason, (707) 255-0658714 First St, [email protected]

    WineriesHdV WinesCharles Fairbanks, (707) 251-9121

    588 Trancas St, [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 April 2011 COMMERCE



    Visit our FB pagefor more photoalbums of fun!

    Attendees enjoyed the exibitor booths of o65 Napa Valley Bussiness leade

    Coldstone Creamery had a varietyof tastey treats to sample.

    Michele McClure and NancyStetler of Rabobank.

    The Napa Valley Business EXPO in March buzzed with excitementas 650+ attendees came to network and socialize, sample wonderul wines,taste great ood and learn more about local businesses.

    PLAN AHEAD: Dont miss this months Napa Valley MIXPO on April21st at The Meritage Resort and Spa. Members and non-members welcome!


    22nd Annual Business EXPOat te Meritage Resort and Spa

    April 2011 | COMMERCE | Page 6 | napachamber.com

    The ladies of Patch stop to pose for a photoLouisa Hufstader, Sandy ODea, Megan Silkman

    Laura Nelson and Anastasia Pryor


    Jessie Critchlow, Jeff Enos, Lisa Batto,Ryan Gregory and Rick Enos.

    First Place




    Third Place


    Rio Grille


    PlaceBank of Napa



    Diane Bishofberger, Ruth Appleby,Lise Tarner and Ryan Gregory.s

    Gytahnna Loffgren, Minnette Nugent,Ryan Gregory, Jason Lewis and Liz Davis.s

  • 8/7/2019 April 2011 COMMERCE


    WE FOCus On businEss

    Dean Bowen started getting inter-ested in computers in high school in thelate 1970s. Later, as a teacher at NapaHigh School in the 1990s, Dean had aascination or that thing everyone wastalking about called the internet. He wasinstrumental in setting up the rst networkat Napa High, which led him to start help-ing others in the community with theirinternet connectivity issues. Invited to join

    a business networking group called Le Tip,Dean ultimately decided to go out on hisown and established Net-Flow Corporationin 1995.

    Net-Flow Corporation is a technologybusiness that provides a range o custom-ized options or Web hosting, E-Businessdesign and development, network/IT sup-port and consultation or small to medium-sized businesses. Bowen takes a uniqueapproach by also oering a managedservice option in which the Net-Flow op-erators merge seamlessly with client teamsto provide proactive maintenance services

    through a fat-rate TotalCare IT SupportService. This service is designed to reduceclient costs, increase prots and mitigatebusiness risks. Net-Flow becomes a VirtualCIO and IT Department, allowing clients toocus on running their core business.

    In a re-tooling o the company Bowenand his team designed a host o sotwareprograms in 2003-04 geared to assist smalland medium sized businesses automate asignicant piece o their workload. Theproducts have been very successul and

    Chamber Member Spotlight:

    eature prominently onthe company website,www.net-fow.com.Look or the NOW suiteo solutions. Net-Flow has also launcheda privately branded product,evolvemy.com which oers clients a 90-day sales and marketing program to jumpstart their business. Always searching orthe next great thing, Bowen is continually

    examining Net-Flow services and solu-tions; adding, tinkering and even deletingobsolete services in the ever-changingworld o technology. For instance, cur-rently Net-Flow oers three dierentWeb hosting and design packages or bothsmall, medium and big business.

    Bowens approach to surviving theeconomic downturn included not only theclose examination o services his teamprovides to ensure economies o design,but also to examine his client base anddivorce those clients that were unpro-ductive or a signicant drain on company

    resources. He believes there is a goodt mentality with both employees andclients alike. Reduce costs and increaserevenue, its pretty simple really, but a bigpart o that is maintaining relationships. Wekeep employee turnover low and we servicethe heck out o our clients. Were not just avendor on their balance sheet; we are part otheir team.

    Bowen sits on the Napa Chamber oCommerce Board o Directors and sayso his Chamber involvement, Chamber

    April 2011 | COMMERCE | Page 7 | napachamber.com

    membership is a signicant piece o ournetworking strategy. It puts us ace to acewith other business owners and deepens ourrelationships with existing clients. We woulnever have gotten established without theChambers support, reerrals and resources.People need to know about the resources theChamber has available; rom employee lawinormation to business advocacy, the Chamber has been a great partner or us.


    CEO continued from page 3...

    a line o electric car stations. Drive up, plug in and move up anddown the valley without emitting the carbons that choke our wineindustry. Last time I looked, all-electric cars werent inexpensive,i.e. Tesla, Lea etc.; sounds like according to our Destination Plan,this is the right kind o customer to attract to ALL that our City hasto oer. We know that we have a special place here in Caliornia.Our community works to make sure we preserve our agriculturalareas AND we also should work to make sure we have a sustainableuture.

    References:President Obamas Speech: http://nationaljournal.com/


    Better Place: www.betterplace.comTriple Bottom Line definition: ethical criteria or business

    success: environmental sustainability and social responsibility usedas criteria when judging the overall perormance o a company, inaddition to purely inancial considerations.

    Dean Bowen and Johnathan Navarro of Net-Flow

    at the recent Napa Valley Business EXPO.

  • 8/7/2019 April 2011 COMMERCE


    Upcmn Even... mxmze yur newrkn!

    For more information call

    707.226.7455 orvisit our website atnapachamber.com

    April 2011 | COMMERCE | Page 8 | napachamber.com

    NAPA ChAMBER 2011 OffICERSRyan Gregory, Chairman of the Board ................ Riechers & Spence Associates, Inc

    Debra Dommen, Chair-Elect ......................................................Treasury Wine Estates

    Cherie Knox, Vice-Chair Advocacy...........................................Redwood Credit Union

    Kent Kuhlmann, Vice-Chair Resources ........................ Kuhlmann Associates Financial

    Richard Rybicki, Vice-Chair Membership ................................ Rybicki & Associates

    Pamela Gleeson, Treasurer..........................................................................Santen Inc.Randy Martinsen, Immediate Past-Chair....................... Accelerated Marketing Group

    M I S S I O NAs the membership organization forbusiness, we promote our communityseconomic vitality and quality of life

    through leadership development,advocacy, facilitation and education.

    BENEfIT rom being amember o te NapaCamber o Commerce

    For membership information call

    Sherrell Harper at 707.257.4598

    Creating a Strong Local Economy

    Promoting the Community

    Providing Networking Opportunities

    Supporting a Sustainable Future

    Representing Business to Government

    Engaging in Political Action

    COMMERCEeditorial is exclusively produced bythe Napa Chamber o Commerce,1556 First Street, Napa, CA 94559. 707.226.7455

    EDITOR: Katherine ZimmerPlease email submissions [email protected]

    Lisa Batto, ACE, President/CEO, 707.226.7455, [email protected]

    Katherine Zimmer, VP Marketing & Communications, 707.254.1147, [email protected]

    Sherrell Harper, Membership, 707.257.4598, sher [email protected]

    Paula Wick, Customer Service Manager, 707.226.7455, [email protected]

    Lynn Page, Executive Assistant, 707.254.1145, [email protected]

    Angelica Mancuso, Marketing Assistant, 707.254.1144, [email protected]

    Christine Sullivan, Administrative Assistant, 707.254.1143, [email protected]

    Linda Bausch, Events & Membership Retention Mgr., 707.254.1148, [email protected]

    Caryl Chakerian, Communications Liaison, 707.738.6053, [email protected]

    NAPA ChAMBER BOARd Of dIRECTORSDr. Edna Baehre, Napa Valley College; John Cardinale, State Farm Insurance; Ken Frank,La Toque; Clay Gregory, The Napa Valley Destination Council; Paul Hicks, PayrollMasters Inc; Cathy DAngelo Holmes, Coldwell Banker Commercial; Bill Lockhart,Edward Jones; Barry Martin, City o Napa; Kevin Massie, Napa Ford Lincoln Mercury;Sherry McKillop, Follow Your Compass; Shawn Milburn, Napa Valley Marriott Hotel& Spa; Beth Painter, Balanced Planning; Linda Parks, Lixit Corp.; Dennis Pedisich,Napa Community Bank; Jaime Penaherrera, Queen o the Valley Medical Center;Suzanne Shiff, Napa Valley Coalition o Nonproft Agencies; Don Shindle, WestinVerasa Napa; Brenda Speth, Napa Valley Register; Rex Stults, Napa Valley Vintners;Dr. Patrick Sweeney, Napa Valley Unifed School District; Kevin Teague, HolmeTeague Roche Anglin LLP; Toni Renee Vierra, Vierra Environmental Consulting;

    Jay Williamson, Williamson and Company.HONORARY DIRECTOR: Julian Weidler, Retired.


    April 20

    Wake Up YuBusiess Wedesday

    Strategies, Plans andResources to get through a

    Changing Economy

    Napa Chamber Boardroom

    7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.$20 (& bring a friend for free!)

    Register by calling SBDC at


    April 26

    NEgotiatE aNd

    ClosE thE salE

    Sales Mastey Seies

    Napa Chamber Boardroom8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

    $49 members$99 prospective members

    Register at napachamber.co

    May 6

    Fist Fiday BusiessDevelpmet Luch

    Compadres Rio Grille

    505 Lincoln Ave, Napa11:30 - 1:00 p.m.

    $30 Members

    $60 Prospective Members

    July 15


    15th Annual Beneft

    GoLF ToUrnAMEnT

    Silverado Resort7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

    Visit NapaChamber.comfor complete details and

    sponsorship opportunities

    April 28

    All MembeBriefng

    Napa Chamber Boardroom8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

    Free to Chamber Members

    Register online atnapachamber.com

    May 24


    napa Valley MaittHtel & Spa

    3425 Solano Avenue, Napa

    11:30 - 1:00 p.m.$55 per person

    April 21


    napa Valley MaittHtel & Spa

    3425 Solano Avenue, Napa5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

    Mixer entry:$10 members

    $30 prospective members
