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April 2011 ENews

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April 2011 Cowboy Fellowship News March 2011 E-News Issue 23 Inside This Edition: Word From The Pastor Letter From an American Hero The Acts Report Parent Link Boost 2011 And so much more! Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime; it is the LORD who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone. Zechariah 10:1
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April 2011

Cowboy Fellowship News

March 2011 E-News

Issue 23

Inside This Edition:

Word From The Pastor

Letter From an American Hero

The Acts Report

Parent Link

Boost 2011

And so much more!

Ask the LORD for rain

in the springtime;

it is the LORD who

sends the thunderstorms.

He gives showers of rain

to all people,

and plants of the field

to everyone.

Zechariah 10:1

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Word From The Pastor

Do you recall what John 10:10 says? John 10:10 (NIV) The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Jesus came so that you could have LIFE. And not just an ordinary life, or a normal life, but so that you and I could experience a full, abundant, extraordinary life. Life here on earth is short, but Jesus says it can be full and abundant. One of the main problems for many of us when it comes to finding the full and abundant life is focus. I believe that if we would once again return to God and focus on the things He has for us the full and abundant life we all desire would be in reach. Let me offer three areas that we should each attempt to focus on more. The first is our spiritual maturity. We should focus on maturing as believers and growing in our faith. This should be a priority in our lives, rather than something we do when or if we have the time. Bible studies, church attendance, team involvement, conferences like Boost 2011, regular Bible reading, scripture memory, and many other things will help you mature. The bottom line is you need to focus on it! The next thing we can focus on is our relationships, particularly with other be-lievers. We have talked a great deal this year about connecting with our families, neighbors, friends, and co-workers. When we focus on building relationships with others we become stronger. When we neglect, refuse, or avoid developing healthy re-lationships with other believes we lose our effectiveness. Once again this will require focus, and you will need to be intentional about building relationships or you will con-tinue to put it off until tomorrow. Finally we need to focus on eternity. Our time here on earth is short but we spend so much time storing up our treasure here. We invest more into our earthly lives than we do our eternal future. The fact is, we will spend much more time on the other side of eternity, so we should focus on that. When we do our zeal for evangel-ism and the things of God will peak and lead us to this full and abundant life Jesus described. Take time each day to focus on the implications of eternity and it will bring things into perspective for you. April is going to be a great month. Not only is it the month of my birth (LOL), but we have Boost April 8-9, Easter and all of the activities that come with that, and a big announcement about our next community outreach event. I hope you will choose to be a part of what God is doing at Cowboy Fellowship in the coming weeks. Pastor Pete

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John 15:13

Greater love hath no man than this,

that a man lay down his life

for his friends.

Please continue to pray that all our service men and women will come home safely and

soon. I hope that you will use the link below each week to send a letter. It takes less than

5 minutes of your time and means so much to someone so far from home and family. I

post a new soldier (or two) every Monday.

Click Here

Love in His name,

Sue Johnson ~ Ministry Assistant

SPC Lewis wrote to us this month and here’s what he had to say:

“Thank you so much for the care package you sent. Everything in it was so very useful,

and I was able to share with some of my fellow soldiers. You are truly a blessing, and I am

ever so grateful for your support. Thank you and God bless!”

SPC Lewis we are the grateful ones. We thank you for your sacrifice of being away from

home, family, and friends, for putting your life on the line on a daily basis, and for doing

without the comforts of home so that we don’t have to. We are praying for you daily.

Come home safely and soon! +

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The Acts Report

Matthew 25:35 put in

some man hours at The

Refuge in March, finish-

ing up the deck and ramp

so that they could open.

They also managed to

donate about 75 lbs of

baby and toddler clothes,

shoes, diapers, blankets,

bibs, etc!

Sadly their next project

was heartbreaking. We

heard of a family in De-

vine that had taken in 7 of

their nieces and nephews

when the children's

mother passed away.

They needed everything.

Praise God that loving,

caring, giving people

came together and pro-

vided for those children

with clothes, shoes, toys,

gift cards, food, etc.

Thanks to the Matthew

25:35 team and to all who

donated money and/or

clothes and toys to these

grieving children.

If you would like to be-

come a part of Matthew

25:35 please call

Odis White

(210) 275-9800

Jerusalem ~ Atascosa County

Judea ~ Texas

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Matthew 25:35

Facebook Link

(Must log in to access)

Baby stuff for The Refuge A trunk stuffed full

of clothes, food,

shoes, & toys!

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Samaria ~ United States & Mexico

Hello everyone,

How are y'all? I just wanted to update everyone about what has been going on since I have been back from Mexico and my plans to return in the next couple months, if God permits it.

I have successfully updated my blog, you can check it out at, www.lifestylenotexperience.tumblr.com, please read it so that you are able to see what God has been doing in my life. Trust me it has definitely been an amazing experience as I am sure it will continue to be.

I have been doing this mentorship with a pastor at my home church, and I have been really chal-lenged through that as well as other aspects of the mentorship. It has really helped me build back up relationship that were not very strong once I got back here to Texas after my time in Mexico. I have one more session to go and then I will be done. Also, if you can be praying that I find some-one else to mentor. I know that God is going to send me the right person and I am excited about starting that process.

As some of you, if not all hopefully know I am getting ready to head back to Mexico. Right now my estimated departure day is July 1st, however that all depends on what God leads me to do. Right now I am in the process of raising the money that I will need to go back and help out the team that I am on. Our goal is to build an orphanage in an area of Guadalajara, Mexico. It will be the 1st Christian orphanage in that area.

With all that said, if you would please like more information then please let me know. Everything and anything is greatly appreciated. I hope you will take the time to check out the update on my blog and continue to pray that God would lead me in the direction that he wants. Also, I have been thinking about my kids in Mexico a lot lately. Please pray that God would grab a hold of their hearts and they would come into a real relationship with Him.

Thank you all for everything. God Bless!

Brittany Meredith

Also, I will be sending out a newsletter by the beginning of April, so you can look forward to that as well.

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Ends Of The Earth ~ Europe, Asia, & Africa

Dear Friends and family:

As I sit down to write this letter to you, I am encouraged by the crisp, sweet-smelling air that accompa-nies a good rain. Yes, beginning yesterday we have experienced almost 8 hrs of heavy rainfall. The road looks like a mud pit, the driveway a slip 'n slide, and yet we cannot express how thankful we are for it! I will never feel the same way again about having to walk through the rain to open a car door. Rain means promise and bless-ing for the people here as it did for those in biblical times. Kristi and I commented on what an opposite view we often hold in the states. People write songs about cloudy days and sadness, songs that cannot be understood in the world we live in. I listened to a song yesterday called “It Can't Rain Everyday,” about encouragement for those going through hard times. In the book of II Chronicles God gave a completely different picture.

“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain or command locust to

devour the land, or send pestilence among the people, if my people who are

called by my name will humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from

their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.”

II Chronicles 7:14

We pray every day here that God will be moving among the Karimojong, transforming their hearts to be like His, to know Him, love Him and walk faithfully with Him as a people. God has shown us so much from his word in the book of Isaiah that He will do something in this land, and this land that is now dry will some-day be running with streams of living water. We wait, we work, we pray and we hope in Him who is able to do all things. Every time we experience the rain we remember his promises and hope for the day when all of Karamoja will be worshiping the father.

Our family is doing well, and we hope this letter finds you the same way. We are a little sick at the mo-ment with myself, Ezra, Zion, and Nevaeh all having malaria at the same time, but this “winter” has been a good one. Kristi and the kids are immersed in school, and it has been a pleasure to watch her become a good teacher. The kids are enjoying school, proving to be quick learners. They are especially enjoying geography. They are learning the countries of South America and drawing the flags to put up on the walls around the house. Ezra is gifted in math, we are quickly learning, and is almost caught up to Nevaeh. Nevaeh reads all the time and enjoys the Chronicles of Narnia series the most. Zion is showing himself to be our child with the greatest imagination and is becoming quite the storyteller. Israel is in the stage where he likes to be obstinate and argue with everyone. Nevertheless, everyone thinks he is extremely cute and don't really mind. Selah is “army scooting” around the house, making “gaga” noises all day. Akelo Rikot is learning English fast and has started with her abc's in school.

Oh yes... and the new temporary addition. Achuka Dempsey Moses is a baby that is living with us at the mo-

ment. A couple of weeks ago a villager died while giving birth to a 2 month premature baby and Achuka is that

baby. They brought the baby to Cody and Michaela who in-turn brought him to us (being that they are sup-

posed to have one any day). Kristi has been nursing this baby as well as Selah, and he is

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gaining weight and getting stronger by the moment. When he came to our house he was just under 2 lbs, and today he is 4 lbs and growing. The family comes every week to visit, and we have worked it out with them that when he is stronger he will go back with them to the village. They have been extremely thankful to us for tak-ing him and to Kristi for nursing him. We have had the opportunity to share with them that God has a plan for each person's life, and Achuka is a living example of that. Continue to pray for Acuka, that his birth will lead to this family coming to know Christ. For more on his story visit the blog www.williamsinthewilderness.com

Construction on the orphanage has continued to move along well although very slowly. We are waiting to cover the front pavilion area, but we need some metal work that a friend is working on for us. We are con-structing a small house on the property for a family that will come and work at the orphanage doing cooking, cleaning, night watchman, etc. We have also started construction on a pit latrine that will be bigger, with more stalls, and will replace the old one that does not have a proper foundation. People here do not naturally think to build things that will still be standing 50 yrs down the road so we are having to work with our build-ers to build in a different way. Cody is heading this up and doing a great job overseeing all of the construc-tion. He kindly asks my input now and then to give me a say in things, but he is on top of it all.

The Mercy Ministry Project is going well. It is extremely under-funded, but we know that God gives us only as much as we need. If he hasn't provided more, then we don't need more. It is hard to watch these la-dies go without the daily necessities of food and other supplies. We are working on creating a business that will help those who can work but don't have any job opportunities. We want to start a leather business mak-ing simple things like journals and binding bibles. We are praying for someone to come and do training for us in tanning leather. If you know anyone who can help us with this, please let us know. We continue to provide food and medical support but know that we will always be limited in this as there is so much need.

We have also begun working on chronological Bible storying as a team. I am trying to develop a series of Bible stories that will speak to this culture in a way they can understand. The stories are there, we just need to learn to tell them. Storytelling is a lost art in our culture, save a few men and women like Steven Spielberg, Ridley Scott, and Francis Ford Coppola. We are learning to recapture the art and bring the word to the people through stories. Cody and I are also trying to put ourselves in disciple-making relationships. We each have a few of these and are praying that they will bear fruit and that God will bless us with more. We are each pray-ing for 5 people to disciple who will go out and disciple 5 more. We believe that if we approach church plant-ing in this way, we can put the leadership in their hands and support them as they do the work. Be in prayer with us that God will give us those 5 people, and we will be faithful as disciplers.

So, that is what is going on in our lives right now. My parents are having their 50th anniversary this year on March 19th. I am excited for them and wish I could be with them to celebrate this momentous occa-sion. I look forward to the day when Kristi and I can behold such an honor. We thank all of you who support us financially and with prayer. Please be encouraged to keep doing so because we believe in what is happen-ing here. Karamoja is a place with so much need and so much promise. I don't believe your prayers and money could be put anywhere better. The churches and believers that come forth from this will be yours and our legacy. We love you all!

In Christ,

Kenneth, Kristi, Nevaeh, Ezra, Zion, Israel, Selah, and Rikot Williams



[email protected]


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*The following are reoccurring

events that take place each

week/month at the same time

unless otherwise denoted:

Church Services - Saturday

Night @ 7:00 PM ; Sunday: @

10:45 AM

Discipleship Classes - Every

Monday - 6:30 PM

Children’s Play Group Every

Tuesday from 10 - 11:30.

Adult High School - Begins

Sept. 7th and continues until

May 20th ~ Every Tuesday @


CFY R.E.A.L.M. - Every

Wednesday @ 7:00 unless

otherwise noted.

2nd Saturday Clean Up @ 8:00

Breakfast Provided

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Every 3rd Saturday

@ Stage Stop - 8:00 AM

Please Go To Our Website For

Times And More Information!



Of Events

April 2011

Isaiah 53:12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide

the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death:

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2nd Saturday Clean Up 8:00

Services 7:00 PM Baptisms Potluck

3 Services 10:45 AM Baptisms Potluck


Discipleship 6:30

5 Play Group 10:00 AM

AHS 6-8 PM Portable A


CFY 7:00 PM


Living Hope 6:30


BOOST 2011


BOOST 2011

Services 7:00

10 Services 10:45


Discipleship 6:30


Play Group 10:00 AM

AHS 6-8 PM Portable A


CFY 7:00 PM



16 Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Services 7:00


Services 10:45


Discipleship 6:30

19 Play Group 10:00 AM

AHS 6-8 PM Portable A


CFY 7:00 PM



Community Easter Egg

Hunt 6:00 PM

Office Closed


Services 7:00


Services 10:45



Discipleship 6:30


AHS Potluck and Senior Pictures 6:00

27 28 Helping Hands 10:30 AM Living Hope 6:30

29 Refuge Banquet & Auction 6:00


Beach Day 9:00—1:00

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According to scripture Jesus came so that we might have life and have it abundantly. However,

far too often life is full of hardship, struggle, temptation, frustration, pain, and disappointment.

But does it really have to be this way? This two-disc mp3 sermon set contains twenty-six power-

ful, inspiring, and challenging messages from Pastor Pete Pawelek. The first disc has every ser-

mon Pete has preached so far in 2011 including the entire “How To Waste Your Life” series. The

second disc contains 13 messages from as far back as the showbarn days. Cowboy Fellowship clas-

sics like “Stinky People” “The Fretless Life” and “Unshakable” just to name a few. These stimulat-

ing sermons bring the authoritative Word of God alive, and will help you get the most out of this

precious life that God has given you. Life is short therefore we must get the most out of every sec-

ond God gives us. These messages will help you find the full and abundant life that Christ prom-

ises is in reach for all believers. Get your copy at the media table starting April 10th, for only $10.

You can also order online at www.pastorpete.org/life

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