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Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 20

Date post: 22-Jan-2018
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Page 1: Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 20
Page 2: Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 20

Wow, the weather is behaving today so I can write. Anyway, one week ago we saw the last of the Green Gen. chapters, which means the last of the green PowerPoint

background too. Last time we saw the passing of Chickadee, my Yellow gen heiress and that allowed for the birth of her great-grandson Tanzanite, my first Sims 3 Reaper

Spawn. Turns out they don’t do anything interesting, just add a different hair colour which will no doubt plague me until the end of Generation Pink. *cough* Anyway, let’s get this going so I can catch up to my playing once again since I’ve been playing too far


Page 3: Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 20

And after all the ghostbusting, Ramon is finally getting the key to the city of Twinbrook. From a mayor who looks like he spends too much time in Egypt. Anyway, you may have noticed the weight problem that Ramon seems to have picked up, well I

can say it’s a body mod I found on MTS2 not everyone is perfectly model worthy in life so why not in Sims?

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My heir wall in the basement is growing nicely, I love how blue Ramon is; perfect for his generation. Also love the “Paint Still Life” rather than “Paint Portrait” it looks so much better. My one pet peeve about Sims 3, the portraits always look awful no matter

how good the pose is.

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Since I end up playing more than taking pics, Iris, Acai, and Tannie are now children. I like how well Iris’s colours blend on this ITF shirt I use them way too much. Her third trait is Insane, very fitting. This is also the point where I discovered how to see their

Hidden Traits…what I didn’t know is that it actually made them clickable…

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Iris: Fire…the purest form of cleansing…

Scary child; you killed one of my Jellybean bushes that has been around since Carrot was a child you closet Pyro!

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Acai: Iris!! What are you doing?! They used to burn witches at the stake you know!

Tanzanite: My sisters are insane! One’s a Pyro and the other is Immune to Fire!

Acai’s third trait is Daredevil, and Tannie’s is Lucky. Good for them, they may actually survive if Iris goes on an insane fire starting bender.

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Trying to earn another legacy statue are you Kiwi?

Kiwi: Of course, I want to be remembered as the best heir ever.

You already are; you are the first one to get the Plumbotics one.

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Kiwi: This one is harder though.

Yeah, so I’ve noticed. Play the Laser-Rhythmacon for 10 different people and reach level 10 in skill. Harder than it sounds when you move all the time.

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My Green gen heir may have escaped aging but his wife didn’t. I missed Sugar’s birthday so all I have is the CAS shot of her all greened up for Elderhood.

Sugar: At least I photograph well.

That you do, sadly your hair colour didn’t make it past Bluebelle.

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Soon enough it was time for the teen birthdays, my heir who will not end up related to the chosen Blue gen spouse; gets to go first. There goes my Genie gene so soon, unless I

turn someone into one…I have the power to!

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Spectra: This one is “getting down” with this one’s bad self.

Acai: Should I…

Iris: Nah, let the robot get things wrong it’s funnier that way.

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And Tannie’s fourth trait: Adventurous. His LTW is to be a Star News Anchor which I haven’t done before because well by generation seven they are loaded and don’t really need to work anymore. And they have like $989 000 worth of Tiberium gems so

yeah, money is not a problem.

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As per tradition, Tanzanite needs to find a spouse from Twinbrook before we can move on to the next town. I had a hard time with finding him one, everyone was taken so when I found out that Ana Daniels here, a babysitter, was actually single I jumped on the chance. She got a makeover because what she had before was a witch hat and horrible clothes. I made her Pretty in Pink, her

favourite colour.

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Tanzanite: Just ignore the Stalker-Ratzi Ana Banana; they are like dogs. Don’t feed them and they won’t beg for scraps.

Ana: How do you deal with it all the time?

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Tanzanite: I ignore them; sometimes I’ll curse them and turn them into toads.

Ana: What?!

Tanzanite: I’m a witch, or wizard, not sure what term to use. It’s genetic from great-grandpa Jered. My great-great grandfather Carrot turned him into a witch before he married my great-

grandma Chickadee.

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Acai is pretty, I wish this was a female led generation I’d love to have a Genie heiress. Her fourth trait is Excitable, she also got a LTW of being a Master Acrobat.

Although I am kinda relieved I don’t have to do another open hours thing with her. Acrobats are just as troublesome as Diva Singers…

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Acai’s twin, my Insane witch Iris got Easily Impressed as her fourth trait and a LTW of being a Hit Movie Composer. Doable but meh, I would like to try the Film career but Twinbrook has no 64x64 lots to put the studio down on. Oh well, maybe one of my Violet gen spares will get it since the next stop is Bridgeport…*shudders* Lag City on

Error Trap Bay is what I should call it from now on.

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Acai: I smell tree, do you?

Iris: Yeah, grandpa’s Lime trees apparently grow through glass and walls.

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Iris: Should I burn them?

Acai: Ooh, while fire is awesome grandpa might not like it

Tanzanite: Not to mention he can freeze your ass in ice, he’s the strongest of us all here.

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Bluebelle: My mom senses are tingling; our daughters what to destroy nature.

Ramon: They are good girls Belle, I think you’re overreacting.

Kiwi: They better not burn my trees…

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Bluebelle: Hey, Day Glo; you’re in my seat.

Emit: I just wanted to hang out with my best time travelling buddy Kiwi…

Spectra: This one is wondering why the Blue Haired one is here again…

Emit: Say, you want to give me some of those awesome Trait Chips you make Kiwi?

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Founder Sighting #5! Hey Clear!

Clear: I’m pleased to see witchcraft back in the family again.

Iris: Your grandson Carrot brought it back in; he’s the one to thank.


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Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

Man, writing to catch up to playing makes me want to play more, is it just me? Also I think I have no decent Indigo pun chapter names, it’s just not a good pun word you know? Some say it’s not a colour, others do; it’s on the spectrum so it must be one

right? Anyway, that’s all for now folks!
