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Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 3

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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Page 1: Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 3
Page 2: Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 3

The heir race has begun, all three Red gen kids are teening this chapter so now we are one step closer to an heir poll. Even though I really don’t want to turn any of them loose in the wild to fend off SP but sadly, I must…*sniffles* Such is life in Sims 3.

Anyway, let’s get on with the show.

Page 3: Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 3

Look at all the red fall colours, seems to be the dominate one in Sunset Valley. I played more last night and now I’m going to write it up, soon we will have a new heir and I can change this

PowerPoint design to match Red generation’s colours. Clear is out rock hunting again and also in this chapter, new house! I’ve been wanting to rebuild and as much as I like to, I don’t like small lots. I NEED MY SPACE TO BUILD!! The game would not let me purchase the Summerhill court lot, a.k.a. the biggest one in Sunset Valley so expect to see a new town move as well before the Orange generation is born. I said it would be three generations, it’s been two…but I MUST BUILD BIG!!

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Look who else is out rock hunting, Ms. Diva.

Pom-Pom: This is peasant work, I am a DIVA such things as this are below me.

Yes, well suck it up buttercup I like to smelt and make precious gems into cool shapes so I can finally see that awesome Skull cut.

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Pom-Pom: You mean I could have a beautiful 100 carat diamond Skull? Okay, I’m in. Show me da Skull diamonds.

I would except I need that Collection Helper which costs 40 000 LTA points…

Pom-Pom: Fine, but I will have my diamond skull…heiress or not you understand me

Camera Lady?

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Although Pink Diamonds are rarer and make much nicer skulls…but not as good as a Sunstone Skull. Yes, I have a problem. I like my Skull cut gems.

Pom-Pom: Whatever, just get me the shiny.

Win heirship and I MAY consider it…such a Divatox…(not a Power Rangers joke) a

toxic Diva, Divatox….yeah okay moving on.

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Pom-Pom: I found a Moonstone.

Nice, they glow when the full moon is out. Also they make nice, expensive Skulls too.

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Oh yeah there’s my founders too. At a blueberry pie eating contest, getting pwned by the family stalker; an old and crusty Boyd Wainright. He was Clear’s boss but now stalks the family since she

quit. I rarely have fall anymore, it kills my gardens, my other Sims 3 obsession.

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Clear: Oh gross…I ate a bug.

Blair: Can’t see, blueberry filling is stinging my eyes.

Boyd: *snarfle*gobble*smack*

That guy was born to be a werewolf. Too bad Sunset Valley is a occult-free town, aside from Clear and my witch boy twins. Speaking of witch boy twins…

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Cherry: Is this really haunted?

Perhaps; why not go see?

Cherry: Alone? *gulp*

You’re a witch, fry those ghosts with a nice Ghostbuster spell. And your twin is already in there.

Cherry: I can do that?

No, but do go on dear. It won’t bite, I don’t think…

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They also have brooms, with adorable RED training wheels! *squee* I did not know this, so forgive the squee…anyway, it was time to head back since the camera dragged

me over to tell my Divatox is growing up. I mean Pom-Pom…

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Pom-Pom: Where is my party? I DEMAND a party!

Goji: Too bad, you get only me everyone else is starving and/or about to pass out.

And I hate parties, in a laggy game like Sims 3 and a house that’s too small…no party for you!

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Pom-Pom: Wow, you’re green.

Varshook, Meevark…something alien: You are a human female. I was here looking for human males to pollinate.

Pom-Pom: *rolls wish to befriend alien* But I am so much more awesome. I even rock the

University hot pants and uggo t-shirt.

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Pom-Pom: But before you go, you HAVE to tell everyone on your green world how awesome I am. I am Pomegranate Arcenciel, a name that will be synonymous with

awesomeness forever.

Alien Something: I will return to find a human male to pollinate…

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Aside from my first teen heir-potential trying to scare off the aliens, I was getting spammed with notices that the future has changed and I have to go see, for all five of them…so Back to the Future we go just to shut them up. Clear now has three houses

with descendants in it. Because apparently each kid gets their own lineage line.

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Clear: So umm, how did you guys end up in this obvious mansion when the last time I was here there was only one house?

Donald: Oh thanks to you making money in the past we are filthy, stinkin’ rich.

Clear: I see…which son are you descended from?

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Clear: Hey Kylee, sorry girl I didn’t mean to neglect you.

Kylee: Oh that’s fine Mistress; I am happy you rescued me.

She is totally oblivious to the fact that Donald is apparently with the pink powder puff and wooing this other girl at the same time, in the same house…

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Clear: So here, have one of these nanites that have been crawling around in my Inventory for years.

Kylee: Oh thank you mistress!! I love nanites!

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Clear: So you must be Jaime, you look like my sons.

Jaime: Ah yes, the founding matriarch. I have heard of you from tales of grandmum all my life. She was rather gifted with gardening, as am I.

Clear: Really? Wow so am I. Good to see it’s still carried on.

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Clear: Ready to jam my mechanical music lover?

DigiBot 01: This is not in my programming to “jam” with humans.

Clear: But we sound so good together.

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Clear: Robot’s got game…

Digibot 01: Break it down!

Clear: I am so stealing this future guitar. *swipes*

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Clear: Aww she/it left…I am so close to that ninth guitar point I can taste the aspiration points now.

Yes I am horribly behind on her LTW, but she’s also like one day from adulthood so I’m running out

of time.

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So new house! And I encountered my first glitch; when Clear visited her rich descendant Donald at his house, she came back with over $100 K after stealing all his money! It’s like the Sims 2 Secret Society glitch! So it sky rocketed Blair’s LTW and he had enough points for the Inheritance cash thing so I got it and he is now fulfilled. He’s also nine days younger than Clear so he’s still a YA.

Ah well…live and learn. Clear is still the same even after aging which I MISSED because of--

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Her. Yes Divatox is still trying to hook a spouse before SP takes him off the market. This is Sam Lutz-Sekemoto, not the father, the son. He was with some chick named Desiree but Pom-Pom would not let that stop her from stealing him. She convinced him to break it off with her and got him to take

her to prom. Because her fourth trait is Charismatic by the way.

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Pom-Pom: Of course I am soo much better than Dessert Buffet. I am awesome.

Sam: Desiree won’t like it but what the hell, I like blonds better anyway.

And then as soon as she turned him loose in the wild SP hooked him up with some other blond chick. Grr…but it didn’t matter she was still going to prom with him where they ended up going

steady, so I guess he has two chicks now? Playa.

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Then another alien came back. Pom-Pom was the only one awake so she greeted him. It’s not the same one, it’s a different PT.

Pom-Pom: So I suppose you heard of me, I told your buddy to tell everyone about me on

your green world.

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Other Alien Whose Name I Forgot: Yes snobbish female, he did. But I am still looking for humans males to pollinate. You have male siblings yes?

Pom-Pom: Yeah but they aren’t important. I am. You see I am the only one who knows you green

dudes. It’s my way to win the heirship since I’m not a freak with powers like them.

OAWNIF: They are young yes? Soon to be older?

Pom-Pom: Yeah whatevs. so are you going to share some intergalactic secrets with me or not?

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OAWNIF: Excellent; my Birth Queen will be most pleased.*vanishes*

Pom-Pom: Wow, rude much? I wasn’t done telling him I’m the best yet.

He did vanish, and I missed the shot again…d’oh.

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Goji: Our sister is getting too much attention twin; let’s do something to make Camera Lady pay attention to us.

Cherry: Agreed; let us grow up and become more interesting and hotter.

Goji: Yes, let’s. Me first since I was born first.

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Goji: Here I go!!

Cherry: Hurry up so I can go next.

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Holy…*swoons* He’s trying to tell me something with the Indiana Jones look isn’t he? And guess what, I got to choose again so who am I to deny karma? Goji is now Adventurous. Looks like I’ll

be getting some WA trips in if he’s heir.

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Cherry: My turn! Let’s see if I can continue being awesome in my Supernatural outfits.

Goji: Yeah!! Let’s show up our sister and her alien buddies by being even more gorgeous than she is!

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Cherry: Well, I’m halfway there with Supernatural outfits…these pants are at least red…

Cherry is also Charismatic now, looks like Pom-Pom is going to have to step up or be left out. I chose for both of them, maybe my Orange kids will be more random.

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Ah, my boys. All together at once.

Blair: This is the first good shot of me all chapter.

Yeah sorry, the kids are more interesting.

Page 35: Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 3

Clear is still chugging away at that tenth Painting point so I got her this cool Holo-Easel to try out. Yes I go way overboard with the Into the Future stuff since now I can

actually try them out. I never really got into it before but now that I have a generational challenge to do I think I’ll bore you to death with them all. Portraits, yes I haven’t forgotten about them I just don’t like the system in Sims 3, they get all weird…

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Synchro Spellcasting 101: Featuring the Red generation Witch Twins. And red and grey do look good together, this is still a transitional generation so there will be both colours represented. But I

will move them before any Orange babies come along because I hate small lots…and this house takes up pretty much all of it. They do have a pool in the backyard and the garden is in the front. I

need my space to spread out!!

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Cherry, you’re not the Genius twin what gives?

Cherry: Hank Goddard here challenged me; I am too Ambitious to let that slide so I will accept.

Hank: Bring it on kid, I will trounce you.

Cherry: You see? How can I let that go?

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Pom-Pom: Forget about my dorky brother, this Love Machine says I am so hot I fry its circuits. It’s got that right for sure, I am too hot to handle.

Weren’t you collecting Easter eggs? Hop to it, hehe; hop.

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Goji: Shows what she knows, I am no dork. This machine said I am hot shizz too.

Good to know Goji-kun. I would have to agree with the machine.

Goji: Goji-kun?

You like? I do.

Goji: It’s cool I guess.

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Pom-Pom: I know what you’re trying to do freak… but that heirship is mine.

Cherry: It’s not up to you, Camera Lady says we need an heir poll to decide.

Pom-Pom: I was the Prom Queen, I have a spouse picked out and I am just that awesome. I’ll be the next Whitney Houston with my Charisma and Charm.

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Cherry: Well have fun with SP, because that’s where you’re headed. Mom told me that the descendants in the future from you are just as poor as the first time she went, while the

ones from me and Goji are rich. So take that.

Pom-Pom: That means nothing; once I’m famous it’ll be your lineage that serves MINE.

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Goji: I think I’m getting the hang of this thing. Two levels already and this is my first time. Virtuosos are just naturally great at music.

And this is why I can’t pick my own heir; I love them all too much!

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Goji-kun is on this all the time it still looks good even in the full moon green-out that seems to get inside even when no one is near a window…

Goji: This is great, I’m going to be immortalized with a statue in the future I know it.

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So here are the heir-potentials, I will be posting the poll soon on Boolprop with their traits. Only Pom-Pom has chosen a LTW right now the twins have yet to roll one, I may have to choose for them but I

will wait and see. Also I haven’t a clue how to send them to Uni in Sims 3, which is something I

have never seen. The Uni hood is something I want to investigate in this legacy though. I think

it has to do with those aptitude test things that the llama mascot drops off with the bucket but I don’t

know, I think it vanished when I made the new house so…yeah. Something to find out about.

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Next time on Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

What, a non-Red pun title? Must be coming to the end of Grey generation. Anyway, I can’t seem to stop playing this so I will probably have another one soon once I get

the heir poll set up on Boolprop. Until then, see you next time.
