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Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 26

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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Page 1: Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 26
Page 2: Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 26

Day 4, Update 4. Also this marks the beginning of the end for Tanzanite’s reign as heir, Hydrangea will soon be ready to take over and a new colour will begin. I am so

tired but I think I can write one or two more chapters today, only I don’t think it will be in time for the House Motherlode’s point tally. I was informed that the new quarter

begins October 5th which is tomorrow…oh well, I can still try.

Page 3: Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 26

Did you just eat Ambrosia?

“Yes, yes I did.”

As per tradition, before we leave a town we must find a spouse from that town. And the chosen one from Bridgeport is none other than Apollo Bloom. A celebrity who’s currently shackled to some old

biddy…we must rectify that.

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Apollo Bloom soon to be Arcenciel is a Couch Potato Bookworm who is known to be Hot-Headed, Frugal and a Schmoozer. His desire is take those traits and apply

them to a lucrative career as a CEO of a Mega Corp. He loves the good taste of Lobster Thermidore, some Classical music and plenty of White in his wardrobe.

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Hydrangea: So dear twin how does it feel to be filled with the light of the moon?

Violet: I hate it, I hate the outdoors, it’s cold, there’s dirt and bugs everywhere and I think I have fleas. *scratch scratch*

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They didn’t have to suffer long, after they moved to the beautiful tropical paradise of Isla Paradiso and unloaded their Inventories, it was time for the twins to age up. Violet was

eager to get his cure and get his own place, while Hydrangea was looking forward to getting to know her sexy suitor Apollo.

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Hydrangea: Yes!! Burn the heathen!! Burn him! How dare he reject my gift of lycanthropy…

Violet: Why can’t I just be normal?!

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Tanzanite: Everyone can relax, I got it.

Bluebelle: I could have gotten it faster with a few Ice Blast spells…

Tanzanite: They weren’t working mom. This is why we have these things.

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Hydrangea: Now that I’m all changed and ready, let’s get some woo going.

Apollo: I believe I can get behind that.

Hydrangea added Brave to her collection of traits while her twin chose Couch Potato, anything he could do to avoid the scary, scary outdoors he would.

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Can I pick them, or can I pick them? These two are perfect for one another, they needed little direction to carry on. I can see those Aqua babies now…so close to the end, so

close. ^_^

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Hydrangea: Camera Lady is pleased, as am I. Let’s make this official. Marry me my Platinum Haired angel?

Apollo: Be richer and more famous? Hell ya! I just love shiny expensive things,

provided of course that they last a long time and never need replacing.

Hydrangea: Honey, we’re multi-millionaires, I doubt we’ll ever need to replace anything.

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Lovely. Now go make me some Aqua babies.

Hydrangea: You heard her.

Apollo: I did. Let’s go.

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Hydrangea: Now we need some boys, Camera Lady says that the next heir needs to be male so the final one can be female, just like the founder. A full circle.

Apollo: What if we don’t have boys?

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Knowing my luck…I’ll get girls. Thankfully Bluebelle made me a Time Machine to use, I seem to have better luck with those to get the right gendered heir.

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Sugar! Long time no see.

Sugar: Well Mama Clear was right, every time we come out, y’all are in a new place.

Such is the way in a Sims 3 generational legacy. The lag man, the lag…

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Hydrangea: I despise this green…

Tanzanite: Grandbabies!!

Bluebelle: Great-grandbabies!!

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Tanzanite: What do you mean we can’t come? I want to see if I get any witchy grandbabies.

Ana: Odds are that they’ll be little wolf cubs like their mother.

Tanzanite: Don’t ruin my dreams love, it’s mean.

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What? You expected to see the Aqua babies? Ha, no. That’s for next time I just took this because Hydrangea has a LTW of becoming a Five Star Resort Owner. Yes, now that I know how to make and upgrade one, the Arcenciels will have their own resort empire.

With five million in the bank it’s easy to make one.

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And Tannie has a new hobby to enjoy in his retirement years, scuba diving. It’s one thing I love about Island Paradise, it’s so pretty. Except for that annoying jump bug they all get, regardless of game file, that resets them to the nearest land if they try to enter the

Underwater Caves. It works the second time though.


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Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

Well hey, this seems to have flown by hasn’t it? Tanzanite is passing the mantle to his werewolf daughter, the family is getting a new resort, and GENERATION NINE is

upon us! So close to the end now…I can taste the medals of victory already.
