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Arcadian Vol 24 No 7 - April 01, 1984

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The Arcadian, student newspaper for Arcadia High School in Phoenix, AZ, Vol 24, Issue No 7, 1984-04-01.
Vol. 24, Issue No.7 Boy cheerline adds new ADS spirit Next year there will be a change in the Cheer Line. Most Arca- dian's feel that the girl cheer- leaders show little spirit, and the boys show much more. The boys have expressed how they would like to try being on the new Cheer Line, and even though their junps won't be as high, they still want to try. The board has decided that the male Cheer Line will bring much more spirit to the various games. The qualifications for the boys are: nice legs (nicely shaved, with no niclc.&-}, good looks no braided armpit hair, very little face make- up, a good spread, back flip and double twisting somersault, bench 250 or more, and bra size under 36-B. For more information please contact Mr. Kimball in room 1037. Arcadia loves Miss April Hugh Heffner contacted the Ar- cadian recently regarding a recom- mendation for a new playboy centerfold in the over 18 category. The Arcadian proudly recom- mended Mrs. Helen Loos. She had a complete portfolio, went for her interview, and got the job. The Ar- cadian has proudly interviewed our new celebrity. Q. Why do you feel you were chosen for the centerfold? A. I am Arcadia's and Phoenix's reigning sex goddess, why shouldn't I be? Q. Are you going to advance to bigger and better things? A. Of course. Mr. K. and I al- ready have a Hustler interview lin- ed up. Q. How does your hubby feel about this? A. He feels I have great poten- tial and, just like John Derek, he wants to be the photographer and personally expose me to the world of Fantasy. Q. Helen, do you have any last words for us little people before you move on to stardom? A. Well,I'llsendallofmymen here free 5x7 blow up pictures and dolls . Good luck in the future, Helen. Arcadia wishes you the best. Arcadia High School. Phoenix, Arizona 85018 April 1, 1984 Teachers' antics amuse students This month we continue with the antics of the teachers we all know and love. Mr. Garard Bimbell has professed his love for Ms. Bummers and he wants to go to Hawaii together this summer to grade junior class English papers. In Hawaii, Ms. Bummers will also be going back to moonlighting as a Playboy Bunny and serving Mai Tais. Mr. Sutz and Mr. Skippy have pooled their money that they've saved from 10 years of teaching and bought the copyright for Truly Tasteless Jokes #4. Mr. Cramwell, upset that he isn't in on the deal, offered them $10,000 for 2 shares of the stock. What a waste, he could have used the money to go to Thailand or Hawaii with Ms. Bummers and Mr. Bimbell. Mr. Poor is getting his extra money these days for his nice Bronco by working at Cheeks on the weekends. It's been rumored that he rips up the I.D.'s of his Ar- cadia women admirers so that they can't watch him "strut his stuff." Dr. Magner .lust signed a con- tract with CBS to play Leonard Nimoy's old role as Dr. Spock in the upcoming Star Trap II. Good Job, Dr. Magner. Guess what? Ms. Collins ran out of gas this morning, wearing her new outfit, which cost so much that she couldn't afford to run her car. Mr. Ruins wouldn't spot her a few either. Stay tuned for next month's continuing Teacher Soap. Mrs. Kraus attacks students Yes, it really happened. On "'March 20,1984, Mrs. Kraus, a well- liked secretary in the Arcadia High School Office was seen brutaly beating a freshman boy after he asked her if he could use her phone. Mrs. Kraus simply replied, "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH, you kids are driving me absolutely nuts abound here!" Then with a swift back-hand, she batted the young- ster over the head with an open fist and literally attacked him until he was unconscious. Many people in the office flocked to scene and could'nt believe their eyes. Mrs. Kraus was laughing an ungodly laugh while she proceded to pounce on top of the child and start inter- nal damage to the boy's liver, heart, ribs, kidneys, and so on. Mrs. Kraus is now serving 5 years at the state prison and she says she loves it so far. She has been lifting weights in her spare time and practicing sumo-wrestl- ing along with marshall arts just for the fun of it. After her 5 years are up she stated that she was go- ing to join the Foreign Legion and practice canabalism in South America for a few years. Most of the information on Mrs. Kraus has been withheld by government of- ficials but we here at the Arcadian will keep you updated as more news comes in.! Stud of the month Lezlie This month we'd like to present Lezlie Van Dyke, Stud of the month. Lezlie is presently a junior at Arcadia. Her hobbies include Jello wrestling, broom hockey with some Camelback friends on the weekends, playing tennis (mix- ed singles), mud wrestling, fre- quent visits at Raggedy Anne's (her favorite night spot), and col- lecting Boy George and Eurythmics albums so' she can have "Sweet Dreams." Her favo- rite movie is Personal Best and she keeps it for her home VHS. Other favorite idols include Ms. Russell (ex-P.E. teacher at Ingleside, remember her girls?), Olivia Newton-John and Billie Jean King. Ms. Van Dyke lives at home with her 9 brothers and father. Other members of the family are 4 female Dobermans and a foreign exchange student from Czechoslo- vakia that is her best friend. Lezlie intends to graduate with a 2.69 GP A and go on to Mills College for fall of '85. She loves San Fran- cisco because she was born there and plans to return for ·college. Her best friend from San Fran- cisco used to attend Arcadia, Jamie "Bubba" Gaylen, but lives on the other side of the town. Good luck in the future, Lezlie. Classes to start at 7:15, end at 4:00 Sorry Arcadians, we've got some bad news for ya. Because of stringent government regulations passed earlier this week by gov- ernor Babbit, starting tomorrow the school day will be lengthened. It will be extended an extra two hours and fifteen minutes. The school day will start at 7: 15 instead of the usual 7:45 and will end at 4:00, instead of 2:15. Breaks be- tween classes will be shortened three minutes, now being four minutes instead of seven. The school board came to this decision after extensive research proved there was too much socia- lizing in the hallways and the stan- dard of education was getting lower. Editorial ................ page 2 Rapping with Roz ........ page 2 Student of the Month ..... page 2 Senior Most Nominations . page 4 Spring Fever Remedies .... page 5 Athletes Feats ........... page 6 1984 Prom Cancelled Attention all Arcadian's ... Mr. Bruins was called to a special board meeting last week. He and the committee have come to the conclusion that the Arcadian's do not attend enough dances. They stated that the dance committee puts a tremendous amount of ef- fort into the decorating the gym and arranging refreshments. In- stead of raising money each dance for the classes, they lose more money each time. The committee puts a lot of time and hard work into each dance that is arranged. Due to the lack of attendence, the superintendent of the school has announced that the Jr. /Sr. Prom will not be held. Petitions against this act can be obtained in room 967 and furt he r developments, if developed, will be printed in next month's issue. Girls find urinals perplexing In order to be in compliance with Federal Regulations, speci- fically Title Nine, the school board has decided that, indeed, the Scottsdale School District Schools must have Coed Bathrooms. Title Nine in full states that high school students should not be dis- criminated against because of sex, and that all teenagers, male and female, are equal. Since boys have urinals and girls don't, this new regulation will give everyone ac- cess to both. And so, in respect to this recent law, all bathrooms here at Arcadia are now Coed. When asked how our superin- tendent, Fil Goats, felt about t he decision, he replied, "I think it's a good idea. All students are equal and need to learn about each others facilities." WANTED Black Comedy and Impromptu were big flops The Arcadia Fine Arts Depart- ment presented two plays this month. Needless to say, everything did not go too smoothly. The au- dience was seated on the stage on risers. This became a problem when they ran out of seats and people had already bought their tickets. For the first play, "Im- promptu," the stage is supposed to start out dark. It was dark all right! When one of the actors said his line, "Let there be light," there was no light. He repeated this line four times and still no light. For twenty minutes they ad-libbed the play, making up excuses as to why there were no lights and trying to fit it into the story line. Even with this quick cover-up, the audience still knew what was going on. Cur- tain call was just as humorous. Jeanne Gilbrech and Julius (El- liott) Jones left the stage before the rest of the cast had taken their The director, Shep- ard, was so upset that he was thrown out of the building due to disorderly conduct. When the second play, "Black Comedy," got underway, they too had their hangups. It was so hot on stage that they had to open the doors to get some air circulating. A candle was used to help light the stage as a prop. Having the doors open made a strong air current blow across the stage and (you guessed it) the candle blew out. The candle was lit and relit many times before they finally gave up. Bob Munsil, one of the actors, lost his voice and when he opened his mouth, nothing came out. Then there came the sce ne when a precious Buddha is supposed to smash to the ground in a million pieces. Well, the Buddha did not break and left the closing sce ne im- possible to finish. Even though it was a let-down to the cast and directors, the au- dience had a good laugh watching such a performance. For those of you who went to see this fiasco, you will know that this is a bunch of balony. But ... April Fools!!! In actuality the plays were terrific. Arcadia has an outstanding num- ber of actresses and actors. The plays were really a big success, and for those of yo u who missed it, you mi ssed one truely fascinating per- formance. WANTED: BROWN TIES. ALL SHAPES AND SIZES, PREFER- RABLY WITH WRITING AND/OR PLAID DESIGN. SPECIAL PRICE OFFERED FOR TIES WITH OLIVE GREEN, BRIGHT ORANGE AND CHARTREUSE PATTERNS WORKED INTO BROWN. SEE MR. RUINS FOR DETAILS. Not necessarily the news We at the Arcadian try very hard to keep you informed of up-to-the- month information. However, many of you don't get recognition very often. We therefore dedicate this article to you, the unmentioned Arcadian. Below is a list of Arcadians who haven't made the news recently but who deserve to see their name in print. Nancy Bak David Versure Tony Scarcello Kristen Calvert Jim Philips Polly Burke lisa Hohn E. G. Carlstrom Christy Bulkeley Steve Nelson Don't worry, if you weren't mentioned in this issue, there's always next month to be included in this newsworthy column.
Page 1: Arcadian Vol 24 No 7 - April 01, 1984

Vol. 24, Issue No.7

Boy cheerline adds new

ADS spirit

Next year there will be a change in the Cheer Line. Most Arca­dian's feel that the girl cheer­leaders show little spirit, and the boys show much more. The boys have expressed how they would like to try being on the new Cheer Line, and even though their junps won't be as high, they still want to try. The board has decided that the male Cheer Line will bring much more spirit to the various games. The qualifications for the boys are: nice legs (nicely shaved, with no niclc.&-}, good looks no braided armpit hair, very little face make­up, a good spread, back flip and double twisting somersault, bench 250 or more, and bra size under 36-B. For more information please contact Mr. Kimball in room 1037.

Arcadia loves Miss April

Hugh Heffner contacted the Ar­cadian recently regarding a recom­mendation for a new playboy centerfold in the over 18 category. The Arcadian proudly recom­mended Mrs. Helen Loos. She had a complete portfolio, went for her interview, and got the job. The Ar­cadian has proudly interviewed our new celebrity.

Q. Why do you feel you were chosen for the centerfold?

A. I am Arcadia's and Phoenix's reigning sex goddess, why shouldn't I be?

Q. Are you going to advance to bigger and better things?

A. Of course. Mr. K. and I al­ready have a Hustler interview lin­ed up.

Q. How does your hubby feel about this?

A. He feels I have great poten­tial and, just like John Derek, he wants to be the photographer and personally expose me to the world of Fantasy.

Q. Helen, do you have any last words for us little people before you move on to stardom?

A. Well,I'llsendallofmymen here free 5x7 blow up pictures and dolls .

Good luck in the future, Helen. Arcadia wishes you the best.

Arcadia High School. Phoenix, Arizona 85018 April 1, 1984

Teachers' antics amuse

students This month we continue with

the antics of the teachers we all know and love. Mr. Garard Bimbell has professed his love for Ms. Bummers and he wants to go to Hawaii together this summer to grade junior class English papers . In Hawaii, Ms. Bummers will also be going back to moonlighting as a Playboy Bunny and serving Mai Tais.

Mr. Sutz and Mr. Skippy have pooled their money that they've saved from 10 years of teaching and bought the copyright for Truly Tasteless Jokes #4. Mr. Cramwell, upset that he isn't in on the deal, offered them $10,000 for 2 shares of the stock. What a waste, he could have used the money to go to Thailand or Hawaii with Ms. Bummers and Mr. Bimbell.

Mr. Poor is getting his extra money these days for his nice Bronco by working at Cheeks on the weekends. It's been rumored that he rips up the I.D.'s of his Ar­cadia women admirers so that they can't watch him "strut his stuff."

Dr. Magner .lust signed a con­tract with CBS to play Leonard Nimoy's old role as Dr. Spock in the upcoming Star Trap II. Good Job, Dr. Magner.

Guess what? Ms. Collins ran out of gas this morning, wearing her new outfit, which cost so much that she couldn't afford to run her car. Mr. Ruins wouldn't spot her a few either.

Stay tuned for next month's continuing Teacher Soap.

Mrs. Kraus attacks students

Yes, it really happened. On "'March 20,1984, Mrs. Kraus, a well­liked secretary in the Arcadia High School Office was seen brutaly beating a freshman boy after he asked her if he could use her phone. Mrs. Kraus simply replied, "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH, you kids are driving me absolutely nuts abound here!" Then with a swift back-hand, she batted the young­ster over the head with an open fist and literally attacked him until he was unconscious. Many people in the office flocked to scene and could'nt believe their eyes. Mrs. Kraus was laughing an ungodly laugh while she proceded to pounce on top of the child and start inter­nal damage to the boy's liver, heart, ribs, kidneys, and so on.

Mrs. Kraus is now serving 5 years at the state prison and she says she loves it so far. She has been lifting weights in her spare time and practicing sumo-wrestl­ing along with marshall arts just for the fun of it. After her 5 years are up she stated that she was go­ing to join the Foreign Legion and practice canabalism in South America for a few years. Most of the information on Mrs. Kraus has been withheld by government of­ficials but we here at the Arcadian will keep you updated as more news comes in.!

Stud of the month

Lezlie This month we'd like to present

Lezlie Van Dyke, Stud of the month. Lezlie is presently a junior at Arcadia. Her hobbies include Jello wrestling, broom hockey with some Camelback friends on the weekends, playing tennis (mix­ed singles), mud wrestling, fre­quent visits at Raggedy Anne's (her favorite night spot), and col­lecting Boy George and Eurythmics albums so' she can have "Sweet Dreams." Her favo­rite movie is Personal Best and she keeps it for her home VHS. Other favorite idols include Ms. Russell (ex-P.E. teacher at Ingleside, remember her girls?), Olivia Newton-John and Billie Jean King.

Ms. Van Dyke lives at home with her 9 brothers and father. Other members of the family are 4 female Dobermans and a foreign exchange student from Czechoslo­vakia that is her best friend. Lezlie intends to graduate with a 2.69 GP A and go on to Mills College for fall of '85. She loves San Fran­cisco because she was born there and plans to return for ·college. Her best friend from San Fran­cisco used to attend Arcadia, Jamie "Bubba" Gaylen, but lives on the other side of the town. Good luck in the future, Lezlie.

Classes to start at 7:15, end at 4:00

Sorry Arcadians, we've got some bad news for ya. Because of stringent government regulations passed earlier this week by gov­ernor Babbit, starting tomorrow the school day will be lengthened. It will be extended an extra two hours and fifteen minutes. The school day will start at 7: 15 instead of the usual 7:45 and will end at 4:00, instead of 2:15. Breaks be­tween classes will be shortened three minutes, now being four minutes instead of seven.

The school board came to this decision after extensive research proved there was too much socia­lizing in the hallways and the stan­dard of education was getting lower.

Editorial ................ page 2 Rapping with Roz ........ page 2 Student of the Month ..... page 2 Senior Most Nominations . page 4 Spring Fever Remedies .... page 5 Athletes Feats ........... page 6

1984 Prom Cancelled

Attention all Arcadian's ... Mr. Bruins was called to a special board meeting last week. He and the committee have come to the conclusion that the Arcadian's do not attend enough dances. They stated that the dance committee puts a tremendous amount of ef­fort into the decorating the gym and arranging refreshments. In­stead of raising money each dance for the classes, they lose more money each time. The committee puts a lot of time and hard work into each dance that is arranged. Due to the lack of attendence, the superintendent of the school has announced that the Jr. /Sr. Prom will not be held. Petitions against this act can be obtained in room 967 and further developments, if developed, will be printed in next month's issue.

Girls find urinals

perplexing In order to be in compliance

with Federal Regulations, speci­fically Title Nine, the school board has decided that, indeed, the Scottsdale School District Schools must have Coed Bathrooms.

Title Nine in full states that high school students should not be dis­criminated against because of sex, and that all teenagers, male and female, are equal. Since boys have urinals and girls don't, this new regulation will give everyone ac­cess to both. And so, in respect to this recent law, all bathrooms here at Arcadia are now Coed.

When asked how our superin­tendent, Fil Goats, felt about the decision, he replied, "I think it's a good idea. All students are equal and need to learn about each others facilities."


Black Comedy and

Impromptu were

big flops The Arcadia Fine Arts Depart­

ment presented two plays this month. Needless to say, everything did not go too smoothly. The au­dience was seated on the stage on risers. This became a problem when they ran out of seats and people had already bought their tickets. For the first play, "Im­promptu," the stage is supposed to start out dark. It was dark all right! When one of the actors said his line, "Let there be light," there was no light. He repeated this line four times and still no light. For twenty minutes they ad-libbed the play, making up excuses as to why there were no lights and trying to fit it into the story line. Even with this quick cover-up, the audience still knew what was going on. Cur­tain call was just as humorous. Jeanne Gilbrech and Julius (El­liott) Jones left the stage before the rest of the cast had taken their bo~s. The director, ~arr~ Shep-ard, was so upset that he was thrown out of the building due to disorderly conduct.

When the second play, "Black Comedy," got underway, they too had their hangups. It was so hot on stage that they had to open the doors to get some air circulating. A candle was used to help light the stage as a prop. Having the doors open made a strong air current blow across the stage and (you guessed it) the candle blew out. The candle was lit and relit many times before they finally gave up. Bob Munsil, one of the actors, lost his voice and when he opened his mouth, nothing came out. Then there came the scene when a precious Buddha is supposed to smash to the ground in a million pieces. Well, the Buddha did not break and left the closing scene im­possible to finish.

Even though it was a let-down to the cast and directors, the au­dience had a good laugh watching such a performance. For those of you who went to see this fiasco, you will know that this is a bunch of balony. But ... April Fools!!! In actuality the plays were terrific. Arcadia has an outstanding num­ber of actresses and actors. The plays were really a big success, and for those of you who missed it, you missed one truely fascinating per­formance.


Not necessarily the news We at the Arcadian try very hard to keep you informed of up-to-the­

month information. However, many of you don't get recognition very often. We therefore dedicate this article to you, the unmentioned Arcadian. Below is a list of Arcadians who haven't made the news recently but who deserve to see their name in print. Nancy Bak David Versure Tony Scarcello Kristen Calvert Jim Philips Polly Burke lisa Hohn E. G. Carlstrom Christy Bulkeley Steve Nelson

Don't worry, if you weren't mentioned in this issue, there's always next month to be included in this newsworthy column.

Page 2: Arcadian Vol 24 No 7 - April 01, 1984

Page 2

Editorials ... Springtime is finally here! Wow, the school year is almost over. Sur­

prisingly, we are approaching the busiest time of the year ... finals, Proms, and ~raduation ceremonies stand in the path to a lazy summer vacation. For many people, this is also a time to lay the groundwork for another year of high school. At Arcadia, spring is the time for elections, club try-outs and elections, porn, cheer and flag auditions, and other ways of becoming active.

All of this is good and fine, but sometimes it's easy to become too caught up in the frenzy, and forget to keep things in focus. Here are a few tips which will help during this busy time. First of all, GO FOR IT!!!!! You won't know if you can succeed unless you take that first step. Always put your very best effort forward, too. Spend extra time making campaign posters, or practicing cheers. The worst feeling in the world is, "Could I have done it if I'd tried harder?" Lots of people at Arcadia (and in the world) got where they are now by taking chances.

Second, try to pick activities which reflect your personality and talents. If you can't do the splits, maybe you should tryout for Interact instead of Porn. If you're a social butterfly, maybe Sigma or Delta is for you. Don't tryout for things just because "popular" people are in them, or because that's what you're best friend is in. Be your own person, and you'll be more at ease.

Third, don't be afraid of losing. Competition is often tough, and when there are 90 people trying out for a club which has 15 spaces, not every­one can make it. Losing, like winning, is a part of life. The experience you get from running for Sophomore Class Treasurer will prepare you for next year's race. Don't take a loss as a form of rejection - make the best of it, instead.

Fourth, don't overload. If you were just elected President of Varsity Club, and Student Body Recording Secretary, reconsider trying out for Flag. If you become too bogged down, you'll disappoint everyone, in­cluding yourself. Don't forget - you have to keep your grades up, too.

Finally, don't get too caught up in "Arcadia" life. Take the whole spr­ingtime ritual with a grain of salt - have fun. It's too easy to get tied up in knots and blow the whole thing out of proportion. Although not mak­ing NHS may seem like the end of the world right now, things will look a lot different in a year, or even a month. Be a good sport, keep things in perspective, and enjoy yourself. You'll find greater happiness and suc­cess that way!!!!!

Dear Editor:

I was disappointed to see that your fine paper would give publicity to off-campus clubs. Since they have no approval to exist as Arcadia organizations, we are not permitted to announce, print, or post infor­mation about them.

There are several reasons to be concerned about off-campus clubs. First, they exist at least in part to organize activities that would not be allowed under adult supervision. Second, the reputation Arcadia has for putting up with off-campus organizations has caused many parents to send their children to other high schools. In a period of declining enroll­ment, this is a blight we cannot afford. Third, off-campus groups sap students' energy and time thus not allowing those students to contribute fully to Arcadia. They are a cancer which does not allow our activity programs to develop to the extent they should.

Arcadia is a tremendous school It is time to encourage our own programs.

J. Calvin Bruins Principal

Editor's note: As of Aril 2, 1984, the ARCADIAN is adopting a new policy. Absolutely no off-campus activities will receive notice in this publication. This includes things such as Cotillions, off-campus clubs, religious organizations, community events, and community services provided by students. The editorial staff remains supportive of these events, but because the administration believes that they give Arcadia a bad name, we will discontinue coverage ONLY because we receive fund­ing from the Scottsdale School District. The off-campus clubs which Mr. Bruins referred to in his letter are only the symptom of a problem which faces Arcadia as well as every other high school in the United States. We hope that in the future Mr. Bruins, along with other staff members and parents will come to realize that they can't use these organizations as a scapegoat.

Student of the Month

Tom This month the Arcadian is

proud to present senior .Tom Boquet as Student of the Month. Tom is an active, talented Arca-

dian, and he finds time to pursue extra-curricular activities as well as his studies. An activity which oc­cupies a lot of Tom's time is Year­book. He serves as co-editor of the Olympian, along with David Emer­son. Although this is only Tom's se­cond year as a member of the year­book staff he has a great deal of re­sponsibility. David handles most of the written work and initial lay out of pages, but Tom must approve all lay-outs. He is also in charge of the art work and graphic designs. Extra effort is going into the '84 Olym­pian, and Tom describes it as, "Just the best." The book will fea­ture more pages, and a red and blue section. Tom belives that the time he has put into the yearbook has been well spent. He commented that, "Even when you're 4 weeks behind deadline, you have to keep your sense of humor when you write copy, and never lose sight of the standards you started out with."

This past summer, Tom attended


Teachers are people too: Mr. Cowie

This month the Arcadian has chosen Mr. George Cowie for Teacher of the Month. Mr. Cowie has been a teacher here at Arcadia since the school opened. He teach­es Soph. English and Yearbook. We asked Mr. Cowie what made him decide to become a teacher. He told us that his wife was a teacher, and he thought that it would be a nice way to live, and that way to have some vacations. Mr. Cowie told us that he likes to take pictures. Every now and then, he goes to Minnesota, where he cultivates Christmas trees. This is the first year Mr. Cowie might get a chance to sell his trees, since they weren't big enough last year. Arcadia wishes you luck. During summer vacation, he likes to go and see the Northwestern states, and that is when he enjoys taking pictures. On these little trips, Mr. Cowie does not always take his whole family. He has a daughter here at Arcadia, which is usually uncomfortable for both parent and child. We asked him if he felt strange with his daughter being here. The only thing he told us was that Lynne Cowie probably feels much worse than he does.

We wanted to know what Mr. Cowie likes most about his job and what he likes least. To our sur­prise, he could not think of any­thing that he does not like about being a teacher. He likes his job because he gets to know a lot of people who are very interesting, and who he could probably not meet in other jobs. We would like to conclude this article by printing his favorite quote: "You should not be ashamed of writing as long as you do it in private, and are sure to wash your hands afterward."

a summer program at Harvard. He took two intense courses, which covered a year of school in two months. He studied graphic design (preparation for yearbook) and political philosophy. Tom learned a great deal, and even earned college credit. The experience was a culture shock, but he enjoyed Cambride's people, "five-story trees, and Har­vard Square (complete with street corner musicians.)"

Almost everyone at Arcadia is familiar with Tom's fantastic art­work but few realize that he only became interested in art his fresh­man year. He hasn't ever taken an art class at Arcadia, but he has par­ticipated in numerous private art lessons. His interests are diverse, and he has experience with: sketch­ing, drawing, painting, sculpting, visual analogies, 3-D displays, carpentry, and photography. Tom says, "I always try to do different things. I never repeat a project once I get the formula down."

Tom has shared his artistic talent with Arcadia in quite a few ways.

He designed this year's Student Senate t-shirts, and National

Raping with Roz Dear Arcadia,

April 2, 1984

Geek. The most used and abused word in the teenage English langu­age, but hard to define. However, hard it is to explain, it is evident that the geek class is the most heavily populated one in teenage social classes, first above the jocks, studs, nice girls, and not-so-nice girls.

Physically, geeks are recognizable by unwashed hair, clothes, and teeth. Or by a stereo Walkman accompanying black raybans and glazed eyes. Some carry ghetto blasters next to their ears, have an entire war­drobe of Sedge field and Chic jeans and black concert T-shirts. They don't even know that scissors were invented yet.

Geeks are usually told or at least hinted to by their fellow classmates that they are kind of different by the time that they get halfway through high school. This usually doesn't reform them, but makes the situation worse. A bifocaled student's 4.0.GPA may go up to a 4.3 and he still won't know about the scissors.

Don't get me wrong, though. Everyone has a little geek in them . A day never goes by when I wear my National Honor Society Sweatshirt and so­meone doesn't pass out in shock. I mean, name one "popular" person that's never had his fly open, tripped on a ramp in the circle, or (girl) had the button pop in the center of her shirt. They may not jam to air guitar AC/ DC in the circle or preach about how we should regress back to the flower child age, but everyone has a little geek in them, no matter how hard to find it.

Love, Roz

P.S. By the way, a geek really is a carnival performer that bites the heads off of live chickens and snakes.

Oliver sparkles with silver

This is it! The event to climax the year, to excite and involve all of Arcadia and the Arcadia com-.. - - - --- - - -.. -- -- - - - - -munity ... It's the Silver Spectacular! What does all

this mean? As the calendar above explains, the Silver Spectacular is a weekend of the most fantastic activities Arcadia has ever seen.

On Saturday, April 14th, the Silver Carnival will take place with rides and fun for everyone. On Sunday, April 15th, the alumni dinner will be served. In addition, a motivating assembly and Teacher Appreciation Week will take place from April 9-13 to publicize this major event. Parents, teachers, and students are being contacted for help in a variety of areas: publicity, contacting alumni, etc.

Honor Society's modern sweat­shirts. Tom has also begun a huge project: a wall sized mural in the cafeteria. He has already started and plans to finish by the end of the school year, in time for the Awards assembly. Tom enjoys being able to improve the looks of Arcadia's campus. He even said, "I'll paint anything anyone asks me to!"

Tom finds time in his busy schedule to serve as treasurer of NHS, and he is a National Merit finalist. Other little known facts about Tom? Well, he's Pete and Connie McGarry's stepbrother, he

attended Mingus High School in Cottonwood freshman year, and he was student council president in 8th grade!!

Future plans for Tom include college. He has applied to: Har­vard, Pomana, Swarthmore, and Amherst (his first choice). As far as careers are concerned, he would like to find work as an artist, but since the job opportunIties aren't great, he'll settle for journalism or law.

Good luck in the future, Tom. We hope you've gotten as must out of Arcadia as you've put into it!!!

Above is a sketch of the mural Tom Bouquet is designing in the Arcadia cafeteria.

Arcadia High School

~JtiJJ~"..::::::t'L,cL);L::'AJ..AI~~J..L~~r!T.i Phoenix, AI 85018

...... . ......................... . ........................... Amy Silverman Feature Editor .............................................................. Roz Fleischer News Editor ....... . ... ... ........... ... .. ... ................ ........ ... .. Loretta Wooten Sports Editor ............. . ..... .. ... .............. ... ........................ Tina Kuntz Business Managers ...................................... Camille Leezer and Jeanne Gilbrech Photographers' . ........ . ... .... ..... ' ................. Randy Goldberg and Geroge Hammond Reporters .... ...... . ......... ......... .. Shawn Bellamak, Eddie Beuerlein, Michelle Brenchley, Martha Bunce, Eileen Cleere, Sheila Czerwinski, George Hammond, Claudia Higgs, Regina Ryan, Yael Serror, Alexa Tibbits, Van Tucker, Christy Williamson

Page 3: Arcadian Vol 24 No 7 - April 01, 1984

April 2, 1984

Don't tell anyone but • • • Hey Mel. H. - How's Donny 0, or can't you remember? SCC forever! What four Arcadia girls were nearly busted for just sitting in front of

the Wine Shack? Hey guys, take it easy on the War Pigs next time! If you're not careful,

you might hurt them! What junior guy couldn't park his truck, so he locked bumpers with

the car in front of him? (K.G.!!!) Why does A.A. go out with a guy who's favorite passtime is punching

holes in walls? Who has parties in the two hours that her parents go out to dinner? What junior girl has to park her car out by the Mormon church

because of parking violations? (G.D.!!!) . What pommie wears Pac-Man underwear?

T .S. likes the interior of R.F.'s car so much that he locked himself in it for two hours this weekend.

What Arcadia junior girl "married" an Arab from Saguaro? Hey K.C., C.B., B.P. - were you really filmed on Action 12 news at

Donny O'Briens indulging in alcoholic refreshments? T .L. K.Z. D.G. and L.O. - Did you really eat 5 baskets of nachos and

a cheese crisp on Friday night? T.D. - Why did you go to The Monastary alone? What sophomore guy took out his ex-girlfriend's friend's sister who is

in seventh grade? Y.S. - Is that a new pair of jeans? L.U. P.S. and T.S. - Did you really sing Happy Birthday to the

waiter at Monterey Whaling Company with a coke on the rocks? P .S. -Did you ever catch a swan?

T.K. and L.D. - Don't you think you should be a little more careful when experimenting with new things?

Silver Extravaganza was. a smashing success To help celebrate Arcadia's silver

anniversary, the Fine Arts depart­ment presented a production of many talents. Participants ranged from the Arcadia Porn Line, Varsi­ty Chorus, Guys and Dolls to Drama Club members and our own Arcadia teacher, Mr. Larabell.

The special effects added a lot to the performance. Fog was used during "Thriller" and the "Cat People." Other acts were accompa­nied by different combinations of colored lights. The technical crew worked hard to make it the finest production possible, and it was.

The performers exhibited such talent that was never seen before on Arcadia's stage. Hosted by Heidi Berg and Peter Cannice, the show consisted of many different acts. These included singing, dancing, comedy, and drama, one of which was written by Mr. Larabell.

The turnout of the show was tre­mendous, it was good to see young­er people supporting such an event. The turnout was as good as the mu­sicals and we made enought money to support this year's musical, "Fiddler on the Roof." Happy silver anniversary Arcadia!! !

Boy's eye view of prom by Shawn and Ed

Oh, woo-pee, it's prom time again!! It's that wonderful time of the year that every guy (in his right mind) doesn't look forward too. No offense girls, but not every guy likes to spend $171.25 on a date and not even get a little.

Tuexdo ........... $ 60.00 Dinner ..... .... . . $ 50.00 Beverages ......... $ 20.00 Pictures .......... $ 15.00 Corsage .......... $ 10.50 Gas .............. $ 10.00 Tickets ........... $ 10.00 Other ............ $ .75

$171.25 First of all, two weeks before the

dance, the single guy (who really doesn't even want to go) ends up asking a girl for one of the follow­ing reasons:

I. Mom's making him go with her bridge partner's daughter who she insists has a great personality.

2. He has to pay back a Super Bowl bet by taking his best friend's chestless, freshman sister.

3. He asks a total babe to go but finds out she likes someone else and ends up regretting the whole situation.

4. The girl's dad pays him $100 cash plus expenses to ask his homely daughter to go with him.

After all that hassle, he ends up paying top price for a tuxedo because he waited until the last sec­ond and all the bargain shops were sold out. Then, in a panic, he stops by the nearest flower shop to pick up a corsage and then dashes to a pay phone to make last minute dinner reservations. All that tur­moil only to find out that reserva­tions are booked until eleven and he's already spent money on dance tickets.

Oh well, dinner was quick and he and his date made it to the dance at II :45 with just enough time to have pictures taken and

chug a small glass of punch. Short­ly after the dance, he makes his way to the car with his date and finds himself overjoyed because she's holding his hand.

Then, just when he thought he was about to score bigtime, she breaks to him the oldest line in the book - "I'm tired and I have to be home by 12:30." At that, he rushes her home by 12:20 hoping to get at least a good 10 minute "front-door makeout session" but only squeaks by with a quick peck on the cheek and a "thank you".

Trying not to be rude, he polite­ly adds, "Gee, that was swell," really and truely thinking to him­self that he could have had a much better time and spent a lot less money by doing it Shawn and Ed's way.

This is the Shawn and Ed way, the only way!

"David Alley style" Salvation Army1Uxedo .. ..... .. .. $ 9.99

Dinner - Brown bag it to Her­berger Park and have a picnic ........ .. ............. $ 3.47

Beverages - BYOB ... $ .00 Pictures - nonsense - they

just sitthere ... ......... $ .00 Transportation - 10 speed bi­

cycle with economy baskets in back for girls ... ........ $ .00

Tickets - Sneak in the back way . ... .. . . ........... $ .00

Other, sorry, you have to pay the price ............... $ .75

Corsage - Dandylions and a safety pin .............. $ .00

$ 14.21 Economist Elliot Janeway

would be proud of Shawn and Ed's accomplisment.

Believe us, this method will save you time and money and your reputation will not be damaged by it. You won't Ed Beuerlein or Shawn Bellamak getting the Senior Most Award for Cheapest so take it from us and have a less expensive and better time at Prom this year.


AFS is a great way to see the world

Would you like to meet interest­ing people from other countries, or even visit a foreign country yourself? If so, you should look into the American Field Service. AFS has a chapter here at Arcadia along with many other chapters throughout the state. AFS gives people the chance to learn about different countries' cultures and gives them a chance to teach for­eigners about our culture. This year's officers are as follows: president, Kirsten Ferguson; vice president, Laura Schott; secretary, Dana Kaplan; and treasurer, Tracy Cramer.

Australia, Brazil, Columbia, France, Iceland, Kenya, New Zea­land, and Tunisia are only a few of the homes of the foreign members of AFS this year. We only have one exchange student at Arcadia this year, Geraldine Buret. She is staying with Michelle Wilmoth. Geraldine is the first exchange stu­dent from AFS to come to Arcadia in the past six years. The chapter at our school has fallen in the past couple of years, but this year the members are doing an excellent job at rebuilding the club. To help the exchange students fit in with our culture, the members are always planning outings and events. Some of these events in­clude progressive dinners, ski weekends, and dancing at popular £Pot .... ueh a .. After the Gold Rush.

AFS is a great way to make new friends from other countries, as well as our own. Anyone in­terested in hosting a foreign stu­dent next year is urged to contact AFS. They are in desperate need of at least three host families for students next year. Besides hosting students, American students can live with families in other coun­tries. By the time this article is printed, Kirsten Ferguson will be living in Thailand for a year. Also, Dana Kaplan and Jennifer Heller will be visiting a foreign country in the future. The country they will be visiting has not yet been de­cided. The members of AFS would like to add that students interested in visiting a foreign country through this program cannot pick the specific country they would like to visit. A student may request a few countries he would like to visit, but AFS strives to match the student with a suitable family more than a suitable country.

Page 3

Olympian King and Queen to be announced at prom

One of Arcadi.\,s highest honors is to be nominated for Olympain King or Queen. Six outstanding seniors are nominated by their classmates for having shown a tremendous amount of spirit and involvement throughout their four years at Arcadia. This year's nominees are Steve Nelson, Jim Philips, David Versure, Michelle Brenchley, Nancy Newkirk, and Nancy Bak.

First, we have Senior class presi­dent, Steve Nelson. Steve's most noted contribution to Arcadia was his outstanding success as a Varsity soccer player for three years. Steve has also been involved in NHS, Key Club, and was a student sena­tor. In the past, Steve was selected as a Student of the Month by the Arcadian and received an Out­standing Athlete Award for the Phoenix Pride. He has also partici­pated in Youth Town Hall. Steve is considering attending universities at Santa Clara or Santa Barbara after high school.

Jom Philips has also made a notable contribution to the athletic department as a basketball player his freshman year and as a freshman, JV, and Varsity football player. Jim has held many offices such as Key Club historian, S.A.D.D. treasurer, Varsity Club treasurer, A.S.P. U. representative and senator, and a Student Ad­visory Board representative. Jim was also involved in many other clubs such as Interact, French Club, Speech and Debate, EC.A., Student Government, Student Senate, and Young Life. Jim was Student of the Month for the Ar­cadian and was selected as an outstanding student for French Ill. After high school, Jim plans to attend a small university such as Baylor, Occidental, Pitzer, or California r .utheran, where he plans to study chemistry, biology, and French. He hopes to go to medical school and become a medical sports doctor.

Finally, we have our dedicated student body President, David Vershure. David has held many of­fices including sophomore class vice-president, A.S.P. U. vice­president, and Thespian secretary. David has been a member of many clubs including NHS, Interact, Model Legislature and Model United Nations, Spanish Club, and the Red Hat Brigade. David has received many awards includ­ing outstanding student in algebra I, world history, Spanish II, Chemistry I, American history, and International politics. He was a National Merit Commended stu­dent, the Hugh O'Brian outstand­ing sophomore, and was a student of the month for the Arcadian. David's other activities include Any town, Varsity track and the founder of the Save Arcadia Fund.

David would like to attend Har­vard University, however he has also applied to Yale and Stanford. He plans to major in government and political science.

Next we have our Queen nomi­nees. Our student body vice-presi­dent, Michelle Brenchley has been very active throughout high school in Delta Omega and Interact where she holds the office of repre­sentative. In the past, Michelle was the JV cheer captain and the sophomore class secretary and was this year's homecoming queen. Michelle currently runs the student senate and is a staff member of the Arcadian. In the future, Michelle plans to attend ASU, hopefully on a leadership scholarship, and ma­jor in television broadcasting and minor in Nutrition or French. She also plans to continue with her in­terest in singing.

Nancy Newkirk is currently our student body corresponding secretary and was formerly freshman class secretary and junior class vice-president. Nancy has made a contribution to the athletic department playing JV and Varsity softball and as a member of JV cheer. Nancy is also very active in Delta Omega. Out­side of school, Nancy is very in­volved in her church youth group where she has held the offices of representative, vice-president, and president. She is also active in her church choir and Youth Board. Nancy plans to attend ASU to study child psychology and development.

Finally, we have our very dedicated student body recording secretary and National Honor Society vice-president, Nancy Bak. Nancy is very active in many other school clubs including In­teract, Fellowship fo Christian Athletes, Sigma Beta Chi, Varsity Club, and Student Senate. Nancy Bak has made an outstanding con­tribution to the cross country and varsity track teams. As a volun­teer, Nancy takes care of an elderly lady and works at the crisis nursery. She also tutors some elementary students once a week. Nancy has been student of the month in the Arcadian. After high school, Nancy plans to attend the University of Arizona for two years, then it's on to the University of the Pacific for her undergra­duate degree and some graduate work. She plans on getting a degree in pharmacy and later working for an M.D.

The Olympian King and Queen will be announced at the prom dance which is being held Saturday April 7th from 8 to 12 o'clock at the Sheraton Hotel in Scottsdale. Congratulations to these six outstanding seniors for showing such enthusiasm and pride in Ar­cadia.

I LOVE ARCADIA Attention Arcadia Community:

1959 • 1984

Celebrate With US!!!!!!!

Silver Carnival Saturday, April 14, 5:00·10:00 p.m.

AHS Football Field

Alumni Evening Picnic Sunday, April 15, 5:00 p.m.

"The Circle"

For more information contact the Student Activities office at AHS. Happy Silver Anniversary Arcadia - the Silverman Family

Page 4: Arcadian Vol 24 No 7 - April 01, 1984

Page 4

Senior Most Nominations

Listed below are the Senior Most nominations that were voted on last month . Please look over the nominees and decide who best fits each category. Tomorrow, we will pass out a ballot to the seniors. Please vote for one boy and one girl for each category when you receive this. The winners will be announced later. Congratulations and/ or embarrassment to the nominees! BEST EYES:

I . Dan Coyle 2. Steve Nelson 1. Pat Smith I. Amanda Cook 2. Beth Hoag 3. Nancy Newkirk

BEST SMILE: I. DoUI Calvert 2. Dan Coyle 3. Steve Nelson 1. Michelle Srenchley 2. Jenny Dana 1. Anne Hotis

BEST DERRIERE: 1. David Alley 2. Shawn Scllamak 3. Ed Beurelein I . Polly Burke 2. Holly Cooney 3. Shelley Marquess

BEST LEGS: I. Danny Coyle 2. Jeff Harrison 3. Steve Nelson I . Polly Burke 2. Holl,Y Cooney 3. Tina Hill

BEST DRESSED: I. Jeff Guerin 2. Steve Nelson 3. Todd Roshoil I . Michelle Orenchler 2. Shelley Marquess 3. Kirsten Statalis

MOST PREPPY: I . Jeff Guerin 2. Steve Klatsky 3. Todd Roshoil I. Kathy Chrisman 2. Amy Silvcnnan 3. Brooke Terry

MOST NEW WAVE: I . Steve KJatsky 2. Sean McKusick 3. John Schwaab I. Tina Bakakos 2. Alyce Conti 3. Roz Fleischer

MOST OBNOXIOUS: J. David Alley 2. David Peters 3. Tony Scarcella

1. Kathy Chrisman 2. Roz Fleischer 3. Aimee Reed

MO!>. HUMOROUS: I. Shawn Bcllamak 2. Hans Gilsdorf 3. Tony Scarcello I. Kathy Chrisman 2. Theresa DeLuca 3. Aimee Reed

MOST NEUROTIC: I. Scan McKusick 2. Bob Munsil 3. Pat Smith I. Kathy Chrisman 2. Roz Fleischer 3. Becky lee

MOST SPIRITED: I. Sean McKusick 2. Jim Phillips 1 . Oavid Vershurt I . Michelle Brenchley 2. Anne Campbell 1 . Ellyn Stein

CUTEST COUPLE: I . Scott Gesicki '" Amy Segal 2. Jeff Harrison'" Holly Cooney 3. Tom Schmidt'" Jenny Sh~raft

BEST ATHLETE: I. Monty Cardon 2. Danny Coyle 3. Scott Stoller

I. Nancy Bak 2. Anita Boyd 3. Tina Kuntz

MOST STUDIOUS: I . David Emerson 2. Dean McCarron 3. David Vershure

I. Kim lindblade 2. Amy Silverman 3. Ellyn Stein

BIGGEST PARTIER: I . Joe Akers 2. David Alley 3. Dan Hackelt I . C heryl Byer~ 2. Dayna loos 3. Aimee Reed

BIGGEST SNOB: I. Jeff Guerin 2. Jay Martin 3. Todd Rosholt

I. Becky Head 2. Terri Kldner 3. Brooke Terry

BIGGEST GOSSIP: I. Roger Adams 2. Jeff Guerin 3 . Tony Scarcella

J. Kathy Ch risman 2. Terri Klekner 3. Brooke Terry

BIGGEST AIRHt:AIl: 1. Zack McAllister 2. Eric NorthbrOOk 3: David Peler<;

I . Polly Burke 2. Holly Cooney 3. Martha Healon

BI(;(;t-:ST ~fl j n /Sn nt-Tn:: I . David Aile" 2. Ed Beureleln 3. Jeff Guerin

I . Anita Boyd 2. Conn ie Deremiah J. Aimee ReeLl

BI{;{;t:ST BACHEI.OR/ BACHt:J.ORHTt:: I . Da .. id Alle\ 2 . Tony Scan:ello 3. John Sch"aat­I . Jill Bro"n 2. ROl Flelscht'r 3. Dana Loo ..

cun:ST: I . Dale Campbell 2. Dan Coyle 3. Jim Spray

I. Polly Burke 2. Jenny Dana 3. Kirsten Stakhah\

C HEAPEST: I . David Allty 2. Dale Campbell 3. David Emerso n

I. Roz Fleischer 2. Jenny Httrick 3. Amy Silverman

BEST PERSONALITY: 1. Danny Coyle 2. ScOIt Gesicki 3. Jim Phillips

I . Jenny Dana 2. Beth Hoag 3. Anne Hotis

MOST EASILY EMBARRASSED: I. Dany Coy le 2. Bob Hansen 3. Pat Smith

I . Jill Brown 2. Polly Burke 3. Amanda Cook

LEAST EASILY EMBARRASSED: I. Doug Calvert 2. John McArthur 3. Tony Scarcello I . Kathy Chrisman 2. Roz Fleischer 3. Kim Murillo

BIGGEST FLIRT: I. David Alley 2. Doug Calvert 3. Tony Scarcella

I. Kristy Huston 2. Shelley Marquess 3. Kim Murillo

MOST EGOTISTICAL: I . Chris Biggs 2. Doug Calvert 3. Todd Rosholt I . Holly Cooney 2. Becky Head 3. Kristy Huston

MOST LIKELY TO HAVE 8 KIDS: I. Dan Coyle 2. Mark Kerr 3. Jim Phillips

I. Jenny Dana 2. Aimee Ford 3. Holly lake

MOST LIKELY TO STAND UP A DAT£: I. Jeff Guerin 2. Todd Rosholt 3. Tony Scarcella I. Holly Cooney 2. Dana Loos 3. Michelle Wilmoth

MOST LIKELY TO MARRY FOR MON£Y: I. Jeff Guerin 2. Jay Martin 3. Jim Patrick 1. Alyce Conti 2 . Holly Cooney 3. Shelley Marqurss

MOST LIKELY TO BECOME A MOVII: STAR: I. Scolt Hilbun 2. Bob Munsil 3. Todd Rosholt

I. Amy Apple 2. Alyce Conti l. Becky lee


I. David Alley 2. Jay Martin J . Tony Scarcdlo I . Alyct Conti 2 . Cede Decker 3. Kim Murillo


I . David Alley 2. Jim Phillips 3. Tony Scarcello J. Lisa Held 2. Holly Lake 3. Krist i Wedell

MOST LIKELY TO BECOME A RABBI: I . Randy Goldberg 2. Steve Klatski 3. Mike Zerbib

I. Roz Fleischer 2. Amy Si lverman 3. Ellin Stein

MOST LIKELY TO BF.COMF. PRt:SIDt:,'<T: J. Doug Atchison 2. Steve Nelson 3. David Vershure

I. Nancy Bak 2. Michelle Brenchley 3. Amy Silverman

MOST LIKELY TO BF.COM t: A MIU.lO'AI!!I:: 1. Jay Martin 2. Dean McCarron 3. Steve Nelson

I . liz Brown 2. Wendy Dickinson 3. Shell y Marquess

MOST LIKELY TO BtTOME A HACHE!!: I. Jim Phillips 2. Tony Sca rce llo 3. F abrice Venezia

I. H ynelle Harnell 2 . Lisa Held 3. Holl y Lake

MOST LIKELY TO " 'CetH): I. Steve Nelson 2. David Ver shurl' 3. Ed Wintergalen

I . Nancy Bak 2. Michelle Brt'nchk\ J. Amy Silverman

AI.L AMt:RICA,: I . Danny Coy le 2. Jim Phillips J. Ed Wintergakll

I . Nanl'y Bak 2. Michelle Brt'lh:hk, 3. Anne H oti~ .

AU . ARl'AIlIA': I . Dann y Coyle ., Jim Phillips 3. Da\ Id Ver~hure

I. Nancy Ba~ 2. Miche ll (" Brt'n chh~\ 3. Ellyn Stein .

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Pommies chosen

As Arcadia tradition had it, it was again time to select a new porn line . A reported 50 girls signed up to tryout for 12 positions. The general requirements for any girl who wished to tryout was a 2.5 or better grade point average with no D's or F's for a semester grade. All of the girls eligible to tryout were taught a dance during after school workshops five days prior to first cuts. This year's first cut dance was to a song "Freakazoid" by midnight Star and as always was made up by the senior pommies. Judging for first and final cuts was done by judges not from Arcadia. During first cuts, each girl was re­quired to perform the dance that she learned in the workshops and to show the judges her splits and kicks. Teacher Evaluations were also considered at this time.

After a girl made first cuts, she was required to make up an original dance which she perform­ed individually for the judges. Then at last the final line of 12 girls was chosen. The girls were not told who had made it. Instead, they were picked up in the evening in the same way that club members are picked up. The new line then went to a senior pommies house where they learned the Arcadia fight song and performed their second cut dance to the other pom­mies. They also watched old films of games and then received a porn outfit which they wore to school the following day. The next day, the new line performed the fight song on the south ramp at school. Later, they had an end of the year party honoring the seniors and welcomed the new line. Finally, they started raising money for camp and began a new season as outstanding representatives of Ar­cadia's spirit.

Congratulations to the new 1984-85 Varsity Porn Line. The members are, Lori Rubin, Lisa Mann, Colette Hunter, Lynn Cowie, Lori Reiman, Kim Coar, Jill Cederlof, Kendal Denton, Laura Schott, Mandy Bouquet, Lisa Shelley and Christine O'Brien.

April 2, 1984

Juniors planning the very best prom ever This year's Junior/Senior Prom

has been well-planned by the junior class and will be a tremen­dous success. The beautiful Scottsdale Sheraton Resort is the site for this tradition which is a favorite of all Arcadians. Since this year is Arcadia's 25th anniver­sary, this event will be the kick-off for the Silver Spectacular Celebra­tion. There will be plenty of silver decorations inside the ballroom as well as outside by the terrace and the bridge which runs over the lighted pool. The music will pro-


bably be provided by a disc jockey with videos to go along with the music. The juniors are also trying to get champagne glasses printed with Junior-Senior Prom 1984 25th Anniversary, which will be io­cluded in the price of tickets as an additional option. The dance will last from eight to twelve. We hope all of you Arcadians will attend (it is required that you have a junior or senior escort) and we hope that you will be on your best behavior since this is such an elegant occa­sion.

TWO PLUS TWO: LOS ARCOS MALL: We have pierced, clip, and 14K gold earrings, match them up with our bangles and beads. Jordache bags too. Prices are 6 pair for $5.00; 3 pair for $5.00 and 2 pair for $5.00. Present school I.D. and receive 10070 off any mer­chandise in stock throul!:h Mav 1984_

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Page 5: Arcadian Vol 24 No 7 - April 01, 1984

April 2, 1984

Tidbits A big congratulations to Nancy Bald She recently competed in a 614

mile race at Fountain Hills. 1500 people participated; Nancy placed 1st in her division, 3rd out of all women, and l00th overall! !! Super! Not only that, but Nancy was recently awarded the Soroptomist scholarship for excellence. Good job! ! !

Cammie Swan was accepted at the Air Force Academy. Congrats -we're proud of you!

Arcadia's done it again ... A pat on the back to Elaine Daly, Tom Bouquet, David Emerson and Kim Lindblade, who are all National Merit Finalists! !

A big thank you to the Arcadia Parent/Faculty Organization for all your effort and support! Love, Arcadia.

Model Legislature was a HUGE success. Congratulations are in order for everyone who attended. Officers included: Avery Crossman, Chair­person of the Committee of the Whole of the House; Randy Goldberg, Sergeant at Arms of the Senate; Kristen Calvert, Sergeant at Arms of the House; Amy Rutkin, Editor of the Press; Chairpeople: David Vershure, David Emerson, and Amy Silverman; Co-Chairpeople: Andrea Girand, Christine O'Brien, and George Priniski. Also, a special thanks to the Ingleside aides!

Happy 25th Birthday, Arcadia! The Silver Spectacular Celebration is coming up - watch out for details on this special event! ! !

The Silver Extravaganza was superb, Drama Department. Break a leg with the musical.

Congratulations to the following people who participated in the Phoenix 100 Rotary Speech Contest: Leah Hirsh, Steve Wiley, Jeff Fleischer and Jim Phillips. Avery Crossman placed 4th and Norman Williams placed 3rd in their respective divisions. Also, Arcadia placed 4th in Girls Sweepstakes.

Congratulations to Dave Emerson, Jack Haenichen, and David Gross. Theirs were the top scores on the National Math Exam. Excellent work!

Amy Silverman placed first in the Lincoln-Douglas Debate at the Shadow Mt. High School Speech Tournament.

Congratulations to Michelle Brenchley for being Arcadia High's candidate for the A.S.U. Leadership Scholarship.

Deanna Cates, Computer and Shorthand; Lisa Howard, Computer and Shorthand; Teresa Paschal, Computer and Shorthand; Diane Kocour, Shorthand I; Jill Klessig, Computer and Typing II; Stephanie Churchill, Accounting; Lisa Shelly, Business Law; Kimberly Marillo, Typing II; Heather Brody, Typing I; Eddie Martin, Shorthand I; Gail Gustafson, C.O.E.; Matt Williams, Typing II and Computers; Bob Mueller, Typing I; Theresa DeLuca, Shorthand I; Diane Nastro, Accounting; Jon Rice, Accounting; and Barbara. Howard, Typing II; have all been named Business Students of the Week this school year. Congrats all!


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1983 Gram my Awards

announced John Denver hosted the 26th an­

nual Grammy Awards ceremony, which honored performers of re­corded music.

Guest stars were the Beach Boys, Chuck Berry, Sheena Easton, Janie Frickie, Al Jarreau, Melissa Manchester, Anne Mur­ray, the Oak Ridge Boys, Linda Ronstad, Bonnie Tyler, Big Coun­try, the Culture Club, the Eyurithmics, Bob Seger, Donna Summer, and Toto.

Michael Jackson's award show is what they should have called it. He took eight awards in the cate­gories Best Male Singer, Producer of the Year, Album of the Year, Best Rhythm and Blues Male Vo­calist, Best Male Pop Singer, Best Recording for Children, ~ong of the Year, and Record of the Year.

The Police with Sting took 3 awards: Best New Song of the Year, Best Rock Performance by Group, and Best Technical Per­formance.

Other winners were Duran Duran for both short and long form of Video Album Awards; Pat Benetar for Best Rock Female Singer; Kim Carnes with Flash­dance, and Culture Club for Nest New Artist. This year's stars wore a lot of bi-sexual clothes.

All in all, Michael Jackson's best words were "['d like to thank my mama dn dad" and then he took off his glasses .... ahhhhhhh


Express thyself We asked a bunch of the more "verbal Arcadians' what their' favorite

expressions were and why. Their answers were so interesting that the Arcadian decided to print them up so you could all reap such benefits. We do apologize to those whose expressions were too obscene or corrupt, but here's what we could get away with.

Senior Sharon Cook: My favorite expression is "Get a Clue" because "people are lame."

The Senior Class: Ours is "We do what.we want" because "We are seniors and that's the way it is."

Senior Daniel Hackett: "I pulled a Reilly" because "Louis L' Amour told me."

Senior Paige Livermore: "Eat ¢!l1!o?# and bark at the moon!" because "I always say it."

Senior Curt Skinner: "You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, bu you can't pick your friend's nose." because "Hans and Ron tried to pick my nose once."

Senior Holly Lake: "You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't roll your friends up in a little ball." because her dad told her once.

Mr. Stegall: "Great gobs of goose grease" because he likes to see the facial expressions on people's faces when he says it.

Jeff Bradford, a sophomore: "I want to be a cowboy," because "I was born to be a cowboy."

Jeff Guerin, a cool senior stud exclaims: "They're all c !" because "they all are, right D.L.G.?"

Happy Senior Jim Phillips says: "Be the best you can be!" because "It makes you feel good inside?'

Joe Schubach says: "Golly Beave, do you think Dad will clobber us?" Erica Gilsdorf states: "Corn" because "it runs right through you." Holly Pemberton, a sophomore, says: '"That's so gay" because I'm

looking at P.e. 's boots?'

Spring fever hits Arcadia About this time of the year, everyone seems to be getting restless.

Spring Break just isn't coming quick enough, and the Senioritis is get­ting pretty unbearable. So ... we asked some distinguished Arcadians for advice about how to handle this problem, When asked "WHAT IS YOUR CURE FOR SPRING FEVER?", here are some of the "pre­scriptions" we got:

Jeff Bradford, Sophomore; A good old-fashioned broom hockey game with Camelback high.

Julie Carson, Junior; Go to Herberger for a "mash" session at lunch like certain cheerleaders.

Theresa DeLuca, Senior; Riding the elevator in the Hyatt Regency. Sean Cooney, Sophomore; Play MOTLEY CRUE in Ms. Collin's

office and drink motor oil. Dawn Marquess, Frosh; Staples. Suzanne "Bair" Smith, Sophomore; Des gran bises de mon petit chou. Lynn Cowie, Junior; Drop English III with Mr. Kimbell. Kris Eichenauer, Frosh; One time down the slope at Sunrise. Melissa Jones, Frosh; Getting ungrounded! David Evid, Frosh; Lock myself in a dark closet and breathe dirty

clothes. David Alley, Senior (5 yr. plan) Fast women, cold Shastas, and a road

trip to Thcson. Jay Martin, Senior; Scott Hilbun Eric Hale, Junior; Spring skiing and tight black leather. Paul Deremiah, Senior: Go to Mammoth til next spring. Eric Northbrook, Senior: Chickypoos, because [ get them so often. Holly Pemberton, Sophomore: Jenny Rasmussen dancing to "Short

People" at ASU. Joe Schubach, Junior; Drive 110 mph on Indian School in front of

Arcadia. David Martin, Junior; To destroy Liberace's 12 foot grand piano with

his face. Roz Fleischer, Senior; Simon LeBon anytime, anyplace, anywhere! Donald Munsil, Sophomore; I'm afraid that medical science has not

yet found a treatment for a sick spring. Adam Driggs, Frosh (at BYU); A dream date with Helen!

-- FORMAL WEAR 3703 E.INDIAN SCHOOL RD./PI-IOENIX.AZ85018/(602) 957-0089

Page 6: Arcadian Vol 24 No 7 - April 01, 1984

Page 6 ARCADIAN April 2, 1984 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------~---------

Athletes feats Basketball

Boys' varsity

TITAN VS. SOUTH MOUNTAIN The South Mountain Rebels de­

feated Arcadia in the second round of the AAA playoffs 83-73. Scott Stoller had a respectable 21 points, but that wasn't enough to hold off the Rebels. The Titans came within 71-62 with 4 minutes left, but the South Mountain's Vernan Johnson went to work. He scored 23 points on the night; 20 of those points were slam dunks. Other Titans that played well were Danny Coyle with 16 points, and Sean Lake with 15.

TITANS VS. ALHAMBRA The championship-bound Arca­

dia Titan basketball team proved to be nothing but awesome in their crushing defeat over Alhambra 66-61.

In the last 22 seconds, Sean Lake and Danny Coyle sunk both part of l-and-l freethrows to lift Arcadia in maybe the most crucial game all season long.

Although tied at half time 31 all and trailing by 5 in the third quar­ter. The Titans incredible momen­tum boosted them to a well-deser­ved victory.

Scott Stoller had 17 points and 9 rebounds while Dan Coyle had 16 points and 5 assists. Sean Lake scored 15 points and Monty Car­don took 13.

Baseball ARCADIA VS. AGUA FRIA The Titans finished their regular

season play loosing to the Agua Fria Owls 76-66. The defeat meant nothing because Arcadia had al­ready clinched the AAA Metro Division A Title.

ARCADIA VS. CARL HAYDEN On Tuesday, February 28th, the

Arcadia Titans 1984 baseball team started its season with a 4-3 victory over the Carl Hayden Falcons. Sophomore pitcher Mike Lewis (not related to Olympic sprinter Carl) recorded the win. Freshman shortstop Frank Fernadez had 3 hits, while Ed Beuerlein added a triple.

Senior Doug Calvert swings away.


Girls' varsity

The varsity girls basketball team began their 1984 season with 2 wins and 0 losses. Even though their first 6 games are only prac­tice, the girls still plan to achieve an undefeated goal. The varsity team includes: seniors - Kim Tanner, Ginger Vaules, Connie Deremiah, co-captain Tina Kuntz and co-captain Lisa Duazo; juniors - Amy Rosner and Ginger "Twig" Jarvis; sophomore Dawn Woffinden; and freshmen -Becky Molen and Misty Bitner. We would also like to give special recognition to our super trainer, Dave Wohl and mangager Eric Behrmann.

In their first game against Carl Hayden, the Titans used excellent defense and teamwork to beat them 46-23. Exceptional players in that game were Lisa Duazo, who scored 10 points and Becky Molen scored 13 points.

Arcadia faced Glendale next. In this game, the Titans had to get mean in order to beat Glendale 33-26. Again, Becky Molen was the team's high scorer with 13 points. The Titans get two more chances to plaster Glendale head­first into the gym floor; wish them luck!! • J.V.

The junior varsity team has also had a good start this season with a 2-0 record against Hayden and Glendale. The junior varsity team includes: Sally Blake, Stacy Coar, Lisa Ebert, Andrea Marin, Karie Brentlinger, Renee MilIer, Lynda Sears, Kerith Benisch, Mia On­odera, Carrie Brennan, Karen Smith and Kris Doss.

Coach Yee hopes to have a pro­ductive season and encourages Ar­cadians to support the girls basket­ball games. Lots of luck to the junior varsity team for a super 1984 season!

Boys' tennis The boys tennis team is aw\:some

this year. Their record so far is 5 wins and 0 losses and they are hop­ing to go all the way to State this year.

The varsity team is listed in order of excellence (ranking is subject to change at any time): senior - Dan Hackett; freshman - Kevin Turner; sophomore - Tom Judd; senior -Kent Rasmussen; and juniors -Steve Rosholt and Greg English.

The junior varsity team includes: senior - Rodney Gabuya; juniors -Dilip Bansal, Peter Deak and Charles Peters; and sophomores -Tim Gibson, Jeff Isaly and Richard Kealy.

When asked to comment on his team this year, Coach Hickey said, "They're good."

The Glendale Cardinals beat the Titans 14-6 on Friday March 2nd. The Score was tied 6-6 in the top of , the seventh inning when all of the sudden Ed Beuerlein's arm went dead and he could pitch no longer. At that, relief pitcher Steve Eagan came in and finished off the 8 run inning. Next the Titans play Camelback at Camelback.


Girls' tennis To bring everyone up-to-date on

the girls tennis record, the Titans are undefeated so far and hope to continue their victories. Coach Fisher is excited about this year's (young) team and is looking for­ward to being up against some of the better schools in league play. Good luck girls and keep victoriz­ing!

Senior Amanda Cook practices for the upcoming season.

lfack A few years ago you could have

seen them running on their high school track team. Today these four men can stilI be found on the track. But now, instead of running for glory, they run for the benefit of others. These men, Dave Archi­bald, Kevin Nissen, Doug Mc­Spadden and Jeff Echols, are the coaches of this years Arcadia Track Team.

Archibald, who was also the cross country coach, spends most of his time with the hurdlers. Nissen, an English teacher here at Arcadia, specializes in jumpers and sprinters. Echols and Mc­Spadden also spend much of their time with the athletes. Echols works mainly with the throwers and McSpadden with distant run­ners.

Coach Nissen states the goals he has for the Track Team this year. "We would like to have a winning season so that it would establish a good track program. Arcadia doesn't have a very strong pro­gI:am right now. But if we have a good season, it will bring more in­terest and better runners.

Top prospects for the team this year are: Dave Ebbert, Miki Clark, Katie Ewing, Todd Sheridan, Jeff Harrison, Angela Tassoni, and Wade Ward.

On March 2, Arcadia demolish­ed Carl Hayden.

Arcadian boys who placed in various events were: 100 Hurdles -Wade Ward; 1600 - Dave Ebbert; 400 - Jeff Harrison; 300 meters -Wade Ward; 800 - Dave Ebbert; 200 Ken Belnap, 3200 - Craig Haynes; shot put - Rob Patterson; long jump and pole vault - Todd Sheridan.

The girls team also gave a supe­rior performance: 1600 - Miki Clark; 400 - Terri McClain ; 800 -(tie) Miki Clark and Katie Ewing; 200 Cathy Greene; 3200 - (tie) Laura Diettrich and Donni Conk­lin; discus - Madaline Manley; shot put - Sheila Collier; high jump -(tie) Laura Diettrich and Lori Luther.

Arcadia pitching again helped the Titans notch another win against Trevor Browne. Jeff Czer­kies went the distance and came out with a 10-5 win. Czerkies also added a home run. Lara Diettrich clears the high jump bar easily.

Athletes of the Month

Julie When Scottsdale closed, Julie

Bowe was faced with the decision of where to go to high school. Since Coach Dorothy Fisher has transferred to Arcadia from Scottsdale the year before, Julie decided to come here . Now junior Julie Bowe has been chosen as this month's "Athlete of the Month" because of her exceptional tennis skilIs.

Inspired by her coach, Kristin Chaw, Julie lists tennis as her num­ber one sport. "I like tennis be­cause it's a sport where you your­self are in conto!. But at the same time you are also helping your team. "

Julie didn't waste any time get­ting involved with Arcadia. Be­sides playing tennis every day, she is involved in Delta Omega and In­teract. She is also chairman of Tra­ditions for Student Government.

Although Julie has been involv­ed in tennis for about 8 or 9 years already, she still has a busy future ahead of her. She plans to go out of state for college where she plans to ptay tenn\\; and l',t'J.d~ <:.ommu\\\­cations.

Scott Stoller, a 6 foot 5 inch senior forward has accomplished more than is to be expected by a single athelete and his feats have proven him well-deserving of April's Athlete of the Month Award.

Being 6'5" has been the biggest advantage Scott has had. Because he's so close to the basket all the time, he has many opportunities to slam dunk and his percentage from inside is close to 100070.

His current averages on the sea­son are very high. Scott has an average of 15.2 points per game followed by an astounding 9 re­bounds and an awesome 77% from the free-throw line. This un­believable collection of statistics has enabled Scott to be chosen as Scottsdale School District Player of the Week.

He has been offered many scholarships for football as well as basketball. Scott has visited schools such as Cal. Berkeley, San Diego, and New Mexico. After a series of meetings with the Coach and many tours around campus, Scott decided to sign with San Diego State University on a full­ride scholarship basis.

The Arcadian certainly wishes you good luck at San Diego and your future in football as well.

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