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Arcadian Vol 25 No 1 - Oct 10th, 1984

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  • 8/8/2019 Arcadian Vol 25 No 1 - Oct 10th, 1984


    Vol. 25, Issue No.1Reserveoffersopportunities

    I f you are 17 or older andlooking for a way to make someextra money, gain on-the-jobexperience, qualify for collegefinancial aid-or all three-theu.s. Army Reserve may beyour answer.In exchange for attending oneweekend training session permonth, plus two weeks of annual training each year, youearn a steady part-time incomewhile gaining solid practical experience. It's a pretty good dealfor just 38 days of duty a year.Here are a few examples ofavailable programs. Th ecollege-bound student whoenlists in high priority units canlook forward to up to $4,000 intuition assistance which can beapplied to any accredited two-orfour-year college program orvocational school.

    Yet another program couldhelp the college student earn upwards of $14,000 by enrolling int e Army Reserve's Simultaneous Membership Program(SMP)-that is, joining boththe Army Reserve and ArmySenior ROTC. In addition tothe education bonus, you willreceive Army Reserve pay at thehigher officer-trainee scale andan Army Senior ROTC allowance.College students may alsoqualify for a governmentfinanced student loanforgiveness program. For eachyear of Reserve service, thegovernment will repay the lending institution 15070 of the loanor $500, which ever is greater,plus interest on the balance.High school graduates whojoin certain high priority ArmyReserve units may qualify for abonus of $1,500 or $2 ,000.In addition, membership inthe Army Reserve can provideyou a full-time summer job fortwo consecutive years. This opportunity, called Split Training,allows enlisting students to"split" their required 16 weeksof preliminary training-basicand advanced individual training-into two summers of eightweeks each, with good pay.For more information, contact your local Army Reserveunit, listed in the White Pagesunder "U.S. Government."

    . . f, " ' - ~ . , ,Editorials ____ . . .. .. . . .. Page 2The Way It Is . . . . .. .. . .. . Page 2Teacher of the Month . . .. . Page 2Punk Attire . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Page 3Student of the Month . . . . . Page 3Movie Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3Wanna be a Stud? . . . . . . . . Page 3Sports .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . Page 4

    Arcadia High School, Phoenix, Arizona 8 5 0 1 ~ October 9, 1984Arcadianstravel toEuropeFor most Arcadians this pastsummer was just like the onesbefore it. Sleeping, eating, andthe California sunshine weremost everyone's ideas of excitement. Well, a few of us were alittle more adventurous thanthat. I mean, corning homefrom San Diego is no biggie, but

    getting of f the plane at Sky Harbor after four weeks in Europeis almost unbearable.Mrs. Claudia Hagen, sponsorof The Arcadian newspaper,took five wild Arcadians toEurope, along with the rest ofthe Sees Summer HumanitiesTour. They left Phoenix onJune 4, and arrived inFrankfort, Germany the nextday. From Frankfor t, it was onto Munich and the famous beerhouses. There they all got atraditional taste of real Germanbeer. (Very potent!) Then it wasoff to Salzburg, Austria, homeof The Sound of Music. Thescenery was exquisite as theytraveled through the AustrianAlps to Venice. Then it was thelong trip to Rome; the beautiful"Eternal City." There they sawsuch sights as the Vatican, andthe Sistine Chapel. After Romeit was Florence, and from there,Lucern, Switzerland. ThenParis! What can you possiblysay about Paris but ooh-la-la!The Louvre, Champs deElysees, Notre Dame- andbest of all, the shopping! Theytook a hovercraft across theEnglish Channel to England ,and concluded their Europejaunt with five days in London.

    One Arcadian to go on thetrip was Mandy Bouquet. Mandy was very enthusiastic aboutthe entire trip, but especiallyloved Paris. She also mentionedthat Mrs. Hagen was reallycool, and truly one of the girls.Mandy urges everyone toseriously consider this trip nextsummer. In closing she added,"There is definitely somethingfor everyone. You don't have tobe any certain type to be comfortable. It was really a great experience, and well worth it!"

    First Dancea SuccessThe dance on Friday, Sept. 7,after the game, was an amiableway of showing school spirit.The theme for the dance was"Beach Bash." The beach setting and theme brought in a lotof people. The decorations andfood correlated with the theme.Dancing, talking, and eatingtook place. Polaroid pictureswere available.Student council spent manyhours to promote this dance,

    and they were well rewarded bythe turn out.

    It's yourchoice,Arcadia

    Arcadia students are facedwith a choice which may resultin a closed campus duringschool hours. During the lastschool board meeting, a coupleof neighbors stood up andcomplained about the littering,loitering and smoking neartheir houses during schooldays. The school board askedthe administration to checkout the problem and considera solution. Mr. Bruins is veryoptimistic and feels that aclosed campus in not necessaryat this time. The police havechecked that area several times.Mr. Bruins also states that ifthe littering gets increasinglyworse it may be necessary toclose the campus for onemonth to see if a closed campus works. To keep the campus from closing, don't litter,loiter, or smoke to and fromthe campus to Pizza Hut or7-11.

    IT'S YOUR CHOICEARCADIA!Hartsfieldsinjured incollisionOn Wednesday, September20, at approximately 2:30 pm,Andrew and Angela Hartsfieldwere involved in a very seriouscar accident at the corner of56th Street and Indian SchoolRoad. Andrew is at home now

    recovering steadily, whileAngela remains in the hospitalunder the supervision of Arizona's finest doctors.Arcadians - accidents havebeen happening right and left.Please be careful and drive defensively. Also, please crossIndian School Road with cau tion on your way to lunch.Don't jaywalk, use the crosswalks!The LockerAgain this year, the Arcadian

    would greatly appreciateanything you may have to sayabout our publication. Addressany comments or questions youmay have to: The ArcadianStaff. Letters should be placed

    It was a CHEAP TRICKto open the DOORSAnother new year just like more new videos. The parking lot

    is filled with CARS and everyone has to RUSH to get to theirclasses. We all know that the MISSING PERSONS in our classesare new Freshmen. As the ROMANTICS at the picnic table KISfithe LAID BACK people talk about their BURNING SENSA-TIONS. Of course the people with SIMPLE MINDS will be taking a JOURNEY or two through several wrong DOORS. As wecan tell, they have a lot of AI R SUPPLY in their heads.Naturally THE FLIRTS will be searching for the BEACH BOYSthey met this summer, while the TOM TO M CLUB does aCHEAP TRICK on the assistant principal. This summer severalpeople went to Europe and visited BERLIN. While the freshmenwere disecting STRAY CATS, the ALARM went off, and theythought it was the POLICE, WHO got word of the terrorists attack of the DEAD KENNEDY's. The first school lunch consisted of a FLEETWOOD MAC, BEATLES, APRIL WINE,and for dessert BANARAMA with FOUR TOPS includingCREAM. Most of the people's hair CLASHes with theirPSYCHEDELIC FURS. Not only are there a lot of CARS oncampus, bu t they are INXS of the parking spots.

    Cheer andPom AttendCampThis summer, during July,Varsity cheer, JV cheer, Pornand the spirit girl attended aspirit camp sponsored by the National Spirit Ambassadors ofAmerica, held at the Universityof California at San Diego in LaJolla. During the ~ a y session,both the cheer and the pom lineslearned many new routineswhich they will incorporate intothis year's dances and cheers performed at games and assemblies.The camp also held many specialworkshops giving ideas aboutleadership, responsibility, spiritpromotion, and involvement. Atthe end of the session, awardswere presented to both the pomand the cheer lines. The pom linereceived a trophy for havingthree superior performancesthroughout the daily evaluations. The varsity cheer linereveived a plaque for being thehardest working cheer squad atthe camp. Together both thecheer lines and pom received twospirit sticks for displaying anoutstanding amount of spirit.Overall, the camp experiencehelped to attain more skill, style,and unity among Arcadia'soutstanding spirit leaders.

    in Locker # 1364. Any validcomments may be printed inour next issue.

    Newsletterwarns of'flashi.ng'

    A continuing problem with"flashing" incidents on theArcadia High School campusprompted school officials toissue another warning in thelatest parent newsletter.Police said five incidents,occurring in the early morningor late evening, have been reported since June.Students have been warnednot to stay on campus alone,especially during those hours.

    The newsletter, sent home inearly September, said studentshave been told to report all incidents involving "flashing"to school administrators andthe police. Students also havebeen urged to immediately report any suspicious individualsor strangers to the schooloffice.One victim of the flasherhad arrived at school early oneday and noticed a suspiciouslooking male on a bicycle.When she started her car in anattempt to move away fromhim, he flashed her.

    "I didn't know whether tobe embarrassed or shamed orto laugh or be angry," she said.

    N_t necessarily the news"Now I'm very cautious

    about being at school alone. Itmade me angry to think thatsomeone would actually dothat kind of thing at a highschool?'e at the Arcadian try very hard to keep you informed of up-to-themonth information. However, many of you don't get recognition veryoften. We therefore dedicate this column to you, the unmentioned Arcadian . Below is a list of Arcadians who haven't made the news recently,but deserve to see their names in print.Lydia Ehlenburger Tim WamplerDegler Davies Leah HirshGreg Potts Niki RevivoWes Spence r Dee Dee RoseCraig Goss Pineapple Hitchcock

    Don't worry, if you weren't mentioned in ' this issue, there's alwaysnext month to be included in this newsworthy column .

    "I feel like school is a second home. I should feel safegoing to my school," she said.Calvin Bruins, Arcadia'sprincipal, said self-defense andprevention awareness sessionsare being planned for allArcadia physical educationclasses.

  • 8/8/2019 Arcadian Vol 25 No 1 - Oct 10th, 1984


    Page 2

    Editorials ...The controversial subject of whether or not the gays of societyare "normal" is difficult to decide. To draw a conclusion onwhat is, or is not, normal, we need a good definition of theword. In the dictionary, normal is defined as "conforming to atraditional pattern or type." But then, of course, traditional isdefined as "a ritual." Normal appears to be rather an undefinedterm.For those of us who are sexually straight, a first encounterwith a gay person is confusing to say the least. Our first reaction

    to this type of behavior is to assume it is wrong. But in today'ssociety it is important to remember that a person of any sex, age,race, creed, financial status or sexual preference is a personbefore and above he is a woman, child, Black, Jew or ahomosexual. In this way we are all equal. We all are born when itis time to be born and die when it's time for us to die. Wealthdoes not cure cancer. Being Black will not make us less sensitiveto pain. Jews are not smarter, women are not stronger and menare not more successful in their careers. Gays are just the same.There are gay people in every category in the world today.There are gays who compete in the Olympics, gays who haveprestigious jobs, gays who commit suicide, break laws, becomewonderful parents, succeed, fail, live forever or die young. Inthis sense a gay is just another person, and beyond his sexualpreference, is no different than you or I.If we are all equal as people then we must learn a respect forone anothers wishes. I f we were all the same in our beliefs, likesand dislikes, what a dull world it would be. Beneath our differences, we are all just doing what we think is right and tryingto get by. Gays, good, bad, or indifferent, are a part of thissociety. We can put them down, ignore them or wage a violentprotest against them, but they won't go away. Why make lifeany harder? Let's just accept the gays as part of society and geton with it.

    I would like to express my outrage with the way some of ournew students are trea ted by fellow Arcadians. These new peopleare lonely and unfamiliar with our school and many are notbefriended. I see them walking by themselves on campus and

    eating lunch alone. They shouldn't be treated like that.Why aren't these people accepted in our school? Are Arcadians so narrow-minded that they won't let these people be theirfriends? Arcadia has so many tight-knit cliques that won't givethese new people a chance.I know that Arcadia has a reputation of being a snob school,but do we have to live up to that name? We should try to bemore open and friendly with everyone, not just the newstudents. I t isn't just the new students being shunned by fellowclassmates. I could name a lot of people who have been at Arcadia a long time and have never been accepted.What does it take to be accepted? Does it mean you have towear the right clothes, have the "in" hairstyle, and live onCamelback Mountain? The quality of the person should be theforemost import ant factor, but a person's status quo carries agreater weight in this school. It is too bad that Arcadia'smaterialistic values outweigh a person's quality, which in turncan make or break a person's chance of acceptance.

    ArcadiansattendBoy's andGirl's State

    Sincerely Welcome Freshman! We hope you like Arcadia and have a great fouryears.

    Arcadiansassembleto witnessPOWER

    Boy's state and girl's state is afun and worthwhile event forhigh school students enteringtheir junior year. It's held everysummer, in June, at N.A.U. incool Flagstaff. It's a mock state, By Amy Hopkinscounty and municipal city.There are four counties and A group of three motivathree cities in each county. This tional speakers called Powertype of set- up lets each in- participated in Arcadia's Pepdividual run for different of- Assemby on Friday, Sept. 7.fices, whether it be a county of- Their program included feats office or state office. Anyone who strength often seen o n televiruns for office campaigns sion.himself and gives speeches. - Power, led by Keith BrownThere are also special guest succeeded in tearing two phonespeakers. This summer Rose books in half, blowing into aMoffet, Bruce Babbit, and John hot water bottle until it explodMcCain spoke. ed, and breaking apart a pair ofThe following students went steel handcuffs, among otherto Boy's and Girl's State: Dave things.Burkett, Chris Adams, Charles The program ended after anPeters, Sherri Bratt, Tracy inspirational story about anCramer, and Julie Bowe. It's Olympic hero and a specialhard work, but it's an excellent message for our Titan Footballexperience and a lot of fun, too. Team.


    TidbitsMr. Archibald, counselor #4,has been transferred to Coronado. His replacement will beMrs. Townley.In place of Coach Coyl,Coach Yee will be the new headcoach of the Varsity Basketballteam this year.October 3rd, at 7:00 p.m.Arcadia High School will haveOpen House.National Merit Semi-Final

    ists: David Burkett andCarolyn Carns.National Merit CommendedStudents: David Heller, Tamara Lustgarten, and MadeleneManley.The first play of the yearwill be Dracula. The case is:Grimm - Jeff Rose, Mrs. Fern- Danielle Roe, Mrs. Westenra- Stephanie Roth, Dr. Quincy-Christian Shimer, ArthurHolmwood - Elliott .Tones,Mina - Leah Turner, Flora-Nanette Mickle, LucyWestenra - Carrie Brennan,Dracula -Lance Shepard,Nurse Cassidy - BarbaraFoster, Renfield -ErnieLausten, Miss Anya -MandyWhite, Jonathan Harker -SeanRose, Vampire Wife #1-Connie McGarry, VampireWife #2 - Jenny Brownfield,Vampire Wife #3 -CookieCarlson, and Professor VanHelsing - Donald Munsil.Jaywalking is illegal by lawwith a $35.00 enforcement fine.Suspension also given byschool.Phoenix Parks and Recreation announces the "Wheels84" Teen Car Show and Exhibit held on October 14, 1984from 11:00 to 4:00 p.m. Moreinformation in the studentactivities office.The new HERO officers are:President -The Phoenix Cotillion isholding their annual Fall Teaand Fashion Show Saturday,October 6, at the Radisson Resort. I f any Sophmore, Juni oror Senior girl would like information about membership,contact Joyce Cleere at952-0474.What is Steve Pope's motherhad named hime John Paul?Then his name would be JohnPaul Pope.

    October 9, 1984

    Arcadia students Barbara and Kenneth encounter the dreaded speedbumps on the way to school.

    Well Underclassmen, how do you feel after one month of"back-to-school" trauma? Puzzled? Confused? Disoriented?Don't be alarmed, this is very natural.Freshmen are naive, innocent, and overjoyed with the excitement of "Being in High School." Sophomores are content withthe fact that they are no longer freshmen, but they still haven'tobtained th at upperclassman status. Juniors are excited knowingthat they are halfway through that vicious cycle we call highschool. As for Seniors, AAAUUUGGGHHH!!! Pity us, we'recompletely schizo!September 4, 1984. At approximately 6:00 a.m., 1,200 variousalarm clocks rang out the beginning of the rest of our lives.Freshmen sprang out of bed to find their Back To SchoolGaranimals laid neatly on their nightstands, as they had beensince July. Somehow they all managed to be ready and sitting inMommy's car by 6: 15. Sophomores departed from their comfortable beds slowly but willingly. The Juniors all rolled out of bedtired and uneager. And while all this was happening, 300 limp,Senior hands simultaneously hit the snooze button.And as if getting out of bed wasn't enough of a hassle, gettinginto the parking lot was a miracle in itself. How app ropriate thatthe left turn arrow was broken on the very first day of school!That was a real drag, but lucky for us the line of cars stopped at48th Street!And once again our priceless schedules showed us the way toour classes ... the wrong classes. Funny how I never knew mytrue religion until my name turned up on the Seminary roster.And gee, I must really be intelligent because I wound up in German II. I never even took German I! Wow, Senor must haverecommended me!How about lunch. The perfect synonym for mass-confusion.I' d forgotten what it was like to inhale a measly piece of pizzaafter standing in line for 25 or our 30 minutes. And going backto school over those speed bumps doesn't help our digestion atall!Ah, Yes! Those zany speedbumps! Funn y how every year theyseem to get at least a foot higher.And so .another year at Arcadia begins. Freshmen-enjoy itwhile it's still new and interesting. Seniors-no problem! Only151 school days till graduation!Teachers are people too: Mr. Meyer

    By Loretta Wooten

    Mr. William Meyer, a veteranteacher at Arcadia for 21 yearshas been chosen as the teacherof the month for September.Currently he teaches worldgeography, world history, and

    the sponsor for student government.Mr. Meyer began his teachingcareer here at Arcadia in 1964after receiving his bachelor'sdegree in geography andgeology at Eastern IllinoisUniversity where he also playedAll conference football for theuniversity. In high school, hewas also very involved in football and made all state. All ofthis previous football experiencehelped him to be an outstanding .football coach for fifteen yearsfor the Titan Varsity team from1964 to 1979. He also was theassistant basketball coach forfour years. Later in his teachingcareer, Mr. Meyer went on toget his masters degree at ASU.Mr. Meyer also helped to get theVarsity Club, or Letterman'sClub as it was called then,started up in 1971.

    Over the years, Mr. Meyerhas seen many changes takeplace at Arcadia. The mostnotable change is the decrease inenrollment by one-half, whichhas resulted in fewer programsoffered for the students.However, he feels that this hasnot changed the outlook of thestudents which he feels hasalways been positive an dacademically oriented.Outside of school, Mr. Meyerhas many interested includingfishing and hunting. He alsohad the achievement ofcoaching a semi-pro footballteam called the Phoenix Blazersfrom 1969 to 1973. His futureplans are to continue teaching atArcadia and to travel with hiswife in Europe next summer.Well, we will all look forwardto your continued success of anArcadian favorite.

  • 8/8/2019 Arcadian Vol 25 No 1 - Oct 10th, 1984


    October 1984

    Punk attire is hotAs long as I can remember, Arcad ia has lived the stigma of being considered the Preppy Capitol of the world. However, if youtake a look at the latest fashions on campus these days, you willsee that the student body has turned a new leaf. Current trendsno longer include the alligator or Polo man. It seems as thoughargyle socks and khakis have died forever only to be replacedwith neon nylons, Guess jeans, leather, and studs. A surprisingnumber of students have also opted to quit bleaching their hairand let it go back to it's original shade of dark purple with green

    and black highlights.Although many preppies now hide in the bathrooms in fearfor their alligator's life, I think its about time for a change in thetrends. The new look among students has definitely brightenedup the campus with their electric shades in clothing. It seems asthough those who have changed their look have broken the preppy mold that is worn by so many veteran Arcadians andtherefore proved themselves as individuals. And isn't that whatgrowing up is all about; finding the true you and learning to beyourself? Maybe future generations of Arcadians can opt for anew social "stigma" such as the Individualists Capitol of theWorld!Punk attire is cold

    I think the whole school should get a mohawk, it seems to bethe trend now-a-days. Maybe we should die our hair burgundy,purple, white, or what? I admit some of the guys look normal,but girls come on. Its hard to distinguish between the girls andguys. The hair being down in the eyes is what bothers me. I feellike taking a pair of scissors and cutting it off. How any motherwould let her daughter or son out of the house like that isbeyond me! Their clothes are out of the ordinary. They look likethe people from the Billy Idol videos "Dancing with Myself." Ican tie different stips of material to me and get away with it too.One last thing that bugs me are those shoes that look like PeterPan's. Pretty soon your toes will bend up. All in all, I hope thisis just a fad and I hope we don't have to see the punk-look fortoo long.

    T H E V I L L A G ET E N N I S C L U B

    Be A Stud. . The new bestseller by E.G.Carlstrom teaches you , the averageArcadian, how to go from goob togod in just days. Just look at him!

    For your autographed personal copy send$18.95 to The American stud Association Foundan, Inc., 6969 Flex Avenue N.W. Washington,D.C., 20036HIGH SCHOOL CLASSESIntermediate & AdvancedIntermediate Tennis ClassesTues and Thurs 3:304:30 p.m.Members $48.00 Nonmembers $54.00Beginners on Saturday 8406412


    PunkersinvadeArcadiaAs most of you have noticedArcadia has a new look. No I'mnot talking about the newbrown lockers or the new browntrim on the circle . I'm referringto th e "Punks".They seem to have invadedour school in record numbers.These wannabe "Sex Pistols"have descended upon ourpredominately preppy studentbody.The Punks don't seem to besatisfied with just a plain haircut or just one hair color.Mohawks , flattops and spikedhair are the "in" Punk styles.Hair colors now range fromplain black to purple and blue. Ieven saw one girl with black,pink and blond. Now that'swhat I call confusing. Oh no,what happens when she wantsto wear her neon green shirt? Itwon't match her hair- Ohyeah - I guess that's the idea.Speaking of color, electricorange socks and black rippedleather pants? Obviously thesepeople are color blind.One good thing about allthose neon socks, if the electricity goes out we can just gatherall of the socks and light upArcadia.

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    Fantasies By:CaraErinRockeYolanda

    Student ofthe Month

    Arcadia has a reputation ofhaving a number of outstandingleaders. One of them we wouldlike to commemorate in thisfirst issue of th eArcadian...Peter CanDice. Asthe Senior Class President,Peter is definitely one toacknowlege.After moving to Arizonafrom New York as a freshman,Peter attended his first year ofhigh school in Yuma. There hewas a member of a travelingsinging group called TheRoyalaires. He participated inmany theatre groups and wasincluded in Who's Who ofAmerican Music Students.He moved to Phoenix hissophomore year and went toScottsdale High School. Therehe was a member of the StudentSenate. He also won a scholarship for Junior Achievement.And he appeared in the springmusical, The Fantastiks.

    Page 3After the closure of Scottsdale High, Peter chose to attendArcadia. He has been very busyhere for the past two years. Hehas been involved in Interact,Boys State, A.S.P.U., DramaClub, Chorale, Pep Club, Student Advisory Board, Zeta andhas appeared in the play, Up theDown Staircase. Off campus heis a volunteer at the ScottsdaleCamelback Hospital and avolunteer at Boys Club. Peter is

    currently serving as a waiter atLeatherby's Family Creamery.Peter enjoys horsebackriding, swimming, tennis, acting, raquetball, singing, computers, dancing and assistingsenior citizens. On the side, helikes dating and fast driving.After high school Peter plansto go to school in Californiaand major in theatre. He wouldlike to work for an airline and,of course, wants marriage withthree children, two boys andone girl.LWhen asked about his firstexperiences at Arcadia, Petersaid he used to go into the office

    during zero hour and aid Mrs .Kraus and all of the otherladies. Peter says, "They helpedme to get involved and showedme what a great place Arcadiais."After being here for just a little more than a year, Peter has alot of good to say about Arcadia. He says, "Arcadia is fullof spirit, love and fun. The relationships between the teachers,students and staff is one to beproud of."Thanks, Peter, for a great interview. And thanks for makingArcadia a place that we can allbe proud of!

    * * * Reel Entertainment * * *Bachelor PartyThe summer is now over and it b rought in its fill of hit box office movies. One of these hit movies was Bachelor Party. All ofyou who look old enough to get into this R-rated feature (sorryfreshmen, maybe next year) would agree that this movie washilarious. Bachelor Party did have a few flops but all in all it didfarily well as a smash comedy.The movie's plot was based on one of man's favorite traditions, a bachelor party. The basic plot to this story is about twopeople who run into mad chaos the night before their weddingMany hilarious things happened, including the bride-to-be andher friends dressing up as hookers to catch their husband's fooling around at the bachelor party.Another funny thing that happened was ... well, I guess you'll

    just have to go see it.I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I felt Tom Hanks did awonderful job, and is going to give Richard Pryor and EddieMurphy a run for their money. It you haven't already seen it(sorry freshmen, maybe it will be on HBO soon) it is well worththe money CHUDLast night I went to see the most ridiculous movie-CHUDCannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers. The story wasbased on bag people who live in the sewer which also houses contaminated radioactive wastes . The containers leak, causing thebag people to turn into reptilian humanoids with yellow flourescent eyes. These awful creatures are supposed to eat people? No,

    they really just rip you of f for the price of a ticket.By the end of the movie, I realized that C.H .U.D. does notreally stand for for Cannibalistic Humanoid UndergroundDwellers but instead, Childishly Hideous Uncanningly Dullcreatures. I would not recommend going to see this movie unlessyou have an extra five dollars to spend on a nap.Careful He Might Hear YouCareful He Might Hear You is a poignant and gripping drama. It s awinner of eight Australian Academy Awards, including best picture.This priceless movie centers around a spunky six-year-ld boy(Nicolas Gledhill). His mother has died, his father is rarely home, and hefinds himself in the middle of a bitter conflict between his two aunts.One (Robyn Nevin) is indigent but caring and matronly; the other (Wendy Hughes, who has been awarded best actress for this picture) iswealthy, glamorous, and nervous. They each want to raise him in theirown way - and expose their own stinging antagonism in the course.The performances in Careful He M ight Hear You are extraordinary.

    It makes you want more.

  • 8/8/2019 Arcadian Vol 25 No 1 - Oct 10th, 1984


    Page 4

    Athletes featsFootball

    Once again football season isupon us. The Arcadia Titanshave again gotten off to anotherslow start. Although the fIrst twogames were dissapoinments,there is still hope for our team toshow their true potential.The first game was onSeptember 7. It was againstParadise Valley High School.The score was a disappointing10-14. Although we did maketwo touchdowns the seconddidn't count because of a penaltycalled down fIeld.The second game was onSeptember 14. It was a homegame against Sunnyslope whichwe lost again. The score was8-10. In the future I hope that allArcadians show their schoolpride and cheer our Titans on.

    VolleyballEven though the Titan Varsity volleyball team only has tworeturning varsity players, CoachSandy Haddock and her playersagree that the 1984-85 team willbe one of the best ever.The only two returningplayers are Natalie Nadolskiand Tereasa Montgomery.Natalie shows real spirit thisyear and looks really awesomeon the court. Tereasa moved toa new position as a setter, and isdoing a good job.In the past, Coach Haddockhas really put a lot of time intoher teams with excellent results.From the looks of the team thisyear, she will have another successful season.This year's team consists ofNatalie Nadolski, Tereasa Montgomery, Teri Paschal, Karen

    Pomrening, Karen Smith,

    Rhonda Peesce, Kathy Berry,Jan Rubin, and the onlysophomore on the team, BeckyMolen.

    I f you want to see some realentertainment, go to the Titanvolleyball games, and watch ourgirls play.Cross

    Country"We want to have a winningseason and to do well beyondour division." This is the goal,according to Coach Dave Archibald, of this year's crosscountry team at Arcadia.With the help of assistantcoach Doug McSpadden,Coach Archibald is capable ofproducing another winningcross country team.The cross country team looksstrong this year. Fourteen girlsare on the team and so far theyhave shown tremendous talent.The boys' team is dominated bysophomores and has goodpossibilities to develop as a winning team.The most promising runneron the girls team is currentlysenior, Angela Tassoni. MikiClark and Katie Ewing also provide strong support for theteam.For the boys' team, the current top runners are John Davisand Bob Fortner.While Central and Cactustend to be the toughest op

    ponents for the girls, Alhambrais the biggest competition forboys. Although the greatestcompetition for the entire teamwill come in the City Meet. Thisis when Saguaro and Coronadowill be the toughest competitorsfor the girls and boys respectively.While trying to overcome this

    ARCADIANstiff competition, these longdistance runners will also beengaged in many other activities.Arcadia will be hosting theState Meet in November. Thecross country team will also beattending the Pima Aztec classicon Oct. 6 in Tucson.

    In the team's first meetagainst Tolleson and CarlHayden on Sept. 7, both boysand girls won. In their secondmeet, the girls defeated CasaGrande and the boys lost by onepoint. In the Prescott Invitational, the girls had a moderaterace, fInishing 9th out of 17.Tona Eduwards and TeriMcClane were medalists.The team is off to a greatstart. Archibald comments,"We hare having a very excitingand fun -fIlled time. There arelots of interesting and diversepersonalities on the team thatkeep things very lively."

    SwimmingSwimming approximately9,000 yards a day, weight training three times a week andfollowing superior direction ofcoaches, Mike Peterson, BradHerring, and Bill Marcotte, the

    Arcadia Swimming Teamshould have no problem atttaining the goals they have set.This year's goals are for thegirls' team to win state again.The boys' team goal is to be thedivisional champions. With theremarkable athletes the teamhas this year, the team shouldhave no problems attaining thisfeat. The boys' team has somevery exceptional swimmers thisyear. Tom Carlson is currentlyone of the best swimmers on theteam. Kent Lassen, ChrisCooper, and Josh Butner alsocontribute very highly to theteam's winnings. The girls'team also has some top notchathletes. Senior, Sall; Carl who

    placed 4th in State last year is anawesome swimmer and is ex-pected to lead the team thisyear. Stacey Morgan, SharonGeorge, Alexia Hotis are alsosensational members on theteam this year. Kristin Halter,top notch diver also helps agreat deal to bring in extrapoints so that the team will dowell.But a good team needs goodcoaches. And this year's swimming team has exactly this.Head Coach Bill Marcotte helpsout the team a great deal. MikePeterson and Brad Herring, theassistant coaches are both intheir second year of coaching.Both coaches swam at ASU andBrad Herring was the 1979 StateButterfly champion. With thiskind of experience, the coachesshould produce an excellentteam.This prediction has come trueso far. In their fIrst meet againstHorizon, both boy's and girl'steams won. In their secondmeet, the girls' team defeatedCactus easily but the boys wereslightly edged by the opponent.The divers performed well inboth meets.Coaches Peterson and Herring comment, 'The team is ayear older and a year faster. Weexpect to meet or beat our accomplishments from last year."

    Atheletes ofthe Month

    KEVIN#tE-d r-J'hild:s OR Jilt. dCllUKII(f}--mAf.0 .4 tt5ijN c1PK /ott YlJa/LC/I/b P/ l 7E'Am?

    (J1l The Arcadian is proud to present this year's fIrst "Athlete ofth Month," top tennis player,Kevin Turner.. ,dI4f cd! JIJr ar ! ' Playing tennis for the past sixyears has enabled this outstanding junior to be on the Boy'sVarsity Tennis team for the pastthree years.fKliA'':ZJA,dJAllci; If!p/1. -.J'AI; / )- s-

    He has also won many localtournaments which is also anoutstanding accomplishment.When Kevin is not busy practicing, which is usually anaverage of two to three hours aday, he is usually busy in otheractivities such as listening to the

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    October 9, 1984radio, and photography.The person who inspires himthe most is professional tennisplayer, John McEnroe. Kevincomments, "I like his style ofplay."One of Kevin's biggest goals isto get a college scholarship. Healso plans to play tennis in aMilitary College.

    = ~ ' - '

    ANGELAAngela Tassoni was chosenAthlete of the Month by hercoach. Angela started runningtwo years ago. At the end of hersophomore year, she was onvarsity track. She joined thecross country team her junioryear and did very well, endingthe year as the divisional champfor the two mile run. She finished up her junior year seventh instate.Angela spent her summerrunning twice a day to preparefor the senior year in crosscountry and track. She alsoentered two 8-k races and ameet, where she placed secondin one race and fIrst in theother.Currently, Angela runs an

    average of fifty miles a week,the equivalent of ten miles aday. Her goal after high schoolis to win a scholarship to aTexas college. This will dependon how well she does this year.Angela describes running as asport involving a lot of pressureand competition. To preparefor a meet, she gets a lot of rest,eats a lot of carbohydrates andstretches out for abou t an hour.She also runs wind sprints forabout two minutes before therace begins.Angela's coach expects thatAngela will rank high in thestate this year. Angela also ishoping for a good year. She saysshe is glad she discovered thesport, but wishes she had gotteninvolved earlier, because shefeels she could have accomplished more and increased herchance for a scholarship.

    Arcadia salutes AngelaTassoni as this month's athlete.Good luck in the future,Angela. Keep up the goodwork!

    GolfWith only twelve people onthe golf team this year, the men

    must give extra efforts to produce a winning team.Freshman Kevin Skinner iscurrently the leader withsophomore Jay Wright closebehind. Norm Williams, KevinSchaffer, Tony Defalco, andJohn Overby are progressingrapidly also.Coach Lou Hallman comments. "The team is young butpromising. They should be verytough next year."The goal of the golf team thisyear is to qualify for the statetournament. With the way theyhave been playing so far, itlooks as if they may make it.
