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As Unit G321 Research/Planning Presentation

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AS MEDIA AS UNIT G321 FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO IN MEDIA RESEARCH AND PLANNING Candidate Name Candidate Number Centre Name Centre Number Hannah Thompson C11654 The Leigh Academy 61101
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Candidate Name

Candidate Number

Centre Name

Centre Number

Hannah Thompson


The Leigh Academy


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Copy and paste these e-stickers onto your work when instructed to do so by your teacher.

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Identifying music magazine Forms and Conventions Masthead – name

of the magazine

Recognizable logo, instantly recognized by music fans

Main image – vibrant hair colour catches viewers eye

Hair colour contrasts against black background

Sell lines – yellow boxes stand out against the black background to create subtitles

Bold capitals shows its important information and will make the reader want to know more

Headline – pull quote from the celebrity in the magazine – viewers want to know more

Striking white font in bold capitals to create a statement and give a message

Dominant font – celebrity is strong

Additional info:

•Barcode•Date•Issue number

Language used – short, catchy fun – readers are enticed and want to read more

Aimed for teenagers using slang ‘killer app summit’

Website advertising events – attracts people to know more about event

Colour scheme – Contrasting and coherent – hair colour matches title

Primary colours yellow, black and red are attractive to eye

Image in centre of page to show importance

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Social groups by occupation

A – This group consists of people at a higher level in their occupation, such as Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors. These people have a luxurious lifestyle including holidays in the most prestigious locations and enjoy expensive cars. It is rare for these types of people to engage in social media due to their already busy lifestyle. This group would have a lot of spending power. Their financial status is very different to those in Group D.

B – This group consists of fairly well payed professionals such as Teachers and middle management. In this group, people are usually independent and free from government benefits. Typically, they will go on holiday once or twice a year and enjoy high street brands.

C1 – This group consists of junior management, nurses and bank clerks. These people expectedly have a small mortgage and spend a considerable amount of time using social media and/or watching TV. Normally, there is only one car per household.

C2 – This group consists of manually trained workers such as electricians, plumbers and carpenters. They receive government benefits and read newspapers such as the sun. They typically own one car which doubles as transport for work as well. Shopping is normally discounted and don’t travel far for holidays. Some spending power and financial status but much less than A and B.

D – Group D embodies a less luxurious lifestyle on a tight budget including occupations such as post sorters, warehouse pickers and drivers. When they do shop, it is normally discounted. They spend a large amount of time on social media. A much lower financial status than group A and significantly less spending power.

E – This group includes students, unemployed and pensioners. All of their shopping is discounted and they have no preference on brands. Typically they will travel on public transport and bargained cars. Almost no spending power or financial status.

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Representing and appealing to social groups – Group B

The lighting on Matthew Mconnaughey is very soft and pleasing to they eye. It isn’t too dramatic and proves a sophisticated effect. It creates a nice atmosphere and isn’t obvious like a class D/E magazine would be.

The camera angle is eye level and isn’t too lively, which I think makes it suitable for class B. Mcconaughey is making eye contact with the camera which engages the reader.

Mcconaughey is dressed in formal attire which represents him a man with money and affluence, which is what this magazine entails. This would appeal to group B because they may be able to relate to him.

Here, it has references to politics which is a knowledgable subject so people in class B would be suited to this magazine.

This magazine mentions highly acclaimed films on the front and they don’t talk about mainstream media which lower class people would be interested in.

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Kerrang – Bauer Media Group distributes this magazineEmap publishes this magazine

Identifying Music Magazine Forms and


The editor is Nick Decosemo and it is published by Development Hell Ltd

Distributed by Thrush Magazine, edited by Ben Murphy

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Technology and ProcessesPHYSICAL TECHNOLOGY

Modern cameras have a large amount of storage depending on what GB memory card you use. They can take high quality photos with sharp, vivid features.

Studio’s today are very advanced and contain the best equipment to create a high quality image such as lights and monitors. They also have green screens.


Modern day memory cards can hold up to 512 GB, this means that you can store a lot of information with one small card.

Computer hardware such as an Apple Mac would be used because you can access all of the correct applications which allow you to edit, film and create different outcomes. It has a large amount of space and a setting that is easy to navigate.


The main piece of software is an application called photoshop, which is used frequently by people with digital occupations. Photoshop has a range of advanced features to edit photos which will be placed on magazines. You can edit colours and make someone look airbrushed for a commercial magazine.

One example of promotion software is the giant moving billboards which advertise products and catch people’s attention.


Printing hardware is simply the machinery we use to operate the printing. It is the computer we use that goes with the printer, you take the file you want to print, plug it into the computer and open the file.

A printing process such as printing press for large scale jobs such as magazines. You couldn’t use a household printer to print magazines because it is such a large scale and you need the correct materials.

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Light colour scheme

Masthead – name of the magazine in bold capitals to attract

‘Exclusive’ the reader thinks that they are accessing new information

Image – relaxed and fits colour scheme

Clothing choices match the colour scheme of grey and blue

Relaxed pose which coheres with style of magazine.

Skyline – ‘don’t miss out’ makes the reader want to read the magazine.

This is also a slogan so the reader will remember it.

Additional information – website so viewers can access more information

Matches light colour scheme – white text cohers with background

The general layout is plain and simple which may prevent readers from wanting to buy the magazine.

Cover stories could be put in unusual shapes to catch the readers eye

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Masthead – name of the school outlined to attract attention

Skyline – attracts readers by saying it is the ‘best’

Slanted style challenges forms and conventions – normal magazines stick to images straight

Bright colour scheme which will attract young people as it is eyecatching

Content which appeals to young people – will make them interested to read it

Relaxed language to appeal to target audience (school children)

Font in bold and outlined in matching colours to the rest of the magazine

Studious pose which balances the relaxed and serious attitude of the magazine

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Consistent colour scheme of Purple, Blue and Grey – aesthetically pleasing

Catchy title to stick in the reader’s mind

Information displayed in different fonts to avoid repetitiveness and to make it eye-catching. Oversized number used to catch people’s eye. Implies that the 7 places are important infomation

Casual language to appeal to target audience

Storylines – the highlights of the magazine which give the reader an insight on what’s inside the magazine. This is what makes people want to purchase the magazineImportant text

stands out against the background to make it prominent

Central image - Picture of a student which makes it relevant to the school magazine

Additional images to balance amount of text and pictures

Enticing lines that make you feel you will be gaining something

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Which forms and conventions will be used in your design and why?

• Skyline at the top of the page. I will do this to catch the reader’s eye when they look at the title which will give them an initial idea of what the magazine is about

• My masthead will be in bold and just below the skyline. It will be in front of the image to make it stand out against the background

• My colour scheme will use our bright school colours and have a fade effect to give a modern, eye catching effect

• I will use coverlines to advertise the articles inside my magazine which will be in bold to let the reader know what the magazine is about

• I will use Puffs to make some information (competitions etc) in unique shapes to make it stand out

• My magazine will use short, snappy language to appeal to the target audience. I will also incorporate the school logo into the magazine cover to make it feel genuine and realistic.

• The image will be the main focus in the centre of the page and will feature one of the students and the logo. I will do this so that the image coheres with the magazine’s appearance and content.

• The cover will have a dynamic feel with sections divided by lines in a slanted style. This will make the magazine seem different to all of the others out there which will encourage the reader to purchase it over others.

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Subheadings to allow the reader to choose what they want to read about. This is efficient for the reader.

The colour scheme uses black, red and white to cohere with the magazine’s style. They are primary colours – aesthetically pleasing

Researching the main task

‘Arctic monkeys’ is in a different font and in capitals to identify that this is the most important information on the page.

The medium shot image is in the centre of the page with a black background on top of a white background to highlight the picture.

The layout is very clear and it will be easy to retrieve information from.

The font used in this magazine is short and catchy to suit the target audience. It coheres with the social group it is trying to appeal to.

The contents page includes the NME logo so it is clear who the magazine was produced by. It also adds consistency to the magazine. A persistent feature of NME

magazines is the band index. This may convince the reader to buy the magazine because their favourite band may be in the index and they might want to know more.

Small enticements such as subscription deals can be very appealing to customers as they feel that the need to purchase the magazine to save money, instead of buying it every week.

The writing which advertises the subscription offer is in yellow which is a marketing technique. It stands out among the rest of the page so your eye is attracted.

Each piece of text is formatted accordingly to the importance of the text. Smaller font- less important

The red numbers allow the customer to navigate the magazine efficiently because they can choose the topic they want instead of searching the entire magazine.

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The title ‘Contents’ is placed in an interesting way to attract the reader’s eye. This is a good technique and is enticing for the eye. This challenges the typical conventions of a magazine.

The image seems to blend into the background as there isn’t a separate background colour like the previous one I analysed. This also challenges conventions. I prefer this technique because it is less harsh on the eye.

The main title stands out against the monotonous grey background and makes a statement.

The subtitles challenge conventions because it categorizes the topics in the magazine so that the reader can choose the topic they want to read about and go straight to the page.

The way Kanye is dressed coheres with the colour scheme of the rest of the magazine.

The way Kanye is dressed suits the style of the magazine: Modern, simplistic and stylish.

I like the way that the title and subtitles are both placed in black but different fonts to distinguish between the two. This ties in with the rest of the magazine.

The main image intices the social group that is attracted to Kanye. The reader can see that the artist is trying to imply that Kanye’s heart is being taken. This is attractive because the heart is the only part of the page in a vivid colour. The image is in medium shot which suits the page but still makes a statement at the same time, making Kanye the key feature of the page.

Under the subtitles we can see some text next to the page numbers which says ‘Pride of the name of lovers’. This ties in the main image because Kanye is holding a heart.

The large ‘V’ situated behind Kayne symbolizes the name of the magazine, ‘Vibe’.

The Features paragraph uses various different texts which creates a nice effect and challenges conventions. The important parts of the text are in capitals.

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Here we can see that there is extra information shown about the artist to make the viewer feel connected to Ed Sheeran and as though they know him.

Extra information about the album to indulge the viewer into the article.

The capital ‘L’ in a red box entices the reader to the start of the article, which they may want to keep reading.

Highlighting specific words catches the viewers eye, especially if the words aren’t typically seen such as here.

A large quote in the centre of the page forces the reader to look at it. This quote would make the reader feel that Ed Sheeran is genuine and they may read more.

Anchorage text at the bottom allows the reader to know more about the article before reading it so it allows them to have a brief overview.

Ed Sheeran’s name in capitals in a red box makes it clear that he is the artist in question. It will draw in the customer’s eye.

As Q magazine is based in London, British viewers will feel a sense of patriotism and as though he is representing our country. This will make the reader want to read more because we typically like reading about people who have stemmed from our own country.

The urban landscape is unique and challenges the typical convention of having a block colour behind the artist.

Ed Sheeran is posing in a relaxed, carefree way which may make the reader feel that he is humble. This may make them want to read about him because he doesn’t follow the typical celebrity antics.

The colour scheme of Red, Black and White links in with the colour of his hair but is also a popular indie format for many magazines. Black, Red and White stand out against each other.

The guitar slumped by Ed Sheeran’s side will attract music and instrument enthusiasts.

Page number ties in with the rest of the magazine – consistency.

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The most attractive feature of the page is the large ‘L’ which stands for her name. It is in a vibrant Red colour and fades into the black text behind it which is pleasing to the eye.

The Black and White colour scheme of this double page spread contrasts against the Red letter. I can now conclude that Red, White and Black are a popular colour scheme for magazines because they entice the reader. They compliment each other well and have a high contrast effect.

‘GAGA’ in capitals allows the reader to know exactly who we’re talking about as her stage name is infamously used all around the world.

This layout of her name challenges the typical conventions of a magazine as it would normally be placed on top of the picture. The text us sophisticated which coheres with the artist’s style.

The Red letter of the artists name across all of the issues of the magazine provides consistency. It creates an image for the magazine and people will recognize it every time.

The main image is a medium close up shot of the artist posing quite provocatively. Lady Gaga is looking at the camera seductively which makes the reader question why she might be posing like this.

The image of Lady Gaga fills up a whole page which may suggest she is worthy of a whole page and well known. The designer may be trying to make a statement. The theme and style of the image suits her unusual style and gives the reader an insight into her personality.

Capital letters show when the journalist is beginning a new paragraph which allows the reader to know when a new subject is starting.

The text is set out in 3 clear paragraphs. Easy to navigate and concise.

The image in grey scale has an old fashioned 1950’s effect which is unique. The accessories around her neck are strange and may be trying to portray a message.

Q magazine ident placed in the corner so readers know what magazine it is. Creates image.
