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Assignment o Tom at i On

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  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On



    No. Qu!"#o$ % A$!&'


    E()*+#$ ''o' ,"-"#o$ +$, '-o'/ #$ +$ +u"o+", !/!".

    Error detection and recovery consists of to ste!s "

    i# Error detection$ T%e error detection ste! &ses t%e a&to'ated syste's avai(a)(e

    sensor syste's to deter'ine %en a deviation or 'a(f&nction%as occ&rred* correct(y inter!ret t%e sensor si+na(s and c(assifyt%e error# Desi+n of t%e error detection s&)syste' '&st )e+init% a c(assi,cation of t%e !ossi)(e errors t%at can occ&r d&rin+syste' o!eration#

    ii# Error recovery$ Error recovery is concerned it% a!!(yin+ t%e necessary

    corrective action to overco'e t%e error and )rin+ t%e syste')ac- to nor'a( o!eration# T%e !ro)(e' of desi+nin+ an errorrecovery syste' foc&ses on devisin+ a!!ro!riate strate+ies and!roced&res t%at i(( eit%er correct or co'!ensate for t%evariety of errors t%at can occ&r in t%e !rocess#

    . D!-'# " "&o '+!o$! &/ ,-#!#o$+#$5 #! 'u#', #$ +)'o5'+, &o' -/-*.

    Many a&to'ated 'an&fact&rin+ o!erations re/&ire decisions to )e 'aded&rin+ t%e !ro+ra''ed or- cyc(e to co!e it% variations in t%e cyc(e# In 'anycases* t%e variations are ro&tine e(e'ents of t%e cyc(e* and t%e corres!ondin+instr&ctions for dea(in+ it% t%e' are incor!orated into t%e re+&(ar !art!ro+ra'# T%ese cases inc(&de "

    i# O!erator interaction$ A(t%o&+% t%e !ro+ra' of instr&ctions is intended to )e carried o&t

    it%o&t %&'an interaction* t%e contro((er &nit 'ay re/&ire in!&t datafro' a %&'an o!erator in order to f&nction# For e0a'!(e* in ana&to'ated en+ravin+ o!eration* t%e o!erator 'ay %ave to enter t%ea(!%an&'eric c%aracters t%at are to )e en+raved on t%e or- &nit#avin+ entered t%e c%aracters* t%e en+ravin+ o!eration isacco'!(is%ed a&to'atica((y )y t%e syste'#

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    ii# Di2erent !art or !rod&ct sty(es !rocessed )y t%e syste'$ In t%is instance* t%e a&to'ated syste' is !ro+ra''ed to !erfor'

    di2erent or- cyc(es on di2erent !art or !rod&ct sty(es# An e0a'!(eis an ind&stria( ro)ot t%at !erfor's a series of s!ot e(din+o!erations on car )odies in a ,na( asse')(y !(ant# T%ese !(ants areoften desi+ned to )&i(d di2erent )ody sty(es on t%e sa'e a&to'ated

    asse')(y (ine* s&c% as to$door and fo&r$door sedans# As eac% car)ody enters a +iven e(din+ station on t%e (ine* sensors identify%ic% sty(e it is* and t%e ro)ot !erfor's t%e correct series of e(ds fort%at sty(e#


    E()*+#$ " "' 7u$-"#o$! o7 +,+)"# -o$"'o*.

    T%e t%ree f&nctions of ada!tive contro( are "i# Identi,cation f&nction* in %ic% t%e c&rrent va(&e of t%e inde0 of

    !erfor'ance of t%e syste' is deter'ined* )ased on

    'eas&re'ents co((ected fro' t%e !rocess#ii# Decision f&nction* %ic% consists of decidin+ %at c%an+es

    s%o&(d )e 'ade to i'!rove syste' !erfor'ance# 4ossi)(edecisions inc(&de c%an+in+ one or 'ore in!&t !ara'eters to t%e!rocess* a(terin+ so'e of t%e interna( !ara'eters of t%econtro((er* or 'a-in+ ot%er c%an+es#

    iii# Modi,cation f&nction* %ic% 'eans i'!(e'entin+ t%e decision#5%ereas decision is a (o+ic f&nction* 'odi,cation is concernedit% !%ysica( c%an+es in t%e syste'* s&c% as c%an+in+ t%esyste' !ara'eters or !rocess in!&ts to drive t%e syste' toarda 'ore o!ti'a( state#


    E()*+#$ &+" #! " ,#'-" ,#5#"+* -o$"'o* 8DDC9: +$, &/ #! #" $o*o$5' u!, #$ #$,u!"'#+* )'o-!! -o$"'o* +))*#-+"#o$!.

    DDC is a co'!&ter !rocess contro( syste' in %ic% certain co'!onentsin a conventiona( ana(o+ contro( syste' are re!(aced )y t%e di+ita(co'!&ter* and t%e re+&(ation of t%e !rocess is acco'!(is%ed )y t%edi+ita( co'!&ter on a ti'e$s%ared* sa'!(ed$data )asis rat%er t%an )yt%e 'any individ&a( ana(o+ co'!onents or-in+ in a dedicatedcontin&o&s 'anner# T%e reason %y DDC is no (on+er &sed in ind&stria(!rocess contro( a!!(ications is t%at todays contro( co'!&ters are

    ca!a)(e of '&c% 'ore t%an si'!(y i'itatin+ t%e !ro!ortion$inte+ra($derivative 74ID8 contro( 'ode of ana(o+ devices#

    9 D#;'$"#+" "&$ +$ +-"# !$!o' +$, + )+!!# !$!o'.

    An active sensor is one t%at res!onds to a sti'&(&s it%o&t t%e need forany e0terna( !oer# A !assive sensor is one t%at re/&ires an e0terna(so&rce of !oer in order to o!erate#

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On



    D!-'# " "' )+!! o7 " +$+*o5"o,#5#"+* -o$'!#o$)'o-!!.

    T%e t%ree !%ases of t%e ana(o+$to$di+ita( conversion !rocess are "

    i# Sa'!(in+* t%is consists of convertin+ t%e contin&o&s si+na( into aseries of discrete ana(o+ si+na(s at !eriodic interva(s#ii# ;&anti " 7 ou")u" o7 " "'o-ou)* #$ V.

    #. R#! " ")'+"u' u+"#o$ !o "+" #" #! #$ "7o' o7 + "'+$!7' 7u$-"#o$ !##*+' "o "+" 5#$ #$ E.86.39. +" #! " !$!#"##"/ o7 "#! "oo*-#)"'o-ou)*

    ##. Du'#$5 + !"'+#5" "u'$#$5 o)'+"#o$: " 7 ou")u"o7 " "'o-ou)* &+! +!u', +! .2 V. +"&+! " -o''!)o$,#$5 -u""#$5 ")'+"u'

    i# T> ??#1 Etc$ 1.=

    S> Etc s> T s> C@ m s Mani!&(atin+ t%e te'!erat&re e/&ation into t%e for' of E/#


    T@ 1.= > ??#1 Etc

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    Etc> 7T@ 1.=8 ??#1 > #1139 T@ 1#6619

    In E/# 7:#38* C> 1#6619 and m> #1139* %ere m>sensitivity

    ii# T> ??#17#.98 1.= > ?19 1.= > :?? F


    A o*"+5 o7 24 V #! +))*#, "o + DC !'oo"o' &o! "o'u-o$!"+$" > 0.11 N%A +$, o*"+5 -o$!"+$" > 0.0 V%8'+,%!-9. A'+"u' '!#!"+$- > 1. o!. T o"o' #!,#'-"*/ -ou)*, "o + *o&' !+7" 7o' +$ #$,u!"'#+* )'o-!!.

    #. +" #! " !"+** "o'u o7 " o"o'##. D"'#$ " o)'+"#$5 )o#$" o7 " o"o' #7 "

    "o'u!), -+'+-"'#!"#- o7 " *o&' #! 5#$ /

    " 7o**o$5 u+"#o$= TL> KL1 KL22: &' TL>

    *o+, "o'u: N > +$5u*+' *o-#"/: '+,%!- KL1>

    0.00 N%8'+,%!-9: +$, KL2> 0.00033 N%8'+,%!-92.###. +" o'!)o&' #! #$5 5$'+", / " o"o'

    +" " o)'+"#$5 )o#$"

    i# Ia> .61# > 1.#:3 A T> #11971.#:38 > 1#69 N$'

    ii# Load tor/&e 7+iven8" TL> #9 @ #33 .

    Motor tor/&e" T> #119 24 0.097


    > #11971.#:3 #918

    T > 1#69. #9?= Set T> TL

    1#69. #9?=> #9@ #33 .

    1#69. #1?=$ #33.>

    Rearran+in+* #33.@ #1?=$ 1#69. >

    So(vin+ t%e /&adratic e/&ation* > $1:#6= :?#39 > 91#??radsec 7ne+ative

    va(&e not feasi)(e8iii# HP> 1#16?791#??8 =69#= > #? %!

    E()*+#$ o7 " "$ 7+"u'! +$, -+)+#*#"#! o7 + o,'$ CNC+-#$ -o$"'o* u$#" *#!", #$ " "(".

    T%e ,ve of t%e ten feat&res and ca!a)i(ities of a 'odern CNC 'ac%ine

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    fr> . cos 113#3. > .7$#39?8 > $=#1 '''in

    N> frxp> 7$=#1= '''in87:#.9 ''rev8 > $1.#:= rev'in

    7c8 fp> nsN: >( )( )


    1256712.> .:#6 *y> * andz> @ 1# T%e !ro+ra' )e+ins it% t%e too( !ositionedat t%is tar+et !oint# Feed is +iven as #? ''rev# Rotationa( s!eeds fort%e t%ree dri(( dia'eters are ca(c&(ated as fo((os"

    For t%e ? '' dri((* N> =97?0 1$38 > .?6 rev'inFor t%e 1 '' dri((* N> =9710 1$38 > .3?= rev'inFor t%e 1. '' dri((* N> =971.0 1$38 > 1? rev'in

    NC !art !ro+ra' code

    N1 .1 . J K1#N. J.9# K.9#T1

    N3 1 9 $.# F#?S.?6

    M3N6 1 1#N9 J19#N: 1 9 $.# F#?N= 1 1#N? J1=9#


    De,ne ori+in of a0es#Ra!id 'ove to ,rst %o(e (ocation*se(ect ? '' dri((#Dri(( ,rst %o(e#

    Retract dri(( fro' %o(e#Ra!id 'ove to second %o(e(ocation#Dri(( second %o(e#Retract dri(( fro' %o(e#Ra!id 'ove to t%ird %o(e (ocation#Dri(( t%ird %o(e#Retract dri(( fro' %o(e#

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    N 1 9 $.# F#?N1 1 1#N11 J1# K=9#T.

    N1. 1 9 $.# F#?N13 1 1#N16 J9#N19 1 9 $.# F#?N1: 1 1#N1= J9# K=9#T3

    N1? 1 9 $..# F#?N1 1 1#N. J K M9

    N.1 M3

    Ra!id 'ove to fo&rt% %o(e(ocation* se(ect 1 '' dri((#Dri(( fo&rt% %o(e#Retract dri(( fro' %o(e#Ra!id 'ove to ,ft% %o(e (ocation#

    Dri(( ,ft% %o(e#Retract dri(( fro' %o(e#Ra!id 'ove to si0t% %o(e (ocation*se(ect 1. '' dri((#Dri(( si0t% %o(e#Retract dri(( fro' %o(e#Ra!id 'ove to tar+et !oint* sto!s!ind(e rotation#End of !ro+ra'* sto! 'ac%ine#


    E()*+#$ "

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    &*,'! +-"##"#! +' ,o$ !u$"#+**/: " "#! 7o' "+'#ou! *$"! +! 7o**o&!=')o!#"#o$#$5 " &*,#$5 'o, o$ " &o'. T ""'! +$,&*,'! +-"##"#! +' ,o$ !u$"#+**/: " "#! 7o' "+'#ou! *$"! +! 7o**o&!=


    o'' +$, +-"##"/ T#

    1 F#""'= *o+, +$, -*+))+'"!


    2 *,'= &*, '!")+!!


    3 *,'= '*o+, &*,'o,


    4 *,'= &*, !-o$,)+!!


    *,'= ')o!#"#o$#$5"#


    6 D*+/ "# "&$&o' -/-*!


    B-+u! o7 7+"#5u: " &*,' u!" "+ + 20 #$u" '!" +"#,o'$#$5 +$, #,+7"'$oo$: +$, + 40 #$u" *u$- '++'ou$, $oo$. T ""'

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    3 R)o!#"#o$#$5 "# 1.0#$

    4 D*+/ "# "&$&o' -/-*!


    A 10 #$u" '+ &ou*, "+$ / " ""' #$ " o'$#$5+$, +$o"' #$ " +7"'$oo$: +$, 40 #$u"! &ou*, "+$7o' *u$-. C*+$u) "# +" " $, o7 " !#7" #! 20 #$u"!. I$/ou' -+*-u*+"#o$!: +!!u "+" " )'o)o'"#o$ u)"# o7 "'oo" ** ?. D"'#$ " 7o**o$5=

    8+9 +'-o$ "#! 8()'!!, +! + )'-$": u!#$5 " #5"ou' !#7" +! " +!9 7o' " +$u+* &*,#$5 o)'+"#o$+$, " 'oo" &*,#$5 !"+"#o$: +$,

    89 ou'*/ )'o,u-"#o$ '+" o$ +'+5 "'ou5ou" "#5"ou' !#7" 7o' " +$u+* &*,#$5 o)'+"#o$ +$, "

    'oo" &*,#$5 !"+"#o$.

    7a8 Man&a( cyc(e arc$on ti'e"

    Cyc(e ti'e Tc> 6#. @ .#9 @ 1#? @ .#6 @ .# @ 1#1 > 16# 'in

    Ti'e arc is on > .#9 @ .#6 > 6# 'in

    O&t of ? %o&rs* ti'e avai(a)(e > 6? $ . $ . $ 6 $ . > 3?'ins%ift#

    N&')er of cyc(es in 3? 'in > 3?16 > .=#163 cyc(ess%ift

    Ti'e arc is on d&rin+ s%ift > .=#16376#8 > 133 'ins%ift

    Arc$on ti'e > 1336? > #.== > .=#=

    Ro)ot cyc(e arc$on ti'e"

    Cyc(e ti'e Tc> Ma076#. @ #38* 79# @ #38P > 9#3 'incyc(e

    Ti'e arc is on eac% cyc(e > 6# 'in

    O&t of ? %o&rs* ti'e avai(a)(e > 6? $ 1 $ 1 $ 6 $ . > 6'ins%ift#

    N&')er of cyc(es in 6 'in > 69#3 > =9#6=. cyc(ess%ift

    Ti'e arc is on d&rin+ s%ift > =9#6=.76#8 > 31# 'ins%ift

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    Arc$on ti'e > 31#6? > #:. > :.#

    7)8 Man&a( cyc(e !rod&ction rate Rp> 7.=#16 &nitss%ift87? %r8 >3#33 &nits%r

    Ro)ot cyc(e !rod&ction rate Rp> 7=9#6= &nitss%ift87? %r8 > #636&nits%r


    T 'o*#$5 :> :7#.98 > 1#9and Acc&racy > #9 SR> #9CR@ 3

    Find )it stora+e ca!acity nso t%at #9 CR@ 3> a!!ro0 :

    Set 7#9 CR@ 38 $ :>

    #9 CR> 3

    CR> :> 1#9

    .n> 7.6871#98 > 1:

    n(n7.8 > (n71:8* #:319 n > 9#=91=* n> =#3 $$Qn > ? )its

    CR> 7.687.?

    $18 > .6.99 > #61.

    Acc&racy > #97#61.8 @ 37#.98 > 1#..1%ic% is re!eata)i(ity> 1#9

    1: E()*+#$ " +,+$"+5! o7 u!#$5 + LC '+"' "+$ -o$$"#o$+*'*+/!: "#'!: -ou$"'!: +$, o"' +',', -o$"'o*

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On





    C1 S1




    120 s


    T1 S2



    +" 7+"u'! ,#!"#$5u#! !*75u#,, #-*! 7'o-o$$"#o$+* AGV!

    Conventiona( As &se eit%er i')edded +&ide ires in t%e oor or !aintstri!s on t%e oor s&rface as t%e +&idance tec%no(o+y* %ereas se(f$+&ided ve%ic(es &se a co')ination of dead rec-onin+* %ic% refers to t%eca!a)i(ity of t%e ve%ic(e to fo((o a +iven ro&te )y co&ntin+ its on%ee( rotations a(on+ a s!eci,ed traHectory* and )eacons (ocatedt%ro&+%o&t t%e faci(ity t%at serve to verify t%e ve%ic(es (ocation in t%efaci(ity#

    1 A )*+$$, " o7 7o'*#7" "'u-! +! +$ +'+5 "'+* ,#!"+$-)' ,*#'/ > 00 7" *o+,, +$, +$ +'+5 )"/ "'+*,#!"+$- > 30 7". T " u!" + + "o"+* o7 60 ,*#'#!)' ou'. Lo+, +$, u$*o+, "#! +' +- 0. #$ +$, " !),o7 " #-*! > 300 7"%#$. T "'+K- 7+-"o' 7o' " !/!" >

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    0.?. A+#*+#*#"/ > 0.: +$, &o'' K-#$-/ > 0.D"'#$ 8+9 #,+* -/-* "# )' ,*#'/: 89 " '!u*"#$5+'+5 $u' o7 ,*#'#! )' ou' "+" + 7o'*#7" "'u- -+$+: +$, 8-9 o& +$/ "'u-! +' 'u#', "o +--o)*#! "60 ,*#'#! )' ou'.

    7a8 Tc> #9 @ 93 @ #9 @ 393 > 3#?3 'inde(ivery

    7)8 Idea((y* Rdv>60

    383.> 19#:: de(iveries%r !er tr&c-

    Acco&ntin+ for trac factor* avai(a)i(ity* and or-er eciency*

    Rdv> 19#::7#?987#987#8 > 11#3 de(iveries%r !er tr&c-

    7c8 nc> :11#3 > 9#.= : for-(ift tr&c-s

    . T 7'o"o C+'" #$ " "+* *o& #$,#-+"! " $u' o7*o+,! o, )' ?ou' ,+/ 8+o " !*+!9 +$, " ,#!"+$-!#$ 7" 8*o& " !*+!9 "&$ ,)+'"$"! #$ + )+'"#-u*+'7+-"o'/. Fo' *#7" "'u-! +' u!, "o "'+$!)o'" +"'#+*! "&$,)+'"$"!. T/ o +" +$ +'+5 !), > 2 7"%#$8*o+,,9 +$, 30 7"%#$ 8)"/9. Lo+, +$,*#$5 "# )',*#'/ #! 1. #$: +$, +$"#-#)+", "'+K- 7+-"o' > 0.. A!!u'*#+#*#"/ > 1.0 +$, &o'' K-#$-/ > 110. U! +$++#*+#*#"/ 7+-"o' > +$, &o'' K-#$-/ > 110.D"'#$ " $u' o7 "'u-! 'u#', u$,' +- o7 "

    7o**o$5 +!!u)"#o$!= 8+9 " "'u-! $' "'+* )"/ +$,89 " "'u-! "'+* )"/ + ,#!"+$- u+* "o "#' *o+,,,#!"+$-.

    To D)". A B C D EF'o D)"A





    B 0 0 22%400


    C 0 0 0 6%200

    D 0 0 0 6%1

    0E 0 0 0 0

    7a8 Ld>62 500 51 450 45 350 22 400 76 200 65 150

    62 51 45 22 76 65

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+ + + + ++ + + + +

    > 3..#.= ft

    Usin+ Le> * Tc> 1#9 @322 27




    .+ > .#:= 'inde(ivery cyc(e

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    Rdv>60 0 9 5 0 9 0 1 10

    2 672

    ( . )( . )( . )

    .> .1#1. de(iveries%r !er ve%ic(e

    Rf> 3.1? > 6#1.9 de(iveries%r

    nc> 6#1.9.1#1. > 1# Use nc> . ve%ic(es#

    7)8 Ld> 3..#.= ft* sa'e as )efore#

    Usin+ Le> Ld> 3..#.: ft* Tc> 1#9 @322 27


    322 27


    . .+ > 3#9

    'inde(ivery cyc(e

    Rdv>60 0 9 5 0 9 0 1 10

    3 59

    ( . )( . )( . )

    .> 19#=1 de(iveries%r !er ve%ic(e

    nc> 6#1.919#=1 > .#99 Use nc> 3 ve%ic(es#

    .1 A 'o**' -o$/o' o! "o" )+$! #$ o$ ,#'-"#o$ +" 10 7"%#$"&$ + *o+, !"+"#o$ +$, +$ u$*o+, !"+"#o$: + ,#!"+$- o7 2007". #" o$ &o'': " "# "o *o+, )+'"! #$"o + "o" )+$ +" "*o+, !"+"#o$ #! 3 !- )' )+'". E+- "o" )+$ o*,! ? )+'"!. I$+,,#"#o$: #" "+! !- "o *o+, + "o" )+$ o$"o " -o$/o'.D"'#$ 8+9 !)+-#$5 "&$ "o" )+$ -$"'! o$5 #$ "-o$/o' !/!" +$, 89 o& '+" o7 )+'"! o$ " -o$/o'!/!". 8-9 Co$!#,' " ;-" o7 " u$#" *o+, )'#$-#)*.

    Su))o! " "o" )+$! &' !+**' +$, -ou*, o*, o$*/ o$)+'" '+"' "+$ ?. D"'#$ " o& '+" #$ "#! -+! #7 #""+! !- "o *o+, + "o" )+$ o$"o " -o$/o' 8#$!"+, o7 !- 7o' " *+'5' "o" )+$9: +$, #" "+! " !+ 3 !- "o *o+," )+'" #$"o " "o" )+$.

    7a8 TL> @ 37?8 > 33 sec > #99 'intote !an

    sp> 719 ft'in87#99 'intote !an8 > ?.#9 fttote !an

    7)8 Rf>p c


    n v


    >( / )( / min.)

    . /

    8 150

    82 5

    pc totepan ft

    ft totepan

    > 16#99 !c'in > ?=.#= !c%r#

    7c8 TL> = @ 3718 > 1 sec > #1:= 'intote !an

    sp> 719 ft'in87#1:= 'intote !an8 > .9 fttote !an

    Rf>( / )( / min.)


    1 150


    pc totepan ft

    ft totepan> :# !c'in > 3: !c%r#

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On



    A '-#'-u*+"#$5 -o$/o' +! + "o"+* *$5" o7 200 +$, + !),o7 0 %#$. S)+-#$5 o7 )+'" -+''#'! > . E+- -+''#' o*,!"&o )+'"!. T# $,, "o *o+, + )+'" -+''#' > 0.1 #$.U$*o+,#$5 "# #! " !+. T 'u#', *o+,#$5 +$, u$*o+,#$5'+"! +' 6 )+'"! )' #$. E+*u+" " -o$/o' !/!" ,!#5$" '!)-" "o " "' &o )'#$-#)*!.

    S!eed r&(e" Loer (i'it"p c


    n v

    sMa0RL* RuP

    ( / )( / min.)


    2 50


    parts carrier m

    m carrier> . !arts'in Ma0:* :P 7O8

    U!!er (i'it"c




    1 1,

    L uT T





    m carrier

    / min.

    /> 1 carrier'in Min


    0 15


    0 15.,

    .P > Min:#:=* :#:=P 7not


    .3 N+ +$, '#/ ,!-'# 7ou' o7 " !#( +!u'! u!, "o+!!!! " )'7o'+$- o7 + !"o'+5 !/!"

    T%e fo&r of t%e si0 !erfor'ance 'eas&res &sed to assess t%e!erfor'ance of a stora+e syste' are "

    i# Stora+e ca!acity* %ic% is de,ned and 'eas&red eit%er as t%etota( vo(&'etric s!ace avai(a)(e or as t%e tota( n&')er of stora+eco'!art'ents in t%e syste' avai(a)(e for ite's or (oads#

    ii# Stora+e density* de,ned as t%e vo(&'etric s!ace avai(a)(e foract&a( stora+e re(ative to t%e tota( vo(&'etric s!ace in t%estora+e faci(ity#

    iii# Accessi)i(ity* %ic% refers to t%e ca!a)i(ity to access any desiredite' or (oad stored in t%e syste'#

    iv# Syste' t%ro&+%!&t* de,ned as t%e %o&r(y rate at %ic% t%estora+e syste' receives and !&ts (oads into stora+e andorretrieves and de(ivers (oads to t%e o&t!&t station#

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    .6 A u$#" *o+, AS%RS #! #$5 ,!#5$, "o !"o' 1000 )+**" *o+,! #$+ ,#!"'#u"#o$ -$"' *o-+", $(" "o " 7+-"o'/. +**",#$!#o$! +'= x> 1000 : y> 1200 +$, " +(#u#5" o7 + u$#" *o+, > 1300 . T 7o**o$5 #! !)-#,= 819" AS%RS ** -o$!#!" o7 "&o +#!*! " o$ S%R +-#$ )'+#!*: 829 *$5" o7 " !"'u-"u' !ou*, +))'o(#+"*/ "#! #"! #5": +$, 839 " '+- !"'u-"u' ** u#*" 00

    +o oo' **. U!#$5 " +**o&+$-! a> 10 : b> 200: +$, c> 20 : ,"'#$ " ,": *$5": +$, #5"o7 " AS%RS '+- !"'u-"u'.

    Ass&'!tion" t%e LHratio does not inc(&de t%e 9 ''fo&ndation#

    1 !a((ets . ais(es > 9 !a((etsais(e# 9 !a((etsais(e .9!a((ets !er ais(e side#

    T%&s nynz> .9 E/# 718

    L> ny7y@ b8 > ny71. @ .8 > 16 ny7nyin ''8 > 1#6 ny7nyin '8

    H> nz7z@ c8 > nz713 @ .98 > 199 nz7nzin ''8 > 1#99 nz7nzin '8

    iven t%e s!eci,cation LH> 9






    n > #3.ny nz > 9 #3. ny> 9# nz ny> 9#93:nz E/# 7.8

    Co')inin+ E/s# 718 and 7.8" nynz> 79#93: nz8 nz> .9

    nz.> .99#93: > 69#1:1 nz> :#=. &se nz> =

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    ny> .9nz> .9= > 39#=1 &se nz> 3:

    W> 371 @ 198 > 369 '' > 3#69 'ais(e#

    5it% . ais(es* W> .73#698 > :# '

    L> 1#6 ny> 1#673:8 > 9#6 ' H> 1#99 nz> 1#997=8 >1#?9 '

    iven t%at t%e rac- str&ct&re is )&i(t 9 '' a)ove oor (eve(*H> 1#?9 @ #9 > 11#39 '

    C%ec- on s!eci,cations" Ca!acity > . 0 . 0 3: 0 = > 1? !a((ets#

    LH> 9#61#?9 > 6#:69


    A$ +u"o+", !"o'+5%'"'#+* !/!" #$!"+**, #$ + &+'ou!+! +#!*!. T !"o'+5 '+-! #$ +- +#!* +' 30 7" #5 +$,10 7" *o$5. T S%R +-#$ 7o' +- +#!* "'+*! +" +o'#o$"+* !), o7 30 7"%#$ +$, + '"#-+* !), o7 60 7"%#$.T )#- +$, ,)o!#" "# > 0.2 #$. A!!u "+" " $u'o7 !#$5* -o+$, -/-*! )' ou' #! u+* "o " $u' o7,u+* -o+$, -/-*! )' ou' +$, "+" " !/!" o)'+"! +" u"#*#+"#o$. D"'#$ " "'ou5)u" '+" 8*o+,!o,%ou'9 o7 " AS%RS.

    Tcs> . Ma0 05 150


    05 30


    . ( ),

    . ( )

    @ .7#.98 > 1# 'incyc(e

    Tcd> . Ma0 0 75 150


    0 75 30


    . ( ),

    . ( )

    @ 67#98 > 1#=9 'incyc(e

    1# Rcs@ 1#=9 Rcd> :7#=98 > 69 'in

    iven Rcs> Rcd* 1# Rcd@ 1#=9 Rcd> .#=9 Rcd> 69#

    Rcd> 1:#3: cyc(es%r

    Rcs> Rcd> 1:#3: cyc(es%r#

    Rt> Rcs@ .Rcd> 1:#3: @ .71:#3:8 > 6#1 transactions%r#

    5it% 9 ais(es* Rt> 976#18 > .69#9 transactions%r

    .: You' -o)+$/ #! !#$5 )'o)o!+*! 7o' +$ +u"o+",!"o'+5%'"'#+* !/!" "+" ** + + "'ou5)u" '+" o7 300!"o'+5%'"'#+* "'+$!+-"#o$!%ou' ,u'#$5 " o$ ?ou' !#7"

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    )' ,+/. T 'u!" 7o' )'o)o!+* #$,#-+"! "+" " $u' o7!#$5* -o+$, -/-*! #! ()-", "o 7ou' "#! " $u'o7 ,u+* -o+$, -/-*!. T '!" )'o)o!+* '-#, #! 7'o +$,o' &o !)-#! " 7o**o$5= "$ +#!*!: +- +#!* 10 7"*o$5 +$, 0 7" #5 o'#o$"+* +$, '"#-+* !),! o7 " S%R

    +-#$ > 200 7"%#$ +$, 66.6 7"%#$: '!)-"#*/ +$, )#-+$, ,)o!#" "# > 0.3 #$. A! " '!)o$!#* $5#$' 7o' ")'o

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On



    5it% 1 ais(es* Rt> 176:#:8 > 6:: transactions%r

    iven t%e s!eci,cation Rt> 3 transactions%r* U> 36:: >

    #:66 > :6#6

    T%is &ti(i 1 L1H1> 17198798 > =9*

    To 'aintain s/&are$in$ti'e !ro!ortions for t%e :$ais(e syste'*

    L.H.> L1H1> 199 > 3#

    T%&s* L.> 3 H.# T%&s* :73 H.8H.> 1?7H.8.> =9*


    .> =9*1? > 61::#:=

    H.> :6#99 ft and L.> 3 H.> 37:6#998 > 13#:9 ft#

    7c8 Tcs> . 0 5 193 65300

    . ( . )

    @ .7#38 > 1#.6: 'incyc(e

    Tcd> . 0 75 193 65


    . ( . )

    @ 67#38 > .#1:? 'incyc(e

    1#.6: Rcs@ .#1:? Rcd> :

    iven Rcs> 6 Rcd* 1#.6:76 Rcd8 @ .#1:? Rcd> =#19. Rcd> :

    Rcd> ?#3? cyc(es%r#

    Rcs> 67?#3?8 > 33#99: cyc(es%r#

    Rt> Rcs@ . Rcd> 33#99: @ .7?#3?8 > 9#336 transactions%r!er ais(e#

    5it% : ais(es* Rt> :79#3368 > 3.# transactions%r#

    iven t%e s!eci,cation of 3 transactions%r for t%e ASRS*

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    U> 33. > #3 > #3

    T%is &ti(i 1007"%#$. A'+5 )#- +$, ,)o!#" "# 7o' + '"'#+* > 20 !-.D"'#$ 8+9 o*u"'#- -+)+-#"/ o7 " !"o'+5 !/!" +$, 89ou'*/ '"'#+* '+" o7 " !"o'+5 !/!".

    7a8 Tota( n&')er of )ins > ncnb> :798 > 3 )ins

    Tota( vo(&'e ca!acity > 37#=98 > ..9 ft3

    7)8 C> .7L$ W8 @ W> .73 $ 38 @ 3> :3#6. ft




    v@ Tpd>


    4 100


    ( )@ .: > #61: 'in

    Rt> :#61: > 1..#1 transaction%r

    .? +" +' " "' )'#$-#)+* -o)o$$"! #$ +u"o+"#-#,$"#-+"#o$ "-$o*o5#!

    T%e t%ree !rinci!a( co'!onents in a&to'atic identi,cation tec%no(o+iesare "

    i# Data encoder#T%e data are trans(ated into a 'ac%ine$reada)(e code# A (a)e(

    or ta+ containin+ t%e encoded data is attac%ed to t%e ite' t%at isto )e (ater identi,ed#

    ii# Mac%ine reader or scanner#

  • 8/11/2019 Assignment o Tom at i On


    T%is device reads t%e encoded data* convertin+ t%e' toa(ternative for'* &s&a((y an e(ectrica( ana(o+ si+na(#

    iii# Data decoder#T%is co'!onent transfor's t%e e(ectrica( si+na( into di+ita( dataand ,na((y )ac- into t%e ori+ina( a(!%an&'eric c%aracters#


    +" +' " '*+"# +,+$"+5! o7 RFID o' +' -o,!

    T%e re(ative advanta+es of RFID over )ar codes are "i# Read$rite ca!a)i(ity#ii# Lar+e stora+e ca!acity#iii# Line$of si+%t readin+ is not re/&ired#iv# Not s&sce!ti)(e to dirt or scratc%in+ t%at o&(d destroy t%e (a)e(#v# T%e ta+s can )e re&sed#
