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at Marble Granite Works. erAMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND-CALV-IN 1IEILIG. Jlgr. Two more performances....

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AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND-CALV- IN 1IEILIG. Jlgr. Two more performances. Matinee today, last tide tonight. PACKED TO THE DOORS. WEST'S BIO MINSTREL JUBILEE ALL, NEW FEATURES TODAY. THE LATEST EASTERN' SENSATION", "THE ALTAR BOY'S DREAM." Positively the best minstrel performance ever seen In Portland. PRICES Lower noor, except last 3 rows. $1; last 3 rows, 75c: bajconjr. first 6 rows. "5e: balcony, last 0 rows. 50c; gallery. 25c. Mati- nee Prices Adults, 23c and 60c; children to all liarta ot the bouse. 23c Scats now on sale. CORDRAY'S THEATER Oso week, commen-ln- g Sunday ere. April 22, Matlnea Saturday, the Great BARLOW MINSTRELS, BARLOW MINSTRELS, BARLOW MINSTRELS. Management Harry Ward. ARTISTS 10 BANDS 2 See the street parade. Regular prices. Best orchestra seats, Snc. loge seats, 50c and 75c: box seats, $1. Matters Sic, any part of the house xcept loses. CORDRAY'S THEATER Week beginnlns Sunday, April 23. Slatinee Saturday. Chas. H. Haystesd presenU MR. RODERT GERMAIN'S and a strong "company In "THE KNOBS O' TENNESSEE." THE KNOBS O TENNESSEE." THE KNOBS O" TENNESSEE." By Hi! Reld. AN EMPHATIC SUCCESS. The strongest melodrama before the American pub- lic. Elegantly staged, magnificently acted. Regular prices. .NEW TODAY. CROCKERY BARGAIN To dose out a. pattern of which we have not complete sets we will sell today at half price gold-line- d blue English semliarcelaln dinner-war- It is a beautiful design, and the biggest bargain of the season. We will sellvtbe slock in separate pieces, giving a rare chance to select special pieces wanted. Plates at 79c to DGc dozen; creamers. 13c each; vegetable dishes, 15c. 15c and Sue each- - sugar bow is. JOc each; covered dishes, fix each. Come and treat joureelf today. OLDS & KING. EVERYONE CAN AFFORD CHICKEN To- day, as we have received unusually heavy consignments from Southern Oregon, and must sell today: Turkeys, corn-fe- lb. lfec Hens, large, fat, lb H.iC .Prys. each 25c to c Eggs, fresh Oregon 14- - Butter, dairy, per roll. .... ......5c Butter, creamery ............. Cheee, full cream .................lOc, 15c Hams, best Eastern ..........-- . Strawberries, strawberries, 15c box. Remember, we are the only commission house that sells direct to the consumer at wholesale price. PACIFIC MARKET & GROCERY CO.. Phone Grant 761. 149 First. WINCE'S MARKET Heavy arrivals of chickens enable us to reduce prices today to the e stand- ard. 'We have plenty at 25c each, and from this up to 50c We have received 75 dozen during tho last few days, which must be sold regardless of price. VINCxTS Fourth and Alder, corner. PANTS SALE THE FARNSWORTH-HER-al- d Tailoring Co.. 250 Washington St.. nave placed on sale a large lot of uncalled-fo- r trousers, worth from $5 to $10. at $J to J100. Come early If you want a chance at these goods. A few good tailor-mad- e suits left yet at J9.05. mostly small sixes. HEWITT EARLY ROSE POTATOES, ALL selected stock, only 55c per sack: sugar, dry granulated, SO pounds for $1, with all gen- eral orders of groceries: 111 pounds regular: codfish, genuine, with skin on. In half-fis- h size, only 8c per pound. 185 Third St., near Yamhill. P. 8. Butter is away down. VINCE-- MARKET Owing to enormous receipts, we will sell our best grades of butter today at from 25c to 40c a roll. Intending purchasers should call and sample, as at 'east 5c Is raved on each roll. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION SO ACRES OF land In Washington County. Sale to take place at the Courthouse at 10 o'clock on Sat- urday. April 28. S. L. N. Oilman. Auc- tioneer. LEA & FERRETS SAUCE. PER BOTTLE. 25c: summer sausage, per lb., 2oc; best East- ern hams. 12c per lb.: bottles catsup, 25c McKinnon Grocery Co., 173 Third st. MANHATTAN. MONARCH AND STANDARD shirts Famous Clothing Houe. ROR SALE nCAL ESTATE. TWO GOOD INVESTMENTS Select building lots. 100x100, cor. 25th and Overton. A bargain. Must be sold quick. De- sirable terms. Strictly modern dwelling. 7 rooms, 100x100, cor. E. 10th and Tillamook. Price very low. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. CAPITALISTS AND Bargain is now offered in West Side city property, on car line, and close in; lot 50x100. with four small cottages, all rented, and will pay 10 per cent on investment. Call and get particulars. W. Q. Beck, 321 Mor- rison. BIG SNAP $1050 HOUSE AND LOT, 6C5 Front St., near Grant: il rooms, bath, cellsr and shed: rents for $12.50 per month; must be sold at once, and have therefore reduced price 35 per cent this week. Cheapest buy wlthln walking distance. W. G. Beck, 321 Morrison St. $2230 FOR 3 ACRES ON MOUNT TABOR: sightly, near cars, beautiful situation for a fine home: will sell pan. $3000 for 75x100 feet on Ollwn at., choice property. Hart Land Co.. rcK.m 7 Sherlock Udg. CAPITALISTS. ATTENTION! HOWE'S n. 73 lots, 5 acres, with house and barns, etc for sale cheap. Owner. 271 Fifth St., opposite City Hall. Oregon Tel. Brown 090. 17TH AND FLANDERS: BEAUTIFUL COR-n- er lot, 100 feet, facing cast. 23d and Petty-grov- e; quarter block. Very cheap: any terms of payment. R. M. Wilbur. 233 Stark st. IG50 WILL BUY GOOD COTTAGE, BATII-roo- pantry, chicken-hous- cellar, all kinds bearing fruit and shrubbery; 100 feet from car line. Room 319 Commercial block. SNAP IN MODERN. NEW COT-ta- at Woodlawn. East Eighth St.. cor. JUg-ge- n. and 10 lots 50x100: price 0. halt cash. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison. $1000- -3 ACRES. IN CULTIVATION: NEW d liouSr. fine'bre'nird. etc.: near Shattucks Station. Rlggen Real Estate Co.. 30-3- 1 McKay building. $2000 EXCELLENT HOUSE. FIVE lots. barn, orchard, etc: beautiful situation, near Kcnllworth. Rlggen Real Estate Co., 30-3- 1 McKay building. TIMBER LANDS And FOREST RESERVE LANDS for sale Government and state lands located. J. D. WILCOX ft CO.. 202'J Stark st. HOME SITE. 100x250, THIS side of Mount Tabor; easy terms. Rlggen Real Estate Co.. 30-3- 1 McKay building. IMPROVED ACREAGE. ON CAR LINE: must sell to pay mortgage; good Investment. 223 Abington building. FOR SALE OR RENT TANNERT: CAN BE used lor other manufacturing purposes. In- quire 210 Third st. $350 BUYS 20 ACRES: 8 CLEARED: SMALL house: near Vancouver, on railroad. C 17, care Oregonlan. corner lot. store building, warehouse an 1 liull. cheap. Owner. D. Dahm. 27 N. 1st. CLACKAMAS COUNTY TAX ROLL AT OF-fi- ce of E. F. Riley, 60S Chamber ot Com. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE FLOOR OR ground space, about 50x100, for manufactur- ing purpose; Inside property; state pride Ad- dress S 1. care Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE-BEVEL-GE- AR CHAINLESb Columbia, new and lu perfect order, for pon -- built riding horse; must be young, sound and well broken. Address or inquire between 5 and 6 P. M., 2U9 ICth St.. near aay.or. $3000-LOV- HOME IN SILVERTON, OR.: modern house and barn on highly Im- proved lot; all kinds fruit; trade for city or suburban property. Box STB Sllverton, Or. 40 ACRES OF LAND. LANE COUNTY. or will trade for lots or small business. Address A 10. Oregonlan. MARE. GENTLE. FOR LADY'S bicycle or refrigerator; or sell cheap. 232 Russell st. To Exchange Good real estate and cash for furniture or carpets. MeFherseitt Oilman HU. FOR SALS-FAR- MS. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALR DC ALL parts' of Oregon and Washington; payment made to suit purchasers. For foil particulars as to various properties, apply to Macmasur BirrtU. 311 Worcester block, FOR SALE-FAR-MS. STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH OF 879 ACRES for sale; well watered, good soil: 30 at bearing orchard; only two mile from Oak- land. Douglas County. Or.: low price and er terms. Apply directly to the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. San Francisco. CaL SS ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVATION. 8 MILES east. 10 acres In fruit: good improvements! bargain. Manager Pacific Pottery Works. RARE BAROAIN THE BEST STOCK OR dairy tancb in Linn County: 700 acres, very cheap. R. Sbellon. Sclo. Or. BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE. CHAMPION BELGIAN HARE CO.. OF L03 Angeles Importers and breeders ot highly pedigreed : the choicest get ot such famous sires as Champion Fashods. Sir Styles, Yukon. Lord Britain, and Trinidad, the reddest buck in America; such dams as Red Riding Hood. Palace Queen and Lady Allien. It you wish to engage in this profit- able industry or Improve your stock, deal with a reliable firm. like curs. Young stick and does ready bred a specialty. Ship- ments made promptly. Correspondence Bank references. City ofSce. 1334 E. Spring street. Los Angeles. Cat. Are you Interested? If not. why not? We bare established a branch of our Los Angeles Rab-bltr- y In Seattle, where you can procure stock that la acclimated, and save exprsstage. Nothing but pedigreed and fancy stock han- dled. Correspondence solicited. Ralph M. Watson & Co.. 2200 Sixth are., Seattle. PEDIGREED BELGIAN HARES. FINEST strains: Fashods, Sir Styles, Nonpareil. Yu- kon and others, from $10 us. Largest rab-blt- ry on the Northwest Coast. Rabbltry at Midway, on Oregon City line. Portland Bel- gian Hare Co. IMPORTED BELGIAN ILVRES. BREEDING does bred to Imported bucks. Our prices will astonish you. Write us. Sunset Belgium Hare Co.. Frulldale. Cat. Belgian hares: Willamette Rabbltry, 261 E. ll st. N Portland. Or. Phone White 829. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOrS. ON ACCOUNT OF THE PROSPECT THAI-w- e will ship ore from the Stella claim In a short time. I have, the Instruction to close 10.O0 shares of the Alice Gold Mining Co. stock at lie per share. Come now; do not wait, for It will surely make a shipper in short time. Further particulars see J. F. Nylander, Grand Central Station. THE TWIN-SCRE- STEAMER CITY OF Grand Rapids; net tonnage, 109 tons; 112 feet long: fine cabin accommodations; very strong, well built, economical boat to han- dle: has just been refitted. McGraw & Kit-tlnc- room B Bailey, Seattle. Wash. Tele- phone Mala C35- - TWO CARLOADS NEW RIGS. PART RUB-b- er tire: old ones taken In trade; 500 sets harness. !0u saddles. 75 second-han- d rigs. 8. Tomllnson. 211 Washington st. STEEL RAILS FOR SALE FOUR MILES ot T railroad track for sale. In- quire room 10 Odd Fellows building, Port- land. Or. Typewriters, all makes, rented and sold; expert repairing; on-- e 'supplies and desks. Coast Agency Co.. 28CV4 Stark st: Both phones. FOR SALE OR TRADD VERY FINE TROT-tln- g bred stallion: a bargain. Call or ad- dress W., 1041 Belmont st.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE COLUMBIA WOOD and Coal Yard, foot ot East Stark; horses, wagons, racks, trucks, lumber, etc FIVE BROOD MARES. HEAVY IN FOAL: will trade for geldings. Oregon' 'Livestock. Exchange. 38s Bumslde. SHEEP FOR SAED-2-40 EWES. 160 EARLY lambs. For particulars address Tbomaa Schoolcraft. Dllley, Or. SEVERAL SECOND-HAN- BICYCLES FOR sale, cheap; different makes. Sealy, Mason & Co.. 275 Morrison. BUTCHER BUSINESS IN EXCELLENT Lo- cation for sale. Inquire 415 Everett st. Tele- phone Clay 742. FURNITURE AND LEASE OF HOTEL IN best Eastern Oregon mining town. D 17, care Orrgontan. $10 FOR A NEW GAS COOKER: $3 CASH. balance $3 per month. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth t- - Maglc lanterns, ten. iieoosd-ban- moving pic- tures. Dullard & Breck. 131 Post. San Fran. BOX COUCHES r ONLY A IT" LEFT. AT half price 249 Fifth st. Phone Clay SSI. This week only Pianos $35 to $125' organs $23 to $45. Mrs. Martin. 1044 1st. upstairs. Mrs. McKenzle; staple groceries; delivered: jSbpujar prictar.. TeL S. 3UL 515 Gllsan. ALL KINDS NICKEL-INVSLO- T MACHINES, new and" second-han- 310 Oak at. rOR SALE-DRA- FT HORSES. ANDERSON Bros.. 251 Third St. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 10 AND IT Russet building, cor. Fourth and Morrison. Steinway A Sons. A. B. Chaw and Emersoa pianos. A. B. Chase and W. W. Putnam or- gans. Cseh or installments. Oramop&dnta and Keglna music boxes. YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND SOME TEMPT-ln- g bargains In slightly used and second- hand pianos and organs at EUers Piano House. 107 rirst St.. the N". W. General . Agency of Chlckcring. Kimball and Weber pianos. NEW PIANO FOR RENT VERY CHEAP. Graves & Co.. 2S5 Alder, will remove to 124 Sixth street, about May 15. EOULE BROS.. EXPERT TUNERS. 107 FIRST st. Phones. Eliers Piano House. HELP WANTED MALE. FOUR MEN WITH TEAMS, $4.50 TO $0; saw mill: gang edgerman. $3 to $3.50. city: R. R. teamsters. $1.75. pass: 10 at $26 and found: 100 laborers. R. R. work: sawmills, lagging and bolt camps. $1.75 to $2.25: mill-me- $1.72: loggers. $2 up: s, toe and S0c: S cook. $30 to $50; 2 Jap cooks. J"." and $30; 0 farmhands and milkers. $21 to $23: 10 deep-se- a nshermen: plenty cf other work; see our blackboard. Canadian Agency, 226H Morrison. 1VANTED-- A FEW ENERGETIC MEN OF good address and experience to work tar aa fraternal order; the easiest propo- sition on earth to work for: first-cla- con- tract tn those Interested, in the fraternal line, or salary If desired. W 18. care Oregonlan. SALESMAN WANTED TO CARRY AS A side line dry goods specialties, direct from the looms. To sell the country and cross- road trade. Address Ennalal ,t Co.. Manu- facturers, 213 Ionic St.. Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED TWO OR THREE GOOD"CABI-nct-worke- ra can find permanent employment at piece work. Oregon Furniture Mnfg. Co., 20S-21- 0 First St. 5 BOLT SPLITTER!!, $1.15; LUNCH WAIT-er- s. 25c etc; first and second cook. E. Ore. (fare here), $50. $25; call by S A. M. R. G. Drake. 152 First. . WANTED-- A YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE TEAM for furniture store- - must be experienced In driving and handling furniture Address P 15. Oregonlan. COLUMBUS CALIFORNIA WINS DEPOT. P. LoratL 14S Fourth. Headquarters Ut cooks, waiters, bartenders. TeL Main 731. TWO MOULDERS WANTED: WAGES $3.50; only first-cla- men wanted. Wlro Dougias Bros., Aberdeen. Wash. IMMEDIATELY. SEVERAL COMPETENT advertisement solicitors; good pay. Postofilce box C27. Portland. YOUNG MAN BETWEEN IS AND SO YEARS for wholesale house; must write good hand. R 19, Oregonlan. WANTED TO BORROW $100. GILT-EDG- E security; easy work, and $10 week. U 2u, care Oregonlan. - TWO RIGGING RUSTLERS. ONE SAWYER. $45 and board. Canadian Agency. 22Ch Mcr- - Workingman's Barber Shop: 15c shave 10c: 0 chairs. Ed Dennlson. M5 Morrtscn '- - OUR SPECIALTY 10c DRINKS. SLITER'S Cafe 14S Sixth st. BARBER WANTED. 304 FIRST ST. II ELI WANTED-FEMA- LE. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS, in and out of city; laundry help: lioueework In and out oi city; plenty of work: fees os domestics In city, 23 cents cash for abort period. Canadian Parlors. 22$H Morrison. 1 CAMP. 1 HOTEL AND 1 REST. WAIT-res- cs ($5): Swede chambermaid, second girls, 25 domestics: L. G. come; have orders for strawberry-picker- s. R. G. Drake, 152 First. GIRL WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE-wor- k In small family; good home. Call, today after A. M.. 431 Alder St., between 11th and 12th. WANTED-WIDE-AWA- KE WOMAN OVER SO to learn good business and work tor ad ranccment. R 13. Oregonlan. WANTED LADY COMPOSITOR: STEADY Job inquire Potter's Rubber Stamp Co., Third and Washington. p- . - -- 37 ." -c t fy. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATJUTOAY, 'APRIL 28, 1900. v r -- w HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED-GI- RL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE-wor- k. Inquire after 1 P. M. at 1199 Mallory avc. Piedmont. GIRL FOR CHAMBER WORK. APPLY early at Washington Hole, corner Third and Flanders streets. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: plain cooking, baking, with or without wash- ing. 84J Front. WANTED-CI- RI. TO DO GENERAL HOUSE-wcrk- . Inquire after 1 P. JL at Xliw MiUury r.vtnue. GIRI-F- OR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOOD wages; references. Call Saturday, 541 East Sixth St. WANTED-COMPETE- NT GIRL FOR COOK and general housework. 341 11th, cor. Mar- ket. WANTED STYLISH DRESSMAKER TO ki by the day. Call 81 Seventh, cor. Oak. GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK AND TAKE care ot child. Apply mornings. 40 Ella st. GIRL-FO- R GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND to assist with children. Call 670 Lovejoy WANTED GERMAN GIRL TO DO LIOHI" housework. Call 13 East Sixth et. GIRL WANTED FOR OENERAL I10USE-wor- 374 Morrison st. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. G27 Marshall st. SITUATION WANTED VALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED A SET OF BOOKS TO KEEP afternoon or jevenlng; thorough, practical bookkeeper. Box 3(3. city. POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER OR SALES-ma- Address II 15. care Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION TO DO COOK-In- g or any work In family, city ur country. Tochlnoto, Japanese Mission, 30 Flanders. A SAWYER. FILER- - AND man wants work. Address T 16. care Orego- nlan. . SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG WOMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS wants pleasant borne In Washington or Ore- gon; wages second consideration for jight second work: would like to attend Congrega- tional. Presbyterian or Baptist Church; pleai-- give particulars. For next few weeks ad- dress, care of Portland Postofflce. M., box 527, or care of Seattle Postofllce, M., box 743. BY YOUNG LADY, AS ASSISTANT TO dentist: two years experience; references. A 17. care Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED A SUITE OF THREE FURNISI1-e- d housekeeping rooms, with sink: central location; or a Hat or cottage, in good loca- tion; unfurnished; no children. N 15, can Oregonlan. TWO FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms, with board: traveling man and wife; state price U 18, Oregonlan. THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED HOUSE-keepln- g rooms; stats price. N 2U, care Orego- nlan. FURNISHED HOUSE OR COTTAGE. CLOSE in. tor the summer. X 20, care Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED AN 8 OR MODERN house, with lot, west of ICth at. and between Washington and Marshall sts.; will pay cash. Address Cash, care Oregonlan. WANTED RIFLE AND SHOTGUN, COM-blne- d. shot. 38.53: rifle preferred. Address J. G. West. La Camas. Wash. WANTED-T- O BUI CAST-OF-F CLOTHING; price no object. Maine Loan Office, 70 North Third st. Oregon phone Clay C82. BEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF household goods. 249 Fifth. Phone Clay 1)81. Cast-o- ft second-ban- d clothing wanted at 87 N. 3d. Prices no object. Oregon phone Clay 513. WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAN- BUGGY and harness. Address O 20. care Oregonlan. COAL EXPERT TO BORE FOR COAL. AD-dre- R. L. Macleay, 1S! Lownsdale St. FOR RENT. Rooms. ' THE SPALDING, 8. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sta. under the management of the owner. Helen F. Spalding The most complete apartment-bous- e in the Xcrthwest; chctee rooms, cr gentleman and wife: furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE PLEASANTON. 2SSi THIRD ST. FINE furnished .rooms, en suite, single or house- keeping; sunlight In all rooms; bath Included; most reasonable terms: transient solicited. FURNISHED ROOMS; NEATLY FURNISH-e- d front room; good location; references ex- changed. Inquire 274 Crosby, cor. Clack- amas. THE NEWCASTLE. S.. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sta Rooms, furnished or unfur- nished; all modern conveniences; references. THE GILBERT-LARG- E. rooms: all modern convenKsees. Third and Taylor eta.; entrance, 267 Taylor. 413 TATLOR ST.. NEAR 10TH NICELI furnished front room, for gentleman; privati family: rent reasonable. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ItOOMS rOR rent, at 127 1 1th .St., near Washington: terms very reasonable. MAIN STREET, ROOM; central location; private family; rent reason- able. I22tj Fifth Jt. Completely refurnished: new owners; rooms by day, wk. or mo. Mrs. Keyes. OILMAN HOTELr-Bn- ck bldg., central: rooms, $1 week and up. 1st and Aider. 207 8IXTH STREET NICELY FURNISHED rooms, centrally located, near Postofilce. 30C FOURTH ST. LARGE FURNISHED fruat room, near City Hall. FURNISHED ROOMS; MODERN CONVEX-lence- s. G3 Everett st. FOR RENT-FURNIS- ROOM. 173 EAST Seventh street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT. 331 Seventh t. 1S3 NORTH FURNISH-c- d rooms. Rooms With noaril. PORTLAND WOMEN8 UNION: I2TH YEAR: rooms with board: enameled bath tubs; tut cf library: Wcman's Excange: Industrial school. Address Mrs. E. C George, superin- tendent. 610 Flanders street. THE VENDOME FAMILY HOTEL ELE-ga- rooms, with board, including heat, baths, at lowest rates In this city for first-cla- ss service: select patronage solicited. Cor. 13th and Alder sts. 1 FIRST CLASS. AT 129 14TH. BETWEEN Wahlngton and Alder; house modern, furni- ture new; lowest rates; furnace, gas, tele- phone; colored cook. ROOMS AND BOARD AT 129 14TH. Washington and Alder: modem nous- -; now furniture: colored cook: furnace heat; gas, telephone DESIRABLE ROOMS. MODERN. WITH Ex- cellent board; use of gas. bath, telephone, etc: also table board. 334 Alder street, cor- ner 10th. NICE SUITE" OF ROOMS. WITH BOARD and all modern conveniences; alio room for single gentleman. 211 12th U Call. THE ROSLAND. PT4 YAMHILL ENTIRELY ucw management throughout; first-cla- table board reasonable Call and see 324 SALMON. NEAR SIXTH-FRO- NT ROOM large, nicely fcrcl-hc- d. with board; tele- phone, gas: reasonable TWO LADIES CAN FIND PLEASANT. NEW-I- v furnished rooms, board, bath, parlor. 5SS Second, near Grant. ALCOVE ROOM AND BOARD. IN PRIVATE family, for two gentlemen. 449 Sixth. Phone West 763. N'EWLT FURNISHED ROOMS; BATH. rAV-lo- rr with or without board. 5S8 Second, near Great, DELIGHTFUL ROOM AND BOARD IN TRI-va- te family, very reasonable SOS Mill st. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. REA-sonab- le Hesperian. 17th and Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH board. Ill West Park. cor. Alder. HosBckecplsxs; Booms. S4T HALL TWO XR THREE NICELT FUR-nlsh- front rooms, for housekeeping; desira- ble location; reasonable rent. FOR RENT. IlonsekeeplBK Rooms. ..... ..... .... i rooms. for bouekeeplng: bath and phone lUce left bell. 247, FlfUi- - FURNISHED SUITE OF 5 ROOM8; PIANO; housekeeping. J. H. Hawley, offlce 8 Cham- ber of Commerce. 253 SIXTH ST,. COR. MADISON-FURNISH- -ed housekeeping rooms; all conveniences; best .location. 135 10TH. COR. ALDER PLEASANT. WELL-furnlthe- d Cat; gas range; all conven- iences. 413 MAIN. COR. 11TH-NICE- LY FURNISHED ' suite, with gaa range and telephone; no chil- dren. The Graham Clean housekeeping apartments; gas ranges, bath, phene. 534 Washington. NEWLY TURNISHED ROOMS. WITH PlOV liege of housekeeping. 42 Fifth st. north. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR I , ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEriU ' SU11LS. connected, furnished and unfurnished; other furnished rooms. 320's Front. HOUSE. 7 ROOMS. BATH. WASUSTAND; . nice yard. 52J Flanders st. Itn-aa- e. 511 MORRISON. NEXT BLOCK TO IflOH School; 11 rooms, full basement and attic; very desirable location: all modern and flist- - dass condition. Inquire at corner, oia. r MODERN HOUSE. 33S ROSS ST.. East Side Sbeehy Ilroe.. 103 Sixth, between Washington and Stark. HOUSE. WITH BATH. BASEMENT and attic. In good condition. $13. Montague i Jwrdtn. 22S start. 0-- HOUSE. 3C5 CABLE. $4; HOUSE. 601 Oregon, $9; few ethers. R. G. Drake 152 First. FOR RENT-8-RO- OM HOUSE; MODERN good condition. Apply 594 Sal- mon. COTTAGE OF 0 ROOMS AND BATH. 029 Taylor st. Inquire 231 Morrison st. FOR RENT-- A HOUSE: MODERN Improvements. 431 Seventh St. Fnrnlc.li-- d Houses. FURNISHED HOUSE; CHOICEST PART OF Nob Hill. Inquire of R. M. Wilbur. 233 Stark st. Halls. FOR RENT LODGE-ROO- FOR THURSDAY and Saturday evening. Inquire 210 Third st. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $25 TO $30U, on all dames cf security. It. I. Ecker-so- n & Co.. room 5 Washington building. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI- - ture. pianos, laUries. etc. Can be paid la Installments, reducing Interest. Rates lower than the, lowest. F. W. Graves. Mgr.. 2SS Alder, near 4th. ground Boor. Tel. Green 444. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se- curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallet. 213 Com- mercial block. TeL Grant 836. TO LOAN AT 5H. 6. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Agent for Westchester fit Insurance Co. Wm. a. Beck. SU Morrison st. ANY AMOUNT LOANED ON FURNITURE, pianos, real estate and all kinds of security. C IL Thompson. 128 $4 St. Pnens Main 62i. MONET TO LOAN, 6 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 814 Cr, of Commerce. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE IN OREGON or Washington. 6 to 8 per cent. 620 Mar-qua- m building. 6 PER CENT MONEY ON CLACKAMAS CO. land. E. F. Riley. 008 Chamber ot Com. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES, PIANOS, furniture and other securities, w. A. Hath-cva- y. room 10 Wash. bldg. Phone South 7&1. Mortgage money, any sum, low rates, easy terms. W. S. Ward. Att'y. 319 Allsky bldg. State funds loaned at C per cent. W. E. Thomas, dtate Agt. for Mult. Co., 400 Chamber ot Com. MONET TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF Wo. I loll, room 9. Washington bldg. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc: low rates; see us firsL Mann & Co.. Col Dekuin bldg. MONEY TO LOAN-o- n furniture or good securl-tie- s. S. W. King, room 44 Washington' bide. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, APRIL 23. 1D00. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re- ceived here, and at office of Quartermaster, until 11 o'clock A. M.. Monday, May 2S. 1900. for furnishing, during fiscal year com- mencing July 1, 1900. forage and straw for San Diego Barracks, CaL: also at same time, at this office only, for forage and straw for Alcatrnz Island. Angel Island, Kort Raker. Benlcia Hanackr, Fort Mason, Presidio of San Francisco, and San Francisco. CaL Go- vernment reserves right to reject or accept any and ell bids, or any part thereof, pref- erence given to articles ot American produc- tion, conditions ot price and quality (Includ- ing In the price of foreign, productions the duty thereon) being equal, and such prefer- ence given to articles of American production produced on the Pacific Coast to extent of consumption required by the public service there. All information furnished on applica- tion to Quartermaster at San Diego Bar- racks or to undersigned. Envelopes contain- ing bids to be indorsed "Proposals for forage and straw," and addressed to said Quarter- master, or to J M. MARSHALL. C Q. M: TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE SU-pe- islng Architect. Washington, D. C. April 21. 1900. Sealed proposals will be received at this oClce until 2 o'clock P. M., on the 2Sth day of May. 1VO. and then opened, for the wharf and disinfecting and bathhouses at the U. S. quarantine station. Astoria. 0, In accordance with drawings and specifica- tions, copies ot which may be had at this of- fice or the office ot the custodian ot the sta- tion. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR. Supervising Architect. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED at the office of the Lighthouse Board until 2 o'clock P. M.. May 18. lltoo. and then opened, for furnishing the materials and labor of all kinds necessary for the construction and de- livery of the steel steam lighthouse tender Heather, delivered at the Buoy Depot at As- toria, Or.. In accordance with specifications, copies ot which, with blank proposals and other Information, may be had upon applica- tion to this office, or at the office of the Lighthouse Inspector. Portland, Or. l J. H1GGINSON, U. S. N.. Chair- man. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE SUPPLIES Office of Purchasing Commissary. San Fran- cisco. CaL. April 23. 1900. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering of such quan- tities of subsistence supplies, delivered at such wharf or wharves or such warehouse In San Francisco, CaL. as per circular to be "seen at this office, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M.. Friday, May 18. 1900. and opened Immediately thereafter In presence of bidden. Specifications, general Instructions to bidders and blank form ot proposal will be furnished to estahllhed dealers on appli- cation to W.'H. BALDWIN. Major and C S., U. S. Army, Purchasing Commissary, WATER AND ELECTRIC - LIGHT PLANT construction, Lakevlew, Or. Specifications for the above may be seen at Tho Oregonlan of- fice. Miscellaneous. NORTHWEST COPPER COMPANY NOTICE to Creditors All pervons having claims against the Northwest Copper Company are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned, at his office, room 8 Chambers building. Third and Alder sts.. in the City of Portland. Or., on or before the 14th day of May. 1900. Any claim against the Northweit Copper Company hot so presented to the undersigned within the time aroresald will bo forever barred and not entitled to share In the distribution of the as- sets or property or proceeds of the sale there- of of the Northwest Copper Company. This notice is published pursuant to an order mado On April 13. ,900. by the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Ore- gon la the suit pending in said court, where- in Charles M. ltced Is complainant and said Northwest Copper Company Is defendant. Dated April 13. 1000. T. B. A. PRICE. As Receiver ot the Northwest Copper Co. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Dis trict ot Oregon Wherear. On the 27th day ot -- larch, luuo, t-- ixiu ana itenryj-us-e niea a libel In the District Court ot the United States for the District ot Oregon against the Copper Queen, her boats, tackle, apjrel and furniture and engines, boilers and ma- chinery. In a cause, of subtraction of wages, civil and maritime. And. whereas, by virtue of process In due form of law, to me di- rected, returnable on the 7th day ot May, 1900. I have seized and taken the said Cop- per Queers, and have ber tn my custody. No- tice la hereby given that a District Court will be held In tba United States Court room. In the City of Portland, on the 7th day of "May. 1900. for the trial of said premlsea. and the owner or owners, and all persons who may have or claim any Interest, are hereby cited to be and appear at the time and place aforesaid, to show cause. If "any they have why a Aral decree should not pass as prayed. ZOETH HOUSER. V. 8. Marshal. I BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Implemeats, Machinery' EDWARD HCGHES; WAGONS. CARRIAGES and farm machinery of all kinds. ISO Front. JOHN POOLE: Newton wagons, buggies, wind- mills, pumps, machinery. Foct Morrison st. W. C. HOLMAX. WAGON, CARRIAGE AND agricultural Implements. 210-21- 4 Front sU Art Goods and PIctare Frames. BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE. SOT WASHING-to- n St.; great clearance sale; special bargains. Assayers and Analysts. J. II. F13K. MINERAL ASSATER AND chemist; gold dust bought. 204 Washington. PAUL BATJMEL, ASSAYER AND ANALYIST gold dual bought. 22SU Stark U PORTLAND ASSAY OFFICE. 220 Stark st. As- saying and analytical work; gold dust bought. Attorneys. S. H. GRUBER. LAWYER: mining, admiralty and collections, specialties. Commercial blk. J. W. RANSOM. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- AJD counselor. Bates Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. E. W. BINGILM. ATTORNET-AT-LA- ed to 61 Union blk.. 22TH Stark Baths. DEKUM Bathrooms: popular baths, massage. electricity. Dekum. Phone Red 2S45. TURKISH BATHS; also massage; lady attend-an- t. 107 4th St.. bet. Washington and Stark. Billiards and Fool. PORTLAND BILLIARD PARLOR. 127 6TH. fii.est billiard and pool rooms tn Portland. Book Stores. J. K. GILL & CO., WHOLESALE AND RE-ta- ll booksellers and stationers. 133-3- 0 3d st. Cape Nome Ontflts. CAPE" NOME. KLONDIKE AN'D LOCAL camp end mining outfits; hardware, stoves, cooking utensils. Adolph Dekum. Ill First. Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON, carpener. builder: clSce and store, fixtures. Ore. teL 147. 2S6 Stark. Chiropodists. WM. DEVENY & MAUD DEVENT. THE only scientific chiropodists. Room 301 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Ore. phone Grant 16. Miss Dart, chiropody, manicuring. 50 Union bk. 9 A. M. to S P, M. TeL Frost 541. L. MITCHELL. EXPERT CHIROPODIST. OF-fi- 160 Mh St., opp. Postofflce. TeL Hood 014. Chinese Medicines. Dr. Blng-Cnon- 191 2d St.: Chinese root medi- cines cure all diseases; examination free. Cleaning- - and Dyelnrr. French Cleaning & Dyeing Works: J. Deleau, prop. Phcne Red 095. 445 Qllsan tU Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL COMPANY, WHOLESALE and retail dealers In beat "grades blacksmith, steam and house cos la. Oregon phone Red 1766. n. R. track. Front st- - near Ollsan. Contractors. A. E. ROPER. HOUSE BUILDING AND 3S0 E. 8th at. N. TeL Pink 816. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZOER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old jnetal, and general commission merchant. Front at., near Main. Portland. Or. Cash advances en consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKER3 and ccmmlsclon merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. W. N. Sayre tt Co.. commission and produce merchants; advances on consignments. 146 Front. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO-du- merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Or. EVERDING A FARRELL. commission, butter eggs, chickens and farm produce,- Portland. IL TUKE .CO.. 234 FRONT: FLOUR. HAY. produce, feed and groceries. Cnrled-Ha- lr Manafaetnrera. Portland Curled-Hai- r Factory. H. Hetzger. proprietor, manufacturer curled hair and genuine curled-ha- ir mattresses. 226-22- S Frcnt st. Both phones. Cornices METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C Bayer, 2C3 2d st. Dentists. DR. C. B. BROWN. TeL Ore. Red 2346; resi- dence. White B31. Dekum bldg. Dental Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. Cor. 4th and Washington ens. Dyelnir nnd Cleanlm. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 3ol 17th. TeL Red. 131. Educational. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. 5TH AND Yamhill; A. P. Armstrong, prin.: J. A. Wesco. sec. Open all the year; students ad- mitted at any time; catalogue free. Behnke's Perntn Shorthand School and Com- mercial College. 4 Commercial block. Electric Belts. DR. SCHRAMEK. MANUFACTURER OF electric belts, 270V4 Front. Fence and Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AN'D WIRE Works. A. Carlson. 260 E. Morrison st. Florists. GET TOUR PLANTS AT MRS. R. N. Schmltt's. 4D E. Oak. Gnns, Fishing: Tackle, Sport's; Goods. II. Beat, guns, fishing tackle, sporting goods and cutlery, 49H 3d St.. Portland. Or. Iron Founders, Mnch'sts, Ship B'ld'rs. Wolff & Zwlcker Iron Works: designers and mfrs. ot ships, steamboats, marine, mining and milling machinery: riveted steel pipe. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. HARNESS and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, findings and shoe-sto- re supplies. 73 Frcnt st. THE GEOROE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE-sal- e saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware 72 Front at. Hotels. TREMONT HOUSE: newly furnished rooms $1.50 a week up. J. E. Clark. 3434 Everett. Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith & Watson Iron Works; engines and boil- ers; logging engines a specialty; quarts and raw mills; mlsc machinery. Front and HalL CITY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS, J. Hnneyman Co.: engines, boilers, sawmills and mining machinery. 301 Front st. Willamette Iron & Steel Works: James Lotan. jngr.: Ironworkers, steamboat bldrs. Portland. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREME-N FIRE INS. CO.. 102 1st st. Boyd & Arnold, general agents. Japanese Goods. Bamboo furniture. Japanese palms. whaleValc, retalL K. U. Klriyama Co.. 311 Mcrriion. Ladder Works. PACIFIC LADDER WORKS. LADDERS OF all kinds. Cor. E. 6th and Oak. Leather Finding;. J. A. REID. mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers supplies. 207 Washington st. Llqnor and Tobacco Institutes. Keeley Institute. 314 6th. cures liquor, opium and tobacco addictions. No other In state. Manufacturing- - ot Ladles Goods. LADIES' SILK WAISTS AND WRAPPERS, fancy white goods, silk underwear made to order. Sing Chong Co.. 333 Morrison. Mas-netl- c Healers. MRS. C. J. MAPLE. MAGNETIC BEALElt (Weltmer method), personal and absent treat- ment. 303 Third st.. Portland. Or. Millinery. OUR PATTERN HAT PALK THIS WEEK. Mis A. S. Jorscnsco, 231 Morrison streeL BUSINESS. DIRECTORY. Marble oxtd Granite Works. PORTLAND HARBLB WORKS: marble gran Its and stone work. Schanen A Neu. 208 1st. MONL'MI-JSTS'A- T COST, to reduce stock be- fore moving down town. Weeks. 720 Front. Otto Schumann, mfg. marble and granite estimates' on bunding work. 204 3d. Massaste. LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS AND MAS-sa- at 313H Washington St.. room 38. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC; LAD Z from San Francisco. Parlor 26, 2USV State. Medical Scienoes. HUMAN AILMENTS TREATED, IMPROVED msthoda. advanced physiological medical sci- ences- M. H. White rooms 303-30- 4 Allsky "building. Third and Morrison. Merchant Tailors. THEO. 8CHULZE. MERCHANT TAILOR. 372 E. Bumslde. fine Spring and Summer goods to order. Mlnlngr. ALL MINERS ARE WARNED NOT TO BUY any coal-o- il burner. Only one for sale at IOC? First st. See one In operation, 1224 Fifth. Barton 'A Cuttle 229 Stark, mining engineers, stuck brokers; mines examined and reported upon;; machinery furnished: plants erected. MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS, test ore. all kinds; gold. $1.50; silver. $1.50. Send for full particulars. 92 First street. Mlnlnc Investments. SUMFTER GOLD FIELDS-$- 10 WILL BUY 500 shares In rich quartz mine that has ore waiting to or milled: rapid rise in values safely counted on: leading stocks In this rich field of operations have advanced SUI per cent in GO days. Also guaranteed Invest- ments paying 6 per cent semiannually. E. A. Clem & Co.. Financial Agents and Investment Brokers. 14d Third it. Phone Main 00. OREGON GOLD FIELDS; $73 WILL BUT lOuO shares In the Richardson Gold Mining Co.; has 22 feet of ore; a rapid advance in the stock sure: shares sold In blocks of 100 shares. For particulars call, write or wire W. II. Sherrod & Co.. room 2 Chamber of Commerce References, Merchants National Bank, Portland. We deal In Eastern Oregon. Bohemia and Southern Oregon mines and mining stocks. Davidson. Ward & Co., 403 Chamber of Com. 3f Inlagr Machinery. Wllfiey concentrator. Crake amaL. Ideal stamp mill, mining cars. Tatum & Bowen. 29-3-5 1st. Mrualcnl. LESSONS ON VIOLIN. VIOLA. CORNET: music furnished for all occasions: fiddle mart. Emll Thlclhorn. SU9 Jefferson. TeL West lovl. Ai.ton Zllm. teacher of violin, string quartets for entertainments. A. O. U. W., Temple RIdlnsr Academies. Portland Riding Club, fine livery, boarding. saddle horses specialty. Park and Jefferson. Oregon Vlavl Company. Lewis bldav. Park and Morrison. Free Health lectures to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Palmistry. Larseo, the Falmlstlt readings. 50c: beat book for students. "Practical ." il- lustrated, for tale by anther. 240H First st. Medical. Dr. Flora A. Brown: diseases of women and Children a specialty. Consultation and diag- nosis free MT-31- 8 The Dekum, Portland. Or. Osteopathy. DR. W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH. SUrTB 533 Marquam bldg.; acute and chronic dis- eases. Ladles wishing lady operator will be attended by Dr. Rhoda C Hicks, graduate under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of Osteopathy. Phone Main 2T. DRS. NORTHRUP AND .ALKIRE. OSTEO-pat- h, suite 410 The Dekum building. Third and Washington streets. Nervous and chronic diseases a specialty. Mrs. Dr. C- - I. Ramsey will attend those wishing lady operator. Ex-a- n (nation tree. Phme Main 349. DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OBTEOPATH. suite 409 Orego-ila- n building. Fhone Oak 421. Pasta ra are. LADD'S CANYON. FARM IS NOW OrEN for cattle and horses. Apply to F. Miller, on the premises. Ladd A Til ton. agents. Patents. T. J. GEISLER. 610-61- 1 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. 8. Patent Office. Photoo-raphl-o Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE ft CO.. WHOLESALE and retalL corner Fourth and Washington. Safes. SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEPT. opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis. Oft Id. RenI Estate Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD CO.: ESTAB-lUht- d 1S66. 227 SUrk streeL Stenotrraphers. Behnke's Pernln Shorthand School and Com- mercial College. 613-61- 4 Commercial block. Storaa-e- . OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davts. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low: storage lates reasonable. Careful attention given to country consign- ments. TeL Or. Main 777; Columbia. 070. SAFES. PIAN03. FURNITURE MOVED AN'D packed for shipping. C. M. Olien. 128 First. Tel. office Main 1037; Black SOL Saw Hill. Machinery. Chrtitenson-McMast- er Machinery Co.? new .and machinery. E. Water and E. Taylor. Showcases and Store Fixtures. DIXON. BOROESON ft CO.. FRONT AND Washington streete Stora-r- e and Transfer. STOPAOE AT LOW RATES CAN" BE HAU at Fred Bickers storehouse. 31 North Front. Wholesale Dru-rsjlst- s. WOODARD, CLARKE A CO.. WHOLESALE druggists, corner Fourth and Washington. Seed. Flower, Vegetable Plants. ALL KINDS OF SEEDS AN'D TLANTS AT Bowen's Seed Store. Front and Taylor. We sell only the best. Specialist. Bertha A. Trulllnger. complexion, scalp and manicuring. 20 Benson block. 201' i Morrison. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CI.AJRVOY-a-nt and psychic r; consult her on business affairs, love troubles, absent friend: good advice on mines: reading dallr. 50c and up. 167H First street, offices 7 and 8. MRS. STEVENS. SITTINGS DAILY: TITP-notls- magnetic healln; taught: consultation free. Phone Hood 734. 34Sl 1st. Dr. Collins, reliable spiritual, trance, clalrvoj-a- nt medium, magnetic healer. Circle tonljbt. 3309 Washington at. Syrup Reflnern. Westacott ft Knight, syrup refiners, mfgr. gro- cers: both phones. E. Alder and E. Morrison. Stoves, Ranges, Household Hard- ware. Hardware: sole agt. Universal stoves ft ranges; housefumlahlng goods. J. J. Kadderly. 141 1st. Tents and Awntn-rs- . TENTS. AWNINGS AND CAMP FURNITURE lor rent or sale. Pike's Factory. 107 N. 3d. Cape Nome tents, bags, oil clothing, camp fur- niture. Pacific Tent ft Awn. Co.. 27 N. 1st. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN ft LEWIS, WHOLESALE GROCER8. cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or LOST AND FOUND. LOST-CIO- AR CASE. WITH INITIALS "J. 11. R." band painted on Inside Return to Portland Livestock Exchange, Fourth and Ankeny. and receive reward. LOST AN OPEN-FAC- E SILVER WATCH r Initials "A., a." on beck- - Reward will be paid for return to 341 Seventh st. LOST HUSH BETTER; "WITH NAME AND address on collar. Return to R. Becker, 230 First. Reward. jJ TjAj A--, PERSONALS. INDIAN CLAIRVOYANT AND MEDIUM The wonderful, gifted Indian squaw, bora with two veils over face, tells, from cradle ts grave past, present, future, and secrets re- vealed: warns against mists-luc- e; sure guld to social and business success; heals all d!s eases by the use ot Indian herbs. Mrs. Proi Whcatly-How- e. Strictly confidentlaL 271 3U st. opposite City HalL No stairs to climb. .Letters answered for $L MICROBONE GUARANTEED TO GROW hair on bald heads; stops falling hair and removes dandruff, without fatL It kills the microbes that destroy the roots of the hair. ,and produces a strong and healthy growth on bald heads. Barbers wanted In every town In the United States to Introduce "Micro-bo- ne Treatment." All mall orders promptly filled by express. iMm $1 per bottle Micro-bo- ne Med. Co., 625 First ave, Seattle IT wemen wanted sufienns; from Irregular. painful periods; UucorThoea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertaining to changes ot life cured by old Dr. Keasler. cor. Second and Yamhill tts. 329 women called last month. Consultation tree, and private rooms fcr ladles. It can't call, write. Inclosing 10 2s sumps. Hundreds treated at home by bis new system. KLECTRICvPARLORS. 193H FIRST STREET. treats all scalp diseases, and guarantee to restore gray hair to natural color, without eye: removes wrlckles and all blemishes frora face: also removes superfluous hair from the face without pain; enlarging busts a spe-dsl- DRESS SUITS RENTED. ALL SIZES. WE call for. sponge, press and deliver one suit ex your clothing each week, sew on buttons, sew1 up rips, for $1 per month. Dyeing, suaaa cleaning and repairing. Unique Tallorirg Cx. 347 Washington, both 'pbonee WOULD LIKE TO FORM THE ACQUAEST-acc- e- of refined. Intelligent gentlemen who are Judges ot good whisky: D. Crown Cyrus Noble and IIII Monogram, specialties. Pert-la- nd Cafe. ISO Fifth, between Washington and Alder. F. J. Uellen. Manager. 1LLOND-- E CONES FOR prevention ot The beet antlseptlo. No failure. Sent to any address; per box. $1 60: samples, loc Blend Chem. Co.. P. O. Bex 974. Portland. MANLT VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB-er- ts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard ft Clarke. Portland. Or. Common Sene Beauty Parlors; wrinkles, su- perfluous hair, moles, etc. removed: scalp treatments a specialty; electricity used. 10 Lewis building, Morrison and Park. FOR MARRIED LADIES ONLY DR. MYERS home treatment prevents and cures all dis- eases of woman: price $1.50 per box. Box 2064. station A. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac- curately and reasonably filled -- at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison St.. bet. 1st and 2d. Common Sense Beauty Parlors; wrinkles, su- perfluous hair, moles, etc. removed: scalp treatments sieclalty; electricity. 70 Lewis big. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac- curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell'a Pharmacy. 227 Morrison st. bet. 1st and 2d. WE PRINT 30 FINE V1SITL-J- CARDS. 25c: 50. 35c: 230 business cards. $1; B00. $1.50. Brown & Schmale. 229 First ot.. Portland. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET CALLED dally: also palmistry, psychic readings. Par- lors 56 and 37. 16Gij Fourth st. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND gentlemen. Apply at room 43. Labba bldg. BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL, 105 4TH. Phone Clay 641. Wheels called tor. delivered. CUT RATES Oregon Dye Works; cleaning and dyelrg. Bumslde. near 8th. TeL Red 203. MRS. DR. McCOY. electric treatments. 1334 First st.. cor. Alder, rooms 38 and 39. WOULD TOU MARRY IF SUITED 7 SEND stamp to lock box CC0. Portland. Or. BUSINESS CHANCES. SALOON AND GROCERY. ABOUT $2000, DO-la- g cash trade: owner will retire, after doing fin business there for many years; good bar gain for right man. V 10. Oregonlan. SALOON: OWNER MUST LEAVE ON AC count of other business; nice trade; good neighborhood. V 15. care SPLENDID BUSINESS FOR ENERGETIC young man: about $230 needed; 1 mean busi- ness. N 18. care Oregonlan. J2S0O WILL BUY AN INTEREST IN A FINE hardware business: brick building; best s'treet. P. O. box 740. city. CHANCE IN GROCERY. HARDWARE. DRY goods business, etc.: good location: with own- er. J. 8. B.. station It. SNAP NICELY FURNISHED. 12 ROOM3; centr; : if sold before May 1. Room 9 Wash- ington building. GROCERY. DOING CASH BUSINESS. IN fine location; "st reason for selling. Q 2u, care Oregonlan. LODCIN'O-HOCS- 29 ROOMS. WITHIN blocks of Fourth and Morrison; cheap. U 13. Oregonlan. WANTKH AGENTS. AGENTS-O- N' SALARY OR COMMISSION: the greatest agents' seller ever produced; every ier of pen and Ink buys It on sights 20i to 500 per cent profit; one agent's ales amounted to $62n In six days; another $33 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X 41. La frr-- e. Wis. HANKS. SAVlNOh JANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY Oi-- OREOON. 111 THIRD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general irut cd axcx.cy business transacted. Ut.NJ. L COHEN President IL L. PiTTOCK. A. a. NICHOLS Vlce-Pre- e E. J. J. O. UOLTKA... Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depoeltary and Flnamlal Agent ot the United States. President U- - "". CORBETT Calmer O. E. WlTUI.MVruN Assistant Cashier J. TV. NEWKIRK second Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVOKls Letters of credit Issued, available and the Eastern states. -- ilcht exchange and telegraphic transfers soil on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. Su Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal joints in the Northwee-t- . aia-h- t and time bills draan In sums to suit London. Parts. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Mal- a. Honi Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Chrlstl-anl- a? isocknolm. SU Petersburg. Moscow. Zu- rich, honolulu. Collecilona made on favorable terms. LADD & T1LTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1859. Transact a General Banking Business. lntere.t allowed on time deposits. made at all points on favorable termVL Letters of credit Issued available In Eu-ro- ue and the Eastern statee , iir.hr Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers soli on New York. Washington. Chicago, a- -. Louis Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and points in Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Mon-l-J- ta and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS. FARGO ft CO. BANK CASHCAPITAL AND SURPLUS $6,250.00(1 jTYrlN J. VALENTINE PRtolUENT HOMER S. KINO MANAGER (aan Franclice) DOOLEY CASHIER Sous eTMILES ASSISTANT CASHIER General Banking Business transacted. Ex- change sold, and Letters of Credit issued, avail- able tn all parts if the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WAlbON .- - It. L. DURHAM K W. HOrT Cahler GEO. W. UOYT Assistant Casalcr TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available in all parte cf the world. Collections a specialty. Geld dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP $2.45O.C0(l Head Office, 71 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts a general banking and exchange business; makes loans, discounts bills and Issues commercial and traveler credits, available in any city In the world. Chamber of Commerce building. Third an! Stark, streets. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, cor. Third and Oak sts. J. C AINSWORTH. Pres.; W. W. PHILLIPS, Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business. Exchange bought and sold on all the principal cities in Europe. Also facilities for telegraphl-transfer- s. Collections made on favorable teres on all accessible points. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Conr-v-t- ed with the bank. Safes rented on easy terms. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued available in all cities of the Cnlted States and Europe. President .. TTLER WOODWARD ... . .. JACOB KAMM Cashier .... T. C MILLER BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-PAID-- UP CAPITAL $3,0OO.0Ct n "" Xst v a, . ............ .a............ wO.Ous Head Office. 60 Lombard street. London. Com'l block. 344 Washington St.. Portland. R. LEA BARNES. Manager.
Page 1: at Marble Granite Works. erAMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND-CALV-IN 1IEILIG. Jlgr. Two more performances. Matinee today, last tide tonight. PACKED TO THE DOORS. WEST'S BIO MINSTREL JUBILEE

AMUSEMENTS.MARQUAM GRAND-CALV- IN 1IEILIG. Jlgr.Two more performances. Matinee today, last

tide tonight.PACKED TO THE DOORS.



Positively the best minstrel performance everseen In Portland.

PRICES Lower noor, except last 3 rows. $1;last 3 rows, 75c: bajconjr. first 6 rows. "5e:balcony, last 0 rows. 50c; gallery. 25c. Mati-nee Prices Adults, 23c and 60c; children to allliarta ot the bouse. 23c Scats now on sale.

CORDRAY'S THEATEROso week, commen-ln- g Sunday ere. April 22,


Management Harry Ward.ARTISTS 10BANDS 2

See the street parade.Regular prices. Best orchestra seats, Snc.

loge seats, 50c and 75c: box seats, $1. MattersSic, any part of the house xcept loses.

CORDRAY'S THEATERWeek beginnlns Sunday, April 23. Slatinee

Saturday.Chas. H. Haystesd presenU MR. RODERT


By Hi! Reld. AN EMPHATIC SUCCESS. Thestrongest melodrama before the American pub-lic. Elegantly staged, magnificently acted.

Regular prices.


CROCKERY BARGAINTo dose out a. pattern of which we have not

complete sets we will sell today at half pricegold-line- d blue English semliarcelaln dinner-war-

It is a beautiful design, and the biggestbargain of the season. We will sellvtbe slockin separate pieces, giving a rare chance toselect special pieces wanted. Plates at 79c toDGc dozen; creamers. 13c each; vegetabledishes, 15c. 15c and Sue each- - sugar bow is. JOceach; covered dishes, fix each. Come and treatjoureelf today. OLDS & KING.

EVERYONE CAN AFFORD CHICKEN To-day, as we have received unusually heavyconsignments from Southern Oregon, andmust sell today:

Turkeys, corn-fe- lb. lfecHens, large, fat, lb H.iC.Prys. each 25c to c

Eggs, fresh Oregon 14- -Butter, dairy, per roll. .... ......5cButter, creamery .............Cheee, full cream .................lOc, 15cHams, best Eastern ..........-- .

Strawberries, strawberries,15c box.

Remember, we are the only commissionhouse that sells direct to the consumer atwholesale price.

PACIFIC MARKET & GROCERY CO..Phone Grant 761. 149 First.

WINCE'S MARKETHeavy arrivals of chickens enable us to

reduce prices today to the e stand-ard. 'We have plenty at 25c each, and fromthis up to 50c We have received 75 dozenduring tho last few days, which must be soldregardless of price.

VINCxTS Fourth and Alder, corner.


Tailoring Co.. 250 Washington St.. naveplaced on sale a large lot of uncalled-fo- rtrousers, worth from $5 to $10. at $J toJ100. Come early If you want a chance atthese goods. A few good tailor-mad- e suitsleft yet at J9.05. mostly small sixes.

HEWITT EARLY ROSE POTATOES, ALLselected stock, only 55c per sack: sugar, drygranulated, SO pounds for $1, with all gen-eral orders of groceries: 111 pounds regular:codfish, genuine, with skin on. In half-fis- h

size, only 8c per pound. 185 Third St., nearYamhill. P. 8. Butter is away down.

VINCE-- MARKETOwing to enormous receipts, we will sell

our best grades of butter today at from 25cto 40c a roll. Intending purchasers shouldcall and sample, as at 'east 5c Is raved oneach roll.

TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION SO ACRES OFland In Washington County. Sale to takeplace at the Courthouse at 10 o'clock on Sat-urday. April 28. S. L. N. Oilman. Auc-tioneer.

LEA & FERRETS SAUCE. PER BOTTLE.25c: summer sausage, per lb., 2oc; best East-ern hams. 12c per lb.: bottles catsup,25c McKinnon Grocery Co., 173 Third st.



TWO GOOD INVESTMENTSSelect building lots. 100x100, cor. 25th and

Overton. A bargain. Must be sold quick. De-sirable terms.

Strictly modern dwelling. 7 rooms, 100x100,cor. E. 10th and Tillamook. Price very low.

HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS.3 Chamber of Commerce.

CAPITALISTS ANDBargain is now offered in West Side

city property, on car line, and close in; lot50x100. with four small cottages, all rented,and will pay 10 per cent on investment. Calland get particulars. W. Q. Beck, 321 Mor-rison.

BIG SNAP $1050 HOUSE AND LOT, 6C5Front St., near Grant: il rooms, bath, cellsrand shed: rents for $12.50 per month; must besold at once, and have therefore reducedprice 35 per cent this week. Cheapest buywlthln walking distance. W. G. Beck, 321Morrison St.

$2230 FOR 3 ACRES ON MOUNT TABOR:sightly, near cars, beautiful situation for afine home: will sell pan. $3000 for 75x100feet on Ollwn at., choice property. HartLand Co.. rcK.m 7 Sherlock Udg.


73 lots, 5 acres, with house and barns,etc for sale cheap. Owner. 271 Fifth St.,opposite City Hall. Oregon Tel. Brown 090.


lot, 100 feet, facing cast. 23d and Petty-grov- e;

quarter block. Very cheap: any termsof payment. R. M. Wilbur. 233 Stark st.

IG50 WILL BUY GOOD COTTAGE, BATII-roo-pantry, chicken-hous- cellar, all kinds

bearing fruit and shrubbery; 100 feet fromcar line. Room 319 Commercial block.


at Woodlawn. East Eighth St.. cor. JUg-ge- n.

and 10 lots 50x100: price 0. haltcash. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison.

$1000- -3 ACRES. IN CULTIVATION: NEWd liouSr. fine'bre'nird. etc.:near Shattucks Station. Rlggen Real Estate

Co.. 30-3- 1 McKay building.

$2000 EXCELLENT HOUSE. FIVElots. barn, orchard, etc: beautiful situation,near Kcnllworth. Rlggen Real Estate Co.,30-3- 1 McKay building.

TIMBER LANDSAnd FOREST RESERVE LANDS for saleGovernment and state lands located.

J. D. WILCOX ft CO.. 202'J Stark st.HOME SITE. 100x250, THIS

side of Mount Tabor; easy terms. RlggenReal Estate Co.. 30-3-1 McKay building.

IMPROVED ACREAGE. ON CAR LINE:must sell to pay mortgage; good Investment.223 Abington building.

FOR SALE OR RENT TANNERT: CAN BEused lor other manufacturing purposes. In-quire 210 Third st.

$350 BUYS 20 ACRES: 8 CLEARED: SMALLhouse: near Vancouver, on railroad. C 17,care Oregonlan.

corner lot. store building, warehousean 1 liull. cheap. Owner. D. Dahm. 27 N. 1st.


of E. F. Riley, 60S Chamber ot Com.


WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE FLOOR ORground space, about 50x100, for manufactur-ing purpose; Inside property; state pride Ad-dress S 1. care Oregonlan.


Columbia, new and lu perfect order, forpon --built riding horse; must be young,sound and well broken. Address or inquirebetween 5 and 6 P. M., 2U9 ICth St.. nearaay.or.

$3000-LOV- HOME IN SILVERTON, OR.:modern house and barn on highly Im-proved lot; all kinds fruit; trade forcity or suburban property. Box STB Sllverton,Or.

40 ACRES OF LAND. LANE COUNTY.or will trade for lots or small

business. Address A 10. Oregonlan.

MARE. GENTLE. FOR LADY'Sbicycle or refrigerator; or sell cheap. 232Russell st.

To Exchange Good real estate and cash forfurniture or carpets. MeFherseitt Oilman HU.


IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALR DC ALLparts' of Oregon and Washington; paymentmade to suit purchasers. For foil particularsas to various properties, apply to Macmasur

BirrtU. 311 Worcester block,


STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH OF 879 ACRESfor sale; well watered, good soil: 30 atbearing orchard; only two mile from Oak-land. Douglas County. Or.: low price and erterms. Apply directly to the Pacific MutualLife Insurance Company. San Francisco. CaL

SS ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVATION. 8 MILESeast. 10 acres In fruit: good improvements!bargain. Manager Pacific Pottery Works.

RARE BAROAIN THE BEST STOCK ORdairy tancb in Linn County: 700 acres, verycheap. R. Sbellon. Sclo. Or.


CHAMPION BELGIAN HARE CO.. OF L03Angeles Importers and breeders ot highlypedigreed : the choicest get otsuch famous sires as Champion Fashods. SirStyles, Yukon. Lord Britain, and Trinidad,the reddest buck in America; such dams asRed Riding Hood. Palace Queen and LadyAllien. It you wish to engage in this profit-able industry or Improve your stock, dealwith a reliable firm. like curs. Youngstick and does ready bred a specialty. Ship-ments made promptly. Correspondence

Bank references. City ofSce. 1334E. Spring street. Los Angeles. Cat.

Are you Interested? If not. why not? We bareestablished a branch of our Los Angeles Rab-bltr- y

In Seattle, where you can procure stockthat la acclimated, and save exprsstage.Nothing but pedigreed and fancy stock han-dled. Correspondence solicited. Ralph M.Watson & Co.. 2200 Sixth are., Seattle.

PEDIGREED BELGIAN HARES. FINESTstrains: Fashods, Sir Styles, Nonpareil. Yu-kon and others, from $10 us. Largest rab-blt- ry

on the Northwest Coast. Rabbltry atMidway, on Oregon City line. Portland Bel-gian Hare Co.

IMPORTED BELGIAN ILVRES. BREEDINGdoes bred to Imported bucks. Our prices willastonish you. Write us. Sunset BelgiumHare Co.. Frulldale. Cat.

Belgian hares: Willamette Rabbltry, 261 E. llst. N Portland. Or. Phone White 829.



will ship ore from the Stella claim In ashort time. I have, the Instruction to close10.O0 shares of the Alice Gold Mining Co.stock at lie per share. Come now; do notwait, for It will surely make a shipper inshort time. Further particulars see J. F.Nylander, Grand Central Station.

THE TWIN-SCRE- STEAMER CITY OFGrand Rapids; net tonnage, 109 tons; 112feet long: fine cabin accommodations; verystrong, well built, economical boat to han-dle: has just been refitted. McGraw & Kit-tlnc-

room B Bailey, Seattle. Wash. Tele-phone Mala C35- -


tire: old ones taken In trade; 500 setsharness. !0u saddles. 75 second-han- d rigs.8. Tomllnson. 211 Washington st.

STEEL RAILS FOR SALE FOUR MILESot T railroad track for sale. In-quire room 10 Odd Fellows building, Port-land. Or.

Typewriters, all makes, rented and sold; expertrepairing; on-- e 'supplies and desks. CoastAgency Co.. 28CV4 Stark st: Both phones.

FOR SALE OR TRADD VERY FINE TROT-tln- gbred stallion: a bargain. Call or ad-

dress W., 1041 Belmont st.. Portland. Or.

FOR SALE OR TRADE COLUMBIA WOODand Coal Yard, foot ot East Stark; horses,wagons, racks, trucks, lumber, etc

FIVE BROOD MARES. HEAVY IN FOAL:will trade for geldings. Oregon' 'Livestock.Exchange. 38s Bumslde.

SHEEP FOR SAED-2-40 EWES. 160 EARLYlambs. For particulars address TbomaaSchoolcraft. Dllley, Or.

SEVERAL SECOND-HAN- BICYCLES FORsale, cheap; different makes. Sealy, Mason &Co.. 275 Morrison.

BUTCHER BUSINESS IN EXCELLENT Lo-cation for sale. Inquire 415 Everett st. Tele-phone Clay 742.

FURNITURE AND LEASE OF HOTEL INbest Eastern Oregon mining town. D 17, careOrrgontan.

$10 FOR A NEW GAS COOKER: $3 CASH.balance $3 per month. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth t--

Maglc lanterns, ten. iieoosd-ban- moving pic-tures. Dullard & Breck. 131 Post. San Fran.

BOX COUCHES r ONLY A IT" LEFT. AThalf price 249 Fifth st. Phone Clay SSI.

This week only Pianos $35 to $125' organs $23to $45. Mrs. Martin. 1044 1st. upstairs.

Mrs. McKenzle; staple groceries; delivered:jSbpujar prictar.. TeL S. 3UL 515 Gllsan.

ALL KINDS NICKEL-INVSLO- T MACHINES,new and" second-han- 310 Oak at.


SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 10 AND ITRusset building, cor. Fourth and Morrison.Steinway A Sons. A. B. Chaw and Emersoapianos. A. B. Chase and W. W. Putnam or-gans. Cseh or installments. Oramop&dnta andKeglna music boxes.


bargains In slightly used and second-hand pianos and organs at EUers PianoHouse. 107 rirst St.. the N". W. General

. Agency of Chlckcring. Kimball and Weberpianos.

NEW PIANO FOR RENT VERY CHEAP.Graves & Co.. 2S5 Alder, will remove to 124Sixth street, about May 15.

EOULE BROS.. EXPERT TUNERS. 107 FIRSTst. Phones. Eliers Piano House.


FOUR MEN WITH TEAMS, $4.50 TO $0;saw mill: gang edgerman. $3 to $3.50. city:R. R. teamsters. $1.75. pass: 10 at $26 andfound: 100 laborers. R. R. work: sawmills,lagging and bolt camps. $1.75 to $2.25: mill-me-

$1.72: loggers. $2 up: s, toeand S0c: S cook. $30 to $50; 2 Jap cooks.J"." and $30; 0 farmhands and milkers. $21to $23: 10 deep-se- a nshermen: plenty cf otherwork; see our blackboard. Canadian Agency,226H Morrison.

1VANTED-- A FEW ENERGETIC MEN OFgood address and experience to work tar aa

fraternal order; the easiest propo-sition on earth to work for: first-cla- con-tract tn those Interested, in the fraternal line,or salary If desired. W 18. care Oregonlan.

SALESMAN WANTED TO CARRY AS Aside line dry goods specialties, direct fromthe looms. To sell the country and cross-road trade. Address Ennalal ,t Co.. Manu-facturers, 213 Ionic St.. Philadelphia, Pa.


can find permanent employmentat piece work. Oregon Furniture Mnfg. Co.,20S-21- 0 First St.

5 BOLT SPLITTER!!, $1.15; LUNCH WAIT-er- s.

25c etc; first and second cook. E. Ore.(fare here), $50. $25; call by S A. M. R. G.Drake. 152 First.


WANTED-- A YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE TEAMfor furniture store- - must be experienced Indriving and handling furniture Address P15. Oregonlan.

COLUMBUS CALIFORNIA WINS DEPOT.P. LoratL 14S Fourth. Headquarters Utcooks, waiters, bartenders. TeL Main 731.

TWO MOULDERS WANTED: WAGES $3.50;only first-cla- men wanted. Wlro DougiasBros., Aberdeen. Wash.

IMMEDIATELY. SEVERAL COMPETENTadvertisement solicitors; good pay. Postofilcebox C27. Portland.

YOUNG MAN BETWEEN IS AND SO YEARSfor wholesale house; must write good hand.R 19, Oregonlan.


security; easy work, and $10 week. U 2u,care Oregonlan.-TWO RIGGING RUSTLERS. ONE SAWYER.

$45 and board. Canadian Agency. 22Ch Mcr--

Workingman's Barber Shop: 15c shave10c: 0 chairs. Ed Dennlson. M5 Morrtscn '--




COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS,in and out of city; laundry help: lioueeworkIn and out oi city; plenty of work: fees osdomestics In city, 23 cents cash for abortperiod. Canadian Parlors. 22$H Morrison.

1 CAMP. 1 HOTEL AND 1 REST. WAIT-res- cs

($5): Swede chambermaid, second girls,25 domestics: L. G. come; have orders forstrawberry-picker- s. R. G. Drake, 152 First.

GIRL WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE-wor- kIn small family; good home. Call, today

after A. M.. 431 Alder St., between 11thand 12th.

WANTED-WIDE-AWA- KE WOMAN OVERSO to learn good business and work tor adranccment. R 13. Oregonlan.

WANTED LADY COMPOSITOR: STEADYJob inquire Potter's Rubber Stamp Co.,Third and Washington.

p- . - -- 37 ." -c t fy.




Inquire after 1 P. M. at 1199 Malloryavc. Piedmont.

GIRL FOR CHAMBER WORK. APPLYearly at Washington Hole, corner Third andFlanders streets.

GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK:plain cooking, baking, with or without wash-ing. 84J Front.

WANTED-CI- RI. TO DO GENERAL HOUSE-wcrk- .Inquire after 1 P. JL at Xliw MiUury


GIRI-F- OR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOODwages; references. Call Saturday, 541 EastSixth St.

WANTED-COMPETE- NT GIRL FOR COOKand general housework. 341 11th, cor. Mar-ket.


ki by the day. Call 81 Seventh, cor. Oak.

GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK AND TAKEcare ot child. Apply mornings. 40 Ella st.

GIRL-FO- R GENERAL HOUSEWORK ANDto assist with children. Call 670 Lovejoy

WANTED GERMAN GIRL TO DO LIOHI"housework. Call 13 East Sixth et.



G27 Marshall st.


Bookkeepers and Clerks.WANTED A SET OF BOOKS TO KEEP

afternoon or jevenlng; thorough, practicalbookkeeper. Box 3(3. city.


Address II 15. care Oregonlan.


or any work In family, city ur country.Tochlnoto, Japanese Mission, 30 Flanders.

A SAWYER. FILER- - ANDman wants work. Address T 16. care Orego-nlan. .


YOUNG WOMAN OF GOOD ADDRESSwants pleasant borne In Washington or Ore-gon; wages second consideration for jightsecond work: would like to attend Congrega-tional. Presbyterian or Baptist Church; pleai--give particulars. For next few weeks ad-dress, care of Portland Postofflce. M., box 527,or care of Seattle Postofllce, M., box 743.

BY YOUNG LADY, AS ASSISTANT TOdentist: two years experience; references. A17. care Oregonlan.



housekeeping rooms, with sink: centrallocation; or a Hat or cottage, in good loca-tion; unfurnished; no children. N 15, canOregonlan.

TWO FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHEDrooms, with board: traveling man and wife;state price U 18, Oregonlan.


rooms; stats price. N 2U, care Orego-nlan.

FURNISHED HOUSE OR COTTAGE. CLOSEin. tor the summer. X 20, care Oregonlan.


WANTED AN 8 OR MODERNhouse, with lot, west of ICth at. and betweenWashington and Marshall sts.; will paycash. Address Cash, care Oregonlan.


shot. 38.53: rifle preferred.Address J. G. West. La Camas. Wash.

WANTED-T- O BUI CAST-OF-F CLOTHING;price no object. Maine Loan Office, 70 NorthThird st. Oregon phone Clay C82.

BEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OFhousehold goods. 249 Fifth. Phone Clay 1)81.

Cast-o- ft second-ban- d clothing wanted at 87 N.3d. Prices no object. Oregon phone Clay 513.

WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAN- BUGGYand harness. Address O 20. care Oregonlan.


R. L. Macleay, 1S! Lownsdale St.



Alder sta. under the management of theowner. Helen F. Spalding The most completeapartment-bous- e in the Xcrthwest; chcteerooms, cr gentleman and wife:furnished housekeeping suites a specialty.

THE PLEASANTON. 2SSi THIRD ST. FINEfurnished .rooms, en suite, single or house-keeping; sunlight In all rooms; bath Included;most reasonable terms: transient solicited.

FURNISHED ROOMS; NEATLY FURNISH-e- dfront room; good location; references ex-

changed. Inquire 274 Crosby, cor. Clack-amas.

THE NEWCASTLE. S.. E. COR. THIRD ANDHarrison sta Rooms, furnished or unfur-nished; all modern conveniences; references.

THE GILBERT-LARG- E.rooms: all modern convenKsees. Third andTaylor eta.; entrance, 267 Taylor.

413 TATLOR ST.. NEAR 10TH NICELIfurnished front room, for gentleman; privatifamily: rent reasonable.

TWO NICELY FURNISHED ItOOMS rORrent, at 127 1 1th .St., near Washington: termsvery reasonable.

MAIN STREET, ROOM;central location; private family; rent reason-able.

I22tj Fifth Jt. Completely refurnished: newowners; rooms by day, wk. or mo. Mrs. Keyes.

OILMAN HOTELr-Bn- ck bldg., central:rooms, $1 week and up. 1st and Aider.

207 8IXTH STREET NICELY FURNISHEDrooms, centrally located, near Postofilce.

30C FOURTH ST. LARGE FURNISHEDfruat room, near City Hall.


G3 Everett st.

FOR RENT-FURNIS- ROOM. 173 EASTSeventh street.


1S3 NORTH FURNISH-c- drooms.


rooms with board: enameled bath tubs; tutcf library: Wcman's Excange: Industrialschool. Address Mrs. E. C George, superin-tendent. 610 Flanders street.


rooms, with board, including heat,baths, at lowest rates In this city for first-cla- ss

service: select patronage solicited. Cor.13th and Alder sts.


FIRST CLASS. AT 129 14TH. BETWEENWahlngton and Alder; house modern, furni-ture new; lowest rates; furnace, gas, tele-phone; colored cook.

ROOMS AND BOARD AT 129 14TH.Washington and Alder: modem nous- -;

now furniture: colored cook: furnace heat;gas, telephone

DESIRABLE ROOMS. MODERN. WITH Ex-cellent board; use of gas. bath, telephone,etc: also table board. 334 Alder street, cor-ner 10th.

NICE SUITE" OF ROOMS. WITH BOARDand all modern conveniences; alio room forsingle gentleman. 211 12th U Call.

THE ROSLAND. PT4 YAMHILL ENTIRELYucw management throughout; first-cla- tableboard reasonable Call and see

324 SALMON. NEAR SIXTH-FRO- NT ROOMlarge, nicely fcrcl-hc- d. with board; tele-phone, gas: reasonable

TWO LADIES CAN FIND PLEASANT. NEW-I- vfurnished rooms, board, bath, parlor. 5SS


family, for two gentlemen. 449 Sixth. PhoneWest 763.


with or without board. 5S8 Second, nearGreat,


family, very reasonable SOS Mill st.FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. REA-sonab- le

Hesperian. 17th and Morrison.

NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITHboard. Ill West Park. cor. Alder.

HosBckecplsxs; Booms.S4T HALL TWO XR THREE NICELT FUR-nlsh-

front rooms, for housekeeping; desira-ble location; reasonable rent.


IlonsekeeplBK Rooms...... ..... .... i

rooms. for bouekeeplng: bath and phonelUce left bell. 247, FlfUi- -

FURNISHED SUITE OF 5 ROOM8; PIANO;housekeeping. J. H. Hawley, offlce 8 Cham-ber of Commerce.


housekeeping rooms; all conveniences; best.location.

135 10TH. COR. ALDER PLEASANT. WELL-furnlthe- d

Cat; gas range; all conven-iences.

413 MAIN. COR. 11TH-NICE- LY FURNISHED' suite, with gaa range and telephone; no chil-dren.

The Graham Clean housekeeping apartments;gas ranges, bath, phene. 534 Washington.

NEWLY TURNISHED ROOMS. WITH PlOVliege of housekeeping. 42 Fifth st. north.



connected, furnished and unfurnished; otherfurnished rooms. 320's Front.

HOUSE. 7 ROOMS. BATH. WASUSTAND;. nice yard. 52J Flanders st.

Itn-aa- e.

511 MORRISON. NEXT BLOCK TO IflOHSchool; 11 rooms, full basement and attic;very desirable location: all modern and flist- -dass condition. Inquire at corner, oia.


East Side Sbeehy Ilroe.. 103 Sixth, betweenWashington and Stark.

HOUSE. WITH BATH. BASEMENTand attic. In good condition. $13. Montague iJwrdtn. 22S start.

0-- HOUSE. 3C5 CABLE. $4; HOUSE. 601Oregon, $9; few ethers. R. G. Drake 152First.

FOR RENT-8-RO- OM HOUSE; MODERNgood condition. Apply 594 Sal-


COTTAGE OF 0 ROOMS AND BATH. 029Taylor st. Inquire 231 Morrison st.

FOR RENT--A HOUSE: MODERNImprovements. 431 Seventh St.


Nob Hill. Inquire of R. M. Wilbur. 233Stark st.


and Saturday evening. Inquire 210 Third st.


MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $25 TO$30U, on all dames cf security. It. I. Ecker-so- n

& Co.. room 5 Washington building.

LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI- -ture. pianos, laUries. etc. Can be paid laInstallments, reducing Interest. Rates lowerthan the, lowest. F. W. Graves. Mgr.. 2SSAlder, near 4th. ground Boor. Tel. Green 444.

LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REALor chattel mortgages, personal or salary se-curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallet. 213 Com-mercial block. TeL Grant 836.

TO LOAN AT 5H. 6. 7 PER CENT.City and suburban property for sale and rent.Agent for Westchester fit Insurance Co.Wm. a. Beck. SU Morrison st.

ANY AMOUNT LOANED ON FURNITURE,pianos, real estate and all kinds of security.C IL Thompson. 128 $4 St. Pnens Main 62i.

MONET TO LOAN, 6 per cent, farm or cityproperty. O. M. Smith. 814 Cr, of Commerce.

LOANS ON REAL ESTATE IN OREGONor Washington. 6 to 8 per cent. 620 Mar-qua- m


6 PER CENT MONEY ON CLACKAMAS CO.land. E. F. Riley. 008 Chamber ot Com.

MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES, PIANOS,furniture and other securities, w. A. Hath-cva- y.

room 10 Wash. bldg. Phone South 7&1.

Mortgage money, any sum, low rates, easyterms. W. S. Ward. Att'y. 319 Allsky bldg.

State funds loaned at C per cent. W. E. Thomas,dtate Agt. for Mult. Co., 400 Chamber ot Com.

MONET TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OFWo. I loll, room 9. Washington bldg.

LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc: low rates;see us firsL Mann & Co.. Col Dekuin bldg.

MONEY TO LOAN-o- n furniture or good securl-tie- s.

S. W. King, room 44 Washington' bide.


Proposals Invited.SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, APRIL 23. 1D00.

Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re-ceived here, and at office of Quartermaster,until 11 o'clock A. M.. Monday, May 2S.1900. for furnishing, during fiscal year com-mencing July 1, 1900. forage and straw forSan Diego Barracks, CaL: also at same time,at this office only, for forage and straw forAlcatrnz Island. Angel Island, Kort Raker.Benlcia Hanackr, Fort Mason, Presidio ofSan Francisco, and San Francisco. CaL Go-vernment reserves right to reject or acceptany and ell bids, or any part thereof, pref-erence given to articles ot American produc-tion, conditions ot price and quality (Includ-ing In the price of foreign, productions theduty thereon) being equal, and such prefer-ence given to articles of American productionproduced on the Pacific Coast to extent ofconsumption required by the public servicethere. All information furnished on applica-tion to Quartermaster at San Diego Bar-racks or to undersigned. Envelopes contain-ing bids to be indorsed "Proposals for forageand straw," and addressed to said Quarter-master, or to J M. MARSHALL. C Q. M:


islng Architect. Washington, D. C. April21. 1900. Sealed proposals will be receivedat this oClce until 2 o'clock P. M., on the2Sth day of May. 1VO. and then opened, forthe wharf and disinfecting and bathhousesat the U. S. quarantine station. Astoria. 0,In accordance with drawings and specifica-tions, copies ot which may be had at this of-fice or the office ot the custodian ot the sta-tion. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR. SupervisingArchitect.

SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVEDat the office of the Lighthouse Board until 2o'clock P. M.. May 18. lltoo. and then opened,for furnishing the materials and labor of allkinds necessary for the construction and de-livery of the steel steam lighthouse tenderHeather, delivered at the Buoy Depot at As-toria, Or.. In accordance with specifications,copies ot which, with blank proposals andother Information, may be had upon applica-tion to this office, or at the office of theLighthouse Inspector. Portland, Or. l J.H1GGINSON, U. S. N.. Chair-man.

PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE SUPPLIESOffice of Purchasing Commissary. San Fran-

cisco. CaL. April 23. 1900. Sealed proposalsfor furnishing and delivering of such quan-tities of subsistence supplies, delivered atsuch wharf or wharves or such warehouseIn San Francisco, CaL. as per circular to be

"seen at this office, will be received here until11 o'clock A. M.. Friday, May 18. 1900. andopened Immediately thereafter In presence ofbidden. Specifications, general Instructionsto bidders and blank form ot proposal willbe furnished to estahllhed dealers on appli-cation to W.'H. BALDWIN. Major and C S.,U. S. Army, Purchasing Commissary,

WATER AND ELECTRIC - LIGHT PLANTconstruction, Lakevlew, Or. Specifications forthe above may be seen at Tho Oregonlan of-fice.


to Creditors All pervons having claimsagainst the Northwest Copper Company arehereby required to present the same, withproper vouchers, to the undersigned, at hisoffice, room 8 Chambers building. Third andAlder sts.. in the City of Portland. Or., on orbefore the 14th day of May. 1900. Any claimagainst the Northweit Copper Company hotso presented to the undersigned within thetime aroresald will bo forever barred and notentitled to share In the distribution of the as-sets or property or proceeds of the sale there-of of the Northwest Copper Company. Thisnotice is published pursuant to an ordermado On April 13. ,900. by the Circuit Courtof the United States for the District of Ore-gon la the suit pending in said court, where-in Charles M. ltced Is complainant and saidNorthwest Copper Company Is defendant.

Dated April 13. 1000.T. B. A. PRICE.

As Receiver ot the Northwest Copper Co.

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. District ot Oregon Wherear. On the 27th dayot --larch, luuo, t-- ixiu ana itenryj-us-e nieaa libel In the District Court ot the UnitedStates for the District ot Oregon against theCopper Queen, her boats, tackle, apjreland furniture and engines, boilers and ma-chinery. In a cause, of subtraction of wages,civil and maritime. And. whereas, by virtueof process In due form of law, to me di-rected, returnable on the 7th day ot May,1900. I have seized and taken the said Cop-per Queers, and have ber tn my custody. No-tice la hereby given that a District Courtwill be held In tba United States Courtroom. In the City of Portland, on the 7th dayof "May. 1900. for the trial of said premlsea.and the owner or owners, and all personswho may have or claim any Interest, arehereby cited to be and appear at the time andplace aforesaid, to show cause. If "any theyhave why a Aral decree should not pass asprayed. ZOETH HOUSER.

V. 8. Marshal.




and farm machinery of all kinds. ISO Front.

JOHN POOLE: Newton wagons, buggies, wind-mills, pumps, machinery. Foct Morrison st.

W. C. HOLMAX. WAGON, CARRIAGE ANDagricultural Implements. 210-21- 4 Front sU

Art Goods and PIctare Frames.BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE. SOT WASHING-to- n

St.; great clearance sale; special bargains.

Assayers and Analysts.J. II. F13K. MINERAL ASSATER AND

chemist; gold dust bought. 204 Washington.


PORTLAND ASSAY OFFICE. 220 Stark st. As-saying and analytical work; gold dust bought.

Attorneys.S. H. GRUBER. LAWYER: mining, admiralty

and collections, specialties. Commercial blk.

J. W. RANSOM. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- AJDcounselor. Bates Bank bldg.. Portland. Or.


to 61 Union blk.. 22TH Stark

Baths.DEKUM Bathrooms: popular baths, massage.

electricity. Dekum. Phone Red 2S45.

TURKISH BATHS; also massage; lady attend-an- t.

107 4th St.. bet. Washington and Stark.

Billiards and Fool.PORTLAND BILLIARD PARLOR. 127 6TH.

fii.est billiard and pool rooms tn Portland.

Book Stores.J. K. GILL & CO., WHOLESALE AND RE-ta- ll

booksellers and stationers. 133-3- 0 3d st.


camp end mining outfits; hardware, stoves,cooking utensils. Adolph Dekum. Ill First.

Carpenters and Builders.JOHN A. MELTON, carpener. builder: clSce

and store, fixtures. Ore. teL 147. 2S6 Stark.


only scientific chiropodists. Room 301 Allskybldg.. 3d and Morrison. Ore. phone Grant 16.

Miss Dart, chiropody, manicuring. 50 Union bk.9 A. M. to S P, M. TeL Frost 541.


160 Mh St., opp. Postofflce. TeL Hood 014.

Chinese Medicines.Dr. Blng-Cnon- 191 2d St.: Chinese root medi-

cines cure all diseases; examination free.

Cleaning- - and Dyelnrr.French Cleaning & Dyeing Works: J. Deleau,

prop. Phcne Red 095. 445 Qllsan tU


and retail dealers In beat "grades blacksmith,steam and house cos la. Oregon phone Red1766. n. R. track. Front st-- near Ollsan.


3S0 E. 8th at. N. TeL Pink 816.


hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, oldrubber and old jnetal, and general commissionmerchant. Front at., near Main. Portland.Or. Cash advances en consignments.

TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKER3and ccmmlsclon merchants. Sherlock bldg.,Portland. Or.

W. N. Sayre tt Co.. commission and producemerchants; advances on consignments. 146Front.


merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Or.

EVERDING A FARRELL. commission, buttereggs, chickens and farm produce,- Portland.

IL TUKE .CO.. 234 FRONT: FLOUR. HAY.produce, feed and groceries.

Cnrled-Ha- lr Manafaetnrera.Portland Curled-Hai- r Factory. H. Hetzger.

proprietor, manufacturer curled hair andgenuine curled-ha- ir mattresses. 226-22- S

Frcnt st. Both phones.


cornices. J. C Bayer, 2C3 2d st.

Dentists.DR. C. B. BROWN. TeL Ore. Red 2346; resi-

dence. White B31. Dekum bldg.

Dental Supplies.WOODARD. CLARKE & CO..

Cor. 4th and Washington ens.


and cleaner. 3ol 17th. TeL Red. 131.


Yamhill; A. P. Armstrong, prin.: J. A.Wesco. sec. Open all the year; students ad-mitted at any time; catalogue free.

Behnke's Perntn Shorthand School and Com-mercial College. 4 Commercial block.


electric belts, 270V4 Front.


Works. A. Carlson. 260 E. Morrison st.


Schmltt's. 4D E. Oak.

Gnns, Fishing: Tackle, Sport's; Goods.II. Beat, guns, fishing tackle, sporting goods

and cutlery, 49H 3d St.. Portland. Or.

Iron Founders, Mnch'sts, Ship B'ld'rs.Wolff & Zwlcker Iron Works: designers and

mfrs. ot ships, steamboats, marine, miningand milling machinery: riveted steel pipe.


and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, findingsand shoe-sto- re supplies. 73 Frcnt st.

THE GEOROE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE-sal- esaddlers and harness manufacturers,

leather and saddlery hardware 72 Front at.

Hotels.TREMONT HOUSE: newly furnished rooms

$1.50 a week up. J. E. Clark. 3434 Everett.

Iron Founders and Machinists.Smith & Watson Iron Works; engines and boil-

ers; logging engines a specialty; quarts andraw mills; mlsc machinery. Front and HalL

CITY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS, J.Hnneyman Co.: engines, boilers, sawmills andmining machinery. 301 Front st.

Willamette Iron & Steel Works: James Lotan.jngr.: Ironworkers, steamboat bldrs. Portland.


1st st. Boyd & Arnold, general agents.

Japanese Goods.Bamboo furniture. Japanese palms. whaleValc,

retalL K. U. Klriyama Co.. 311 Mcrriion.


all kinds. Cor. E. 6th and Oak.

Leather Finding;.J. A. REID. mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full

stock shoemakers supplies. 207 Washington st.

Llqnor and Tobacco Institutes.Keeley Institute. 314 6th. cures liquor, opium

and tobacco addictions. No other In state.Manufacturing- - ot Ladles Goods.

LADIES' SILK WAISTS AND WRAPPERS,fancy white goods, silk underwear made toorder. Sing Chong Co.. 333 Morrison.

Mas-netl-c Healers.MRS. C. J. MAPLE. MAGNETIC BEALElt

(Weltmer method), personal and absent treat-ment. 303 Third st.. Portland. Or.


Mis A. S. Jorscnsco, 231 Morrison streeL


Marble oxtd Granite Works.PORTLAND HARBLB WORKS: marble gran

Its and stone work. Schanen A Neu. 208 1st.

MONL'MI-JSTS'A- T COST, to reduce stock be-fore moving down town. Weeks. 720 Front.

Otto Schumann, mfg. marble and graniteestimates' on bunding work. 204 3d.


at 313H Washington St.. room 38.

SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC; LAD Zfrom San Francisco. Parlor 26, 2USV State.


msthoda. advanced physiological medical sci-ences- M. H. White rooms 303-30- 4 Allsky"building. Third and Morrison.

Merchant Tailors.THEO. 8CHULZE. MERCHANT TAILOR. 372

E. Bumslde. fine Spring and Summer goodsto order.


ALL MINERS ARE WARNED NOT TO BUYany coal-o- il burner. Only one forsale at IOC? First st. See one In operation,1224 Fifth.

Barton 'A Cuttle 229 Stark, mining engineers,stuck brokers; mines examined and reportedupon;; machinery furnished: plants erected.

MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS,test ore. all kinds; gold. $1.50; silver. $1.50.Send for full particulars. 92 First street.

Mlnlnc Investments.SUMFTER GOLD FIELDS-$- 10 WILL BUY

500 shares In rich quartz mine that has orewaiting to or milled: rapid rise invalues safely counted on: leading stocks Inthis rich field of operations have advanced SUIper cent in GO days. Also guaranteed Invest-ments paying 6 per cent semiannually. E. A.Clem & Co.. Financial Agents and InvestmentBrokers. 14d Third it. Phone Main 00.

OREGON GOLD FIELDS; $73 WILL BUTlOuO shares In the Richardson Gold MiningCo.; has 22 feet of ore; a rapid advance inthe stock sure: shares sold In blocks of 100shares. For particulars call, write or wireW. II. Sherrod & Co.. room 2 Chamber ofCommerce References, Merchants NationalBank, Portland.

We deal In Eastern Oregon. Bohemia andSouthern Oregon mines and mining stocks.Davidson. Ward & Co., 403 Chamber of Com.

3f Inlagr Machinery.Wllfiey concentrator. Crake amaL. Ideal stamp

mill, mining cars. Tatum & Bowen. 29-3-5 1st.


music furnished for all occasions: fiddle mart.Emll Thlclhorn. SU9 Jefferson. TeL West lovl.

Ai.ton Zllm. teacher of violin, string quartetsfor entertainments. A. O. U. W., Temple

RIdlnsr Academies.Portland Riding Club, fine livery, boarding.

saddle horses specialty. Park and Jefferson.

Oregon Vlavl Company.Lewis bldav. Park and Morrison. Free Health

lectures to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M.

Palmistry.Larseo, the Falmlstlt readings. 50c: beat book

for students. "Practical ." il-

lustrated, for tale by anther. 240H First st.

Medical.Dr. Flora A. Brown: diseases of women and

Children a specialty. Consultation and diag-nosis free MT-31- 8 The Dekum, Portland. Or.


533 Marquam bldg.; acute and chronic dis-eases. Ladles wishing lady operator will beattended by Dr. Rhoda C Hicks, graduateunder Dr. A. T. Still, founder of Osteopathy.Phone Main 2T.


suite 410 The Dekum building. Thirdand Washington streets. Nervous and chronicdiseases a specialty. Mrs. Dr. C-- I. Ramseywill attend those wishing lady operator. Ex-a- n

(nation tree. Phme Main 349.

DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OBTEOPATH.suite 409 Orego-ila- n building. Fhone Oak 421.

Pasta ra are.

LADD'S CANYON. FARM IS NOW OrENfor cattle and horses. Apply to F. Miller, onthe premises. Ladd A Til ton. agents.

Patents.T. J. GEISLER. 610-61- 1 CHAMBER OF COM.

Registered attorney U. 8. Patent Office.

Photoo-raphl-o Supplies.WOODARD. CLARKE ft CO.. WHOLESALE

and retalL corner Fourth and Washington.


opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis. Oft Id.

RenI Estate Loans and Rentals.ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD CO.: ESTAB-lUht- d

1S66. 227 SUrk streeLStenotrraphers.

Behnke's Pernln Shorthand School and Com-mercial College. 613-61- 4 Commercial block.


OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSEFourth and Davts. Merchandise a specialty.Insurance rates low: storage lates reasonable.Careful attention given to country consign-ments. TeL Or. Main 777; Columbia. 070.

SAFES. PIAN03. FURNITURE MOVED AN'Dpacked for shipping. C. M. Olien. 128 First.Tel. office Main 1037; Black SOL

Saw Hill. Machinery.Chrtitenson-McMast- er Machinery Co.? new .and

machinery. E. Water and E. Taylor.

Showcases and Store Fixtures.DIXON. BOROESON ft CO.. FRONT AND

Washington streeteStora-r- e and Transfer.

STOPAOE AT LOW RATES CAN" BE HAUat Fred Bickers storehouse. 31 North Front.

Wholesale Dru-rsjlst- s.

WOODARD, CLARKE A CO.. WHOLESALEdruggists, corner Fourth and Washington.

Seed. Flower, Vegetable Plants.ALL KINDS OF SEEDS AN'D TLANTS AT

Bowen's Seed Store. Front and Taylor. Wesell only the best.

Specialist.Bertha A. Trulllnger. complexion, scalp and

manicuring. 20 Benson block. 201' i Morrison.


and psychic r; consult her onbusiness affairs, love troubles, absent friend:good advice on mines: reading dallr. 50c andup. 167H First street, offices 7 and 8.


magnetic healln; taught:consultation free. Phone Hood 734. 34Sl 1st.

Dr. Collins, reliable spiritual, trance, clalrvoj-a- nt

medium, magnetic healer. Circle tonljbt.3309 Washington at.

Syrup Reflnern.Westacott ft Knight, syrup refiners, mfgr. gro-

cers: both phones. E. Alder and E. Morrison.

Stoves, Ranges, Household Hard-ware.

Hardware: sole agt. Universal stoves ft ranges;housefumlahlng goods. J. J. Kadderly. 141 1st.

Tents and Awntn-rs- .

TENTS. AWNINGS AND CAMP FURNITURElor rent or sale. Pike's Factory. 107 N. 3d.

Cape Nome tents, bags, oil clothing, camp fur-niture. Pacific Tent ft Awn. Co.. 27 N. 1st.


cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or


11. R." band painted on Inside Return toPortland Livestock Exchange, Fourth andAnkeny. and receive reward.

LOST AN OPEN-FAC- E SILVER WATCH rInitials "A., a." on beck- - Reward will bepaid for return to 341 Seventh st.

LOST HUSH BETTER; "WITH NAME ANDaddress on collar. Return to R. Becker, 230First. Reward.

jJTjAj A--,


INDIAN CLAIRVOYANT AND MEDIUMThe wonderful, gifted Indian squaw, borawith two veils over face, tells, from cradle tsgrave past, present, future, and secrets re-

vealed: warns against mists-luc- e; sure guldto social and business success; heals all d!seases by the use ot Indian herbs. Mrs. ProiWhcatly-How- e. Strictly confidentlaL 271 3Ust. opposite City HalL No stairs to climb..Letters answered for $L

MICROBONE GUARANTEED TO GROWhair on bald heads; stops falling hair andremoves dandruff, without fatL It kills themicrobes that destroy the roots of the hair.

,and produces a strong and healthy growth onbald heads. Barbers wanted In every townIn the United States to Introduce "Micro-bo- ne

Treatment." All mall orders promptlyfilled by express. iMm $1 per bottle Micro-bo- ne

Med. Co., 625 First ave, SeattleIT wemen wanted sufienns; from Irregular.

painful periods; UucorThoea (whites), and allcomplicated diseases pertaining to changes otlife cured by old Dr. Keasler. cor. Secondand Yamhill tts. 329 women called lastmonth. Consultation tree, and private roomsfcr ladles. It can't call, write. Inclosing 102s sumps. Hundreds treated at home by bisnew system.

KLECTRICvPARLORS. 193H FIRST STREET.treats all scalp diseases, and guarantee torestore gray hair to natural color, withouteye: removes wrlckles and all blemishes froraface: also removes superfluous hair from theface without pain; enlarging busts a spe-dsl-

DRESS SUITS RENTED. ALL SIZES. WEcall for. sponge, press and deliver one suit exyour clothing each week, sew on buttons, sew1up rips, for $1 per month. Dyeing, suaaacleaning and repairing. Unique Tallorirg Cx.347 Washington, both 'pbonee


of refined. Intelligent gentlemen whoare Judges ot good whisky: D. Crown CyrusNoble and IIII Monogram, specialties. Pert-la- nd

Cafe. ISO Fifth, between Washington andAlder. F. J. Uellen. Manager.

1LLOND-- E CONES FORprevention ot The beet antlseptlo.No failure. Sent to any address; per box.$1 60: samples, loc Blend Chem. Co.. P. O.Bex 974. Portland.


Nerve Globules. One month's treatment$2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealed bymall. Agents. Woodard ft Clarke. Portland.Or.

Common Sene Beauty Parlors; wrinkles, su-perfluous hair, moles, etc. removed: scalptreatments a specialty; electricity used. 10Lewis building, Morrison and Park.

FOR MARRIED LADIES ONLY DR. MYERShome treatment prevents and cures all dis-eases of woman: price $1.50 per box. Box2064. station A.

YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac-curately and reasonably filled -- at Eyssell'sPharmacy. 227 Morrison St.. bet. 1st and 2d.

Common Sense Beauty Parlors; wrinkles, su-perfluous hair, moles, etc. removed: scalptreatments sieclalty; electricity. 70 Lewis big.

YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac-curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell'aPharmacy. 227 Morrison st. bet. 1st and 2d.

WE PRINT 30 FINE V1SITL-J- CARDS. 25c:50. 35c: 230 business cards. $1; B00. $1.50.Brown & Schmale. 229 First ot.. Portland.

CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET CALLEDdally: also palmistry, psychic readings. Par-lors 56 and 37. 16Gij Fourth st.

CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES ANDgentlemen. Apply at room 43. Labba bldg.

BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL, 105 4TH.Phone Clay 641. Wheels called tor. delivered.

CUT RATES Oregon Dye Works; cleaning anddyelrg. Bumslde. near 8th. TeL Red 203.

MRS. DR. McCOY. electric treatments. 1334First st.. cor. Alder, rooms 38 and 39.

WOULD TOU MARRY IF SUITED 7 SENDstamp to lock box CC0. Portland. Or.


SALOON AND GROCERY. ABOUT $2000, DO-la- gcash trade: owner will retire, after doing

fin business there for many years; good bargain for right man. V 10. Oregonlan.

SALOON: OWNER MUST LEAVE ON ACcount of other business; nice trade; goodneighborhood. V 15. care

SPLENDID BUSINESS FOR ENERGETICyoung man: about $230 needed; 1 mean busi-ness. N 18. care Oregonlan.

J2S0O WILL BUY AN INTEREST IN A FINEhardware business: brick building; bests'treet. P. O. box 740. city.

CHANCE IN GROCERY. HARDWARE. DRYgoods business, etc.: good location: with own-er. J. 8. B.. station It.

SNAP NICELY FURNISHED. 12 ROOM3;centr; : if sold before May 1. Room 9 Wash-ington building.

GROCERY. DOING CASH BUSINESS. INfine location; "st reason for selling. Q 2u,care Oregonlan.

LODCIN'O-HOCS- 29 ROOMS. WITHINblocks of Fourth and Morrison; cheap. U 13.Oregonlan.


the greatest agents' seller ever produced;every ier of pen and Ink buys It on sights20i to 500 per cent profit; one agent's alesamounted to $62n In six days; another $33In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X 41. Lafrr-- e. Wis.




Money to loan on mortgage.A general irut cd axcx.cy business transacted.Ut.NJ. L COHEN PresidentIL L. PiTTOCK. A. a. NICHOLS Vlce-Pre- e

E. J. J. O. UOLTKA... Secretaries


Designated Depoeltary and Flnamlal Agent otthe United States.

President U- - "". CORBETTCalmer O. E. WlTUI.MVruNAssistant Cashier J. TV. NEWKIRKsecond Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVOKls

Letters of credit Issued, availableand the Eastern states.

--ilcht exchange and telegraphic transfers soilon New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. SuPaul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principaljoints in the Northwee-t- .

aia-h- t and time bills draan In sums to suitLondon. Parts. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Mal- a.

Honi Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Chrlstl-anl- a?

isocknolm. SU Petersburg. Moscow. Zu-

rich, honolulu.Collecilona made on favorable terms.


Transact a General Banking Business.lntere.t allowed on time deposits.

made at all points on favorabletermVL Letters of credit Issued available In Eu-ro- ue

and the Eastern statee ,iir.hr Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers

soli on New York. Washington. Chicago, a- -.

Louis Denver. Omaha. San Francisco andpoints in Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Mon-l-J- ta

and British Columbia.Exchange sold on London. Paris. Berlin.

Frankfort and Hong Kong.


(aan Franclice)DOOLEY CASHIER


General Banking Business transacted. Ex-

change sold, and Letters of Credit issued, avail-

able tn all parts if the world.


J. FRANK WAlbON .- -

It. L. DURHAMK W. HOrT CahlerGEO. W. UOYT Assistant Casalcr


Interest paid on time deposits.Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available

in all parte cf the world.Collections a specialty. Geld dust bought.



Head Office, 71 Lombard street. London.This bank transacts a general banking and

exchange business; makes loans, discounts billsand Issues commercial and traveler credits,available in any city In the world.

Chamber of Commerce building. Third an!Stark, streets. W. A. MACRAE. Manager.


J. C AINSWORTH. Pres.; W. W. PHILLIPS,Cashier.

Transacts a General Banking Business.Exchange bought and sold on all the principal

cities in Europe. Also facilities for telegraphl-transfer- s.

Collections made on favorable tereson all accessible points.

SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENTConr-v-t-ed with the bank. Safes rented on easyterms.

THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANKTransacts a General Banking Business.

Drafts issued available in all cities of theCnlted States and Europe.

President .. TTLER WOODWARD... . .. JACOB KAMMCashier .... T. C MILLER


CAPITAL $3,0OO.0Ctn "" Xst v a, . ............ .a............ wO.Ous

Head Office. 60 Lombard street. London.Com'l block. 344 Washington St.. Portland.

R. LEA BARNES. Manager.
