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at Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh...

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Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 ha at Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.). Pre-Feasibility Report M/s Palpur Mining Company 1 PRE – FEASIBILITY REPORT 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposal for obtaining Environmental Clearance for Marble Mining Project M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha with production capacity 40,000 TPA Near Village: Khoh (Palpur), Tehsil-Rajgarh, District- Alwar (Rajasthan). The lease area is falling under Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area: 73.9404 ha at Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District: Alwar (Raj.). The mining lease was sanctioned in favor of M/s Palpur Mining Company vide order Number SME/BHARAT/AL/MM/PA-1()56/02/1489 dated 16-11-2007 for the period of 20 years. (Documents are annexed as Annexure-IV). Consent To Operate has been issued vide order no. F (Mines)/Alwar(Rajgarh)4(1)/2009-2010/30-32 for the production 40,000 MT/annum dated 01.07.2011(copy of the same annexed as Annexure-V) . Cluster details (List of mining leases falling in cluster along with composite map) received from Mining Engineer, Alwar (raj.) are enclosed as Annexure III. Table: 1.1 Salient features of the Project S. No. Particulars Details A. Mining Lease Details 1. Name of the Project Marble Mining Project, (M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha) 2. Mineral Marble 3. Mining Lease Number M.L. No. 56/02 4. Mining Lease Area 4.0 ha 5. Applicant M/s Palpur Mining Company B Location 6. Village Khoh (Palpur) 7. Tehsil Rajgarh 8. District Alwar 9. State Rajasthan 10. Latitude & Longitude Geographical Extents: Latitude –27°11’45.54” N –27°11’54.87” N; Longitude – 76°23’10.36”E – 76°23’17.15”E C. Other details 11. Cost of the project Rs. 50 Lacs 12. Recurring Cost for Environmental Rs. 0.60 Lac per annum

Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 haat Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 1



The proposal for obtaining Environmental Clearance for Marble Mining Project M. L. No.

56/02, Area 4.0 ha with production capacity 40,000 TPA Near Village: Khoh (Palpur),

Tehsil-Rajgarh, District- Alwar (Rajasthan). The lease area is falling under Palpur- Dundpuri

Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area: 73.9404 ha at Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil:

Rajgarh, District: Alwar (Raj.).

The mining lease was sanctioned in favor of M/s Palpur Mining Company vide order

Number SME/BHARAT/AL/MM/PA-1()56/02/1489 dated 16-11-2007 for the period of 20

years. (Documents are annexed as Annexure-IV). Consent To Operate has been issued

vide order no. F (Mines)/Alwar(Rajgarh)4(1)/2009-2010/30-32 for the production 40,000

MT/annum dated 01.07.2011(copy of the same annexed as Annexure-V) .

Cluster details (List of mining leases falling in cluster along with composite map) received

from Mining Engineer, Alwar (raj.) are enclosed as Annexure III.

Table: 1.1 Salient features of the Project

S. No. Particulars Details

A. Mining Lease Details

1. Name of the Project Marble Mining Project, (M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha)

2. Mineral Marble

3. Mining Lease Number M.L. No. 56/02

4. Mining Lease Area 4.0 ha

5. Applicant M/s Palpur Mining Company

B Location

6. Village Khoh (Palpur)

7. Tehsil Rajgarh

8. District Alwar

9. State Rajasthan

10. Latitude & Longitude Geographical Extents:Latitude –27°11’45.54” N –27°11’54.87” N;Longitude – 76°23’10.36”E – 76°23’17.15”E

C. Other details

11. Cost of the project Rs. 50 Lacs

12. Recurring Cost forEnvironmental

Rs. 0.60 Lac per annum

Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 haat Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 2

S. No. Particulars DetailsProtection Measures

15 Seismic Zone II


I. Identification Project and Project Proponent

M/s Palpur Mining Company, is an individual to involve in mining activities. as perAmendment in EIA Notification dated 15.01.2016, as per Schematic presentation inAppendix - XI, our project falls under category B1 (Cluster Situation ) but due toapplicability of General Condition it is to be dealt at MOEF&CC level.Our project is falling in Palpur – Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area: 73.9404

ha. (> 25 ha). There are 41 mining leases for mineral Marble in the cluster and all the

mining leases are of less than 5 hectares and all the mining leases are in operation prior

to 14-9-2006.

II. Brief Description of the Nature of Project

The mine lease area of 4.0 ha comprises of Government land. This is an existing marble

mining project. Open Cast semi-mechanized method is followed to excavate the

minerals. Environmental Clearance is required for all the mines for their lease renewal

and operation.

III. Need for the Project & Its Importance to the Country/ Region

Marble mining project in order to meet the demand of the marble to the purchasers of

cutting unit and other industries.

Besides this, the project is being proved/ will prove beneficial in terms of socio-

economic development as it has provided employment to locals. Further, the average

income level, which is the indicator of socio– economic status of house hold is expected

to increase, which will ultimately result in the better standard of living of the people.

IV. Demand – Supply Gap

Considering the demand of mineral as well as sufficient availability of the mineral in the

area, it is essential to have Marble mines to sustain the supply of mineral for various


Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 haat Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 3

V. Imports vs. Indigenous Production

There are no requirement for import of the Marble.

VI. Export Possibility

There are no export possibilities.

VII. Domestic/Export Markets

Marble has many decorative and structural uses. It is used for outdoor sculpture as well

as for sculpture bases; in architecture. The mineral is proposed to be dispatched to local


VIII. Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the Project

The lessee will provide direct employment to 10 persons and indirect employment will

also be generated in transportation of mineral.


(i) Type of Project Including Interlinked And Independent Projects, If Any

The mining lease of 1.0 ha falls in a cluster of “Palpur- Dundpuri no. 61 comprising of 41

mining lease with total area of 73.9404 ha at Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil:

Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Interlinked And Independent Projects: There are no Interlinked and Independent


(ii) Location (map showing general location, specific location, and project boundary &

project site layout) with coordinates

The mining lease area is located in Villages: Khoh (Palpur), Tehsil: Rajgarh,

District:Alwar (Raj.). The mine cluster area falls in Survey of India Toposheet No.


Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 haat Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 4

Figure1: Location Map

Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 haat Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 5

(iii) Details of Alternate Sites Considered

No alternative site has been taken into consideration due to availability of mineral

resources in the area.

(iv) Size and magnitude of operation

Production Capacity of Marble – 40,000 TPA Near Villages: Palpur (Khoh), Tehsil:

Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

(v) Project Description with Process Detail

(1) Salient features along with project vicinity details of the Mining project is

given below:

S. No. Particulars Details

1. Name of the Project Marble Mining Project

2. Mineral Marble

3. Mining Lease Number M.L. No. 56/02

4. Mining Lease Area 4.0 ha

5. Lease Holder (Proposed) M/s Palpur Mining Company6. Bench Height & Width Height: 6 m, Width: 6m

7. Mineable Reserves 25,43,092 tonnes

8. Life Of Mine 64 years

9. General Ground Level 300 mRL

10. Elevation 323 mRL to 318 mRL.

11. Water table 60-70 m bgl

12. Ultimate Working Depth 20 m bgl


The lease area comprrises a mound trending roughly NE-SW.

The terrain of the lease is almost flat with southerly slope.

As per geological and mineral atlas of India sheet no. 14, and miscellaneous bulletien no-

30, the rocks of the areabelong Railo group of Delhi Super Group. The stratigraphic

succession of rocks is as follows.

(i) Regional Geology

The regional geological map of the area is given in following table:

Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 haat Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 6

Recent Soil

Post Delhi Granite, Intrusive

Delhi Super Group Ajabgarh Group Phyllite, Amphibolite, Quartzite, mionor marble,


Alwar Group Quartzite, Schist, Conglomerate, quartzite with

basic flow

Railo Group Marble, dolomite, soap stone, feldspathic

quartzite, conglomerate

(ii) In Applied Area (Local Geology)

Recent Soil

Delhi Super Group Railo Group Marble

Method of Mining

The method of Marble mining is adopted opencast semi- mechanized. The mining is started

from the existing pit. For the systematic working of open cast mine, Bench Parameters is

being – 1. Height –6 m. 2. Working Width – 6 m.

Open cast semi- mechanized mining method has been adopted with excavator, cranes, wire

saw & other machineries. No blasting is being carried out in Marble. Light Blasting are being

required for OB and IB removal.

Loading of mineral into trucks is being done by hydraulic loaders.

Transportation of Marble & overburden is being done by dumpers/trucks from pit mouth to

the destination.

Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 haat Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 7

Sequence of Mining

Top soil and OB removal

Drilling & Light Blasting

Cutting of blocks




(vi) Raw Material Required Along With Estimated Quantity, Likely Source, Marketing Area of Final

Products, Mode of Transport of Raw Material and Finished Product

Marble in the form of blocks(khanda) are dispatched to the market.

Transportation of waste from loading point to dump site is proposed by tippers. The mineral

is proposed to be dispatched in hired trucks.

(vii) Resources Optimization/ Recycling and Reuse Envisaged in the Project, if any, should be briefly


No waste water will be generated from mining operation

Domestic sewage water generated from office toilet will be disposed in soak pits via septic


The small pieces of Marble are being converted into chips after taking short term permit

from Department of Mines and Geology and will be sold in the market.

(viii) Availability of Water Its Source, Energy /Power Requirement and Source

A. Water requirement:

Total water requirement for the project the water requirement will be 10.0 KLD which

will be sourced from near by village.

B. Power requirement:

Electrical energy will be required for operating machines which will be sourced from

JVVNL, Jaipur.

(ix) Quantity of Waste to Be Generated (Liquid and Solid) And Scheme for Their


Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 haat Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 8

Domestic sewage water generated from office toilet will be disposed in soak pits via

septic tank.


(i) Connectivity

The lease area is about ~ 24.0 km from Rajgarh. Jaipur International airport, Jaipur is

at a distance of ~72.0 km from the mine site. Rajgarh Railway Station is around ~

24.0km. The lease area is well connected through roads.

(ii) Land Form, Land Use and Land Ownership

Existing Land Use Pattern

The total ML area of 4.0ha comprises of government land.

(iii) Topography

The lease area is having undulating rocky topography. The highest contour is 318 mRL

and lowest is 323 mRL.

(iv) Existing Land Use Pattern {Agriculture, Non-Agriculture, Forest, Water Bodies

(Including Area Under CRZ)}, Shortest Distances From The Periphery Of The Project

To Periphery Of The Forests, National Park, Wild Life Sanctuary, Eco Sensitive Areas,

Water Bodies (Distance From The HFL Of The River), CRZ. In Case Of Notified

Industrial Area, A Copy Of The Gazette Notification

Table – 2

Environmental Settings

S. No. Particular Details

1. Nearest Village Khoh (Palpur)

2. Nearest city/ town Rajgarh (~24.0 km,NE )

3. Nearest Railway Station Rajgarh Railway Station (~24.0 km., NE)

4. Nearest Airport Jaipur international Airport, Jaipur (~72.0 km SW)

5. Archaeological Important Place None, within 10 km. radius area of mine site.

6. Ecological Sensitive Areas (National

Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, Biosphere

Reserve etc.)

Sariska Wild life sanctuary lies within 5.0 km from mine


Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 56/02, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 haat Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 9

7. Reserved/Protected Forest within 10

km. radiusForests Distance

(km) Direction

Garh PF ~2.5 km NW

Kalwar PF ~ 0.6 km North

Dabkan PF ~2.0 km NNE

Sili Bawari PF ~4.0 km WSW

Naraini PF ~8.2 km SW

Haripura RF ~4.5 km NW

Nandu RF ~5.5 km ESE

Bhigota RF ~6.0 km SSE

Paota PF ~7.5 km SW

Dhiroda PF ~10.0 km SW

Khoh PF ~ 2.5 km WSW

Barwa Dungri PF ~ 6.5 km SW

Bhigani RF ~6.8 km North

Kalighati RF ~8.2 km NNE

Raior PF ~8.0 km NNW

Choti Chint RF ~3.5 km NNE

Harit ka bas PF ~10.0 km SW

8. Nearest River / water body Water Bodies Distance(km) Direction

Mangalsar Dam ~5.0 km North

Thela Reservior ~4.0 km NE

Ram Sagar ~10.5 km ESE

Jai Sagar ~8.0 km WSW

Source: SOI Toposheet

Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 500/03, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 ha at Villages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh,District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 10

Figure 2: Map showing 10.0 km radius Study Area

Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 500/03, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 ha atVillages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 11

(v) Existing Infrastructure:

Being an existing mine there is no building & structure within mining lease area except

some vegetations existing on the lease area which will be cleared when required.

Total lease area is Government land.

(vi) Soil Classification

The soil is sandy loamy in texture.

(vii) Climatic Data from Secondary Sources

The climate here is considered to be a local steppe climate. In Alwar, there is little

rainfall throughout the year. The average temperature in Alwar is 25.4 °C. Precipitation

here averages 722 mm.

(viii) Social Infrastructure Available

The lease area is about ~ 24.0km in NE direction from Rajgarh. Jaipur International

airport, Jaipur is at a distance of ~72.0 km in SW direction from the mine site. Rajgarh

Railway Station is around ~ 24.0 km in NE direction from mine site. The lease area is

well connected through roads.

The site is well connected with communication facilities like telephone, fax, post &

telegraph, and as such, no constraints are envisaged in this aspect as the Tehsil-

Rajgarh is ~24.0km in NE direction and district headquarter- Alwar is ~46.5 km, NNE

direction from the site.


(i) Planning Concept (Type of Industries, Facilities, and Transportation etc.) Town and

Country Planning/Development Authority Classification

This is an Open Cast semi-mechanized mining Project.

(ii) Population Projection

Manpower required will be engaged from nearby Villages. No significant influx of

people is anticipated in the area.

(iii) Land Use Planning

The whole mining lease area is 4.0 ha which comprises of Government land.

At the end of life of mine, the total excavated area will be 1.297 ha, which will

be converted into water reservoir. 1.55 ha will be covered under dumps & will

be stabilised followed by plantation. Remaining plantation will be done outside

Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 500/03, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 ha atVillages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 12

the lease area which is equal to 33% of the total lease area.

(iv) Assessment of Infrastructure Demand (Physical & Social)

Lessee is being access the demand of infrastructure (Physical & Social) in nearby area

of the mine site.

(v) Amenities/Facilities

Lessee is being developed the amenities/facilities in the nearby area of the mine site

as per requirement of the local people under social development activities.


(i) Industrial Area (Processing Area)

No additional infrastructure is being required for the proposed expansion project.

(ii) Residential Area (Non Processing Area)

This is not required as mine worker come from nearby area. Rest shelter will be

provided for workers.

(iii) Green Belt

1.55 ha will be covered under dumps & will be stabilised followed by plantation.

Remaining plantation will be done outside the lease area which is equal to 33%

of the total lease area.

(iv) Connectivity

The lease area is about ~ 24.0 km in NE direction from Rajgarh. Jaipur International

airport, Jaipur is at a distance of ~72.0 km in SW direction from the mine site. Rajgarh

Railway Station is around ~ 24.0 km in NE direction from mine site. The lease area is

well connected through roads.

(v) Water Management (Source & Supply of water)

Total water requirement for the project the water requirement 10.0 KLD which

sourced from nearby village.Domestic wastewater are being generated from the rest

shelter, which are being disposed in soak pit via septic tank.

(vi) Sewerage System

Domestic sewage water generated from office toilet are being disposed in soak pits via

septic tank. Outside discharge is not envisaged.

(vii) Industrial Waste Management

No industrial waste water are being generated during mining operation.

Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 500/03, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 ha atVillages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 13

(viii) Solid Waste Management

The waste will be of weathered marble and marble having foreign instructions and

amphbolite etc.

Around 23,540 tonnes of waste will come across up to end of mining scheme. During

the period of mining scheme waste will be dumped inside the lease area .

Garland drains & retaining wall are being constructed at the toe of waste dump.

(ix) Power Requirement & Supply/Source

Mainly diesel are being used to operate mine machinery and equipment. Electrical

energy will be required for operating machines which will be sourced from JVVNL,



(i) Policy To Be Adopted (Central/State) In Respect Of The Project Affected Persons

Including Home Oustees, Land Oustees And Landless Laborers (Brief Outline To Be


Not Applicable as the lease area comprises of Government land (Saway Chak) .


(i) Likely Date Of Start Of Construction And Likely Date Of Completion (Time Schedule

For The Project To Be Given)

The proposed expansion will be done after obtaining all clearances/consents from the

concerned authority.

(ii) Estimated Project Cost Along With Analysis In Terms Of Economic Viability of the


Cost of the project Rs. 50 Lacs

Recurring Cost for Environmental ProtectionMeasures

Rs. 0.60 Lac per annum


Marble Mining Project result in growth of the surrounding area by increasing direct and

indirect employment opportunities in the region including ancillary development and

supporting infrastructure. Special emphasis on Financial and Social benefits will be given to

the local people including tribal population, if any, in the area.

Development of social amenities will be in the form of medical facilities, education to

underprivileged and creation of self-help groups.

Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 500/03, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 ha atVillages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 14



1.Air Quality


Use of Sharp drill bits to reduce generation of dust.

Drilling is being done with water injection system.

Low charge blasting is being done to reduce dust emission.

Regular water spraying on the haul roads to reduce fugitive dust generation

during loading/unloading/transportation

Regular maintenance of machinery and vehicles carried out to control dust

emission during transportation.

Personal protective equipment dust masks are being provided to the workers

working in high dust area.

Green Belt/plantation will be developed around the lease boundary.

Periodical Ambient air quality monitoring will be carried out.

Same practices will be continued in future.

2.Noise Quality


Use of Sharp drill bits to reduce generation of noise.

No blasting is being carried out in Marble.

Light Blasting is required for OB and IB removal.

Earmuffs/earplugs are being provided to all operators and employees working

near the machinery.

Proper maintenance, oiling and greasing of machines at regular intervals will be

done to reduce generation of noise.

Green Belt/plantation has been/will be developed around the lease boundary,

undisturbed area, near mine office etc.

Regular monitoring of Noise Level will be done.

Same practices will be continued in future.

3.Water Quality


Garland drains all along the periphery of pits to prevent the water

carrying the wash-offs entering the mine.

The water collected into the garland drains flow towards a sump. The dust/

soil allowed to settle in the sump and clear water utilized for afforestation

and wetting of haul roads to arrest dust generation.

No waste water generated during mining operation

The sewage generated from rest shelter is treated and disposed through a

series of septic tanks and soak pits.

Rainwater falling in the mining pit collected in lower benches & used for dust

suppression & green belt.

Regular monitoring of ground water level and quality will be carried out.

Marble Mining Project, M. L. No. 500/03, Area 4.0 ha. falling in Palpur- Dundpuri Mining Cluster No. 61, Cluster Area : 73.9404 ha atVillages: Palpur, Khoh, Dundpuri, Tehsil: Rajgarh, District:Alwar (Raj.).

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Palpur Mining Company 15


Same practices will be continued in future.

4. Land reclamation

There will be a permanent change of land use of cluster area. The mining activity

will leave excavated area, which will be converted into water reservoir. Green

belt will be developed along the lease boundary.

5. Solid WasteManagement

The waste will be of weathered marble and marble having foreign instructionand amphbolite etc.

Around 23,540 tonnes of waste will come across up to end of mining scheme. During the period of mining scheme waste will be dumped inside the lease area

Same practices will be continued in future.

6.Green belt /


1.55 ha will be covered under dumps & will be stabilised followed by

plantation. Remaining plantation will be done outside the lease area

which is equal to 33% of the total lease area.

Local species will be planted after consultation with local forest officer and as

per CPCB guidelines.

Same practices will be continued in future.
