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Attorney - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · yvj s. iS i ttsr"-. SfT...

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yvj s. iS i - . ttsr" SfT s "fl V fcfc 'S : BMMWM MMs4taiMriliSa 11 ' r. mwmwwiwi yv, ?- - "TI t'u o Vol. XriT. "No 208U. HOiSTOLUIiU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31, 1888. CO OENTO OUDQOniPTIOM PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed nnd published at the oftlcc, Queen Stroot, Honolulu, H. I., ovory afternoon (Sundays oxceptcd). SO cents Month. Subscription, - - por Address all Communications Daily BULLETIN. Advertisements, tc en3Uro insertion, Bhould bo handod In beforo ono o'clock P. M. WALTER HILL Editor nnd Propriotor JAS G. CLEVIOIl Managor Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds dono on the most favorablo terms. Hell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 2D0 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An iuteiestlug and comprelicustvo publication, contains 23 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu aud Island News. It is tlio.best jiapor Dubllsbcd in the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Habscriptlon: Island : : : U 00 year Foreign : : : 5 00 " Cominission Meronants. rj HA.OJKEISrjI & Co., General Commission Agents. j70 ly Honolulu s a. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - 1013 BREWER & COMPANY, ,'. (Limited) viKHUlULL MEllUANTILB AND COMMIS3ION AOBNTS. LIST OF OfctflOEBS : P. O. Jonjss, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. Cajitek. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary ' DIRKCTOItS: Hon. O. It. Bishop. S. C Allen, H. Watkbuoubb. di$ ly JOHN T. WATERHOUSB, t) Importer and Dealer in General Meichandiso, ljueon at., Honolulu. 1 6. N. Castlo.-- J. 11. Athcrton--0. P. Castle & UOOKES, (lASTIiB ' Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King at., Honolulu ! Claus Sprockets. Wm. Q. Irwin. -- VT Oh IRWIN Ss OOMPANY, W Sug.u Factors aud Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 & CO., WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', aud Building Materials of every klud, cor. Fort and O,uoen sts.,. Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer- - ohandlHe and Commission Merchant!), Honolulu, and 124 California Btreot, Ban FrauolBco, Cal. B. Lowora, V. J. Lowroy O. M. Cooke. Si COOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) wporters and Dealers In Lumbpr and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 GrONSALVES & CO., "Wholesalo Grocers & Wine Merchants 89 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to ono of the Now Stores in tho ThomiiH JLtlock, Kins .Street, Threo doors fiora Castle & Coolies', Whoro ho is prepared to manufacture all iluds of Jewelry. . 00 O LTJSO HAWAHANO. persons who want to coramuui ALL with tlio Poitugucse, either for business, or for procuring workmen, isorvants or any other helps, will llnd it iho mgst protttablo way to advertise In tho Luso awaiiano, tho now organ of tho Portuguese colony, which is pub-lisho- d on Hotel stieet, and only charges reasonable rates for advertisements NOTICE. furnished for balls, patties MUHIO serenades by Palmer's Strlug Band. Orders left at O. E. Williams1, or rlug up Mutual Telephone 880. 74 ti Professional!!. ALFRED MAOOON, J ATTORNEY AT LAW. 178 43 Merchant Btroet. Honolulu, ly ' ji T H. SOPER, M. D. Censulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Nol Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 SAMUEL K. KAEO, Attorney at 3Lw. Office, : No. 0 Kaahumanu Btreot. ap.2J.88-l- J. M. RflOMSARRAT, Attorney nnd ounncllor nt Xiifw. Notary Public nnd Commissioner of Deeds for tho States of New York, Cali. foinia nnd Pennsylvania. Merchant street, "Gazette" Block, Honolulu, H. I. juno.0 88 PIONEER 5TEAI CANDY FACTORY A.3VX BA-IOEirS- F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- 3HST Telephone 74 II. H. liENBON. O. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., PVIanufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boericko & Sooohlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, lUcksecker's Perfumes and " Toilet Requisites, I2y HOLLISTEE & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fon Btroet, "William's Block, Hono-21- 6 Honolulu, H. I. WENNER & CO. Jlannfaoturlnc Jowellera, NO. U3 I'OBT 8TltJ3JarX'. Constantly on hand a largo assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Husiace& Robertson, DRAYMEN. A LL orders for Cartago promptly at. xjl tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho othor Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. OfHce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telcphono No. 10. IRANOE. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Hue de Dunkerquo, - - - Paris. Kxecutes Indents for every description of Fronch, Belgian, SwIsh, German, and English Goods, at tho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Cominission, Two nnd-- n Half per cent. All Trade and Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documentBj or, direct to tho manager, Tho Agoncy Represents, Buys, and Bells, for Homo nnd Colonial Firms. Pleco Goods, Cnshmcres, Cambrics, Silks. Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes, MuBlins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Habordashory, Gold and Silver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Glass, and Ohlua.waro, Clocks, Watches, Jowollry, Fancy Goods. Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wiues, &c., Oilman's Stores, Books Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, Machinery, &c., &c. 130 ly S NOTICE. having our Soda Water or Lumonado Bottles (empty) on hand will greatly oblige by notifying us by tolcphoue or otherwise, aud they will at onco bo font for. Bottles retaimtl longer than one month will be charged for. Telephones: Bell, 173; Mutual, 8W). J. E. BROWN & CO., Proprietors, Tahiti Lemonade, Works. 3JTf Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS,! Proprietors. F. I. CUTTER, Ofllcc, 84 King strret, Telcphono No. 88. Residence Telopnono No. 202. Ocn'l oraxproseliiR fc Draylna Piano and Furniture moving a specially. Wagons meet nil incoming steamers. . July 20 ly FINE JEWELRY! I beg to call tho attention of my friends and tho general public to my Fine Stock of Goods Just received. A careful inspection will convince you that BETTER GOODS In my lime lmvo never been ollcrcd in this city. ggPloaso Givo mo an Early Cali"XS8 J St. 01 3m Bum t Saloon The Best Lunch In Town, Tea and Coffee at ill Hours The Finest Brand of Ciars, jJfeL Toliacco ' iK!JpSjSa- AlTTuys on Ilnnd. la. J. NUJL.T1&, Proprietor. Choicest Mutton ! !eef9 Pork, Fisli, "Vcg-oLtibleN- , Asc, Sec. Always on hand at the HONOLULU JMRK (Succes-or- s to Win. McCaudlcEs), Xo. a quei'i) Kt., : : CIhU Mnrliot, Honolulu, n. I. BSfFamlly nnd Shipping Oiderscarc. fully nftcndid to. Llvo Stock furnished to vessels lit short notice. my 17-8- 8 rvijjs fvietropotitan JMi eat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. "Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRA CTOBS. 1717 ly 5JDVRINE Meat Saw l'ort.Ht., oppo. O. W. B. Oo.'m IVIinrf. P. MILTON; - - - Propriotor. Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton, Hnusuco . VecotabloH. Also a supply of On lmnd at all times. Shipping aud Families supplied at shortest notice and with best attention. 05 Manager. tt WRI&HT BROS., -- scvuyja "t5ic ?1 Fort Btrtct, next Lucas' Mill, Ship's Blacksmitliiug, Carriage Building & Repairing. Drays, Carts & Wagon Building a Specialty. Every description of work in tho above lines performed in a first-clas- s manner ami executed at short notice. Uiivinc m cured tho Bervico of ono of the best Painters in town. Uooil CnrilURO l'ulutlutr 1m Uuaiuu. tccil; lixccIlcntVrliaiiilntf ulHoiIour. t"Mutual Telephone, No. 075" ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Orders from tho other Islands solicited. iny.g3.88 HE DAILY BULLETIN hustbo largest ciiculatlon of any paper printed iu this Kingdom. 51) cents per mouth. Fall Dress Ms ! NEW DESIGNS, -- a 'i xii . ! NEAV nil "" 104 Fort Stroot, Honolulu. iv. .a.ojb:ss Fall Dress Goods MATERIALS. 3?ropviet;o:rv POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, Wo call special attention to our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT which has beon replenished, and wo are showing all tho Latest Woolen Dress iRfl aterials 1 In tho Now Plaids & Fancy Stripes with plain material, to combine with Black & Colored Alpacas I Very stylish and vory suitable for this climate. Cashmeres, Nuns "Veilings & Dress Flannels In all colois, always on hand. Special Bargain in lilies ! Direct importations from tho manufacturer. Hlmdaiua & Surrah Silks, Kluulauia & Surrah Silks, In black and all desirable colors. X31a.clt rros Grains and Brocudod Sillfw, At vory low prices. AIbo a few choice patterns of . FAiOYFOULARAt&SUEgVSERSlLKS Wo also have a comploto aBSortment of FANCY BRAID and SILK TRIMMINGS, 111 sets with panels, in all colors. New Tinsel, Mixed Trimmings, Hew Jet Trimmings & Handsome Jet Ornaments g3S"Inspection is Solicited jpflf firInspcction is Solicited fag HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. No. 85 POUT BTBEET. H0N0LTJ1TJ. General A.(3iitt Expert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire &. Life lnsuranoe Agents, Custom-Hous- o, Loan and Exohango Brokers. departments of Business: Book3 anil Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. Collations will recelvo special attention and returns promptly made. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstvaota of Title furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description oarefully drawn and hand somely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages m general ueo a this Kingdom. Ecal Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and routs collected. Firo and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies. Cuotom-Hous- e Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans nogotlatod at favorablo rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms. Intor-Islon- d Orders will receive particular attention. Z3T All Business entrusted to onr cs.ro will recelvo prompt and faithful attention at moderato ohargos. Having had an extensive business experience for over twonty.flve yearsjln New York City andlsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an Intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully solicit a trial. BelliTelephone No. 274. Ila-vralin- n Urtslnet? Affoncy. Jan. 8 Just Received at Hollister & Co.'s A large assortment of PERFUMES! PERFUMES! Comprising tho well-know- n brands of COLGATE & CO., LIINDBORGS, LUBIN'S, ' ATKINSON'S, EASTMAN'S ALOHA, HOYT'S COLOGNE , FARINA GERMAN COLOGNE, &o. For rSaie at Itteasoiialle DPrioeSr tnh-2-- ij WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL. R7 AERATED WAi tl SUam Works, Sunny South, "Wuikiln, J. E- - 3ROWN &, CO., - - Proprietors. Dopot, 28 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, o CAVAU1TY l.OOO UOZHN l'KK WAY. 0- - Tho Only Apparatus making High Class TAHITI LEMONADE, GINGER ALE, Hop Ale, Cream Soda, arsparilla, Grenadine, Raspberryade And PUItJS, HTKOItU Iil!'l!'JSllVlibUlJN PLAIN SODA WATER. Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 75 cents per dozen, delivered. Latest Improved Haohinery and Patent dlaw-vulv- o Iiottloe. TELEPHONESBoll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box, 469. Orders delivered to any part of tho city. Island ordoru solicited. nft3 AprlH3-8- 8 iT-.- . Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol Funds, - $28,602,205.00 Fire rlks taken at ourront rates and ruttlcmcnt mado in Honolulu. JOHN Agent. july.20 88.ly ' Union Flro A Slarinc Insurance Company of N. I Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fire nnd Mnrino risks, taken nt current rntcs and settlement madu in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july20 88.1y HUN Insurance Co. of San Francisco. Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freights nnd Commissions nt current rates. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july SJG.88.ly 1VX0BGH33XSXJKG General Insurance Company. Marino risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freight and Commissions at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent. july2083.1y THE NEW YORK Life Insurance Go. Strictly Mutual Organized 1815. ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000 Tho actual (not estimated) results of its matured Tontine policies exceed those of any other Company Issuing similar policies. Tho XonrorfultlnK Eree Tontine Policy. With Mortuary Dividend (returning nil premiums In addition to face of policy should death occur during tho Tontine period) as issued by this Company tho ad vantages of Tontino guaranteed options nt tho of Tontino periods and pel feet fitcdom after two years as to residence, travel and occupation, except service in vnr. Nonforfeitable after 3 Ycara. CSTFor full particulars and estimated results based upon actual results paid in 1888 apply to C. O. BE RGER, Honolulu, Goncnil Agent Hawaiian July J Islands. 21-8- 8 Jftfl HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, C&giStcam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass nnd lead cast- ings j machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 WALKER & BXDWARD, Contractors Ss 33iillloiB. Ilrlck, Stono and "Wooden Thilldings; es- timates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. "JO King street. Hell Tele-phon- o No. 2. P. O. Jlox, 423. apCly Q.EORGE LUCAS, ,tX, -- " Contractor &i &? ana uuiiucr,i nmUm TT a r' Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, iispla undo, Honolulu. Majmiiu; tines nil kinds of Mouldings, IlracUcts, "Window Frames, minds, SaBhes, Doors, and nil kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited sf PLANIirG MILL. Alnknrt, nenr Queen St, Telopbone KS. J. O. MARCHANT, (Bucccssor to T. (1. Thrum) Book-hinde- r, Paper-rnlo- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, Frioud Building, Uethol street, Hono 02 lulu. tf rpHE BEST PAPER to subscribe X for iu tho "Dally Bulletin." 60 cents per month. A. II. ItASEMANN Book-binde- r, Papor-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. IB Kaahumanu street. Up stairs. y THE ONLY PAPER read by all X classes "TheJDuily Bulletin 60 cents per month. FIRE, LIFE, MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Eire Insuranoe Go. Acsota, $5,288,000 Commercial Insuranco Co. (Fire and Marine) Assots, $450,000 Anglo-Novad- a Asaurnnoo Corporation (Flro and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,008,000 South British Fire nnd Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGEK HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly 13Q UrXVAliUE ietj, or tno trnitoa fstatos. THE LEADING COMPANY. Hew Business in 1887 - 5138,023,105 Applications refused lor 23,729,817 Total Incomo - - 23,240,849 Surplus 4 por cent 18,104,255 Gain in Assots during year 8,868,432 Etc., Etc., Etc., In the nbovo and most Important plnt the Equitable heads tho list of Lift; Companies. A. J. OARTWRIGHT, Uoneral Agent ror IlarraUaa . lHlaudn. juno CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marino Insur'oe Agents. AOKKTS FOtt The Now liiislBBd MUTUAI LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. Tlio JEtna Fire Insurance Co of Hartford, Owus. ' Tlio Union FJre an4 Rflarine Bnsurance Co. of San Francisco, Cala. 1D1 ly Prussian National Insurance Comi1 v ssTJinusunn 1845, Capital 9,000,000 Rolcbaiufct THE undorsigned, having btr agent of the above CoaspaoT for tho Unwailan Islands. Is iirniu-i.- l m accent Hnkfi. nfrAtnt Vlrn n niinj(u. Furniture, Merchandise, Product, Sugar Mills etc., on tlio most 1'avorabW Trraia Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pgyttlo ' Honolulu. .n' WlfiMENBOHNEIDBlt, jly.87 ly ftl Wilder ic. Oo'b. Removal. SINGER'S BAKERY Has moved from the corner of IU chord and Queen trcts V No. 216 King Street (Formerly Butlers' Pise), Where tint Bakery will be oarrlad u as 83 heretofore. (8 m 4 1 4'
Page 1: Attorney - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · yvj s. iS i ttsr"-. SfT s "fl V fcfc 'S: BMMWM MMs4taiMriliSa 11 ' r. yv, mwmwwiwi?--"TI t'u o Vol. XriT.




- .






:BMMWM MMs4taiMriliSa 11 ' r.


?- -





Is printed nnd published at the oftlcc,

Queen Stroot, Honolulu, H. I., ovory

afternoon (Sundays oxceptcd).

SO cents Month.Subscription, - - por

Address all Communications DailyBULLETIN.

Advertisements, tc en3Uro insertion,Bhould bo handod In beforo ono o'clockP. M.

WALTER HILL Editor nnd Propriotor


Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of

all kinds dono on the most favorabloterms.Hell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 2D0


Weekly Summary.An iuteiestlug and comprelicustvo

publication, contains 23 columns ofreading matter on local topics, and a

complete resume of Honolulu aud IslandNews. It is tlio.best jiapor Dubllsbcdin the Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Habscriptlon:Island : : : U 00 yearForeign : : : 5 00 "

Cominission Meronants.

rj HA.OJKEISrjI & Co.,

General Commission Agents.

j70 ly Honolulusa. W. MACFARLANE & Co.


Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - -1013

BREWER & COMPANY,,'. (Limited)




P. O. Jonjss, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Cajitek. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. O. It. Bishop. S. C Allen,H. Watkbuoubb.

di$ ly

JOHN T. WATERHOUSB,t) Importer and Dealer in GeneralMeichandiso, ljueon at., Honolulu. 1

6. N. Castlo.--J. 11. Athcrton--0. P. Castle& UOOKES,(lASTIiB ' Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King at.,Honolulu !

Claus Sprockets. Wm. Q. Irwin.-- VT Oh IRWIN Ss OOMPANY,W Sug.u Factors aud Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

& CO.,WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', aud Building Materialsof every klud, cor. Fort and O,uoen sts.,.Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Mer--

ohandlHe and Commission Merchant!),Honolulu, and

124 California Btreot,Ban FrauolBco, Cal.

B. Lowora, V. J. Lowroy O. M. Cooke.Si COOKE,

(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)wporters and Dealers In Lumbpr and all

kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1


"Wholesalo Grocers & Wine Merchants89 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to ono of the NowStores in tho

ThomiiH JLtlock, Kins .Street,Threo doors fiora Castle & Coolies',

Whoro ho is prepared to manufactureall iluds of Jewelry. . 00

O LTJSO HAWAHANO.persons who want to coramuuiALL with tlio Poitugucse, either

for business, or for procuring workmen,isorvants or any other helps, will llnd itiho mgst protttablo way to advertise Intho Luso awaiiano, tho now organ oftho Portuguese colony, which is pub-lisho- d

on Hotel stieet, and only chargesreasonable rates for advertisements


furnished for balls, pattiesMUHIO serenades by Palmer's StrlugBand. Orders left at O. E. Williams1,or rlug up Mutual Telephone 880. 74 ti


ALFRED MAOOON,J ATTORNEY AT LAW.178 43 Merchant Btroet. Honolulu, ly

' ji


Censulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Nol Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23


Attorney at 3Lw.Office, : No. 0 Kaahumanu Btreot.


J. M. RflOMSARRAT,Attorney nnd ounncllor nt Xiifw.

Notary Public nnd Commissioner ofDeeds for tho States of New York, Cali.foinia nnd Pennsylvania. Merchantstreet, "Gazette" Block, Honolulu, H. I.

juno.0 88



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. -- 3HST Telephone 74



PVIanufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boericko & Sooohlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,lUcksecker's Perfumes and


Requisites, I2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fon Btroet, "William's Block, Hono-21- 6

Honolulu, H. I.

WENNER & CO.Jlannfaoturlnc Jowellera,

NO. U3 I'OBT 8TltJ3JarX'.Constantly on hand a largo assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Husiace& Robertson,

DRAYMEN.A LL orders for Cartago promptly at.

xjl tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho othor Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

OfHce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Telcphono No. 10.

IRANOE.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Hue de Dunkerquo, - - - Paris.

Kxecutes Indents for every descriptionof Fronch, Belgian,SwIsh, German, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Cominission, Two nnd-- n Half per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documentBj or, direct to thomanager,

Tho Agoncy Represents, Buys, andBells, for Homo nnd Colonial Firms.

Pleco Goods, Cnshmcres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,MuBlins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Habordashory,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glass, andOhlua.waro, Clocks, Watches,Jowollry, Fancy Goods.Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wiues, &c.,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery, &c., &c.

130 ly S

NOTICE.having our Soda Water

or Lumonado Bottles (empty) onhand will greatly oblige by notifyingus by tolcphoue or otherwise, aud theywill at onco bo font for. Bottles retaimtllonger than one month will be chargedfor. Telephones: Bell, 173; Mutual, 8W).

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Proprietors, Tahiti Lemonade, Works.


Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS,! Proprietors.F. I. CUTTER,

Ofllcc, 84 King strret, Telcphono No. 88.Residence Telopnono No. 202.

Ocn'l oraxproseliiR fc DraylnaPiano and Furniture moving a specially.

Wagons meet nil incoming steamers.. July 20 ly

FINE JEWELRY!I beg to call tho attention of my friends

and tho general public to my

Fine Stock of GoodsJust received. A careful inspection

will convince you that

BETTER GOODSIn my lime lmvo never been ollcrcd

in this city.ggPloaso Givo mo an Early Cali"XS8


St.01 3m

Bum t Saloon

The Best Lunch In Town,

Tea and Coffee at ill Hours

The Finest Brand of

Ciars, jJfeL Toliacco' iK!JpSjSa-

AlTTuys on Ilnnd.la. J. NUJL.T1&, Proprietor.

Choicest Mutton !

!eef9 Pork,Fisli, "Vcg-oLtibleN-

, Asc, Sec.Always on hand at the

HONOLULU JMRK(Succes-or- s to Win. McCaudlcEs),

Xo. a quei'i) Kt., : : CIhU Mnrliot,Honolulu, n. I.

BSfFamlly nnd Shipping Oiderscarc.fully nftcndid to. Llvo Stock furnishedto vessels lit short notice. my 17-8- 8

rvijjsfvietropotitan JMi

eat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager."Wholesale & Retail Butchers




Meat Sawl'ort.Ht., oppo. O. W. B. Oo.'m IVIinrf.

P. MILTON; - - - Propriotor.

Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton,

Hnusuco . VecotabloH.Also a supply of

On lmnd at all times.

Shipping aud Families supplied atshortest notice and with best attention.

05 Manager. tt

WRI&HT BROS.,--scvuyja"t5ic ?1

Fort Btrtct, next Lucas' Mill,

Ship's Blacksmitliiug, Carriage

Building & Repairing.

Drays, Carts & Wagon Building a Specialty.

Every description of work in thoabove lines performed in a first-clas- s

manner ami executed at short notice.Uiivinc m cured tho Bervico of ono of

the best Painters in town.

Uooil CnrilURO l'ulutlutr 1m Uuaiuu.tccil; lixccIlcntVrliaiiilntf ulHoiIour.

t"Mutual Telephone, No. 075"

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.Orders from tho other Islands solicited.


HE DAILY BULLETIN hustbolargest ciiculatlon of any paper

printed iu this Kingdom. 51) cents permouth.

Fall Dress Ms !


'i xii




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104 Fort Stroot, Honolulu.

iv. .a.ojb:ss

Fall Dress Goods




Wo call special attention to our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT whichhas beon replenished, and wo are showing all tho

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somely engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages m general ueo a this Kingdom.Ecal Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and routs collected.Firo and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.Cuotom-Hous- e Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.

Loans nogotlatod at favorablo rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms.Intor-Islon- d Orders will receive particular attention.

Z3T All Business entrusted to onr cs.ro will recelvo prompt and faithful attention atmoderato ohargos.

Having had an extensive business experience for over twonty.flve yearsjlnNew York City andlsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anIntricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial.

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PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising tho well-know- n brands of



For rSaie at Itteasoiialle DPrioeSrtnh-2-- ij WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL. R7

AERATED WA itlSUam Works, Sunny South, "Wuikiln,

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Tho Only Apparatus making High Class


arsparilla, Grenadine, RaspberryadeAnd PUItJS, HTKOItU Iil!'l!'JSllVlibUlJN

PLAIN SODA WATER.Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 75 cents per dozen, delivered.

Latest Improved Haohinery and Patent dlaw-vulv- o Iiottloe.

TELEPHONESBoll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box, 469.

Orders delivered to any part of tho city. Island ordoru solicited. nft3AprlH3-8- 8


Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation ol Funds, - $28,602,205.00

Fire rlks taken at ourront rates andruttlcmcnt mado in Honolulu.

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Union Flro A Slarinc

Insurance Company of N. ICapital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fire nnd Mnrino risks, taken nt currentrntcs and settlement madu in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july20 88.1y

HUNInsurance Co. of San Francisco.

Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightsnnd Commissions nt current rates.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july SJG.88.ly


General Insurance Company.

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Tho actual (not estimated) results of itsmatured Tontine policies exceed thoseof any other Company Issuing similar


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Nonforfeitable after 3 Ycara.CSTFor full particulars and estimated

results based upon actual results paidin 1888 apply to

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Jftfl HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,C&giStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass nnd lead cast-ings j machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1


Contractors Ss 33iillloiB.Ilrlck, Stono and "Wooden Thilldings; es-

timates given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. "JO King street. Hell Tele-phon- o

No. 2. P. O. Jlox, 423. apCly

Q.EORGE LUCAS, ,tX,--" Contractor &i&?ana uuiiucr,i nmUm TT a r'

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, iisplaundo, Honolulu.

Majmiiu; tines nil kinds of Mouldings,IlracUcts, "Window Frames, minds,

SaBhes, Doors, and nil kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other



Alnknrt, nenr Queen St,Telopbone KS.

J. O. MARCHANT,(Bucccssor to T. (1. Thrum)

Book-hinde- r, Paper-rnlo- r & Blank-boo- k


Frioud Building, Uethol street, Hono02 lulu. tf

rpHE BEST PAPER to subscribeX for iu tho "Dally Bulletin." 60cents per month.

A. II. ItASEMANNBook-binde- r, Papor-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k


No. IB Kaahumanu street. Up stairs.y

THE ONLY PAPER read by allX classes "TheJDuily Bulletin 60cents per month.


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Eire Insuranoe Go.

Acsota, $5,288,000

Commercial Insuranco Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assots, $450,000

Anglo-Novad- a Asaurnnoo Corporation(Flro and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,008,000

South British Fire nnd Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

Now York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly


ietj,or tno trnitoa fstatos.


Hew Business in 1887 - 5138,023,105Applications refused lor 23,729,817Total Incomo - - 23,240,849Surplus 4 por cent 18,104,255

Gain in Assots during year 8,868,432Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In the nbovo and most Important plntthe Equitable heads tho list of

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A. J. OARTWRIGHT,Uoneral Agent ror IlarraUaa

. lHlaudn.


CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marino Insur'oe Agents.

AOKKTS FOttThe Now liiislBBd


Tlio JEtna Fire Insurance Coof Hartford, Owus. '

Tlio Union FJre an4Rflarine Bnsurance Co.

of San Francisco, Cala.1D1 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comi1 v

ssTJinusunn 1845,Capital 9,000,000 Rolcbaiufct

THE undorsigned, having btragent of the above CoaspaoTfor tho Unwailan Islands. Is iirniu-i.- l maccent Hnkfi. nfrAtnt Vlrn n niinj(u.Furniture, Merchandise, Product, SugarMills etc., on tlio most 1'avorabW Trraia

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pgyttlo' Honolulu.

.n' WlfiMENBOHNEIDBlt,jly.87 ly ftl Wilder ic. Oo'b.

Removal.SINGER'S BAKERYHas moved from the corner of IU chord

and Queen trcts V

No. 216 King Street(Formerly Butlers' Pise),

Where tint Bakery will be oarrlad u as83 heretofore. (8 m




Page 2: Attorney - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · yvj s. iS i ttsr"-. SfT s "fl V fcfc 'S: BMMWM MMs4taiMriliSa 11 ' r. yv, mwmwwiwi?--"TI t'u o Vol. XriT.








St? "Stf &i 'M?A-- h1 11 'U

tk-U- ' :r

BlSlIOr & Co., ItAKKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian lolnntln.

Draw Kxr.liango on thoiiBuulc ol Call iV ruin. M. 1?'.

Ami tholr nyoiitsinNEW YORK, BOSTOf. HONQ KONti.

MiiwrB. N. M. ltothee) ! & Hon, London'Tlio Cniunierclul Hat Co , of Bvduoy,

Lomlou.Tho Commurclul Haul. Co., of (Sydney,

Sydney,The Uiyikof Now Zcalimd: Auckland,

Uiiristchurclt, and Wellington,The Hunk of Ilrttinh Columbia, Vic

torlft, n C, and Portland, Ot.ahd


r. General Waking tfusinoas.Bfifllv

T n ngjaiTjj $nttqfi

PUdtrtil to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31, 1888.

"THE REFORM PARTY."liDiTon Bulletin: One of the

mostconvineing proofs that could booffered of the strength of tho Re-form party, and of the hold it issupposed to havo on tho people isfound in the eagerness of aspiringpolitician; and would-b- e politicalleaders in public affairs to bo identi-fied with that party, and to be re-garded as prominent and influentialin its councils." fAdveitiscr, Oct.31, 1888.

Most tuiu, O noble sage. But tho' editor of the "Advertiser," being alawyer, is also a special pleader inthis: thul ho "distinguishes" thecases whetoiii universal truths present themselves, by saying, "01this don't apply to me; it's the otherfellow."

Now we have the spectacle of asmall political faction tho lump ofa political piuty, the jackals of Ha-waiian politics combining togetherto "read out" tho mass ol the party!Is it not true that the vnst majorityof the party u lio adopted the nameof "Reform" entertain tho sumo po-

litical sentiments advanced by theFilth "Ward club the lit st organizedin the kingdom leilerated by theplatform of tho nominating conven-tion ; and voted on by the masseson boptcmbcr 12th? Now, where isthe change? Simply in this: thatthe remnant of the old "missionary"political party (most of whom eitherheld entirely aloof from the move-ments culminating June 30th to Juhy7th ; and others of whom desertedthe cause xchen they saw it was likelyto lead to a conflict of arms! ") bypersistency in shouting "Rnronu,"alter the leal woik was done, man-aged to worm themselves into all thecommanding positions, then delibei-atcl- y

btoke pledges entered into be-

fore Hkj elections under the mostsolemn forms, and have since strivento nullify the power of those whoput th'cm in position and whoso con-lideu-

they have thus grossly be-

trayed.OfalI the reprehensible and con-

temptible tiaits attaching themselvesto any known political faction thatof Pharisaism is the most despica--ble; and of all political factionsknown to the witter, none possessthis adjunct to so great an extent asthe clique voiced by the "Adver-tiser," when it Hays, (October 31)in speaking of the convention whichnominated Mr. YV. C. Wilder tosucceed his brother: "Men whobepersonal character and habits, whosepolitical and social alllliations, tosay noth'mg ot their known andopenly expressed opinions, forbidthe idea of their feeling any patticu-la- r

interest in good government, orhaving any sympathy with the avow-ed principles of tlie Reform party,rushed to the front and busiedthemselves with organizing cau-cuses, getting up tickets, and pull-ing wires for the election of them- -selves and their fiiends to the con-vention,


with an alacrity whichcould hardly have been born of goodfor tho public weal." Cotnincnd

' tho "public weal," Oh Lord of Na-tions, to this Pharisee of Pharisees:this type of what ho himself loudlyshouts is the Reform party, butwhich is a faction weak in numberand strong only in questionable me-thods: these "Reformers" who be-lieve, to judge them by their acts,that Reform is all right for every-body, else to practise but themselves :

these exemplars of "personal char-acter and habits" (to say nothing of"political and social alllliations")who thank God they are not asother men arc: these peoplo, who,onSunda3's, dressed in broadclothand line linen, may bo seen carryingthe Bible under their arms to nativeSunday Schools ; and who on Mon-days aro found writing mortgageson the lands of the members of theirclass, witli compound interest at 1

per cent, per month, and commis-sion at both ends ; theso peoplo whowere wont, before the organizationof the Reform party, to meet to-

gether in a back olllee of one of the"faithful," slice up the Hawaiianelectoral divisions, and divide themout to Tom, Dick and tlio devil,without consulting the wishes of tlioelectors; theso people who wouldbo so 'outof place at a political pow-

wow nt the palace." (Advoitiser,Oct. ill.) Oil ycj, commend us tothese "representatives of wealth andintelligence" (missionary war-cry- ),

of these would-b- e permanent guaid-ian- s

of tho rights and interests andliberties of the Hawaiian peoplo 1

Mr, Editor, theso political cliame-lion- s

may change the color of theirown skins, but thoy cannot deceive

Iho clcclorrvto n sccohtKitno t.ysame old story. Tho work of"Reform party" now IIch in

Uiotho'tc- -

forming" out of olllco by the firstconstitutional opportunity, tlio"jackal" party, who 'having stolenall tlio substantial results of otherpeople's labor, me now tryingso hard to blcal their name.



, Editou Bullltin: For a case ofpure gall and unmitigated check,together with wilful misstatements,1 think the editorial in this morn-ing's "Advertiser" on the ReformParty, ttikes the cake.

Surely this fledgling knows thatthe present Ministry does not nowrepresent tho great mass of tho Re-form Party, but only a small, mean,narrow clique, most of whom creptinto the party as soon as there wasno danger and a chance of makingsomething for themselves ; but whoin time of danger said, 'no, I havelived with this kiijd of Governmentfor so long,it is good enough for therest of my time.

Why was it that at the last con-vention no one daro say a word infavor of tlio Government?

The remarks on the pcrsonel ofthe convention aie an insult to thewhole convention. Why don't hecome out and mention the names heobjocts to, and give the parties achance to defend themselves?

The truth is, this little clique gotthe' best of us at tho first conventionand even the men who gave thename of Reform to the party are notnow in sympathy with them. Butthe clique like tho name and wantthe majority of the party who aronot in the ring with them, to leavethe party and adopt a new name.But it won't worlc, Sonny.. We werein the party when you were atschool, my boy, and when yourfriends, some went to the Coast, itit was safer, you know, and somewere on the Coast on their way hereand heard that the people had risenup and were going to get Reform atany price, thoy stayed on the Coast,loo, till danger was over. Thenthero were others who had a steamericady for the Coast, too, if it cameto a light.

Now let me knock a little senseinto your head. The mass of thepeople do nut condemn the ReformParty, as you say a large numberof them in the Convention do. Theyare all for Reform, but not such akind us tho present Ministty giveus, and it will be just as well foryon to remember that the nativesand Portuguese have organized, andthe other nationalities will be soon,and we are coming down to the Re-form meetings in every ward, andthere wont be a grease Vpot left ofthe missionary paity, when we getthrough the convention.



Mr. L. J. Levey is in receipt of aletter from Mr. Louis Bclmour cfSan Finucisco, asking for full parti-culars concerning the HawaiianOpera House, as ho is desirous ofbringing down a stiong dramaticcompany to play two or three weeks.The repertoire of this company isas follows: Hazel Kirke, GalleySlave, J ray Blossom, Michael Strog-ioi- f,

M'liss, Chispa, Ten nights in abar loom, Banker's daughter, Underthe gaslight, Stiects of New York,Octoroon, Black Diamonds, EastLynnc and Field of Honor.

Mr. Levey wrote full particularsto Bclmour on the Bryant which leftyesterday.


iinroni: iuIkston, j.

Tuesday, Oct. 30th.In probate. In the matter of the

estate of Mary F. Lindsay, of Wai-mc- a,

Hawaii, deceased. Petition ofadministrator for discharge. Mr.Creighton lcpresenting certain par-ties in this matter informally appearsand has the date of hearing changedfrom Tuesday, November 13, 1888,to Monday, November 2G, Mr. Mon-sarr- at

having consented.


Next Thursday, November 1st, isAll Saints' day, also called All Hal-lows, a feast of obligation in thoRoman Catholic Church, celebratedin memory and honor of all thosaints, since the whole year is tooshort to afford a eeparalc feast foreach.

Low masses on that day at thoRomun Catholic Cathedral of Hono;Julu at (i atd 7 a. im

High pontificial nms's at 10 n. in.followed by baptism of infants andadults.

3 p. in., confirmation followed byrosaiy and tho benediction of thoM. B. sacrament.

Fiiday, November 2d, is AllSouls' day, a day of devotion, ap-pointed by tho church for the livingto offer prayers nnd suffrages forthe souls ol the faithful dcpaited.

All tho masses of tho day will booffered for tho souls of purgatory.

Low masses at the Roman Catho-lic Cathedral at C and 7 a. m.

High mass de requiem at 9 n. m.


"Oh, yesl we hayo lots of funtogether. Well, you see, my wife,when she gels into a passion, is inthe habit of throwing at mc any-thing that comes in her way. Everytime she hits mo sho is pleased, nndever' time sho misses I am pleased ;

and thus we aro never short ofamusement,"

.?'."m. ; ..... V.1- - iN i . .vJHWTvy .ft NM'0CW.TW wrwe.0..


Till! Y. M. v. A. UVi:s A HOOIAI. IX

IIONOlt or a di:i,i:gati:.

La9l evening there was a largoattendance at tho Y. M. C. A. hallto welcomo homu Mr. Chas. M.Cooko who recently returned fromStockholm, Sweden, whither ho wentas a dolcgalo fioiu the Honolulu Y.M. C. A. to the eleventh four-yearl- y

convention of tlio worlds Y. Si. C.Associations. Mr. F. J. Lowreypiesided, and after making n fewbrief remaiks called upon Messrs.T. R. Walker and T. May to rendera vocal duet which they did in thomost acceptable rannner,Mrs. Walkerplaying the accompaniment on thepiano.

Mr. P. C. Jones on being calledupon for a few remarks said ho hadno doubt Mr. Cooko had receivedinspiration from meeting thoseChristian men from nil nations, whohad met together to consider theinterests of the young men of thoworld, and if ho could impart to themembers of tho Association in Honolulu some of that inspiration theywould bo amply repaid. Mr. Cookohad gone, out at his own expenseand had no doubt been greatly pro-fited by meeting them. The Hono-lulu Association was deepby indebtedto him for the services be had ren-

dered and it was hoped that the re-

marks he would presently address tothem would stimulate its mem-bers to earnest, active work amongthe young men of this city.

Mr. Cooke, who was warmly re-

ceived on rising, said he thoughtperhaps the debt was on his side forthe honor conferred upon him in ap-

pointing him a delegate. He hadreceived a similar appointment fromthe Chinese and Japanese Y. M. C.A.'s, so that at the convention hewas the delegate of three diffoientnationalities? He loft New Yoik inthe City of Berlin which had onboard about forty persons on theirway to attend the conference. Manyenteitainmcnts were gotten up dur-ing the voyage and one lady whowas not religiously inclined said shehad no ulea the members were suchjolly good fellows. That was an in-

stance of the way in which their in-

fluence was excited among peoplenot connected with them. Severalpro or meetings were held on board.On arrival in England most of thedelegates went to Glasgow and thereembarked in a steamer and alter atrip of twelve days arrived at Tron-hcii- n.

Here they found waiting aspecial car ordered by King Oscar tocarry them to Stockholm. He (thespeaker) went by another route,leaving London about live days afterthe other company by way of Yorkand Newcastle. They left the latterplace on a steamer and finally ar-

rived at Christiana, going to Stockholm later on by train. The Con-

vention opened August loth at thetabernacle in Stockholm, which holdsabout two thousand people. Thenumber provided with credentialswas 303. The total number of dele-gates and friends present was be-

tween 700 and 800. The introduc-tory sermon, a very eloquent one,was by Rev. Prof. Rudolf of Up-sa- la

University. The hospitality ofthe city was tendered to the dele-gates and the whole town was favor-able to their coming. The confer-ence was opened by one Berndorff,president of tho conference at Ber-lin in 1881, a fine looking gentlemau,who spoke French, German andEnglish.

Sir. Cooke then went on to giveparticulars of the repoits read atthe conference. The report of theCentral Committee stated that therewero throughout the world 3,801associations 72 in Canada, 1132 inthe United States, G24 in GreatBritain, C73 in Germany, 505 inHolland, 90 in Franco, CO in Swe-

den and Norway, 25 in Oceanica,47 in Asia, 17 in Denmark, 12 inAfrica, the rest scattered throughoutRussia, Itary, Spain and tho otherparts of the world. The work hadmade most progress in the UnitedStates. The associations there num-bcie- d

950 in 1884, and 1132 in 1888.The property of the associations inthe United States had increased inthe four years from 4,000,000 to$7,000,000. King Oscar contri-buted towards the leception to thedelegates. A telegram was receivedfiom him nt Berlin during the con-

ference, regretting his inability toattend and invoking the blessing ofthe Holy Spirit upon tlio conference.Each delegate was presented with abadge beaiing his national color.The Stockholm delegates had greathopes of tho good it would do themthrough holding the confeieuco inthat city.

His Honor the Chief Justice saidMr. Cooke had told them of a greatdeal lie had seen, but had not yetinformed them of what ho himselfhad said nt the conference'

Mr. Cooke replied by giving anoutline of his spccclrnt tho confer-ence.

lie was followed in a few remarksby his brother Mr. A. F. Cooko whoaccompanied him.

Mr. T. R. Walker moved thattheio beplaced on tho records of theassociation, an expression of grati-tud- o

for tlio way Mr. Cooko had re-

presented tho Y. M. C. A. at Stock-holm. No better delegate couldhave been .sent.

Tho Chief Justice seconded thomotion which was unanimouslyadopted.

Ice cream and cake wero haudedround and the remainder of theevening spent in social conversation.The reception throughout was ycrycreditable to tho association,

M'Mn wviii.t,l..-.i'.vfc-yw4.y..j- .,

L 8, iIJLLi SOI, !! BOOOS !(JjtatlTKtK)

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Amealed Fence Wira, 4,-- & 6,

Galvanized Pl hif.,Coiriigntnl I inn,

Yellow IttcliilMiu-illihur-

Who Itupu, iibsoited; dial Tar,U lllnn 0

ti J)

Boxes Tin Plates, PhuU Zinc,Galvanized 81iel Iron,

JJas Shpt, Uaslor Oil,

Water Filters, &c.AIbo, just ni rived ex Bnrk "Amy

Turner,'' fiom Uosion,


Iu lhclr Hub, including

Plows, Hardware,-- ajd-

83J C2TA11 Kor Sale Cheap -- a llw


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vilrd wbli tin- - Latest Improvmcnt

M IP iiWMlCSLjuv



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nil I

A Lnrco and Vailed Assortment of


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J. T. WATERHOUSE,81 . Queen Street. lw


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Something' Tev !"Whoso "ad" is il? Why,


Who Ima opened aCoffeo Saloon, on Hotel Street.

A Hot Dinner is provided EveryDiiy from 1 1 :U0 A. i. to 1 r. m.

SarComo and try his Coireo, etc.TSaCO tf

Alex, Jf Elohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

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All kinds of Safes & Soalos ropaired.Also, Huwlwr Itluchliii'M at rcnuoii- -

lltllcBell Tel. 421. 1. O. B. 400.

llousG Restaurant

King Street Near Alakea.gitIJonnt 81 SO INt IVi'cU.MIiikIc 3Icnl )iS Ccntx Ilncli.




H. HACKFELD & CO., Agents.1 in






A flrht-clfts- s Cook has been engaged tosucceed tlio ono heretofore employed.Tho Tallica aro Marble top and Clean j

tho Walters attentive.. CHUN llWAi,

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D EU 5F s 8 fl P3 IBl if


Ladies, Gnats, IIIS COTTON


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.. - - .. LTTgWmi ly .

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OWING to our constantly increasing business nnd the great deinund of an appro.community, c havo coiiclud d in oiler an nppmtiiiilt.v to all parties

having capital. Our Lluo of Schooners may lie keen Rllding over the "liar" filledto their utmost carrying capacity of Clear, (.Vol and Invigor.Ulng

John Wieiand's Philadelphia Lager Beer !

AJJC a-IlE-J 'OKiaETKTOJJTo occnmtno'atc our Vast Klrtt of Schooner,

larged rcgardlefs of rost. The




SALOON."ice now


Sirica RTPR



"OKITEKIOW "the only Cool of IM11LAD1 LPI1IA BL'Kll, on Dmuplit

be Unuululu. Step forward, Gentleinc, the tiim-- . .vj 1m


-- o-



& FkiAiONDS sre ouiLS iThe '.u:,ni;. i Wotiil

i ..i! i ia



Waltham Watches, Elgin Watches, &c,At Exceedingly Low


ttijjeeisU ot 'ClokH, jxt ?1all bi-o-

pur-onul- ly in tlio guaiau-tooiu- g

thojoby hckotimi of tlio and Designs.Sain plo Packages of sent to any p.u of (bo Kingdom. Having

lacilities requisite for jowuliy manufacturing establish-ment, wo feel confident Unit wo can manufacture anything that may be re-quired in the Jewelry nrRilvorwnio


our well-know- n

ol lemoel1 to. :M2 ' (no im

In Account




In '& Leather; fifrquo,III Glasses, Toletcopcs,

too numerous to mention. All thewill be the


J3"T1ig arobeen imported ox and







Sets, Ladies' Work Baskets,.

Bftisie Boxes, Toys, JBoolcs, .AJLtmms,



W. I. GRAENHALGHOO Street, Honolulu.


At than


Mr. S.!

Han from Sanwith Block tho


brought to this city.

wero in Bondand he give hla cuathe of theso purchases

CT Call and see (or yourselves "Gil71 2m

i& jjLf,"



for All.

our vaults are en- -

ft & PA I

, xci-n.u- Ci. I'incst Trlnlourvout v



Is place where a Glnrs(in in nrtw's


Ibices.3mui 5 CloIf J


Jio Alurisi VS.oTlioso havo helootoil States,

a choice Kowcbt LitestGoods I

evoiy a liist-cla.-- e


In mi




Glass & Parianmine

And tilings, nbovo

Goods offered at ,


ahove Goods Now,recent arrivals

1 Fort




and of the Design, havingweio expiessly for tho

o .

Co., Ld;

Linu of BARGAINS -

Hardware.SrX,XiElDrX', HONOLULU.

Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,ever before, New of


NovelticH STmioy Goods,'In Jai'cr "Variety.. aug.8.88

RQTH,Merchant Tailor

just relumed Fran-Cisc- o

Largo of

Finest English Scotch Goods


tSTho Goods boughtCheap, intendstoiners benefit










Ware, Opera

Froth Latestselected trade.





Lower Prices invoice




NO. 1 FLOURA consignment of the above



Theo. H.Davies&Co.711m


ii- -


- 'iM.1


Page 3: Attorney - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · yvj s. iS i ttsr"-. SfT s "fl V fcfc 'S: BMMWM MMs4taiMriliSa 11 ' r. yv, mwmwwiwi?--"TI t'u o Vol. XriT.




' ''?;',.

&-- w




wSK '

vyes: i


W"- -


Uncle stand : Merchant and Tortstreet. Toleplionca, UI3G.



BaiTtt " ifinWEDNESDAY, OCT. 31, 1888.


Slmr Ivaala fioin Wulauao ami WalalnaOct ill

Slmr 0 It Bishop from Koolnu

DEPARTURES.Oetltl-St- tnr

W G Hall for Lalialna, Slaalaea,Kona, Kan and tho Volcano ut 10o'clock a in

Stmr Iwalani for Lahaiua and ITamaknaat 10 a ra

Bclir Knulkenoull for Kauai

VESSELS LEAVING"Bktno W II Dlmoud for San Francisco


For Maul and Hawaii, per steamerKiiinu, Oct 30-I- Iis Honor Justlco 11 FBlckcrton and Mrs Hickcrton. AsufordSpencer, A Harrison, lion A Kosa, MissHitchcock, Hon 1) 11 Hitchcock andwife, W W Goodali', .1 A Palmer andwife, O CrclL'hloti, W C Achl, Hon E IIBailey, C II Jutld. .lr, A T Atkinson, WAYhittiijr, E 1 Low and wifo, Hon II PBaldwin anl CO deck.

For the Volcano and way-por- ts perstmrWG Hall, Oct 31 For tho Vol-can- o

: II Wilcox'nnd J K Kenedy. Forother ports : Mr Smith, Mr Wood, MrThompson, E L Hritto, Mr Jones, MrsMnkukoii, D 11 Naliinu, Mr Hutclilnson,Mr Catton, Miss 33 Paris, Mrs Akana,Miss A Brooke, Mrs Achl nnd sister and80 deck.

SKIPPING NOTES.The Steamers W G Hall and Iwalani

loft at 10 o'clock tills morniuir.for a raceto Lahaiua, Maul. The Hall took thelead by several lengths When thosteamers wei e off "Waikiki they werothe same distance apait as in the start.The Hull lins just come off tho MarineHallway; the Iwalani was cl aned about10 days ago. Xeither vessel seemed togain a foot and a close race is expected.A telephone message from DimondHead, shortly after 11 o'clock, said thatthe Iwiihuii had got ahead of the Hull,just, beyond tho tle.id.


LOCAL &. GENERAL HEWS.South wind to-da-

Tin: Enterprise Mill lias iiio-woo- d

for sale cheap.

Editorial and other mailer iscrowded out of this issue.

Mit. Atkinson, Tiisppctor-Gciier-

of Schools, left yesterday for miof tliu schools on Maui.

This Post Oil'ieo despatched by thobark C. 1). Bryant yeslciday 1,030letters and 125 packages of papers.

Tim annual meeting of tho stock-holders of 13. O. Hall & Son, will b'eheld at their ollice at 2 o'clock to-

morrow afternoon.

To-da- y was the birthday anniver-sary of tho King of Portugal, andwas noticed in this eity by (ho tiringof salutes and hoisting of tho riiplu-inati- c

and cmibiilar flags.

being All Saints' day,there will bo a Celebration of , HolyCommunion at G:30 a. in. and morn-ing prayer with address at 9 a. m. atSt. Andrew's Cathedral.

Mrs. J. D. Strong, whoso adver-tisement appears elsewhere, lias hadseveral years experience in this city,teaching children to draw and paint,and lias met with unqualified suc-cess, as has been proved by her manyexhibitions at tho Governmentschools.


Drill of Co. C Honolulu Rifles at7:80 o'clock.

Services at the churches nt 7:30o'clock.

Oahu Lodge No. 1 K. of P. at7:30 o'clock.

. TRADE IN THE PACIFIC.J. dispatch from Madrid dated

October 14th contains the following:Senor Moret, Minister of the Inte-rior, lias informed the Council thattho English Government has pro-posed to tho European and Ameri-can Governments to prohibit thePacific Ocean trade in arms, dyna-mite and other explosives, and al-

cohol. Senor Armijo, Minister ofForeign Affairs, said that tho Amer-ican Government had declined toassent to the proposition and urgedthe Council to assent if the othernations would do likewise


Mr. J. II. Maby, manager of thoVolcano House, Kilauca, is in town.He reports, that tho whole of tho1880 breakdown is entirely filled up,nnd that tho lava is again llowingover tho old floor of tho crater.There is plenty of action at tho au

cone, The Qro can boBeen distinctly from the volcanohouso and presents an indescribablesight., The volcano house has re-ceived a largo number of visitors tholast few weeks, and they have beenfully rewarded by tho grand sightthey have witnessed. Tho road b'tho Wilder'a hteainship Company'sroute from Kcauhou to the volcanohouse is in first-rat- o condition. Mr.Maby returns next Tuesday.

-China refuses to ratify tho Am-

erican treaty restricting emigration.The year 1888 will bo known in history as 'tho anti-treat- y year,(World.

gssagtesgssggaassaagANOTHER MAIL

The Oceanic Company's barkenline-W- . II. Dimond sails for SanFiancisco at noon ThoPostoflicc will despatch a mail byher which closes at 11 o'clock. TheDimond is a fast sailer and will pro-bably roach San Francisco severaldays ahead of tho next steamer.


Tuksdat, Oct. flOtli.Siincona for escaping from Re-

formatory school was sent to prisonfor six months, at tho expiration ofhlsscntenco to bo returned to thoschool.

Knhaiola for larceny of a hitchingstrap was sentenced to imprisonmentat hard labor for twenty days.

Ah Ling nnd Ah Tup were finedSI each and Ah Sing and Ah KeongS5 each for violating tho Sabbath bywashing clothes.


Tuesday afternoon Captain Gra-ham and olficers of tho TJ. S. S.Alert held a reception and dance onboard which was attended by HisMojcsty tho King, other members ofthe Royal family, members of thojudiciary, diplomatic and consularcorps, oiilcers of tho U. S. S. Brook-lyn and II. B. M. S. Cormorant anda large number of our most promi-nent society people. The invitedguests were received for the oillcorsby Mrs. Merrill, wifo of the TJ. S.Minister resident assisted by Mrs.Moore, wifo of Lieut. Moore, aiuLMrs. Knapp, wife of Ensign Knappof the U. S. S. Alert.

The decks of the vessel werotastily decorated with flags, flowersand evergreens. The band of theU. S. S. Brooklyn played for danc-ing. Captain Graham and officerswere assidious in their attentions tothe comfort of tho invited guests.Refreshments of a most palatablenature were served. Tho wholeaffair was much enjoyed by allpresent.

FIRE IN A RICE MILL.At about twenty minutes before

seven o'clock, Tuesday evening, analarm of fire was sounded from thebig bell in the Central Tower, fol-

lowed almost immediately by theoilier bells. It was for a fire dis-covered in Mr. J. A. Hopper's ricemill, Fort street. The liro was evi-dently first seen by some of the peo-ple returning in boats from the re-

ception on the U. S. S. Alert. Theono to give the alarm was the watch-man at the Honolulu Planing Mills.The fire department turned outpromptly but their services were notneeded. On every floor of the millis a huge water tap with hose at-

tached which will reach a considera-ble distance. This is a ape-cu- piiv-ileg- e

granted Mr. Hopper by thogovernment. His men arc so train-ed that they can find the hose in thedark.

The fire was confined to the thirdstory where the wood-wor- k to whichthe machinery is attached, wasconsiderably "charred. The flamesalso found their way along tho belt-ing elevators where there was a gooddraught. It was put out by themill hands with the hose on thesecond floor. There was such adense smoke in tho third stoiy thatthe men were unable to reach thehose there.

Tho principal damage was doneby water. The bottom tier of 500bags of rice ready for shipment onthe W. II. Dimond, was damaged,and considerable paddy was alsodamaged by water. The origin ofthe fire is not known. The damageis fully covered by insurance. Re-pairs will be effected at once and itis expected tho mill will be again inrunning order inside of two weeks.




Tuesday, October SOth.The afternoon session was to some

extent an executive one, and thediscussion was pertaining to imm-igration matters. Minister Thurstonlaid bofore tho meeting the plans ofthe Board of Immigration, relativoto Japanese and Portuguese immi-gration. .

President Baldwin appointed thefollowing committees for tho ensuingyear :

Labor R. A. Macflo, It. D. "Wal-hridg- e,

W. II. Rickard.Cultivation J. N. Wright, Chas.

Koclling, O. Unna.Machinery G. C. Willians, R.

Ilalstead, R. R. Hind.Legislation A. S. Ilnrtwell, S. N.

Castle, C. R. Bishop.Reciprocity H. M. Whitney, P.

C. Jouos, C. M. Cooke.Transportation W. Y. Horner,

W. E. Roweil, A. Cropp.Manufacture Z. S. Spalding, II.

P. Baldwin, O. Isenberg.Livo Stock E. II. Bailey, J. II.

Paly, A. S. Wilcox.Forestry E. O. Rond, G. N. Wil-

cox, H. M. Whitney.Fertilizers T. R. Walker, H. F.

Glade, J. B. Atherton,Varieties of Cane W. II. Rick-

ard, Chas. Notloy, Chas. Koolling.Fruit Culture W. W. Hall. J.K.

Smith, W. Goodalo.Coffeo and Tea W, II. Purvis, L.

A. Thurston, W. II. Rickard.Tobacco F. A. Schuefer, V.

Knudsen, W. O. Smith.Ramio W. W. Goodale, R. F.

Dillingham, W. R. Castle.A vote of thanks was passed to

tho President and Secretary afterwhich tho meeting adjourned siuodie.



The cool niilttmil Weather hascome at last. At noon thothermometer indicated 09 degrees,an I it wus so cloudy that rain mighthave been expected anywhere out-sid- o

of California. Tho regular timofor our rainy season has not yet ar-rived, however, and the Btrccts nrovery dusty. Frequent visits of thowatering carts keep the principalthoroughfares in good condition.Nearly all of the Odd Fellows fromdistant parts of the country havereturned to Ihelr homes, nnd thodecorations along the route of thegrand piocossion have been removed.Workmen are busily employed infininhing a number of largo build-ings, which will be icady for occu-pancy when our winter quests arrive.On account of tho yellow feverepidemic in Florida, Southern Cali-fornia is preparing ta entertainthousands of invalids from thoEastern States, during tho cold sea-son.

Our markets are plentifully sup-plied with almost every variety offruit, from the apples and pears ofa colder climo, to tho bananas andOcoanuls of your own tropicalIslands. In sheltered situations inthis city, banana trees grow luxur-iously, tho upper leaves being on alevel with Bce,ond story windows.Unless well protected, the broad andponderous foliage is sadly torn byoccasional winds. Now and then ahandsome bunch of luscious fruitattains perfection. But the loversof bananas usually obtain their sup-ply from Honolulu or Panama. Thefruit is more costly than in NewYork and Boston, where large quan-tities of bananas arc imported fromthe West India Islands.

Grapes of several varieties arcsold in Los Angeles at very lowprices. The white Muscat grapesaro in their prime. Five cents willpurchase a sufficient number of largoand templing bunches for a fullmeal. In several places in this staleraisins of the best quality arc nowproduced with entire success, andmany car loads are forwarded toChicago and other Eastern cities.Good laisins are very healthful andnutritious. Bicad, laisinsand olivesenable ono to make a long journeywithout fatigue, and they shouldfind a place in the lunch baskets ofcvory picnic part'. California olivesarc equal to tho best products ofItalian olive yards. Olive, oil fromSanta Barbara and National City issuperior to most specimens of im-ported oil. For consumptives, avery nourishing compound mayeasily lie prepaicd by mixing ono ortwo teaspoonfuls of "pure olive oil,with a fresh egg, milk and sugar.The ingredients, thoroughly stirred,will he found very palatable, and inmany cases far more beneficial thancod liver oil. I have tried this- - re-cipe myself, and I trust that someof your readers ma' derive benefitfrom it, for pulmonary disease hasinvaded even tho "Paradise of thePacific." A. B. W.

ANNUAL MEETING.rpilK iiuiiiiiil meeting of (lie steel;.JL hokleia ot

.H. O.


..fe Hon.

I . t. tnlijimncn;, win lie neiil at UieoilKooltho Compjiiy, mi THURSDAY, Novcui.her 1st, at 2 o'clock p at.

L. C. AIHES,8 H't Secretary.

CARD of THANKS.nro Hie Meichants and Residents of

Honolulu, the Public tn Ornrraland to Mr. George .Barker: Throughwhose Kindness uiul untiring efforts Ih.iv'u reecived the sum of $W7, to eachnnd all leiimi my sincere llwnks fartheir kindness to me In mynflllctimi.

J. B. 'VOELLEIi.Honolulu, Oct. 27, 188S. 85 It

Mrs. J. D. STltONG,of Object Drawing and

Bketcliliig from Nature, wouldlike to locoivu a few moro pupils atNo 40 Emma sirect. Touching youngchildren a fpecialty. 85 lw


TI1E followlnc officers were chosenthe ensuing year, nt the anniiul

meeting of the Kuliala Sugar Co. heldin Honolulu, October 20, 1888:

President S. O. Allen,t. .Hon. J. Molt Bmltli,

Treasurer Hon. S. N. Castlo,Heorelary.. ....IIou. J. U, Atherton,Auditor... C. M. Coolso.

J. 15. ATHERTON,Secretary.

Honolulu, Oclobor ill, J888. 8.r lw


AT tlio ndjourncd annual meetiiij'ofIho Hailiu Hujjar Co. held in

tJonliiii, October 21), J83S, the follow.lng oiilcers wero elected for the enbulnpyear:

Trthident Hon. H. V. Baldwin,..Hon. S. M. Uamnn,

Ticfiturer Hon. 8. N. Caitlo,Secretary Hon. J. U. Atlierlnn.Auditor E. W. Pat croon.

J. 11. ATHERTON,Secretary.

Honolulu, October 31JSK8. 85 lw

AT, the KhiK'a Stable.on Klne street. I'a.

lama, 0 aood woik Mulesand Htuucsr. all complete,

well hioko; also 0 head of coed Annulcan Hori.cs; also 1 fresh yuung JerseyCow, well broke to milking; 1 live yenrold Noun mi titalliou with a good pedi.grto, a uuio foal getter, uiidunyhulycan ililvu him, fcius nothing. Anyonewishing to purchuso please call andoxmnliiH Block. I have owned tho stocksometime and luvu raised bomo of Iton my own ranch In Kan Mateo County,Cal, HENRY WOUMINGTON,

84 3n

THE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- X2d coltunut), pure).) local mutter

Mailed tv loruigu countnw, $G perannum.

lr BMo Cheap.

In Cord Wood or Stovo Wood Lengths


ENTERPRISE MILL,85 Queen Street. lm

Horse Clipping;In First-Clnf- s Btylo, hy Expcrl-ence- d

Men.IpuS" JBy Cllppm-- H j

At the Pantheon Btablcs.631 WORK GUARANTEED, lm


MUSIC furnished for hallp, pattiesserenades by Palmer's Siring

Hand. Orders left at 0. E. Wllllaiusv,or ring up Mutual Telcphouu RH(1. 74 tf


A PARTNERSHIP has this day beenformed to carry on the Baggage

Express Business In Honolulu, underthe firm namo of Fisher & Company.


Honolulu, Oct. 20, 18t8. 81 lw


BY n Portugese married couplo a placewhere tho man can show his use-fulne-

as a gosd and competent servantaround a gentleman's placo; take chargeof horses and carriage. Wife is a first-cla- ss

sower on the machine, mid also aperfect housokecper, willlnjr to do anykind of wotk. , Apply to Mr. Antoniofleorge, the florist, School street, Hono.lulu. 83 lw


rN Liliha street, this sideVv of School street, latelv

I occupied by Mr. Chas. Klb--

bling. Rent $12 per month.81 lw M. S. GRLNBA.UM & CO.

TO LETa nice locality, sur

rounded by well-ke- nt

grounds, two suites of Furnished Rooms, with hath and dress-"i-

rooms, suitable for housekeeping,and if wanted an additional room canhe added to cither. Also, a Cottage,with hath, stable and carriage room.Address I. 0. Box 500. 77 lm


rpiIE underpinned having been dulyJL appointed nud qualified as Admin--

raters witu tho will annexed of theEstate of fainuel Gardner Wilder, lateof Honolulu, deceased ; hereby notifyall persons having claims apaluit saiddeceased to pi escnt the Bamo, duly antheuticatcd, with tho proper vouchers ifany exitt, even if secured by montage,to Win. l Allen. Ksq., at tho Hank otBii-ho- Jls Co., Honolulu, wiiliin Fixmonil.s firim Ibis dale or thev will beforever barred. A. F. JUDD,

W. F. ALIiKN,Admiulutr.itcis witU tho Will auncxed

of the Eatatc of S. O. Wilder, do.ceased.

Honolulu, October 1 1, 1S88. 70 lm


.JW&.& UA11T1H.S uesiring (ioodiy---iv- u J. MnnsH Lots and Agri

cultural Lands may innuircf the undersigned:There are 16 House Lots at Hamoharao,

Waikiki; 9 ef thebe being near the Got-emine-

road nnd elope to the sen beach.1 House Lot at Palolo, Oahu1 House Lot at Kdiiluwelu, Oahu.1 Lot, a beautiful grove of trees on the

banks of a running stream above thefalls of YVaikahalulu, and including thefalls.

1 Land atllauula, Oahu.1 Land at Eva, Oahu.4 Lots at Polani, Lalialna, Maui.1 Land at Nahiku, Maui.1 Land at Hamaicua, Hawaii.BSTTlie nbovo Lands will be leaRcd

for the term of 10 lo 15 years. Applyto J. HKLELUHE,

At Kapalama.Honolulu, October 23, 1S88. 81 2w

CHAS.KLEMMEDosiroito inform his many friends and

the public of Honolulu in general,that ho has purchased the


No expense has been ppared in com-pletel- y

renovating this establishment.White labor only will bo employed

as much as possible.Strict atteution will be paid to wash-Ing- ,

bo as lo prevent all Rough Wear orU?ago while undergoing Uie cleaningpiocess.

Special terms for Families, Hotels,Restaurante, Lodging-house- s and Ship-ping- .

Small repairs will be done freeof charge. Washing will be called forand delivered free of charge at any partef Honolulu.

Guarantees fatisfacllon and no morecomplaints to be heard from patrons.

Givom atrial and be convluced thatwo moan business. Bell Telephone 100.

Ollice. Queen street; Waikiki side ofHaokfeld & Co, Bell Telephone 808.

94 1m

TAXES, 1888.

Tax Collectors Notice !

Distriot of Honolulu, Island of Oahu.

rpAX Payers in this district are herebyX nodded that the taxes of tho cur.rent year will be due and payable at theofllcu of the undersigned, No. U8 Mer-chant street, this city, on tho 1st day ofNovember, A. D. 188 Office open from8 A. m. to t v. 31. daily. Any person de-cking to pay his taxcr, before the almyomeniioued date can do go at tho collectoi'a oillce as nbovo indicated.

OfAll amounts remaining unpaidafter the lClh day of Decern her next willbu llahlo to an additional 10 per centand costs of colledloa.

CHAS. T. OULIOK,Tax Collector, District of Honolulu.Honolulu, Oct. 23, 1W8.


AtfifreiUiiierfWi henil rv (fi'fffed it ftnllJir lint fat' theftnt iiwertton, nnd a rer (tntvtry aaiUtloxitl inntrttmi.

YAN'B BOAT? BUILDINGSHOP. Rear of Lucas' Mill.


"N account of ill health I have ap.J pointed Air. C. Bolte to bo mv

ncent and to transact all mv businessunder full power of uitomov.

G. WEST.Honolulu, October 27, 18SS. 8 1 lw


Life insurance Go.,OF NEW YORK.

CashAstels. Docom!cr3t, 1007.. $110,006,051 80

Those who deslro safe and profitableLifo Insuranco are Invited to apply to

S. It. ASOSl),Honolulu, General Agent, Hawaiian

Islands. oct-- 0 8S.ly


Tho Nippon Yusen Kaisba'a AlSteamship

"Takasago Maru,"BitowN, : : Commander.

Will be duo here from Yokohama on orabout the 13th No ember and

will leave for the abovepotts positively on tho

i7tli of the same Month 1

Chinese Passeugeis for Hongkongwill bo transferred at Yokohama byfirst steamer leaving that port.

8For Freight or Passage having8purior accommodations, apply to

T77m. G. IKWm. & Co.,73 td Agents.




RA A 1 rintrie ROOM FOR

NSW GOODSDuring Mr. Fiahol's abionce, who

wont East to buy his HolidayGoodfi, our ontiic stock of

ancy-- AND-


Fancy C'lotltiiii;, sJTioch, Hats A.

CapM, atlllinery, &c.Will lie sold at Greatly Reduced Prices

In order to iniiko room for NewGoods. Wo will oiler the

Biggest Bargain in


In tit !m country.

Our $5 Hats will ho sold for $2.7f);Our $6 Hats will ho sold for $3.75;Our $.1 Hats will ho Hold for $1.75;Our $10 Hula will he sold for $6.00;Our $15 Hats will ho told for $8.75.

We inn Rmnnti

1 all Departments!

Goodfi will bo (slaughtered forTIIIIITY DAYS ONLY,


Boys' Fine Straw Hals only 25Cents each.

Our Linen Lawns take tho cal;.

Price our Bibbons !

Our slock of Itihlions is comploto amiyou may expect bargains.

We Must and wo Will soil in order tomake loom for New Goods.

The Leadin

Millinery Houseor

CHAS. J. RS84EL.Corner ol Tort & Hotel Streo'.s.

July 17-8- 8

TH!,rrNhYPABLERhR,1".. ,ua Iviuguom "Tuo

Dally Hulkllu," CO corns per month.

TSv "wjr



tsoe I

o- -

By the "Zealaiulia,"or 28th of this month,turn to Honolulu with


jjJi n

GJ5 05

27thMr. will

stock of Dry Gents'Misses' and

Boots and etc., se-

lected by in San and thoEast, and which will only needto which the is tobe

S.GJJ 05 Fort Street.2031

--as t 53:








Goods, FurnishingGoods, Ladies', Gents', Chil-

dren's Shoes, personallyhimself Francisco

inspection,public cordially invited,




HPfl PilY

5 W nSB f& 1 s

To lis foni iii any is tie KinSopl -17


NOTICE.lUIIING the temporary absence of

. ' nun M.. Wi.. T...T1.. r .1....wu. juii .1 lit. i. i n hi JIUIll unairinirilmu Vv V XI rjlir.r.l .nlll .i..t IV..

our rirm under power of attorney.ivm, g. mwiN & co.

Honolulu, Oct. 21, 18tf8. 7J 3Y


DUUINO tho temporary absence ofWin. G. Irwin from this

Kingdom Mr. Frank 1. IluslinRB willact for our bank in all niattcm ot bufi-nes-

OLAUS SPKKCICKLS & CO.Honolulu, Oct. a.1, 1SS8. 79 3w

Foreign Parcels Express.

THE undendijned arc now preparedforward parccla through I'itt &

Rcctt's London Agoncy, to all jiarta ofEurope, Asia nnd Africa; and iiIho toAustralasia direct, and to tho Smith SraInlands via Australian or New Zealandporta. Tariff latcs, which aru remark,ably moderate, have recently been fur.niched and may ho learned upon appli.cation.

l'tiiceltt or heavy fiolpht can iiIho bosent lor and broujjlit to Honolulu fiomany part of Eu rope through i'itt & Hcoi t'sAgency, and may bo insured at tho pnitof departure If dtRiicd tinecial ordensfor Kurojiuan eoods can bo placed byI'itt & Hctt in Enfjlaud or through theiriiEcnta In other jiiirts of Kuiopc; and thonuckagca forwarded by any route thatis beat, at reduced heavy freight r.tto iftho package aro laicn

J. E. WIOWK V5 CO.,Hawaliau Agents I'itt & hcoti's

Express. ts lm BUwSt

Whale BoatsXN answer to several ounuirlcs ijr

Whalo Itoat I'raiiuts, wohavo now lit enuibo of eoiistriieiloii,

Whalo llotit Kraincs 74 feet by 32 feotlong, Tliefco frames aro bout In onopiece of oak, and held to bhape, thusrcouhiiur llttlu tact to fiet tliuin up andbuild. Tho full fraino for sueh boats,liiuhidlng canta, 5 feelions in numltur,i sold at 26; with largo stems on kual,and ready to plank $40. Thev aro notIntended to bo clinker built, nor m thufiall Imported whalo hoatH proper, hutaiu lntondcd for rough hpu and durabi-lity, yet llglit withal, for tUhlug andtrudtug puniows. Wo havo exportedthese fraiiicu and Intend doing so, andiniiko thla offer to ninatenrs and otlieisdeHlrous of trjlng their hand, withplenty of lelburo and small cabh to niakoubuhlnesi. Will bend frames to anyglcn model from 5 to 25 ton. Also ophand for sale g.irf and Pleasure lloats,htitinn, Knees ai.il Tliiihcs. MutualTelephouo No 32.'.

Ut WEB & SOX,70 tt BoatllulldciB.

.ti Kn

iM'i'fei.''iJ ,&j&L' Jv'.&;

K5 TN ra p n 'rn ran n



clue here on there

a large and M







ONE fine Milch Cow,$120. Ainly

at the BDi.wrTiH Office.SH8tdoaw


N Kincr Btrcet, oppositeJ Tir. AtliurlonV. Has afroutago of 03 feet by 231

.iinV.Wn. fret deep. Apply to73 1m JOHN BOWLEK.


A MAKE and Colttho Colt C months

old. Tho maro is foal byIvanhoe. Apply to

JOnN BOWLER.Cor. Punchbowl street audi'alaco Walk.

70 lw


IlceKHiimlcIiii;. .to., Aro.,


J" .

- . - - A. V.n








Has commenced Urn business of Dioss.making, ChU'iiir ami Eitliug, athcr o,

No. 7U JJerctaula street, oppi sitotho Hotel. The patronage of the utilesIn respectfully solicited. Satisfauionguaranteed. sept4.1y

Cortlficato of Registration or Copy- -l


Uei'Ahtii:nt ov thk lN'rr.iuon, )Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

KNOW all Men by these rrents,in accordance, with lur pro.

visions of Section 2, Chapter 3, a theSession Laws of ia98, J. M. Macdoialdhas tiled In the onico of tho MlniBl-- r ofthe Interior an application for a Cctlfl.cato or Copyright for a book em tied','llie Honolulu UnslneBH Directory be.ing a profcshioual commercial and iradonddrus book of the city and suburbs,corrected up to dato of Issue," wfuchBnid application is accompanied bv thooath of Uib said applicant that he U thooriKinal and llrst author of said book.

Now, thereforo, this Certificate is togrant unto the asld J. it. Macdonnltl.hiskelra or assigns for the turm of TvontyYeais, Irom thuTeuth Day of 'Oct .fcer,Ono Thiiusand Eight Hundred andKU'lily eight, the tsoluslvo right topiint, publibh, uso sad vondthu said book tlitouhout tho HawaiianKingdom,

In Wituess wherccf I havo cnuiedthis Crrtlllcato to bu issued at Honolulu,this 11th Day of October, A. D. 18fie)and tho of the Department of thslutcrioi to bu hereto aulscd.

JOVA. AUSITN.Jliniter oftlio lntinlor, lulittUnw.

70 2m

Page 4: Attorney - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · yvj s. iS i ttsr"-. SfT s "fl V fcfc 'S: BMMWM MMs4taiMriliSa 11 ' r. yv, mwmwwiwi?--"TI t'u o Vol. XriT.

jTelophoneB, No. 175.





' 4$

LiliJ.H -- jjjjJ


'i'iiiLiiiWft'llPililliW.j y,1.1! i. i

H?4 Crr 'r yTiT "Bf ClviflteiliaKu iJMfc.U'lJ1 foJfr!fJl rL Cf"t

Cor. &

nam Street


Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,



Groceries. Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

Now Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and EuropeFresh Caliiornia Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toand Goods delivered to any part ot the city free of charge. Island orders soli-cite-

Satisfaction cuaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. 93 nov-4-8-






Dupee Haras & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Pork, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Table Fruits, Germea,

Hacking & Frimco Americnn li'eed Co.'s Assort'd Soups,ltidgcs Food, Imperial Granum, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafcis, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCi ackers, Ginger Wafeis, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, Fiench Peas. Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butler, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit tho Times.

nh-O- J && Leave your orders, or ring up 119. -- 8 86

te Telephone 240.-



-- "GSHoTST-


Frozen Oysters & Fresh Goods from California on ICE by each steamer ol the 0.A complcto line ol Crosso & Blackwcll's and J. T. Morton's English

Canned Goods always on hand.

& IIEW GOODS "SSSmoked Salmon, Edam Oheebe, Pinutpplc Ohiese, Swibs Cheese, Oregon CreamCheese, New York Cheese, Cain. Mild Chrcso, Now Zealand Cheese, WhltakerStar Ham & Bacon, Clcily Lemons, Sninkul Beef, Smoked Foiled Sausage, a fewof tho Celebrated CatMtrd Hams ito Bacon, Cala. Roll Butter, Faid Daws, Sardinesin Tomatoes, Queen Olives in kegs, Calo. Mixed Pickles in kegs, Wellington EjrgFood, Maple Syrup in y, gallon tins, Iluckins Green Turtle Soup, Iluckins Tor-lapi- n

Soup, Cala. Keg" Butler, New Zealand Keg Butter and it complete line ofAmerican Canned Goods always on hand; fine New Zealand Onion and Potatoesnow on hand, by each arrival Irom New Zealand SOMETHING FINE,

ap-1- 0 Iftlgmlft Pretext ggolioitedk 87


City JVIairket,Nuuumi titreet.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton; & Pork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Kvcry Day.

CSf-H- is noted Sausages are mndo bythu every biat machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his caru will be deliveredwith promptness und dispatch, and hisprices are as low nb anywhere In Ihocity.

ES"Try his Bologna Bausages.aoct-- 83

"HE OLDEST DAILY 'In theX Klugdum the .Daily Bulletin.''

Tho Inter- - Island SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

" Keep conBtautly on hand for sale

Steam Family aud Blackimitli Coal

uud a general assortment of

415. Bar Iron.YOU FIND ANYTHING,IF wlvertlso it in the Dailv Buia.riw.

"JEdinburgh Qluoon Sto.





--P. O. Box 297.


S. S. Co.



The Enliiu Plant of tho

Star ffill DomBany, Koliala,Is oil'ercd For Sale. The Machinery

is iu perfect working orderand conbist of

Ono 26x48 Hill with Engine,Trash-carrie- r, Etc., complcto,1 Pair of Doilors Gx20,1 Doublo Effect 6 and 7 (cot Pans,1 Vacuum Pan G (cot with Blako Pump,3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine,

Together with thu usual astortment of

Clariflers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Machinery usually foundin a well appointed mill.

Also, a number of

Calitoia & IslaM lies,Cane Carts & Gen'l Plantation

Implements.Delivery will be given after next crop

has been harvested. Buy about July 1,1883.

tgrPor further particulars apply to


Manager Star Mill, Kohula, Hawaii,48 tf

IF YOU LOSE" ANYTHING,A advertiso it in the Daily RoiXiTW

Corporation Notice.

NOTICE is hereby given that tit aof the undersigned part,

nors of tho Hawaiian Fruit & Tiro Co ,

It was resolved to accept tho charternrantccl September 27, 18S8, by theMinister of Interior for tho incorpoia-lio- n

of tho Hawaiian Fruit & Taro Co.,(Limited ) V. II. DANIELS,


Walluku, Maui, Oct. 4, 1838. 05 Ow

Dissolution ol Copartner-ship.

heretofore exist,THE between tho undersigned, con.Btitutlng tlio firm of the Hawaiian Fruit& Tnro Co.. in Walluku, Haul, has thisday been dissolved bv mutual consent;tho assets and liabilities of said firmbeing transferred to tho Hawaiian Fruit& Taro Co , (Incoi porulcd.)


Walluku, Maul, Oct. 4, 1SSS. 05 Ow

Election of Officers.

NOTICE is hcroby given that at aof tho stockholders of tho

Hawaiian Fruit & Taro Co. held in Wal-luku, Maui, October 4, 1888, thu follow-ing olllccrs were elected for the ensu-ing year:

John Richardson President,J. D. Holt

( Secretary,W. II. Dnnlels &

( Treasurer,A. N. Kepolkai Auditor.

W. 11. DANIELS,Secietary.

Walluku, Maui, Oct. C, 1888. CO Cw

TARO FLOOR!Those whistling Taro Flour or Pol, in

bands aro requested to ring up


When their orders will bo promptly531 attended to. lm


JTort Street, nljovo Hotel.Portr.iit, Cabinet Sue, $0 per dozen.

C.ird Size, i per dozen.

Island &Samoah Views4 per dozen.

(3$ For puiehascrs of more than asingle dozen a reduction of 1 on eachdozen is made. 59 lm

Pioneer Shirt FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St.

The undersigned Ijcgs to inform thepublic of these Islands that he is making

Sliiirts by Measurement IDirections for will

be given on application.

White Shirts, OveisUrts & flight GoinsA fit guarantee by making a sample

Shirt to every order.Island order solicited Boll Telephone 410

CO ly A. 31. MEI.LIS.




k LocK Co,Of Canton, Ohio, U.S.A.

Having established an Agency in thisCily for tho tale of their raanu.

factures, which are

Surpassed by loneIn their line in the world, an opportu-nity is offered to all requiring protec-tion of their Valuables from Fire nndTheft to supply themselves on tcimswhich defy competition.

B For particular inquire at "0Culick's Agency,

No. 33 Merchant Bt., Honolulu, n. I.sept-2- 4 88

Ki 51 n hi

ffti I iaAiilSJlllllSlMessrs. G. W. MACFARLAHE a Co.

Beg to announce a grand echini.Hon of original

aintmgs.Water Colon?,


Grevures & EtchingsWhich will bo offered for Exhibi-tio- u

and Sale at their Sales-rooms (up stairs) on

FRBDAY, Oct. 12thThe above comprise canvasses from

wcll.known artists of

liondon, nrunloli, Xui'soltl- -Aorii; Xlox-lln- , InrlH. ana

otlior A.x't Centoi'S.And taken as a whole, are without

doubt the

Finest Collection !Ever brought to theso Islands.

The Pictures will he on isxriltit- -

tlon from

1 0 a. m, to --i. p. m- - lail'CSTTho Public are cordially invltcd-- a

oct-lOfi- a

F YOU WANT A SERVANT,advertiBo in tho Daily JJblletim


A Good Chance to go intoBusiness !

On account of failing1 health Mr. G-- . "West

will dispose of his entire interest in the busi-

ness known as GK West & Co., 105 Fortstreet, Honolulu. Liberal Terms will begiven to a responsible party. The firm has

been doing a good paying business duringthe last six months notwithstanding thedull times. For the next Sixty Days wewill sell Goods at just enough to cover cost.

For bargains in Furniture, Toys, FancyGoodsj &c, &c.

" See us before purchasing.


MANUEL NUSUES,Ko. id Hotel tetrcet.

(iinitars & String; lustrnnientHOf all kinds Made & Repaired.

E" Inlaid Work, and Initiating inWood a specialty. 70 3m

THE WORKINGMAN'S PAPERDallv Bulletiu." 50 ceuls

rer mouth.


Can bo found next door lo the P. O. A.Oftlce, Merchant Ftrcet.

Macks Wos. 18, :i7, ttti, 75, 180WaBonotte HO.

Mulual Boll 20Sept.24.83



A Specific lor

RHEUMATISM,(scrofula, Halt Ithcuiu,

Keiiralcla, ttliiK tVorm,And all other Skin & Blood Diseases,

It IleEUlatea the

Liver &z 3Eidxiey&Cures Indigestion, and all Disease?

niising from nn enfeebled con.dition of tho system.

Dr. Mnrtino, of London, the celebratedbpeclalist, says of PARDEE'S REMEDY:"I have usid It for twenty years forBlood Diseases, fcuch as Bcrofular, BaitItheum, Tetter and Cancer, and I cannotreeommend it too highly,"

Tho Kov. Dr. Thomas, of Hong Kong,China, says: "PARDEE'S REMEDY is awonderful medicine for the blood, Ihave prescribed it hundreds of times forleprosy, and, when given in time Italways cured thu patient. I can safelysay that leprosy will nevor break out onpersons who take PARDEE'S REMEDYregularly, and 1 advise all persons liv-

ing in countries where cproy is pre-valc-

to lake PARDEE'S REMEDY as apreventive."

-- For Sale by all Druggists In Honolulu.

Aug.33 88-8-

JOB PRINTING of allkindiat the Daily Bulletin Office.





Wm. O. Atwater,Agent to

Grant Marriage Licenses.Office Honolulu Iron Works Co.

supt-Sa.l- y


81 King Street, opposite tho Old StationHouse.

Mutual "X'olepliouo No.87 tf


Practical WatchmaLer & Hepairor

Good work guaranteed. At presentlocated at S. Roth's tailor shop.

Auu-- l Om

Ilell Tel. U48. JlJntuul Tel. lat)I'. O. ox US.

Office . - 88 Jlcrchant St., Honolulu


General Business Agency.


Convoyancing a Spoclalty Records search-ed and abstracts of titlo furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing in alllanguages in general use in tho King,dom.

Custom llouso brokerage Fire nnd LifeInsuranco receive prompt attention.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

3R,eal DElastatebought, sold and rented.

Sevcial vnluablo properties in andaround ihe city now for sale on ersyterms.

Convenient Cottages in dosirablo healthylocations in und near the city to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several mon andboys, who will make themselves use-ful in performing the various officesnnd choi cs required by private fuml.lies.

Full partiuulars given on applicationat tho ngoucy,

Oiders from the other Islands prompt-l-attended to.

"I F YOU WANT A SITUATIONJL advertise in the Daily Bulletin,


u JJtsimiifui jfi

28 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now issued nnd will bo found tobe an interesting and comprehensivenumber, containing '28 columns of

reading matter on local topics, anda complete lcsimio of Honolulu andisland news. There is no better paperpublished in the Kingdom to send tofriends abroad.

sunsciui'TiONS :

Island St 00 'carForeign (mailed) fi 00 year

To bo had from

Hawaiian Nowa Co, Merchantstreet ;

A. M. Hewatt, Merchant street j

W. H. Graenhalgh, Fort treet;Bulletin Office, Qonen slreot.

O. S. S. CO.'S TIME TABLE.&''3

Arrive at Honolulu Irom San Francisco.

Australia Novembor 13Alameda Novembor 22Australia December 11

Leave Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Mariposa November 18Australia November 20Zcalandia December 10Australia December 18Alameda. . . .(18891 January 13

Australian Mail Service.

Tho new and fine Al steel steamship

it iilaEiposaOf tho Oceanic Btcnuuhip Company, wil

be due at Honolulu from tjydncyand Auckland oa r ubout

November i 8, '88.And will leave for the above port withmails and passengers on or about thaidate.

For freight or pasbage, having SU-


WE G. IEWIN & CO., Agents

For Sydney and Auckland,

The new and fino Al steel steamship

" ABameela,"Of the Oceabic Steamhip Company, will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

November 22, '88,And will have piompt dispatch withmalls and passengers for the above port3

For freight or pnsbnTje, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WE G. IRWIN & CO., Agents

Honolulu LibraryANB

Readinq Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & Alnkea Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists nt tho presenttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Eeadlup; "Room Is supplied withabout fifty of the leading1 newspapersand peiiodlculs.

A Parlor is provided for conversationnd games.Terms of membership, lifty cents a

jionth, payable quarteily in advance.No formality required in joining exceptsigning the toll.

arrangers from foreign countiiesandvisitors fi om tho other islauds are wel-come to the ro'onis nt all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except tho dues ofmembers, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of Its privileges, and all who feelan intciest in maintaining an institutionof this Mud, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

'A. J. OARTWRIGIIT, Pros.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

II. A. PAHMKLEE, Secietary,A. L. SMITH, Trcasmcr,0. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and library Committee

CoiTiaied MIDcst Crown Braud.

6, 7, 8, and 9 Feet LongthsJust landed Ex. Ship "Cookermouth"

For Sale in Quantities to Suit.

Also, 600 Bbls, "While Bros.'

PORTLANDFull Weight.

At the Lowest Market Rates.

WILDER & GO.08 tf


3 WHALE BOATS; 1 DeckedWhale Hoat, 30 feet long, 8 feet

deep; 8 feet wide-- , 222 feet burl Boats;1 18 feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Hunger,10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 feet0 inches deep, with mast and sails allcompleto; 1 23 feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails all complcto. Apply to.

E. B. RYAN,Boat Builder and General Jobber. 51 ti

THE DAILY BULLETIN isallveX evening paper. CO cents per month.

Richard Gayford,. VETEIirNAJlY

Shoeing KT'ox'jvCs7 A HI King Street.

Shooing, from SI. 50.

Horses and Gattlo Treated foiall Diseases.

Ilosidcncc: Clmmbcrlnin House, nextICnwaiahno Church.

J?. O, BOX 4D!S.

Yosemite Skating

fc RINK-S- S

Skating! Skating! Skating!Corner Queen & Richard Streets.

Will be open eveiy ev(nlug from 7 to0:30 r. m.

MUSIC: Tuesdays and Saturdayevening for the Public in General.

THOMAS 15. WVXJL.,1C01 Proprietor. lyr

HUM jit "Australia "

Two Large Refrigerators, g

Grapes, Pears,Plums, Apples,

Peaches, Cabbage,

JEtc, 121c, ICtc.


CO EUng Htrcet, llonoliiln. tf





Every description of


Breed &Grackers)



SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to.G8Gm


lite Bras.' Port Cement

Blacksmith Coal,Fire Biicks,Fire Clay,

Coal Tar.-Sloc-


Steel Rails,Wire Nails,F. W. Staples,

.Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers,

Iron Tanks,F. P. Cloth,Hubbuck's Paints,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc:

VOIt HATii: by

H. Hackfeld & Co.ontf

U King st. 74 King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

COEICEPOLES;Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr-1-0 88

TH E PEOPLES' PAPER-T- hoX Daily BullotlnfiO cts per moa th






