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AUGUST 1983 Daleville Planning First Birthday...

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AUGUST 1983 Daleville plans birthday party for August 20 Representatives of Daleville service clubs and businesses agreed last Tuesday night at Salem Township Fire Department to hold a birthday party for the town in August. August 20 was set as the tentative date for the first anniversary celebration, pending town board ap- proval. August 19 is the an- niversary date for the state's youngest town. Seven Salem Township Volunteer firemen, am- bulance crew and auxiliary members began the idea for the party. They then notified over 30 clubs and 57 businesses in town of the meeting, according to Jim Ballentine, committee mem- ber whp chaired the first meeting. "We got positive feedback from nearly everyone who was con- tacted," he said. " Ballentine advised the group to start small for the first party. "If you have a successful bast, then you can go on next year," he said.-/ Ideas for the celebration included a parade, a block party including an ice cream and cake social and selling booth spaces to craft and food vendors. A nine-member committee volunteerd to coordinate the proposed celebration. After a March 5 meeting, they plan to report back to interested club and businesses' representatives at another general meeting. "We will formulate an outline for the event, deter- mine which sub-committees need to be set up and what kind of help will be needed," said Ballentine. He urged clubs to hold special money-raising projects to help fund the celebration. Daleville Planning First Birthday Party DALEVILLE - Plans for a first birthday party for the town of Dale- ville were advanced by the Summer Festival Committee during a recent meeting. Tentatively, the celebration will be held on the high school parking lot and playing fields from noon to midnight. Activity sheets containing sugges- tions for the day's events were distributed. Acting president Jim Ballentine urged those attending to contact other clubs and businesses to fill out a list. Deadline for return- ing fact sheets and activity fee was set for May 1. The committee set a $10 minimum fee for booth rental. Anyone requir- ing electricity will be charged more, according to committee member Marlene Lambert. Activities suggested by the com- mittee include a pizza eating con- test, marathon run, trike race, flea market and a parade. Daleville Junior Women's Club volunteered to plan and oversee the marathon. Ballentine said insurance and electricity would be the most costly items of the day. He said Indiana & Michigan Electric Company's mini- mum charge to connect service would be $250, not including installa- tion of a pole if it is necessary. .Lambert said an account for citi- zens' donations has been established at Central Bank and Trust in Dale- ville. MARCH a, Daleville birthday celebration planning meeting tonight DALEVILLE Daleville resi- dents are planning an Aug. 20 birth- day celebration. The planning* committee will meet at 7:30 tonight at the fire- house in Daleville. Groups inter- ested in sponsoring activities or booths at the August event should call Nancy Lambert. People or groups wishing to participate in the parade should call Claudia Davis at the Nalvin Davis resi- dence at Middletown for informa- tion. Proceeds from the booth rental will go toward celebration ex- penses. Committee chairman Jim Ballentine said $94 has been do- nated to the fund so far, but a (250 insurance premium must be paid before the event.
Page 1: AUGUST 1983 Daleville Planning First Birthday Partyrobbhaasfamily.com/Media/DalevilleProject/Town-of-Daleville/Documents/... · testantM ''V,s 13 years old and un-older. There ar5e


Daleville plansbirthday partyfor August 20

R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s ofDaleville service clubs andbusinesses agreed lastTuesday night at SalemTownship Fire Departmentto hold a birthday party forthe town in August.

August 20 was set as thetentative date for the firstanniversary celebration,pending town board ap-proval. August 19 is the an-niversary date for the state'syoungest town.

Seven Salem TownshipVolunteer firemen, am-bulance crew and auxiliarymembers began the idea forthe party. They then notifiedover 30 clubs and 57businesses in town of themeeting, according to JimBallentine, committee mem-ber whp chaired the firstmeeting. "We got positivefeedback from nearlyeveryone who was con-tacted," he said. "

Ballentine advised thegroup to start small for thefirst party. "If you have asuccessful bast, then you cango on next year," he said.-/

Ideas for the celebrationincluded a parade, a blockparty including an ice creamand cake social and sellingbooth spaces to craft andfood vendors.

A nine-member committeevolunteerd to coordinate theproposed celebration.

After a March 5 meeting,they plan to report back toi n t e r e s t e d c l u b andbusinesses' representativesat another general meeting."We wi l l f o r m u l a t e anoutline for the event, deter-mine which sub-committeesneed to be set up and whatk i n d of he lp w i l l beneeded," said Ballentine.

He urged clubs to holdspecial m o n e y - r a i s i n gprojects to help fund thecelebration.

Daleville PlanningFirst Birthday Party

DALEVILLE - Plans for a firstbirthday party for the town of Dale-ville were advanced by the SummerFestival Committee during a recentmeeting.

Tentatively, the celebration willbe held on the high school parkinglot and playing fields from noon tomidnight.

Activity sheets containing sugges-tions for the day's events weredistributed. Acting president JimBallentine urged those attending tocontact other clubs and businessesto fill out a list. Deadline for return-ing fact sheets and activity fee wasset for May 1.

The committee set a $10 minimumfee for booth rental. Anyone requir-ing electricity will be charged more,

according to committee memberMarlene Lambert.

Activities suggested by the com-mittee include a pizza eating con-test, marathon run, trike race, fleamarket and a parade. DalevilleJunior Women's Club volunteered toplan and oversee the marathon.

Ballentine said insurance andelectricity would be the most costlyitems of the day. He said Indiana &Michigan Electric Company's mini-mum charge to connect servicewould be $250, not including installa-tion of a pole if it is necessary..Lambert said an account for citi-

zens' donations has been establishedat Central Bank and Trust in Dale-ville.


Daleville birthdaycelebration planningmeeting tonight

DALEVILLE — Daleville resi-dents are planning an Aug. 20 birth-day celebration.

The planning* committee willmeet at 7:30 tonight at the fire-house in Daleville. Groups inter-ested in sponsoring activities orbooths at the August event shouldcall Nancy Lambert. People orgroups wishing to participate inthe parade should call ClaudiaDavis at the Nalvin Davis resi-dence at Middletown for informa-tion.

Proceeds from the booth rentalwill go toward celebration ex-penses. Committee chairman JimBallentine said $94 has been do-nated to the fund so far, but a (250insurance premium must be paidbefore the event.

Page 2: AUGUST 1983 Daleville Planning First Birthday Partyrobbhaasfamily.com/Media/DalevilleProject/Town-of-Daleville/Documents/... · testantM ''V,s 13 years old and un-older. There ar5e

Daleville Celebrate* First Anniversary AU9u.t , 1983•by Nancy Searfoss

As Indiana's younges tt o w n , D a l e v i l l e w i l lcelebrate its first birthdaywith an August 20th all-daycelebration on elementaryschool grounds. The festivalwill offer a variety of events,refreshment booths, con-tests, arts & crafts booths, aparade and four band per-formances.

Daleville Lions Club issponsoring an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast from 6to 11 a.m. at the LionsBuilding. Tickets are $3.00each.

A 12-team softball tourneywill begin at 7:30 a.m. onhigh school ball diamonds.Cesipi's Pizzaria is the tour-nament sponsor. First andsecond place individual andsponsor trophies will beawarded. Entry fee is $60and a softball. Registrationdeadline is August 13, ac-cording to Steve Keesling,owner of Gesipi's. Fees androsters may be turned in atthe restaurant. Drawing willbe August 15, 7:30 p.m.

A 10K certified run willbegin at 8:30 a .m. ,preceeded by a one-mile funrun. Participants should

register between 7 and 8a.m. in the high schoolparking lot. For informationcall 378-7168. A $50 sportsgifts certificate from theAthletic Annex will be awar-ded to the first male andfemale across the finish lineEach 10K en t r an t w i l lreceive a T-shirt from StoopsTrucking, race sponsorThere will be eight maledivisions ranging from con-testants 13 years old and un-

M ''V,50 years <)ld »»dolder. There are six women'sdivisions covering the same

age ranges Contestants areassured of awards num-bering no less than 120 per-cent of the number ofpreregis t ra t ions in al ldivisions. There will be apost-race drawing for sportsequipment and appareldonated by merchantstf£ntrrati<m fee is $7'00 and$1.00 for the fun run.

Proceeds from the runsW1" K» *» Special Olympicsand Daleville AmbulanceFund.

A parade begins at noon atBicentennial Park. There are15 units registered, ac-cording to route chairpersonCindy Michaels. She saidAugust 15 is registrationdea.dline. Forms areavailable at Daleville PostOffice and Village Pantry.

Village Pantry Division ofMarsh Supermarke t s isproviding Daleville Fire andAmbulance Auxiliary with abirthday cake for 500 per-sons. Pieces of the cake willbe sold with proceeds goingto the auxiliary and festivalfunds. Festival committeeco-chairperson, Al iceWilliams, said the huge con-fection will be baked "fromsc ra t ch by b a k e r JanGrissell." She said he will

•assemble the cake on site af-ter its 10:30 a.m. arrival.

Puppet shows will begin at10 a.m. Linda Millstead andAlice Bond Waid, directorsof Tender years DaycareCenter will be puppeteers.Children may make paper>ag puppets, do "finger-

i>lays" and use a "freelybox", said Waid.

Eight hours of bingo mayhe played by the bingo en-thusiast. Sponsored by BandBoosters, prizes have beendonated by merchants.

Salem Township Volun-teer Firemen will playwaterball at 1 p.m. on theBaptist Church parking lot,adjacent to the schoolgrounds.

After the waterball com-petition, an all-male sexy legcontest will be featured at 2p.m. Prizes will be awardedto the three best lookingpairs of legs. To register,males, ages 13 and older,should call 378-7217.

Auctioneer Gene Cindhartwill auction donated items

from local businesses and ar-tists during a special sale,beginning at 3 p.m. Proceedswill go back into the festivalfund.

Members of the town'sambulance crew plan tosponsor a junior tractor pullat the tennis courts at 4 p.m.Interested children shouldregister there at 3 p.m. Thepeddle tractor and weightsled -are' provided byProduction Credit of Mun-cie.

Ron Everett, 1979 statepower lifting champion, andowner of Everett's Gym,Daleville, will demonstrateupper body building exer-cises at 5 p.m.

Daleville High School Of-fice Education Association'will sponsor a fried chickendinner 4 to 8 p.m. Cost ofthe dinner is $3.00 foradults; children's portionsare $2.50. The menu in-cludes two pieces of chicken,green beans, coleslaw, ap-plesauce, bread and butterand a drink. Hot dogs arealso available.

Booths featuring suchitems as cookbooks andceramics will "be open allday. Participants may samplerefreshments such as footlong hot dogs, cotton candyand elephant ears. Other ac-tivities include a dunk tank,bean bag, ring and pepsi Uiss,and clown face painting. Dr.Ben Davis, Daleville dentist,will provide free informationon dental hygiene.

A wide range of musicalentertainment awaits thoseattending .the festival. Themusic starts at 4 p.m. with"The Cousins" performing.

This group consists ofeight cousins ranging in agefrom four to 13 years old.They will present a collec-tion of family Christianmusic. For the past twoyears, the group has per-formed at the families' homechurch, Trinity Community'Church and at North Subur-ban Baptist Church, In-dianapolis.

In the group are Kim,Janice and Mary Keeper,children of Mike and TrulaKeeper; Chad and BethWetz, children of Jay andGlenda Wetz; Jenny, Amy

and Sarah Willis, daughtersof Gary and Alana Willisi Alllive in Daleville.

Barbershop harmonizingwill begin at 7 p.m. when 20members of the MuncieChapter SPEBSQSA per-form. They will sing oldfavorites such as "My WildIrish Rose" and "Let Me CallYou Sweetheart."

The group, formed in -'Febraury, is directed by BobWeiss. Lloyd Case, Albany,is president of the 38 mem-ber association.
