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Damages set at $35,000 in Daleville firerobbhaas/Media/DalevilleProject/Town-of-Daleville/...The old...

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,,,.•••:.-.>••••!• Damages set at $35,000 in Daleville fire Greg White The old canning factory in Daleville, just south of Ind. 32, was nearly leveled when fire whipped by gusty winds swept through the structure Thursday afternoon. The building was being remodeled after a recent purchase by a Yorktown man. Fire department officials say it appears renovation workers started a fire in a trash can for light and winds knocked the can over, sending the fire ripping through cardboard boxes. Fire Depart- ments units from Daleville, Middletown, Chesterfield and Yorktown were on the scene nearly four hours before the fire was brought under control. Officials say almost two-thirds of the building was leveled by the blaze.
Page 1: Damages set at $35,000 in Daleville firerobbhaas/Media/DalevilleProject/Town-of-Daleville/...The old canning factory in Daleville, just south of Ind. 32, was ... "Refreshments and

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Damages set at $35,000 in Daleville fireGreg White

The old canning factory in Daleville, just south of Ind. 32, wasnearly leveled when fire whipped by gusty winds swept throughthe structure Thursday afternoon. The building was beingremodeled after a recent purchase by a Yorktown man. Firedepartment officials say it appears renovation workers started afire in a trash can for light and winds knocked the can over,

sending the fire ripping through cardboard boxes. Fire Depart-ments units from Daleville, Middletown, Chesterfield and Yorktownwere on the scene nearly four hours before the fire was broughtunder control. Officials say almost two-thirds of the building wasleveled by the blaze.

Page 2: Damages set at $35,000 in Daleville firerobbhaas/Media/DalevilleProject/Town-of-Daleville/...The old canning factory in Daleville, just south of Ind. 32, was ... "Refreshments and

Thursday, March 7, 1968 10 CENTS - $3.00 PER YEAR


Da/evif /e Bank Opens TuesdayMr. Ed Goodman, Executive

Vice President of Central Bankand Trust, announced today thatMr. Jim Hamilton has been ap-pointed an Assistant Cashier andwill be the officer in charge ofthe new Daleville office.

The Grand Opening of theDaleville office will be Tues-day, March 12th, at 9:00 a. m.Open House is planned for Sat-urday and Sunday - March 9thand 10th.

Full service banking will beprovided at Daleville just as itis at Gaston, where the bankmoved into its new building thefirst of the year.

The banking office has beenextensively remodeled and anew heating and air conditioningunit has been installed.For the convenience of the cus-

tomers, a Night Depository hasbeen installed, as has a Drive-Up Window which permits thecustomers to "Come as you areand bank from your car."

Full service banking includesNo Service Charge CheckingAccounts, Savings Accounts. Sa-vings Bonds. Savings Certifi-cates. Money Orders, TravelersChecks, Safety Deposit Boxes,Bank By Mail, and Loans of alltypes including Farming, Busi-ness, Mortgages, and PersonalLoans. All loans are at lowbank rates.

Three convenient Savings Plansare available according to Mr.

I Hamilton. They are: RegularSavings, which pays interest

. each 6 months and which per-: mils additions or withdrawals ofany size amounts at any time.

' Savings Bonds, compoundedJ 41/2 <fr each quarter, and guar-antees this high rate of returnfor a full 5 years, even though

I interest rates return to a lowerj leveL

Savings Certificates, carry the.j 5 "jo rate, and your interest is! mailed each 6 months or it may

Exterior view of the Central Bank and Trust Bank which willopen in Daleville next Tuesday, March 12. An Open House isplanned for this Saturday and Sunday.

savings account. ;,,i:.-''"The advantages of a checking

account can now be available toall, pointed out the new mana-ger, because Central Bank andTrust offers Free Checking Ser-vice. There are no high 'percheck costs' nor complicatedcharges to figure and understand.All will enjoy the personalizedchecks too.

Although the Grand Opening is *Tuesday, the general public isinvited to preview the new officeon Saturday and Sunday March9th and 10th. 3 to 9 p. m. onSaturday and 1:30 to 5:30 Sun-day."Refreshments and Gifts are

planned and everyone is invitedto participate in the interestingPenny Count, " said Jim. Thereare valuable prizes to those theclosest to the actual count.

This new office will be thefirst Banking Service directlyserving Daleville since the thir-ties. The Commercial Bank wasestablished in 1902 and a BankDirectory of 1916 lists John Han-cock a president and J. N. Bar-nard. Cashier. Deposits were$60.000 - Loans $55, 000 andCapital and Surplus were $12,000

Apparently the officers, direc-tors, and stockholders were oldermen in the thirties and they e-lected to liquidate the bank andpermit the stockholders to re-ceive the cash surplus after alldeposits and loans were settled.The bank was not forced to closeas were so many others duringthose times.

Both Mr. Goodman and Mr.Hamilton expressed every con-fidence in the future of Dale-ville, and expect the people andthe bank to benefit from CentralBank's new office.

^Ednkto Openat DalevilleThe first bank hi Daleville

,ince the 1930s will be openedthe Central Bank and Trustof Gaston on Tuesday.

Ed Goodman, executive v i c eresident of the bank, said Jim

Hamilton has- been named as-Distant cashier and will be in

large of the Daleville branch.The new facility will open ata.m. Tuesday with open house

ctivitie* Saturday and Sunday,n lor the open house will be

to 9 p.m. Saturday and 1:30
