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August / September Newsletter

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Our August/September 2011 Newsletter
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August/September Newsletter Mustard Seed Evangelical Church The For the people of Callington and the greater glory of God www.msec.org.uk
Page 1: August / September Newsletter



Mustard SeedEvangelical Church


For the people of Callington and the greater glory of God


Page 2: August / September Newsletter

Welcome!August   is   an   interesting   month   in   the  church  calendar.  Much  of  what  we   do   –Seedlings,  house  groups  and  so  on–  take  a  rest  during  this  month  and  that  sense  of  it   being   THE   holiday   month   will   be  emphasised   by   my   absence   for   most   of  the   month.   However,   Sunday   morning  services   will   continue   and   I   am   pleased  that  we  have   three   people   leading  those  whom  we  can  consider  part  of  our  family  here  at  the  Mustard  Seed.

It   is   a   good   time   for   leaders   and   for   all  those   involved   in   this   fellowship   to   re-­‐assess  what  God  has  done,  is  doing  and  is  planning   to   do   in   this   coming   year.  Looking   back,   I   have   a   great   sense   of  God’s  leading  and  working  in  this  church.  There  is  much  to  encourage  us  as  we  look  towards  autumn.

This  morning   I  was   reading  Paul’s  words  in   2   Corinthians   4   ‘We   have   renounced  secret  and  shameful  ways;  we  do  not  use  deception,  nor  do  we  distort  the  Word  of  God.  On  the  contrary,  by  setting  forth  the  truth   plainly   we   commend   ourselves   to  everyone’s   conscience   in   the   sight   of  God’.  This   should  always  be  our  goal,  we  must   resist   the   temptation   to   take  shortcuts   as   Jesus   did   when   He   was  tempted  by  the  devil.  

I   discovered   a   survey   recently   by  Evangelical  Alliance   conducted  with  over  seventeen   thousand   people   on   their  beliefs.   96%   of   those   surveyed   attend  church   at   least   once   a   week   and   93%  strongly   agree   that   the   Bible   is   the  inspired   Word   of   God,   83%   stating   that  the   Bible   was   the   supreme   authority   in  guiding  their  behaviour,  belief  and  views,  

however   only  half   of  those   asked  read  it  daily!

88%   stated   that   their   faith  was   the  most  important  thing  in  their  lives  and  96%  pray  at   least   a  few  times  a  week,  yet  only  91%  strongly  agree  that  Jesus   is  the  only  way  to   God!   Some   interesting   results,   some  encouraging,   some   alarming   and   the  reminder  that  we  are  called  to  be  Christ’s  followers  in  all  we  do,  say  and  think.  

I   found   the   AGM   very   encouraging.   We  now  have  two  more  members  appointed  to  the  committee  and  it  was  wonderful  to  see   how   all   the   members   caught   the  vision  of   the   LED   (Let   Everyone   Decide)  band   and    were   unanimously   agreed  on  financially   supporting   their   proposed  week’s   involvement   in   Cal l ington  Community   College,   especially   as   some  told  me  afterwards  that  they  had  thought  that  my  rather  obscure  reference  to  it  on  the  agenda  was  going  to  be   a  discussion  about  lighting!I  would  also  like  to  say  ‘Thank  you’  to  Tim  for  his  support  in  the  last  year.  I  recognise  that   the  work  with  young  people  has  not  progressed   in   the   way   that   many   of   us  would   have   hoped,  but   Tim   has  been  an  example   to   me   and   others   of   what   a  young   person  who   is   a   Christian   should  be-­‐reliable,   full   of   integrity   and   working  quietly   within   the   church   to   support   so  much  of  what  we  have  done!

I  have   been  greatly  encouraged  by  those  who  have   approached  me   and   reassured  me  that  they  pray  daily  for  this  fellowship  and  myself.  

May  God  bless  you  this  holiday  season,David

Page 3: August / September Newsletter

Date Time Event Location

Monday  1/8 19:30 Monthly  Prayer  Meeting Meet  in  Car  Park

Monday  5/9 19:30 Monthly  Prayer  Meeting Meet  in  Car  Park

Sunday  18/9 18:30 Evening  Communion Lower  Hall

Saturday  10/9 14:00 Walk  on  Dartmoor Meet  in  Car  Park

Sunday  18/9 10:30 CTiC  Harvest  Festival Town  Hall

Sunday  25/9 10:45 Back  to  Church  Sunday Mustard  Seed

Sunday  25/9 18:00 Café  Church Lower  Hall

Monthly  Activities

Sundays  in  AugustAug.  7th:  Peter  Coombe  (communion)

Aug.  14th  Hennie  Gray

Aug.  21st  George  Bickle

Aug.  28th  Peter  Coombe

Advance  Notices8th  October  –  Church  Day  Out  at  Hampton  Manor

10:00-­‐16:00,  Lunch  provided.  Cost  =  £15.

15th  October  –  Quiz.  19:00

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As  many  of  you  know,  I  went  out  to  Calcutta  three   years   ago   as   part   of   my   three-­‐year  college   work.   We   were   there   to   look   at  various  Christian  projects  that  are  at  work  in  this  enormous  city.  

On  the  Sunday  we  were  sent  out  two-­‐by-­‐two  to  local  churches  and  I  and  a  colleague  were  picked   up   by   auto   rickshaw   one   Sunday,  taken  for  what  was  almost  an  hour’s  journey  through   markets   and   slums   to   this   church  where  I  preached  with  a  translator  and  after  the   service  we  were   shown  around  the  new  extension  which  had  been   greatly   opposed  by  Hindus   and  at   times   the  work   had   been  sabotaged.   I   wrote   to   John   Bhattacharjee,  one  of  the  leaders  of  the  church,  asking  him  for   an   update.   I   thought   you   might   be  interested  to  read  his  reply!

‘I  guess  this  is  the  best  time  in  Britain.  I  heard  that   summer   is  the  best   time   in  Britain.  Our  weather   seems   getting   worse   day   by   day.  Hot   with   high   humidity.   But   I   am   not  complaining   since   I   know   there   are   people  around  us  who  cannot  even  afford  to  have  a  fan  in  this  weather.  So  I  feel  God  blessed  us  with  everything.  It  was  44th  Foundation  Day  on   29th   May:   Every   year   we   have   our  Foundation  day  celebration  on  last  Sunday  of  every   May.   This   year   we   had   an   excellent  program.   A l l   w ings   of   our   Church  participated   very   actively.   Women’s'  committee,   Young   Sunday   School   children  and  Young  Adult  group  each  did  something  or   the   other   on   that   day.   I   must   say,   I   am  very  proud  of  my  church.

We   have   a   small   church   but   all   members  participate  with  all   programs   very  actively.   I  guess  God  keeps  us  together  and  loves  us  so  much   that   we   feel   we   are   a   family.   Please  pray   that   we   continue   to   keep   this  

relationship  with   each  other.  Rev.   Dipankar  Halder   (a   former   BSI   secretary,   Calcutta  Auxiliary)  gave  a  beautiful  sermon  on  church  development.   Our   church   secretary   shared  about  church  history.

Easter  Rally:  Every  Easter  day  we  have  rally  in  the   afternoon.   Church   members   from  different  churches  walk  about  five  kilometres  and   then   get   together   in   a   program.   This  year   it   was   very  exciting  because   our   choir  group  lead  the  'Praise  and  Worship'  part.  

Non   Formal   School:   As   you  may   know,   we  have   a   Non   Formal   School   for   primary  education   for   economically   disadvantage  children   from   our   area,   going   pretty   well.  There   are   about   140   students.   Almost   all  students  are  non-­‐Christian.  Bible  is  also  being  taught   in   this   school.   Please   pray   for   this  school,   because   these   economical ly  disadvantaged   students   gets   good   primary  education   from   our   school   but   we   feel   we  have   to   introduce   some   mid   day   meal   or  snacks  for  the  students  since  these  children,  many   a   times   come   to   school   without   a  proper   meal.   I   am   sure   God   will   do  something.   Church   is   providing   with  teacher’s  salary  but  unable  to  arrange  meals  for  the  students.

Children's   Club:   Very   recently,  we   started   a  children's   club   for   the   neighbourhood's  children.  Every  Saturday  these  children  come  to   our   church   and   pray,   read   stories,   learn  new  action  songs.  This  is  going  on  quite  well.  Some   of   members   from   youth   groups  helping   us   on   this.   We   need   your   prayer  support  for   this  program  as  well.  That’s  all   I  have   for   now.   Please   share   about   your  church  to  us  as  well.  All  the  best!’  

Thanks,  John

Thakurpukur  church

Page 5: August / September Newsletter

Youth  Work  UpdateAs  this   is  my   final   youth  work  update  at   the   Mustard   Seed,   I’d   like   to   start  with   saying   a   huge   thank-­‐you   to  everyone  who  has  helped  out  over  the  past   two   years;   everything   that   has  been   accomplished   could   not   have  been  achieved  without  the   support  of  those  who  have  helped  out!  

A  celebration  is  in  order  for  the  groups  which   I   have   been   involved   with:   for  Soul   Space,   Café   Church,   the   Guy’s  Nights,   Fun   on   Friday   and     Sunday  Mornings.

We  have  had  our  ups  and  downs  over  the   past   two   years,   but   overall,   I   feel  that   it   has   been   an   encouraging  journey,  and  I  have  been  really  pleased  

to  see   the  young  people   I  have  got  to  know  grow  and  develop  over  my   time  here.  

The  future  of  the  youth  work  will  take  a   different   shape   in   the   coming  months,  with  Café  Church  being  taken  over  by  some  of  the  leaders  and  young  people   who   have   been   helping,   and  with   the   other   groups   also   going  through  change.  

I  wish  to  encourage  everyone  who  has  been   praying   for   our   young   people:  you   have   made   a   difference!   The  future   is   now   over   to   you,   and   I  wish  the   Mustard   Seed   every   blessing   for  the  future.  


Hours  of  preparation  went   into  the  construction  of  the  Mustard  Seed  float  this  year.  Fiona  and  Kath  decided   that,  as  we  had  not  been  able   to  use   the   newly  made   costumes   at   the  Nativity  in  the  Barn  last  December  due   to  the  weather,   that   they   should   be   used   on   the  float  in  July!

John   came   up   with   the   slogan:   ‘Jesus   is   for  life,  not   just   for   Christmas’  and   the  float  was  filled   on   the   day  with   children  and   adults   all  wearing   costumes   (and   some   with   beards  also).   Some   of   the   Seedlings   mums   came  onboard  with   their   children  and   candy  canes  were  given  out  to  spectators  lining  the  streets  that   had   a   Christian   message   attached.   The  whole  box  of  some  two  hundred  and  fifty  had  been  given  out  before  the  float  reached  Fore  Street.  A  big  ‘thank  you’  to  all  who  helped  build  the  float,  especially  to  Kath  and  Fiona  and  to  Peter,  who  drove  and  supplied  the  float  and  tractor.

Callington  Carnival

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August  1st:    My  presence  will  go  with  you,  and  I  will  give  you  rest.  (Exodus  33:14)

August  2nd:  It  is  the  Lord  who  goes  before  you.  He  will  be  with  you;  he  will  not  fail  you  or  forsake  you.  Do  not  fear  or  be  dismayed.  (Deuteronomy  31:8)

August  3rd:  The  eternal  God  is  your  refuge,  and  underneath  are  the  everlasting  arms.  (Deuteronomy  33:27)

August  4th:  The  Lord  is  a  refuge  for  the  oppressed,  a  stronghold  in  times  of  trouble.  (Psalm  9:9-­‐10)

August  5th:  The  Lord  is  my  light  and  my  salvation;  whom  shall  I  fear?  The  Lord  is  the  stronghold  of  my  life;  of  whom  shall  I  be  afraid?  Though  an  army  encamp  against  me,  my  heart  shall  not  fear;  though  war  rise  up  against  me,  yet  I  will  be  confident.  (Psalm  27:  1,  3)

August  6th:  You  are  my  hiding  place;  you  will  protect  me  from  trouble  and  surround  me  with  songs  of  deliverance.  (Psalm  32:7-­‐8)

August  7th:  I  sought  the  Lord,  and  he  answered  me,  and  delivered  me  from  all  my  fears.  (Psalm  34:4)

August  8th:  When  the  righteous  cry  for  help,  the  Lord  hears,  and  rescues  them  from  all  their  troubles.  (Psalm  34:17)

August  9th:  Trust  in  the  Lord  and  do  good;  so  you  will  live  in  the  land,  and  enjoy  security.  Take  delight  in  the  Lord  and  he  will  give  you  the  desires  of  your  heart.  Commit  your  way  to  the  Lord;  trust  in  him,  and  he  will  act.  Be  still  before  the  Lord,  and  wait  patiently  for  him.  (Psalm  37:3-­‐5,  7a)

August  10th:  God  is  our  refuge  and  strength,  an  ever-­‐present  help  in  trouble.  Therefore  we  will  not  fear,  though  the  earth  give  way  

and  the  mountains  fall  into  the  heart  of  the  sea,  though  its  waters  roar  and  foam  and  the  mountains  quake  with  their  surging.  (Psalm  46:1-­‐3)

August  11th:  Hear  my  cry,  O  God;  listen  to  my  prayer.  From  the  ends  of  the  earth  I  call  to  you,  I  call  as  my  heart  grows  faint;  lead  me  to  the  rock  that  is  higher  than  I.  For  you  have  been  my  refuge,  a  strong  tower  against  the  foe.  I  long  to  dwell  in  your  tent  forever  and  take  refuge  in  the  shelter  of  your  wings.  (Psalm  61:1-­‐4)

August  12th:  My  soul  finds  rest  in  God  alone;  my  salvation  comes  from  him.  He  alone  is  my  rock  and  my  salvation;  he  is  my  fortress,  I  will  never  be  shaken.  (Psalm  62:1-­‐2)

August  13th:  You  who  live  in  the  shelter  of  the  Most  High,  who  abide  in  the  shadow  of  the  Almighty,  will  say  to  the  Lord,  "My  refuge  and  my  fortress;  my  God  in  whom  I  trust."  (Psalm  91:1-­‐2)

August  14th:  Those  who  love  me,  I  will  deliver;  I  will  protect  those  who  know  my  name.  When  they  call  to  me,  I  will  answer  them;  I  will  be  with  them  in  trouble,  I  will  rescue  them  and  honour  them.  With  long  life  I  will  satisfy  them,  and  show  them  my  salvation.  (Psalm  91:14-­‐16)

August  15th:  Bless  the  Lord,  O  my  soul,  and  do  not  forget  all  his  benefits—who  forgives  all  your  sins  and  heals  all  your  diseases,  who  redeems  your  life  from  the  pit  and  crowns  you  with  love  and  compassion,  who  satisfies  your  desires  with  good  things  so  that  your  youth  is  renewed  like  the  eagle's.  (Psalm  103:2-­‐5)

August  16th:  When  I  called,  you  answered  me;  you  made  me  bold  and  stout-­‐hearted.  (Psalm  138:3)

Bible  Verses  for  Faith  in  Times  of  Stress

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August  17th:  Where  can  I  go  from  your  Spirit?  Where  can  I  flee  from  your  presence?  If  I  rise  on  the  wings  of  the  dawn,  if  I  settle  on  the  far  side  of  the  sea,  even  there  your  hand  will  guide  me;  your  right  hand  will  hold  me  fast.  Search  me,  O  God,  and  know  my  heart;  test  me  and  know  my  anxious  thoughts.  See  if  there  is  any  offensive  way  in  me,  and  lead  me  in  the  way  everlasting.  (Psalm  139:  7,  9-­‐10,  23-­‐24)

August  18th:  Fear  of  others  will  prove  to  be  a  snare,  but  whoever  trusts  in  the  Lord  is  kept  safe.  (Proverbs  29:25)

August  19th:  Surely  God  is  my  salvation;  I  will  trust  and  not  be  afraid.  The  Lord,  the  Lord,  is  my  strength  and  my  song;  he  has  become  my  salvation.  With  joy  you  will  draw  water  from  the  wells  of  salvation.  (Isaiah  12:2)

August  20th:  Those  of  steadfast  mind  you  keep  in  peace—because  they  trust  in  you.  Trust  in  the  Lord  forever,  for  in  the  Lord  God  you  have  an  everlasting  rock.  (Isaiah  26:  3-­‐4)

August  21st:  In  repentance  and  rest  is  your  salvation,  in  quietness  and  trust  is  your  strength.  (Isaiah  30:15)

August  22nd:  Do  you  not  know?  Have  you  not  heard?  The  Lord  is  the  everlasting  God,  the  Creator  of  the  ends  of  the  earth.  He  will  not  grow  tired  or  weary,  and  his  understanding  no  one  can  fathom.  He  gives  strength  to  the  weary  and  increases  the  power  of  the  weak.  Even  youths  grow  tired  and  weary,  and  young  men  stumble  and  fall;  but  those  who  hope  in  the  Lord  will  renew  their  strength.  They  will  soar  on  wings  like  eagles;  they  will  run  and  not  grow  weary,  they  will  walk  and  not  be  faint.  (Isaiah  40:28-­‐31)

August  23rd:  So  do  not  fear,  for  I  am  with  you;  do  not  be  dismayed,  for  I  am  your  God.  I  will  strengthen  you  and  help  you;  I  will  uphold  you  with  my  righteous  right  hand.  (Isaiah  41:10)

August  24th:  Do  not  fear,  for  I  have  redeemed  you;  I  have  called  you  by  name,  you  are  mine.  When  you  pass  through  the  waters,  I  will  be  with  you;  and  through  the  rivers,  they  shall  not  overwhelm  you;  when  you  walk  through  fire  you  shall  not  be  burned,  and  the  flame  shall  not  consume  you.  For  I  am  the  Lord  you  God,  the  Holy  One  of  Israel,  your  Saviour.  (Isaiah  43:1b-­‐3a)

August  25th:  O  Lord,  my  strength  and  my  fortress,  my  refuge  in  time  of  distress.  (Jeremiah  16:19)

August  26th:  You  will  seek  me  and  find  me  when  you  seek  me  with  all  your  heart.  (Jeremiah  29:13)

August  27th:  I  have  loved  you  with  an  everlasting  love;  I  have  drawn  you  with  loving-­‐kindness.  (Jeremiah  31:3)

August  28th:  See,  I  am  the  Lord,  the  God  of  all  flesh;  is  anything  too  hard  for  me?  (Jeremiah  32:27)

August  29th:  Peace  I  leave  with  you;  my  peace  I  give  you.  I  do  not  give  to  you  as  the  world  gives.  Do  not  let  your  hearts  be  troubled  and  do  not  be  afraid.  (John  14:27)

August  30th:  And  we  know  that  in  all  things  God  works  for  the  good  of  those  who  love  him,  who  have  been  called  according  to  his  purpose.  (Romans  8:28)

August  31st:  If  God  is  for  us,  who  can  be  against  us?  Who  shall  separate  us  from  the  love  of  Christ?  Shall  trouble  or  hardship  or  persecution  or  famine  or  nakedness  or  danger  or  sword?  No,  in  all  these  things  we  are  more  than  conquerors  through  him  who  loved  us.  For  I  am  convinced  that  neither  death  nor  life,  neither  angels  nor  demons,  neither  the  present  nor  the  future,  nor  any  powers,  neither  height  nor  depth,  nor  anything  else  in  all  creation,  will  be  able  to  separate  us  from  the  love  of  God  that  is  in  Christ  Jesus  our  Lord.  (Romans  8:  31b,  35,  37-­‐39).

Page 8: August / September Newsletter

Are  you  young,  middle  aged  or  re0red?

Middle  Aged.

Describe  yourself  in  four  words.

Husband,  father,  social  worker.

What  is  your  favourite  pas0me,  sport  or  


Singing  for  God!

What  is  your  favourite  meal?

Ackee   and   salt   fish   with   plantain   and  

fried  dumplings.

What  is  your  favourite  day  out?

Anywhere  with  my  lovely  wife,  Ingrid.

What  would  be  your  chosen  holiday  


Anywhere  with  my  lovely  wife,  Ingrid,  but  I  would  like  to  visit  New  Zealand.

How  do  you  relax?

Gardening  or  walking.

Have  you  a  favourite  Chris0an  song  or  hymn  and  a  Bible  passage  or  verse?

It   is   too   difficult   to   choose   one   song!!    

My   favourite   songs  sung   in  church  might  be  My   Jesus,  My   Saviour,  or   How   Great  Thou   Art.     A   Chris0an   song   that  moves  me   every   0me   I   hear   it   or   sing   it   is  

Suddenly   by   Alvin   Slaughter,   but   I  could  go  on  and  on…  

At  what  age  were  you  when  you  recognised  

that  you  could  not  manage  life  on  your  own?


Name  someone  who  has  been  a  par0cular  influence  for  good  in  your  life.

My   uncle   Alf,   who   was   instrumental   in  poin0ng  me   towards   accep0ng   Jesus   as  my  Lord  and  Saviour.

Tell  us  something  about  yourself  that  not  

many  others  know.

I   have   met   the   Queen   and   been   to   the  37th   birthday   party   of   the   Sultan   of  Brunei.

Have  you  experienced  God’s  hand  in  your  life?

Yes,  in  both  good  0mes  and  bad.

Do  you  think  that  the  Chris0an  lifestyle  is  

relevant  in  today’s  world?

Yes,   it   transformed   my   life   for   the   best  and   made  me  a  beWer  person   so   should  transform   the   lives   of   others   and   make  

the  world  a  beWer  place.

What,  aXer  the  Bible,  is  your  favourite  book?

The  Lord  of  the  Rings.

When  you  get  to  Heaven  who,  aXer  your  

nearest  and  dearest  and  Jesus,  would  you  most  like  to  meet?

The  choir  master  so  I  can  carry  on  singing  my  praise  to  God!  (This  is  likely  to  be  King  


Q&A  WITH  Maurice  Wright

Page 9: August / September Newsletter

Weekly  ActivitiesMondaysMondays

19:30 Home  Group  at  Iris  Wilson’s  Led  by  John  Cole

19:30 Youth  Group  in  the  Hall.  A  chance  for  all  the  young  people  aged  13-­‐18  to  get  together  and  have  fun  playing  games,  pool  and  table-­‐tennis.  


14:30 Home  Group  at  Jenny  Jane’s  led  by  David  Jewell


09:15 Seedlings  in  the  Hall.  For  pre-­‐schoolers  and  parents/carers.  

19:45 Home  Group  at  David  Jewell’s  led  by  David  Jewell


10:00 Ladies  Bible  Study  in  the  Parlour.  


10:45 Morning  Worship  at  the  Mustard  Seed.  Join  us  for  a  time  of  prayer,  worship  and  teaching.  There  are  groups  for  children  and  young  people,  through  which  they  will  learn  more  about  God  and  enjoy  finding  out  more  about  Him.

18:30 Evening  Service

If  you  have  anything  which  you  think  might  be  appropriate  to  go  in  the  newsletter,  such  as  a  joke,  an  event  which  is  happening  in  the  future,  or  a  report  about  something  which  has  already  taken  place;  

please  pass  it  on  to  David.

Page 10: August / September Newsletter


David  Jewell(Pastor)

(01579)  [email protected]

Peter  Coombe(Elder)

(01579)  [email protected]

John  Cole  (Elder)

01752  [email protected]


Kathy  Cole  (Seedlings)

01752  [email protected]

Geraldine  Parkyn(Residential  Homes)

(01579)  [email protected]

Other  ActivitiesOther  Activities

John  Cole(Monday  Home  Group)

01752  [email protected]

David  Jewell(Tue/Wed  Home  


[email protected]

Contributions  for  the  next  newsletter:  

Deadline:  20th  September  2011Speak  to:  David  Jewell

Email:  [email protected]

Page 11: August / September Newsletter

The  Back  PewA  selection  of  funny  church  signs...

Page 12: August / September Newsletter

Who  We  Are:

The  Mustard  Seed  is  a  fellowship  of  Christians  committed  to  discovering  God’s  love  and  truth  for  today.  During  our  worship  and  study  times,  in  our  family  and  social  events,  and  through  our  caring  and  Outreach  Ministries  we  explore  and  share  God’s  grace  and  guidance  as  He  helps  us  become  and  grow  as  His  followers.  

What  We  Believe:

•God  is  real.•Jesus  is  Lord.•The  Holy  Spirit  gives  life.•God  speaks  through  the  Bible.•God  forgives  us.•Jesus  cares  for  us.•Jesus  is  coming  back.

Mustard SeedEvangelical Church


For the people of Callington and the greater glory of God


We  warmly  welcome  you,  or  anyone  else  to  meet  with  us!
