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Aviation History by Loredana Verzea

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A PPT material about the first attempts to fly and the history of aviation made by a student involved in the Comenius multilateral partnership “From Icarus to Interplanetary Travels”
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Pioneers of Aviation
Page 1: Aviation History by Loredana Verzea

Pioneers of Aviation

Page 2: Aviation History by Loredana Verzea
Page 3: Aviation History by Loredana Verzea

The balloon is an aircraft consisting of a spherical casing, waterproof interior filled with hot air or lighter than air gas (helium or hydrogen). Bubble roof is usually attached as a platform.

The cover can be sealed balloon ( with air under pressure) or it may be provided at the bottom with an opening (through which the gas, which is lighter than air, can not escape).

Balloons – how they are called today - are considered a large group of aerostats, the first category of airships.

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Page 5: Aviation History by Loredana Verzea

1872 – 1950 He was a Romanian inventor, pioneer of

world aviation; On 18 March 1906 he made the first

self-propelled flight ( no catapults or other means outdoor to support the flight) with a heavier that air airplane.

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Page 7: Aviation History by Loredana Verzea

1882 – 1942 He was a Romanian engineer, inventor and

lieutenant who built the “avioplan”; His "Avioplan aviation unit" was an

invention patented in Paris on August 26, 1908;

He used the device only with its engine on to ascend into the air, then glide with the engine off, like the modern gliders.

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Page 9: Aviation History by Loredana Verzea

He was from Mehedinţi; He was attracted to aviation and the

Aeronautical Complex from Chitila (a school near Bucharest), founded on November 20, 1909;

On July 9, 1911 Stefan Protopopescu obtained the patent as a military pilot, becoming the first licensed pilot in Romania and the first in the Roman army;

Flight for patenting a device called Farman III in 1909, he was eventually built under license in the workshop from Chitila.

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Page 11: Aviation History by Loredana Verzea

1882 – 1913 He was a Romanian engineer, inventor and

international pioneer of aviation; In his honor, his hometown Binţinţi was renamed

after Aurel Vlaicu’s name; He worked at Opel in Rüsselsheim as an engineer

plant In the fall of 1909 he moved to Bucharest and

started building his first airplane, Vlaicu I at the Army arsenal.

The plane flied without modifications in 1910 In 1911 a second plane is built Vlaicu II;

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With Vlaicu II he won in 1912, 5 memorable prizes (1 first prize and 4 second prizes) in air rally at Aspern, Austria;

The competition brought together between 23 and 30 June 1912, 42 riders from 7 countries, 17 from Austria-Hungary, 7 Germans, 12 French, including Roland Garros, the most famous pilot of the time, a Russian, a Belgian, a Persian and a Romanian - Vlaicu;

On 13 September 1913, during an attempt to cross the Carpathian Mountains with Vlaicu II airplane, he crashed near Campina, at Banesti, apparently due to a heart attack.

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Page 14: Aviation History by Loredana Verzea

1872-1936 He was a French aviator, inventor and engineer; In 1909 he performed the complete first flight over a

large expanse of water in a heavier than air aircraft, when he crossed the English Channel;

For this achievement he received a prize of £ 1000; He is considered the first person to build a functional

monoplane; Bleriot was a pioneer of aerial acrobatics.

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Page 17: Aviation History by Loredana Verzea

1888-1946; He was the first pilot, builder and trainer of aircraft

from Transylvania; After primary school he learned the locksmith trade,

where the apprentice's occupation was very varied; Among other things, he worked on an engine that

had to operate without fuel; Also he was interested in telegraphy; Wanting to increase his knowledge, he went to

Switzerland where he worked in the engine factory, and in Paris for a period of two years;

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Since 1908 he had the opportunity to work in aviation in Berlin, defining the technical format of an engine and putting in place a number of projects including: engine awards at international competitions, an amphibious car, his own plane;

In April 1912, Siemens-Schuckert gave him a space with tools and a 50 hp engine for studies;

With this engine, Zigler built his first aircraft monoplane "PFEILFLUGZEUG" (plain arrow) that successfully passed the test of flight;

His plane was constructed from inferior materials or old, therefore he could not use their experience and knowledge;

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At 6 weeks after the tragic accident of Vlaicu, Ziegler broke the height record above Magura Codlea, reaching 3000m altitude;

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1883-1919 He was a Romanian officer and pioneer of aviation,

being the second aviator patented in Romania after Stefan Protopopescu;

He had a poetic nature, writing several books and numerous articles in support of aviation.

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Page 23: Aviation History by Loredana Verzea

1886-1911 He was an American aviator and pioneer of aviation,

considered the first that made a takeoff and a landing on a ship.

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Page 25: Aviation History by Loredana Verzea

1887-1977 He was a Romanian general, hero and aviator of

World War I and pioneer of aviation , being the third aviator patented in Romania after Stefan Protopopescu and Mircea Zorileanu and the second military pilot.

His name was given to a large military unit called Flotilla 70 Aviation "General of Aviation Engineer George Negrescu".

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He was a Roman pioneer of aviation, entrepreneur and founder of the Society for Technical blast, called later, in 1931, the aircraft factory SET engineer "Gregory Zamfirescu".
