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Back End Blueprint

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  • 8/3/2019 Back End Blueprint


    Back End Blueprint


    Back End BlueprintWhy Optimizing the Back End is the Single Best Way

    to Find More Prospects, Convert More Customersand Improve Return On Investment

    Steve Rosenbaum


    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    Legal Disclaimer:Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and it's potential. Even though this industry is

    one of the few where one can write their own check in terms of earnings, there is no guarantee that you will earnany money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to beinterpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person usingour product, ideas and techniques. We do not purport this as a get rich scheme.

    Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to theprogram, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differaccording to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any ofyour actions.

    Materials in our product and our website may contain information that includes or is based upon forward-lookingstatements within the meaning of the securities litigation reform act of 1995. Forward-looking statements give ourexpectations or forecasts of future events. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relatestrictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as anticipate, estimate, expect, project, intend,

    plan, believe, and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of potentialearnings or financial performance.

    Any and all forward looking statements here or on any of our sales material are intended to express our opinionof earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees aremade that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else's, in fact no guarantees are made that you willachieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material.

    Results may vary, as with any business opportunity, you could make more or less. Success in ANY businessopportunity is a result of hard work, time and a variety of other factors. No express or implied guarantees ofincome are made when purchasing this product. But you knew that already, didn't you?

    Limitation of Liability:Under No Circumstances Shall ZapPowee Or Its Owners, Partners, Site Developers, Etc Be Liable To AnyMember On Account Of That Member'S Use Or Misuse Of Or Reliance On These Services. Arising From AnyClaim Relating To This Agreement Or The Subject Matter Hereof Such Limitation Of Liability Shall Apply ToPrevent Recovery Of Direct, Indirect, Incidental, Consequential, Special, Exemplary, And Punitive DamagesWhether Such Claim Is Based On Warranty, Contract, Tort (Including Negligence), Or Otherwise, (Even IfZapPowee Or Its Partners Have Been Advised Of The Possibility Of Such Damages). Such Limitation Of LiabilityShall Apply Whether The Damages Arise From Use Or Misuse Of And Reliance On The ZapPowee Services,From Inability To Use The Affiliate ZapPowee, Or From The Interruption, Suspension, Or Termination Of TheZapPowee Services (Including Such Damages Incurred By Third Parties). This Limitation Shall Also Apply WithRespect To Damages Incurred By Reason Of Other Services Or Goods Received Through Or Advertised On TheZapPowee Services Or Received Through Any Links Provided In The ZapPowee. Services, As Well As ByReason Of Any Information Or Advice Received Through Or Advertised On The ZapPowee Services Or ReceivedThrough Any Links Provided In The ZapPowee.com Services. This Limitation Shall Also Apply, Without Limitation,

    To The Costs Of Procurement Of Substitute Goods Or Services, Lost Profits, Or Lost Data.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    Table of Contents

    Thank You............................................................................................................................5

    This may be the first time we have met.If so, I want to begin by thanking you for allowingme to join you on your quest for business excellence.

    Step Back From the Trees.........................................................................................7

    My name is Steve Rosenbaum, and myjob is to make you more money.

    A Back End Success Story........................................................................................11

    24/7/365: Nothing Falls Throughthe Cracks!

    Capture Your Audience............................................................................................ ..13

    Remember the Cardinal Rule

    The Infamous Back End..............................................................................................18

    I really should come up with a better namefor this lesson. It always gets me in trouble!

    How to Write A Follow Up Campaign.................................................................19

    What to say, when to say it and all the otherstuff you need to know to start the cash

    registers ringing.

    Finding Needles..............................................................................................................23

    There are gems buried in your data... I PROMISE.Here is how you can find them quickly.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Tying It All Together.....................................................................................................27

    How to Systematize, Automatize and FantasticizeYour Online Marketing To Find More Customers,Close More Sales, Make More Money and HaveMore FUN!!!

    Making $20,000+ Every Month..............................................................................31

    Next Steps...........................................................................................................................32

    You've taken the first step in becoming aBack End Specialist...

    ZapPowee Resources to Help You.......................................................................32

    Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee's Disclosure Policy..........................33

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    Thank YouThis may be the first time we have met.If so, I want to begin by thanking you for allowingme to join you on your quest for business excellence.

    This book is for you. It is my true desire that the information in your hands helps you in your business,and your personal life. Nothing would please me more than to see you succeed by putting into practicethe system I am putting before you.

    Update:This book was originally written as a guide for business owners toimprove the most important part of their marketing, the back end.

    It is written with business owner as the intended audience.

    It was recently updated to be a resource for business advisersand consultants to use with their clients. If you are one of theseadvisers, put your self in the shoes of the business owner as youread this valuable information. Then adopt the material for yourown use with your clients.


    But before, we begin, I think it is important that I tell you a bit more about me. So that you understandhow my business and my personal achievements uniquely qualify me to help you. How do I knowwhat a know, and why I want to share with you?

    Excellence is my passion.

    It is how I have distinguished myself throughout my career, and it is the central foundation that I try toinstill in everybody that I work with.

    I want you to be the best you can be. If you are the best, then you will be able to stand out, head andshoulders above everybody else.

    Personally, I am frustrated by the mediocrity that exists in much of the marketplace. I am irritated bybusinesses that make decisions for the wrong reasons. I am tired of bean-counters calling the shots. Ihave no pity for organizations that fall back on their old ways and wonder why business isn't like it wasa few years ago when we all had more monopoly money to play with.

    But, I am a champion of the entrepreneurial spirit. Small businesses are the foundation of our society.They built this country. They have pulled us out of other economic downturns. Today's business

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    leaders are the rocks that will create the foundation for the recovery ahead.

    And I have my role to play in our recovery, as well. I am helping the business leaders get better.

    I also believe that it's good to let people know why you are unique. What sets you apart and whatmakes you the best at what you do. Ifyou don't tell them... then who will?

    I am quite proud of my own accomplishments and share them with you because they are whatdifferentiate me from everybody else, and make me the best person to teach you a comprehensivesales and marketing automation system.

    My business success started when I was a teen when my brother and I developed, a successful boardgame. I was traveling the country attending gift shows in LA, Atlanta, New York, Dallas, and Chicagowhen I should have been in class! We had great success, and we made great money. We sold out of

    our product several times, and ultimately closed down the business to finish our education.

    Upon graduating from the University of Iowa, I joined the corporate worldwhere I quickly rose to executive sales and marketing managementpositions working with divisions of billion dollar consumer products, travel,building materials and home building companies.

    On a couple of instances, I was recruited to lead smaller, privately held,startup and growth companies and engineered the strategies that developedeach of these companies into recognized industry leaders.

    Through it all, I always maintained and continued my personalentrepreneurial success. I recognized the power of the internet early, and

    started figuring out how to harness its power in the mid-90's. I operatedwebsites in many different niches, and have helped many people developstrategies to grow their own business.

    I have received much recognition and honor for my work. The Wall Street Journal documented howmy wife Sherri and I sold our house on the internet. ABC 20/20 interviewed me for a show they did onhow to creatively sell homes in bad real estate markets. And I was a National Finalist in the prestigiousAM2.0 Better Your Best Internet Marketing Competition.

    My mother always told me, Everything happens for a reason. I believe that to my very core.

    And so it is, that you and I are sharing a moment together. My mother is right. We came together for a

    reason. I am very pleased to meet you and hope that you will connect with me through all of my socialmedia outlets so that we can continue our journey together. I would also ask that you introduce yourfriends and associates to me, just as somebody else introduced us.

    Steve RosenbaumPresidentZapPowee.com

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    Step Back From the TreesMy name is Steve Rosenbaum, and my

    job is to make you more money.

    The internet is littered with tired, static websites that languish in the internet boonies whilesavvy companies kill their their competition with fully engaged, web marketing blitz strategiesthat find, qualifiy andautomates the sales process.

    Be honest, which company are you? (Dont be ashamed, if you fall into the former category.Most companies do). The question is: Are you ready to take control and be the hunterinstead of the hunted?

    As a Web marketing consultant and socialmedia adviser, many offline and onlinecompanies bring me into their businesses tohelp them improve their traffic and to convertmore sales. Oftentimes, companies can't seethe forest for the trees. it takes a new set ofeyes, a different perspective to realize that it'stime to update their view of what onlinemarketing really is.

    A short time ago, a very successful offlinecompany asked me to take a look at their Webmarketing. The company was very proud ofthe fact that they generated over 13,000 hitsper month on their website which in fact is adecent amount of traffic.

    However, the business owner realized thatthey were not converting enough of the trafficinto new business

    Show me your marketing system, Irequested.

    The owner opened up their website.

    No, I want to see your marketing system, I responded.

    Silence. No response from the owner.

    Well, what do you do with all those leads that come in for your website? I asked.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    What do you mean? Questioned the owner.

    What do your visitors do when they come to your website?

    We give them our phone number and they call us, he answered.

    Did you receive 13,000 new phone calls last month? I asked.

    Well, no, I don't know how many we got.

    So, what are you doing about those that did not call you?

    Nothing! he exclaimed. We don't know who they are!


    Do you see the problem this company was having?

    I played baseball when I was a kid. I was a catcher, and my dad coached me. The toughestplay for the catcher is trying to throw out a runner stealing second base. In one fluid motionthe catcher has to snatch the ball, adjust his feet, take the ball out of his glove, grip the ball theright away, and fire a strike all the way across the infield.

    But it all begins with the catch.

    Nothing happens until you catch the ball, was Dad's favorite line! His Cardinal Rule.

    Well, the same can be said for internet marketing. Except that instead of catching baseballs,we're capturing visitors. But if we fail to capture them when they come to our site, then theywind up dribbling out of our grasp like a passed ball squirting behind the catcher.

    THE CARDINAL RULE OF INTERNET MARKETING:You must capture the information of your visitors, and engage them into a

    follow up sales process in order to improve your online sales.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Go ahead read it again. In fact, I want you to read itout loud7 more times:

    1. THE CARDINAL RULE OF INTERNET MARKETING:You must capture the information of your visitors, and engage them into a

    follow up sales process in order to improve your online sales.

    2. THE CARDINAL RULE OF INTERNET MARKETING:You must capture the information of your visitors, and engage them into a

    follow up sales process in order to improve your online sales.

    3. THE CARDINAL RULE OF INTERNET MARKETING:You must capture the information of your visitors, and engage them into a

    follow up sales process in order to improve your online sales.

    4. THE CARDINAL RULE OF INTERNET MARKETING:You must capture the information of your visitors, and engage them into a

    follow up sales process in order to improve your online sales.

    5. THE CARDINAL RULE OF INTERNET MARKETING:You must capture the information of your visitors, and engage them into a

    follow up sales process in order to improve your online sales.

    6. THE CARDINAL RULE OF INTERNET MARKETING:You must capture the information of your visitors, and engage them into a

    follow up sales process in order to improve your online sales.

    7. THE CARDINAL RULE OF INTERNET MARKETING:You must capture the information of your visitors, and engage them into a

    follow up sales process in order to improve your online sales.

    Repetition and frequency are key components needed to ingrain something into your longterm memory. Remember this also as it relates to your own marketing. You need to exposeyour customers to your branding message over and over again from them to internalize it.

    Later in this book, we'll revisit this strategy as we're crafting our follow up campaigns.

    Lets get back to the problem the company is having with their web marketing system.

    The problem is they dont have a system.

    They have a website.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    Having a static website is no different than having a singlebillboard on the Autobahn with cars flying by at 120 mph.

    There is simply no way to capture your visitors attention. Justlike the driver on the Autobahn, web surfers are not going toback up and come back to your site.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    A Back End Success Story24/7/365: Nothing Falls Throughthe Cracks!

    If you want to stay in business today, then you better be an expert in your business. Itsimpossible for anybody to know more about your business than you do. Consequently, youalso know, better than anybody else, how you can best help your customers.

    And your customers (and future customers aka: prospects) want help from you.

    But maybe they dont know who you are yet.

    Were going to change that.

    People are confused. We all suffer from information overload. Who can you trust? Whoshould you listen to? Your customers are wondering the same exact thing.

    Take a moment and answer those questions yourself Who do you trust? Who do youlisten to?


    We all have our favorite resources. How did your favorites become your favorites?

    Several years ago, I had a mentor named Jeffrey Mayer (may he rest inpeace). Jeffrey was an author, a speaker, and a business trainer. Jeffreywas also one of the first people I know to send out a regular newsletter.

    Every week, I would get a Jeffrey newsletter in my AOL Inbox (Youve GotMail!) Sometimes Id read it. Sometimes Id glance through it. SometimesId just mark it read and ignore it.

    You know for some reason, I never threw them out. I always thought, Imgoing to come back to this and read it when I have more time.

    Now, Id never met Jeffrey, but somehow I got on his list I think it was because I used Act!CRM Software and he wrote the book Act! For Dummies. (Yes, it's true... I have been usingCRM software since 1986... how else could my mind have accumulated all of this salesautomation stuff!)

    Finally, one day, I decided I wanted to hire a mentor to help me with my sales career. I didntknow where to turn to find a trusted authority who knew how to help budding young salesexecutives.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Then it hit me.

    For more than 2 years, Jeffrey had told me, every week, via his newsletter, that he wasan expert sales trainer/mentor.

    I trusted Jeffrey.

    I knew that he knew his stuff. I also knew that he was reliable, consistent and full of freshideas. I made the phone call and hired Jeffrey on the spot.

    You might be saying, Well thats all well and good, but it took you 2 years to call him.

    Thats true, but I probably would have called him in 2 months had I had the need. In fact, in

    todays world of blogs and social media, it is much easier to see a history of somebodys workand credentials.

    I personally see it every day. There are tens of thousands of references to me on the web thatbring me new contacts.

    In addition, you have give Jeffrey credit for having an automated follow up system that keptme engaged until the time was right for me to buy.

    Remember this:People buy when THEY are ready to buy, NOT when you are ready to sell.

    So where am I going with this long-winded story?

    Jeffrey had a strong back end system in place that kept working on me and never gave up.His sales messages were woven into his educational content, so they never offended me. Butthey always worked on my subconscious and established him as the go-to-guy when Ineeded the services he offered.

    Regardless of what your client is selling. This type of a back end will find and close morebusiness for them.

    Knowing how to build this type of system and how to feed it content will keep you employed

    indefinitely. Believe, business owners do not know how, and do not want to take the time tolearn how to do this. It's the best job security you could ever ask for!

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    Capture Your AudienceRemember the Cardinal Rule

    Have I convinced you of the importance of setting upyour Back End before you begin marketing? I hate toharp on it, but I have a client that wanted to spendthousands of dollars per month on Banner Ads,Google Ads, and Direct Marketing.

    What will you do when people come to your site? Iasked.

    Theyll call us, was the reply.

    Sound familiar? The conversation went very muchlike the one I told you about earlier. Youd be amazedhow many times I have this conversation with clients.


    THE CARDINAL RULE OF INTERNET MARKETING:You must capture the information of your visitors, and engage them into a

    follow up sales process in order to improve your online sales.

    The best way to capture your contacts and manage your email distribution are by usingcompanies likeOfficeAutoPilot andAweber.

    OfficeAutoPilot is what is known as a CRM or Customer Relationship Management and amarketing automation program. Aweber is an Autoresponder Service.

    The difference in the services are in the complexity of what you are trying to manage.

    Who should use a Full-Fledge CRM like OfficeAutoPilot?

    Everybody... especially any company that has a sales force calling on customers.

    OfficeAutoPilotmanages the entire customer relationship and allows the company to ownthe priceless information that goes with any account.

    As a sale manager, this is a huge deal to me. Many companies relationships with theircustomers exist soley through the sales person. When (not if...) that sales person leaves,

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    they take the relationship and their customer knowledge with them. Often leaving nobody inthe company to know how to continue serving the customers' needs. Salespeople,

    understandably, like to leverage the strength of their customer relationships, to maintain aposition of power over their employers. This is dangerous, in deed, and represents a hugeliability for the company.

    If you own a company or manage a sales team, ask yourself truthfully who has a betterrelationship with the customer, the company or the sales person? If you would like somehelp changing the dynamics of these relationships, give me a call. I can help you.

    You are setting yourself up to lose your most valuable asset, yourcustomer relationships if you don't properly use a CRM.

    I also love OfficeAutoPilot because it gives me the most powerfulcontrols to target, segment and manage my data. The better myunderstanding of my data... the better my results.

    One of my favorite sales trainers, Rick Davis of Building Leaders,likes to say If you can't measure it, you can't improve it

    OfficeAutoPilot has very powerful data mining capabilities to helpyou gather quick, accurate information out of the data you alreadyown.

    Later on, in the Finding Needles chapter, I will show you a video

    of actual campaign results similar to what you can do usingOfficeAutoPilot.

    Aweber, on the other hand, is a good service for strictly managingyour email communication. You can capture your leads, scheduleyour emails and make sure you are abiding by all the proper emailrules and regulations simply by using their service. They do havesome tagging and segmenting capabilities, but they are not nearlyas powerful as OfficeAutoPilot's. Aweber is a recognized leader intheir field.


    So you do have your Back End in place! Congratulations.

    Now you need the trigger to launch the Back End. That happens when you capture thecontact information of your visitors.

    Getting somebody to visit your website/blog is the hard part. It can also be the expensive part.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    Some businesses will actually pay hundreds of dollars simply to get visitors to come their site(mesothelioma lawyers pay over $50.00 per search engine click, and then also pay for people

    to complete information forms).

    Remember our example of the Autobahn driver speeding past a billboard at 120 MPH (I guesshe would actually be travelling in KPH, but I dont know the conversion)? Obviously, he isntgoing to backup to get the information on the sign.

    But, what if you were somehow able to capture the drivers information, and contact himlater just like the state of Illinois did with me when I made a rolling stop on my recent tripto Chicago. (That was an expensive right turn!)

    See my Video:Curses George Orwell! aka: The Hundred Dollar Right Turn

    You know what happens next. You capture your visitors contact information and enter it intoyour Back End. Presto. Your sales automation takes over. Nothing falls through the cracks.Eventually, just like what happened to me when I decided I needed Jeffrey Mayers services,your customers and prospects will place an order with you. Remember, it might take 5 followups. It might even take 10 or 15 contacts before you finally reach your target at exactly theright time. It doesnt matter. Your system doesnt mind. It wont complain. It wont call in sick,and it wont forget to follow up.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    How do you capture your visitors contact information?

    This takes some planning and some salesmanship. Italso takes a tool called a Squeeze Page or CapturePage.

    Your Squeeze Page has one purpose and onepurpose only. Capture the lead. You can see anexample of a Squeeze Page for one of my products athttp://bigbadhomesale.com/optin.htm.

    What do you notice?

    First, notice that I have an attention grabbing video,with engaging music that automatically loads rightaway. Audio and Video have been shown to increaseconversion up to 300%.

    Second, there is a very prominent form, with arrow abig arrow directing the visitor directly to it. I even endthe video with instructions for the viewer to completethe form.

    Third, I give the visitor something of value forcompleting the form; a 7 part video series tailored to

    the information he is looking for.

    Fourth, do you see any links that would take the visitoraway from my Squeeze Page? Absolutely Not!!!

    The only links are a legal notice and an email link.Both open in new windows and leave my SqueezePage open on the screen. Confused minds do notact, and I do not want any confusion about what I wantthe visitor to doENTER YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION.

    Can you guess what happens next?

    I bet you can. My Back End kicks in and takes over. This site has been up for over 2 years,and I still get sales from people that signed up way back then.

    Thank you Back End!

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    One last point I want to make. People always say to me, I dont like to put my email intothose things.

    Of course!

    I dont like to either. Unless its something or information that I know I need to have.

    Remember, I said this takes some salesmanship. You need to make a very compelling pitchso that people will part with their contact information. (You should also reassure them that youwill respect their privacy).


    Thanks to Facebook, capturing contact is now easier than ever.ZapPowee Converter uses a very clever technology to legallycaputre Facebook data into a database. Try it out for yourself.Just Like ZapPowee on Facebook and see what happens.

    Assuming you have done all that, the burden now shifts to the visitor. I have a very firmbelief If I cant convince a person to give me their email address, I will never convincethem to give me their credit card number. Those people are simply not qualified prospectsfor my products or information. Toot-a loo!

    Do you like to enter your email address onto a web page? Probably not. Yet, you did so in

    order to read this book you are now reading. What compelled you to do that? How can youreplicate that on your own website?

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    The Infamous Back EndI really should come up with a better namefor this lesson. It always gets me in trouble!

    Follow up, or lack of it, is what kills mostcompanies. If you do not have an automatedfollow up system in place, you are destined forfailure.

    The Sales & Marketing Club of Los Angelesconducted a study that showed that 81% of salesclosed on the 5th sales call, while only 10% closedon the 4th sales call.

    The lost ROI by not contacting a prospect 1additional time is a whopping 810%!

    Would you like to improve your sales 8X ??

    Even so, the Dartnell Corporation did a study that concluded that only 10% of all salespeoplewill actually make 5 attempts to close a sale.

    See the problem?

    Most people give up to soon.

    And its understandable. Were all busy. We all have a ton of calls to make, loads of emails toanswer, hours of voice tag to play. How do you know when youre finally going to get thatclose.

    Our to do list keeps growing, more and more demands get thrust upon us, and our availabletime slips away.

    Thats where automation becomes vitally important.

    Imagine setting up an automated follow up system, that completes all these tasks for you.

    Each and every time. Without fail. Without requiring your time. And reports to you of itssuccess.

    No more leads falling through the cracks. No more giving up on a prospect 1 call too soon.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Back End Blueprint


    In addition, a smart follow up system segments your prospects. Categorizes them, andallows you to tailor your interaction to fit their needs like a glove.

    This type of automated follow up system is what I call yourBack End.

    Any marketing you do, any money you spend, without having a Back End in place is wasted.If you have a marketing budget, but dont have a Back End in place, you might as well dumpyour cash down the garbage disposal (sure, youll get lucky and stumble into a few sales, butthe stats dont lie, you will fail far more than you will succeed guaranteed).

    The good news is, by putting you Back End in place, you will see a rapid increase insales and conversions as your prospects progress through your automated system.

    Shortly, I will show you how to structure your Back End. I will also show you how to set up aFunnel to capture leads and progress them through your Back End (Im sorry for anydistasteful visuals of that last sentence).

    How to Write A Follow Up CampaignWhat to say, when to say it and all the otherstuff you need to know to start the cashregisters ringing.


    Youve captured your contacts information. They want to hear more from you!

    When? How? What? How Much?

    These are all the questions you need to figure out. And you will. By following theseestablished techniques and by testing, testing, testing

    First of all lets begin with some essential elements of your campaign.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    By the way, I have a video presentation of this information you will enjoy watching.

    Customer Benefits Remember to keep always make your message about your customer.Whats in it for me? is whats going through their head. Paint it in very bright colors so theycan visualize it.

    Use an Attention Grabbing Subject - This is critical. They are scanning their inbox andpassing over 95% of their emails. How will you get them to stop and take notice of yours?

    The subjects job is to get the reader to stop and open your message.

    You must have a Powerful Opening If the subjects job is to get the reader to open themessage then the opening sentences job is to get the reader to continue reading. Do notassume that your emails will be opened, and read completely. You will need to carefully craftyour letters to engage your reader and make them want to read more. (Ill tell you how to dothat in a little bit)(that was just a technique right there!)

    Ask for Feedback You can do this in many different ways. One of the best way is byincluding trackable links to see what your readers like.

    Call to Action Always ask your reader to do something. Their actions will provide you


    Segment Tag and segment your readers based upon their response. Tailor additional followups to their specific wants and needs that youve determined by their feedback and action.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    When to Send Out

    Follow Up Immediately Your reader has asked for information. They want it NOW! Theymay be looking to make a purchasing decision right now and you dont want to miss out. Setup your autoresponder to send out an immediate welcome letter with a call to action.

    Follow Up Often Remember our earlier lesson about the need for repetition and frequencyto move something from short-term-memory to long-term-memory? At the beginning of yourcampaign, send out a message each day. Dont be concerned about the people that opt-outif they dont want your free message, then there is very little chance you will get them to takeout their credit card and purchase from you. They just arent qualified candidates for yourproduct. Thats OK now you can spend your time developing those candidates that arequalified. Toot-a loo!

    Test Different Days and Times Studies have shown that emails that arrive overnight getread first thing in the morning. Other studies show that weekend messages do well, also.Keep track of your stats. Watch what percentage get opened. Watch how many click-throughs you get. Youll soon see some traits in your list and develop strategies to make suremore of your emails get read.

    What to Send Out

    Thank you and Welcome This is the first message and should be sent out immediatelyafter your reader confirms their opt-in.

    Contact Information Make it easy for your customer to find you EVERYWHERE! Email,phone, Facebook, Twitter, your blog. Ask them to follow you and also ask them to refer theirfriends to you.

    Ask for More Feedback Please hit reply and tell me how I can help you.

    Follow Up #2 Try to personalize the message a little bit. You can use a template, but add asentence or two to let them know that you are personally responding to their message.

    Follow Up #3 If you have a phone number. Pick up the phone and give them a call. Theyllbe excited to hear from you.

    Target Your Message Campaign Use the information youve learned to segment your listand target your message your readers, specific interests. For instance, you dont want tosend your active customers the same message as a prospect that you are trying to close. Youwould send a customer a letter that says Thank you for your business. Your prospects letterwould read How can we earn your business?

    I Dont Understand If after youve sent out several messages, your visitor hasnt

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    responded or taken any action. Send a letter that says I dont understand, 2 weeks ago youhad asked me for some information, but I still havent heard back from you. I dont want to

    pester you, so Ill have to take you off my preferred subscriber list This will get some more ofyour readers to take action others will simply ignore it... Toot-a loo!

    People to Follow and Books to Read: Make sure to watch my video, How to Write a Follow UpCampaign where I give you a list of my favorite resources to help you write great copy in yourcampaigns.

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    You can take a look right now at the actual process and the valuable feedback I got back frommy list in this Case Study Video

    Engage your audience Remember the importance of getting your customers to take note ofyour message. This takes work, use persuasive techniques, build desire, anticipation... Learnmore from the Master of Persuasion video.

    Get them to take action If you want your reader to take action, then you need to give thema Call to Action. Tell them, direct them, what you want them to do. Hit reply and tell me howI can help you... , Please complete this quick survey.... One of the best ways is to useTrackable Links. Services likeOfficeAutoPilot andAweberbuild these into their services.

    You can track who clicks on which links which also gives you the feedback you want. I useboth these products (but I'm in the midst of converting exclusively to OfficeAutoPilot becauseof the extra power it gives me.)

    Segment or tag your audience based upon action How well can you classify yourprospect? At first, they are just names and addresses. But the more feedback you get, themore you can segment them and target your response. As your funnel narrows at the bottom,you have fewer people remaining (that's OK... we want it that way), but we need those peopleto feel the appreciation we have that they have stuck with us. You demonstrate this bytargeting your messages and making them more specific. Ideally your visitor wants to believethat they are really the only person receiving your email. I get emails replied back to me allthe time from my customers, personally responding to my requests. They tell me theyappreciate me for how I help them. It's a good feeling to know that I am connecting with theirneeds.

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    You will need to plan follow up messages for the different responses you will receive back.Take a look at how to create a Decision Tree in this video to help you set this up.

    Follow Up This is the biggy... It has to happen to keep the momentum going. Plan inadvance what you want to say and pre-load several messages into your autorespondersystem. Chances are, you have already written many of these messages before and emailedone-offs to other customers.


    Go get those emails, proof them, and set them up in your autoresponder. Remember to useMerge Fields to include peoples names.

    Test There are many variables that will effect the success of your campaign. You will learndifferent characteristics of each segment and adopt strategies to maximize your results.Here's a great article of 7 ways that you can test your emails. How many more ways can youthink of?

    Repeat Repeat both your messages and your testing. Testing works like this...

    1. Divide your subjects into 3 groups.

    2. Test A vs. B (let's say B wins)

    3. Test B vs. C (let's say C wins)

    4. Next time, test C vs. A (to see if your test is conclusive)

    Be careful... only test one variable at a time. If you change more than 1 variable, you can't

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    be sure which one delivered the results. Make it a game. You'll have a lot of fun figuring outyour winning strategies!

    Keep in Touch, but don't OVERSELL You're building relationships. Your readers want tohear from you. (OK, some won't... Toot-a loo! But always remember... your purpose is to bethe Trusted Authority. Always have something to give: a link, a video, an ebook. You don'talways have to be the author. It's perfectly OK to say to your reader Here's a great resourcefor Free images on the web that I thought you would like to use in your blogs. (By the way,checkout the link, it really is a great resource for Free images on the web that I thoughtyou would like to use in your blogs... My gift to you).

    A good rule of thumb is to make at least 75% of your back end messages non-sellinginformation only messages. That means that only 1 out of 4 messages... at most, containsome sort of an offer.

    Here's a good strategy: If you're a restaurant wanting immediate traffic, make a quick videoabout with a reason why you are giving away free fries. Make it engaging, be real.

    You know what... I'm having a bad day. My car wouldn'tstart, I spilled my coffee. Plus it's raining which means Iknow that many of you won't want to brave the weather tocome in for lunch. So I'm going to make it worth your while.Come see me for lunch and I'll give you free fries with everyburger to thank you for your business. Bring your friends!

    You can make that video in 48 seconds with a Flip Video camera and have it up on YouTubebefore your new coffee is brewed. Send out a tweet that says [FUNNY VIDEO] I'm having abad day... but I'll make it good for you.

    Send out your email at 10:30 AM when people are starting to think about lunch and watch thesparks fly. If you've built your following, share your email and drive traffic to your video whichwill help you build your network even bigger!

    Autoresponder Messages vs. Broadcast Messages

    There are two types of email messages you will send your readers: Autoresponder Messages(AM) and Broadcast Messages (BM). Your AM's are pre-scheduled and loaded and are

    delivered based upon when somebody joined your list. For instance, on Day 1 send outMessage 1, on Day 2 Message 2... Remember, everybody will be at a different point inthe AM cycle. These messages are designed to move your readers progressively throughyour sales funnel. Each message is to have a purpose, a call to action, and a way to provideyou feedback to better segment your list.

    BM's are sent out to your entire list at the same time (or portion of a list if you are testing).

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    These messages are about what's going on right now. This is where you tell your readersabout interesting posts you have read or written. New videos you just created, and even

    special offers (no more than 25% of the time). You will also want to develop a newslettersummary of your most recent blog posts and send it out weekly via BM to your readers.

    Tying It All TogetherHow to Systematize, Automatize and FantasticizeYour Online Marketing To Find More Customers,Close More Sales, Make More Money and HaveMore FUN!!!

    Well that's all there is too, it right?

    Surprisingly... the answer is mostly YES!

    I'd like to take credit for inventing this fantastic system, but the truth of the matter is, it's theway marketing and selling has always been.

    However, what I can take credit for is the wealth of experience, knowledge, systems andstrategies that have made me a recognized expert in sales automation, CRM's, internetmarketing and social media. Combine that with my 25+ years of real world, corporatemanagement, training and coaching and I think the value and expertise of the completepackage speaks for itself!

    Having sent our gazillions of emails, operated oodles of websites and blogs, received nationalrecognition for my achievements by the Wall Street Journal, and as a finalist in one of theleading internet marketing contests... I know and understand all the factors that makesuccessful campaigns.

    I cut down my clients' learning curve, so they can avoid costly mistakes and turn aroundquicker results for greater ROI's.

    I am a champion of the entrepreneur and love to help people cultivate their passions andexcellence into successful businesses. We need a lot more entrepreneurship in our marketstoday, and a lot less bean counters making ivory tower decisions based upon spreadsheets.

    All that being said...

    People still respond the same way today that they did back in 1872 when Aaron MontgomeryWard launched his first catalog.

    You can read great stuff from people like Robert Cialdini, Paco Underhill and even study someof the past great copywriters like Robert Collier to gain insight as to how people react to

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    certain buying cues and why.

    What's changed is the media, and the competition.

    How is your message delivered, and how do you get recognized through all the clutter?That is the challenge. It's a game you can master.

    So, let's finish off with a brief summary outline, and a link to the Show Me Your Back End

    presentation I made as Featured Speaker at the Virtual Real Estate BarCamp, attended bythousands of business professionals.

    1. Get Started

    a) Bring in outside help for a Fresh Perspective. Make sure thisis a marketing person as a opposed to a web design person.Many web people want you to believe they are also marketers.Most of them are not. Hire somebody that has actually soldsomething before.

    b) Remember the Cardinal Rule of Internet Marketing

    (Say it out loud with me right now!)

    c) Syndicate your message across a wide range of media.

    2. Become a Trusted Authority

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    a) Who do you like to follow? Why?

    b) What would you like people to think about you? Why?

    c) Develop your voice. Be personal and transparent.

    3. Find and Create Content

    a) Learn to be a News Gatherer.

    b) Use Audio and Video to boost your following.

    c) Be Consistent.

    4. Set Up a Blog

    a) Choose between Wordpress, Blogger and Typepad and others.

    b) Choose a look or theme. My favorite is FrugalTheme becauseit looks great and is very easy to use.

    c) Put up some posts and some pages.

    5. Capture Your Audience

    a) Choose a service such as OfficeAutoPilot or Aweber

    b) Set up a Squeeze Page.

    c) Put up a Subscribe Form on our blog.

    6. Plan Out Your Back End

    a) Prepare Your Follow Up Campaign

    b) Use some emails you've already sent out as templates.

    c) Work on Your Copywriting Skills

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    d) Always Include a Call to Action.

    e) Tag and Segment Your Readers.

    7. Measure Results

    a) Keep Track of Your Stats

    b) Test Different Variables

    c) Track Feedback

    8. Keep In Touch

    a) Follow up regularly and frequently.

    b) Don't Oversell.

    c) Use multiple media for your messages.

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    Making $20,000+ Every Month

    If you follow the Back End Blueprint, you will be delivering hot prospects to your customersevery single month. Clients will gladly pay you $1500 or more to maintain their system andprovide them with the following services:

    Send Hot Leads from the system.

    Monitor Stats/Split Test Results

    Monthly Review Meeting with Client

    Create New Campaigns (ZapPowee can help you with this)

    Better yet, you can easily charge at least $2500 to initially set up the system. Here is whatyou would do to set them up:

    Set up their email autoresponder account (OfficeAutoPilot,Aweber, etc)

    Set up capture forms (squeeze pages) on their site

    Program their initial campaign (Sales CPRis the best first campaign)

    Revenue Turbo Booster Tip:

    Become an affiliate of OfficeAutoPilot and Aweber and make sure your clients sign upthrough you link. You can earn up to $75 per month per client!

    Your first 5 Months: Sign up 2 accounts per month. Charge $2,000 per account for setup and$1,000 per month maintenance. Check out these numbers!

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    Next StepsYou've taken the first step in becoming aBack End Specialist...

    You now have valuable information that any businesses would love to learn. You can feelconfident to walk into any business and start a dialog... but you don't have to.

    Set up your own Back End. If you can afford it, I definitely suggest using OfficeAutoPilot. If not,then start on withAweber. (Go ahead and sign up nowfor a trial account with either one).

    Every business you meet needs to entered into your system.

    Remember, don't try to sell. Just educate. Always have a call to action: a link to email to you,or to your web site, etc. Track your links. Note who is opening your emails and following yourmessages. These are your best prospects, and hottest leads. You can comfortably call onthem at anytime without having to make a cold call.

    ZapPowee Resources to Help You

    Becoming a Back End Specialist requires continuing education and also an ongoing need fornew content.

    ZapPowee offers ongoing training, support, and member resources to keep your business at

    peak performance. Our Campaing Modules will also give you turnkey content you can usewith your clients.

    Our mission is to make you successful. We will continue to provide you turnkey content,education and valuable information to keep you at the cutting edge of Back End Automation.So add us now to your safe sender list, subscribe to our RSS feeds and keep yourself up todate.

    If you've found this information valuable, then please leave us some nice feedbackon our siteor at Warrior Forum... and, of course, make sure you Like us on Facebook!

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    Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee's Disclosure PolicyThe following disclosure policy is current as of the date this product was created. Updated and currentversions of my Disclosur Policy may be viewed at SteveRosenbaum.com.

    My goal is to share with you my expertise, and recommendations to help you achieve success in yourbusiness. I strive to be as open, forthright and sincere as possible, at all times.

    I believe in full disclosure and try to disclose any relationships each time I make a recommendation. Ipost numerous abbreviated disclosures on my blog, in my posts,in my email communications, printedmaterials, ebooks and products to ensure that each of my readers has ample access and understandingof my beliefs and relationships with potential sponsors.

    This notice is an effort to be as clear and candid as possible, and to highlight some of my relationships,the ways I am compensated, as well as the results I sometimes discuss.

    I occasionally make recommendations. My recommendations are based firstand foremost on their merit. I make them either because of their value,helpfulness, and quality, or based on my direct or indirect knowledge of theauthors reputation, track record, and level of expertise. No advertiser willever influence the content on my blog or in my other materials andcommunication.

    Sometimes these recommendations include links, also known as affiliatelinks, to products for which I may receive some kind of compensation. Ieither get a commission for each sale, or receive some form ofremuneration, either financially or in kind. Please be aware, that links in my

    materials may very well result in such compensation to me. If you do notthink it is fair for me to earn commission for my recommendations, then youmay perform a search for the product and visit the website directly. Mosttimes, my compensation arises from you "clicking on a link" from my site.Therefore, if you visit the website on your own, I will usually, not becompensated. There may exist some exceptions to this policy depending onthe way each company tracks their affiliate referrals. In any case, if you donot want me to receive commission. Simply send me an email [email protected], and I will contact the company and forfeitmy reward.

    Some affiliate links are added automatically with the help of software, whichlinkifies specific keywords within the content dynamically. Others are added

    after the post is written. In other words, most affiliate links are addedincidentally or subsequently.

    Some links do not have any affiliation or compensation whatsoever, but areincluded for the same reasons expressed above. In other words, I add thembased on merit. If I find them helpful and suspect that they may be of interestto my readers, I will include them, regardless of compensation or lackthereof.

    Copyright 2010 Steve Rosenbaum and ZapPowee.com

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    Without question, most testimonials on this blog highlight positive andsometimes extraordinary outcomes achieved under unique circumstances.

    Typical results are exceedingly difficult to predict or measure, as all markets,businesses, motives, and results are unique. Yours will be no exception.

    As with most training programs or information products, by their very natureall results are atypical. Such programs are not one-size-fits-all solutions asthey teach a wide variety of systems and strategies. Therefore, it isimpossible for anyone to predict how, or even if, you will use the informationprovided in your specific business.

    As with every business venture, theres inherent risk. You even stand achance to lose money. So please use discretion when making a purchasingdecision.

    All testimonials and case studies are collected from people who have hadpersonal experience with our products or services, and they have eachsubmitted their kind words willingly, and without direct financial payment orcompensation.

    In rare cases, such as with case studies, some students have receivedsubstantial discounts on our products in exchange for their honest review.

    Some endorsements are sent from paying clients who have initially hired usfor our consulting services, and may not necessarily or directly reflect thespecific products showcased on this blog. Some have become friends orpartners in various ventures.

    Some of my endorsements of other peoples products are the result ofreceiving a free review copy. In some cases, I may be an affiliate. However, Ido not receive any direct financial compensation for making suchendorsements, and I only provide an honest review, whether as an affiliateor not, if I feel the product has merit.

    Ads on this blog are for my own products, or products of which I am anaffiliate or reseller.

    In the case of products of which I am an affiliate or reseller, they are selectedbecause I purchased the products myself, I was involved in their creation, or

    I know their authors, and because I believe these products to be useful tomy readers.

    If you would like any additional information, please contact me at [email protected] .

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
