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Ballet Magazine Spread (Draft)

Date post: 12-Mar-2016
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This was for my Computer Graphics 2 class.
p.40 Cynthia Blackinstein p.39 To The Pointe has been a way of life for Ms. Cynthia Blackistone. Upon further inquiry, one can realize how much work goes into her career as a dancer. Everyday, she laces up her ballet shoes, stepping into the limelight for thousands of people to critique, review and discuss her performance. “A person once asked me what it was like to do something in the entertainment industry; I looked at them with a grin and said this is not entertainment, this is work for me”, says Blackinstone. “Being on the road over the past seven and a half years has taken a tole on my body, my family, and my life but it has been something I embraced. I love what I do; working under all the pressure is something that I live off of.” “There is nothing better than seeing the faint smile of your child, in the crowd watching you do some- thing you love”. Living in the pale pink pointe shoes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi- scing elit. Vivamus metus risus, sagittis et viverra at, congue quis sem. Aliquam ac auctor odio. Curabitur euismod blandit diam, sed pulvinar magna feugiat sed. Pellentesque lobortis, metus eget placerat rhoncus, metus erat congue augue, eget vehicula nunc tortor sed felis. Quisque condimentum dictum sem, at fermentum nisl iaculis in. Ut tincidunt neque nec purus semper
Page 1: Ballet Magazine Spread (Draft)


Cynthia Blackinstein


To The Pointe

has been a way of life for Ms. Cynthia Blackistone. Upon further inquiry, one can realize how much work goes into her career as a dancer. Everyday, she laces up her ballet shoes, stepping into the limelight for thousands of people to critique, review and discuss her performance. “A person once asked me what it was like to do something in the entertainment industry; I looked at them with a grin and said this is not entertainment, this is work for me”, says Blackinstone.

“Being on the road over the past seven and a half years has taken a tole on my body, my family, and my life but it has been something I embraced. I love what I do; working under all the pressure is something that I live off of.”

“There is nothing better than seeing the faint smile of your child, in the crowd watching you do some-thing you love”.

Living in the pale pink pointe shoes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi-scing elit. Vivamus metus risus, sagittis et viverra at, congue quis sem. Aliquam ac auctor odio. Curabitur euismod blandit diam, sed pulvinar magna feugiat sed. Pellentesque lobortis, metus eget placerat rhoncus, metus erat congue augue, eget vehicula nunc tortor sed felis. Quisque condimentum dictum sem, at fermentum nisl iaculis in. Ut tincidunt neque nec purus semper

Page 2: Ballet Magazine Spread (Draft)


Etiam commodo bibendum iaculis. Vivamus rhoncus diam et turpis convallis pellentesque. Morbi id nulla libero, vitae elementum tortor. Mauris sagittis tincidunt nisl, a posuere leo sagittis vitae. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum quis felis dapibus magna tincidunt elementum. Nullam posuere nibh nec purus pellentesque commodo. Suspendisse rhoncus condimentum ligula, vel ornare augue ultrices non. Mauris sem neque, tristique et eleifend at, convallis at purus.

Mauris id eros eget enim porttitor egestas. Vestibulum non lorem at erat bibendum lacinia. Nulla ac arcu sed purus varius commodo et ac velit. Vestibulum posuere, tellus bibendum congue aliquam, urna leo imperdiet eros, et rhoncus sem lacus id orci. Sed tincidunt placerat orci ac porttitor. Quisque at tellus dui. Aenean eu blandit ipsum. Praesent eget pellentesque diam. Etiam lacinia fermentum justo. Aliquam faucibus eros magna. Fusce purus turpis, pharetra quis aliquet at, volutpat a tellus. Curabitur posuere turpis quam. Fusce euismod, tellus in pulvinar facilisis, sem ante venenatis massa, a vehicula erat orci eget dolor. Nulla purus urna, venenatis semper dapibus ac, viverra eu urna. Quisque vel viverra magna.

Maecenas condimentum dapibus justo vel malesuada. Ut id orci et quam laoreet tempor id faucibus nunc. Nullam nisl mauris, tristique nec suscipit commodo, vehicula faucibus turpis. Fusce varius consectetur eros, ac viverra mi aliquam porttitor. Nulla facilisi. Nullam in metus nec massa volutpat pretium vel id libero. Aenean vestibulum, magna sit amet condimentum blan-dit, nibh ante euismod purus, at scelerisque ipsum dolor vel dolor.
