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Ballistics Modeling of Combustion Heat Loss Through Chambers and Nozzles of Solid Rocket Motors

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  • 8/22/2019 Ballistics Modeling of Combustion Heat Loss Through Chambers and Nozzles of Solid Rocket Motors




    Stephen Scot Moore

    B.S., California State University, Sacramento, 2004


    Submitted in partial satisfaction ofthe requirements for the degree of







  • 8/22/2019 Ballistics Modeling of Combustion Heat Loss Through Chambers and Nozzles of Solid Rocket Motors




    A Thesis


    Stephen Scot Moore

    Approved by:

    __________________________________, Committee Chair

    Dongmei Zhou, Ph. D.

    __________________________________, Second Reader

    James Bergquam, Ph. D.



  • 8/22/2019 Ballistics Modeling of Combustion Heat Loss Through Chambers and Nozzles of Solid Rocket Motors



    Student: Stephen Scot Moore

    I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University

    format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to

    be awarded for the thesis.

    __________________________, Graduate Coordinator ___________________Kenneth Sprott, Ph. D. Date

    Department of Mechanical Engineering

  • 8/22/2019 Ballistics Modeling of Combustion Heat Loss Through Chambers and Nozzles of Solid Rocket Motors








    Stephen Scot Moore

    There are several assumptions made when the ballistics of a solid rocket motor

    (SRM) is being modeled. Among them is the assumption that the case wall of themotor is adiabatic, i.e., no heat from combustion is lost through the case and nozzle

    walls as a solid rocket motor burns. However, this adiabatic assumption is usually

    not numerically validated. This work is intended to prove or disprove such anassumptions through computational studies. First, CAD models are built using ProE,

    that represent successive layers of a solid fuel as it burns back. Each individual

    model is then meshed in the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) preprocessor,

    GAMBIT. The individual mesh files are then imported into the CFD program

    FLUENT and the simulations are finally run in FLUENT. Heat loss models arecompared to adiabatic models. The results show radiative heat loss is most

    significant inside the motor case whereas convective heat loss is greater in thenozzle. Convective losses in the nozzle dominate the overall heat loss. The heat loss

    in general does not significantly affect ballistic performance, validating the adiabatic

    assumption, however the CAD-CFD method is useful for other ballistics analysis.

    _______________________, Committee ChairDongmei Zhou, Ph. D.



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    The author would like to acknowledge and thank: Aerojets Ballistics group for the

    introduction to the Pro Engineering CAD method of SRM modeling, the support of

    school of Engineering and Computer Sciences at California State University, Sacramento

    for providing the computational resources, and finally Dr. Dongmei Zhou and Dr James

    Bergquam for their technical expertise and guidance.

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    PageAcknowledgments................................................................................................................v List of Tables ................................................................................................................... viiiList of Figures .................................................................................................................... ix


    1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................12 INTRODUCTION TO SRMS AND BALLISTICS ENGINEERING .............................5

    2.1 Solid Rocket Motor Basics ......................................................................................52.2 Ballistics Engineering ..............................................................................................82.3 Performance Parameters ........................................................................................13

    3 THE SOLID ROCKET MOTOR....................................................................................163.1 Physical and Material Properties ...........................................................................163.2 The Case and Nozzle .............................................................................................173.3 The Grain ...............................................................................................................193.4 Propellant ...............................................................................................................20

    4 MODELING METHOD .................................................................................................234.1 CAD Modeling Method .........................................................................................234.2 Mesh Construction .................................................................................................264.3 Computational Fluid Dynamics Model ..................................................................28

    5 ADIABATIC AND HEAT LOSS MODELS .................................................................395.1 Adiabatic Model.....................................................................................................395.2 Heat Loss Zones .....................................................................................................415.3 Flow Characteristics and Free-stream Reference ..................................................415.4 Heat Loss Model ....................................................................................................42

    6 RESULTS .......................................................................................................................546.1 Heat Loss ...............................................................................................................546.2 Motor Performance ................................................................................................59

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    7 CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................60Appendix A ........................................................................................................................63

    SRM Transient Algorithm ...........................................................................................63Appendix B ........................................................................................................................64

    ProE CAD Method .......................................................................................................64References ..........................................................................................................................70

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    Table 1 Variables and Symbols .......................................................................................... 3Table 2 Case and Nozzle Thermal Properties ................................................................... 19Table 3 Solid Propellant Properties .................................................................................. 21Table 4 Gas Properties ...................................................................................................... 21Table 5 Al/AP/HTPB Propellant ...................................................................................... 22Table 6 Boundary Layer Mesh Data ................................................................................. 28Table 7 Model Assumptions ............................................................................................. 29Table 8 Boundary Condition Pressure and Time .............................................................. 33

    Table 9 Convergence Criteria ........................................................................................... 35Table 10 Run Times per Webstep ..................................................................................... 37Table 11 Percent difference between Free-stream and Wall Temperatures ..................... 48Table 12 Total and Specific Impulse ................................................................................ 59

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    Figure 1 Basic Solid Rocket Motor .................................................................................... 6Figure 2 Typical SRM ........................................................................................................ 7Figure 3 End-burning Grain ................................................................................................ 9Figure 4 End-Burning Grain with Cylindrical Bore Added.............................................. 10Figure 5 Burn Area and Pressure Comparison ................................................................. 11Figure 6 Action Time ........................................................................................................ 15Figure 7 Solid Rocket Motor under study ........................................................................ 17Figure 8 Nozzle Geometry ................................................................................................ 18

    Figure 9 Grain Design ....................................................................................................... 20Figure 10 SRM Burning Back .......................................................................................... 25Figure 11 Burn Area versus Webstep Data....................................................................... 25Figure 12 GAMBIT Generated Mesh ............................................................................... 27Figure 13 Mesh Sensitivity Study Results ........................................................................ 36Figure 14 Percent Error and Runtime ............................................................................... 38Figure 15 Heat Loss Areas ................................................................................................ 41Figure 16 Forward Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient, Wall and Freestream Temperatures 49Figure 17 Throat Heat Transfer Coefficient, Wall and Freestream Temperatures ........... 51Figure 18 Heat Loss from Forward and Converging Walls .............................................. 55Figure 19 Heat Loss from Throat and Diverging Walls ................................................... 56Figure 20 Total Heat Loss................................................................................................. 57Figure 21 Heat Transfer Coefficients- Forward and Converging Walls ........................... 58Figure 22 Heat Transfer Coefficients- Throat and Diverging Walls ................................ 58Figure 23 Modeling Algorithm ......................................................................................... 62Figure 24 Example SRM Grain ........................................................................................ 64Figure 25 Driving Dimension ........................................................................................... 65Figure 26 Related Dimensions .......................................................................................... 65Figure 27 Dimensions changing as the Driving Dimension Changes .............................. 66

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    Figure 28 Measuring the Areas ......................................................................................... 67Figure 29 Creating a Family of Data ................................................................................ 68Figure 30 Family of Data Table ........................................................................................ 69

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    There are several assumptions made when the ballistics of a solid rocket motor

    (SRM) is modeled. Among them is the assumption that the chamber wall of the motor is

    adiabatic, i.e., no heat from combustion is lost through the chamber wall. While this

    assumption is useful and reasonably accurate for most motor applications it can produce

    errors in performance characteristic predictions especially of motors that have significant

    exposed internal chamber area at start-up or during motor operation.

    The chamber wall loses heat when exposed directly to hot combustion gases even

    with the use of thermal insulation. Some of the internal pressure, and therefore thrust, is

    lost when heat escapes through the case walls. Other measures of performance, such as

    impulse and burn time are also affected. The use of insulation minimizes the effect,

    although its primary purpose is to protect the SRM case from detrimental heat effects.

    The effect heat loss has on performance is usually not well known until after detailed

    thermal analysis or after static firing tests, both occurring after the initial design is

    complete. Any re-design work to compensate for heat-loss can be costly and time

    consuming. Accounting for it early in the design provides more accurate performance

    predictions and may result in fewer design iterations. Since ballistics design is among the

    first of SRM design effort, it makes sense to include accounting for the effect of heat-loss


    Ballistic design includes designing and modeling the internal geometry of the solid

    rocket motor propellant, or grain. The geometry directly affects pressure and thrust

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    profiles and defines the amount of internal case surface exposed to hot combustion gases

    during motor operation. Ballistics engineering includes predicting SRM performance by

    running computer models. Accurate models of the solid rocket motors are therefore

    important. Current ballistic modeling techniques typically do not account for the loss of

    heat through chamber walls. It is here that a method of estimating heat loss can be


    This work uses a CAD-CFD approach to determine heat loss from a representative

    SRM. The physical SRM description and ballistic performance characteristics are

    discussed in Chapter 2 followed by the SRM description in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4 the

    CAD and CFD modeling approach are discussed, which includes modeling assumptions,

    boundary conditions. Chapter 5 discusses the adiabatic and the heat-loss models. Results

    from the heat-loss model are compared to the adiabatic model in Chapter 6. Chapter 7

    concludes the thesis.

    Table 1provides the symbols and variables used throughout the thesis.

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    Table 1 Variables and Symbols

    Variable or


    Definition Unit

    A area m2

    a burn rate coefficient (burn rate at 1.0 Pa) m/s

    c specific heat at constant pressure J/kgK

    cr curvature n/a

    F force or thrust N

    Fw view factor (from free-stream gas to wall) n/a

    go standard acceleration of gravity, 9.80665 m/s2

    h heat transfer coefficient W/m2K

    Isp specific impulse s

    It total impulse N-sk conductivity W/mK

    l distance along a surface m

    MW molecular weight kg/kmol

    n burnrate exponent n/a

    Nul local Nusselt number, hl/k n/a

    qconductive conductive heat flux, *( / )k dT dz W/m2

    qconvective convective heat flux, )( wTTh W/m2

    qradiative radiative heat flux, ww FTT )( 44 W/m


    Pr Prandtl number, c/k, / n/a

    P pressure PaR gas constant, R`/MW kJ/kg-K

    R` Universal gas constant (8.314 kJ/kmol-K) kJ/kmol-K

    r radius m

    rb burning rate m/s

    Rel local Reynolds number based distance l, l u*/ n/a

    St Stanton number, h/ uc n/a

    T temperature K

    t time s

    tw thickness of the wall m

    u free-stream velocity m/s

    x webstep distance mz wall thickness m

    thermal diffusivity, k/ c m2/s

    change n/a

    emissivity n/a

    1 displacement thickness, 1= 1.72* (*l/u) m

    2 momentum thickness, 2= 0.664*(*l/u) m

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    Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 5.67e-8 W/m2-K4 W/m2-K4

    dynamic viscosity N-s/m2

    kinematic viscosity, / m2/s

    ratio of specific heats, cp/cv n/a

    density kg/m3


    a action time

    amb ambient conditions external to the motor

    c case condition

    cr curvature

    e nozzle exit

    s internal surface

    t nozzle throat

    w wall condition

    free-stream condition

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    Chapter 2


    This chapter introduces solid rocket motor basics and a brief introduction to ballistics

    engineering. This is to gain some understanding of the language used to describe SRM

    systems and to understand the CFD modeling method. The SRM performance

    parameters used for comparing the adiabatic model with the heat loss model are defined.

    2.1 Solid Rocket Motor Basics

    An SRM is one of two basic classes of chemical rockets. Typically, rockets are

    propelled with either liquid or solid fuels although there are other types of rockets (to

    include, but not limited to, ion and nuclear propulsion). Just as the term liquid in liquid

    rocket engines refers to the phase of the fuel, the term solid in solid rocket motor also

    refers to the phase of the fuel. The rocket in this study is a solid rocket motor.

    SRMs are assembled with several typical components, as shown inFigure 1 [1] and

    Figure 2 [2]. The casing provides the basic structure, contains the mass and pressure

    produced by the burning solid propellant, and transfers thrust to the payload. Typically,

    the case is internally insulated more to protect the motor structure from adverse heat

    effects from combustion gases than to prevent heat loss. The converging-diverging

    nozzle converts the heat, pressure, and mass flow into thrust. An igniter, which produces

    high mass and heat flux, is required to start the solid propellant burning. Finally, the

    solid propellant, or grain, is the fuel that produces heat, pressure, and mass flow.

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    Figure 1 Basic Solid Rocket Motor

    Unlike bi-propellant liquid rocket engines, which must maintain the fuel and oxidizer

    separately or spontaneous combustion will occur (i.e. hypergolic combustion), solid fuels

    combine the fuel and oxidizer together with a binder material in a single mixture. Solid

    propellants tend to be quite stable at ambient temperatures and pressures and it is only

    after the application of an adequate ignition source to the grain surface that the fuel

    begins to combust sustainably. The fuel/oxidizer/binder mixture casts directly in the case

    and is left to cure, or can be extruded, cured, and later installed in the case. The cured

    solid propellant is called the propellant grain. The grains internal surface can be

    machined but is usually formed by allowing the mixture to cure around a forming core.

    The internal surface of the grain is designed to create a specified pressure and thrust

    versus time profiles depending on the purpose of the rocket system.

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    Figure 2 Typical SRM

    There are other components used in SRMs, some of which are shown in the above

    figures. Nose cones provided volume to contain payloads and reduce the drag

    experienced on the rocket system. Stage motors contain skirts used to attach to other

    stages and the nosecone in a motor stack. Fins, or strakes, provide aerodynamic stability

    during flight. Thrust termination devices can be employed to open the pressure vessel

    ending the production of thrust. The system may also use thrust vector control for

    stability and maneuverability. A wide variety of avionics equipment may be employed

    on an SRM for guidance and control.

    A more comprehensive treatise of rockets in general and solid rockets specifically is

    found in Sutton [2].

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    2.2 Ballistics Engineering

    An introduction to ballistics engineering is required here as this type of design work

    is atypical and directly relates to the heat loss modeling method. Only basic concepts are


    The grain burns on any surface that is exposed to combustion gases. Conversely, any

    surface that is covered (by the case wall for instance) does not burn. As the exposed

    surfaces burn, they recede normal to the burning surface. For example in the case of a

    simple end-burning grain the exposed surface (not covered by the case) burns axially

    along the centerline of the motor, as shown inFigure 3. As the grain burns back, the

    exposed area does not change until the burning surface reaches the forward dome. A

    relationship exists between the burn area and burn distance, as shown in the graph in the

    same figure inFigure 3. In this case, it shows the area remains constant throughout the

    burn until the dome is reached. If a cylindrical bore is added to the end-burning grain,

    the end still burns, however this time there is a change in burn area as the bore grows as

    shown inFigure 4. The relationship between the burn area and the burn distance is

    clearly modified. If other geometries are cut from the grain then almost any burn area

    versus burn distance profile can be obtained.

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    Figure 3 End-burning Grain

    The burn distances are typically referred to as websteps. The web of a grain is the

    largest distance that a burning surface will travel. For example, inFigure 3,the largest

    distance the burning surface travels is the axial distance from the aft end to the forward

    end so this is its web. InFigure 4,the web is the radial distance from the bore surface to

    the case. Although the grain surface is continuously receding as it burns it is represented

    by a series of burn distances, or websteps.

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    Figure 4 End-Burning Grain with Cylindrical Bore Added

    The profile of the burn area, Ab, versus webstep plot relates to the profile the internal

    pressure versus time plot. In fact, the shapes are similar except during motor startup and

    motor tail-off (end of motor operation) where transient effects become significant. This

    is clear when a burn area profile is compared to a pressure profile, provided inFigure 5.

    Additionally, the thrust-time profile follows the pressure-time profile. This allows the

    ballistics designer to custom fit a specified pressure or thrust profile by modifying the

    grain internal geometry while knowing nothing of the fuel.

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    Figure 5 Burn Area and Pressure Comparison

    The parameters of burn area, Ab, and webstep are easily obtained from any preferred

    CAD program (ProE was used here). The burn distance intervals are modeled by

    offsetting burning surfaces and can be arbitrarily chosen. Usually, the web is determined

    and is divided into approximately fifteen or more websteps. This is heuristic and depends

    upon the detail required of the grain being modeled. Only a few websteps are shown in

    Figure 3 andFigure 4. The burn area, Ab, is then found for each webstep by using the

    analysis tools in the CAD program.

    The relationship between the Abprofile and the pressure and thrust profiles becomes

    apparent upon examination of the relationship between the burn rate of the propellant and

    mass flux. The steady-state burn rate (m/s) simply is





    If the webstep, x, is known (and it is because it is chosen) all that is needed is the burn

    rate to find time step, t. The propellant burn rate follows the relationship

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    cb aPr (2)

    where aand nare empirical constants, which are ideally constant over wide pressure

    range. This reveals that the burn rate of the propellant is directly related to the internal

    pressure of the motor.

    Some manipulation is required to determine pressure at each webstep. The mass flux

    off the grain is found using

    bbbb Arm


    wherebis density andAbis the burn surface area [2]. The mass flow through the throat

    is defined by


    APm tct


    wherePcis the chamber pressure andAtis the throat area [2]. The factor, c*, is also a

    property of the propellant, is considered constant, and will be defined later. If it is

    assumed that steady-state conditions exist then

    tb mm

    . (5)

    This assumption is valid except during motor startup and tail-off where transient effects

    become significant, however in most cases this causes only negligible error in the results.

    It can be shown after some manipulation that

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    Taking all the factors and exponent as constants exceptAb, it is clear that pressure is a

    function of the burn area,Ab.

    The burn rate, rb, is determined from the pressure using equation (2). Time is then

    found by dividing the webstep (arbitrarily defined) by the burn rate. This method

    correlatesAb-webstep profile to the pressure-time profile and illuminates why the profiles

    are similar. This method determines the pressure profile in the representative SRM.

    2.3 Performance Parameters

    There are several parameters used to measure motor performance. The ones used

    here are total impulse, specific impulse, internal motor pressure, thrust, and burn time.

    Total impulse (N-s) is defined as

    dtFIt * (7)

    whereFis thrust (N) [2]. Specific impulse (s) is defined by












    wheregois standard acceleration of gravity [2]. Its units are simplified to seconds though

    specific impulse does not refer to time. The units are accurately defined as thrust per unit

    weight flow rate, or Newtons-seconds per go-(kilogram/second)-seconds. The standard

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    gravity term is equal to 9.81 m/s2. This simplifies to the units of seconds. Specific

    impulse is to rockets as miles-per-gallon is to automobiles.

    Internal motor pressure is calculated as previously discussed. Thrust is determined


    ctF PACF (9)




















    2. (10)

    CFis the thrust coefficient and is a function of the ratio of specific heats, , exit, chamber,

    and ambient pressures, and nozzle area ratio [2].

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    The final performance parameter is action time. Action time is based on the internal

    motor pressure. At motor start-up the motor pressurizes rather quickly. However, as the

    motor begins to burn out the pressure drops asymptotically toward zero making burn

    duration rather difficult to determine. Because of this, action time, ta, is defined as the

    time the motor pressure first reaches 10% of max pressure to the time when the pressure

    drops to 10% of max pressure during the end of motor operation [2]. This is illustrated in

    Figure 6.

    Figure 6 Action Time

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    Chapter 3


    This chapter defines the solid rocket motor, or SRM, used in this work. It starts by

    discussing the physical and material properties of the SRM case and nozzle. The grain

    physical properties are defined. The chapter finishes with a discussion of the solid

    propellant and its physical and gas properties.

    3.1 Physical and Material Properties

    The SRM considered in this work (seeFigure 7)is a simplified version of a typical

    SRM. It is an example of one that might be used as a stage motor in a multi-stage rocket

    system although there is no specific purpose defined here. The enveloping length and

    diameter is 1.69 m and 0.48 m, respectively. It employs an insulated case, a converging-

    diverging nozzle, and a simple axi-symmetric grain. To add to the simplification, the

    igniter has been removed. The igniter usually burns to completion just before the SRM

    grain is fully lit so it does not greatly affect heat loss during motor operation. Finally, no

    other components, such as nosecones, skirts, thrust vector control, etc. are included as

    these components also do not significantly affect internal heat loss. Additionally,

    mechanical interfaces are removed. For example, the interface between the nozzle and

    the case is usually a mechanical system (circular pattern of bolts, threaded joint, or snap-

    ring construction) and uses high temperature o-rings to contain combustion gases within

    the case. Since the work here is to model heat loss the design is kept as simple as

    possible and includes only those components that have a direct effect on heat loss.

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    3.2 The Case and Nozzle

    The insulated case is comprised of typical materials used in SRM motors today. The

    case is a carbon fiber filament wound case with an internal insulation made of silica filled

    EPDM, ethylenepropylene diene terpolymer. It is assumed that the case and insulation

    system takes on the insulating properties of the insulation only. The case thickness is

    everywhere 12.7 mm.

    The converging-diverging nozzle is made using conventional geometry and is also

    made of materials typically found in SRM systems. The nozzle and its geometric

    characteristics are given inFigure 8. The nozzle is a typical converging-diverging

    nozzle. The converging section provides a smooth transition from the spherical aft dome

    of the case to the nozzle entrance. The diverging section is conical and has a standard

    Figure 7 Solid Rocket Motor under study

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    15 half angle. The throat diameter was sized to target a specific maximum pressure.

    The average thickness along the nozzle wall is approximately 12.7 mm although the

    thickness does increase near the throat for added thermal-structural capability. This

    nozzle is made of graphite material, which is also typical in SRM construction. The

    material properties of the nozzle are provided inTable 2.

    Figure 8 Nozzle Geometry



    Ae/At = 7.06

    Rthroat = 70 mm

    Raxial curvature

    = 127 mm

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    Table 2 Case and Nozzle Thermal Properties

    Component Material Specific heat,C (J/kg-K)

    Density, (kg/m



    conductivity, k

    (W/m-K)Case Carbon Fiber and

    silica phenolic EPDM


    1674.7 977.13 0.24234

    Nozzle Graphite 1425 1540.4 89.7

    3.3 The Grain

    As was previously mentioned, the design of the grain is a simple axi-symmetric

    geometry, shown inFigure 9. This type of geometry allows some simplification of CFD

    modeling approach. The bore is a truncated cone and the aft end employs a spherical

    cutout. The aft end also has a section of end burning grain. The same philosophy of case

    and nozzle simplification applies to the design of the grain: since this work focuses on

    heat loss of the SRM a simple model is desired.

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    Figure 9 Grain Design

    3.4 Propellant

    The propellant used in this work is a representation of typically used propellant. No

    attempt is made to design a propellant as this is a task more suitable for chemists or

    chemical engineers than for ballistics engineers. Only the solid propellant properties and

    gas properties are required to complete the SRM definition. The solid propellant and gas

    properties of the representative propellant are provided inTable 3 andTable 4,


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    Table 3 Solid Propellant Properties

    Symbol Nomenclature Value Unit Notesa Burn rate coefficient 1.39e-05 m/s Calculated from a=rb,ref/Prefn,

    where Pref= 6.89MPa

    n Burn rate exponent 0.5 n/a

    b Density 1799.2 kg/m

    c Characteristic velocity 1356 m/s See definition below

    Table 4 Gas Properties

    Symbol Nomenclature Value Unit Notesk Thermal conductivity 0.231 W/m-K

    cp Specific heat at constant


    1286.6 J/kg-K



    9.5e-5 kg/m-s

    Tf Flame temperature 2756.4 K Stagnation temperature

    MW Molecular weight 28 kg/kgmol

    The parameter c*(pronounced cee-star), is the characteristic velocity (m/s), as

    shown inTable 3. Rearranging equation (4), it is defined by






    By definition, it relates to the internal pressure, Pc, the throat area, At, and the mass flow

    through the throat. However, it relates more to propellant combustion efficiency, which

    is independent of the nozzle geometry. It can be shown






    . (12)

    Since the factors gamma, ratio of specific heats, , gas constant,R, and the absolute

    temperature, T, are properties of combustions gases, c*must also be a property of the

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    combustion gas [2]. The parameter c*is a thermodynamic property of the propellant

    characteristic of the thrust coefficient. It refers to the average velocity of the gas at the

    nozzle exit plane for a thrust coefficient, Cf, of 1.0. The exit velocity of the gases from

    the motor at any time during operation can be calculated by multiplying Cf by c*. Since

    gamma and temperature remain constant over a wide range of pressures therefore c*is

    assumed constant as previously discussed.

    The propellant properties are approximated from one of the most common

    formulations used today-Al/AP/HTPB propellant [2]. Properties are inTable 5.

    Table 5 Al/AP/HTPB Propellant

    Chemical formula Nomenclature Function Approximate

    Mass fraction


    Al Aluminum Fuel 0.17 In powder form

    NH4ClO4 Ammonium


    Oxidizer 0.70 Crystal sizes


    HTPB Hydroxyl-


    Binder 0.13

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    Chapter 4


    Now that the SRM definition and the performance parameters have been determined,

    this chapter defines the modeling methods. The discussion includes the computer aided

    design (CAD) method, the mesh construction, and the computational fluid dynamics

    (CFD) method to model the motor.

    4.1 CAD Modeling Method

    FLUENT, a computation fluid dynamics (CFD) program, is a numerical solver [3]. It

    requires the creation and meshing of the model flow volume under study outside of the

    program. FLUENT takes advantage of a preprocessor GAMBIT that can be used to

    produce a computer model and then used to produces the mesh [4].

    Another method, the one used in this study, is to model the flow volume outside the

    GAMBIT preprocessor using a CAD program. Once the CAD models are created they

    are imported into GAMBIT for meshing. The CAD program, Pro Engineer (ProE)[5], is

    used in this study to create the CAD models. They are then exported to GAMBIT to be


    The case, nozzle, and grain geometries are created in ProE. The geometries of the

    case and nozzle are constant throughout the motor operation so the geometries are not

    changed within the CAD model. The grain, however, does change in time during motor

    operation. The initial grain model is created then, one by one, each successive webstep

    of the receding grain is created and saved within ProE. Figure 10provides an example.

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    The initial grain is shown in the top graphic and the series of successive websteps

    follows. This continues until the grain has completely receded.

    Pro Engineer provides several tools used to simplify the modeling method [5]. A tool

    allows parametrically relating model dimensions. This tool greatly simplifies the creation

    of each webstep model by relating the changing grain dimensions to a control dimension.

    Changing the control dimension by any arbitrarily chosen webstep changes the receding

    grain surfaces by the same amount. For example if the control dimension is changed 0.02

    m the spherical radius, and the bore radii are all changed by the same length. Figure 10

    shows the control dimension value and its effect on the grain geometry. ProE can

    measure surface areas of the CAD model. As the grain recedes the area changes. The

    area of each burning surface is measured for each webstep. A final tool used is ProEs

    capability to create a table of data, which can be constructed to automatically correlate

    the websteps to each burn surface area. The table can be exported to a spreadsheet where

    a complete table of burn area,Ab, versus websteps can be made. The table data sample is

    shown inFigure 11. More comprehensive discussion of this CAD modeling method is

    provided in Appendix B.

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    Figure 10 SRM Burning Back

    Figure 11 Burn Area versus Webstep Data

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    Each ProE CAD model is exported for meshing to GAMBIT. Each CAD model was

    converted to the IGES format due to its ability to communicate to a wide variety of

    modeling programs including GAMBIT. Any number of models can be created, however

    converting all of them to IGES format is difficult and time consuming. ProE has a

    journal feature, which is intended to help the ProE user to recover previously created

    work on a model in the event data was lost, during a power outage for example [5].

    Journal files can be modified and used to run repeated steps of saving and exporting

    models in the IGES format.

    4.2 Mesh Construction

    GAMBIT generates the meshes to be used in the CFD program FLUENT [4]. The

    IGES files imported to GAMBIT are modified to ease meshing. The three-dimensional

    models created in ProE are simplified to two-dimensional, axi-symmetric models;

    simplifying the geometry by taking advantage of symmetry reduces the computation

    time. Boundary conditions are defined. A mesh interval is chosen and a boundary layer

    mesh is added. The chosen meshing scheme contains quadrilaterals and triangles.

    GAMBIT automatically generates the mesh using the defined parameters. Figure 12

    shows the generated mesh for the initial webstep and the boundary conditions applied to

    the surfaces. An insert of the CAD model is provided for reference. The mesh differs

    from the CAD model in that only the flow volume needs to be meshed so only the

    boundaries that contain it are shown. Additionally, to reduce computation time, only half

    of the model is needed since the flow conditions on both halves are the same.

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    Figure 12 GAMBIT Generated Mesh

    As previously mentioned, a boundary layer mesh was added to the flow volume

    mesh. The thickness is based on the maximum calculated momentum boundary layer

    thickness of less than 6.00 mm. Table 6provides the boundary layer mesh data.

    Creating the boundary layer mesh in this manner captures the flow condition and heat

    loss near the case wall surface while still interfacing with the rest of the mesh. The

    meshing method also allows for a convenient place for measuring the free flow

    conditions. Since the momentum boundary layer at any point along any surface is less

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    than 6 mm thick then any flow properties measured beyond are free-stream properties

    (i.e. free-stream velocity, density, viscosity, etc.). Free-stream properties are then

    measured at the outer edge of the boundary layer mesh.

    Table 6 Boundary Layer Mesh Data

    Row # Row thickness(mm)

    Total BL thickness(mm)

    1 0.102 0.102

    2 0.159 0.261

    3 0.249 0.510

    4 0.391 0.9015 0.612 1.513

    6 0.959 2.472

    7 1.503 3.975

    8 2.354 6.329

    4.3 Computational Fluid Dynamics Model

    Computational fluid dynamics models are discussed now that the CAD models and

    the meshes are established. Assumptions are introduced, boundary conditions are

    defined, turbulence, convergences criteria, mesh sensitivity, and model validation are


    4.3.1 Assumptions

    There are several assumptions made in the CFD model and are summarized inTable

    7. Numbers 1-6 require further explanation while 7-12 are self-explanatory.

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    Table 7 Model Assumptions

    1 No throat growth 7 The external temperature case is

    constant at 300K

    2 No deformation of the grain due to

    operating pressure and temperature

    8 The combustion gas follows the

    Ideal Gas law

    3 The motor grain ignites


    9 Steady-state pressure predictions are

    calculated for each webstep

    4 Chemical reactions go to completion

    immediately upon combustion

    10 The gas is calorically perfect

    (constant specific heats)

    5 Heat transfer due to charring and

    sloughing off is ignored

    11 The combustion gases have constant


    6 Emissivity of charred EPDM and

    Graphite is 0.95

    12 Flow where Reynolds numbers

    based on length is below 60,000 islaminar [10]

    The throat erosion occurs during the operation of an SRM [2]. Some erosion is due to

    the mass flow across the throat and particle impingement abrades the material away or

    the throat material may react chemically to the combustion species that contact the throat

    material and accelerate erosion. The effect of this enlarges the throat area which affects

    the pressure and thrust profiles. Since this work focuses on heat loss in the chamber, the

    throat growth is ignored.

    During motor operation the pressures involved compresses the grain causing change

    in the grain shape [2]. Temperature soaking can have additional effects changing the

    shape of the grain due to thermal expansion and contraction [2]. Since deformation does

    not relate to the heat loss during motor operation it is ignored.

    The motor grain takes time to fully ignite during startup [2]. The igniter operates and

    expels hot gas and material onto the motor grain surface igniting the motor. A flame

    front speeds across the grain until all exposed burn area is lit. The pressure begins to rise

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    as the flame spreads and propellant begins to burn. These events take a measurable

    amount of time. This time duration is the ignition transient. However, the ignition

    transient is usually small relative to the time the motor is operating, as is the case for this

    motor. The transient event is ignored since it does not greatly affect heat loss.

    Upon grain ignition, chemical reactions between fuels and oxidizers occur near the

    surface of the grain producing combustion gases [2]. Reactions can occur within the gas

    flow in the case, the throat, and the exit cone. These secondary reactions can affect gas

    flow but the effect on heat loss is not significant.

    Major modes of heat transfer from combustion gases to the chamber wall and nozzle

    is convective and radiative [6] [7]. Some heat is transferred to the walls conductively by

    particles within the gas flow impinging on the walls. Heat is transferred from the walls

    by inert insulating material charring and sloughing off during motor operation. It is

    assumed that these other modes of heat transfer are not significant.

    The emissivity of the internal insulation and the nozzle material at high temperature is

    difficult to determine. The internal insulation and the nozzle material char as the motor

    operates [2]. Char, carbon, is assumed to have the same emissivity of lampblack at 1000

    C, or 0.96 [8]. However, unburned EPDM is a hard rubber material, which has an

    emissivity of 0.94 [8]. Averaging these two values gives an emissivity of 0.95. This is

    the value used for both the charring internal insulation and the nozzle.

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    4.3.2 Model Set-up

    The models use the same basic FLUENT solver settings. The models use the

    pressure based, implicit solver. The CFD model is set to 2-D axi-symmetric reflecting

    the motor geometry. The solver is set to steady-state based on the above assumptions.

    The working fluid is viscous, and it follows the ideal gas law so the energy equation is

    turned on.

    Turbulence is included in the viscosity model since Reynolds numbers reach

    23,000,000. The k- turbulence with RNG (renormalization group theory) model was

    chosen. This model accounts for a wide range of Reynolds number flow and more

    accurately accounts for rapidly strained flows, both of which occur in these models [3].

    Default values were used to set up the model as much of the turbulent flow is unknown.

    Work by Thakre and Yang used similar values in modeling turbulence in an SRM nozzle

    erosion investigation supporting the selection made here [6].

    The materials used in the CFD model are defined. These include the solid materials

    used in the nozzle, the insulated case, and the working fluid. The nozzle and case

    material properties are found inTable 2. The gas properties are foundTable 4.

    The motor operating conditions are defined. The external temperature and pressure

    are ambient, at 300K and 101.325 kPa, respectively.

    4.3.3 Boundary Conditions

    The insulated case and the nozzle are modeled as stationary walls. They use a no-slip

    shear condition and the default value wall roughness. The wall thermal conditions are

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    defined using heat flux values. These values are set to zero in the adiabatic models. In

    the heat loss models, they are calculated using heat transfer coefficients and radiative heat

    flux (discussed later).

    The nozzle exit plane is a pressure outlet. The values in the momentum tab are all set

    to default and the backflow total temperature is set to 300K, the same as the external

    ambient temperature.

    Two boundary conditions include the centerline and the working fluid. The motor

    centerline is the x-axis about which the case, nozzle, and grain geometries are rotated.

    The grain surface is a mass flow inlet boundary. The mass flow direction is specified

    as normal to the surface. Turbulence kinetic energy and dissipation rate are both set to

    zero as required in laminar, transpired flow [9]. The total temperature is equal to the

    flame temperature, 2756.4K.

    The grain boundary mass flow for the individual model is found using theAbdata

    obtained by the CAD models in ProE. Using the relationship between chamber pressure,

    Pc, and the grain burn surface area,Ab, in equation (6), pressure is found for each

    webstep. This pressure is used to determine the mass flow off the grain only. The

    pressure reported in the final solution comes from FLUENT (although the difference is

    negligible). Mass flow off the grain is found using equation (3). This value is calculated

    and used as the boundary condition for each webstep. Table 8 shows some of the results.

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    Table 8 Boundary Condition Pressure and Time

    For example, this is how the results are obtained for #10 webstep. The burn area,

    0.6174 m2is determined from the CAD model as previously discussed. Pressure,Pc, is

    found using equation (6) and the parameters a,b, c*, and n. Pressure is then

    1 11 1 0.5


    1.39 5*0.6174*1799.2*13561.853


    nb b



    aA c eP



    The burn rate is found using equation (2),

    0.51.39 5*(1.853 6) 0.01886nb cr aP e e m/s.

    The mass flow used in the boundary condition is found using equation (3),

    0.01886*1799.2*0.6174 20.95b b b bm r A


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    Although it is not specifically related to the boundary definition this is an appropriate

    place to discuss the pressure and mass flow correlation to time. Since the webstep and

    the burn rate for the #10 webstep are known the change in time from the previous

    webstep can be determined using a modification of equation (1),








    0.01016 0.007620.13468





    The delta-time is added to the time correlated to the #9 webstep to get

    10 9 10 0.4216 0.13468 0.5562t t t s.

    Pressure and mass flow are now correlated to time.

    4.3.4 Convergence Criteria

    The CFD solutions had to meet or exceed convergence criteria. These criteria are

    defined for the residual monitor parameters and in the mass flow balance between the

    grain, mass flow inlet, and the exit plane, mass flow outlet. All webstep models are

    converged when the residuals are less than or equal to the values listed inTable 9 and the

    mass imbalance between the mass flow off the grain and the mass flow out of the nozzle

    exit plane was less than the value inTable 9.

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    Table 9 Convergence Criteria

    Residual or condition CriteriaContinuity 1e-5

    Velocity in X-direction (axial) 1e-5

    Velocity in Y-direction (radial) 1e-5

    Energy 1e-8

    k (turbulence) 1e-5

    (turbulence) 1e-5

    Mass imbalance 2e-5

    4.3.5 Model Validation

    It is necessary to compare the CFD model results to other model results in order to

    validate the model. Ideally, the model should be validated by live-fire test results,

    however, there is no actual pressure or thrust data for this motor since it is a simplified

    representation of actual SRMs. The ballistics of this SRM was modeled using an Aerojet

    proprietary transient ballistics program called here SRM. The program uses an input of

    ballistics parameters including throat area, burn area versus webstep, and gas properties

    and uses the algorithm as provided in Appendix A. The pressure results from this

    program are inFigure 13,labeled SRM Pressure. This SRM model is validated to this


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    Figure 13 Mesh Sensitivity Study Results

    4.3.6 Mesh Sensitivity Study

    The SRM free volume for each webstep was meshed individually. A mesh sensitivity

    study was performed to ensure acceptable solution accuracy while using computer time

    efficiently. An acceptance criterion was defined and several mesh sizes were tested until

    the largest interval size was found that produced results that were reasonably insensitive

    to mesh density and used computer time efficiently. The efficient use of computer time is

    necessary as there is a CFD model run for each of several individual websteps.

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    Table 10 Run Times per Webstep

    The criteria for choosing the interval size depend upon percent error between the

    CFD models and the standard, SRM Pressure. Upon inspection ofFigure 13,it is clear

    that the Coarse and Very Coarse solutions do not provide accurate results when compared

    to the Fine and Medium meshes so they were rejected immediately. The criteria also

    depend on the amount of runtime for each model. The Fine mesh produces accurate

    results, but the model runtime is unacceptably long (greater than 30 minutes per webstep)

    when compared to the Medium mesh, according toTable 10. When the accuracy and the

    run times are compared to the Medium mesh, shown inFigure 14,the Medium mesh

    provides the best accuracy for the run times. The choice is the Medium mesh interval as

    the mesh for all CFD model websteps.

    Interval Size (mm) Time to run (s)

    3.81 1800-2700

    6.35 200-300

    12.7 10-15


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    Figure 14 Percent Error and Runtime

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    Chapter 5


    The adiabatic and heat loss models are introduced in this chapter. The adiabatic data

    is discussed and a thrust and an impulse calculation example is provided. The heat loss

    zones and their associated flow characteristics are defined. The convective heat transfer

    models and radiative heat loss models are discussed. The method to determine the

    internal surface temperature for each zone is discussed. Examples are given to illustrate

    heat loss model calculations.

    5.1 Adiabatic Model

    Adiabatic solutions of each webstep are calculated. They use the assumptions, model

    set-up, and boundary conditions discussed in Chapter 4. Freestream conditions, including

    velocity, density, and temperature are found from FLUENT. FLUENT solutions of

    pressure, mass flow, and velocity are also collected and used to calculate thrust and

    impulse. These values are compared against the heat loss models to determine the effect

    heat loss has on the SRM.

    Typical freestream values are included in the heat loss model discussion but an

    example is useful to illustrate pressure, thrust, and impulse calculations. This example

    occurs in the adiabatic model approximately 3.5 seconds into the motor operation. Case

    pressure data from FLUENT is collected, averaged, and found to be 3.18 MPa. The

    thrust coefficient is computed using equation (10), and assuming the nozzle exit pressure

    equals the ambient pressure, the thrust coefficient is

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    )3.1(2 3.113.1




    Thrust is found using equation (9) and is

    71000,180,3*070.0**45.1 2 ctF PACF kN.

    Pressure and thrust are calculated in the same manner for each webstep and for both the

    adiabatic and heat loss models.

    Impulse is found for the entire motor operation (although an impulse can be found up

    to this point if desired). Total impulse and specific impulse are calculated using

    equations (7) and (8), respectively. By numerical integration, the adiabatic total impulse

    and specific impulse for the complete motor operation are

    000,612* dtFIt N-s












    sp s.

    Total and specific impulse are found for the heat loss model using this same method.

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    5.2 Heat Loss Zones

    There are four regions where heat is lost through the motor case and nozzle, as shown

    inFigure 15. The forward case wall and the converging wall grow in area as the grain

    burns. The converging wall includes the wall surface from the aft face of the grain to

    pointA. The throat area includes the region from pointAto the throat. This area is

    markedly different from the rest of the aft case region as the gas begins to experience

    high acceleration here. The diverging section includes the region aft of the throat. The

    gas experiences additional acceleration here.

    Figure 15 Heat Loss Areas

    5.3 Flow Characteristics and Free-stream Reference

    The flow in the heat loss zones are modeled as external flow along a flat plate, and

    the free-stream conditions are taken near the wall surface instead of the motor axis. The

    flow is modeled as external because it is defined as a wall bounding one side of a

    boundary layer and free-stream conditions bounding the other [10]. Even at the smallest

    radius, at the throat, the boundary layers do not converge at any time during the motor

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    operation. This condition requires the flow to be treated as external flow. The boundary

    layers (momentum and displacement) along any of the heat loss surfaces do not exceed

    more than about 6 mm. For example, the largest displacement boundary layer occurs

    near the throat at 3.95 seconds into motor operation. The displacement thickness here is


    ( / )* (9.5 5 / 4.329)*0.1911.72 1.72 5.954


    l e



    The momentum thickness is


    ( / )*0.664 2.299




    and will always be less than the displacement thickness. Therefore, the free-stream

    conditions are taken at points along a line parallel to and 6 mm from each wall. This is a

    better representation of local free-stream conditions than the motor centerline flow as this

    flow is so far removed that it does not adequately represent the local freestream

    conditions. This is especially true when considering the flow at the forward wall where

    the flow is normal to the gas flow along the motor centerline.

    5.4 Heat Loss Model

    The heat loss model definition requires heat flux to be defined for each heat loss zone

    at each webstep. Heat flux boundary condition requires knowledge of heat transfer

    parameters since the models use a combination of convective and radiative heat loss.

    Convective heat loss is found using the relationship


    wconvective TThq (13)

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    Radiative heat transfer for the heat loss zones is found by

    wwradiative FTTq )(44"

    . (14)

    The total heat loss is then

    radiativeconvectivetotal qqq"""

    , (15)


    wwwtotal FTTTThq )()(44"

    . (16)

    Based on the above equations, and knowing Tfrom the adiabatic models, it is necessary

    to find the convective heat transfer coefficients, effective emissivity, view factor, and the

    internal wall temperatures for each heat loss zone.

    5.4.1 Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients

    The forward wall heat transfer coefficient is found assuming laminar flow across a

    flat plate. The assumption of flow along a flat plate is not technically correct, as the gas

    actually flows radially inward, however the error introduced does not significantly affect

    the total motor heat loss. The flow within the zone has low Reynolds numbers as the

    motor begins to operate. For example, at 10% into motor operation the largest Reynolds

    number is


    053.0*62.2*35.14**Re e




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    As the motor approaches 50% into the burn, some area becomes turbulent, Re=300,000,

    but laminar flow dominates most of this zone. The flow returns to Reynolds numbers (
