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Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the...

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Barrow Hill Companion Hints, Walkthrough and Map Copyright © 2009 - Matt Clark 1
Page 1: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Barrow Hill Companion Hints, Walkthrough and Map

Copyright © 2009 - Matt Clark


Page 2: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more


Notes Page 3

Walkthrough Page 5

Alternate Endings Page 32

Game Map Page 35


Page 3: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Notes Before you begin a New Game, you may wish to take a look at the different cursors which you will encounter whilst playing. To do so:

From the Menu select Options and then Help. Here you will find a screen of information which briefly describes the Cursors, Inventory, Options, Load and Save, Resume and Quit.

When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game.

Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more than one ending. The many puzzles can be solved in virtually any order. This walkthrough presents only one possible way to play through Barrow Hill.

Also be aware that some codes are different for every new game.

Inventory Items are Blue and underlined. Bold 'location names' match those used when loading and saving a game. Clues are written in Italics.


Page 4: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Later in Barrow Hill, we will receive Mobile Phone calls. These have not been included in the Walkthrough and may occur at various points in the game. It is important to hear these phone conversations, as they progress the story.

We may also encounter the Sentry Stone at times. It is a dangerous stone monolith which can kill. This has also been omitted from the walkthrough with the exception of one location. When encountering the Sentry Stone blocking our path, it is best to simply run away.


Page 5: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Walkthrough Introduction: We are driving through the Cornish Landscape, but soon leave the main road for the winding country leaf littered lanes. Dusk begins to settle over the landscape and the nocturnal creatures eye our arrival with suspicion.

Our remaining link to the outside world is the voice of the local Radio DJ, broadcasting from Barrow Hill. Listening to the car radio as we travel, we learn that tonight of all nights is the Autumn Equinox, an important date in the pagan calendar, and we have many hours of darkness ahead of us. As the outside world become ever darker, the welcoming voice invites us to continue listing though the twilight hours. Suddenly.... Darkness ...

The car engine stops. Our attempts to restart it are futile. We get out of the car.

Breakdown. We begin our new game beside our broken down car. Look about the area. Our car hasn't passed far beyond the two standing stones we have driven between. Try walking down the road and between the stones. There is a barrier which blocks our path. Notice the mushrooms to side of road. Walk up road ahead of the car.

Well Road. Look about and see a footpath at the top of the steps to one side of road, and a small 'well' building on the other side, behind a tree. Also notice a standing stone slab nearby. Continue up road.

West Road. This is a bendy road. Look about and see there is a bush with red berries. Continue up the road.

We are on the road outside the Service Station. Notice the Motel, Abandoned Car, Toilets, Cafe, Playground, Picnic Area and Road heading down hill. Take a look at the red postbox. Pull out a postcard from inside and read. It tells of a Mobile Phone mast nearby.

Explore the Forecourt of the Service Station. On the floor by the front of car we find a Blue Crayon by some children's drawings. To the side of this is a pile of


Page 6: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

debris, stuck into which we find a Fungus Guide. At the rear of car notice another pile of debris on the floor to the right, next to which we see a bottle of Omega 3 hair tonic. Continue exploring the forecourt.

Enter the Gents toilet and have a look about. Try the hand dryer and tap. Look at the toilet and find a box of Matches which has been dropped on the seat (the matches can be found in many places). Sit on toilet. Continue outside and now explore the Ladies toilet. Look about and turn on the extractor fan. Notice one toilet is out of order and sit on the other.

Return to Forecourt and enter the Lobby of the Service Station, via the door beside the Cafe.

Explore the Lobby noticing the service hatch with jigsaw postcards, the stuck clock and abandoned vacuum cleaner. See double grey doors to the Cafe and single door labelled Office. Notice the display boards. Look closely at the pictures and drawings of the Barrow Hill Stone Circle and burial mound.

On the back of one find the names of the stones from left to right, also notice the name of one stone on the large coloured children's drawing. Make a note of the names.

Stone Names (Left to Right) Baligo Melka Dolment Hammer Henrick Gavrock Cailleach

Continue to explore the Lobby. On one wall are postcards and leaflets. Take a look at the postcards, they depict locations around Barrow Hill. One we have already passed - St Anneka's Well. Read the pink leaflet on pagan and wiccan magic.


Page 7: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Inside this leaflet we can read about Colours, Celebrations of the year, such as the Autumn Equinox, and about a magical mushroom known as the Dryads Slumber.

Colours : Red and orange for fire,

Green for water, Blue for air,

Brown or Yellow for earth, Purple for soul.

After making a note of all this information, take a look at the Office door. We have heard somebody muttering away to themselves whilst we have been exploring. Click to knock on the Office Door and speak to the chap through a grill in the door. From his conversation we learn that he left a lantern in the Kitchen when the power cut out, but he didn't have any matches to light it. Try getting him to speak again by knocking upon the door and see if he will give us further clues. We will return to Ben at other times to see what further help he can offer.

When we have finished exploring the Lobby, enter the Cafe through the double doors. One of the doors collides with something, so we shall use the other.

Cafe. Explore the cafe and notice a chair knocked to the floor. Several tables are scattered about. There is a fire exit door at the far end of the Cafe, and a small counter with a cash register, behind which a serving hatch looks back through to the Lobby. Another door stands next to the cash register. A tea trolley is blocking one of the double doors to the Lobby and carries some dirty cups and cleaning spray.


Page 8: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

On one of the Cafe tables is an abandoned sandwich, drink and magazine. Take a look at the magazine to learn a little about Ancient Cornwall beyond the cloud of Arthurian legend. A letter tells us of Maggie and Ben. Take a look at the table behind us, in the corner, by the window. Moving the menu aside we find there is a salt pot. All the other tables have only pepper.

Now we look behind the Cafe counter. We find some cakes and a coffee machine. Read the various papers on a notice board to one side of the counter. Make a note of any phone numbers or clues. We learn from a note that Maggie is off sick today, Ben is also working this evenings night shift. It must be Ben in the Office.

Looking at the till we notice there is a piece of paper tucked below it. Read this and learn Motel Room 2's Door Code. Make a note of this number.

When we have explored the Cafe, enter the door behind the counter to the Dark Kitchen.

Inside the Dark Kitchen we can make out shelves and storage items in the gloom, but it is too dark to walk about. Looking around we see the Lantern , mentioned by Ben. This Lantern needs to be lit by hand and the empty match box nearby shows us Ben's pervious attempts. Take a close look at this Lantern, turn it around to face us and then trigger the gas flow using the lever on the top. We will light it using our own Matches. Select these from the inventory and the box will appear on screen and open. We take a match and strike it on the side of the box. Whilst the match burns down, light the centre of the reflector dish. Once alight, pick up the Lantern.


Page 9: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Now look about the Dark Kitchen. We can make out more of the room. It is still rather dark with the lights out. Behind us, on the wall, is a small blue cover. Open this and look inside to find the Fuse Box.

Reading the list of fuses, we can soon identify which is used for the kitchen lights. Turn off the main power using the large switch at the base of the panel. Now pull out the kitchen fuse and open it to see that the wire has broken and burnt away. To get the lights working again we need new fuse wire, and this can be found, tucked away in the top of the fuse box. Select the wire and wind it into place. Close the fuse and replace in. Now turn the main power back on using the large switch.


Page 10: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

With the lights now on we can look around and explore the Kitchen. It appears to be a total mess. We notice that there is a blender on a shelf, a toaster, cooker, microwave and other associated kitchen debris. In a wall cupboard we find an empty Basket, which we take, and below that (on the work top) we find a box of earthenware Egg Cups, which we also collect.

A chopping board is set up on the centre island work top and we can place our empty Basket down next to it, though with nothing in our Basket, there is nothing we can do here. Above the sink a window looks out onto the world. We can look out the window. Up in the sky outside we can see a mobile phone telecommunications mast amongst the trees.

On the window ledge sits a Radio. Now its time to take a closer look and tune in. Perhaps we can find the station we were listening to in our car, before it broke down at the base of the hill.

Turn the radio on with the left dial and use the right to tune up and down through the different radio channels, some of which we might like to listen to. We will stop when we hear the familiar voice of Emma Harry, returning to the air on 15.3. She is also on Barrow Hill. Listen to Emma's broadcast and take note of anything useful she tells us, then continue to explore the Kitchen. We leave the radio switched on to listen to.

When we have finished exploring the Kitchen return to the Lobby and see if Ben will tell us any further clues or information. When we have listened to Ben, Return to the Cafe and leave via the Fire Exit doors at the far end.

We find ourselves beside the Forecourt and in the tiny Playground. Stepping over a bin to our right we can walk to the front of the Service Station and take a look at the road which descends the hill, opposite to the one we previously walked up. This road is dark and we will need to use our Lantern when prompted to use and item. Simply select the item and walk on down the hill.

This stretch of country lane is flanked by a red Phone Box, and telegraph poles trail cables overhead. Like many of its kind, the phone box appears to have been placed in the most random of places, on this remote lane. Explore the area. Step


Page 11: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

into the phone box and lift the receiver. The telephone appears to be broken, but strange voices can be heard on the line. Leave the phone box step up onto the bank beside it. Here we will find, amongst the undergrowth, a Mushroom. Take a closer look. We can try to identify the Mushroom using out Fungus Guide (which we can read at any point).

The Basket appears to the side of the screen when we are looking at items we can now gather. The Mushroom we pick here will be stored inside the Basket.

When we have finished exploring the area, we continue down the hill.

The Scarecrow marks our next location, as does an old wall with a more recent wooden stile and gate inset. The lane winds downwards into darkness. Climbing over the stile we find a quad bike parked to one side and glimpse views of the surrounding landscape through the trees and fences. Returning to the lane we continue downwards.

Crash. As we round the next corner a crashed Jeep comes into view at the base of the hill. The road continues ahead through two standing stones. If we have spoken to Ben, he may have told us that Conrad Morse had sped away in his jeep. It appears he didn't get far!

Looking about the area we find scattered items on the floor. Take PDA, read Newspaper clipping and flick through the book on Ancient Cornwall. A debris pile sits beside the Jeep. A closer inspection allows us to pull a driving license from the pile. The license belongs to Conrad Morse. Scattered paper notes also appear to be from Conrad.

Standing once again, and looking at the crashed jeep, we see a small radio sitting on the edge of the seat. Looking closely at it we can switch it on and tune through the radio stations until we hear the familiar sound of Barrow Hill Radio, and Emma Harry. Listen to Emma's broadcast and take note of anything useful she tells us. We hear, for the second time, a partial telephone number for Barrow Hill Radio.


Page 12: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Leaving the radio on with Emma's broadcast, we continue to explore the area.

Try to proceed down the hill, to find that a mysterious barrier is blocking your path.

We take a look at the PDA. This we can do at any point. Switching it 'on' we find it is connected to 4 remote cameras, which are watching various locations on Barrow Hill. We can look more closely at each one. Two files are also available to look at. One is an image, a handy map of Barrow Hill, The other is a text file. Reading this we discover the Motel 3 Door Code, which we note down.

When we have finished exploring the area, Look for a small path leading off of the road, through the bank. This can also be seen on our PDA Map.

The Owl Barn. Stepping away from the lane, and using our Lantern, we discover the disused and seemingly abandoned Owl Barn in the dark undergrowth. Looking about the area we discover a single and double door, but both are shut tight.


Page 13: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Approaching the rear of the barn a box is sitting in the undergrowth. Picking this up and turning left, see a barrel onto which we place the box. This forms a makeshift ladder up and into the upper floor of the Barn.

Inside the gloomy barn ahead of us we see a light on a makeshift table. Scattered about us are banners and signs, emblazoned with the message Stop The Dig. They must be referring to the Archaeological dig we have read about already. As we walk across the barn the floor makes an alarming creak, and turning around makes it no better, but as we continue on towards the light the floor gives way and we fall down to the ground floor.

In the darkness we re-light our Lantern and are faced with the single locked door, which we saw from outside. Looking around we see debris, dumped barrels and gas cylinders, and old cart and the blocked double doors. A ladder in the corner leads back upstairs. Go there.

Up at the makeshift table we can rummage through the leaflets and items. Reading a leaflet 'stop the dig' we learn that this must be the base of anti-archaeology protestors. A camera, sitting in a saucepan, shows us a journey from urban town to local landscape by train.

Looking about we see two windowsills. On one we find Acorns, which we take and place inside our Basket. On the other a diary, compass, stop watch and binoculars. Picking the Binoculars up and then clicking to look through the eye piece we focus upon the silhouette of the Stone Circle up the hill, with the moon shining brightly beyond.


Page 14: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

A look through the notebooks tells us that the protestors which set up camp here in the Owl Barn are students, who have taken on the mission of protecting the stone circle, but have been disturbed by strange events.

When we have finished looking about upstairs, we can climb back down the ladder to the ground floor, and look for a way to escape. Rummage in the old cart to find a Gas Torch. Looking down at the floor, left from the door, we find a Rubber Tube. Looking closely at the gas tank by the door we can attach the Rubber Tube and then the Gas Torch. Twist the gas valve to the 'on' position. It will hiss as gas travels down the tube. Now use the Matches, as before in the kitchen, to light the Gas. This burns the padlock off the door. We can now open the door to leave the barn.

When we have finished exploring The Owl Barn we walk back up the road to the Service Station and return to the Lobby. Perhaps Ben will be of assistance! When we have spoken to Ben, we shall cross the Forecourt and approach the wooden steps of the Motel.


Page 15: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Motel Room 2. Using the code we found for motel room 2, go inside. Looking at the desk we open a drawer. Inside is a Mobile Phone which we take. Beneath the phone are 2 letters. Another letter sits in a green plastic 'finds tray' on top of the desk.

Turn around and find the bedside cabinet, and the 'charging' unit on top. Place the Mobile Phone in the charger. What's that we hear? Is somebody in the Forecourt? Somebody who can help us get away from this hill? Take a look. Nobody there? Must have missed them. Return to Motel Room 2.

On top of the desk is a radio and a tool box. Open the tool box and take the Trowel, the all important archaeological multi-tool.

Take a closer look at the radio and turn it on. Tune through the stations until you hear the familiar sound of Emma Harry on BHR. Listen to Emma's broadcast and take note of anything useful she tells us. We hear the full telephone number for Barrow Hill Radio. Leave the radio on with Emma's broadcast, and continue to explore the area. Every now and again we hear a radio jingle, Emma's telephone number, or a radio advert.

Around the room are plans of Barrow Hill. A letter from Pete to a certain 'Lucy Summers' describing fears that something is very wrong. Sitting on the bed we find a few drawings and a diary. This diary is that of Pete Aston, assistant to the archaeologist 'Conrad Morse'. As we read through the pages we learn the history of the dig, here at Barrow Hill. Of equal importance is the order that the archaeological 'trenches' were dug, detailed within. Some stones are named, others are described by location. Use this new found information, by adding it to your notes, or sketches of the stone circle.

Stone Names (Left to Right) Baligo Melka Dolment Hammer Henrick Gavrock Cailleach

Trench Number 3 1 4 5 7 2 6

Step outside once more onto the Motel walkway and, turning left, head towards the picnic site and the grass beyond. Here, by the lamppost, a path leads into the darkness of the Woodland.


Page 16: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

The Woodland is very dark. You could easily become a little disorientated in the gloom. Turn on your Lantern for a better look. Around you are debris piles, with scattered 'stop the dig' leaflets. A banner, like those we saw in The Owl Barn, is standing in a pile of what looks like earth, or ashes? Step towards this banner and turn right. Then step forward twice more. We should be able to see a footpath sign with arrows pointing left and right. Let us head right and forwards.

The Stone Row. We have seen this monument on postcards, and via Conrad's remote cameras. The line of stones stands ahead of us, alongside the track leading through the woodlands and up the hill. This area is, thankfully, lit by electric lights on tripods. Step forward towards the stone row. What was that strange noise and a rustling in the bush's ahead of you? The lights begin to go out one by one, the darkness gathers around you. Something is coming! When your able to, reach for you Lantern and see what has happened in the darkness.

A rather large standing stone blocks the path, The Sentry Stone. Turn and run from the red hot megalith and return (hastily) to the darkness of the Woodland.

Once out of sight of the sentry stone continue forward, following the directions of the footpath sign. As you continue onwards you will pass some Mushrooms. Look close at them and place one in the Basket. Then, when you have explored further, continue to the end of the woodland footpath, down the steps and back onto the Well Road.

Head back down the hill to our broken down car. Is the barrier still there, trapping us on the hill? Indeed so. There are also more Mushrooms beside the car. Look close at them and place one in the Basket. We can use our Fungus Guide to identify them.

If we have charged and collected the Mobile Phone from Motel Room 2 (If not, now is as good a time as any), we might like to try and use it to dial one of the telephone numbers we have collected. The Mobile informs us that there is no signal. Perhaps we should see if Ben (in the Service Station Office) can tell us anything more. He may give us a motel room code in the process, or tell us to go away.

Go to the Playground and past the climbing frame towards the white fence that encloses the area. One of the panels is loose. Push it aside and climb through.

Behind Service Station. Explore the area here, looking into the kitchen. A few bins and scattered forgotten items litter the area. A large window is situated in this newer concrete building. Take a look through the window. We see Ben, sitting, crying, shaking and talking to himself. Step away and continue to explore the area. We may disturb a rummaging crow in the process. Hanging from a square bin, part of a recent newspaper tells us about mobile masts in the area. Ahead of us, and behind a chain fence, stands one such mast, as described by the postcard we read earlier. We have also seen this mast from the kitchen window. Walk over to the mast and try the gate. Padlocked! Look down and find a hole big enough to climb through.

Once inside the phone mast area, locate the controls for the transmitter in the metal box, mounted on the side of the mast. Inside the box we can look closely at a description which tells us the frequency range this mast operated within.


Page 17: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Open a panel to reveal a series of calibration buttons, which will allow us to tune the transmission masts frequency. The following is one possible solution:

The mast will activate and we close the panel. We are now able to use our Mobile Phone. You can do this anywhere in Barrow Hill. Walk somewhere suitable, or bright, to use it and try the telephone numbers we have gathered. Dial the number for BHR, which has been announced by Emma Harry. We may have already made a note of this Number. If not; return to a radio location (Motel Room 2, Kitchen, Crashed Jeep.) The number is 585 2131. Listen to , and watch Emma, over the Video Phone. It appears Emma, and her dog Wincey, have had an unfortunate meeting with the all too familiar Sentry Stone. From what we could see, Emma's location was near the quad bike, and Scarecrow. Head down to this area.

Climb over the stile beside the Scarecrow. Something new is on the floor, a closer view confirms that this is the glowing charcoal remains of Wincey the dog. There is no Emma and no Sentry Stone.


Page 18: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Ahead of us, a path is visible after Emma's encounter. Another stile leads on through the trees and bushes. Take this path.

Using our Lantern, we descend the Swamp Steps. The trees and ferns either side give way to reeds and grasses as we approach the marshland ahead. When we have explored the area, continue into the Swamp. We are at the base of Barrow Hill. The Swamp is crossed on a small network of wooden walkways. Explore the area. The reeds and fog surround the site. And old ruined chapel can be found amongst this waterlogged location. A stone cross has almost become marooned on an island of it own. Take a closer look at the cross, step past it and look back towards the ruin. The back of the cross, at its base, is carved with detailed pagan imagery. Try using the Trowel to lever the panel. It slides open with a click. Inside you find a old red leather bound book, below this a strange artifact can be taken and, once out of the way, a sketch can be picked up. This depicts a small well building like St Anneka's Well, which we have passed. Perhaps the sites are related. After exploring the area, we continue round the walkway and follow the wooden tracks through the reeds. Barrow Hill Radio. Amongst the reeds, dead trees and fog stands a stranded Winnebago. Attached to one side is the BHR transmission tower. Go inside the Winnebago.


Page 19: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Look around the inside of the Winnebago. Notice on the bed there are separate parts to a device. At one end of the Winnebago is the broadcast equipment, and to the side of this a laptop. Also see posters and photos of a dog on wall (Wincey). Look at and listen to DAT tapes, Read the booklet, it is a 'beginners guide to metal detecting'. Beside the bed, on the floor, a small dog bed and bowl can be found. Wincey is emblazoned upon the dog bed. Look close at the laptop and try to guess the log-in password. Hmm, that's a hard one. Try Wincey. We log in. We can choose one of two icons to look at on the laptop. One is Emma's Blog, which we read to find out what she has been up to recently. Closing the Blog, open the Internet connection. Only recent files are viewable, and using the 'bookmarked' favourites we can take a look through a selection of websites. On the E-bidding website we can see that Emma has been bidding for, and buying items. She has lost out on two, one of which was a bottle of Whisky. The description of the Whisky tells us that it is made from Barley. Also note the website to look up common and scientific names, the weather man website, where Emma took her radio weather reports, and a website about the legendary Mountain Cakes, which appear to match those found in the Cafe. When we have finished browsing, step away from the laptop. On the shelf unit you will see some Mushrooms growing in pots. Look close at them and place one of each type in the Basket. We can identify the Mushrooms using our Fungus Guide book. Sitting on the floor, beside the small bed, a box is propped against the wall. Taking a look at it, we pick it up to read that the metal detector comes without batteries, and is 'self assembly'. Turning now to the bed, and looking down at the separate parts, we can click to drag the pieces together. They will snap into place if we have positioned them in roughly the correct positions, otherwise they are placed back on their start point. The image on the box, and guide book give us an idea of what the finished metal detector should look like when assembled.


Page 20: Barrow Hill Companion...Save, Resume and Quit. When you are familiar with the cursors, return to the Menu where you can begin a New Game. Barrow Hill is a non liner game with more

Once assembled, pick up the detector. We can open the hatch on the front and see that the unit requires batteries. Place the detector back on the bed for collecting later. We need those batteries! When we have finished exploring the area of the Barrow Hill Radio Winnebago, return via the Swamp, to the Service Station. In the PDA we found the code to Motel Room 3, and have yet to try it. Climb the steps to the Motel and enter the code. Motel Room 3. The walls are covered in scribbled messages or strange drawings. Notes are scattered about the room. A desk sits to one side of the room, soil samples stand beside a 'finds tray' and a locked briefcase sits upon the desktop. In the desk drawer a Dictaphone has a few messages recorded by Conrad Morse, (the archaeologist who was staying in this room). Listen to the recordings and take a note of any clues. 2 parts of a seal have been hidden. One nearby (at the Service Station - using a GPS position). The other is hidden in the Ruin at the Swamp. The GPS position is shown on the paper under the pillow as 2778.446 by 7854.445. Continue looking around the room. Read the notes in the shower, tucked under the toilet seat and under the pillow. On the floor, near the bed and radiator, a waste bin has scraps of paper. Taking these out of the bin we can reassemble them. We discover that the briefcase combination has been reset using a solution found on Conrad's Jeep Numberplate.


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Leave Motel Room 3 and walk down the road to the Crash. Here we can make a note of the number plate. Return to Motel Room 3. The numberplate can be read as a sum. 4 x 68578 = 274312. Look close at the briefcase and set the combination dials to 274312. The briefcase will open and we can look inside. Here we find an orange envelope, we see two images. One a reconstruction of Barrow Hill in the Bronze Age, another is a geophysical survey of the stone circle. In the middle of the briefcase, the scientific survey report can be seen. Reading through this, and the Palaeobotany Report nearby, we find reports for 8 trench's which have been dug on Barrow Hill. We make a note of the clues to the 7 trench's, and the contents found. The 8th trench is for the Sentry Stone.


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Stone Names (Left to Right) Baligo Melka Dolment Hammer Henrick Gavrock Cailleach

Trench Number 3 1 4 5 7 2 6


Remains Of Melanogrammus Aeglefinus and Gadidae species.

Contained Oil Palaeobotany Report. Quercus tree.Red Berry's, Fungus Spores

Barley Seeds Pure, Water logged Conditions

Fruit Mix, 2 Blackberry, 1 Pare, 1 Gooseberry.

Sodium Chloride

When we have finished looking around the motel room we step outside. At this point we might want to talk to Ben in the office and see if he can help us at all. Enter the Lobby As we step forward in the Lobby we hear Ben call out and turn to face the office door. There is a commotion inside; a window is smashed and Ben screams. Soon all goes quiet and we can look through the office door grill to see there is no sign of Ben inside. Perhaps we can see him through the other window we found earlier. Walk Behind the Service Station, through the fence panel in the Playground. Here we see ahead of us that the office window has been smashed. We can climb through into the Office. Office. Ben's cigarette still burns in the ashtray on the table. A filing cabinet stands beside a window, there is a door at the far end, and a door with the window grill which looks out to the Lobby. Another table has a stack of video recorders and a CCTV screen. Looking at the grey door with the grill we can undo the latch. Now the door is unlocked and we can step in and out of the Lobby. Continue exploring the Office and look through the drawers of the filing cabinet. The drawers have several items: a note asks Ben to break open an old fruit machine, an empty whisky bottle describes its ingredients as water and Barley, and another note tells us the door code for Motel Room 1.

Looking at the CCTV screen, we can click to watch the recordings taken earlier that night. They depict Bens dash from the office, and the arrival of the car in the forecourt.


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Open the other desk, we find a file tray on one side. On this a leaflet described the contents of a brand of drinks. It might help to make a note of the cans colours/flavours. A telephone on the desk has strange voices on the line, the answer phone features a message from Maggie, who is feeling ill. In the desk drawers, we can take Batteries and Paper. When we have finished exploring the Office step into the Yard, using the far door. The Yard is situated alongside the large Garage building. A Covered walkway leads to a locked door, but we can look through the keyhole. Inside an old abandoned car is gathering dust. Beside the door (to the office) stands an abandoned fruit machine.

Exploring the yard we discover, against one fence, a broken blue ladder. However, before picking it up turn to face the office window. Step forward towards the wall of junk and look down into one of the open boxes. Inside is an old car headlamp. We remove the Lens and take it with us. Return to the Ladder and pick it up. Turn on the spot, to the left to find a place to put it down. Now we can climb onto the roof of the walkway. Exploring along the walkway roof we can look over the edge to see the Forecourt. A ladder runs up to a skylight on the roof, and climbing up here we open the latch and climb inside the Garage. Garage. After a climb back down, we stand on a platform. To one side is a makeshift, abandoned office. An oily hand print still marks the woodwork. Open the door and walk inside. Here a table is covered with abandoned papers, items and an unfinished game of chess. Higher up the wall a round window allows us to look out over the Forecourt. Sitting at the back of the table is a red can, which we pick up and squeeze the handle of. Oil spills out. Now take one of our Egg Cups and fill it with Oil. A series of images depict the natural state of Oil, whist a voice tells us that Balance must be restored. When able, we take the Oil Offering.


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Exit the garage office and look for the ladder down the wall. Descend this, avoiding the spiders. The lower floor of the Garage is cluttered and dusty. Look about the area and the car. To the far end there is a door. Unbolt the door and exit the Garage back to the Yard. Head past the fruit machine, through the office and lobby, into the Cafe. Approach the till and using the Trowel, prise the drawer open. Now we can take a few Pound Coins. Return to the Yard and put a Pound Coin into the fruit machine. Pull the lever until you win. 3 bells triggers a win, and 50 Pence pieces will fall out, which we take. Return to the Forecourt and walk over to the Motel. Follow along the wooden walkway, past the motel room and turn the corner. Ahead of us we can see there is a vending machine, with a logo matching the leaflet in the Office. A sign on the machine tells us we need 50 pence pieces to use it. Insert a few coins and buy some of the canned fruit drinks. We collect, Blackberry Drink, Gooseberry Drink, Pear Drink and an Apple drink. With these items in our inventory we return to the Kitchen. The radio in the kitchen will now play static, if we left it tuned to BHR. BHR is now off air. We can change the channel if we wish to listen to something else. Perhaps we could listen to the adverts on the radio. We might hear about a product which uses natural Fish oils in a hair tonic. Make a note of this. Approach the blender on the shelf unit we found before. Here we can remove the lid, and pour in our fruit juice drinks. Earlier we made a note that there was a mixture of fruit seeds found in trench 4. Fruit pips and seeds. Pour into the Blender, 2 amounts of Blackberry, 1 Pear and 1 Gooseberry. If we make a mistake the mixture will turn brown. We can empty the blender by switching it 'on', and blasting the mix into the air. If correct the mixture glows. Select an Egg Cup and place the fruit mix inside. A voice will tell us the balance must be restored and images of the fruits will appear on screen. When able, take the Fruit Offering.


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We have collected Batteries from the office, and will now return to the Winnebago in the Swamp. Walk down the hill, past the phone box, over the stile, and navigate our way along the wooden walkways. Enter the Winnebago and approach the Metal Detector we assembled earlier. Pick it up from the bed and insert the Batteries. We can now take the working Metal Detector with us. Walk over to the laptop and log-in using the password we guessed to be 'Wincey'. Here we can use the webpage's cached on the system. One of these websites features Latin and Scientific names. We should have noted any peculiar words found in the archaeology report, or elsewhere. Now we can translate them. Sodium Chloride, is known as table salt. Melanogrammus Aeglefinus and Gadidae are species of fish. A Quercus tree is an oak, and we have the seed of the oak - an acorn. We can add these details to our notes. We have already read on the e-bidding site that Barley is used to make whisky, and found an empty bottle of whisky in the office that told us the same. In motel room 2 we have also read that Conrad had lost his hip flask of whisky whilst digging recently.

Stone Names (Left to Right) Baligo Melka Dolment Hammer Henrick Gavrock Cailleach

Trench Number 3 1 4 5 7 2 6


Remains Of Melanogrammus Aeglefinus and Gadidae species.

Contained Oil Palaeobotany Report. Quercus tree.Red Berry's, Fungus Spores

Barley Seeds Pure, Water logged Conditions

Fruit Mix, 2 Blackberry, 1 Pear, 1 Gooseberry.

Sodium Chloride

Offering Fish Oil Plant Mixture Barley (Whisky) Fruit Mixture Salt

Leave the Winnebago and return to the Swamp.

Whilst listening to Conrad's Dictaphone in motel room 3, we heard that one part of a seal has been hidden, and that it will be very well hidden if the ruin continues to sink into the swamp. Turn on the metal Detector and enter the Ruin. Our Detectors needle will signal when we discover something hidden beneath the soil.


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Step forward and we will hear the detector. Look down at the ground. Move the stones out of the way and select the Trowel to dig. We uncover an Artifact Fragment, described as "pieces of the Seal" and a note from Conrad which we read. Leave the Ruin and return to the Kitchen, for now, turn off the detector by selecting it, and pressing 'off'. In the Kitchen, find and face the chopping board on the centre kitchen work top. Select our basket and we automatically unpack the contents. We have read that one of the trench's had a mixture of plants, and have researched that this was Acorn, Red Berries and Mushroom. The pink leaflet in the lobby described a magic mushroom known as the Dryads Slumber. Using our Fungus Guide we identify this mushroom as having a red cap and white stem. Select these items and place them one by on into the mortar and pestle. Select the pestle to grind them together. If correct they glow white for a moment. (if not, click on the bin to the side of the screen to throw away our mix and start again.) Select an Egg Cup. A voice will tell us the 'Balance must be restored' and we will be shown a series if images of the plants at various stages. Take the Plant Offering. Leave the Kitchen and enter the Cafe. Find the table with the Salt shaker we discovered earlier. Pick it up and select an Egg Cup. A voice will tell us the 'Balance must be restored' and we will be shown a series if images of the plants at various stages. Take the Salt Offering.

Exit the Cafe and walk to the back of the Car. Here, beside a pile of debris, we discovered a bottle of hair tonic. This must have fallen from the car when the people climbed out. We watched the events in the office on the CCTV video. We may have heard a radio advert for this hair tonic, which contains fish oils. Pick up the bottle and select an Egg Cup. Click to open the top of the bottle and pour the contents into the egg Cup. It will glow. A voice will tell us the 'Balance must be restored' and we will be shown a series if images of the plants at various stages. Take the Fish Offering. Now climb onto the Motel walkway and approach Room 1. We have the code for this door, from the filing cabinet in the office, or we may have been told about it by Ben. Input the code and enter Motel Room 1.


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Inside Motel Room 1 we explore. We have read that the archaeologists have been storing equipment here. Step forward to the far end of the room and turn around. A GPS plotter is lent against the wall beside the bed. Look Closely at this and take the detachable handheld GPS Unit. This we activate. A garbled reading appears on its screen. When we have finished looking about the room step outside to the Forecourt. We heard on Conrad's Dictaphone that he hid an artifact, described as "pieces of a seal", here at the service station, and that he made a note of the GPS position, which we have also noted down. Explore the forecourt and look for a reading on the GPS Unit. A support beam, situated near the lobby entrance, has a fire extinguisher mounted on its side. Behind it we discover an Artefact Fragment which we take. it must be part of the seal. Turn off the GPS Unit and step onto the road. Head down the hill in the direction of our broken down car. Arrive at the well road and walk over to the stone slab we discovered earlier. We have read that a legend is inscribed on this stone slab. We can illuminate the slab with our Lantern. The legend is not clear. Select a piece of Paper, and then the Crayon to make the Legend Rubbing which we can read. This tells us that St Anneka descended from the skies to ground our spirits.

Approach the entrance to the well and, using our Lantern, step inside. St Anneka's Well. Look about the entrance chamber. To one side is a stone bench. On this is a tin which we open. Inside we discover a small notebook where people leave messages. Amongst the messages are notes from Elsie Prestige, who described using the well to make offerings and spells. She writes she has made a water offering for the Henrick Stone, by lighting the candles to match the legend of St Anneka. Enter the main chamber of the well. Ahead are candles above the natural spring water. To the left and right are two arches. Explore inside these. In one there are faded images painted on the wall. In the other a carved stone can be seen on the wall. Select the Metal Artifact we found in the Swamp and click again to place it in position. As we turn it we can hear a hidden mechanism dragging against stone. Turn left once and see that a small panel has opened. Inside this hidden area is a box, which we can remove and open.


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The top of the box reveals it's pagan origins, and inside are 3 scrolls. One is a continuation of the book we read in the swamp. Another depicts two figures. One figure carries a round shape beside a stone with a hole, the other figure touch's another stone. The third scroll is a piece of music with words to St Anneka. The decorated image is a combination of Blue and Brown. Make a note of these details.

Re-enter the main chamber and look closer at the candles. By using the Legend Rubbing of St Anneka, the colour combination in the hidden box and the description of the colour meanings, (found in the pink leaflet in the Lobby), we can light the candles in the correct order to create the water offering. Select the Matches, then Light the Blue and then Brown candle. We step away as a voice echoes around the chamber, a face appears to ripple in the blessed water. Select an Egg Cup and we scoop up some water. We are shown various images of water, while a voice informs us that 'Balance must be restored' When we are able, Take the Water Offering.


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When we have finished looking around St Anneka's Well, exit to the Well Road outside, and climb the steps to the foot path. Here, activate the Lantern and head on Forwards through the woodland, Turn left when we can no longer go forwards. Then continue forwards as before. (If we become lost we can activate our GPS Unit and then turn on our PDA. Using both items together, our location is placed upon the Map of Barrow Hill.) We step out of the woodland at the Stone Row.

The Stone Row is no longer blocked by the Sentry Stone. We can walk up the track, illuminated by lamps on tripods. Look closely at each stone. We can place a piece of paper upon each and make a Stone Row Rubbing with the Crayon. After our first rubbing we will use the same piece of paper to make further 'rubbings',


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until we have a finished image from all 4 stones. The image seems to depict a stone with a beam of light, and reminds us of the paper scroll we found in St Anneka's Well. When we have finished exploring the area, continue to walk up the hill.

We discover an area with Soil Heaps and a tent. Here we can see the archaeologists have been working recently to sift the soil for valuable finds. In the tent a newspaper sits on the table. After reading it turn on the Metal Detector. We have read that Conrad has lost his hip flask of Whisky. Look at the base of the soil sifter. We find a signal in the soil. Use the Trowel to uncover the hip flask, which we pick up. Now select the Egg Cup which we fill. A voice tells us that 'Balance Must be restored.' A series of images shows us the stages of Barley. When able, take the Whisky Offering. Turn the Metal Detector off. Looking about the area we see the path we arrived on continues up the hill, and a further path branches to the left and down hill. We continue up the path we were first on. We step out of the woodland into the Stone Circle. The mound of the Barrow can be seen in the middle of the circle of 7 stones. A sign to one side tells us a little about the site. Approach the circle and step inside. We can walk about the circle and face each stone in turn.


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Using our various notes (including the descriptions of them that we have read, and the images, sketches and photographs.) we can name the stones - left to right. We can place the appropriate offering on each stone.

Stone Names (Left to Right) Baligo Melka Dolment Hammer Henrick Gavrock Cailleach

Trench Number 3 1 4 5 7 2 6


Remains Of Melanogrammus Aeglefinus and Gadidae species.

Contained Oil Palaeobotany Report. Quercus tree.Red Berry's, Fungus Spores

Barley Seeds Pure, Water logged Conditions

Fruit Mix, 2 Blackberry, 1 Pear, 1 Gooseberry.

Sodium Chloride

Offering Fish (Hair Tonic) Oil Plant Mixture Barley (Whisky)

Blessed Water Fruit Mixture Salt

Make a save game.

Facing the first stone on the left of the circle (thin) we select the Fish Offering which is placed upon the stone. If correct, we will see the images once again and hear the voice - 'Balance must be restored'. If the offering is incorrect, the stone will glow red. Lightening strikes our offering, which will be destroyed. We will have to make a new one or load a save game.

Continue to the 2nd, short stone and select the Oil Offering. Then the 3rd and select the Plant Offering. The 4th stone (with its unique hammer head) and select the Whisky Offering. The 5th stone (the tallest) we give the Blessed Water Offering. The 6th stone has the Fruit Offering and the last stone, back near the circle entrance has the Salt Offering. As we walk around the inside of stone circle, beside the barrow, we will discover a trench which has been dug into the mound.


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Each stone that has received an offering produced a shimmer of coloured light which emanates from the top into the sky. With all our stones blessed we step out of the circle and walk away. Our Mobile Phone will begin to ring. Answer the call. It is Emma Harry. She tells us she will leave something which she stole from the Barrow. (We may have read more about this item in her Blog).

"I can't get away. I can't get off this hill. I have something I stole. You might need it.

It's after me. It's hunting me. I have to keep moving.

Can I trust you? I will leave it for you." Emma Harry

When she has hung up, continue forwards to the area of the Soil Heaps. At the Soil Heaps, something has been placed upon the floor with a note, take a look and pick it up. It is another Artifact Fragment which we take. Save your game.

Alternate Endings At this point we can make one of two choices, which lead to Alternate Endings. Choice 1: We collect the last of the 3 Artifact Fragments, which Emma has left for us, and take them back to the Archaeologist trench, cut into the Barrow. Enter the Trench in the Barrow. Looking at the ground we scrape with our Trowel. This reveals a stone with a cut bowl shape. We can place the broken Artifact Fragment into this bowl shape. As we do so, there is the threatening sound of thundering. A storm is forming. A warning. If we place all 3 parts of the Artifact Fragment's into the stone bowl we will have failed to 'restore the balance', despite making the offerings to the standing stones.

The End Choice 2: After picking up the 3rd Artifact Fragments, which Emma has left for us, walk forwards and take the path to our right, down the slope but not towards to the Stone Row. We walk through the wood and emerge at the top of a rock hillside. A path leads down the hill through the rocks. Mushrooms can be found at the side, and top, of the steps. At the bottom the area opens out and a collection of standing stones can be found, beside the Altar Stone. We have seen this area in postcards. One stone has a hole. The other had a hand print on it. If we try to walk between the stones we are stopped by a barrier.


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The Alter Stone has a bowl shape carved in the top surface. Scattered about on the floor are various pages on Conrad's diary, torn and dirty. Approach the tall stone with the hole and look close. With the moon behind the stone, position the Lens in the hole. Now turn around and look at the bowl shape carved into the Altar Stone. Here we position our 3 Artifact Fragments or Seal. They become fixed into the Altar Stone. Walk over to the other standing stone. We now place our hand onto the stone. The stone glows with patterns, and turning left we see that beams of moonlight begin to shine through the lens and holed stone. We look at the broken artifacts and see that they reform. We pick up this Complete Artifact seal. Return to the Stone Circle and enter the Trench in the Barrow. Looking at the ground we scrape with our Trowel. This reveals a further stone, which breaks apart and falls into a dark void beneath, into which we ourselves fall.

We have fallen into the Barrow Chamber. A large altar stands in the middle of


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the chamber. We can look up at the hole we have fallen through. Archways lead to an outer path around the chamber where our Offerings can be found in the Egg Cups, suspended by ribbons of energy in alcoves. Touching them, we can see again the sequence of images and hear the words 'Balance must be restored'. Steps can also be found leading to a long forgotten blocked entrance. Return to the centre chamber and look closely at the altar. Another bowl shape is carved into the top. We place the Complete Artifact into the depression. It begins to glow and we step back to watch what happens...

The End


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