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PAGE SIX. THI tXcOMA TIMES PIFFLE BOXING BASEBALL ATHLETICS SPORTS and AMUSEMENTS Wednesday, March 22, 1916. Edited By Eddie Peters LATE BILLS PHOTO PLAYS PERFORMERS FILM GOSSIP TACOMA TEAM SAVED; LEAGUE MEETS TODAY Tacoimi will remain in the Kortliwestern league. by h final ip«rt, Tom Muri is' ticket sellers yeaterdsj afternoon dis|'i'scil of slllth ielil bOOkl to insure- the teams tinamial ufety, and with the surplus to he raided during the remainder of the week the Ilgeri will he sure of v gOO 4 at»rt ihis imanw RVM Hall ll in Seattle today attending the dlrertora' meeting, I'einn hehl ut the Seattle bOtol, and be is aimed with a 1 1 ."in> certified (heck as iiis forfeit for thr Tigan The leatitip schdull 1 li being arranged today. Hail said before he left for Seattle that lie had no special favors lo ask of lh(- --•chi'dule committee, except that lie would like lo have (li< at Palll Cpen 111 TaCOBM, with llutte PO'il- Inn the second wei-k He iilno wanth Raines heie dniili*; tiio Ipeedwa) races in Auguet. Attending today'a meeting «H! i>e Pre«ldenl Blewett, Hn^s Mall of Tncoma, Preeidenl Dugdale of Scan If. MHiiiißer Hill 11 url«'\ of Great Falls, l're.->ident Joe \lr- (iinnlt\ of Hntli'. Owner Karr of Spokane .iiui I'rvMili-til Holi BrOW| of Vancouver. Mull tM more OptimiltlC 'o- dtiy I han Ht ant time since lie wa^ offered the Tiger team. ilp i. arranging to open the train- ing HUN at Athletic jiark April I. RttM visited the park vesler- <lay aflcrnooti on an Inspection our Although the diamond wax flooded. It «rU iippureiith in |OOd s-hape. Winter Ntorms da.n- a^eil the Krandstaiid sonieu li.it, bill re|ialr work can he done cheaply, "I want to think tho TMOSM |ieo|ile for what they tUtVI done, and for what I helieve they will do to lltpporl the terini this hea- t-on.' said Hall. "Taco.na will ha\ c ,i hall team, and, if I I; iow anything about Mm mure \u25a0 good team. The fate, of the Tigera no-v raata with the lans/' TOURNAMENT AT "¥" ANNOUNCED A combined wrestling and box- U\f. tournament, similar to the one staged so s.ic< tsbfully two yearn ago, will be held at the Y. *I. C. A. g> innasium Friday night, March 31. It is Mp—tad that competition will be hot in the 115-poaad wresting division, as there are five clever mut artists entered In this section. Aiiioiik the wrestlers who will filler the meet are Hiirwell. Car- nichacl, Tontb, O1m», Kearns, Metialf. Kiide. Anderson and Comatock. .1. T. Colfnian, boxing coach at the "V," has a ckUM of 20, and there will be some "mil" box- Ing. All boxiag matctata will be , strictly in the amateur class. maim.in, T*w.. March 21. (live the (limns a pitching stuff and they'll make them nil husilo. That's the attach MM nets while watching the Broadway craw in rakwrasl here Polled \ip in road uniforms done in atripes, patterned af'er the regimentals peculiar to Sing Sing, Auburn and other penal iu- atitutiOM, McOraw'i troops have' literally flashed through their condltonlng program and on form displayed to date promise to re-1 turn north well fortitied for the j opening of the flag race. It's up to McOraw to produce| a cbamptonablp contender this season. Having been out of the running one season after along i liain of triumphs, the Little Xa- Amateur Games W. f.. (Billy» Carat, uu|N of the \V. 0. \\\. No. T!tH baseball cliih, is one of tba Boat ambitious amateur leaders in Tacoma. He in certain that he will lead his club to victory this aaaMß. Cams manned the \V. O. \V. •\u25a0lull last year, and although his boys started late, they won nine in 16 games. The (•ratal open- ing of the seiiHon for the big in- dependent club thin jraair "ill be *Ih> 7 at Arlclla, when the W. O. W. bojK and the Arietta •Reds" will elaab. It win ba he opening game for oacli team. About DUO Tacoina Woodmen will go to Arietta on mi exctir- alou the evening previous to tliej game There will he a bin din-: ncr and dance. Those who wish may reinnin over at Arlettu for tha game. The town is making, elaborate preparations for the! contest. The first practice game of the season for Carna' hoys will lie Sunday at 1 o'clock on the Whit- man grounds, when the Mono- grams of the Valley laugua will be faced. VAIXKV ÜBAfirS UKTS STARTED Kent and Auburn withdrew from the Valley league at last night's organisation mMttaaj, be- cauie of the long diatancM they would have to travel in order to play conic of the other clubs. That left five teams In thp line-1 up. The Taconia Moose, Lake City and Buckley teams were ad- mitted, and entries declared clos- ed. Other teams in the league are acoma Monograms, Moose, Sunnier, Carbonado und Wilko- •on. It was decided to operate the aeml-pro league on the basis of profeiwloual baseball. Tin- sea- ton starts about May 1 A sched- ule will be worked out shortly. PIRATKH GBALLEKGB Bill Libke's Tacoma Pirates to- day issued an unqualified chal- lenge to the Colonial the:iter team recently organized hy Kred Brining, and auks for a match in the near future. Hill's players are younger than the Colonials, but they are all clever ball toss- ers, and the young manager be- lieves that he can defeat Brin- nlg's crew. Any other team want- ing games should vail Dill Libke at Main 5138. The Pirates 1 lineup follows: rio>d Keller, p; Fat Fiset, r; Bill LI tike. a«; Leo Bocian, lb; H Mound, 2b, Leo Toulouse, 3b: I.«k» (unns, cf: Carl Johnson, If; Edd Cook, rf; H. liyson. tub p; T. Keller, sub c; M. Uunus, su!>. MORTON HIPI*ORTH BAHFBAM. Tl AM The town of Morton is getting squarely behind its baseball team. Manager H. K. James has arranged with .Tame* O. Stuart to put on a play for the benefit •f ths club, and residents of the town arc boosting the snow to "lllMil" GARNI the limit. There will also be a benefit dance April S. The play i will eitl.er be "The Girl of thej Ooldao Wist' or "The Squaw] Man." OIVK IIKNKIIT HARM DANCE One of the biggect crowds of the season Is expected Satunbiv night for the ham dance to lie! given in benefit for the Hopkins | Athletic club baseball tenni. The dunce will be held at Campbell's hall, 4 oth and .McKinley. All I funds derived from the affair will go for new equipment for the s;» edy Portland nvenue team. Hopkins A. C. club will have a workout Sunday on the Port- laud avenuo grounds, with a com- plete lineup and several extra players who want to try out for the club. Davis, the old back- stop, will be with Hopkins again, iind Fowler, formerly of the City league, will appear in the team's infield. He is a crack bitter. K. O. KM B MEAM SKI KIM. GAMM The K. O. Klub, a newly or- ganized amateur team of Old Town, Ir seeking game* for the coining season. Any club that wants to meft a fast, clean agpre- gation of players, should call up Proctor 1418 or write Henry Mc- Kenzlc Mil North 30th, man- lager of lIM K. O. Klub. The club Is giving a benefit dance Thursday night at Slavon- ian hall. Music will be furnish- ed ay Kilgorc's orchestra. A good time is assured. All amateurs and their friends are especially Invited. II YOU HAVE Hill I miiMi Kidney, Liver, Htom.u'li, HI id tier, Nervous or Catarilial affli tlons, Bkln or blood il >*§»»» In any form -ik. Great C oaMlintlonal h.ih.ilt KARROS III*canto, ami ;c stinvn vigor to or- «nn» of tin- body. At all druggists. Get testimonial booklet, or mill liAT-Ru Co.. Tarnm* \\ <t Coming in from ON Ing yester- day afternoon, Frank Fanner, the Kapowsln logger-lioxer, an- nounced todu> that he would start active training this nfter- noon at the Moose hall. Farmer has several prospective bouts In view, and he Intends to keep In such condition that lie can appear In the ring at a day's notice. Frank will probably be match- ed in ii week or so against Fight- ing Hilly Murray, the bout to be stated at Portland. Jack King Of Portland is looking after Farmer's affairs. The mattli will be at the Imperial club. '1 watched Murray box Valley PETER'S IFFLE Baseball, or not baseball, that is the question. Great Falls, Montana— population IT),.".00. Raised $lii,ooo for a Northwestern league ball club. Wallace, Idaho —popula- tion, less than 10,0u0. Rais- ed $10,000 in one day for N. \V. team. liutte, Montana —popula- tion 40,000. Raised $20,000 for Northwestern league team. Tacoma, Wash.—popula- tion, 115,000. Took one month to raise $5,000 to hold a Northwestern league team. Pitcher Fortune oughta stick with the Phillies If he has any kind of luck at al.l "Mose" Moser, of the ath- letic Instruction corps at the Y. M. C. A., Is planning a boxing and wrestling tourna- ment for the near future. But he declaims with vir- ginal Innocenre that the athletes will all t>« ama- ohures and that there "won't be any out." The bill to legalize boxing in Kentucky fell flat, there- GIANTS WILL DRESS IN CONVICT GARB! These me not "lifer*" doing (he lockntep but four Giant* who had their liendk slmved. Left to iitlii. ItahhiniMon, Ijolieit, Mtiiiin Ilinir-. poleon has l;iid his wires to beat the Yankees in the play for the graces of New York tana. Figur- ing Chicago, Boston, Brooklyn and Philadelphia will be up in the raft, McGraw Is casting about for finished twirling talent. Luck broke with John in tils hunt for infielders, outfielders and catchers but he la dubious as to his pitchers. Benny Kauff, star of the erst- while Federals, Bill Raridc-ii, l catcher, und Fred Anderson, I pitcher, also former members of I the Gllmorean circuit, are bound Ito help the (iiants. So will Out- fielder Rotisch, If he reports. This gent is lioldini: out lor a fat con- tract. Da\e Robertson, star outfieM- er on the It LI team, has not re- ported, pleading an injury to bin hip. The absence of these top- liners COUpltd with tlie mediocre work of the hurlc-rn. to date has eaUMd MeOraw much concern. If .Matty regains a winning stride KeOrtw'i worries will be lightened. Should Blx Six fail to come through, a second division berth seemed aßßured. though Kaufl' is, bragging he will wallop the rlub Into first place. Keen interest ha» been mani- fested In the coming series at Dallas between the Giant* and Detroit Tigers. This will bring together Kauff and Cobb in a batting, fielding mid base running duel. The garnet are booked for March 25 and 27. FARMER BEGINS TRAINING HERE Trainbltas at Portland a few day* ago, and 1 believe that 1 can give him even a better beating In a return match than I did at Glide rink," said the big boxer. "He put it all over Trambitas, because the Portland boy is not a finished boxer. But in Portland they de- mand clean breaks, and there won't be any chance for Murray to do any infighting. So I fig- ure on showing him up proper." Farmer says that he has defin- itely broken with his diamond- toothed manager, Sammy How- ard. The logger has been offer- ed a position as deputy fire war- den on Mt. Taconia this sum hut, and plans to accept. by limiting sport in the blue grass country to hoss racing, draw and three fingers. With his new spring suit of gray, and his gray hat with its white and black bands, "Gloomy" Granatrum looks anything but gloomy these days. Lee Fohl refuses to accept the 1916 cellar champion- ship of the American league. Looks like Connie Mack if. in for another tough break. Since prohibition began cutting down the number of arrests, Tacoma policemen aren't getting any exercise. They're planning another ball team in self-defense, «o that they can keep in condi- tion. We're glad to know that the cops have a real ex- cuse for playing ball. Their game with the light depart- ment last season resembled a burleasque show in three rings. Chief War Eagle haa turn- ed "rassler." He will spe- cialize In ÜBe of the scalp- lock. Just for that, I tupooa* they'll pinch roe for carrying concealed weapons, or being a disorderly person or sotnu- thlug. J. Bradley Hogg lost his job on the. Cub pitching staff, yet Shakespeare is managing to save his Bacon. The 4,000 bowlers gath- ered for the A. B. C. meet at Toledo ought to make great headway against Villa if the dodo ball were legßli/.ed. MANYMATCHES IN NEW YORK FOR THIS WEEK NEW YORK, March 22.- Be- sides the Willard-Moran bout Saturday night, which is holding the attention of the upon world, there are several other matches in New York tills week of special interest, in whim not less thau four champioiiH will appear. Freddie Welsh, lightweight champion, met Phil Bloom in Brooklyn last night. Al McCoy, who claims the middleweight ti- tle, met l.co Bens of Butte in another smoker. Welsh will box Frankie Whitney Friday nigat and at the same pluce Johnny Kilbane, featherweight champ, meets Harry Donahue. BILLIARDS Andrews parlors Herbert Buttz defeated Bill Noonan, 75 to 62, in the professional pocket- billiard tournament. Harry An- drews meet* Albert Rousseau to- night. At Peterson A Cooksieg—W. ihii'i Imic won from ('. R. Maybln, 7-5 to 42, In the amateur cham- pionship tournament; Ed Woods won from Oscar Peterson, 7 5 to 73. P. K| Koops won from George Elder, 75 to 74. C. FRESHMEN CANCEL RACE SEATTLE, March 22.—The race to have been staged here April 8 between the Washington frcßhmen crew and the freshmen of Stanford university, was can- celed yesterday afternoon by th« Washington team. PANTAGES si v IV BRACKS "THK URKAM PIItVUS < IIHIS RH HARDS FIVE Cl 111 It 810 ACTS WHERE TACOMA IS AMUSING ITSELF Theaters TACX>MA Thursday, Friday «ii<l S«t- urday—"The Contest of N»- tlonN," b) Tucoiua school ililldren. BUBQSX1 —(KITTKKSH) l>Hi-k. Iheaiii being re- -1110.1.11.'1 l I'ANTAGKS "The Hi-cam l'irates," ni«- \u25a0\u25a0ii-.-il coineOy; vaudeville bill. Movies APOLLO "The Ne'er Do Well," with Kallilvn Williams mid Wheel- er OMknutn. COLON IAI. "l*«>or Little P»|>|>lna." with Mary n. kr,,r .i. MKI,IU)I HNK "The s ( i|iii-iiic Tent," ultli Nary Hikfoni. I.IHKHTY "llu/.el Klrke,'' with iv.nl White. PICKFORD DRAMA AT MELBOURNE Mary Picl:ford head» today's new Mil at the Melbourne. She is appearing in her early film classic, "liOve Around the Hoses," a D. W. Griffith production. The five part Pat he master film, "The Spender," is another unusual feature on the new pro- gram, it is an adaptation from the famous stage suceesa and novel by Georgu Bracked Seitz, ami is produced in motion picture form with the original touring company. Other pictures on lh« new- bill are A Flock of Skeletons," with Hose Melville (Sis Hop- kins) and a gcenlo film. Empress to Be Named 'Regent' Announcement thfit the new motion picture palace for TMO* via in lv be tuinitd the Regent, and that It is to be the home of Triangle pictures was made ves- teida\ by the managers who have taken over the Empress. Ht ftth and Pacific. The name Kmpress is to be obliterated mid the build- ing will start a new career curly in April, refurnished and re- modelled. Tlu- Regent manngers have signed contracts with the pro- ducers of the Triangle picture* under which the Triangle fea- tures, productions of the most fa- mous film experts, will be shown exclusively at the Reuent. They will he displayed in Taooma promptly after their release and will uot be shown again in the city. The hummer and paw have be- Run their work of making over the building to look like new. In addition to the alternations to the structure of the interior there In being added an operating room which It Ik declared will ho the most up-to-date on the Pacific coast, bavin* in its equipment he most powerful projecting ma- chine made. The management promises '.n addition to high class entertain- ment pleasing surroundings. The changes will make the Interior look like new, and new carpets, new furniwhlngK, new foyer, new and beautifully furnished ladies' rest room are included in the al- teration*. LEARN TO PLAY PIANO OR ORGAN IN A FEW HOUR 3 A Detroit musician had invent- •d a wonderful new system which enables any person or little child to learn to play the piano or or- gan in an hour or two. Bend us your name and address on a postal card or In a letter, and we shall send you our guide and three sheets of music, abso- lutely free of charge. Address: Numeral Method Mti- tle Co., 182K Trussed Concrett Building, Detroit, Mien RXnMT iiioKxii; u-iii its Develop .mil I'rint Our Films WALTER BERG STATIONERY CO. ::<m liemice Itldg. ISEATTLE ROUTa Steamers Tacoma and Indianapolis for Seattle l.»«\« Municipal Duck. Taco- vi. 1:11. 00. fI:M a. ra . 1 IJk 1:00, I 00, 7:0». I 00 p. m. Utn Colinao Dook. Saain*. t:»0. 1:00, 11:80 a. m.; 1 00. 1:0* l:0i. T:0«. » 15 fc m. raateat and Flnot BUamari 6ln«l« Fart, »o; Hound Trl* \u25a0Iskl n>m« Trlaa Dally. \u25a0. I. JOIfBS lirmt. nff)o» Municipal Dock. M. »«>y "Ne'er Do Well" Has Good Reasons For Popularity \\ liid.-i Oakman, leading man with Katlilyn Williams in the massive feature photoplay, " The Ne'er Do Well." Tliroiißs that have seen "The Ne'er Ho Well" at the Apollo this week can multi-stand wliy the picture created Hitch a furore in San Francisco and other big cities in which it has been presented. During the Han Francisco en- gagement crowds blocked the Unique Plot Adds Interest toMary Pickford'sßole of 'Little Peppina' if you !uid grown up believing tlmt you were mi Italian, Hpoiik- inn tha Itiiliaii lariKUßgp and liv- ing with sii|i)ioseit Kalian par- ents, thea suddenly iiMiii. (1 that you were an American and an heiress to a large estate, would >ou be surprised? Mary PtckfoH was. And she registers mil-prise very realistical- ly as Peppina in the niHHter pro- duction, "Poor Little Peppina," at the Colonial theater for the sidewalk daily waiting for oppor- tunity to see this masterpiece. It is a photoplay production lon* to he remembered, having an unusually interesting stor/ and being photographed with re- markable art. The Helix aggre- gation a<tiug in this picture ia the sninc strong cast tha produc- ed "The Spoilers." Knthlyn Williams Is adding to the liOKts of admirers she won in "The Spoilerb" and she slums th# Pretty Kentucky Romance, "Hazel Kirke," at Liberty Pearl White, heroine of (he fniiioiiM "Clutching Hand" at* rles, who fame to the Liberty today with ISriice McHae in "Hn/.el Kirke." spine forceful ' passionate powetf that hypnotizes the audiences. Her attractive personality anil the fir(, of her spirit when arous- ed In tlic action of the pla> m.ik« her pan hi this drama rtlM out as one of the most notable ever put on the screen. entire week. The story of tliiw photoplay la new and novel and is by i.v one of the bent productions in which this dainty star ever appeared. Eugene O'Bilen, well known fop hU: worl, on the legitimate Mine, appears as the assistant district attorney and Incrdentnlly l'ep- liinu'R iwectlieart In the picture. Another well known member ot the cast Is Jack IMckford, Kittle Mary's lirotlier. "Hazel Kirke," that delightful Kentucky story from the pen of Steele Mack-aye, makes its film debut in Tacgnia today with Uh presentation at the Liberty. Pathe has produced the story in a five- part Gold Rooster feature, direct- ed by the Whartons, and starring Pearl' White and Bruce Mcßae. been given a role in whicli there wan such opportunity for < lever emotional acting, and she has won new laurels through her in- terpretation of "Hazel Kirke." The photoplay remains until Sun- day. The first episode of the famous Essnnay serial, 'The Strange Case of Mary Page" conies to the Lib- erty Sunday. It is the most wlde- yl advertised and highest priced serial play over produced. Hazel Kirke is the pretty mountain girl who is sent away to school by a neighbor of iier father, with the understanding that she will return and marry him. Her acquaintance with Ar- thur Carringford at school, which ripens Into love, meets a sharp rebuff when her betrothed acci- dentally catches her in the act of Bin bracing her new lover. The story is replete with ro- mance. Miss White has never WARNING! The man or woman wbo fails or refuses to examine the prices on our stock of groceries willfully throws their money away. Open Saturday, Feb. 10. PACIFIC GIIOCETKKIA 1810 Pacific Aye.
Page 1: BASEBALL ATHLETICS TACOMA TEAM Ne'er Do Well Has Good ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085187/1916-03-22/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · PAGE SIX. THI tXcOMA TIMES PIFFLE BOXING BASEBALL




Wednesday, March 22, 1916.

Edited ByEddie Peters



MEETS TODAYTacoimi will remain in the

Kortliwestern league.by h final ip«rt, Tom Muri is'

ticket sellers yeaterdsj afternoondis|'i'scil of slllth ielil bOOkl toinsure- the teams tinamial ufety,and with the surplus to he raidedduring the remainder of the weekthe Ilgeri will he sure of v gOO4at»rt ihis imanw

RVM Hall ll in Seattle todayattending the dlrertora' meeting,I'einn hehl ut the Seattle bOtol,and be is aimed with a 1 1 ."in>certified (heck as iiis forfeit forthr Tigan

The leatitip schdull 1 li beingarranged today. Hail said beforehe left for Seattle that lie hadno special favors lo ask of lh(-

--•chi'dule committee, except thatlie would like lo have (li< at PalllCpen 111 TaCOBM, with llutte PO'il-Inn the second wei-k He iilnowanth Raines heie dniili*; tiioIpeedwa) races in Auguet.

Attending today'a meeting «H!i>e Pre«ldenl Blewett, Hn^s Mallof Tncoma, Preeidenl Dugdale of

Scan If. MHiiiißer Hill 11 url«'\ ofGreat Falls, l're.->ident Joe \lr-(iinnlt\ of Hntli'. Owner Karr ofSpokane .iiui I'rvMili-til HoliBrOW| of Vancouver.

Mull tM more OptimiltlC 'o-dtiy I han Ht ant time since liewa^ offered the Tiger team. ilpi. arranging to open the train-ing HUN at Athletic jiarkApril I.

RttM visited the park vesler-<lay aflcrnooti on an Inspectionour Although the diamond waxflooded. It «rU iippureiith in|OOd s-hape. Winter Ntorms da.n-a^eil the Krandstaiid sonieu li.it,bill re|ialr work can he donecheaply,

"I want to think tho TMOSM|ieo|ile for what they tUtVI done,

and for what I helieve they willdo to lltpporl the terini this hea-t-on.' said Hall.

"Taco.na will ha\ c ,i hall team,and, if I I;iow anything about Mmmure \u25a0 good team. The fate, ofthe Tigera no-v raata with thelans/'


A combined wrestling and box-U\f. tournament, similar to theone staged so s.ic< tsbfully twoyearn ago, will be held at the Y.*I. C. A. g> innasium Fridaynight, March 31.

It is Mp—tad that competitionwill be hot in the 115-poaadwresting division, as there arefive clever mut artists entered In

this section.Aiiioiik the wrestlers who will

filler the meet are Hiirwell. Car-nichacl, Tontb, O1m», Kearns,Metialf. Kiide. Anderson andComatock.

.1. T. Colfnian, boxing coachat the "V," has a ckUM of 20, andthere will be some "mil" box-Ing. All boxiag matctata will be

, strictly in the amateur class.

maim.in, T*w.. March 21. —(live the (limns a pitching stuffand they'll make them nil husilo.That's the attach MM nets whilewatching the Broadway craw inrakwrasl here

Polled \ip in road uniformsdone in atripes, patterned af'erthe regimentals peculiar to SingSing, Auburn and other penal iu-atitutiOM, McOraw'i troops have'literally flashed through theircondltonlng program and on formdisplayed to date promise to re-1turn north well fortitied for the jopening of the flag race.

It's up to McOraw to produce|a cbamptonablp contender thisseason. Having been out of therunning one season after alongi liain of triumphs, the Little Xa-Amateur Games

W. f.. (Billy» Carat, uu|Nof the \V. 0. \\\. No. T!tH baseballcliih, is one of tba Boat ambitiousamateur leaders in Tacoma. Hein certain that he will lead hisclub to victory this aaaMß.

Cams manned the \V. O. \V.•\u25a0lull last year, and although hisboys started late, they won ninein 16 games. The (•ratal open-ing of the seiiHon for the big in-dependent club thin jraair "ill be*Ih> 7 at Arlclla, when the W.O. W. bojK and the Arietta•Reds" will elaab. It win ba heopening game for oacli team.

About DUO Tacoina Woodmenwill go to Arietta on mi exctir-alou the evening previous to tliejgame There will he a bin din-:ncr and dance. Those who wishmay reinnin over at Arlettu for

tha game. The town is making,elaborate preparations for the!contest.

The first practice game of theseason for Carna' hoys will lieSunday at 1 o'clock on the Whit-man grounds, when the Mono-grams of the Valley laugua willbe faced.


Kent and Auburn withdrewfrom the Valley league at lastnight's organisation mMttaaj, be-cauie of the long diatancM theywould have to travel in order toplay conic of the other clubs.That left five teams In thp line-1up. The Taconia Moose, LakeCity and Buckley teams were ad-mitted, and entries declared clos-ed. Other teams in the leagueare acoma Monograms, Moose,Sunnier, Carbonado und Wilko-•on.

It was decided to operate theaeml-pro league on the basis ofprofeiwloual baseball. Tin- sea-ton starts about May 1 A sched-ule will be worked out shortly.


Bill Libke's Tacoma Pirates to-day issued an unqualified chal-lenge to the Colonial the:iterteam recently organized hy KredBrining, and auks for a match inthe near future. Hill's playersare younger than the Colonials, •but they are all clever ball toss-ers, and the young manager be-lieves that he can defeat Brin-nlg's crew. Any other team want-ing games should vail Dill Libkeat Main 5138.

The Pirates 1 lineup follows:rio>d Keller, p; Fat Fiset, r; BillLI tike. a«; Leo Bocian, lb; HMound, 2b, Leo Toulouse, 3b:I.«k» (unns, cf: Carl Johnson, If;Edd Cook, rf; H. liyson. tub p;T. Keller, sub c; M. Uunus, su!>.


The town of Morton is gettingsquarely behind its baseballteam. Manager H. K. James hasarranged with .Tame* O. Stuartto put on a play for the benefit•f ths club, and residents of thetown arc boosting the snow to


the limit. There will also be abenefit dance April S. The play iwill eitl.er be "The Girl of thejOoldao Wist' or "The Squaw]Man."


One of the biggect crowds ofthe season Is expected Satunbivnight for the ham dance to lie!given in benefit for the Hopkins

| Athletic club baseball tenni. Thedunce will be held at Campbell'shall, 4 oth and .McKinley. All

Ifunds derived from the affair willgo for new equipment for thes;» edy Portland nvenue team.

Hopkins A. C. club will havea workout Sunday on the Port-laud avenuo grounds, with a com-plete lineup and several extraplayers who want to try out forthe club. Davis, the old back-stop, will be with Hopkins again,iind Fowler, formerly of the Cityleague, will appear in the team'sinfield. He is a crack bitter.


The K. O. Klub, a newly or-ganized amateur team of OldTown, Ir seeking game* for thecoining season. Any club thatwants to meft a fast, clean agpre-gation of players, should call upProctor 1418 or write Henry Mc-Kenzlc Mil North 30th, man-lager of lIM K. O. Klub.

The club Is giving a benefitdance Thursday night at Slavon-ian hall. Music will be furnish-ed ay Kilgorc's orchestra. A goodtime is assured. All amateursand their friends are especiallyInvited.

II YOU HAVE HillI miiMiKidney, Liver, Htom.u'li, HI id tier,Nervous or Catarilial affli tlons,Bkln or blood il>*§»»» In any form-ik. Great C oaMlintlonal h.ih.ilt

KARROSIII*canto, ami ;c stinvn vigor to or-«nn» of tin- body. At all druggists.Get testimonial booklet, or millliAT-Ru Co.. Tarnm* \\ <t

Coming in from ON Ing yester-day afternoon, Frank Fanner,the Kapowsln logger-lioxer, an-nounced todu> that he wouldstart active training this nfter-noon at the Moose hall. Farmerhas several prospective bouts Inview, and he Intends to keep Insuch condition that lie can appearIn the ring at a day's notice.

Frank will probably be match-ed in ii week or so against Fight-ing Hilly Murray, the bout to bestated at Portland. Jack KingOf Portland is looking afterFarmer's affairs. The mattliwill be at the Imperial club.

'1 watched Murray box Valley

PETER'SIFFLEBaseball, or not baseball,

that is the question.

Great Falls, Montana—population IT),.".00. Raised$lii,ooo for a Northwesternleague ball club.

Wallace, Idaho —popula-tion, less than 10,0u0. Rais-ed $10,000 in one day for N.\V. team.

liutte, Montana —popula-tion 40,000. Raised $20,000for Northwestern leagueteam.

Tacoma, Wash.—popula-tion, 115,000. Took onemonth to raise $5,000 tohold a Northwestern leagueteam.

Pitcher Fortune oughtastick with the Phillies If hehas any kind of luck at al.l

"Mose" Moser, of the ath-letic Instruction corps at theY. M. C. A., Is planning aboxing and wrestling tourna-ment for the near future.But he declaims with vir-ginal Innocenre that theathletes will all t>« ama-ohures and that there "won'tbe any out."

The bill to legalize boxingin Kentucky fell flat, there-


These me not "lifer*" doing (he lockntep but four Giant* who had their liendk slmved. Left toiitlii. ItahhiniMon, Ijolieit, Mtiiiin Ilinir-.

poleon has l;iid his wires to beatthe Yankees in the play for thegraces of New York tana. Figur-ing Chicago, Boston, Brooklynand Philadelphia will be up inthe raft, McGraw Is casting aboutfor finished twirling talent.

Luck broke with John in tilshunt for infielders, outfieldersand catchers but he la dubiousas to his pitchers.

Benny Kauff, star of the erst-while Federals, Bill Raridc-ii,

lcatcher, und Fred Anderson,Ipitcher, also former members ofI the Gllmorean circuit, are boundIto help the (iiants. So will Out-fielder Rotisch, If he reports. Thisgent is lioldini: out lor a fat con-tract.

Da\e Robertson, star outfieM-

er on the ItLI team, has not re-ported, pleading an injury to binhip. The absence of these top-liners COUpltd with tlie mediocrework of the hurlc-rn. to date haseaUMd MeOraw much concern.

If .Matty regains a winningstride KeOrtw'i worries will belightened. Should Blx Six fail tocome through, a second divisionberth seemed aßßured. thoughKaufl' is, bragging he will wallopthe rlub Into first place.

Keen interest ha» been mani-fested In the coming series atDallas between the Giant* andDetroit Tigers. This will bringtogether Kauff and Cobb in abatting, fielding mid base runningduel. The garnet are booked forMarch 25 and 27.


Trainbltas at Portland a few day*ago, and 1 believe that 1 can givehim even a better beating In areturn match than I did at Gliderink," said the big boxer. "Heput it all over Trambitas, becausethe Portland boy is not a finishedboxer. But in Portland they de-mand clean breaks, and therewon't be any chance for Murrayto do any infighting. So I fig-ure on showing him up proper."

Farmer says that he has defin-itely broken with his diamond-toothed manager, Sammy How-ard. The logger has been offer-ed a position as deputy fire war-den on Mt. Taconia this sum hut,and plans to accept.

by limiting sport in the bluegrass country to hoss racing,draw and three fingers.

With his new spring suitof gray, and his gray hatwith its white and blackbands, "Gloomy" Granatrumlooks anything but gloomythese days.

Lee Fohl refuses to acceptthe 1916 cellar champion-ship of the American league.Looks like Connie Mack if.in for another tough break.

Since prohibition begancutting down the number ofarrests, Tacoma policemenaren't getting any exercise.They're planning anotherball team in self-defense, «othat they can keep in condi-tion. We're glad to knowthat the cops have a real ex-cuse for playing ball. Theirgame with the light depart-ment last season resembleda burleasque show in threerings.

Chief War Eagle haa turn-ed "rassler." He will spe-cialize In ÜBe of the scalp-lock.

Just for that, I tupooa*

they'll pinch roe for carryingconcealed weapons, or beinga disorderly person or sotnu-thlug.

J. Bradley Hogg lost hisjob on the. Cub pitching staff,yet Shakespeare is managingto save his Bacon.

The 4,000 bowlers gath-ered for the A. B. C. meet atToledo ought to make greatheadway against Villa if thedodo ball were legßli/.ed.


NEW YORK, March 22.- Be-sides the Willard-Moran boutSaturday night, which is holdingthe attention of the upon world,there are several other matchesin New York tills week of specialinterest, in whim not less thaufour champioiiH will appear.

Freddie Welsh, lightweightchampion, met Phil Bloom inBrooklyn last night. Al McCoy,who claims the middleweight ti-tle, met l.co Bens of Butte inanother smoker. Welsh will boxFrankie Whitney Friday nigatand at the same pluce JohnnyKilbane, featherweight champ,meets Harry Donahue.

BILLIARDSAndrews parlors — Herbert

Buttz defeated Bill Noonan, 75to 62, in the professional pocket-billiard tournament. Harry An-drews meet* Albert Rousseau to-night.

At Peterson A Cooksieg—W.ihii'i Imic won from ('. R. Maybln,7-5 to 42, In the amateur cham-pionship tournament; Ed Woodswon from Oscar Peterson, 7 5 to73. P. K| Koops won fromGeorge Elder, 75 to 74.


SEATTLE, March 22.—Therace to have been staged hereApril 8 between the Washingtonfrcßhmen crew and the freshmenof Stanford university, was can-celed yesterday afternoon by th«Washington team.



FIVE Cl 111 It 810 ACTS



Thursday, Friday «ii<l S«t-urday—"The Contest of N»-tlonN," b) Tucoiua schoolililldren.

BUBQSX1 —(KITTKKSH)l>Hi-k. Iheaiii being re-

-1110.1.11.'1 lI'ANTAGKS

"The Hi-cam l'irates," ni«-\u25a0\u25a0ii-.-il coineOy; vaudevillebill.


"The Ne'er Do Well," withKallilvn Williams mid Wheel-er OMknutn.

COLON IAI."l*«>or Little P»|>|>lna." with

Mary n. kr,,r .i.MKI,IU)I HNK

"The s ( i|iii-iiic Tent," ultliNary Hikfoni.

I.IHKHTY"llu/.el Klrke,'' with iv.nl



MELBOURNEMary Picl:ford head» today's

new Mil at the Melbourne. She isappearing in her early filmclassic, "liOve Around the Hoses,"a D. W. Griffith production.

The five part Pat he masterfilm, "The Spender," is anotherunusual feature on the new pro-gram, it is an adaptation fromthe famous stage suceesa andnovel by Georgu Bracked Seitz,ami is produced in motion pictureform with the original touringcompany.

Other pictures on lh« new-bill are A Flock of Skeletons,"with Hose Melville (Sis Hop-kins) and a gcenlo film.

Empress to BeNamed 'Regent'Announcement thfit the new

motion picture palace for TMO*via in lv be tuinitd the Regent,and that It is to be the home ofTriangle pictures was made ves-teida\ by the managers who havetaken over the Empress. Ht ftthand Pacific. The name Kmpressis to be obliterated mid the build-ing will start a new career curlyin April, refurnished and re-modelled.

Tlu- Regent manngers havesigned contracts with the pro-ducers of the Triangle picture*under which the Triangle fea-tures, productions of the most fa-mous film experts, will be shownexclusively at the Reuent. Theywill he displayed in Taoomapromptly after their release andwill uot be shown again in thecity.

The hummer and paw have be-Run their work of making overthe building to look like new. Inaddition to the alternations tothe structure of the interior thereIn being added an operating roomwhich It Ik declared will ho themost up-to-date on the Pacificcoast, bavin* in its equipment hemost powerful projecting ma-chine made.

The management promises '.naddition to high class entertain-ment pleasing surroundings. Thechanges will make the Interiorlook like new, and new carpets,new furniwhlngK, new foyer, newand beautifully furnished ladies'rest room are included in the al-teration*.


IN A FEW HOUR 3A Detroit musician had invent-

•d a wonderful new system whichenables any person or little childto learn to play the piano or or-gan in an hour or two.

Bend us your name and addresson a postal card or In a letter,and we shall send you our guideand three sheets of music, abso-lutely free of charge.

Address: Numeral Method Mti-tle Co., 182K Trussed ConcrettBuilding, Detroit, Mien

RXnMT iiioKxii;u-iii itsDevelop .mil I'rint Our Films


::<m liemice Itldg.

ISEATTLE ROUTaSteamers Tacoma andIndianapolis for Seattle

l.»«\« Municipal Duck. Taco-vi. 1:11. • 00. fI:M a. ra . 1 IJk1:00, I 00, 7:0». I 00 p. m.

Utn Colinao Dook. Saain*.t:»0. 1:00, 11:80 a. m.; 1 00. 1:0*l:0i. T:0«. » 15 fc m.

raateat and Flnot BUamari6ln«l« Fart, »o; Hound Trl*

\u25a0Iskl n>m« Trlaa Dally.\u25a0. I. JOIfBS lirmt.

nff)o» Municipal Dock. M. »«>y

"Ne'er Do Well" Has GoodReasons For Popularity

\\ liid.-i Oakman, leading man with Katlilyn Williams inthe massive feature photoplay, " The Ne'er Do Well."

Tliroiißs that have seen "TheNe'er Ho Well" at the Apollo thisweek can multi-stand wliy thepicture created Hitch a furore inSan Francisco and other big citiesin which it has been presented.During the Han Francisco en-gagement crowds blocked the

Unique Plot Adds Interest toMaryPickford'sßole of 'Little Peppina'

if you !uid grown up believingtlmt you were mi Italian, Hpoiik-inn tha Itiiliaii lariKUßgp and liv-ing with sii|i)ioseit Kalian par-ents, thea suddenly iiMiii.(1 thatyou were an American and anheiress to a large estate, would>ou be surprised?

Mary PtckfoH was. And sheregisters mil-prise very realistical-ly as Peppina in the niHHter pro-duction, "Poor Little Peppina,"at the Colonial theater for the

sidewalk daily waiting for oppor-tunity to see this masterpiece.

It is a photoplay productionlon* to he remembered, havingan unusually interesting stor/and being photographed with re-markable art. The Helix aggre-gation a<tiug in this picture iathe sninc strong cast tha produc-ed "The Spoilers."

Knthlyn Williams Is adding tothe liOKts of admirers she won in"The Spoilerb" and she slums th#

Pretty Kentucky Romance,"Hazel Kirke," at Liberty

Pearl White, heroine of (he fniiioiiM "Clutching Hand" at*rles, who fame to the Liberty today with ISriice McHae in "Hn/.elKirke."

spine forceful ' passionate powetfthat hypnotizes the audiences.Her attractive personality anilthe fir(, of her spirit when arous-ed In tlic action of the pla> m.ik«her pan hi this drama rtlM outas one of the most notable everput on the screen.

entire week.The story of tliiw photoplay la

new and novel and is by i.v oneof the bent productions in whichthis dainty star ever appeared.Eugene O'Bilen, well known fop

hU: worl, on the legitimate Mine,appears as the assistant districtattorney and Incrdentnlly l'ep-liinu'R iwectlieart In the picture.Another well known member otthe cast Is Jack IMckford, KittleMary's lirotlier.

"Hazel Kirke," that delightfulKentucky story from the pen ofSteele Mack-aye, makes its filmdebut in Tacgnia today with Uhpresentation at the Liberty. Pathehas produced the story in a five-part Gold Rooster feature, direct-ed by the Whartons, and starringPearl' White and Bruce Mcßae.

been given a role in whicli therewan such opportunity for < leveremotional acting, and she haswon new laurels through her in-terpretation of "Hazel Kirke."The photoplay remains until Sun-day.

The first episode of the famousEssnnay serial, 'The Strange Caseof Mary Page" conies to the Lib-erty Sunday. It is the most wlde-yl advertised and highest pricedserial play over produced.

Hazel Kirke is the prettymountain girl who is sent awayto school by a neighbor of iierfather, with the understandingthat she will return and marryhim. Her acquaintance with Ar-thur Carringford at school, whichripens Into love, meets a sharprebuff when her betrothed acci-dentally catches her in the actof Bin bracing her new lover.

The story is replete with ro-mance. Miss White has never

WARNING!The man or woman wbo fails

or refuses to examine the priceson our stock of groceries willfullythrows their money away.

Open Saturday, Feb. 10.PACIFIC GIIOCETKKIA

1810 Pacific Aye.
