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BAY CITIES EXPOSITION · Mrs. Julia Autry, agent. Having returned from an exten sive trifc)...

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TORRANCE ENTERPRISE Temporary Phone 869 Night Phone 571-J Wills-Floyd Repair Shop _^. General Repair Work, Welding Radiator and Machine Work Carburation - Ignition A Specialty 509 I 2th St. Near Pacific San Pedro, Calif. The White Garage We have n Dumber of Shim'ard Tires and Tubes of bro- ken lines which we will sell at 2(1 per cent off present prices. This is equal to 40 PIT cent off old prices. C. .1. UAHM I'lioiK I0f FLOYD RAHM Torranv.e C. J. RAHM & SON California EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS DIAMOND DISK Cash or Terms A. W. MALONE, Manager TOHRANCE CALIFORNIA Phone HO W Res. 47-M TORRANCE PLUMBING COMPANY F. L. PARKS, Proprietor Everything In Plumbing Agents For t COLE GAS FLOOR FURNACE "Keep Your Homo at Summer He.it the Year 'Round" Inexpensive and Efficient Cost Approximately $35. (10 Installed. Estimates Gladly Given On Your Work OPPOSITE BANK "SHRKT M10TAL WORK" TORRANCE BTT*° lime See Us for Seeds and Seed Potatoes We Have the Best and Freshest FRED STOCK Telephone 1 72-R-3 FELIX MADING NURSERY Cor. Miller and Pennsylvania avenue. Lomita, Cal All Kinds of Decilious Fruit Trees Citrus and Tropical Fruits Cypress ror Wind Breaks Privet for Hedge:. eBrry and Roses Palms and Ornamental. 1 0 cents a yard PICOT EDGE Colored Threads Supplied 40 Shades to Choose from Orders Filled Promptly STORE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAYS MRS. J. F. DeWITT Narbonne St., Opp. Brethren St. LOMITA BAY CITIES EXPOSITION SANTA MONICA TWO SOLID WEEKS MARCH 19 to APRIL 3 Under Auspices of the SANIA Mm BEACH ASSOCIATION and Co-Operation of Chamber of Commerce and City of Santa Monica _ _ Wortham s |-;MVCUS Shows 35 Cars of Features ! .ciush'al and Commercial Exhibitj Aerial Thrills Amusements Carnivals SI-'LXIAL UAYS and COMMUNITY tVr-lNTS In winch .-.11 Southern California \s invited Ample Train Service via all lines for This Event Trains from Los Angeles either .via Hollywood Venice Short Line direct to the Grounds, Pacific Electric Railway LOMITA NEWS ITEMS Altx McPhall is clerking at Renn's. Mrs. E. B. Schrlver of Eshleman itreot visited friends In Garden Jruve last week. A. Smith of Downey has purchas- ed an acre of J. Tonkin of Chestnut treet. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cunnlncham of Esh eman street have moved to Los An- eles. Mr. and Mrs. Britt of Denver rea jsltlng their son Thomas Britt, of Kshleman street. Mrs. Mary "Chapman of So. Penn. street, fa visiting her sister In Los \ngcles. The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Breed of Elgin street is undergoing repairs, sidewalks and drives being laid, also. R. M. Burns, a former chum of Will Lanning, while they were in the naval service, was a recent Lo- mita visitor. Mrs. Norman Beckham and Mrs. Worthlngton of Flower street, are visiting their father. Jacob Root, in Northern Calffornla. Walter Luck, son of W. J. Luck, of Long Beach, and former owner of the Lomita Grocery, was operated ,n last week at the Seaside hospital and is recovering! Samuel Whltacre of Los Angeles former friend of M.r. and Mrs. S. J Irwln, has purchased a lot on Popp> street and will make this his home Mrs. Julia Autry, agent. Having returned from an exten sive trifc) throughout the Raster' States, Mra. Gray, mother of Mrs. E Wilcox of Flower street, was a re cent Lomita visitor. C. F. Mathers of Oak s'p'et. dt ;ivered 500 baby chicks to T. W Tonkin of Flower street, Saturday A tine large brooder had been hull i he week before by Mr. Tonkin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Motter an' sons Raymond and Parks, and Mn Mutter's father Mr. Smith and slf ter Thelma, motored here from Co vina and were guests of Mr. am Mrs. J. A. Smith, last Friday. A number of friends of Winon Gregory of Pennsylvania street, hon ored her seventeenth birthday anni versary last Thursday, when a joll party was held in the honoree home In Pennsylvania street. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Renn lef Friday for Coachella Valley, Impel ial County, to he gone for a forl night. It Is thought the hot an rtry climate will benefit Mr. Renr who has been ailing for over a yei- with bronchial troubles. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Boss and so Mervln of So. Cypress, were fine $5 for parking their automobile a Central and Grand, Los Angeler while they attended the "Klaema.' parkH'g is not allowed there afte 4:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erkel o Paso Robles, but former rancher of the Weston Ranch, were here las week renewing old acquaintance? Mr. and Mrs. Felix Mading of W Miller street, entertained the visitor with a dinner party while here. Blake Hanson, son of Mr. am Mrs. W. G. Hanson, returned t< school last week, having fully re ovecred from Injuries received whei accidentally struck over the heac with a ball bat on the school: grounds. A Junior Endeavor hike was taken recently Into tne hills of tin Paloji Verdes Ranch, where the llttli (oik spent half a day gathering will flowers. Mrs. Thomas Wlllson am! Mrs. Crittenden chaperoned the class. _________^_________ NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Narbonne Ranch Water Company No. 5, Lomita, County of LOM Ang- eles, California. Notice Is hereby given, That ut a meeting of the directors of said corporation held on the 7th day of March, 1921, an assessment of Three ($3.00)' Dollars per share wu.s lavi ed upon the Capital Stock of said Corporation, payable Immediately to the Secretary of this Corporation, at the office of the Company, viz Pump House of suld Company, ut Lomita, Los Angeles County, Cali- k uuou which this ahull jruu/aln unpaid on April 15, 1921. will be delinquent, anil advertised for bale ut public unction, and unless payment Is made before will be sold on May 10 at 12 o'clock noon, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. H. OE1ST, Secy. Pub. Mar. 11, 18, 20, Apr. 1, 1921 GET BEHIND BOY SCOUTS Interest has been revived locally here In Lomita In the Boy Scout movement and next Monday night there will be an entertainment given In the Lomita Hall by th home troop, assisted by San Pedro Troops. There will be some promin- ent speakers present and the "Camp Kite" will he taken up for consld ration. Few of us realiy under- stand the benefits of the training given hoys who become scouts, and the beneficial results that follow the individuals through life. Court records show that a small per cenl of criminals come from members of the boy scouts, this one thing alone being worthy of support from us all First the boys are taught courtesy kindness to the aged. Ilrst-nid rein edles, how to build camp fires, find most Important of all to rely upon hrtnself. which means "finding ones self." __________________A_,._______--___ _ TOO MUCH HATE We see a press dispatch fron Washington to the effect that upon his return from a tour of Europe Senator McCormick declares tlia' hate, distrust and envy are doitU' more to hold back nations ove- there than anything else. Kacl week some new topic sprung froi: which European nations glean , new spirit of hate for each other. There are people right here in thl; lown of the opinion that anotlio sreat war wi<l be fought within t'.i :iext five or six years. Others d not agree, hut. frankly admit tli world Is a long way from peace Scarcely any foreign nation is sat islied with the way territory wu parcelled out at the peace confer '.;nce. and each week sees new com plications arising. Thousands stll 'jelieve this would have been aci justed if America had taken a mon prominent part in the league, an' thousands of others do not think si- lt is largely a matter of polilica opinion. But no matter how we may thin' along this line we are forced I :igree that war has left the wurl. with too much hate and distrust an rfnvy; in its heart. Nations are n different from individuals, and v. know that Individuals who distru: their fellowman come to no gooi end. So the nation which refuse o forget its hates, lay aside i 1 ;nvy and trust its nefghbor is du 'or trouble sooner or later. 1 would seem to be a pretty good tlin> for the United States In the t'ace o ill things now going on in 11> world, to follow the old adage "Trust in the Lord and keep you gowder dry." CURE FOR SNORING We have jusl read In an easteri paper a remedy for snoring. Tin writer says this remedy consist: solely In sleeping without a pillow He doesn't explain why that wil cure snoring, and neither docs h guarantee it to do so. But he oft'or the advice, and hopes H will be hel] 'ul to the good wife who says he husband snores so much that sii can't sleep In the same room will liQin. Snoring is a sort of confident!;] affair. At least it is seldom Indulg ad in In public. But the truth Is it Is so prevalent hardly a home ca- ')e found In which snoring does no !>lay a part In the domei.tlc fellcll. or infelicity And still you can't tinil a man o u woman who will openly admi they snore In their sleei . No on Is conscious of It, of course, for n is asleep at the time, .nd in hi waking hours he will iOt bellev the statements that he baa alinos "raised the roof." If he ! proddei In the ribs and to to tu: a over. In grows angry and resent* the Imn tation that he was snoring at ul But If the absence of pJlows wil' as the Eastern writer claims, stop the evil and it certainlj IB an evi: to those who have to listen to it then by all means throw the pillo\V n the trash barrel, or give them t> the kids to light with. The cur would be worth several hundroi' times the original cost of a fev. pillows. It is no longer necessary lo lool under the. bad for a T>urglar. Hi may be sitting in the parlor.. According to the hihle, it tool Joshua to make the sun stand still but almost anybody can make : moonshine still. Before praising the biscuit, tli wise man wlll'llrst Ilnd out whetli er or not the neighbors Kent then Id. Another reason why most nation fear to fight America Is they luiv. seen Homo of our movie actors h bUuotlus acruueti oil, the 'surcen. The blank look seen on the fact- of many of our cltUens these day- were caused by the thin.-, we cal' an Income' tu\ blank. We've always noticed that tin man who wastes the most tlnn uuually aitH around and broods ovei the time be bun already wauled. HOME PRICES FOR HOME PEOPLE SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Full Line of FRUITS and VEGETABLES Will be sold at i educed prices to everyone entering the Store Saturday. One (1) Head of Cabbage FREE with every Twenty-Five (25c) Purchase. JOHN McPHERSON, Proprietor % Schmidt Block Lomita yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyV The Flower Shop, Redondo (and Hermosa) L CAPITOL THEATRE BUILDING Cut Flowers, Floral Designs, Decorations For All Occasions and Potted Plants CORSAGE BOUQUETS A SPECIALTY "Say It With Flowers" Telephones: Redondo 3; Hermosa 4332. (Nursery In Hermosa). Night Phones: Nursery 4702. Manhattan 4944. MISS VETTER, BONALD PRICE and LLEWELLYN PRICE, Proprietors Redondo Elite Shoppe HEMSTITCHING Buttons Made, Skirls Pleated, Accordian, Box and Side Pleating. QUICK SERVICE- All WORK GUARANTEED. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THIS. rTTlTx 10 LMir.3 IL'-t S. I'at-ilic Avenue. Redondo Beach, Cal. TORRANCE BATTERY and IGNITION COMPANY Overland Battery Now __. $26.50 Dodge and Maxwell Now -------$35.00 A drop of approxi- mately 50% in price. TORRANCE Service Station for I lie %'estern Storas;.; Battery Repair. Recharge anil Rent all Makes of Hatlfries Have You a Home For Sale? If you have a home for sale or trade, livestock, machinery, Im- plements, vehicles, poultry, musical instruments, nursery stock, building material, new or second-hand goods of any kind, dogs, rabbits, motorcycles, bicycles, automobiles, sewing machines in fact, anything you wish to sell advertise it. A little ad should get you a buyer. Don't delay send the ad you desire, or let us write it for you. Address The Torrance Enterprise, Torrance, California, or The Lomita New:, Letter, Lomita, California. Real Estate for Lomita Property and Information See J. A. SMITB h-itjinal Tract Agent The Man who spends all his Time and Money to Make Lomita Property More Telephone 179-.J-11. State Bank of Lomita CAPITAL $25,000 Fully Paid Up Is Anything Worse than a Penniless Old Age? Easier by far to go without luxuries now than go without necessities in years to come! Safe Deposit Boxes (or Rent, $2.50 per Year NOTARY PUBLIC 4% INTEREST ON YOUR IDLE FUNDS Phone 171-J-12 Hanking Hours 9:00 to 12:00. 1 00 in I!: 00. Saturdays 9:00 tu IS Commercial Savings Furniture! -We shipment of low and medium priced furniture. Come in and See Us! Medbery Furniture Co. TOKRANCE See II. B. LINDERMAN All Kinds of Cement and Brick Work Lomita Calif.
Page 1: BAY CITIES EXPOSITION · Mrs. Julia Autry, agent. Having returned from an exten sive trifc) throughout the Raster' States, Mra. Gray, mother of Mrs. E Wilcox of Flower street, was


Temporary Phone 869 Night Phone 571-J

Wills-Floyd Repair Shop_^. General Repair Work, Welding

Radiator and Machine WorkCarburation - Ignition A Specialty

509 I 2th St. Near Pacific San Pedro, Calif.

The White GarageWe have n Dumber of Shim'ard Tires and Tubes of bro­

ken lines which we will sell at 2(1 per cent off present prices. This is equal to 40 PIT cent off old prices.

C. .1. UAHM I'lioiK I0f FLOYD RAHM

Torranv.e C. J. RAHM & SON California



Cash or Terms


Phone HO W Res. 47-M


Everything In PlumbingAgents For t

COLE GAS FLOOR FURNACE"Keep Your Homo at Summer He.it the Year 'Round" Inexpensive and Efficient Cost Approximately $35. (10 Installed.



See Us for Seeds and Seed Potatoes We Have the Best and Freshest

FRED STOCKTelephone 1 72-R-3

FELIX MADING NURSERYCor. Miller and Pennsylvania avenue. Lomita, Cal

All Kinds of Decilious Fruit TreesCitrus and Tropical Fruits Cypress ror Wind Breaks Privet for Hedge:. eBrry and Roses Palms

and Ornamental.

1 0 cents a yard

PICOT EDGE Colored Threads Supplied 40 Shades to Choose from


MRS. J. F. DeWITT Narbonne St., Opp. Brethren St. LOMITA



Under Auspices of the


Chamber of Commerce and City of Santa Monica _ _

Wortham s |-;MVCUS Shows 35 Cars of Features

! .ciush'al and Commercial Exhibitj

Aerial Thrills Amusements Carnivals

SI-'LXIAL UAYS and COMMUNITY tVr-lNTSIn winch .-.11 Southern California \s invited

Ample Train Service via all lines for This Event

Trains from Los Angeles either .via Hollywood

Venice Short Line direct to the Grounds,

Pacific Electric Railway


Altx McPhall is clerking at Renn's.

Mrs. E. B. Schrlver of Eshleman itreot visited friends In Garden Jruve last week.

A. Smith of Downey has purchas­ ed an acre of J. Tonkin of Chestnut treet.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Cunnlncham of Esh eman street have moved to Los An- eles.

Mr. and Mrs. Britt of Denver rea jsltlng their son Thomas Britt, of

Kshleman street.

Mrs. Mary "Chapman of So. Penn. street, fa visiting her sister In Los \ngcles.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Breed of Elgin street is undergoing repairs, sidewalks and drives being laid, also.

R. M. Burns, a former chum of Will Lanning, while they were in the naval service, was a recent Lo­ mita visitor.

Mrs. Norman Beckham and Mrs. Worthlngton of Flower street, are visiting their father. Jacob Root, in Northern Calffornla.

Walter Luck, son of W. J. Luck, of Long Beach, and former owner of the Lomita Grocery, was operated ,n last week at the Seaside hospital and is recovering!

Samuel Whltacre of Los Angeles former friend of M.r. and Mrs. S. J Irwln, has purchased a lot on Popp> street and will make this his home Mrs. Julia Autry, agent.

Having returned from an exten sive trifc) throughout the Raster' States, Mra. Gray, mother of Mrs. E Wilcox of Flower street, was a re cent Lomita visitor.

C. F. Mathers of Oak s'p'et. dt ;ivered 500 baby chicks to T. W Tonkin of Flower street, Saturday A tine large brooder had been hull i he week before by Mr. Tonkin.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Motter an' sons Raymond and Parks, and Mn Mutter's father Mr. Smith and slf ter Thelma, motored here from Co vina and were guests of Mr. am Mrs. J. A. Smith, last Friday.

A number of friends of Winon Gregory of Pennsylvania street, hon ored her seventeenth birthday anni versary last Thursday, when a joll party was held in the honoree home In Pennsylvania street.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Renn lef Friday for Coachella Valley, Impel ial County, to he gone for a forl night. It Is thought the hot an rtry climate will benefit Mr. Renr who has been ailing for over a yei- with bronchial troubles.

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Boss and so Mervln of So. Cypress, were fine $5 for parking their automobile a Central and Grand, Los Angeler while they attended the "Klaema.' parkH'g is not allowed there afte 4:00 p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erkel o Paso Robles, but former rancher of the Weston Ranch, were here las week renewing old acquaintance? Mr. and Mrs. Felix Mading of W Miller street, entertained the visitor with a dinner party while here.

Blake Hanson, son of Mr. am Mrs. W. G. Hanson, returned t< school last week, having fully re ovecred from Injuries received whei accidentally struck over the heac with a ball bat on the school: grounds.

A Junior Endeavor hike was taken recently Into tne hills of tin Paloji Verdes Ranch, where the llttli (oik spent half a day gathering will flowers. Mrs. Thomas Wlllson am! Mrs. Crittenden chaperoned the class.



Narbonne Ranch Water Company No. 5, Lomita, County of LOM Ang­ eles, California.Notice Is hereby given, That ut

a meeting of the directors of said corporation held on the 7th day of March, 1921, an assessment of Three ($3.00)' Dollars per share wu.s lavi ed upon the Capital Stock of said Corporation, payable Immediately to the Secretary of this Corporation, at the office of the Company, viz Pump House of suld Company, ut Lomita, Los Angeles County, Cali­

k uuou which this ahull jruu/aln unpaid on

April 15, 1921. will be delinquent, anil advertised for bale ut public unction, and unless payment Is made before will be sold on May 10 at 12 o'clock noon, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. H. OE1ST, Secy. Pub. Mar. 11, 18, 20, Apr. 1, 1921


Interest has been revived locally here In Lomita In the Boy Scout movement and next Monday night there will be an entertainment given In the Lomita Hall by th home troop, assisted by San Pedro Troops. There will be some promin­ ent speakers present and the "Camp Kite" will he taken up for consld ration. Few of us realiy under­

stand the benefits of the training given hoys who become scouts, and the beneficial results that follow the individuals through life. Court records show that a small per cenl of criminals come from members of the boy scouts, this one thing alone being worthy of support from us all First the boys are taught courtesy kindness to the aged. Ilrst-nid rein edles, how to build camp fires, find most Important of all to rely upon hrtnself. which means "finding ones self."

__________________A_,._______--___ _


We see a press dispatch fron Washington to the effect that upon his return from a tour of Europe Senator McCormick declares tlia' hate, distrust and envy are doitU' more to hold back nations ove- there than anything else. Kacl week some new topic sprung froi: which European nations glean , new spirit of hate for each other.

There are people right here in thl; lown of the opinion that anotlio sreat war wi<l be fought within t'.i :iext five or six years. Others d not agree, hut. frankly admit tli world Is a long way from peace Scarcely any foreign nation is sat islied with the way territory wu parcelled out at the peace confer '.;nce. and each week sees new com plications arising. Thousands stll 'jelieve this would have been aci justed if America had taken a mon prominent part in the league, an' thousands of others do not think si­ lt is largely a matter of polilica opinion.

But no matter how we may thin' along this line we are forced I :igree that war has left the wurl. with too much hate and distrust an rfnvy; in its heart. Nations are n different from individuals, and v. know that Individuals who distru: their fellowman come to no gooi end. So the nation which refuse o forget its hates, lay aside i 1 ;nvy and trust its nefghbor is du 'or trouble sooner or later. 1 would seem to be a pretty good tlin> for the United States In the t'ace o ill things now going on in 11> world, to follow the old adage "Trust in the Lord and keep you gowder dry."


We have jusl read In an easteri paper a remedy for snoring. Tin writer says this remedy consist: solely In sleeping without a pillow He doesn't explain why that wil cure snoring, and neither docs h guarantee it to do so. But he oft'or the advice, and hopes H will be hel] 'ul to the good wife who says he husband snores so much that sii can't sleep In the same room will liQin.

Snoring is a sort of confident!;] affair. At least it is seldom Indulg ad in In public. But the truth Is it Is so prevalent hardly a home ca- ')e found In which snoring does no !>lay a part In the domei.tlc fellcll. or infelicity

And still you can't tinil a man o u woman who will openly admi they snore In their sleei . No on Is conscious of It, of course, for n is asleep at the time, .nd in hi waking hours he will iOt bellev the statements that he baa alinos "raised the roof." If he ! proddei In the ribs and to to tu: a over. In grows angry and resent* the Imn tation that he was snoring at ul But If the absence of pJlows wil' as the Eastern writer claims, stop the evil and it certainlj IB an evi: to those who have to listen to it then by all means throw the pillo\V n the trash barrel, or give them t>

the kids to light with. The cur would be worth several hundroi' times the original cost of a fev. pillows.

It is no longer necessary lo lool under the. bad for a T>urglar. Hi may be sitting in the parlor..

According to the hihle, it tool Joshua to make the sun stand still but almost anybody can make : moonshine still.

Before praising the biscuit, tli wise man wlll'llrst Ilnd out whetli er or not the neighbors Kent then Id.

Another reason why most nation fear to fight America Is they luiv. seen Homo of our movie actors h bUuotlus acruueti oil, the 'surcen.

The blank look seen on the fact- of many of our cltUens these day- were caused by the thin.-, we cal' an Income' tu\ blank.

We've always noticed that tin man who wastes the most tlnn uuually aitH around and broods ovei the time be bun already wauled.



Will be sold at i educed prices to everyone entering the Store Saturday. One (1) Head of Cabbage FREE with every Twenty-Five (25c) Purchase.

JOHN McPHERSON, Proprietor

% Schmidt Block LomitayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyV

The Flower Shop, Redondo(and Hermosa)

•L CAPITOL THEATRE BUILDINGCut Flowers, Floral Designs, DecorationsFor All Occasions and Potted Plants


Telephones: Redondo 3; Hermosa 4332. (Nursery In Hermosa).Night Phones: Nursery 4702. Manhattan 4944.


Redondo Elite Shoppe HEMSTITCHING

Buttons Made, Skirls Pleated, Accordian, Box and Side Pleating. QUICK SERVICE- All WORK GUARANTEED. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THIS.rTTlTx 10 LMir.3 IL'-t S. I'at-ilic Avenue. Redondo Beach, Cal.


Now __. $26.50 Dodge and Maxwell

Now -------$35.00 A drop of approxi­ mately 50% in price. TORRANCE

Service Station for I lie %'estern Storas;.;

BatteryRepair. Recharge anil

Rent all Makes ofHatlfries

Have You a Home For Sale?If you have a home for sale or trade, livestock, machinery, Im­ plements, vehicles, poultry, musical instruments, nursery stock, building material, new or second-hand goods of any kind, dogs, rabbits, motorcycles, bicycles, automobiles, sewing machines in fact, anything you wish to sell advertise it. A little ad should get you a buyer. Don't delay send the ad you desire, or let us write it for you. Address The Torrance Enterprise, Torrance, California, or The Lomita New:, Letter, Lomita, California.

Real Estatefor Lomita Property and Information See J. A. SMITBh-itjinal Tract Agent The Man who spends all his Time and Money to Make Lomita Property More

Telephone 179-.J-11.

State Bank of LomitaCAPITAL $25,000 Fully Paid Up

Is Anything Worse than a Penniless Old Age? Easier by far to go without luxuries now than go

without necessities in years to come!

Safe Deposit Boxes (or Rent, $2.50 per Year



Phone 171-J-12

Hanking Hours 9:00 to 12:00. 1 00 in I!: 00. Saturdays 9:00 tu IS

Commercial Savings

Furniture!-Weshipment of low andmedium priced furniture.

Come in and See Us!Medbery Furniture Co.




All Kinds of

Cement and

Brick Work

Lomita Calif.
