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Baywatch February/March 2010

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Page 4: Baywatch February/March 2010

We wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2010Kind regards, Amy and Rob, Colin and Julia; The Baywatch Team

Al-Andalus Translations would like to offer Baywatch advertisers the opportunity to advertise inboth Spanish and in English, in order to reach a wider clientele. We are offering a quick, easy andin-expensive way to advertise at reduced rates for Baywatch customers. Just ask the Baywatchstaff for a translation when you place your advertisements.Full Page Translation 12.00 euros Half page Translation 10.00 eurosDouble Block Translation 7.50 euros Single Block Translation 5.00 eurosRevision of existing text: 1.50 euros per add.

Traducciones Al-Andalus desea ofrecer a los anunciantes de Baywatch la oportunidad deanunciarse tanto en Español como en Inglés para poder llegar a una clientela más amplia. Lesofrecemos una manera rápida, sencilla y barata de anunciarse. Sólo tendrá que pedirle al per-sonal de Baywatch la traducción del anuncio que va a publicar.PreciosTraducción de Página Completa 12,00 euros Traducción de Media Página 10,00 eurosTraducción de un Bloque Doble 7,50 eurosTraducción de un Bloque Individual 5,00 eurosRevisión de cualquier texto existente: 1,50 Euros por anuncio.

WWhhaatt ttoo LLooookk OOuutt ffoorr FFrroomm BBaayywwaattcchh IInn 22001100!!4

A very warm welcome to the first full edition of 2010. The festive glow from the annual customaryover- indulgence has finally worn off and our sights are set firmly back on Baywatch. Our resolutionfor 2010 is to continue the development of the magazine in order to provide an effective advertisingmedium for businesses and a useful and informative publication for our readership.

As you can see we have increased the Baywatch magazine to an A5 size. This is to reward ouradvertisers and readers with a larger and more high profile magazine which continues to increase inpopularity. Furthermore, we intend to bring on board a wide range of businesses throughout the yearwhilst improving the content and variety of our articles, entertainment and regular features.

We will also work hard on increasing the number of printed copies so that we can expand our geo-graphical coverage thus benefiting advertisers and readers alike. In combination with our develop-ments, we have expanded Baywatch to incorporate the Spanish Community, aiming to have our mainarticles of interest in both English and Spanish, whilst also giving our advertisers the option of havingtheir advert in both languages too. In order to aid this process, we are pleased to announce a specialpromotion offered by the translation services Al-Andalus. See below for details.

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Bill Lowry

Back in the mid seventies I was lucky enoughto own and ride a Big Zed 1 Kawasaki, in it’sday the King of the Road. Often coping with thecold and rain, it seemed a rare luxury to takeher out on a dry sunny day. Well now some thirty odd years later, I decidedthat with it’s absolutely beautiful climate, Andalucia is the perfect place to bring “TheKing” back to life. The roads are just built forthis bike.

Although out performed by almost everythingelse on the road, she still delivers a great rid-ing experience. Not to mention that the Zed isstill one of the best-looking bikes ever built! Ioften get stopped at gas stations and cafeswith people remembering their experiences orjust admiring the classic lines and chrome.

I have found over the past year and some30,000 kilometres that servicing and spareparts have not been a problem. These bikescan be easily be serviced by the owner andparts are easily accessible on the internet. OrBigZedz can help out with ordering and deliv-ering parts, servicing or advice if you prefer.

If you are interested owning one of these time-less classics, BigZedz have a couple of Zedz especially brought down from the UK, (one currently being transferred to the Spanish register, the other still on the UK reg) for sale,and just to help I’m including 3 monthswarranty so give us a call 609491114.

Page 8: Baywatch February/March 2010

Rachel Williams from Conilruns the February 2010

Seville Marathon to raisemoney for Cancer Research

Welsh born Rachel has been training hardfor the gruelling 26.1 mile marathon inSeville all in aid of Cancer Research UKand helping those close to her who have

suffered from this disease.Having completed three half marathons in Spainlast year and previously competing in swimming andrunning races all over her home country, Wales,Rachel has decided to put all her sporting skills togood use and aim for the big 26 mile run all in aid ofCancer Research. This is what she says: “On the 14th February 2010 I will be running theSeville Marathon to raise money for CancerResearch UK. I am currently well into my trainingplan (part of which has involved eating lots of mincepies) and I feel positive about the challenge ahead.I chose this charity as cancer has affected so manyof my close family and friends. Over the past twoyears alone I have lost an aunt and uncle to thisterrible illness and have seen my best friend fight,and conquer, Hodgkins Lymphoma. Running this marathon is my way of fighting to sup-port this worthwhile and much needed charity.”

To help Rachel raise over £500 please visitwww.justgiving.com/RachelWilliams1

Any donation, big or small, will begratefully recieved. Thank You

Rachel Williams, residente en Conil, disputará en Febrerode 2010 la prueba de Maratón para recaudar fondos para

la organización caritativa “Cancer Research UK”, dedicadaprincipalmente a la investigación y tratamiento del cáncer.Nacida en Swansea, ha dedicado los últimos meses al duro entrenamiento que la dureza deuna carrera de 26 millas (42 kms) exige, y todo ello tan sólo motivada por la altruista

intención de ayudar a aquellos (entre los que se encuentran parientes ercanos a ella) que han sufrido esta enfermedad.


Page 9: Baywatch February/March 2010

Tras haber finalizado tres medias maratones en España durante la pasada temporada y habercompetido en varias disciplinas de atletismo y natación en Gales, su país de origen, la misma se hadecidido a poner sus habilidades deportivas a disposición de quienes más lo necesitan, con elobjetivo de finalizar la gran carrera de 26 millas (42 kms) y recaudar dinero para la loable labordesempeñada por “Cancer Research UK”. Este es el mensaje que quiere haceros llegar al respecto:

“El día 14 de febrero de 2010 disputaré la maratón de Sevilla para recaudar fondos para destinarlos ala organización caritativa “Cancer Research UK”. Por el momento, llevo bien el plan de entrenamiento(a parte de un par de atracones que me he dado durante las navidades de mince pices; los más tradi-cionales pasteles navideños de Gran Bretaña!!) y soy bastante optimista en cuanto a la exitosa conclusión del desafío que me he propuesto. Elegí esta organización caritativa porque la enfermedada la que dedica sus esfuerzos ha afectado recientemente a varios de mis familiares y a migos máscercanos. Tan sólo durante los últimos dos años he perdido a un tío y una tía por causa de estaterrible enfermedad y he visto a mi mejor amiga luchar y recuperarse de la variante de la mismallamada linfoma de Hodgkins. Correr este maratón para recaudar fondos es mi forma de poner migranito de arena en la tan necesaria e inconmensurable tarea que desarrolla esta organización sinánimo de lucro. El objetivo de Rachel es recaudar en torno a las 500 libras. Si quieres ayudarla, porfavor, visita la página www.justgiving.com/Rachel-Williams1 a través de la cual podrás enviar aCancer Research UK tu donativo. Muchais Gracias


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Is one of your 2010 New Year resolutions to give up smoking?Here are a few interesting facts that may help you on your way to

being a non-smoker......

Facts You Need to Know AboutSmoking....and How to Give Up for 2010

Dr Amy Simpsn, PhD (Cancer Research)

Did You Know?• There are about 4000 differentchemicals in tobacco smoke andmany are toxic, they can causecancer or damage the cells inyour body.• Smoking is the biggest singlecause of cancer in the world.• As well as cancer, smoking cancause heart disease, chronic lungdiseases such as acute bronchi-tis and emphysema, as well as impotence, infertility and pre-mature aging of the skin.• Smoking is also hard on theheart; it causes hardening of thearteries and subsequent heartattacks

Some Facts May be Difficult toInhaleYY

• Half of all regular smokers will diefrom their habit....and half of these willbe in their middle ages• The more you smoke and the longeryou smoke the greater your risk ofdeveloping a smoking related disease• Smoking increases the risk ofleukaemia and Hodgkin´s disease(cancer of the lymph glands) and somebowel cancers• Coronary heart disease and strokeare types of cardiovascular diseasecaused by smoking.

“If all smokers in the UK quit this year,over 120,000 lives will be saved!”Cancer Research UK

Smoking is also hardon the heart; it causes

hardening of the arteries and heart


Tips to Help You Give Up.....• Write a list of the reasons why you want tostop, keep them with you and refer to themwhen tempted to light up. • Set a date for stopping and try to stopcompletely. • Tell everyone that you are giving up smoking.Friends and family often give support and mayhelp you.• Get rid of ashtrays, lighters, and all evidenceof cigarettes• Be prepared for some withdrawal symptomswhen you stop smoking, these may include:nausea, headaches, anxiety, and irritability,craving and coughing. These are caused by thelack of nicotine that your body has been usedto. They tend to peak after 12-24 hours, andthen gradually ease over 2-4 weeks.• Be aware of situations in which you are likelyto want to smoke, especially drinking alcohol asthis is often associated with failing when tryingto stop smoking.

• Take one day at a time and mark off eachsuccessful day on a calendar so that whenyou feel tempted to smoke you can tell your-self that you don't want to start all over again.• Be positive. You can tell people that youdon't smoke. After a few weeks you shouldfeel better, taste your food more, and coughless. • Don’t despair if you fail. On average, peo-ple who eventually stop smoking have made 3or 4 previous attempts, but keep trying!• For the vain amongst us, giving up smokingmeans you will smell nicer, your will haveclearer skin, whiter teeth, and your hair will bethicker and glossier!For more information on the effects ofsmoking and for help with how to give up,visit the NHS website www.givingupsmoking.co.uk or call theirhelpline on 0800 169 0 169

Good Luck! Baywatch 2010

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Consejos para Ayudarte a Dejar de FumarYY• Escribe una lista de razones por las que quieresdejar de fumar, llévala siempre encima y vuelve aleerla cada vez que sientas la tentación de encen-derte uno.• Fija una fecha para dejar de fumar e intenta de-jarlo por completo. • Cuéntale a todos que vas a dejar de fumar. La fa-milia y los amigos te apoyan a menudo y te puedenservir de ayuda.• Deshazte de todos los ceniceros, mecheros yrestos de tabaco.• Mentalízate para hacer frente a algunos sín-tomas del síndrome de abstinencia al tabaco, entrelos que se incluyen: Nauseas, dolores de cabeza,ansiedad, irritabilidad, ansia de nicotina y tos.Estos síntomas son provocados por la falta denicotina a la que estaba acostumbrada tu cuerpo.Suelen ser más intensos después de 12-24 horas,y empiezan a disminuir alrededor de la 2ª-4ª sem-ana.• Sé consciente de las situaciones en las que esmás probable que quieras fumar, especialmentecuando bebes alcohol, ya que a menudo se asociacon los fracasos a la hora de dejar de fumar.

¿Te has propuesto entre otras cosas dejar de fumar en el 2010? Aquí te presentamosalgunos datos interesantes que te pueden ayudar en tu camino hacia dejar de fumar.......

¿Sabías que?• El tabaco contiene unos 4000 productos químicosdiferentes de los cuales muchos son tóxicos y puedenprovocar cáncer o dañar las células de tu cuerpo.• El tabaco es el mayor causante de cáncer en elmundo.• Además de cáncer, el tabaco puede provocarenfermedades cardiacas, enfermedades pulmonarescrónicas, como bronquitis aguda y enfisema pulmonar,así como impotencia, esterilidad y envejecimientoprematuro de la piel.• El tabaco también afecta gravemente al corazónprovocando el endurecimiento de las arterias y poste-riores ataques al corazón..• La enfermedad cardíaca y el movimiento coronariosson tipos de enfermedad cardiovascular causadosfumando.

Algunos Datos Pueden ser Difíciles deDigerirYY•La mitad de los fumadores habituales morirápor culpa de este hábito^y la mitad morirá amediana edad•Cuanto más fume y cuanto más tiempopermanezca fumando, mayor será el riesgo dedesarrollar una enfermedad relacionada con eltabaco•El tabaco aumenta el riesgo de padecerleucemia y la Enfermedad de Hodgkin (cáncerque se desarrolla en el sistema linfático) yalgunos tipos de cáncer de intestino•La cardiopatía isquémica y el derramecerebral son dos tipos de enfermedades car-diovasculares causadas por el tabaco

Datos que Necesitas Saber Sobre elTabaco... y Cómo Dejar de Fumar en el 2010

Dr Amy Simpsn, PhD

“Si todos los fumadores del Reino Unido dejaran el tabaco este año, ¡se salvaríanmas de 120.000 vidas!” Cancer Research UK (ONG británica para la investigaciónsobre el cáncer)


• Ve paso a paso y señala en uncalendario todos los días en los que tengaséxito, por si tienes la tentación de fumarpuedas decirte a ti mismo que no quieresvolver a empezar otra vez desde el princi-pio. • Ten una mentalidad positiva. Puedesdecirle a la gente que no fumas. Despuésde algunas semanas te sentirás mejor, sa-borearás mejor la comida y toserás menos.• No te desesperes si recaes. Por lo general, la gente que finalmente ha dejadode fumar lo había intentado anteriormenteunas 3 o 4 veces, así que ¡sigueintentándolo!• Para los más vanidosos, dejar de fumarsignifica que ¡olerás mejor, tendrás unapiel más sana, dientes más blancos y unpelo más fuerte y brillante!Para más información sobre los efectos deltabaco y para obtener ayuda para dejar defumar, visita la página web delhttp://www.quiero-dejar-de fumar.com/

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The surgery can be found at C/Commandante Paz Varela, No. 2, Jerez de la Frontera. Opening hours 10am - 2pm and 5pm - 8pm by appt only

Could Aerobics help you get fitter in 2010?Aerobics refers to the type of physical exercise that involves aerobic routines, which refers toexercise that involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body, by the application of rhythmicalmovements. In particular, it defines the concepts of flexibility, which is the amount of movement in a jointor muscle that is attainable with the help of a partner or the use of a certain piece of equipment.

Aerobics are usually performed to a background of music and is normally enacted in a group settingled by an instructor, who leads and guides the group to ensure continuity. However, it can also beundertaken as a solo exercise, and without musical accompaniment, although it is argued that this isnot as beneficial as in the group setting. Continued overleaf...


Page 14: Baywatch February/March 2010

Regal Jewellery is a subsidiary and sistercompany of FunSun International Marketing and

Management SL. FunSun have for the past 17 years been market lead-ers in the direct retailing of ladies swimwear, via theirfashion shows and sales held at selected 4 and 5 starHotels along the Costas. To date over 1 million hotelguests annually enjoy their shows. Due to plannedexpansion and the Directors love for exquisite Jew-ellery..Regal Jewellery was created. Their collection of costume Jewellery reflects a senseof luxury and elegance. Their artisans developexclusive, original designs using only the highestquality materials:14 karat gold, 18 karat white goldand Rhodium plating are what give their Jewellery itsdazzling shine.

The benefits of aerobics are not only the development of physical fitness, but also thea bility to either prevent, or at the very least, reduce the incidence of certain illnesses.

The prescribed actions involve the participants performing a series of different dance-likeexercises. In order to achieve the best results from the participants, aerobics classes arenormally performed at different levels of intensity and complexity depending on the abilities andphysical fitness of the performers. Many gyms offer the facility of aerobic classes. Each class isdesigned to accommodate a certain level of experience of the performers and is taught by acertified instructor with experience related to their particular class

Swarovski crystals, simulated pearls and CZstones create unique and beautiful designs at af-fordable prices. Customers can shop with confi-dence if they are not completely satisfied withtheir purchase Rega offers an unconditional 10day money back guarantee as well as a 6 monthguarantee against any manufacturing defects.

Regal Jewellery has an innovative marketingsystem, the foundation on which you can build asuccessful business, even with no prior experi-ence as full training, and ongoing training will beprovided. Their compensation plan includesexceptionally high earning potential. Executivecompany cars, Free Jewellery rewards,promotional prizes and exotic holidays.

Advertising Feature Regal Jewellery - Job Opportunities


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Sports Feature - 6 Nations Rugby For those Rugby Fans amoungst us, February and March marks the annual Six Nations Rugby Tournement where 6 Eurpean Teams fight it out on the pitch or

the Grand Slam Title! Which Team will Rule the Tournament in 2010?

Date GMT Spanish Time Home Away VenueSat 6th Feb 14.30 15.30 Ireland Italy Croke Park Sat 6th Feb 17.00 18.00 England Wales Twickenham Sun 7th Feb 15.00 16.00 Scotland France MurrayfieldSat 13th Feb 14.00 15.00 Wales Scotland Millennium Sta.Sat 13th Feb 17.30 18.30 France Ireland Stade de FranceSun 14th Feb 15.30 16.30 Italy England Stadio FlaminioFri 26th Feb 20.00 21.00 Wales France Millennium Sta.Sat 27th Feb 14.30 15.30 Itlay Scotland Stadio FlaminioSat 27th Feb 16.00 17.00 England Ireland TwickenhamSat 13th Mar 14.30 15.30 Ireland Wales Croke ParkSat 13th Mar 17.00 18.00 Scotland England MurrayfieldSun 14th Mar 15.30 16.30 France Italy Stade de FranceSat 20th Mar 14.30 15.30 Wales Italy Millennium Sta.Sat 20th Mar 17.00 18.00 Ireland Scotland Croke ParkSat 20th Mar 20.45 21.45 France England Stade de France

The 6 Nations 2010 tournament is predicted by some to be one of the closest in years with big namessuch as England, Wales and France showing weaknesses and the usually non- threatening Scotlandand Italy showing improvements in their performances. The first games are going to prove key indetermining who has the strength and skill to go the whole way in 2010 with England playing their firstgame against Wales at home, Scotland against favourites France at Murrayfield and a strong Irelandagainst Italy at Croke Park, its shaping up to be an incredible tournament. Watch and Enjoy!

If you are into Rugby and you enjoy watching live games, youmay be interested to know there is a local Rugby Club in ElPuerto de Santa Maria. The full name of the team is CRAtlético Portuense and they are in a National League calledDivisión de Honor B – Group 2. Their home ground is atthe Polodeportivo Municipal, del Puerto de Santa Maria, andthere are usually home matches once a month, free entry. Itis a great way to join in with the locals and cheer on the team.The atmosphere is friendly and very lively, and they welcomenew supporters.

Sun 21st February Home Polodeportivo Municipal, CR Atlético Portuense vs CAU Valencia

Sun 7th March Away CR Complutense Cisneros (Madird) vs CR Atlético Portuense

Sun 28th March Away UMA CR Malaga vs CR Atlético PortuenseSun 11th April Home CR Atlético Portuense vs Helvetia Rugby (Seville)

Polodeportivo Municipal, AvenidaMenesteo, S/N 11500 EL PUERTODE SANTA MARIA (CADIZ). Tel: 956 542 055

Local Rugby Club in El Puerto de Santa MariaCR Atlético Portuense


Page 17: Baywatch February/March 2010

Advertorial News Flash - Another com-pany closes its doors in Chiclana Town.Or so it would have been if it were not due to thededicated team at Interlink Espana who have takenover the company under the new name of La Al-ternativa Internet y Telefonia Comuncaciones Em-presa, ‘Alternativa’ for short. Under the ‘Alternativa’ brand the company will notonly be supplying internet and telephone servicesbut will also be supplying mobile phone servicesprovided by HITS the cheapest mobile phoneprovider in Spain. There will also be a host of futureservices and changes to come, just watch thisspace.


Page 18: Baywatch February/March 2010

Urb. Bateria Colorado, Chiclana€299,000 (P)

Spacious, well maintained Chaletapprox 250 sqm. 1250 sqm plotLounge, fitted kitchen,3 beds, 2baths, air-con throughout, pool,

landline 7 mins to beach. Call Baywatch or 956 495 409

Veguetas Chiclana€360,000 (P)

Spacious 3 storey house in quietroad. 3 beds,2 baths,large

lounge/diner. Fully fitted kitchen,storeroom, double garage, front gar-den, 2 patios, air-con, heating units

furniture & fittings

Medina Sidonia€185,000 (P)

Centre of vejer with spectaularviews. 2nd floor appt spread over 2

floors. Kitchen/Diner, shower room, 1bed, lounge,roof terrace. Great value

& good rental potential.


Medina Sidonia€950,000

2 storey detached villa in quietcul-de-sac. 4 double beds, 2baths, parge lounge/dining

room. Pool (9x5) Plot 1000sqmNear La Barossa


2 storey, detached villa,seperate annexe, pool and land-scaped garden. 4 double beds,

office/further bed, 2 new bathrooms,and recent kitchen.


Commercial property in need ofrefurb but located on main

square.Communal patio,originalflooring & beams, storage rooms &

poss own toilet



THE PROPERTY SECTIONWe work closely with Andaluz Homes Estate Agency and some of the properties listed are placed withthem under their terms & conditions of sale. However those marked with a red ‘P’ indicate aprivate sale and attract no sales commission. It only costs €40 for a single display advert such as thoseshown below however, should you wish a larger display then our normal rates apply.

Magnificent 6 beds, 4 baths Villa,tennis court, snooker room with

bar& 10mx5m pool. Lounge, diningroom.Electric, phone. Call

Baywatch or Vicky on 0044 7795 260489

Stunning Andalusian Cortijo withwalled stable & 2 private guest cot-tages. 6 acres of natural landscape

and horse paddocks. 3 beds, 3baths, solar power & wind turbine.Refurbished to highest standards.


Chiclana, Pago del HumoHOUSE SHARE(P)

1 person wanted to share 3 bed, 2bath villa with guest caseta, pool,

BBQ area, Sat TV, Internet, phone,air-con, sun terrace.

€325 per month inc. all bills. Call 617 149 883

[email protected]

Page 19: Baywatch February/March 2010


Beautiful country retreat in rurallocation. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fit-ted ‘country’ kitchen, spacious

lounge/dining room, roof terracestable/outbuilding. 5,200sqm plot

Living space approx 250 sqm

Vejer de la Frontera€292,500

Incredible villa with spectacular seaviews. 2 large bedrooms with 1

large en-suite. Spacious lounge,enormous terrace/balcony. Seper-

ate dining room. Pool, outbuildings.Plot size approx 2040 sqm


Charming townhouse situated on apopular golf urbanization close to

Conil de la Frontera. 3 beds, 2 baths,living room, sun terrace, communalpool, private garden, 7 mins from

beach. 85sqm livingarea


To place a private advert in this section

for your property please call

Sales on 856 101 803or email:

[email protected] there is

no commissioncharged for private


Attractive modern villa close to LaBarrosa. Spacious living room, 3double beds, spacious lounge, 3

sun terraces, 9x5 pool, built-in BBQirrigation system, part air-con, greatrental potential. Finance available.


Quaint cottage style villa. 3 beds, 2baths,fitted kitchen, living room, ex-

posed timber beams, sun terrace, ma-ture garden, pool. Restaurant /bar

within walking distance & short drive tobeach. Finance available.


There is much more in-formation, and many

more photos relating toall of our properties on

our website at


Follow the link tothe property section.

Property Page (Continued) If you are a private seller or a commercial agent, you can advertise your property for sale or rent here. This magazine is read by thousands of people each edition and is also avail-able to download online. Plus if you advertise here we will design for you a free webpage and give a freemonths rental on our website www.baywatchonline.org. Call 856 101 803. Email [email protected] for info on any of these properties

Beautifully maintained villa, pool &attractive garden in residential

location. 3 double beds, 2 baths,fitted kitchen, lounge/diner,

telephone, 115 sqm in 1000 sqmplot own parking, finance available.


Luxurious 5 double-bedroomedvilla. 2 bath & laundry room. Poo.l

Large fitted kitchen & lounge.Price reduced. €200k

Mortgage available

Pinar de los Guisos/Rana Verde€360,000 (P)


Page 20: Baywatch February/March 2010

Bits & Bytes Computer TriviaColin Wood (Microsoft Certified Professional)

The internet makes it possible to listen tobroadcasts from all over the world. In fact, withso much audio on offer finding the time to lis-ten to your favourite shows and music can bedifficult. One option is to record the broad-

casts and save them onto your PC. Then you’reable to listen to them at a later date.IInternet nos permite escuchar emisionesprocedentes de cualquier parte del mundo. Dehecho, con una oferta tan amplia a veces esdifícil sacar tiempo para escuchar tusprogramas o tu música favorita. Una de lasopciones es grabar las emisiones y guardarlasen tu PC. Así podrás escucharlas otro día.

There’s no facility in Windows to make theserecordings so you will need a program such asFreecorder. You can use this program torecord any type of audio and save it to yourhard disk as a file. You can then play the fileusing yourregular media player (various formats are supported including MP3 and MPEG-4). Alternatively, you can transfer files to a portablemusic player.Go to www.freecorder.com. Freecorder is afree toolbar for Internet Explorer and Firefox. Itworks by recording the sound that’s beingplayed through your computer’s soundcard.Click on the Get It Free button to start down-loading. Follow the on screen instructions. Toavoid any changes being made to your browserbe sure to clear the checkboxes labelled ‘MakeAsk my default browser search provider’ and‘Set my home page to Ask.com’. At the end ofthe installation process you will notice that thenew toolbar has been added to your browser.Go along to a website that has some audioyou’d like to record. As an example ,trywww.bbc.co.uk/radio2. Click on Listen Live andwait until you can hear the radio programmeplaying. To start recording, go to the Freecordertoolbar and click on Record Audio. If a securitywarning pops up then click on Allow. When youhave finished move your mouse over therecording box and you will be able to stop therecording.

Clicking the ‘Settings’ and ‘Convert’ buttons onthe toolbar will allow you to make changes tothe format in which you save your recordings,how much space you you use etc etc. Give it a go, it works great with Spotify!

Windows no ofrece las facilidades para realizar estasgrabaciones, por lo que necesitarás un programacomo “Freecorder”. Puedes utilizar este programapara grabar cualquier tipo de audio y guardarlo comoun archivo en tu disco duro. Luego puedes reproducirel archivo utilizando tu programa de reproducción ha-bitual (compatible con varios formatos, incluyendo elMP3 y el MP4). También puedes transferir tus archivosa un dispositivo portátil para reproducir música. Visita www.freecorder.com. Freecorder es una barrade herramientas gratuita para Internet Explorer y Fire-fox. Su función es grabar el sonido que la tarjeta desonido de tu ordenador está reproduciendo. Pincha enel botón “Get it Free” (descargar gratuitamente) paracomenzar la descarga. Sigue las instrucciones que semuestran en pantalla. Para evitar que se realicen cam-bios a tu navegador, asegúrate de que las casillas“Make Ask my default browser search provider” (es-tablecer Ask como mi buscador por defecto) y “Set myhome page to Ask.com” (establecer Ask como páginade inicio) no estén marcadas. Al final del proceso deinstalación, verás que la nueva barra de herramientasse ha añadido a tu navegador. Entra en una páginaweb que contenga audio que te gustaría grabar. Porejemplo, entraremos en www.bbc.co.uk/radio2. Pinchaen “Listen Live” (escuchar en directo) y espera hastaque puedas escuchar el programa de radio que seestá emitiendo. Para comenzar a grabar, ve a la barrade herramientas de Freecorder y pincha en “RecordAudio” (grabar audio). Si aparece algún aviso de se-guridad, pincha en Permitir. Una vez que hayas ter-minado mueve el ratón sobre la casilla de grabación ypodrás parar la grabación. Si pinchas en los botones“Settings” (ajustes) y “Convert” (convertir) de la barrade herramientas, podrás cambiar el formato en el quese guardarán tus grabaciones, el tamaño, etc.¡Pruébalo, funciona muy bien con Spotify!


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Did You Know.....

To get something out of atricky small place, likeunder the fridge, add anempty paper towel roll orempty gift wrap roll, toyour vacuum, it can bebent or flattenend to getinto narrow openings


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CCaaddiizz CCaarrnniivvaall 22001100FFeebbrruuaarryy iiss hheerree aanndd tthhaatt mmeeaannss iittss CCaarrnniivvaall ttiimmee iinn CCááddiizz wwhheenn tthhee cciittyy bbeeccoommeess

tthhee ssttaaggee aanndd iittss cciittiizzeennss ttaakkee oonn tthhee lleeaaddiinngg rroolleess.. The Carnival of Cadiz has been running forover six centuries, yet it is still new and fresheach year. It is the time when locals put ontheir fancy dress and go out and enjoy them-selves, getting involved in celebrations thattake place all over the city, where you can feelthe true carnival spirit. It is an experience not tobe missed, so if you have an outfit and are up fora good time, go along and enjoy this unique andcolourful experience. Parades, performances, foodand drink, it is difficult to define the carnival inCádiz, whose festivities officially take place from12th to the 21st February 2010. These dates, however, can be slightly misleadingas carnival fever builds up from the start of theyear and the street parties rarely finish on thedates given. The carnival is based around an an-nual theatre competition called the Falla. This iswhere over 100 different carnival groups competewith their own unique songs, performances andstories, usually of a topical and humorous nature.The Falla grand final, which is held on the first Fri-day of the carnival and lasts until the followingmorning, is one of the carnival´s main attractions.

El Carnaval de Cádiz se celebra desde hace másde seis siglos, y aún así cada año es diferente yestá lleno de frescura. Es la época del año en laque los gaditanos se ponen sus disfraces ysalen a la calle a disfrutar, participando en todoslos eventos que tienen lugar por toda la ciudad,donde se puede vivir el verdadero espíritu delcarnaval. Es una experiencia que no te puedesperder, así que si tienes un disfraz y te lo quierespasar bien, no dudes en ir y disfruta de está ex-cepcional y pintoresca experiencia. Cabalgatas, actuaciones, comida y bebida; es difícildescribir el carnaval en Cádiz, que este año se cel-ebra, oficialmente, entre el 12 y el 21 de febrero de2010. No obstante, esta información podría ser untanto engañosa ya que desde principios de año em-pieza a notarse la fiebre carnavalesca y la fiesta enla calle casi nunca termina en las fechas indicadas.El carnaval gira en torno a un concurso anual deagrupaciones conocido como el Falla. En este con-curso más de 100 agrupaciones carnavalescas com-piten con canciones e historias propias,normalmente sobre temas de actualidad o con clavede humor. La Gran Final del Falla, que se celebrael primer viernes del carnaval por la noche y quedura hasta altas horas de la madrugada, es una delas atracciones principales del carnaval.


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Performing Groups of the Cadiz Carnival

There are 5 main groups of theatricalperformers who compete in the Fallacompetition . Firstly, and perhaps the mostfamous of the groups, are the chirigotaswho are known to be witty, satirical groupswho train for the whole year to sing aboutpolitics and topics in the news, with all oftheir members wearing identical costumes.Secondly are the choirs (coros), whichconsist of larger groups that travel throughthe streets on flat-bed carts or wagons,singing, with a small ensemble of guitarsand lutes. Their characteristic compositionis the "Carnival Tango" and they alternatebetween comical and serious repertory,with special emphasis on lyrical homagesto the city and its people. Their costumesare by far, the most sophisticated and in-tricate of all. Another category of carnivalperformers are the comparsas. These arethe serious counterparts to the chirigotasin Cádiz. Their performances are based onpoetic lyrics and criticisms and they tend tohave more elaborate music. They areeasily recognized by the high singingvoice of the males in the group.

It is a widely-held opinion that the city of Cádizis blessed with the wittiest people in Spain, so

it is not surprising that the main characteristics of the carnival in Cádiz are the

sharp criticisms, the droll plays on words,stinging sarcasm and the mockery of parody.

Agrupaciones delCarnaval de Cádiz

Existen 5 tipos de agrupa-ciones que compiten en elconcurso del Falla. Enprimer lugar tenemos laschirigotas, quizás el tipo deagrupaciones más famoso,que se caracteriza por su in-genio y su sátira y que en-saya durante todo el añopara cantar sobre temaspolíticos y de actualidad ycuyos componentes se dis-frazan de manera similar.

En segundo luga tenemoslos coros, agrupacionescon un mayor número dec o m p o n e n t e s q u erecorre las calle cantando,montados en bateas y quellevan un acompañamiende guitarras y bandurrias.Su composición máscaracterística es el“tanguillo” y en cuanto a latemática, alternan en surepertorio los temas dehumor con asuntos másserios, con una especialatención a los homenajesa la ciudad y a sus gentes.Sus disfraces son condiferencia los mássofisticados y complejosen comparación con lasdemás agrupaciones. Otrade las agrupaciones sonlas comparsas. En Cádiz,son el equivalente serio delas chirigotas.

Sus actuaciones se basan en cancionesmás poéticas y críticas y suelen teneruna música más elaborada. Normal-mente se reconocen por las típicasvoces altas de algunos miembros de laagrupación. Se suele decir que la ciudad de Cádizha sido bendecida con la gente másingeniosa de España, por lo que no

nos sorprende que algunas de las car-acterísticas principales del carnavalde Cádiz sean las críticas mordaces,los divertidos juegos de palabra, elsarcasmo y las parodiasurlonas.


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Continued from previous page..........Other performers who can be found in the streets at carnival time are the quartets (cuartetos),that can, oddly, be composed of five, four, or even just three members. The quartets don't bringa guitar, only a kazoo and two sticks that they use to mark the rhythm. They use set-piece theatrescenes, improvisations, and music, and they are purely comical. The minimalist carnival groups in Cádiz are the romanceros, these are perhaps the oldest, andcertainly the most invariant carnival groups in Cádiz throughout history. A romancero is a single costumed person who brings a big easel on which posters help him to tell a story with images. Theromancero recites humorous verses while pointing at aspects of the pictures and drawings witha long stick.

People come from all overSpain and the world to

witness the Cadiz Carnival,which is the third largest

festival in the world, next tothe Rio de Janiero and

Trinidad Carnivals.

Continuación de la página anterior^^^Otras agrupaciones que pueden verse por las calles durante el carnaval son los cuartetos que, por ex-traño que parezca, pueden contar con cinco, cuatro o incluso tres componentes. Los cuartetos no lle-van guitarra, únicamente un pito y una pareja de palos que utilizan para marcar el ritmo. Usanelementos escénicos teatrales, improvisaciones y música y son totalmente cómicos. Las agrupaciones más minimalistas en Cádiz son los romanceros, quizás las agrupaciones más an-tiguas y que han cambiado menos a lo largo de la historia. El romancero consta de una sola personadisfrazada que lleva un caballete con pósters que utiliza para narrar una historia por medio de imá-genes. El romancero recita cómicos versos mientras va señalando las imágenes y los dibujos con unpalo largo.

Durante estas fechas viene gente de toda España y de otras partes del mundo parapresenciar el carnaval de Cádiz, que es el tercer carnaval más grande del mundo de-

spués del carnaval de Río de Janeiro y del carnaval de Trinidad.


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The Origins of Carnivals in Cadiz and Throughout SpainThere are a few speculations on the origins of Carnival in Spain. Most popularly, it is believed thatthe term Carnival derives from the words "farewell to the flesh," a reference to the excesses thatled up to the sombre Lent. Some suspect Carnival is derived from the Roman solstice festival,the Saturnalia, where participants indulged in much drinking and dancing. Saturnalia is believedto have had the first parade floats, called the 'carrus navalis'.

Carnival in Spain is celebrated nationwide though the most raucous festivities are in the Canary Islands, Cadiz and Sitges. While each town has its own unique flavour of celebration, they allhave a devotion to having a good time. In these main destinations during Carnival it seems thatno one sleeps as the drinking and dancing go from dusk until dawn. You will see extravagantcostumes and people in masks everywhere, and in any of Spain's Carnivals, you'll have a lotmore fun participating in the masquerading than you will just watching!

Without a doubt, the Cadiz Carnival is among

the most beautiful of festivals in Spain. Colourful parades,

satirical performances,flamenco recitals, and

general merriment are just some

of the key elements ofthis festival.

Aunque cada ciudad celebrael carnaval con un toque pro-pio, todas son devotas depasar un buen rato. En los en-claves principales, la ciudadparece no descansar durantelos carnavales ya que la fiestay la bebida fluye hasta elamanecer. Verás por todasparte disfraces extravagantesy gente con caretas, y encualquier carnaval de España,¡te lo pasarás mucho mejor site disfrazas que si sólo loobservas desde fuera!

Los Orígenes del Carnaval enCádiz y en el Resto de España

Existen algunas teorías sobre losorígenes del carnaval en España.La creencia más popular es que eltérmino carnaval deriva de laspalabras “despedida a la carne”,que hace referencia a los excesosque condujeron a la sombríaCuaresma. Algunos piensan que elcarnaval proviene del festival cel-ebrado en diciembre en el Im-perio Romano, conocido comoSaturnalia,durante el que se bebíay bailaba en abundancia. Sepiensa que Saturnalia es la cunade los desfiles de carrozas,llamados “carrus navalis”. Elcarnaval se celebra en todaEspaña aunque los carnavalesmás escandalosos son los de lasIslas Canarias, los de Cádiz y losde Sitges.

Sin duda alguna, elCarnaval de Cádiz es unade las fiestas más bonitas

de España. Cabalgatasllenas de color,

actuaciones satíricas,recitales de flamenco y una

alegría generalizada sonalgunos de los elementosclave de esta fiesta. Deja

la timidez en casa y sigue alas multitudes para

encontrar las mejoresfiestas.


Cádiz is a serene, peaceful, and relaxing city, except for at carnival time when itgoes completely insane! Every year in February Cádiz goes wild with

uninhibited vino guzzling and flamenco charged madness!!

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Useful Contact Numbers and Further Information about Cadiz Carnival 2010Cádiz Tourist Office

Plaza de San Antonio 3, 2a Planta, Cadiz, Tel: 956 807 061 Email: [email protected]

Cadiz Carnival Websiteshttp://www.carnavaldecadiz.com (spanish only)

http://www.andalucia.com/festival/carnival-cadiz.htmAndalucian Train Service Renfe Website http://www.renfe.es/

Consejos Útiles si Vas al Carnaval• Si visitas el carnaval es recomendable que no olvides que se trata de una fiesta que atrae a gentede todo el mundo por lo que habrá inevitablemente personas con un comportamiento negativo, y portanto debes tener en cuenta los consejos habituales para cuando viajamos:• No lleves más dinero del que puedes permitirte perder.• Mantén todas tus posesiones junto a ti en todo momento. • Aunque Cádiz tiene fama de ser un lugar maravilloso para turistas procedentes de cualquier país, du-rante los carnavales, ¡no está de más ser precavido! • Durante los carnavales la ciudad está tan abarrotada de gente que es posible perder el sentido dela orientación. Es imposible reconocer calles y edificios debido a la inmensa cantidad de colores y degente. Sin embargo, seguro que la Guardia Civil o la policía de Cádiz estará disponible para indicartequédirección tomar. • Conducir y aparcar en el centro de Cádiz puede ser un reto en circunstancias normales, por lo quedurante los carnavales es mejor buscar los horarios de trenes o de otros medios de transporte paraevitar quedarte atrapado detrás de las carrozas de la cabalgata de camino al parking.• Además es probable que algunas de las rutas principales de entrada a la ciudad estén cerradas altráfico, dificultando de esta forma el acceso en coche.Pero sobre todo, ¡te recomendamos que dejes la vergüenza a un lado y que te diviertas y disfrutes conlos gaditanos durante una época del año tan especial!Cádiz es una ciudad tranquila, pacífica y relajante, menos en carnaval, ¡ya que se desmelena porcompleto! ¡¡Todos los años por febrero, Cádiz se desata en una locura desenfadada de ino yflamenco!!

Useful Tips when Visiting the Carnival

• While exploring carnival it is advisable to remember that this festival at-tracts people from all over the world which inevitably includes some un-ruly folk and therefore all the usual advice for travelers applies;• Do not carry more money than you can afford to lose• Keep all possessions close to you at all times. • While Cadiz is known as a wonderful place for tourists from all countries, at Carnival time it pays to be a little cautious! • During carnival time the city gets very crowded that you may loose allsense of direction! Roads and buildings become unrecognizable with allthe colours, movement and people. However, the local Guardia andCadiz Police are sure to be on hand to point you in the right direction.• Driving through and parking in the centre of Cadiz can be a challengeat the best of times, so during Carnival time it may be best to seek traintimes or other travel options to avoid being stuck behind floats in theparade on the way to the car park! • It is likely that some of the main routes into town will be closed off andtherefore hindering your access by car.

Most of all though, it is highly recommended that you let yourinhibitions go and have fun and enjoy yourself with the localsat this very special time of the year! Baywatch 2010


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BEAUTY BOXMany women know the AVON brand, but did you know it was available in Chiclana? There are a fewAvon representatives who work in and around Chicana, one of whom is Annelise Kristiansen, whodrops Avon books at various bars and ventas around the Los Gallos area. Avon is a simple and ef-fortless way of shopping for not only cosmetics and toiletries, but many other products, such as jew-ellery, underwear and perfumes, for men, women and children. Avon has a new brochure out eachmonth with new offers and products and is available from Annelise at the bars and restaurants men-tioned in advert below. Ask inside for the Avon books and order forms and place your order while youare having a drink at the bar! Take some time to browse through the catalogues, and even ask to takeone away with you. No need to hit the crowded shopping centres as your goods will be delivered within1 week (faster delivery available). With Valentine’s Day coming up on February 14th, and UKMother’s Day on March 14th, shopping for your favourite ladies couldn’t be easier!


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Janelle’s UK company provided a bespoke highquality embroidery service to small businesses andprivate clients. Now based in Cadiz, Janelle canoffer their services to you, whether you run a club orsports team, want a company badge or logo, or justneed that special personalised gift, Janelle can help.All designs are unique, working closely with youfrom start to finish createing your own design. Thecost is based on the artwork and the amount ofstitches in the finished design. Example an averagedesign (garment supplied by client) is about €25 forartwork and €10 per item embroidered. Email youridea to [email protected] or call 637 202 863.

NEW! PARENT & TODDLER GROUPThis is a spledid chance for toddlers (and their mothers or fathers) to socialise and play

with others for a few hours.Starting 6th February 2010 at the Lemon Tree 10.30 to 12.30 on the first andtthird Saturday of every month. Open to all parents and their children of pre-schoolage plus any would be mothers in the next 9 months! A great opportunity to meetother parents, share tips and perhaps offer babysitting services, or even get ababysitting register started.

Tea/Coffee/Bacon sandwiches available to buy

Organised by Nic Litchfield call 670 865 439 forfurther information.


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2010 Membership Drive:Financially 2009 was a pretty good year for ChiFRA, mainly due to your supportof our social events, our ever benevolent sponsors and also keeping the run-ning costs of the Association down to a minimum. Because of this achievementwe would like to thank you for your support by offering an extension of all exist-ing memberships by one year for free. Your next subscription fee will be due oneyear from the expiration date of your current subscription.

Additionally, ChiFRA is having a Membership Drive. It is important that when we talk to theAyuntamiento they know that we represent large numbers of Foreign Residents – People who canVote in local Elections. - Foreign Citizens who live here and want their basic needs and HumanRights to be taken seriously. People who care about and love the place where they have chosento live (except for a few unacceptable issues). - 100's of Pensioners who spend their hard earnedUK or foreign pensions here every month. - Families that have invested hundreds of thousandsof Euros from their life savings in purchasing a home and moving to Chiclana. - Foreign residentsthat want tointegrate with the local community. - People who want to be treated as equal citizens,and "not as tourists".

To this end we are proposing the following:- We would like to solicit your help in signing up newmembers for ChiFRA. You can help us by looking among your neighbours and friends andencouraging as many of them as you can to join. Everyone is important!

In 2010 for a limited time (2010 only), new members will be able to join ChiFRA for free. If theyjoin in January they will have the whole year free; join in June and get six months free^and soon. New members will be asked to start paying their normal membership fee as from January2011, for 2011 (in 2009 it was only 10€). Besides saving money on ChiFRA event tickets, mem-bership provides access to the membership section of the website, voting privileges, and accessto our special programs including Spanish language courses, special Social and Cultural Eventsand much more. Please help us find new members by logging on to www.chifra.org so that wecan grow even more in 2010 than we did in 2009.

New Committee Members:ChiFRA is a voluntary association and relies on its members to join in and participate by givingtheir valuable spare time and skills. To help with the planning, running and management of thecommittees and their sub groups. Because of this we are constantly looking for new and dynamicpeople who have some time on their hands, and skills we can utilize. At the moment we aresearching for people who have specific Language, Marketing or Accounting skills to join the maincommittee. If you would like to get involved then please send your resume of relevant experienceto [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!Thanks, Roger Alan Holmes ChiFRA President


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PET PAGETips on House Training Your New Puppy!It is well known these days that a dog is forlife, not just for Christmas, so if, like us, youare lucky enough to have acquired a newpuppy during the festive season, here are afew helpful hints on how to avoid little´parcels´ they might leave for you around thehouse!• Keep your puppy confined to a small play area atfirst if you cannot keep an eye on him/her, or whenyou are away from home. This area should have afloor that can be easily cleaned. • Ensure they have a comfortable bed, a bowl offresh water, plenty of hollow chew toys. The bestchew toys are strong and sterilised hollow toys. Youwill be teaching him to target his chewing at chewtoys and nothing else. • Create a toilet area at the furthest point from hisbed. • Try to always leave the house through the samedoor - the door you'd like your dog to scratch at tosignal his need to go out in the future.• Try to take your dog out at around the same timeseach day. A routine will eventually be established,and your dog will soon know to hold it in until youtake him out. • If your not yet housebroken dog is used toroaming freely around the house, look for clues thattell you he needs to go. Your dog may suddenly puthis nose down and sniff the ground intently. He maybegin to circle an area. Or, he may stare at the doorwith an intense look on his face. Signs like these tellyou to drop what you're doing and get that dog out ofthe house.• If you catch your dog doing his business inside(and only if you catch him - not after you discoverhe's already committed the crime), rush over andstop him by grasping his collar, pulling up on it, andsaying, "NO" in a deep, stern voice. Then take himoutside to let him finish up and praise him with patson the head or a pleasantly chirped, "Good Fido!"when he does. Please note; Don't say "Fido" if yourdog's name is Rex!!You should always try to take your puppy out at thefollowing times:• Immediately after the puppy wakes up • First thing in the morning • Last thing at night• A few minutes after eating • After playing • After any excitement (e.g. after visitors greet yourpuppy). Good Luck! Baywatch 2010

Donations for the KIMBA Dog and Cat Rescue Charity can now be dropped at

the LHD office at Los Gallos, next door toBrowns Bar.

Any of the following can be dropped here:•Cash donations

•Dog Food and Toys•Blankets

•Any other items that can be sold at thecar boot sale that can be sold to raise

money for KIMBA. All contributions will be gratefully

received. Thank You


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¡Consejos para Entrenar a Tu NuevoCachorro!

Ya se sabe que un perro es para toda la vida, nosólo para Navidad, por lo que si, comonosotros, has tenido la suerte de adquirir unnuevo cachorro durante estas fiestas, ¡aquí tepresentamos algunos útiles consejos para evi-tar las “sorpresas” que te puedan dejar por lacasa!• Al principio, mantén a tu cachorro dentro de unazona pequeña cerrada si no puedes estar pendi-ente de él/ella en todo momento, o cuando salgasde casa. Esta zona debe tener una superficie fácilde limpiar. • Asegúrate de que tienen una cama cómoda, uncacharro con agua limpia y muchos juguetes hue-cos para morder. Los mejores juguetes son losjuguetes huecos de materiales duros esterilizados.Con esto le enseñarás a que sacie sus ganas demorder con los juguetes y no con otras cosas. • Crea una zona donde pueda hacer sus necesi-dades lo más lejos posible de la cama. • Intenta salir siempre de casa por la misma puerta,que será la puerta que querrás que tu perro arañecomo señal futura de que necesita que lo saques.• Intenta sacar a tu perro a las mismas horas todoslos días. Al final se establecerá una rutina, y tu perroaprenderá a aguantar hasta que lo saques. • Si tu perro todavía no está entrenado y andalibremente por toda la casa, intenta darte cuenta delos signos que te indiquen que necesita hacer susnecesidades. Es posible que de pronto tu perroagache la cabeza y empiece a oler el suelo fija-mente. Puede que empiece a andar alrededor deun mismo punto. O es posible que se quede mi-rando a la puerta con una mirada intensa. Señalescomo éstas te indican que debes dejar lo que estáshaciendo y que necesitas sacar al perro.• Si coges a tu perro haciendo sus necesidadesdentro de casa (pero sólo si lo pillas, y nunca si de-scubres el delito después de que lo haya cometido),ve corriendo y páralo agarrándolo por el collar,apartándolo y diciendo “NO” con voz firme. En-tonces sácalo fuera para que termine y aprémialeacariciándole la cabeza o diciéndole con voz am-able, "Bien, Fido", cuando termine. ¡¡Ten en cuenta,que si el nombre de tu perro es “Rex” no lo vayas allamar “Fido”!!Siempre debes intentar sacar a tu perro en losmomentos que te presentamos a continuación:• Justo después de que el cachorro se despierte • Lo primero que debes hacer por la mañana• Lo último que debes hacer por la noche• Algunos minutos después de que coma• Después de jugar• Después de cualquier experiencia emocionante

Puedes dejar donaciones para KIMBA, Orga-nización Benéfica para el Rescate de Perros y

Gatos, en la oficina de LHD en Los Gallos,junto al bar Browns. Puedes donar lo

siguiente:•Dinero en metálico•Comida y Juguetes

•Mantas•Artículos que puedan venderse en el

mercadillo celebrado para recaudar dineropara KIMBA. Se agradecerá cualquier tipo

de contribución. Muchas gracias


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Foster home parents will be sup-plied with free food, litter (cats) andmedications, if needed. They need-n’t incur any expenses, just to pro-vide a roof and a safe place for ouranimals.

KIMBA staff will routinely pay follow-up visits to foster homes to makesure the welfare and needs of the animals are ensured. Under normalcircumstances, a typical fosterhome stay is 14-21 days. However,given the current situation, it couldbe a little longer.

If you would like to help and becomea foster home parent for KIMBA,please contact Ms Concha Santa-maría at 679-968900, or by emailto:

[email protected] Thank You!

Los responsables de las Casas deAcogida no tendrán que incurrir enningún gasto. KIMBA les suminis-trará la comida, arena (si songatos) y medicamentos en casoque los animales lo necesiten.Solo pedimos que le den un techoy un ambiente seguro a nuestrosanimales. En circunstancias nor-males, la estancia promedio enuna Casa de Acogida es de 15-21días. En las circunstanciasactuales, las estancias serán probablemente mas largas.

Los voluntarios de KIMBA visi-tarán con regularidad las Casasde Acogida para asegurarse quelos animales tengan sus necesi-dades cubiertas y discutircualquier problema que puedasurgir con su cuidado. Si quieresayudarnos y que tu hogar sea unaCasa de Acogida, llama por favora la Sra. Concha Santamaría alteléfono 679-968900. Tambiénpuedes enviarle a Concha un E-mail usando est dirección: refu-g i o k i m b a @ g m a i l . c o m .Nos pondremos en contacto con-tigo en menos de 24 horas.



We are approaching a very serioussituation in our shelter. Theunusually high number of dogs arriving in our facility and the relentless rainfalls are stretching ourresources beyond our operationallimits. We had to shut down thePharmacy Room (since the roof isabout to collapse) and the Lazaretto, thebuilding where we used to keepanimals recovering from surgery orwith special medical needs. Weurgently need to find foster homes

to help us, at least on a temporarybasis, save the lives of numerousdogs and cats abandoned in Chiclana. We also need blankets,old curtains, anything to keep ouranimals dry and warm in their kennels.


LLUVIOSONuestro querido refugio KIMBA seencuentra en una situaciónpreocupante. Desde hace más demedio año hemos estado acogiendoa una cantidad extraordinaria deperros abandonados en Chiclana,muchos más de los que podemosalbergar y alimentar. El problema seha vuelto crítico con las recienteslluvias caídas en nuestra ciudad.Algunas de nuestras instalacioneshan sufrido daños irreparables,entre ellos la Farmacia y elLazareto. El Lazareto es el edificiodonde solíamos albergar los ani-males enfermos y también aquellosque necesitan recuperarse despuésde las cirugías. El Lazareto podráser reconstruído, la Farmacia ten-drá que ser derruída, el techo estáa punto de hundirse en cualquiermomento. Necesitamos con urgen-cia Casas de Acogida para albergara todos estos animales abandona-dos. También necesitamos mantas,cortinas, cubrecamas, toallas viejas,cualquier cosa para que nuestrosanimales no pasen frío y semantengan secos.


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¡¡ NOTICIA DE ÚLTIMA HORA !! Otra Empresa cierra sus puertas en el centro de Chi-clana.O así habrá sido, si no fuese por la dedicacióndel equipo de Interlink España, quien han decididointentar adquirir la empresa con el nuevo nombre deLa Alternativa Internet y Telefonía de Comunica-ciones Empresa, “ALTERNATIVA”. Bajo el nombreempresarial de “ALTERNATIVA", no sólo suminis-trarán Internet y teléfono fijo, también suministrarán,“Servicios de Móviles de Hits”. La empresa másbarata en llamadas de toda España. También habráun sinfín de futuros servicios y cambios, les seguire-mos informando. Saludos cordiales, La Dirección.


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‘The Hammer’by Don Ross

Have you ever hammered a nail into a piece ofwood like this?Using a one-piece take away with your arm andthen breaking your wrist to complete your `back-swing` movement. Then start back to the nail bypulling the end of the hammer down then apply-ing the head, using your left hand when you areright handed.Never, why this would be a completely unnaturalmovement!

Would you not take the hammer in your righthand, start the movement by moving the ham-mer head and then allow your wrist to break atthe same time. On the way back down youwould start the ´down swing` with the hammerhead. So why in golf should we not motivateby moving the club head first with the righthand and not think of the futility of a one-piecetakeaway from the left shoulder, motivatingwith the left arm?

Follow the three practice tips and no matter your level of handicap your ball striking will improve. I guarantee this.Take the club grip in your right hand in the position that your right hand would be in if you were holdingthe grip with two hands. Place your left hand finger tips on your right arm and with-out moving your right arm move the club head away from the ball some six inches.When placing the right hand on the grip try inserting a wine cork in the positionwhere your left thumb would be. This allows you to hold the grip with the club inyour fingers and not your hand. This allows you to motivate the movement of the club head and not your arm. To return the club head to the ball feel that the club head weight starts the movement back to the ball and you will see that, at impact the right forearm is shortof the starting position, but the ball has gone.Now you have the activity in the part that matters in golf. The club head.Please always remember that your job in golf is to motivate by moving the partthat moves the ball. You don’t move the ball you move the club head that will move the ball.STEP 2ADDING THE LEFT HANDWith both hands on the grip repeat the same exercise with all of the motivation coming from the righthand. This means, backswing with right hand and downswing with right hand, follow through with nothing. NEXT EDITION: STEP 3 HOW TO HOLD THE GRIP, NOT ´GRIP´ THE GRIP!

Don Ross FeelGolf School is based atSherry Golf Club, Jerez.

See www.feelgolf.com for further details


Page 38: Baywatch February/March 2010

Agarre el palo con su mano derecha en la posición en la que estaría su mano derecha si agarrase elpalo con las dos manos. Posicione los dedos de la mano izquierda sobre su brazo derecho y, sinmover el brazo derecho, separe la cabeza del palo de la bola unos 15cm. Cuando coja el palo con sumano derecha intente insertar un corcho de vino en el sitio donde estaría su pulgarizquierdo. Esto le ayuda a coger el palo con sus dedos y no con la palma de lamano; y además le permite iniciar el movimiento de la cabeza del palo y no delbrazo derecho.Para volver con el palo hacia la bola debe sentir que el peso de la cabeza del paloes la que inicia el movimiento y verá que, en el impacto, su antebrazo derecho sequeda un poco corto de la posición inicial, pero la bola ha salido volando. Con estoha conseguido mover la parte fundamental del golf: la cabeza del palo.Recuerde siempre que lo que realmente importa en el golf es mover aquello queluego hará que la bola salga volando. Usted no mueve la bola, sino que mueve lacabeza del palo que hace mover la bola.Paso 2.AÑADIENDO LA MANO IZQUIERDACon ambas manos cogiendo el palo repita el ejercicio anterior de separar la cabeza del palo de labola motivado por la mano derecha. En otras palabras, suba el palo con su mano derecha y baje elpalo hacia la bola tambien con la mano derecha; y el follow through da igual como lo haga porque la

‘El Martillo’ by Don Ross ¿Ha intentado alguna vez clavar un clavo en unamadera de esta forma?Levantando el martillo de manera rígida y despuesdoblando las muñecas hasta completar el back-swing. Luego, volviendo hacia el clavo tirando delpuño del martillo y enderezando la muñeca ha-ciendo que se mueva la cabeza del martillo; y todoesto con la mano izquierda cuando en realidad esusted diestro. ¡Nunca! Porque sería un movimiento completa-mente anti-natural.La manera en que usted lo haría sería cogiendo elmartillo con su mano ; empezar el movimiento

con la cabeza del martillo hacia atrás dejandoque su muñeca se doble al mismo tiempo. Alvolver hacia el clavo, movemos tambien lacabeza del martillo con la muñeca.

Entonces ¿por qué en el golf no movemosprimero la cabeza del palo con la mano derechay en lugar de un movimiento rígido motivado porel movimiento del hombro izquierdo y la manoizquierda? Siga estos tres consejos de práctica yno importará el nivel de juego que tenga, que legarantizo que su contacto con la bola mejoraránotablemente.

Don Ross FeelGolf School is based atSherry Golf Club, Jerez.

See www.feelgolf.com for further details


Page 39: Baywatch February/March 2010


Logic Tales..thinking outside the box....Making Music.Mr Lizt gives lessons to 5 talented musicians. He teaches from Monday to Friday and spends a day witheach musician. All the students play different instuments. Tuesday is the day the flautist has his les-son. Sally plays the piano and does not have her lesson on Monday or Friday. Will´s lesson is later inthe week than Tom´s, while Val, who is not a guitarist, has her lesson before eithe rof them. Theclarinet player has his lesson the day before Roy. Roy is not the musician who plays the violin.Which musician plays which instrument and on what days of the week are their lessons?

Solutions on Page 51

Baywatch Puzzle PageWake up those Brain cells with our Birds and Animals Themed Crossword and try you

logic skills with our New Logic Tales Test!

Page 40: Baywatch February/March 2010


Page 41: Baywatch February/March 2010

It seems that February is the Month for Carnivals on the Costa de la Luz, so check outwhats on where and take your pick!

Monday 8th-17th February Carnival in VEJER DE LA FRONTERA

Thursday 11th February The festival of the Virgen de Lourdes in PUERTO REAL

12th-21st February CARNIVAL IN CADIZ; local event of the year, where all the locals dress up andjoin the street performers. For more information see centre pages of Baywatch.

12th to 20th February Carnival in Jerez Typical Carnival style satirical songs performed by‘chirigota’ groups, as well as the opening ‘pregón’ speech, choosing the carnival queen and the procession.

Saturday 13th February Valentine´s Day Special at The Lemon Tree. Four course Candle-lit dinnerwith a glass of wine for 15€ per head. A rose for the lady and soft backgroud music to complete the ro-mantic atmosphere. Bookings taken from7.30pm -10pm, to reserve a table call 956 536 607

Sunday 14th February Valentine´s Day Special at La Patria Restaurant. Special four course dinner atLa Patria, in the peaecful setting of La Muela. 24€ per person. Call to reserve a table 956 448 463

Sunday 14th February Romería de San Sebastián in Conil. Procession to carry the patron saint ofConil from the town to the Pinar de El Colorado.

Monday 15th February- 1st March. Carnaval in PUERTO REAL

16th February – 21st March Sunshine Tour Horse Riding and Dressage Show (See Page 45 of thisissue for details). Centro Hípico Montenmedio, Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz, Tel. +34 956438300. Formoreinformation see [email protected] http://www.sunshinetour.net/ Horse-riding. competitionsJumping from 16th Feb to 21st March, Dressage from 2nd to 21st March

Saturday 20th February-1st March Carnival in MEDINA SIDONIA

Sunday 21st February-1st March SAN FERNANDO Island Carnival (CARNAVAL ISLEÑO)

21st February-1st March Carnival in CONIL DE LA FRONTERA . Typical Carnival athmosphere wheremasquerades and singing dominate the days and the nights. Many performances to be seen: electionof the king and queen of Carnival, and several groups singing their satirical verses.

Tuesday 23rd February-1st March. Carnival in EL PUERTO DE SANTA MARÍA

Friday 26th Feb-13th March 12th flamenco festival of JEREZ de la Frontera, Teatro VillamartaFlamenco and Spanish dance shows and courses (for more information see www.villamarta.com andwww.festivaldejerez.es ) Plaza Romero Martínez S/N +34 956 350 273

Wednesday 11th March Michael Nyman solo piano at Teatro Moderno Chiclana, Cadiz, Spain for moreinformation, please see http://www.michaelnyman.com/info/calendar/category/music

Wednesday 11th & 13th March Gibraltar Stage Dance Festival 2010 The event takes place at theJohn Mackintosh Hall Theatre. The international Festival will feature dancers from Gibraltar, Italy andSpain.

Baywatch Highlights What´s On In and Around Cadiz February/March 2010


Page 42: Baywatch February/March 2010

Over 70 ladies dressed in their glad-rags andfull of Christmas spirit congregated (along with afew gentlemen who were brave enough to accompany them!) for a very pleasant fourcourse meal and with drinks included.

It was splendidly organised by the BreakfastClub Committee, (Marie Brown, Chair andmembers Sue Clark, Pam Gallagher, JoanGrant, Sue Martin and Jenny Neesom).

The meal was followed by a classic Christmaspantomime. It was a cleverly adapted but sim-ple version of Cinderella, comically and excel-lently performed by some of the committeemembers. After the panto came the dancing,lead gracefully by Marie, who instructed us inthe Gay Gordons and The Valeta and finishingwith a high spirited Barn Dance.

Details of the Chiclana Women’s Breakfast Club Meetings and their forthcomingoutings, can be found on the Community News pages of this magazine.

Narrator: Jenny NeesomCinderella: Marie BrownUgly Sister: Pam GallagherHandsome Prince:Sue ClarkFairy Godmother: Joan Grant

A delightful and entertaining Christmas

lunch was had by all at thePico de Oro celebrationrooms in the centre of

Chiclana on Monday 7th December 2009

Then came the obligatory post dinner game,organised by Julia Wood, which involvedlocating various random objects from aroundthe room, including a pair of men’s under-pants (which proved somewhat challenginggiven the 90% of women in the room,needless to say, the waiter did a runner!).

However, not to be defeated, the womenfound the item with thanks to Don Gallagherwho was a very good sport on the day! It issafe to say a wonderful time was had by alland we thank the Women’s Breakfast Clubcommittee for organising such a great afternoon!

Happy New Year to you all! Baywatch 2010

Chiclana Women’s Breakfast Club Christmas Lunch42

Page 43: Baywatch February/March 2010

To advertise or not to advertise? That is the question...

Don’t allow your business to underachieve in 2010, let our Marketing Consultant dispel some ofthe myths and misconceptions regarding this delicate financial matter.

1. “ The Credit Crunch” I accept that there are a great many financial issues throughout the World right now and that customerexpenditure is less than it has been in recent years, however, people are still spending! Therefore it is critically important that if,as a business owner, you wish to attract these people to you thenyou absolutely need to advertise to make them aware of your presence. In the UK right now many businesses are offering ahuge range of incentives to get customers through their doorsbecause they know that they are likely to make secondary purchases as well as what they originally went in for. The oldadage goes: ‘It is better to have a little of something than all of nothing! ‘

2. “Business is quiet therefore I can’t afford to advertise” This seems like a sound, logical statement but in the marketing world this is a statement that conflicts itself, a true oxymoron.Your level of custom is unlikely to increase if you use this business approach beacause it meansyou are leaving everything to chance and your cash flow can simply not run on luck alone. Witha bit of pro-active thinking you can do your best to turn this situation around. If an advert only gen-erates one extra customer each month you will still have more than covered the advertising costand improved the cashflow. It is important to continue to advertise to keep your business knownin the public domain as you will dramatically improve the chances of potential customers findingyou and subsequently coming back to you.

3. “I tried ONE advert and it did not produce any results” Again, at first glance, this appearsto be make sense but if you think about how and when customers buy your product/service youmay find that you have left your results to chance. Potential customers will buy when they needor want something and it could very well be that, during the period of your advertisement, theydid not need or want what you have to offer. Advertising will not always be a quick fix as it de-pends hugely on what you are offering e.g. a dentist will only be visited when required, a cardshop will only be visited when an occasion is coming up. Therefore you need to make sure yourpotential customers are aware of you in readiness for that time when they do want your productor service.

4. “I am so busy that i do not want/need any more customers right now ” It is hard to dis-agree with this logic but as mentioned previously advertising may not always produce immedi-ate results and in this scenario you should definitely be looking at business from a longer termviewpoint. A period of comparative quiet almost always occurs after a busy time (especially if yourbusiness is seasonal) and it is this quiet period that you should try to minimise. The reason thisis so important is to help protect your cashflow. Predicting your cashflow over the whole year be-comes much easier if the peaks and troughs of busy and quiet periods can be smoothed outtherefore keep your advertising going to help combat the lull when the rush has passed.

Summary The key mantra with any advertising is to research the right media for your business marketing, make sure that as many people are aware of your business as possible and keep yourname in the public domain throughout the year whether you are busy or quiet as the rewards arelikely to far outweigh the costs. Baywatch 2010


Page 44: Baywatch February/March 2010

¿Anunciarse o no anunciarse? Esa es la cuestiónY

Consiga que su negocio rinda como debe en 2010; permita que nuestro Asesor independiente deMarketing, procedente del Reino Unido, disipe algunos de los mitos y malentendidos relacionados conla delicada situación financiera en la que vivimos.

1. “La Crisis Crediticia”. Reconozco que, en estos momentos, existen problemas financieros encualquier arte del mundo y que el gasto de cliente es inferior en comparación con años anteriores; sinembargo, ¡la gente sigue gastando! Por ello es fundamental que si usted, como empresario, deseaatraer a estos clientes hacia su negocio necesita anunciarse para darse a conocer. En estos momentos, en el Reino Unido, muchos negocios ofrecen un inmenso abanico de incentivos para atraerclientes, ya que saben que es probable que dichos clientes se lleven algo más de lo que en principiofueron a comprar, y como dice el refrán: “Es mejor un poco de algo, ¡que todo de nada!"

2. “Hay muy poca actividad comercial, así que no puedo permitirme un anuncio”. Parece una afirmación sólida y lógica, pero en el mundo del marketing esta afirmación se contradice a si misma,de hecho es un oxímoron. Por culpa de esta mentalidad, su clientela no aumentará ya que usted lo estádejando todo en manos del azar y el flujo de caja no se alimenta únicamente de suerte. Con un pen-samiento proactivo usted puede hacer todo lo posible para cambiar esta situación. Incluso si un anun-cio sólo le proporciona un cliente adicional al mes, tendrá dinero más que suficiente para cubrir loscostes publicitarios y mejorar el flujo de caja. Es importante seguir anunciándose para que la gente sigaconociendo su negocio ya que aumentará dramáticamente la posibilidad de que algún posible clienteencuentre su negocio y vuelva una y otra vez en el futuro.

3. “Probé con UN anuncio y no obtuve ningún resultado”. Una vez más, a primera vista, esta afirmación parece tener sentido pero si analizamos cómo y cuándo adquieren los clientes sus productos/servicios se dará cuenta de que ha dejado los resultados en manos del azar. Los clientescompran cuando necesitan o quieren algo y es posible que durante el periodo en el que usted se anun-ció, no necesitaran o quisieran los productos/servicios que usted ofrece. Los anuncios no seránsiempre la solución mágica a sus problemas ya que dependen en gran medida del producto/servicioque usted ofrece; por ejemplo, la gente sólo va al dentista cuando es necesario, o a una tienda detarjetas para felicitaciones cuando se avecina una ocasión especial. Por ello es necesario asegurarse de que los posibles clientes son conscientes de su disponibilidad para cuando necesitensus productos o servicios.

4. “Tengo tanto trabajo que no deseo/necesito más clientes en estos momentos.” Es difícil noestar de acuerdo con esta afirmación, ¡pero voy a hacerlo de todos modos! Como dijimos antes, es posible que los anuncios no produzcan siempre resultados inmediatos, y en este contexto deberíaestudiar su negocio desde un punto de vista más a largo plazo. Los periodos de cierta calma casi

siempre vienen después de periodos de mucha actividad (especialmente si usted tiene un negocio detemporada) y es aquí donde debe centrarse, en intentar minimizar estos periodos de calma. El motivode su importancia es ayudar a proteger su flujo de caja. Predecir su flujo de caja durante todo el añose convierte en una tarea mucho más sencilla si se pueden suavizar los picos y los puntos bajos delos periodos de ajetreo y de calma, manteniendo, por tanto, su publicidad en funcionamiento para ayu-dar a combatir la calma que llega una vez que las prisas se han ido.

En resumen: La clave de la publicidad es buscar el medio correcto para realizar las campañas de marketing de su negocio; asegúrese de que su negocio es conocido por tanta gente como sea posible y que su marca es parte del dominio público durante todo el año, ya sea durante periodos deajetreo o de clama porque, probablemente, los beneficios superarán con creces los costes.

Baywatch 2010


Page 45: Baywatch February/March 2010

The Sunshine Tour is a huge annual competition for horses and theirowners to compete in events such as show jumping and dressage. It isa spectacular show and if you are into horses it is well worth a trip toVejer. There are also other events that make up the Sunshine Tour, the mostpopular of which are briefly explained here.

Show Jumping is one of the most spectated events and involves the horseand rider jumping a series of obstacles in pre-determined order. The riders arejudged on the ability of the horse to jump the fences and also the synchronic-ity shown by the team throughout the course. Another popular event is Dres-sage, which is one of the main disciplines that forms horse riding. It is a wayof training a horse whilst maintaining harmony and balance in all activities.There is also an Endurance competition which tests both the physical andmental ability of the horse and rider team, since both must cross a great dis-tances in one day, through difficult terrain in a race against time. Driving a horse and cart is another skill test for both horse and rider. Thisinvolves careful handing of the horses attached to a vehicle through anotherdifficult course. The course can be attempted with either 2 or 4 horses pullingthe cart. Finally there is the Complete Contest for horses and riders, whichis a combination of 3 disciplines, over 3 days, and includes dressage, crosscountry riding and show jumping. An intense competion, but exciting too!For more information please see the What’s On Guide in this magazine.

El Salto, es una disciplina dentro de la equitación que consiste en unacontecimiento sincronizado juzgado en la capacidad del caballo y del jinetede saltar sobre una serie de obstáculos, en un orden dado. Esta disciplina esuna de las más populares de los deportes ecuestres y la más usada por lojinetes de hoy en día. Tambien es Doma Clasica, consiste en el entrenamientode un caballo por medio del cual el jinete consigue que éste realice todas susórdenes con armonía, equilibrio y actividad. Su propósito fundamental es desarrollar, con métodos de entrenamientoprogresivos, la capacidad y la buena voluntad atlética de un caballo.Resistencia, el raid es una disciplina ecuestre en la cual se pone a prueba lavelocidad, habilidad y la resistencia física y psicológica de caballo y jinete, yaque ambos deben recorrer grandes distancias en un día, a través de los másdiversos terrenos y contra el tiempo. Enganches es una disciplina de laequitación, consiste en el manejo de un tiro de caballos enganchados a uncarruaje, sobre el cual los conductores tienen que demostrar la pericia en laconducción. El tiro de caballos puede estar formado por un caballo (Limonera), dos(Tronco) o cuatro (Cuartas). Y finalmente El Concurso Completo de equitación,es una combinación de tres disciplinas ecuestres, realizadas en tres días con-secutivos, que abarca doma, cross-country y salto. ¡Una competición emo-cionante!

For more information see the website at www.sunshinetour.net/en/index.html


Page 46: Baywatch February/March 2010

Sat 1pm-4pm& 8pm-11pmSundays andBank Holidays


BBaayywwaattcchh RReessttaauurraanntt GGuuiiddee

A breif description of your favourite Chiclana restaurant plus check out anyspecial deals they may have to offer!

Restaurant Description Opening Hours

La CazuelaLos Duques

On the road towards Conil, opposite Hostal Berpi. Chef from theCanairies serves typical Canarian food, pleasant atmosphere.Average 3 course meal €20-25 with wine, menu del dia €9.90.Free brandy or liquor after your meal with this copy ofBaywatch! Tel: 637 564 202



Price Per Head Above €20

International cuisine, idyllic peaceful surroundings and good qualityfood. Average 3 courses €30 including wine. Varied A la Carte menu.Monthly 3 course special €22 (wine not inc) Only fresh produce used.Children’s portions and extensive wine list available, with traditionalsherries from the region. Tel 956 448 463Dr Pedro Velez road, by the Oxford college, Chiclana centre.International cuisine, diverse menu, steaks a house speciality.Average 3 course meal €30 including wine. Booking for weekendessential. Free drink after your meal with this Baywatch! Tel: 956 538 084

Openevenings and


MondaysIl Bacio

CommercialCtr, Novo


talian Bistro. Modern Italian Cuisine with a fusion flare. First floor,commercial centre Novo Sancti Petri, English spoken, €20-25 foraverage 3 course meal with wine. Ask about private parties andcustom menus. 10% off your entree dish with this Baywatch!For reservations call 956 495 189 or 669 448 754

Open 7 daysa week8pm-


The HotelSindhura

(La Muela)

Old coast road N-340 towards Algeciras) and take exit for La Muela.Creative Mediterranean and Asian style menu. Average 3 coursemeal €25 without wine. Weekend lunch 3 course specials at €19 without wine. Views overlooking the countryside of La Muela & Vejer.English spoken. Tel: 956 448 568

Great British and International menu, friendly atmosphere, with dailymenu specials. Fish n chips Mon €6 only, Pie Night every Thurs €6only. Sunday lunch €12.50. Typical 3 course meal €15. Englishbreakfast served between 10am-2pm. Prices do not include drinks.No need to book. Tel: 956 536 60

Mon-Sat 10am-2pm &

5pm-lateSun 2pm-late

Open 7 nightsa week

for dinner.Lunch at


The LemonTree


Price Per Head Below €20

Casa Blas(Venta


The WokChiclana

Central Pago del Humo. Well presented, good varied venta menu,specialises in local meat dishes. Congenial atmosphere, good mixof English and Spanish. Average 3 course meal with wine €15-20,menu del dia, (Mon to Fri) €7.50 with a drink. Tel: 956 239 019 or 627418 418 Avda de Los Descubrimentos, Central Chiclana. All you can eatchinese buffet. Good value. Wide range of raw meat, fish and veg-etables, cooked to your liking, plus range of sauces. €10.95 adultslunch(€5.50 children) and evening €12.95 adults (€5.50children) Freeafter dinner drink with Baywatch! Tel: 956 533 371

Open everyday


Open All DayEveryday


La Patria(near LaMuela)

Los CandilesCentral


Page 47: Baywatch February/March 2010

DescriptionPrice Per Head Below €20...continued

Restaurant Opening HoursRincon



Conveniently placed in new market complex, owned and run byCanarian chef Benny and his wife. English spoken. Traditional Ca-narian food, menu del dia only €5 for 3 courses plus bread and a drink.Freshly cooked English breakfast served daily only €3.50

Tel: 956 532 843

Open allday Every-


To enter your restaurant in this guide please email: [email protected]


Page 48: Baywatch February/March 2010


Page 49: Baywatch February/March 2010

COMMUNITY NEWSCalling all Communities, in the bay of Cadiz and surrounding areas, from Chipiona to Barbate,Jerez to Gibraltar, if you have any community events you would like to advertise, orannouncements you would like us to make, please call Baywatch on 856 101 803 or 697 552 936or email us with the details at [email protected] and we will happily broadcast them

CHILANA WOMEN´S BREAKFAST CLUB Next meeting for breakfast at The Lemon Tree on Monday1st February at 10.00. Guest speaker British GP Dr Kate Walsh talks on Women´s Health. Call MarieBrown on 956 534 443 or Sue Clark on 956 403 498 to book your breakfast.

PARENT & TODDLER GROUP Starting 6th February 2010 at the Lemon Tree 10.30 to 12.30 on thefirst and third Saturday of every month. Open to all children of pre-school age and their parents plusany would be mothers in the next 9 months! Organised by Nic Litchfield call 670 865 439 for further in-formation or see the advert in this issue of Baywatch.

CHARITY VALENTINE’S PARTY on Saturday 6th February 2010 at the Azahar Costa. Dance andbuffet dinner. Live music from Los Intocables & Kris Cody. Entrance €25 per person All proceeds toAECC (Chiclana’s charity in aid of cancer sufferers) and the Parkinson’s Association for the Cadiz area.Tickets available from Carol - 630 928 644 and The Posthouse, Los Gallos.

KEEP FIT PLAY NETBALL! Chiclana local newly organised Ladies Netball Team currently have 17ladies who meet on a Sunday morning at 11 until 12.30 at Millagrosa (a house near the garden centrenext to Venta Florin in Chiclana). Subs 2€. Any age, any ability! Just a lot of fun and giggling. Call Lisa on 697 354 130 for further details.

KEEP FIT PLAY TENNIS! Players meet at 11am – 1pm every Sunday morning at the Matchpoint Ten-nis Courts, Novo Sancti Petri. New players always welcome - all levels and abilities. Call Suzanne on664 410 719 for further information

QUIZ NIGHTS every other Monday at Casa Alphonso, Rana Verde Camping, Chiclana. February dates8th & 22nd and 8th & 22nd March. Good fun, cash prizes and raffle. Reasonably priced drinks andfood available.

CHICLANA WOMEN´S BREAKFAST CLUB Outing to La Canada, shopping centre near Marbella, onFriday 12th February 2010 12€ per person. Call Marie Brown on 956 534 443 or Sue Clark 956 403

498 if you are interested on a day out shopping with the girls!

CHARITY EVENT in aid of Animales Viento and KIMBA to be held on Saturday 20th February atCasa Blas (Venta Sorpressa) Pago del Humo. An evening of music, drinks and dancing. Entertainmentprovided by Kris Cody and guest singers. Raffle (please contact Helen 666 208 741 to donate prizesprior to the night - all gratefully accepted) 9pm until midnight. Donation of 2.50€ per person requestedon the night.

A LITTLE BIRD tells us that there are plans afoot to make the C-BAY FORUM the number oneplace to visit for a chat and news about the area. Monthly give-aways, loyalty prizes and more.Take a look. www.c-bay.es Continued...

ANNOUNCEMENTCongratulations to Nic and Steve Litchfield.A son, Luca Oliver LitchfieldParrington, a welcome baby brother for Isaac. Luca was born at 5.45am (evidentially an earlystarter like his dad, English butcher Steve) on 21st September 2009 at Puerto Real Hospital andweighed in at a mighty 3.85kg (8lb7oz). ANNOUNCEMENT And a little earlier than expected, Sophie Frances Brown arrived on 14thDecember 2009 at 6.30pm weighing in at a genteel 1.915kg (4.3lb). Congratulations to proudparents Sarah and Julian of Brown’s Bar, Los Gallos.


Page 50: Baywatch February/March 2010


MOTHER´S DAY SUNDAY LUNCH (UK) Sunday 14th March 2010 at the Pico de Oro celebra-tions rooms, Chiclana centre. 15€ per head including drinks.MAY DAY MAY DAY DANCE Friday 21st May 2010. Fun evening at the Pico de Oro Celebrationsrooms, Chiclana Centre. ANNUAL DANCE Friday 5th November 2010, at the Azahar CostaCHRISTMAS BAZAAR Sunday 5th December 2010, at the Azahar CostaFor more information on all these events and to book your places, see the ChiFRA website




CHARITY VALENTINE’S PARTY on Saturday 6th February 2010 at the Azahar Costa. Dance andbuffet dinner. See information on previousl page for details

THANK YOUOn Sunday 20th December 2009 715€ was raised at the Christmas Concert for the AECC(Chiclana´s charity in aid of cancer sufferers). Many thanks to all concerned - Azahar Costa, ElCoro de la Familiar, Polifonico Sancti Petri, La Banda Municipal de Chiclana and El Conserva-torio de Chiclana, from Carol Beven, organiser and all at the AECC.

Muchas gracias a Azahar Costa, El Coro de la Familiar, Polifonico Sancti Petri, La BandaMunicipal de Chiclana y El Conservatorio de Chiclana para sus colaboracion con el concierto denavidad -20 Diciembre 2009. Recaudamos 715€ para AECC (asociacion contra el cancer)Chiclana.

Page 51: Baywatch February/March 2010

Puzzle Page SolutionsSee How Many You Got Right....

Logic Tales Making Music Monday = Val, Violin. Tuesday = Tom,flute. Wednesday = Sally, piano.Thursday = Will, clarinet. Friday = Roy,guitar.Full Solution:The clarinet and flute players are bothmale (“his´lesson”). As Will plays laterin the week than Tom, Will must be theclarinet player, leaving Roy to play theday after him, leaving them both toplay on Thursday and Friday. Due tothis, Sally must play the piano onWednesday, as she cannot play anyother day. Val plays before either Tomor Will, so she must play on Monday,leaving Tom to play the flute on Tues-day. As Val does not play the guitar,she must play the only other instru-ment, the violin, leaving Roy to playthe guitar.

To Adverttise in the Baywatch Magazine or Online at www.baywatchonline.org pleasecall us on 856 101 803 or 697 552 936 or email us [email protected]


Page 52: Baywatch February/March 2010
