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The Beacon January-October 20112

The Beacon

News Editors

Emmilou TarifeNorjan Rey A. Rivero

Jasmin B. Galos

Feature EditorRey Cabug-os

Layout Artist Norjan Rey A. Rivero

ContributorsGesille Karen E. Bucarille


Ailee Consuegra

ConsultantRossana S. Bautista

contentsThe Beacon

No part of this issue shall be reprinted or photo-copied unless permitted by the Board.

The Beacon reserves all the rights to accept, publish or reject articles based on its established standards. The Beacon is the official publication of Surigao Education Center - College Depart-ment. We accept articles photographs and other contributions for publishing. Its office is situ-ated at the MIS office, 2nd floor Bldg. 5.

Editorial Board

The Beacon heartily acknowledges the following:

Basilisa Ortega, Chair -Academic ReviewLesley Karen Penera, Gen. Ed.Glenda Labadan, Gen. Ed.Catherine Wong, MIS in chargePhilippine Information Agency Caraga (PIA)

4 Intramural Games 2011

4 BSA Students Celebrates JPIA Days

5 Razona donates a Digital Alcohol Breathalyzer

5 Teambuilding and Ecological exposures unite Mathsci Party

5 Teacher’s Day Celebration

5 Calunsag speaks on Trafficking Awareness

6 SSC organizes Leadership Orientation Seminar

6 SEC Maritime cadets join the National Disaster Conciousness Month Celebration

7 Selebrasyon ng Buwan ng Wika

7 SECians passed the TESDA Assesment

SEC as one of Surigao’s Best

8-9 Photo Gallery

10 Art of Success

11 International Day of Peace

12 The Achievers- 2011 Board Examination Passers

13 Literary Pieces



Cover Story

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January-October 2011 3

The Beacon

Cover Story

SEC as One of Surigao’s Best

Considering the commitment, enthusiasm and effort to achieve insti-tutional goals, the stakeholders for quality education of SEC were elated when the institution they served garnered the prestigious Rotary Outstand-ing Surigaonon Award (ROSA) for institution category. The long-term posi-tive contribution of SEC to the development of the community and the Su-rigaonon in the field of education is a living witness that has the big margin in getting the award. No shocks! Three decades and four years ago, SEC was able to expand the value offering of the school from the course on Midwifery to 24 programs in vari-ous disciplines. Just recently, SEC- Maritime Training Center was granted full recognition by the Maritime Training Council of the Philippines. Today, SEC is the only Maritime Training Center that offers access to cheap and qualityupgrading courses to seafarers in the region and in Mindanao. This latest feat is a testament of Dr. Bienvenido Alex Bautista and Mr. Herbert Bautista’s commitment to serve in Caraga Region and in the whole Mind-anao. With the increasing demand for quality education, SEC has proven time and again that it is a resilient and strong institution having been recon-firmed with the ISO certification since year 2000 up to the present. SEC holds firmly to its vision to produce graduates possessing the skills and the character to become competent, effective and globally competitive professionals in the future and this will be a lifetime legacy of the school in the field of education and community service. This gift to serve spring from the heart of the school president , selfless visionary, Dr.Bienvenido Alex K. Bautista. Onward SEC! We are proud of you as one of the Surigao’s best.

Basilisa Ortega, Chair -Academic Review

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The Beacon January-October 20114

Campus News

The Junior Philippine Insti-tute of Accountants, SEC Chapter held its JPIA

Days Celebration last February 17-19, 2011 at SEC Campus and Laurente Bldg., Borromeo St., Surigao City. The said event

took place in order to carry out the annual celebration of the JPIA as a National Club of the Philippines. The JPIA officers of 2011-2012 spearheaded vari-ous activities organized to develop the talents and skills of BSA students and to build up camaraderie among students. Such

activities included mass dance competition, chorale singing

and quiz bowl. The over-all Champion of the different activities is the Batch Trademark(First year), followed by the Batch Asso-ciates( Fourth year), Batch Assets(Third Year), and Batch Cash(Second Year) as the 1st runner up. The celebration culmi-nated with a JPIA Night held at the Laurente Bldg. It high-lighted the senior’s bequeathal of responsibilities to the juniors followed by a formal dance contest. Engr. Nilo H. Calomot served as the guest speaker of the night.

By: Norjan Rey A. Rivero

BSA Students Celebrate JPIA Days

The Seniors and the Ju-niors during the Bequethal Ceremony.

Intramural Games 2011and 32nd Founder’s Day By: Jasmin B. Galos

Surigao Education Center cele-brated its 32nd Founder’s Day as well as its 2011 Intramural

Games last February 2-5, 2011 held at SEC Campus and City Gymnasi-um. The said events which were par-ticipated by all of the students and the faculty members of the school were jointly held to build up students’ unity, sportsmanship, academic excellence and to give tribute to the school’s founders. Indeed, after all the hard work and efforts of all the participants, the College of Allied Medical Sciences - Pythons made it to the top being the over all Champion, followed by the College of Business Education- Grif-fins, third was the College of MAri-time Srudies and its partner Midwife-ry- Dolphins, fourth was the Collge of

Engineering and Architecture- Az-kals, and fifth was the College of Information Technology- D’bug.

The most highlighted part of this celebration was the 32nd Founder’s Day. The beginning of this institution was established 32 years ago by Dr. Corazon P. Kaimo-Bautista and Capt. Isa-gani D. R. Bautista Sr. Before it became SEC, it was then named Surigao Medical Center School for Midwifery(SMCSM) in partner-ship with its base hospital-Surigao Medical Center. The jointly held activities were concluded with the award-ing ceremony and tribute to the founders.

The ASSETS on their mass dance presentation.

Above: The Secians partipat-ing in different events of the Intramural Games.

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January-October 2011 5

The Beacon

Campus NewsRazona donates a Digital Breathalyzer to PNP Surigao

Fourth Class Marine Engr. Jonelito Razona, an alumnus Batch 2008, donates a Digi-

tal Alcohol Breathalyzer to PNP Su-rigao last July 25, 2011 at Surigao City Police District. The said breath-alyzer was received by PNP Chief PSupt. Alfonso G. Pagkaliwagan Jr. The digital breathalyzer de-tects a person whether he or she is under the influence of alcohol. This device will greatly help our po-lice officers to easily identify motor-ists who are drunk during driving. If they are caught positive, they are not allowed to drive in order to pre-vent street accidents. Violence and threats in social gatherings may also be reduced by identifying per-sons under the influence of alcohol. Razona worked abroad as a Marine Engineer under Mag-saysay Shipping Agency, Phil-ippines. And last July, he came back with this breathalyzer. A SECian is truly competi-tive abroad and is concerned for the betterment of his hometown.

Razona as he give the digital alcohol breathalyzer to PSupt. Alfonso Pagkaliwa-ganPNP Chief of Surigao.

By: Norjan Rey A. Rivero

teambuilding and ecological exposures unite mathsci party

The Math and Science Club (MathSci club) of SEC con-ducted a teambuilding and

ecological exposures for its Math-Sci officers and active members along with its MathSci instructors on August 20, 2011 at Sitio Panu-bigon, Lipata, Surigao City. The said teambuilding and ecological exposures activi-ties aimed to promote strong ca-maraderie, skill and cooperation among its members and advis-ers, further it developed students’ concerns on environmental issues thus realizing the importance of preserving and conserving nature. Together with MathSci ad-visers [Mr. Christopher Arguelles, SEC Quality Management Rep-resentative ( QMR), Mrs. Lovella Cagata- Condeza, SEC Research Planning and Development officer, Ms. Glenda Labadan ( GenEd Fac-ulty), Mr. Jenny Cano and Mr. Arnel Mensurado( both College Math in-structors)], the active members and club officers boarded on two rented pump boats which were used to roam freely, sightseeing the God-given magnificent beauty and pic-turesque neighboring coastal areas,

aquatic life sanctuaries, mangrove ecosystem of Sitio Panubigon and the historic Sabang River. “Indeed, it was really an awesome experi-ence to be part of that once in a life-time activity”, uttered by Cdt. Sher-wen Seda. Truly, our community is blessed with rich and diverse flora and fauna but its inhabitants are less aware of their salient role in maintaining the balance of nature.

By: Emmilou Tarife

The Maritime students on their teambuilding and ecological expo-sure activity.

Calunsag Speaks on Human Trafficking and Anti-Illegal Recruitment AwarenessBy: Norjan Rey A. Rivero

The Guidance Office in coordination with the Peer Facilitator officers conduct-

ed a symposium on Human Traf-ficking and Anti-Illegal Recruitment Awareness last September 1, 2011 held at 3rd floor AVR SEC. The event was participated by graduating students and faculty members from different depart-ments. This was organized in order for us to be alert and aware of the pos-sible recruitment and deception that may threaten our future, especially nowadays that hundreds of people are victims of human trafficking.

Ms. Zenaida Calunsag, a Coordinator of Visayan Forum Foundation discussed the RA 9208 or Trafficking on Persons Act. She said that most trafficked victims are minors and students from Visayas and Mindanao. They come to urban centers in order to avail of economic and educational opportunities. And traffickers are taking advantage of the vulnerability of the victim. Hu-man trafficking refers to recruitment transfer of persons by means of threat or use of force, fraud, decep-tion and abuse of power to use them in an exploitative and abusive em-ployment, Ms. Calunsag concluded.

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The Beacon January-October 20116

Campus NewsSSC organizes Leadership Orientation SeminarBy: Emmilou Tarife

Last July, 31, 2011, the Supreme Student Council (SSC) of Surigao Education Center( SEC) headed by Mrs. Virginia C. Ma, con-

ducted a Leadership Orientation Seminar with the theme “ Enhancing Competence and Building Dy-namics Leaders”. The aforementioned seminar was participat-ed by six College Departments Officers and 9 Club officers. It started at 8:00 am. A prayer was offered by Mr. Jayson Como, SSC PIO and the opening re-

marks was given by Ms. Chin Sapphire Z. Lipao, SSC President, then the introduc-tion of the re-source speaker was made by Ms. Emmilou Tarife, SSC Vice President. This leader-ship seminar was graced by Ms. Jobie G. Pongcol the honored re-source speaker who took her time to present, discuss and share to the as-piring student leaders what

she had learned about leadership. She discussed

10 successful tips on how to become effective and productive student leaders. She ended her discus-sions and presentations through Microsoft Power Point while saying the most encouraging yet challeng-ing line, “The job of the leaders today is not to create followers, it’s to create more leaders”, which ought to be instilled in the minds of SEC student leaders. The Certificate of Appreciation & Participa-tion was then given to the resource speaker and the participants. The activity culminated with a launching of SSC dance, singing of SEC Hymn and the closing remarks by the SSC adviser, Mrs. Jessica Espenido- Fernandez.

The leaders from the different departments on their leadership orientation seminar.

Annually, the local government of Su-rigao (LGU) and

Provincial Government of Surigao celebrate the Na-tional Disaster Conscious-ness Month on August 20, 2011. As part of the activity, actual scenarios of emergencies occurring onboard like abandonment of the vessel, act of piracy and the occurrence of fire onboard where emergency scene stages were realized through the participation of the joined parties: LGU of Surigao, Provincial Gov-ernment of Surigao, M/V Philippine Navy with its officers and crews, Quick Action Response Team (QART), Military Troop, MARINA group, Catarman vessel, Mayor Ernesto “Ni-toy” Matugas, some media men, cameramen, sound-men, production staffs and the fifteen Maritime Ca-dets from Surigao Educa-tion Center. After Lt. Lincuna of Philippine Navy made his briefing to the participating groups at Tavern Hotel, ac-tual scenes of an emergen-cy onboard had started. On the actual scenario, the 15 SEC Maritime Cadets were acting as if they were tour-ists passenger onboard in a particular vessel which accidentally encountered fire while underway. As a consequence, the cadets abandoned the vessel by jumping to the seawater with a life jacket wrapped around their body to ensure

safety while they were not yet rescued. The 15 mari-time cadets were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 5 ca-dets (Jhunard Dinola, Jan Timothy Tadla, Felix Riv-ero, Teodore Jess Angob and Allen Gonzaga) whose role were strong swimmer s who swam to the direction of the nearest bouy, cir-cling and creating bubbles to catch the attention of the rescuer onboard the Catar-man Vessel.The second group including(Emmelou Tarife, Cholet Amarille, Shiena May Manlimos, Roxan Salino, Ave Chris-tian Salino, Benson Le-ones, Sherwen Seda, Anto-nio Amorado Jr, Alexander Ladaga and Oliver Onihog)acted as normal swimmers and non-swimmers who grouped themselves as one as they lied on a life raft floating 2 meters away from the distressed ves-sel. After few minutes of soaking in the water, all the passengers(cadets) were rescued. After the scene, the maritime cadets escort-ed by 3/0 Dedes Earl Batu-can did a cool picture tak-ing with the MARINA staff, QART and Philippine Navy official and crew. Indeed, the activity developed the self confidence, self de-termination and bravery of the cadets in every dis-tress situation which they might encounter soon as they continue their journey to the top.

SEC Maritime cadets join the National Disaster Conciousness Month CelebrationBy: Emm Tarife

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January-October 2011 7

The Beacon

Campus News

Ni: Emm Tarife

Selebrasyon ng Buwan ng Wika

Ang mga nagwagi sa patimpalak ng poster at slogan sa pagdiriwang ng Bu-wan ng Wika.

SECians passed the TESDA Assesment

Hotel and Retaurant Man-agement and Mechanical Engineering students took

a simultaneous assessment given by TESDA last October 13-14, 2011 at SEC Mini Hotel, HRM Laboratory and Machine Shop. 31 HRM students passed the

Housekeeping NC-II and 19 passed the Commercial Cooking NC-II, 21 ME students passed the Shielded Metal Arc Welding(SMAW)-NCII, 10 passed the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding(GTAW) NC-II, and seven passed the Machining NC-II. The NC-II certifies that the holder is competitive and has the skills needed for a particular field.

The passers received their National Certificate of Competency-II on Oc-tober 15, 2011 at SEC AVR 3rd flr. The distribution of certificates was attended by Mr. Rodrigo de Villa, TESDA Provincial Director. Ms. An-nie Abucejo, SEC Focal was very proud for the success of the stu-dents.

By: Norjan Rey A. Rivero

Ika-22 ng Agosto 2011, por-mal ng sinmulan ang pagdi-riwang ng Buwan ng Wika sa

SEC(Surigao Education Center.Binuksan ito sa pamamagitan ng Pambungad na Gawain kung ka-lian ginanap ang Tagisan ng Gal-ing. Ang mga patimpalak na napa-loob sa Tagisan ng Galing ay ang mga sumusunod; Poster at Islogan, Pagsulat ng Sanaysay at Pagsulat ng Tula. Ang mga lumahok ay mga interesadong mag-aaral sa kolehiyo na may asignaturang Filipino. Lahat ay may kanya-kanyang kakayahan at nagpamalas ng angking galing sa patimpalak na kanilang sinalihan. Lahat sila ay may sariling ideya tungkol sa nasabing patimpalak na tumugma naman sa temang “ Ang Filipino ay Wikang Panlahat, Ilaw at Lakas sa Tuwid na Landas”. Sinimulan naman ang Pan-galawang Gawain noong ika 22- 25 ng Agosto 2011, nasa hanay ng Pan-galawang Gawain ang panonood ng iba’t ibang pelikula na sadyang likhang pinoy. “ Sa pamamagitan ng panonood ng mga pelikulang pinoy, naipamalas nito sa mga estudyante ng SEC, na ang wikang Filipino na siyang gamit sa pelikula, ay sadyang malaki ang naiambag upang kapwa Pilipino ay magkakaintindihan, ka-hit na iba’t iba pa ang kanilang re-hiyong pinanggagalingan”, wika ni Jervy Panangin, isang marinong mag-aaral. Kabilang rin sa Pan-galawang Gawain ang pagkaka-roon ng iba’t ibang kubol ( Wedding

B o o t h , B l i n d

Date Booth at Freedom Wall). Animo’y nagkaroon ng fiesta sa SEC sa mga sandaling iyon dahil na rin sa dami ng estudyanteng na-kilahok at nakisaya. Lubos na na-katutulong ang pagkaroon ng mga kubol na iyon sapagkat napagbigkis nito ang mga estudyanteng nang-galing pa sa iba’t ibang kurso. Ipinagpatuloy ang pagdi-riwang ng Buwan ng Wika hang-gang Agosto 26, 2011. Nagkaroon ng Fiesta sa Nayon kung saan nagpagalingan sa paggawa ng Kubol , ang iba’t ibang pangkat ng mga estudyanteng may asignatur-ang Filipino at nagkaroon ng mga paninda ng mga kakanin tulad na lamang ng puto, suman, bibingka, cassava pie, kutsinta, sapin sapin, iba’t ibang uri ng inumin tulad ng pa-lamig, buko, prutas at marami pang iba. Alas 7:30 ng umaga pormal na winakasan ang pagdiriwang ng Buwan ng Wika sa pamamagitan ng programa. Nagbigay ng men-sahe si Bb. Cris F. Velez, isa sa mga taggapayo ng Filipino Club. Matapos ang mensahe sinundan agad ito ng iba’t ibang presenta-syon. Buong husay na sumaliw sa dance floor ang mga estudyante sa ikalawang taon ng kursong Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation ( BSMT), na mula naman sa klase ni Gng. Beatrice Olayvar, ang kanilang guro sa Fili-pino. Napuno ng hiyawan at galak ang buong SEC Amphitheater sa mga oras na iyon. Hindi naman pa-

tatalo ang pangkat ng mga BSMT-3 sa kanilang kool na kool na dance moves at tricks. At siyempre pa, hindi kompleto ang selebrasyon at kasiyahan kung hindi gagawaran ng parangal ang mga nanalo sa ginawang patimpalak. Ang mga tal-entadong kalahok na maswerting nagwagi sa ginawang patimpalak ay ang mga sumusunod; (TAGISAN NG GALING)Poster at islogan- Unang Gant-impala ( Cdt. Neil Vincent Gamus BSMT-2), Pagsulat ng Sanaysay- Unang Gantimpala ( Cdt. Oscar Tag-yam BSMarE-2), Pagsulat ng Tula- Unang Gantimpala ( Cdt. Jaymart D. Salino BSMT-2), Pinakamagan-dang Kubol ( Best Kubol)- Pangkat ni Cdt. Allan Austria at cdt. Oscar Tagyam BSMarE-2), Best Food Dis-plays- Pangkat ni Cdt. Allan Austria at Cdt. Oscar Tagyam BSMarE-2)

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The Beacon January-October 20118

Photo Gallery

Intramural Games 2011

Center: Miss Oraiz, Mutya nan Caraga 2011

Leadership seminar

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January-October 2011 9

The Beacon


Photo Gallery

Intramural Games 2011

Midwifery Department’s Pearl An-niversary

Center: Miss Oraiz, Mutya nan Caraga 2011

Leadership seminar

Teacher’s Day Celbration

JPIA Days and Night

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The Beacon January-October 201110


Art of Success by Gesille Karen E. Bucarille

I was facing the northeast of my thoughts

when suddenly I saw a tower. It was great that nobody could imagine it. Its posture was just simply elegant. Every component of it seems to be embroidered with hard work, intel-ligence and pas-sion. Everything

seems to be perfect. I stare and stare on it until I remember someone.

She was a woman witn dedication, princi-ple and sense of peace. The journey of this wom-an starts in Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur where she first open her eyes. She is a mother of two siblings ( Benjamen and Bea) and married to Engr. Benjamen R. Ensomo, Jr. She started to pace towards success when she graduated the 5-year course in BS in Chemical Engineering at Mindanao State University(MSU), Marawi City in 1992. She then pased the Professional Board Ex-amination for Chemical Engineers on May 1993. It was then 2000 when she took her Master in Busi-nesss Administration(MBA) at San Nicolas Col-lege (SNC) Surigao City. After that, in 2008 she pursued her Doctorate in Philosophy in Saint Pau University ( SPUS-formerly SNC).

Another chapter of her life opens, when she began to work in Surigao Education Center (SEC) as a full time faculty member in the Gen-eral Education Department from 1997-2001. She was then promoted to some positions due to her exemplary works being Internal Quality Auditor, Deputy, Quality Assurance Manager, Research and Planning Officer, Quality Management Rep-resentative, Head of External Affairs, an Over-all Chair of the IQuAME Team, and she is now the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Engr. Bernadette Pagara-Ensomo is the woman behind the blessed and succcesful tower. From the beginning up to the end of my sight she will always be Surigao Education Center’s art of success.

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January-October 2011 11

The Beacon


My friends often tell me “You are always bitten by a big bug” and, nay, there’s nothing I can do about it. I, myself, know that I am always as busy as a bee. A

second is a precious thing for me, yet one thing caught my cir-cumspection as my myopic eyesight came to see a delightful bulletin board. It was on the twenty first day of September this year, the day which marked the International Day of Peace. I saw a picture of a dove flying with an olive branch in its beak. This made me observe a minute of silence in my heart, at that very moment, an idea come into my mind. The white dove, the most commonly featured sign for peace, has an olive branch which represents the peace offering from one person to another. Then, I asked myself this question: like the dove, am I willing to extend an olive branch to the persons whom I have wronged? And if someone comes to me and offers the sym-bolic olive branch, am I willing to accept the peace offering? And this I believe: that while others suffer from social conflicts, there are still a great number of people who are peacemakers, peacekeepers, or are peace builders. And after taking a look at the board, I turned to my left and right sides and one, two, three students came and looked at the white dove. Then, I asked myself:”How many students cognizant about this celebration?” Only few, I believe. Since it was not a public holiday, but it was, yes, a global obser-vance. How then, people observe the International Day of Peace? During the Peace Day, people around the world take part in various activities and organize events centered on the theme “peace”. These include interfaith peace ceremonies, a peace choir, lightning candles, peace prayers, and peace convoy of vehicles, tree planting for peace, peace walks, and many other ways. Yes there are a number of ways in celebrating the Peace Day. So, I went to my room, lighted a candle, and sat in silent meditation. As peace loving citizens, we just have to remember to take this opportunity to make peace in our own relationships with other people. Erase the scars in our hearts. Instead, we need to build spiritual bridges among ourselves, promote so-cial integration, and create a culture of peace.

International Day of PeaceBy: Rey C. Cabug-os C.


President: Chin Sapphire Z. LipaoVice President: Emmelou T. TarifeSecretary: Candy V. OrtegaTreasurer: Jarish Alexes BautistaPIO : Jayson A. Como


College Of Maritime StudiesSherwen Y. Seda

College Of Teacher EducationFloreeliz G. Penaso

College Of Business EducationMark Essel P. Flores

College Of Engineering and Architecture Edwin E. Salubre

College Of Information TechnologyNeil Luarez

College Of NursingShe’s Magnolia C. Ycong


Filipino ClubRinelle Ianm. Sescon

Mathsci ClubBaby Jane c. Loayon

Prism: Rainier Marasigan

Computer SocietyNataniel Yee

Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants(JPIA)Gletzmar B. Igcasama

Karadjawan Ensemble Jason A. Como

Peer GroupJhunards C. Dinola

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The Beacon January-October 201112


The AchieversList of 2011 Board Examination Passers

Congratulations!!!Abarca, Hadassah C.1. Abarca, Joash N.2. Abarico, Giza Marie A. 3. Alberca, Michelle J.4. Alipayo, Edelyn Z.5. Angob, Jeson E.6. Avelina, Ma. Graciela R.7. Bacala, Jonalyn 8. Baldoza, Vince Angelo L.9. Barotac, Razil L.10. Betito, Krizza Vinette M,11. Boquilon, Sidney E.12. Camingao, Chemal M.13. Caballes, Lenry S.14. Compra, Anne Rose J.15. Conales, Queenie Fe P.16. Cruje, Alaine Rea D.17. Cuabo, Kristy Lou C. 18. Dequit, Roel A.19. Dinola, Shell Saddam C.20. Eledia, Leya Amor Y.21. Escanilla, Arnielyn I.22. Eusala, Keene E.23.

Eviota, Jane H.24. Fallado, Myra Mae R.25. Felicio, Jerico 26. Fetalvero,Karissa R.27. Galagala, Ronnel S.28. Garcia,Joy Amor C.29. Gonzales, France Kenneth C.30. Gordonas, Meolita L.31. Jabonero, Jhanelmer R.32. Jumao-as, Nerissa I.33. Labucay, Khimkem A.34. Lerio, Claire Marie A.35. Liong, Kris Madeline E.36. Llamera, Joakimm A.37. Lupas, Melody P.38. Maarat, Rosemalou N.39. Mahinay, Jay Ann R. 40. Mamugay, Caroline P.41. Manla, Arnel F.42. Monter, Mary Wida V.43. Nazareno, Jonafe A.44. Neuda, Kirsten A.45. Oraiz, Beverly R.46.

Osares, Abegiel O.47. Pachano, Ana Mae O.48. Padilla, Jaren P.49. Paredes, Riza Mae M.50. Pestano, Caren B51. Petallar, Ophil P.52. Piao, Shananie E.53. Quinto, Janessa S.54. Ranara, Charmie P.55. Reyes, Rufa Joy A.56. Ruaza, Arvhee Kristine Laag57. Ruiz, Kacelyn M.58. Sanglitan, Floremy R.59. Simbajon. Stephany Noelle B.60. Solo, Charisse F.61. Tabayag, Jionelyn L.62. Teatro, Frances P.63. Tiu, Pete Joseph G.64. Tiujongco, Jay Arianne C.65. Tulisana, Mark Lenon O.66. Vargas, Jogielyn L.67. Villanueva, Mia Maurice U.68.

Nurse Licensure Examination

Certified Public Accountant Board Examination-October 2011

Renelyn S. Balbuena, CPA1. Aichel G. Casupas, RM1.

Midwifery Licensure Examination- April 2011

Civil Engineering Board Exami-nation -April 2011

Engr. Salvy C. Sebial1.

Marine Engineering Board Examination

Engr. Giovanni B Bautista1. Engr. Jonaldo B. Plaza2.

Master Mariner Licensure Examination- July 2011 4th placer

Capt. Josebeth Dolar Longos1.

Architect Board Examination-December 2011

Arch. Sael Jarogon Aves1.

Physician Licensure Examina-tion (High School Alumni) Aug. 2011

Engr. Giovanni B Bautista1. Engr. Jonaldo B. Plaza2.

Engr. Jhun Keny E. Daigdigan1. Engr. Jaon G. Dedumo2.

Registered Electrical Engineer-ing Board Examination- Sept. 2011

Registered Master Electrician Licen-sure Examination-September 2011

Engr. Bernabie C. Sumampong1.

Radiologic Technology Licensure Examination-June 2011

Evan GLenn P. Malinao, RT1.

Physician Licensure Examination- August 2011 (High School Alumni)

Dr. Cecilio Bautista Benitez Jr.1. Dr. Carina Bautista Benitez2.

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January-October 2011 13

The Beacon


The Beginning of ForeverBy essieb

I blink… I sawA world of disbelief,An unknown place,

Quiet… even breathe is unheard.

Below, a lifeless body laid in the rest,My children are nowhere,

But there are people in grief.

Wind brought me somewhere,Unknowing the direction,

Nobody tells,What is beyond? I asked myself…Ah! A bright light beckons me in.

The place is boundless,Eerie and limitless,Later voices came,Songs are heard.

Faces are lifeless,Peaceful and timeless,A different dimension,Forever is envision.

I tried to look back.Reconstructing the past,

Now I know,The beginning of forever,

I trod.

Short–Lived FriendsBy essieb

Funny but absurd,When the meetings of the minds disapprove,

The vibrations of thoughts broke,For whatever reasonsAnd unknown cause.

At first the closeness seems foreverSaying endless hellos and

Hi’s in the campus together,The nights has only dream

For each other.Sweet thoughts linger.

I thought it best in my life,To have friends I met and I like

To my dismay, I sigh…They’re like meteors

That disappeared in the sky.

National Certificate (NC) Passers

Aquino, Glady Jane1. Brillantes, Krisha Jellyn2. Calumbiran, Ofelia3. Dalanan, Apple Mae4. Dingal, Genevieve5.

Escuadro, Ivy Charmaine6. Galos, Shiela Mae7. Liza, Shiela Jane8. Luarez, Nenette9. Madrid, Tiara Lauren10.

Monta, Sarah Jane11. Ramilla, Anthony12. Retita, Shirlyn13. Salazar, Aira Jane14. Ubalde, Jhon Rhyan15.

Commercial Cooking NC-II

Machining NC-II

Espanola, King Alfred1. Maarat, Jessie2. Ortega, Alfredo Antonio3. Pacatang, Karl Patrick4. Serada, Robert Jhon5. Sumabat, Jay-R6.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding(SMAW)-NCII

Arcena, Colombo1. Naldoza, Melvin2. Nasayao, Filven3. Pillada, Carlito4.

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding(GTAW) NC-II

Galagar, Jaywelle1. Martinez, Kenneth2. Moralde, Jourdan3. Nuez, Cerlou4. Pastera, Darien Steve5. Sanglitan, Julie Jr.6. Tabanag, Romnick7.

Literary Pieces

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The Beacon January-October 201114

Courses Offered:

BS in Marine TransportationBS in Marine EngineeringBS in NursingBS in Radiologic TechnologyBS in ArchitectureBS in Civil EngineeringBS in Computer EngineeringBS in Electrical EngineeringBS in Mechanical EngineeringBS in Computer ScienceBS in Electronics and Communication EngineeringBS in Information TechnologyBS in AccountancyBS in Accounting Technology

BS in Business Administration Major in Human Resource and De-velopment Management Major in Operations Management Major in Financial Management Major in Marketing Management Major in Business EconomicsBS in Hotel and Restaurant ManagementBachelor of Secondary EducationBachelor of Elementary EducationBS in Environmental ScienceHigh SchoolElementaryMontessoriNursery Kindergarten 1 and 2Montessori 1-6

For Inquiries, call/visit the Registrar at2nd floor, Bldg. 5

Km. 2, Surigao CityTel. (086)826-3767/231-7048

Visit our official website at www.sec.edu.ph
