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  • 8/11/2019 BECURI ECONOMICE...


    Home Hardware-> Compact Fluorescent Lamp gbflagEnglish




    Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)



    Introduction Electrical construction Lamp start Normal operation Failures Repair of electronic Mechanical construction Reviewing Links chematics and photos

    !iglu"#$w Isotronic %%& Lu'tek & Mawa %%& Ma'ilu' %*& +olaris %%& ,rownie- #$& +.ILI+ EC/0/NE %%& (ay ! "##"$ I1E2 3& (%pril &" "##'$ /R2M 45L5- EL %%& (o)em*er &' "##+$ /R2M 45L5- EL #%& (,ecem*er ' "##$ E5R/LI0E #6& (.cto*er &' "##/$ INEC2N * #'#786$& (.cto*er &' "##/$ IMME4I20EL9 #*& (arch "+ "#$ +.ILI+ :ENIE %%& (arch "+ "#$ +.ILI+ :ENIE %;& (.cto*er "" "#$ Landlite !allast E,CF8%#38%#$

  • 8/11/2019 BECURI ECONOMICE...


    and transistor closes. Now opens second transistor which is excitated by reversly connected windind of TR1 and allprocess repeats.


    Common failure is broken capacitor C3. it is possible mainly at cheap lamps, where are used cheaper components forlower voltae. !het the pipe doesn"t lihts up on time, there are risk of destroyin transistors #1 and #$ and nextresistors R1, R$, R3 and R%. !hen lamp starts, chaner is very overloaded and transistors usually doesn"t survive lonertemperature overloadin. !hen the pipe serve out, electronics is usually destroyed too. !hen the pipe is old, there can beoverburned one of filaments and lamp doesn"t lihts up anymore. &lectronics usually survives. 'ometimes can be pipebroken due to internal tension and temperature difference. (ost fre)uently lamp fails, when power on.

    Repair of electronics

    Repair of electronics usually means chane of capacitor C3 if he is brobek. !hen burns fuse, probably will be damaedtransistors #1, #$ and resistors R1, R$, R3, R%. *ou can replace fuse with resistor +R%. ailures can be multiplied. orexample, when is shorted capacitor there can be thermally overloaded transistors and will be destroyed. -est transistorsfor replacin of oriinal types are (&13++3, but it is not easy to find them. / replaced them with -01$, but they are notavailable now. There exists other variants like a $'C$211, $'C$4$, -01$4, -01$5, but / am not sure if they will be lon6life. 7riinal transistors are not available on our market. /f doesn"t matter si8e of case T7$$+, it"s possible to usetransistors (&13++5.

    Mechanical construction

    9amp is usually compounded of two parts. 7ne is plastic cover with holes for pipe and bills. Tube is alutinated to it.'econd much bier piece has slots for bills from the inner side. /nside is printed circuit board with components and wiresfrom tube. rom the upper side of :C- are wires to top of lamp, where are soldered or stamped to the contact. -othplastic parts are clicked to himself and sometimes lued. ;sually you can carefully leverae with a small screwdriver

    se)uently to round to the ap between both plastic pieces for releasin of lue. Next you must leverae more to theopenin lamp. or closin of lamp you can only click both plastic pieces to himself. 9ook at photo of opened lamp.


    (ost of these compact fluorescent lamps use same or very similar wirin. more expensive lamps use a little complicatedwirin with electrode preheatin and thanks to it they have loner lifetime. Repairin of these lamps not pay off, becauseprice of cheaper types are very low now and price of human work is much hiher. !irin diarams oriinates whilerepairin of lamps and they are only for study or repair uses. /nformations are from retracin of lamps and from sources ina link section.


    < http://www.simandl.cz/stranky/elektro/starter/starter.htm :ae with a description of electronic starter in a C8echlanuae.

    < http://eu.st.com/stonline/books/pdf/docs/!"#.pdf'T = &9&CTR7N/C 97;R&'C&NT 9>(: ->99>'T

    $chematics and photos

    %igluz &"'

    Compact fluorescent lamp -ilu8 $+! use classic wirin with a small chanes. ?alues of parts are modified for bierpower.


    :hoto of opened lamp -ilu8 $+!.


    (sotronic ))'

    9amp /sotronic 11! use a little modified wirin, where doesn"t exists startin circuit with a diac. 9amp starts probablythanks to capacitor C1.

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    Lu*tek +'

    9amp 9uxtek 4! use classic wirin with a small chanes. /nterestin is only thermistor, which probably makes liht startand filament preheatin.

    :hoto of board with a electronics and upper side of cover.

    Maway ))'

    9amp (away 11! use different wirin too like /sotronic lamp.

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    Ma*ilu* ),'

    9amp (axilux 1%! use classic wirin.

    -olaris ))'

    9amp :olaris 11! has a small thread and chanes some values of components. !irin is classic.

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    %rownie &"'

    -rownie@ $+! lamp has a simplified wirin like a /sotronic lamp.

    -(L(-$ 0123240 ))'

    9amp :A/9/:' &C7T7N& 11! use aain simplified wirin like a /sotronic lamp. This lamp compared to other has a rihtdimensed components, that electronics probably can live loner. !irin is less cheated than others. /t has coil 9$ forblockin A interference and capacitor C1 for voltae 1$++?, which is very much stressed. Tube is superior compared toa no6name types. 9iht color Bwarm whiteB brins liht of classic bulb and doesn"t have a small pink tone like others. Tubeis a little loner and have much liht compared to others 11! types. >ll these lamps, which / have from several serieshave identical color tone and brilliance. Compared to lamps (>!>*, where every item have different color tone, some

    have destroyed electronics, some have pipe with a lost vacuum etc... /t is seen, that lamps f rom marked manufacturershave uaranteed parameters and better )uality than no6name.

    :hotoraphy of opened :hilips lamp.

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    IKEA 7W

    Lamp IKEA 7W has classic wiring like a Luxar 11W. Component values are modiied to a lower power. !arts are enoughvoltage dimensed. "ailure was over#urned one o ilaments. Lamp was on continuous or one $ear% which is over &'((hours. Lie time corresponds to a la#el speciications.

    !hotograph$ o opened lamp IKEA 7W

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  • 8/11/2019 BECURI ECONOMICE...



    Lamp OSRAM DULUX EL 11W has again classic wiring with only few changes. She has a small threa an was a f!llyf!nctional.


    Lamp OSRAM DULUX EL "1W has a classic wiring iagram. #n contrast to a pre$io!s OSRAM lamp oesn%t ha$ethermistor for slow start. She has o$er&!rne one filament.


    Lamp EUROL#'E "(W has a classic wiring iagram. )or schematics than*s to Mar.

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  • 8/11/2019 BECURI ECONOMICE...


    SINECAN 5 2x 26-30W

    Electronic ballast SINECAN 5 for two fluorescent tubes has identical circuit like most of compact fluorescent lamps. Littledifferency is in powering tubes before ! diode and wiring of start capacitors C"# a C"" about tubes. I don$t understande%actly why this is wired this way. &allast doesn$t ha'e fuse( but only thin wire. &allasts was broken due to blowedelectrolytic capacitors. It breaks transistors and resistors )*( )+( )5 and )!.

    ,hotography of open ballast.


    -his bulb is only interesting with power 'alue 5/. Circuit is classic.

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    Philips Genie bulbs I am using for many years. I am satisfied with them. Their advantage is very compact size of tubewhich allow installing in to the lamp with small space for bulb. It lights up immediately after power-up. I didn't see anynegative effect on their lifetime.

    Disassembled light bulb.

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    This bulb has almost identical circuit to their 11W variant. It has two additional protect dioded D6 and D7. Values of fewcomponents are a little changed. Transistors are more powerful types 1!!.

    Landlite ballast EBCF-127-120V-LPF 27W

    "uno #ucena $lmeida succesfully repaired ellectronic ballast and sent me his schematics which I now show to you.#chematics is very similar to many other lamp ballasts. Interesting for me is using of voltage doubler because lamp is for1%!V but electronics is designed for %!V. &ere is original authors article'http'((slug.blog.aeminium.org(%!1%(!(!1(electronic)ballast)repair(

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    Next lamp with classic design. Only his miniature construction is interesting. It has broken one heat filament.

    Disassembled OSRA lamp.

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    2003-2014 pavouk[at]pavouk.org

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