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Bedload abrasion and the in situ fragmentation of bivalve shells ANDREW J. NEWELL*, DAVID J. GOWER  , MICHAEL J. BENTON à and VALENTIN P. TVERDOKHLEBOV§ *British Geological Survey, Maclean Building, Wallingford OX10 8BB, UK (E-mail: [email protected])  Department of Zoology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK àDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Queen’s Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ, UK §Institute of Nature Sciences of Saratov State University, Astrakhanskaya, Saratov 410075, Russia ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine how Unio bivalve shells fragment within the channel of the Sakmara River (southern Urals, Russia). The Sakmara River has an abundant bivalve population and a highly variable flow regime which, at low flow, allowed much of the channel bed to be examined. A large data set of 1013 shells (Unio sp.) was examined and these were shown to have consistent patterns of orientation, aspect, shell abrasion, perforation and fracture. The close spatial relationship between areas of shell abrasion, shell perforation and shell fracture showed that they form part of a continuum whereby areas of abrasion evolve into perforations and perforations coalesce and enlarge into fractures. The mechanism of shell damage proposed is one of abrasion in place, whereby the shell remains stationary on the surface of the point bar and is impacted by bedload. Underpinning this process are the hydrodynamic properties of the bivalve shell, with consistency in the orientation and aspect of the valve in a flowing current producing consistency in the distribution of damage on the shell surface. Valves preferentially lie in a convex-up position and orientate in the flow such that the umbo faces upstream. The elevated, upstream-facing umbo region is exposed to particle impact and is the first to be abraded and perforated. The vulnerability of the umbo to perforation is greatly increased by the thinness of the shell at the umbo cavity. The in situ abrasion process is enhanced by the development of an armoured gravel bed which restricts valve mobility and maintains shells within the abrasion zone at the sediment–water interface. The in situ abrasion process shows that broken shells are not a reliable indicator of long distance transport. The study also raises the issue that tumbling barrel experiments, which are generally used to simulate shell abrasion, will not replicate the type of directionally focused sand-blasting which appears to be the principal cause of shell fragmentation in the Sakmara River. Keywords Abrasion, bivalve, fragmentation, point bar, river, Russia. INTRODUCTION Bivalves are key components of recent marine and freshwater ecosystems and have been for most of the Phanerozoic. In ancient sedimentary deposits, they can provide information on cryptic environment variables such as salinity and tem- perature (Hendry et al., 2001; Good, 2004). In modern rivers, bivalve shell geochemistry increasingly is being used to provide otherwise inaccessible historical insights into the anthropo- genic pollution of aquatic environments (Brown et al., 2005). Fundamental to these applications is an understanding of how shells behave as sedi- Sedimentology (2007) 54, 835–845 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00862.x ȑ 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation ȑ 2007 International Association of Sedimentologists 835
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Bedload abrasion and the in situ fragmentation of bivalve shells

ANDREW J. NEWELL*, DAVID J. GOWER� , MICHAEL J. BENTON� and VALENTINP. TVERDOKHLEBOV§*British Geological Survey, Maclean Building, Wallingford OX10 8BB, UK (E-mail: [email protected])�Department of Zoology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK�Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Queen’s Road, Bristol BS81RJ, UK§Institute of Nature Sciences of Saratov State University, Astrakhanskaya, Saratov 410075, Russia


The aim of this study was to determine how Unio bivalve shells fragment

within the channel of the Sakmara River (southern Urals, Russia). The

Sakmara River has an abundant bivalve population and a highly variable flow

regime which, at low flow, allowed much of the channel bed to be examined.

A large data set of 1013 shells (Unio sp.) was examined and these were shown

to have consistent patterns of orientation, aspect, shell abrasion, perforation

and fracture. The close spatial relationship between areas of shell abrasion,

shell perforation and shell fracture showed that they form part of a

continuum whereby areas of abrasion evolve into perforations and

perforations coalesce and enlarge into fractures. The mechanism of shell

damage proposed is one of abrasion in place, whereby the shell remains

stationary on the surface of the point bar and is impacted by bedload.

Underpinning this process are the hydrodynamic properties of the bivalve

shell, with consistency in the orientation and aspect of the valve in a flowing

current producing consistency in the distribution of damage on the shell

surface. Valves preferentially lie in a convex-up position and orientate in the

flow such that the umbo faces upstream. The elevated, upstream-facing umbo

region is exposed to particle impact and is the first to be abraded and

perforated. The vulnerability of the umbo to perforation is greatly increased

by the thinness of the shell at the umbo cavity. The in situ abrasion process is

enhanced by the development of an armoured gravel bed which restricts

valve mobility and maintains shells within the abrasion zone at the

sediment–water interface. The in situ abrasion process shows that broken

shells are not a reliable indicator of long distance transport. The study also

raises the issue that tumbling barrel experiments, which are generally used to

simulate shell abrasion, will not replicate the type of directionally focused

sand-blasting which appears to be the principal cause of shell fragmentation

in the Sakmara River.

Keywords Abrasion, bivalve, fragmentation, point bar, river, Russia.


Bivalves are key components of recent marineand freshwater ecosystems and have been formost of the Phanerozoic. In ancient sedimentarydeposits, they can provide information on crypticenvironment variables such as salinity and tem-

perature (Hendry et al., 2001; Good, 2004). Inmodern rivers, bivalve shell geochemistryincreasingly is being used to provide otherwiseinaccessible historical insights into the anthropo-genic pollution of aquatic environments (Brownet al., 2005). Fundamental to these applications isan understanding of how shells behave as sedi-

Sedimentology (2007) 54, 835–845 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00862.x

� 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation � 2007 International Association of Sedimentologists 835

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mentary particles (Allen, 1984; Olivera & Wood,1997; Dey, 2003) and how they are modified byphysical, biological and chemical processes (Zus-chin et al., 2003). For example, a demonstrablelink between transport and shell fragmentationwould assist in identifying shells which mayhave been removed from their life environment.

The aim of this study was to determine themechanism of unionid bivalve shell fragmenta-tion in the channel of the Sakmara River in thesouthern Urals, Russia (Fig. 1). There have beenfew previous studies on the processes of shellfragmentation in a modern river channel. TheSakmara River had the advantage of an abundantunionid bivalve population and a highly variableflow regime which, at low flow, allowed much of

the channel bed to be examined. Using a largedata set of 1013 shells, the study producedthe unexpected result that in-place abrasion wasthe principal cause of shell fragmentation. Theresults have implications on how the degree offragmentation is used to determine the age andtransport path of shells within modern andancient high-energy, bedload-dominated environ-ments; they also raise the issue of whetherconventional methods of simulating shell abra-sion using tumbling barrels are realistic.


The Sakmara River drains some 30 000 km2 in thesouthern Ural Mountains and is a major tributaryof the Ural River which flows south into theCaspian Sea (Fig. 1A). The river has a highlyvariable flow regime with peak stream dischargesgenerated by rapid snowmelt in April and Maywhich are vastly in excess of normal base flow(Fig. 1B). This study was undertaken at low flow(in July) when much of the channel bed wasexposed and available for study. The channel ismeandering, with a maximum bankfull depth of8 m and average width of 150 m. The river activelyshifts across a 6 km wide floodplain, leavingnumerous abandoned channels.

Channel macroforms in the Sakmara River aredominated by gravelly point bars located on theinner bank of meander bends. One point bar wasmapped in detail for the purpose of this study(Fig. 2). The bar was located at 51 53¢ 2¢¢N, 569¢ 4¢¢E and had a maximum length of 340 m, awidth of 150 m and an area of 51 000 m2. The barwas composed largely of gravel and sandy gravel,fining in maximum clast size from cobble topebble size in a downstream direction. Well-sorted sand was deposited on the downstreamside of the bar below a system of sinuous slip-faces. Most of the bar surface was remarkably flatwith few bedforms.

A characteristic feature of this point bar andothers in the Sakmara River is the development oflarge chute channels between the gravelly pointbar and the inner bank (Fig. 2). These naturalflood-relief channels are active only during thehigh flow stage. Sediment in chute channels finesdownstream from pebble-size gravel at the en-trance, to sand at the exit, where chute bars aredeposited (Fig. 2). Thin veneers of mud arelocally deposited within chute channels frompools of standing water which are cut off duringthe falling stage. These muddy deposits become

Fig. 1. (A) Map showing location of the study area onthe Sakmara River. (B) Mean monthly discharge at theKushum Gauging Station (Vorosmarty et al., 1998).

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much thicker in chute channels where the up-stream entrance has become blocked. Duringrising flow stages, these closed channels receivewater and fine sediment from its downstreamjunction with the main channel.


Live freshwater bivalves and bivalve shells areabundant in the Sakmara River. In the studiedreach Unio sp. and Anodonta sp. were present;this study focused only on Unio which formedthe vast bulk of the shell assemblage. Unioconsists of two externally symmetrical valvesconnected at their dorsal margins by a resilientligament. The shells are elongate and ellipticalwith an expanded posterior and the umbo (theelevated portion of the dorsal margin) placedanteriorly (Fig. 3). The exterior surface is smoothwith the exception of low ridges formed from theconcentric growth rings. Unionid shells are com-posed of an outer organic membrane or perio-stracum and two internal layers of prismatic andnacreous calcium carbonate embedded within an

organic matrix (Checa & Rodrıguez-Navarro,2001). The composite structure of unionid shellsimparts to them a high fracture strength andfracture toughness (Chen et al., 2004).

Unionids are noted for their ecophenotypicplasticity (adaptation of shell form to habitat) andthose in the Sakmara River show the characteris-

Fig. 2. Map of the studied point bar on the Sakmara River with rose diagrams showing the azimuth of the posteriorend of bivalve measured along the hinge (Fig. 3). Inset map shows the location of sample grids.

Fig. 3. General morphology of Unio valve. Concentriclines are growth rings. The azimuth of arrow A wasmeasured for orientation analysis. Arrow B shows theusual orientation of the shell with respect to flowdirection.

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tic modifications for life in high flow velocitieswith a large shell length relative to height and athickened shell (Eagar, 1978; Good, 2004). Thetypical dimensions of the Unio valves are 60 mmin anterior–posterior length, 30 mm in dorsal–ventral height (Fig. 4) and 10 mm in widthmeasured from the commisure plane to the pointof maximum projection (Fig. 5). The thickness ofcalcium carbonate for a typical 60 mm long Unioshell shows significant variation across a valvewith up to 3Æ5 mm at the anterior and an averageof 1 mm at the posterior (Fig. 5). The cavity on theinside of each valve leading into the umbo is anotable thin area (1 mm) in the otherwise thick-ened anterior part of the valve (Fig. 5). Asdiscussed later, this area of thin shell at the umbocavity is of significance regarding the mode ofshell perforation and fracture.

Unionids require water that is shallow, peren-nial, well oxygenated and of low turbidity (Good,2004). In the Sakmara River, live unionids were

observed on the gravelly floor of the main channel,on fine-grained substrates on the downstreammargin of point bars and in pools within chutechannels which are isolated by falling waterlevels. Unionids frequently become trapped with-in the chute-channel pools because the river issubject to very rapid decreases in discharge andunionid locomotion is slow. As the pools evapor-ate, oxygen levels fall and eventual drying outproduces spectacular mass-death assemblageswith up to 100 shells per m2 (Fig. 6A). This pro-cess has been described from comparable popula-tions of unionids in channel habitats subject torapid decreases in water level (Tudorancea, 1972).Flushing of these chute-channel pool assemblagesduring spring flooding probably contributes mostof the shell material to the river system.


Sedimentary structures within the exposed areasof the studied channel reach were mapped at ascale of 1:1000 using a system of 20 m · 20 mgrids. A selection of the grids was then used tosystematically sample and locate shells (Fig. 2). Intotal, 1013 Unio shells were examined. Where pos-sible, data on each shell were collected regarding:

1 Dimensions (length and height).2 Articulation, classified into: (i) single valves;

(ii) detached valves but in close proximity andfrom the same individual; and (iii) paired valveswith intact ligament.

3 Attitude classified into convex up or convexdown.

4 Orientation measured as the azimuth of thevalve posterior taken along the hinge line (Fig. 3).

5 Degree of shell damage classified as: (i)undamaged; (ii) minor chipping of the margins;(iii) abrasion of the periostracum and surfacelayers of shell carbonate; (iv) perforation of theshell; and (v) fractured. A sketch of each shell wasproduced to show the location of perforations andfractures.



The two valves of a living unionid shell areattached at the hinge by an elastic ligament.

Length (mm)


ght (










0 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 4. Plot of length versus height for 718 intact Uniovalves.

5 mm5 10 mm





Hinge line

Umbo cavity






Fig. 5. Cross-sections through a Unio valve to show thevariable thickness of the shell. Note the greatly thick-ened anterior in cross-section 1 and the thin shell at theumbo cavity in cross-section 2.

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However, on the point bar 83% of transportedshells are disarticulated (and disassociated)single valves (Fig. 7A). It is probable that min-imal transport is required to separate the valves.In chute-channel pools most untransportedshells are still in articulation. The articulatedvalves are open and diverge at angles up to 40� asa result of desiccation and contraction of theligament following the decay of the adductormuscles (Fig. 6B). Field tests show that oncecontracted and desiccated the ligament becomesextremely brittle, requiring only slight fingerpressure to cause failure. The predominance ofsingle valves on the point bar probably results

from valve separation during transport when theshell assemblages are flushed from chute chan-nels during the flood stage. Where articulatedvalves are found on the point bar, most valvesare still closed or show only minor displacement.These closed, articulated bivalve shells wereprobably transported and deposited while alivewith functional adductor muscles. Transportwhile living is a recognized hazard for riverinebivalves (Eagar, 1978). With emergence of thepoint bar, valves can be prevented from openingby either partial burial or by the infilling ofthe shell with fine sediment which acts as acement.

Fig. 6. (A) Mass death assemblage of bivalves in dried-out ponds at the downstream end of a chute channel (locatedon Fig. 2). (B) Partially open, articulated bivalves in dried-out ponds of chute channel. (C) Unio showing abrasion,two perforations and a posterior notch. Arrow shows flow direction. (D) Unio showing elongate perforation andpartial covering of fine sediment.

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Seventy-one per cent of single valves were foundresting on the point bar surface in a convex-upposition (Fig. 7B). These data concur with muchexperimental evidence which shows that theconvex-up position is more stable in traction–transport depositional settings (Allen, 1984).Concave-up shells have greater drag coefficientsthan those orientated convex up and are oftenflipped in unidirectional flows (Savarese, 1994).Concave-up orientations usually predominate

where valves settle (usually convex-side down)through a sediment-laden water column and onceon the bed there is insufficient horizontal trac-tional flow to flip them into the stable position.Allen (1984) demonstrated that during the set-tling process turbulent eddies can cause sedimentto infill the descending concave-up valve and thisadditional mass may increase stability. Thisexperimental result is supported by the observa-tion that many of the concave-up valves on thepoint-bar surface had an infill of clay, silt and finesand.




























‘L-shaped fragment’

‘Posterior notch’



















Convex up Convex down Other

n = 947













Single valve Unattached butassociated


n = 827 n = 677

n = 361





Fig. 7. Bar charts showing characteristics of the Unio assemblage, results exclude mass-death chute-channel pondassemblages (grids 40–42 of Fig. 2). (A) Valve articulation; (B) attitude; (C) degree of damage; (D) fracture style.

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Valve orientation was measured along a lineparallel to the hinge, with the recorded datashowing the azimuth of the posterior end. Fig-ure 2 shows the results plotted as rose diagramsfor different areas of the point bar. Given thedevelopment of complex flow patterns around apoint bar, the interaction of shells with othersedimentary particles and the potential for reori-entation during falling stage, the shells show astrong preferred orientation with the elongateposterior end of the valve pointing in a downcur-rent direction. In detail, comparison of shellorientation with other flow direction indicators(imbrication, ripples and sand shadows aroundobstacles on the point bar surface) shows thatvalves normally orientate with their hingeslightly oblique to the flow direction and withthe umbo and heavier anterior end in an upstreamdirection (Fig. 3A). This finding was confirmedby some simple flow experiments on single Uniovalves in the Sakmara River and is in agreementwith flume studies on elongate shells with anter-ior–posterior asymmetry (Allen, 1984)

Shell damage

Ninety-four per cent of Unio shells on the pointbar showed some form of damage, most of whichcould be readily classified into: (i) minor chip-ping of the margins; (ii) abrasion of the perio-stracum and surface layers of shell carbonate; (iii)perforation of the shell; and (iv) fractured. Shellscould show only one or all four of these damagetypes. These classes refer to modification of thevalve exterior; even where abrasion to the outersurface is extensive, the interior nacreous layer ofthe shell generally remains pristine. Abraded,

perforated and fractured shells were found inapproximately equal proportions (Fig. 7C).

Abrasion was the most common form of shelldamage. Where the total area of abrasion wassmall it was invariably located on the umboregion of the valve (Fig. 9). Shell carbonate couldbe exposed in this area, while around the valvemargins the periostracum remained intact. As thearea of abrasion expanded, it generally formed adiagonal strip running along the plunging ridgebetween the umbo and the posterior ventralmargin (Fig. 9). Abrasion to the shell exteriorwas a ubiquitous feature of abraded, perforatedand fractured shells.

Shell perforations ranged from small angular tosub-rounded holes, a few millimetres in diameter(Fig. 6C) to larger elongate holes several centi-metres in length (Fig. 6D). Figure 8 shows thelocation of centre-points of shell perforations.Most are located on the umbo and along theplunging ridge between the umbo and the poster-ior ventral margin (Fig. 9). Single perforations onrelatively undamaged shells were invariablylocated on the umbo.

Figure 7D shows the six shell fracture typesthat were developed and their relative abun-dance. The most common (33%) was an irregularcurved fracture extending from the umbo to theposterior ventral margin resulting in an ‘L-shapedfragment’ (Fig. 9). A small fracture to the poster-ior ventral margin (24%) was also common,generating a ‘posterior notch’.


The close spatial relationship between areas ofshell abrasion, shell perforation and shell fracturestrongly suggests that they form part of a con-

Fig. 8. Map showing the approximate centre-points of perforations found on 152 Unio shells, plotted against acontour map of shell thickness (contoured from mean thickness values from six 60 mm long Unio shells).

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tinuum, whereby areas of abrasion evolve intoperforations and perforations coalesce and en-large into fractures (Fig. 9). The detailed mor-phology of the features also supports thiscontinuum with, for example, perforations havingan irregular outline and terraced margins, whichindicates that they result from the progressiveabrasion of layers of periostracum and carbonate.

‘Particle abrasion’ in river channels is a sum-mary term covering a range of mechanical pro-cesses such as chipping, crushing and grinding.Abrasion can operate in two forms:

1 ‘Abrasion in place’, where a particle is eithervibrating within the bed or is stationary and being

abraded by sediment impacting upon it (Pearce,1971; Schumm & Stevens, 1973).

2 ‘Progressive abrasion’, where a particle isbeing abraded by its own downstream movement(Brewer & Lewin, 1993).

While progressive abrasion may make somecontribution towards shell damage, the chiefmechanism is considered here to be abrasion inplace, where the shell remains stationary on thebed and is impacted by sediment. The criticalevidence for this lies in those bivalves whichhave been transported and deposited on the pointbar in a closed, articulated state. Closed, articu-lated shells often show abrasion, perforation oreven fracture on the exposed convex-up valve,while the valve which is face-down and protectedon the bed is undamaged. Damage to both valveswould be expected if the bivalve was tumblingand saltating within the bedload during transport.A higher frequency of damage to the thin shellmargins might also be expected if the observeddamage was occurring by downstream movement(Zuschin et al., 2003).

Underpinning the process of in situ abrasionand fracture are the hydrodynamic properties ofthe bivalve shell, with consistency in the orien-tation and aspect of the valve in a flowing currentproducing consistency in the distribution ofdamage on the shell surface. Valves preferentiallylie in a convex-up position and rotate in the flowsuch that the umbo and the heavy anterior endface in an upstream direction. The elevated,upstream-facing umbo region is thus exposed todirect particle impact and is the first area of theshell to be abraded and perforated (Fig. 9). Thevulnerability of this region to perforation isgreatly increased because the shell can be<1 mm thick at the umbo cavity (Figs 5 and 8).This compares with up to 5 mm of shell at thevalve anterior. Perforations developed in theumbo area can then propagate and merge in adowncurrent direction towards the posteriorventral margin through a relatively thin area ofshell (Fig. 8). Linkage of the downward-propaga-ting perforation and the ‘posterior notch’ fracture(Fig. 7D) leads to fracture and the development ofthe characteristic ‘L-shaped’ fragment.

The effectiveness of the in situ abrasion processis dependent on the stability of the shell such thatthe abrasive sediment can remain in tractionwhile the shell remains fixed on the channelfloor. Hydrodynamic studies (e.g. Allen, 1984;Olivera & Wood, 1997; Dey, 2003) have shownthat bivalve shell entrainment typically requires

Fig. 9. The three stages in the in situ fragmentation of aUnio shell: (1) surface abrasion focused on the up-stream-orientated umbo; (2) shell perforation at theumbo; and (3) multiple perforation and perforationenlargement leading to fracture. The three stages arepart of a continuum from surface abrasion at the umboto fracture.

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flow velocities in the range 0Æ2–0Æ6 m sec)1, withconvexity or sphericity, roughness, and density ormass per unit projected area being the mainmorphological factors creating variation in thethreshold velocity (Olivera & Wood, 1997). Hjul-strom’s (1935) diagram showing the flow velocityrequired to transport siliciclastic grains of varioussizes suggests that, at flow velocities less than thatrequired for bivalve entrainment (0Æ2 m sec)1),sand to granule-size particles remain in transportand may act as the abrasive agent. However, thesegeneral figures may be modified substantiallybecause of the mixed sand and gravel bed of theSakmara River. The removal of fines from a bed ofmixed grainsize tends to produce a gravel armourof interlocking and immovable pebbles (Wilcock& Southard, 1989) which may stabilize the shells.

A second important feature of armoured beds isthat they inhibit the development of bedforms(Leeder, 1999). Bedform migration can quicklybury shells under a protective layer of sediment(Allen, 1984), removing them from sandblastingat the sediment–water interface. Additionally,shells placed on a movable sand bed will tendto self-bury because of scouring around the shell(Allen, 1984). The stabilized gravel bed of theSakmara River may thus promote abrasion andfragmentation by prolonging shell exposure toparticle impacts.

Biological processes such as predatory break-age, boring and bioerosion and chemical corro-sion need to be eliminated as these have beenshown to be a major source of shell damage andfragmentation (Cadee, 1994; Zuschin et al., 2003).In the Saint John River, Canada, comparable lossof umbonal shell material in unionid bivalves hasbeen interpreted as largely a consequence ofchemical dissolution from the oldest part of theshell, possibly accelerated by gastropod-inducedboring or decay mediated by chlorophyta, cyano-phyta or fungi (Lawfield & Pickerill, 2006).However, in the Saint John River, umbonal shelldamage was present on all observed unionidshells both living and dead. In the Sakmara River,damage to living bivalve shells and those in thechute-channel mass-death assemblages (Fig. 6A)was extremely rare. If predatory boring, breakageand chemical corrosion were important proces-ses, shell damage should be observed in both theuntransported chute-channel assemblages andthe transported bar-top assemblages. However,only the transported, bar-top assemblages showedextensive shell damage suggesting that physicaland not biological/chemical processes are themajor factor in shell fragmentation in the Sakmara

River. This observation may reflect the relativelyshort 2-month period during the spring snowmeltwhen shells deposited on point-bar tops areimmersed in water.

Comparison with marine environments andexperimental results

In marine environments the importance of phys-ical fragmentation is generally poorly quantifiedbecause of the difficulty in distinguishing phys-ical fractures from those produced by biologicalactivity such as crushing predation (Zuschinet al., 2003). While predation has been shown tobe a major source of shell breakage, fragmentationcaused by abrasion has been described only forlimpets (Seilacher, 1973; Cadee, 1999) and bi-valve shells on surf-washed beaches (Driscoll,1967). Driscoll’s (1967) field experiments on shellabrasion in the surf zone make an interestingparallel to this study. Driscoll placed looselytethered strings of single bivalve shells withinmoderate surf on a gravelly sand beach for 18 hand on a sand beach for 100 h. On the sandybeach, the valves of Mercenaria mercenariabecame preferentially orientated convex up andwith the umbonal region pointing towards theshore. This mode of orientation is very similar tothat seen on the Sakmara point bar; however, onthe surf-washed sandy beach it generated acontrasting damage pattern. Maximum abrasionwas found around the margins of the valveimmediately in contact with the sand bottom,whereas the elevated central portion of the valvewas relatively undamaged. Only when thevalve became partially buried, protecting thevalve margins, did the raised central portion ofthe convex-up valve become abraded by sand-blasting. This situation appears comparable withthe point bar where the valves often rest convex-up with the margins protected below the level ofthe gravel pavement (Fig. 6C). Driscoll also foundthat the heavier and more stationary valves ofM. mercenaria were much more prone to abrasivesandblasting than light shells such as Mya are-naria which were lifted and moved with eachadvancing and retreating wave. The absence ofany significant breakage or abrasion in the mobilelight valves of M. arenaria indicates cushioning ofimpact during transport within turbulent flow.Driscoll’s (1967) observations regarding theimportance of shell weight (the primary factorthat increases entrainment velocity) and the lackof damage to valves during transport providessupporting evidence that abrasion and fragmen-

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tation of unionid shells in the Sakmara River islargely an in situ process. Driscoll also undertookexperiments within the surf zone of a beachcomposed of gravelly sand. The most significantdifferences in the abrasion process between thisbeach and the one composed of fine sand are thatabrasion took place at least five times faster andproduced a rougher and more irregular surface onthe shells. This is similar to the mixed grain-sizeof the Sakmara River where the abrasive processappears to be rapid. The presence of abraded andfractured articulated bivalves with soft tissuewithin the shell interior would suggest that thecomplete process from abrasion to fragmentation(Fig. 9) can occur within a 2-month flood cycle.

Tumbling barrels commonly have been used tosimulate the process of shell abrasion (e.g. Dris-coll & Weltin, 1973; Oji et al., 2003). No studieshave been undertaken with unionid bivalves;however, it seems unlikely that tumbling barrelscould replicate realistically the sort of direction-ally focused sandblasting of flow-orientatedshells described here. In tumbling barrels, shellsare continually turned over, whereas on the pointbar, valves maintain a definite aspect and orien-tation under a unidirectional stream. If the streamchanges its direction, the shell changes its orien-tation accordingly, keeping the relative orienta-tion with respect to the stream direction the same(Dey, 2003) and focusing the abrasion process onparticular areas of the shell.


Evidence from the Sakmara River shows thatbivalve shells can be fragmented without extensivetransport by a process of in situ abrasion leading toperforation and fracture. Broken shells are thus nota reliable indicator of long-distance transport. Thefracture process relies on the hydrodynamic prop-erties of the shell which adopts a preferred orien-tation in a unidirectional flow focusing abrasion onthe elevated portion of the valve from the umbo tothe posterior ventral margin. Factors enhancingthe in situ abrasion and fragmentation processinclude: (i) the variable distribution of shell thick-ness, with an area of reduced thickness in theupstream-facing umbo; (ii) the weight of the unio-nid bivalves which raises the entrainment velo-city; (iii) the mixed grain-size of the abrasivebedload; and (iv) the armoured properties of thechannel bed which stabilize the shell and preventdownward removal from the sediment–waterinterface. In the geological record, elongate bivalve

shells showing evidence of abrasive fragmentation(e.g. distinctive L-shaped fragmentation) may beindicative of stabilized substrates and high rates ofbedload transport.


Glenn Storrs, Daren Partridge, Patrick Spencer andmany individuals from the University of Saratovand the Palaeontological Institute Moscow provi-ded logistical support during our stay on the banksof the Sakmara River. The authors thank M. Zus-chin and S. Dey for their constructive reviews.


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Manuscript received 13 February 2006; revisionaccepted 9 January 2007

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