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Bowling Green State University Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-1-1927 Bee Gee News May, 1927 Bee Gee News May, 1927 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News May, 1927" (1927). BG News (Student Newspaper). 73. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/73 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU.

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Bee Gee News May, 1927 Bee Gee News May, 1927

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News May, 1927" (1927). BG News (Student Newspaper). 73. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/73

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MAY, 1927


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"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul."—Genesis 2:7.

In this mechanical age when each of us seems only a cog in a machine, where we are all working at high tension, and, in our bewilderingly complex life, won- dering what it is all about, there ought to be something simple and elmental that we can tie to. Such we conceive to b«? the purpose of inspiration, which, in the last analysis is a fresh conception of some great truth. As Saint John said: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The inspirational writers and speak- ers who flourished a few decades ago are not now popular. Many of the truths they uttered have since become commonplace. They served a very real purpose in that they tried to show truth in all its beauty and thus belittled arti- ficialities. One of our present-day needs is for inspirational speakers and writers, who, while modern in every way, are capable of casting aside shams and af- fectations and let the light of truth come shining thru in an attractive way.

Where can we go for inspiration when we need it? The sources are so numer- ous that it is useless to try to name them all. As suggested, many depend upon lectures, others on inspirational meetings. Many go to nature, many more go to the Bible, still others seek Confucius, Plato, Jonson and a host of others. Some find it in Art, Literature or Music; some come upon it thru sor- row, suffering and privation; many oth- ers (and they are to be envied) find it in their work. All of us find it in the example of a good man. But regardless of its source, inspiration, thru its trans- figuring force, makes one a "living soul.'

This issue of the Bee Gee News has taken for its ambitious title, "Inspira- tional Number." Its means of inspira- tion are limited to the printed page; therefore, if it succeeds in strengthen-

ing the morale of just one student, if it causes just one person to attack his problems more thoughtfully, it will have accomplished the purpose set for it by the staff.—"Toby"

Will Power

"Grapple with the first difficulty that comes up. Wrestle till you down it, if it takes all dayt Get on top of it with both feet. First the bear, then the lion then Goliath—David worked up by de- grees to the giant. The joy of victory is a tonic to the mind. It's a joy to meet and overcome temptation and dif- ficulty. Master your lower nature and know what it is to have God's approval." —Archer Brown.

"Impossible is a word found only in the dictionary of fools."

"The only actual cripples are cow- ards."—Kaufman.

It Takes Courage To live according to your convictions. To be what you are and not pretend

to be what you are not. To say NO squarely and firmly even

when those around you say YES. To live honestly within your means

and not dishonestly upon the means of others.

To speak the truth when by a little prevarication you can secure some special advantage.

To face squarely and unflinchingly the consequences of one's own acts.

To keep from habitually following lines of least resistance.

When mortified and embarrassed by humiliation and disaster, to seek in the ruins the elements of future success.

Daily Duties

Life is much like a puzzle that is to be cut out and pieced together. It seems to consist of odd fragments, and we do not have the plan. But if we take each day's duties as they come and patiently fit them in, we shall some day realize that there is a plan after all, and the meaningless duties fitted together into a lifetime will make a beautiful and per- fect whole.


Faith "Faith is the substance of things

hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

A little blind girl with her arms tightly clasped about her father, was carried by him into a strange room. One who was in the room stepped up quietly, unclasped the arms and without word or sign took the child. "You do not seem frightened," said the father, "do you know who has you?" "No," she said, "but I am net afraid, for I know you know who has me."

Dv.ight Moody said that if a man should come into the country who could photograph people's hearts, he would die for want of trade.

The Arabs say, "When you cross the desert, plant trees by the way. You may return when old and weary to sit in their shade and eat of their fruit."

Love of One's Work Many years ago at an organ recital

the organ blower became suddenly ill. A celebrated composer immediately stepped up and took his place. Later someone remonstrated with him for do- ing menial labor. "Menial labor!" cried he, "I love music so much that nothing I do for it seems menial!"

Objective Columbus in a journal kept upon his

memorable voyage, day after day wro';e these simple but sublime words: "This day we sailed westward which was our course." Hope might rise and fall, ter- ror might seize the crew, but Columbus, understanding, pushed on due west.


The architect of the Episcopal Ca- thedral in Cleveland, made 60 plans be- fore he succeeded in getting one ac- cepted. Luther Burbank worked nine- teen years to perfect a giant amaryllis.

Lillian Nordira practiced nearly twenty years before she achieved suc- cess.

Goodyear perfected one of his inven-

tions while in prison for debt. Eads began life as a peddler of ap-

ples. He studied at night without school or instructor.

One of the richest fruit merchants of Guatemala City of 25 years ago began life as a slave in Alabama.

Character "A cultivated will is only another

name for a strong character." "Weak characters go around difficul-

ties, strong ones thru them." "You cannot dream yourself into a

character, you must hammer and forge one for yourself."

"If I take care of my character my reputation will take care of itself."

"The world is full of examples of men and women, pock-marked, hare-lipped, cross-eyed, scarred, dwarfed, deformed, ungainly, ugly, who are so lovely in soul and so fascinating in mind and heart that they are a constant inspira- tion for better character."—Keeler.

"There is something better than mak- ing a living. It is making a life."

"Character is a poor man's capital." "Fame is a vapor; popularity an ac-

cident: riches take wings; those who cheer today will curse tomorrow; on!y one thing endures—character"—Greeley.

"The problem of character is ulti- mately the problem of self-control."

Use of Time

I have only just a minute, only sixty seconds in it, forced upon me; can't re- fuse it; didn't seek it; didn't choose it, but it's up to me to use it; I must suf- fer if I lose it; give account if I abuse it. Just a tiny little minute—but eter- nity is in it.

"My son follow not in the footsteps of the loafer, and make no example of him that is born tired, for verily I say unto you, his business is overstocked, the seats on the corner are all taken. It is better to saw wood at two bits a cord than to whittle at a whittling match and abuse the government. My son, while thou hast in thy skull the sense of a jaybird, break away from the cig- arette habit, for, lo, thy breath stinketh


like a glue factory, and thy mind is less intelligent than a store dummy! Yea, thou art like a cipher with the rim knocked off."—Robert Burdette.

"Time abused is bad luck." "The day is immeasurably long to him

who knows not how to value and use it."—Goethe.

"Show me a man who has benefited the world by his wisdom, his patriotism, or his philanthropy, and you show me a man who has made the best of every minute."

"Empty hours, empty hands, empty companions, empty words, and empty hearts draw evil spirits as a vacuum cleaner draws in dirt. To be occupied with good is the best defense against the inroads of evil."

Contentment "Keep your heart free from hate, your

mind from worry. Live simply; expect little; give much; pray always. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self and think of others. Do as you would be done by—these are the tried links in contentment's golden chain."—McLeod.

Enthusiasm It was enthusiasm that enabled Cyrus

Field after many years of defeat to lay the Atlantic cable. It was enthusiasm that sped Stephenson's locomotive in spite of bitter criticism. It was enthu- siasm that drove Patrick Henry to utter those words so dear to the orator's heart.

"Enthusiasm is the steam of the hu- man engine—It is the key to perpetual youth, the builder of the tissues, the creator of health, the spark that ignites the magazines of inspiration in the hu- man soul."

"Every production of genius must be the result of enthusiasm."

Habits "Have your habits fighting for you,

not against you." "The chains of habit are too weak to

be felt, till they are too strong to be broken."

"Character is mostly habit become fixed."

"Here are some things which should be crystallized into habit; careful think- ing; assimilating the knowledge that comes from observation and reading; correctness in conversation and man- ners; physical exercise and regular hours; prayer; the old-fashioned vir- tues such as industry and economy, method and thoroness in work of every kind."—Archer Brown.

Ideals "An ideal is a fixed purpose by which

from time to time you can steer your life."

"No man lives until he would gladly die for something greater than life."

"Evil came on earth when the first man said, "That is not the best I can do, but it will answer."

"Sad will be the day for any man when he becomes absolutely contented with the life he is living, with the thoughts he is thinking, and the deeds he is doing; when there is not forever beating at the door of his soul some great desire to do something larger which he knows he was meant and made to do."

Self-control A cobbler at Leyden who used to at-

tend public disputations held in the academy was once asked if he under- stood Latin. "No," replied he, "but I know who is wrong in the argument." "How?" replied his friend. "Why, by seeing who is angry first." o

"Govern your passions or they will govern you."

"Whatever is begun in anger is ended in shame."

"Self-conquest is the greatest of all victories."

"Self-control is the root virtue of all virtues. It is at the very center of character."

"Remember that when you are in the right you can afford to keep your tem- per, and when you are in the wrong you can't afford to lose it."


"A man without self-control is like a barrel without hoops and soon falls to pieces."

"Make it a point to do something every day that you do not want to do." o ALUMNI NEWS

During the last few years the Alumni association has been moving onward toward an effective organization.

The association has been working on a directory of the degree graduates, which is now completed and hope to complete adirectory ofthe Diploma Graduates in the near future.

All graduates are eligible for mem- bership and the dues are the small sum of one dollar a year.

The association has many aims to- ward which it is now working. We hope first of all to have a large and active membership to publish an Alumni Bul- letin, and to advertise Bowling Green State College.

At present our first two aims have not been realizedfi but we hope to very soon. But we do feel that the Alumni have done their share in interesting prospective students and have also shown by precept the quality of work done at Bowling Green.

The Alumni Society is planning an Alumni Day, Thursday, June 16th. The Alumni dinner will be held at 5:30 p.m., in Shatzel Hall. A splendid program has been arranged.

The classes of 1917 and 1922 are cele- brating their tenth and fifth anniver- saries and several other classes are planning reunions.

The dinner will be followed by a campus program given by the Gold Mask Society.

The officers for 1926-27 are Mr. Ralph Schaller '22, president: Miss Wilhel- mena Gherke '22, vice president and Jonathan Ladd '26, secretary-treasurer. The executive committee consists of Mr. George Wilson '26, Miss Evelyn Scherff '24 and Mr. Dallas Lawrence '26.

At the last meeting of the association it was voted to have a class council and the following classes have selected these

representatives: 1918, Miss Elsie Meyer; 1919, Mrs. F. G. Beyerman; 1920, Mrs. Ruth Doane Case; 1921, Mr. Charles Clucas; 1922, E. E. Leidy; 1923, P. B. Huffman; 1924, C. D. Fox; 1925, Miss Esther Brown and 1926, Miss Jean Sherer.

The Alumni officers and council ex- tend a hearty invitation for all the 1927 graduates to join their Alumni associ- ation and work with them towards a bigger, better and successful society of alumni.

Everything is being done to have an invitation to the Alumni banquet on June 16, reach every alumnus, if any have been missed they are cordially in- vited to be present, and can make res- ervations at $1.25 per plate by writing to Jonathan B. Ladd, Bowling Green, Ohio.


A one-act play, "The Dark Lady of the Sonnets," by George B. Shaw, was acted Thursday evening, May 12, in the college auditorium, by members of the Gold Masque Club. The participants were Misses Arlene Stannard and Mar- jorie Chapman with Messrs. Edwards, Crawford and Knecht. The play was well received. It is the same as was performed by these people in Chicago a few weeks ago.

Prior to the presentation of the play, a number of fine musical selections were played by capable musicians from our student body.

In the near future the drama class will present two childrens' plays—"The Dame School Holiday" and "The Forest Ring." o

Some people when they dress in the morning forget to put on their smile. o

If you have any sour grapes in your system it will pay you to make them into preserves. o

"He that can have patience can have what he wills.—Franklin.


OHIO STATE CONTEST Shorthand and Typewriting

Bowling Green, Ohio May 7, 1927

The Fourth Annual Contest in Short- hand and Typewriting was one of the most successful and interesting ones that the State of Ohio has ever had. Thirty-seven schools sent representa- tives, winners in the District Contests, to Bowling Green for the finals:

North High, Akron; South High. Akron; West High, Akron; Archbold High: Bowling Green High; Bridgeport High; Bryan High; Calvert High; Tif- fin; Central Catholic, Toledo; Central High, Xenia; Cleveland Heights, Cleve- land; Cygnet High; Fremont High; Findlay High; Fostoria High; Glenville High, Cleveland: Granville High; Green- ville High; Hicksville High; John Adams High, Cleveland; Lebanon High; Libbey High. Toledo; Liberty Center High; Lima High; Marion High; Miamisburg High; Notre Dame, Toledo; Ottawa High; Portsmouth High: Roosevelt High, Dayton; St. Clairsville High; St. John's School, Defiance; Stivers High, Dayton; Van Wert High; Wapakoneta High; West Commerce High, Cleveland.

Delegates from the various schools began arriving Friday evening, May 6th, and were immediately assigned rooms in the dormitories or homes of the city that had been secured through the help of the Woman's Club of Bowl- ing Green under the direction of Miss Nielsen. The comfort of our guests while here was due largely to her un- tiring efforts, and the cooperation of the women who entertained them.

Mr. W. W. Lewis, Assistant Principal of the Gregg School of Chicago acted as manager for the contest and proved an exceedingly efficient person for that role. Papers for the contests were graded by students in the commercial department of the college, and members of Quill-Type. The commercial club, were hosts to the visiting contestants at a party given Saturday evening.

The contests were held in the new gymnasium, a very satisfactory place

indeed. In the three divisions of the typing contest held at 10:30 a.m., the winners were as follows:

Novice Class First Place—

Dina Diamond, Cleveland Heights, 64.94 words per minute.

Second Place— Viola Rupp, Archbold, 61.22.

Third Place— Lucile Keller, Archbold, 59.02.

Amateur Class First Place—

Lucille Koepke, West Commerce, 76.42 Second Place—

Florence Robejsek, John Adams, 74.05 Third Place-

Robert Wills, Lebanon, 72.90 Champion Class

First Place— Elza Cook, Portsmouth, 76.74

Second Place— Florence Robejsek, John Adams, 74.05

Third Place— Nettie Frys, John Adams, 65.68. As usual the tests were for fifteen

minutes and international rules were used in grading the papers. The re- sults in each class were far above the results for the three years previous which would indicate that state contests are certainly worthwhile.

In the Shorthand section, the results were as follows:

Novice Class First Place-

Hilda A. Markworth, West Com- merce, 99.85 per cent.

Second Place— Judith Freeman, Stivers, Dayton, 98.9 per cent.

Third Place- Virginia Dunham, Roosevelt, Dayton, 98.3 per cent.

Amateur Class First Place—

Mary Fairchild, 99.47 per cent.

Second Place— Helen Brabenec, 99.37 per cent.

Third Place-

Stivers, Dayton,

West Commerce,

(Continued on page ten)


BEE GEE NEWS Published By

THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY Bowling Green State Normal College

Published Monthly Except Aug. and Sept.

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-ln-Chlef - T. F. Edwards. Fremont Ass't Editor - Ralph Engle. Bowling Green Athletic Editor - F. Roach. Potsdam. N. T. Literary Ed. - Charlotte Gaeth Oak Harbor Socletv Editor - - Marie Dock. Toledo Circulation Mgr. - Robt. Wyandt. Convoy Adver. Mgr. - - Chas. Buckles, Convoy, O. Reporter - - Marguerite Bremer, Lorain Reporter - - Catherine Auxter. Llnduev Alumni Editor - Prof. Schaller. B. Green Faculty Aovisor - Prof. Beatt e. Agr. Dept.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single Copy 5 cents Per Year 50 cents

Subscription payable in advance

Send all Remittances to CIRCULATION MGR.. BEE GEE NEWS

Bowling Green, Ohio In care of B. G. S. N. C.



A liberal education does not consist in knowing the contents of a large num- ber of books but consists in knowing those books which corroborate and clarify one's own life experience. The Pilgrim Fathers and the founders of our great nation knew but a very few books, The Holy Bible and Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress were in many cases the only books in the libraries of the colonizers. These books did not remain on the shelf to become dusty and yellow with age but were thumb-worn and stained from constant use and carrying about. The everyday hardships of the settler were spoken of and enacted in these two books which also intimated the rewards of such a life.

Abraham Lincoln as a boy received his inspiration from these two books plus one other, The Life of Washington, which he literally knew by heart. And thus it is that the inspiration of the young folks who are to become the men and women of tomorrow is often received from books which they read, or the type of literature which is read to them. One excellent illustration of this force

is told by S. Baring-Gould of Pambo, a famous old ascetic who lived toward the end of the 4th Century: "Not being learned in letters, Pambo sought a man who could read, to teach him the Psal- ter. His friend began with the first verse of the 39th Psalm: 'I said, I will take heed to my ways that I offend not my tongue.' 'That will do for today.' said Pambo, and went his way. He did not return for six months, and was chidden. 'It is hard to learn that one verse,' answered Pambo; 'I have not mastered it yet.' Many years after some one asked about that verse. 'It has taken me 19 years to learn it, and I am not perfect in it yet,' he replied." o A BOOK CREED

I am the recorder of the ages. I speak every language under the sun

and enter every corner of the earth. I bring information, inspiration and re-

creation to all mankind. I am the enemy of ignorance and slav-

ery, the ally of enlightenment and liberty.

I am always ready to commune with man, to quicken his being, to spur him

.on, to show him the way. I treat all persons alike, regardless of

race, color, creed, or condition. I have power to stretch man's vision, to

deepen his feeling, to better his busi- ness, and to enrich his life.

I am a true friend, a wise counsellor, and a faithful guide,

lam as silent as gravitation, pliant and powerful as the electric current, and enduring as the everlasting hills.

I am the BOOK. —W. F. Yust.


52. The Newcomers Thackfray 53. Romola _ Eliot 54. The Sketch Book Irving 55. Short History of the English People

Green 56. Outline of History Wells 57. Three Musketeers Dumas 58. Tom Sawyer.. Mark Twain


59. Twenty Years at Hull House Addams

60. Uncle Remus and His Friends Harris

61. Adventures in Friendship... Grayson 62. The Virginian Wister 63. Rational Living - King 64. From a College Window Benson 65. Among My Books Lowell 66. Creative Chemistry Slosson 67. How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

Bennett 68. Up from Slavery Washington 69. Spell of the Yukon _ Service 70. Letters to His Chidren ...Roosevelt 71. The Oregon Trail Parkman 72. Days Off Van Dyke 73. Far from the Madding Crowd Hardy 74. Critical Period of American History

Fiske 75. Pioneers of France in the New World

Parkman 76. The Gospel for an Age of Doubt

Van Dyke 77. Selected Poems of Wordsworth

M. Arnold 78. The Gentle Reader Crothers 79. Lady of the Lake Scott 80. Wake Robin _ Burroughs 81. The Seven Seas Kipling 82. Pride and Prejudice... Austen 83. The True George Washington Ford 84. French Revolution Carlyle 85. The Nigger of the Narcissus Conrad 86. Four Million - O. Henry 87. Fruits of Solitude ..William Penn 88. The Open Road Lucas 89. Penrod Tarkington 90. Voyage of the Beagle Darwin 91. Tess of the d'Urbervilles Hardy 92. Mountains of California Muir 93. Portrait of a Lady James 94. Margaret Ogilvy. Barrie 95. Fraternity - Galsworthy 96. Imitation of Christ Kempis 97. The Idea of God Fiske 98. Essay on Man_ Pope 99. Virginibus Puerisque Stevenson 100. The Will to Believe James o

To the strongest hand and the strong- est head fall, and always will fall, the heavy burdens; and where heavy bur- dens fall, the prizes fall too.


In order to further carry out the idea of inspiration taken as a motif for this issue of the paper, certain faculty mem- bers were asked to contribute a maxim which they think worthy of considera- tion. Owing to circumstances which the editor is still unable to explain, not all of the faculty asked to contribute were interviewed, or else, some of those in- terviewed failed to respond. These cir- cumstances do not detract from the value of the contributions received, how- ever.

Dr. Kohl: "There is no royal road to learning."

Mr. Carmichael: "No man is useless while he has a friend."—Shakespeare.

Dr. Williamson: "It is not your posi- tion but your disposition that makes you happy or unhappy."

Mr. Overman: "If a man's wit be wondering, let him study mathematics; for in demonstrations, if his wit be call- ed away, ever so little, he must begin again."—Lord Bacon.

Mr. Moseley: "What if another sit be- neath the shade of the broad elm I planted by the way—what if another heed the beacon light I set upon the rock that wrecked my bark—Have I not done my task and served by kind?"— O. W. Holmes.

Mr. Knepper: "There is no excellence without great labor."

Dr. Barringer: "Teaching—the worst paid but the most richly rewarded of all professions."—Van Dyke.

Mr. Schwarz: "A nation without a national government is an awful spec- tacle."—Alexander Hamilton.

Miss Everett: "We lose illusions one by one, And see, beneath the surface glitter; But, tho' 'tis sometimes quite a shock, The truth should never make us bitter."

Mr. Zaugg: "Faith and Success: No one can succeed who does not believe that this is the greatest day since cre- ation's dawn and who does not see bet- ter things for tomorrow."

Mr. Crowley: "One picture is worth a thousand words."



(Continued from page seven)

Marcallene Fox, West Commerce, 99.22 per cent.

Champion Class First Place—

Vivian Coffey, West Commerce, 100 per cent.

Second Place— Lucille Koepke, West Commerce, 100

per cent. Third Place-

Mildred Hurley, John Adams, 99.14 per cent. As has ben the custom in previous

years, a trophy was awarded this year to the school winning the greater num- ber of points in the contest, three points being awarded to a school winning first place, two to a school winning second | place, and one for third place. West Commerce, with two firsts, two seconds, and one third won first place as a school. Since they had won the two years previ- ous, this year's success gained for them permanent possession of the Quill-Type Trophy. Another similar trophy, how- ever, will be on hands next year for the successful school. John Adams and Stivers tied for second place, John Adams having one first place and two third places, and Stivers claiming one first and one second.

In addition to the Quill-Type Trophy, similar awards were given to the schools taking first place in the Mass Typing Contest which was held a few weeks before the State contest. In these contests, the awards for first place in the Novice and first place in the Ama- teur were given to Archbold and Cleve- land Heights respectively. Cleveland Heights received honorable mention for second place in the Novice Class, and Our Lady of Good Counsel won second place in the Amateur Class. Every contestant who won first, second, or third place in any division was awarded a cer- tificate indicating his skill and efficiency.

With results each year showing a steady and rapid increase, we prophesy the greatest contest of all in 1928!

In this busy work-a-day world, few of us have the time or inclination to pause in our money-making and pleasure-seek- ing, and think of the quiet gray-haired mother who sits at home—the very es- sence of patient, loving devotion.

How many long hours, full of anguish for her have dragged by, each moment ot them filled with pain and silent suf- fering. How her eyes light up, upon the slightest act of thoughtfulness per- formed by her children, her own hours of sacrifice forgotten. And how little she demands in return for her never- failing love and sacrifice.

I have known many men to say that their mothers' admiration and love was adequate reward for deeds by which they won honor and distinction among their fellowmen. Other men have told us with perfect honesty that they never would have been able to complete cer- tain performances without the inspira- tion provided by their mothers.

Who was it who spurred us on and turned each childish defeat into some sort of victory? And was it not she who provided the inspiration, the word that was needed; the sympathy that we sought, that helped us to do and dare?

How appropriate are the words of a recent poet,—"All that I am or hope to be I owe to my mother."

A CLEAR CONSCIENCE A very peculiar incident was wit-

nessed just the other day. Two little girls were walking down North Main Street, and were just passing the First M. E. Church. Noticing the bushes of "bridal wreath" all in bloom, growing around the church, both girls remarked upon their beauty, one deciding that she would pick a branch for herself. The other, horrified, exclaimed, "Oh> you wouldn't steal from the church." "I'll fix that up," answered the first girl and walked solemnly up to a bush of bridal wreath, plucked a cluster and said turning toward the church, "God, don't mind this, because I want a flower badly."—Indeed, she had "fixed it up."


SPORTS Athletics, too, have their inspiration-

al side. Physical contest with another individual or group inspires a respect for the other fellow which few other activities can. It is well to know, sometimes, that another person, or group, has had no better training privi- leges than we have, but is just a little better than we. It is invigorating like a cold shower.

Again athletics inspires good sports- manship and team work, furnishes an incentive for keeping the bodily machine in good trim, engenders school spirit, inspires love of the game, puts a premi- um on quick thinking, and finally brings forth a vigor, both mental and physical without which one is sadly handicapped. We repeat, athletics have a decidedly inspirational value.

BLUFFTON GAME This game was rather interesting to

watch at times, but there were also some very bad plays which proved costly to the orange and brown boys. Although Bohyer had a sore arm, he did very well on the mound. Howe pitched good ball for Bluffton, fanning fifteen men.

In the 8th inning the bases were full with two men out and the score 3 to 7 in favor of Bluffton, when the mighty Rudolph came to the plate. "Strike one," bawled the umpire. It looked bad. The next one was caught on the nose by Rudolph's bat, and he galloped around the diamond for a home run, scoring three men ahead of him. Score: Bowl- ing Green, 8; Bluffton scored 3 runs to win 8 to 10.

Score by innings: Bluffton - 000 031 213—10 Bowling Green 020 010 050— 8

6-4; Binder, 4-6. Doubles—Olds and Wheland, 6-1, 6-2;

Bluffton, 4-6; Fries and Limber, 2-6, 3-6; Cunningham and Burkhart, 6-2.

HEIDELBERG VS. B. G. Tennis, May 2, 1927. Won by B. G. Singles—Fries, 6-3; Miles, 2-6, 2-6;

Limber, 6-2, 6-1; Prough; Olds, 6-3, 7-5= Saverin, 4-6; Wheland, 7-5, 7-5; Heidel- berg.

Doubles—Fries and Limber, 6-2, 6-2; Heidelberg; Olds and Wheland, 6-2, 6-1; Heidelberg, 3-6.

TOLEDO VS. B. G. Tennis, Tuesday, May 10, 1927. B. G.

net team rims Toledo. Singles—Fries, 6-2, 6-2; Balyeat, 5-7;

Limber; Oblitz, 6-2, 6-3; Olds, 6-1, 6-2: Wright.

Doubles—Fries and Limber, 6-2, 6-3; Oblitz and Holt, 2-6; Olds and Wheland, 4-6; Balyeat and Wright, 7-5, 6-4.

W L Pet. Bowling Green 3 0 1.000 Findlay 2 1 .667 Bluffton 1 1 -500 Defiance _. - 0 0 .000 Toledo - 0 1 .000

BLUFFTON VS. B. G. Tennis, May 6, 1927. Won by B. G.

College netters downed Bluffton. Singles—Fries, 6-1, 6-2; Cunningham:

Limber, 6-2, 6-1; Burkhart; Olds, 6-2,


May 7, 1927. Rockets first in quad- rangular meet; B. G. close second.

Score—Toledo, 58 1-3; B. G., 49 1-6; Findlay, 44 1-6; Defiance, 12 1-3.

Summary Discus—Won by Alexander, Toledo;

Fish, B. G.; Dunn, Toledo. Distance, 116.6 feet.

100-Yard Dash—Won by Semersky, Toledo: Wolfe, B. G.; Yawberg, B. G. Time, 10.5.

Shot Put—Won by Dunn, Toledo; Fish, B. G.; Brand, B. G. Distance, 38.7 feet.

One Mile Run—Won by Leahy, To- ledo; Glaser, B. G.; Caldwell, Findlay. Time, 5:10:8.

440-Yard Dash—Won by Sutton, Find- lay; Burson, Toledo; McDaniels, B. G.


• ■


Fountain Pens Mechanical Pencils

Loose Leaf Note Books —AND-

All Student Supplies


Time, 56 seconds. 120-Yard High Hurdles—Won by BuS

termore, Findlay; Burkhart, B. G.; Kaz- maier, Toledo. Time, 20.2.

Pole Vault—Won by Kazmaier, To- ledo; Sprague, Defiance; Junkins, B. G.; Glaser, B. G.: Wise, Findlay. Height, 10.3 1-4.

220-Yard Dash—Won by Samersky, Toledo; Sutton, Findlay; Wolfe, B. G. Time, 23.6.

High Jump—Tied for first, Goon, To- ledo; Kenny and Wise, Findlay; fourth, Brandt and Fries, B. G., and Bleezarde, Defiance. Height, 5.2.

Half Mile—Won by McDaniels, B. G.; Burson, Toledo; Hamilton, Findlay. Time, 2:16:5.

Javeline Throw—Won by Ward, B. G.; Foor, Defiance; Junkins, B. G. Distance, 151.11.

Broad Jump—Won by Burson, Toledo; Wise, Findlay; Smith, Defiance. Dis- tance, 19.96.

Two-Mile Run—Won by Bradley, To- ledo; Caldwell, Findlay: Ballinger, To-


Quality Foods and

Courteous Treatment always at

The College Inn


Peg's Beauty Shoppe i

i I Call 468 for Appointment

\ Pegmaas, Prop. • Room No. 215 Comm. Bank



ledo. Time, 11:31:8. Mile Relay—Won by Findlay; B. G.

second; Defiance, third. Time, 3:54:2.

THE HEIDELBERG GAME The college won another big ball

game Friday, April 29, when they took the Heidelberg nine into camp 12 to 7. Bohyer's hitting was a big factor in this game. In three times to the plate he whaled out a single, a double and a home run. Gwynn made a name for himself by cracking out a home run with the bases full. He is now known as "Home Run Gwynn."

The score by innings: Heidelberg 001 500 1—791 Bowling Green . 520 041 x—12 16 2


Toledo U 100 020 000—3 6 1 B. G 100 000 000—1 8 0

On Tuesday, May 10, B. G. lost her second conference game of the season by a 1-3 score. At 3:30 Bowling Green took the field with Filiere on the mound, and the game was on. Toledo U. scored one run in the first. When Bowling Green came to bat she tied the score. Neither team scored again until the fifth inning when a wild throw to sec- ond by Filiere and a passed ball by Pugh let Toledo U. score two more runs. This ended the scoring for the day, and Toledo U. won 1-3. o



One hundred eighty-two new and former students enrolled on Monday, May 9, for the first summer term. Many of these people have been teaching dur- ing the past school year. They corne her with a sincerity of purpose that augurs well for their future. The faculty and students of the college take this op- portunity to extend to all the summer students our heartiest welcome. May you do your best both for yourself and for the school. May you find us in the future, as you have in the past, always ready to co-operate with you to your own advantage.

Perhaps many of the greatest gifts to the world and the fruits of solitude, but I think that everyone that goes away to school misses something that she ought to have if she doesn't live in a dormitory, for a time, at least. 'Most every poet writes of Romance, "the Lady with Raven Locks" or something else gained from the inspiration of companionship with someone in particu- lar. But just what inspiration do we get from living in a dormitory. I doubt if it's the inspiration to write senti- mental poetry or to do something to revolutionize the whole world, but there is a certain stimulation about it that can't be found elsewhere.

We may come from a class, tired, blue, discouraged, but when we enter the Dorm we are sure to find someo-.e just about as "low" if not "lower" than we are. From them we get sympathy and understanding and discover that we're not the only abused person on earth. In fact, we find quite a few that are even worse off than we. Then we meet another girl, fresh, full of pep and energy with whom the world has dealt kindly today. She bears our tale of woe, points out the good things we've had and cheers us up. We feel better. By the time we come to our own room, our roommate or our neighbor is wait- ing to turn our mind toward some dif- ferent, pleasant duty, and we forrret all about the depths through which we have passed. Then, before we know it. we are absorbed in a new thought, stimu- lated, inspired to go on, to try again, our fears forgotten.

Nowhere else can we get such an environment, so full of sympathy, un- derstanding and inspiration as can be found across the threshold of a dormi- tory. o

No+hin» will take the place of an all- p.bsorbine nurpose. Education will not, neither will genius, talent, industry, nor power. The purposeless life must ever be a failure.




College Days that are nearly over. We wish to offer our appreciation to the stu- dents of Bowling Green College for their patronage this past year and to assure those to follow that we always stand ready to support them in every way in the future. Handling only first quality merchandise purchased through our great buying power and sold at the lowest possible margin of profit.



at Our

Quality Cleaning, Press-

ing and Tailoring. A trial

will win you.

Canen Tailors 151 North Main

Graduation Gifts Suggestions

Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry Novelties


121 N. Main St.


Following a custom set by former classes, the Juniors met Thursday eve- ning, May 12, and elected members to the Key staff for the year 1927-28. The election determined that the following people will be responsible for the 1928 issue: editor-in-chief, T. F. Edwards; business manager, Forrest Warner; ad- vertising manager, Olive Bowersox; cir- culation manager, C. D. McDaniel; sports editor, "Cody" Markle.




After the usual "Rush" week several spirited meetings were held by the Seven Sisters, who take pleasure in an- nouncing their pledges: Helen Brown, Montpelier, Ohio: Mildred Moseberger, Fremont, Ohio; Betty Taylor, East Lib- erty, Ohio; and Helen Roe, Fremont, Ohio. .

A regular meeting of Seven Sisters and pledges was held May 10 in the an- nex of Shatzel Hall. Here the first de- gree was administered to the pledges, who can well be complimented for their ''all-around Bee Gee" spirit. Officers for the coming year are as follows: Presi- dent, Frances Fiegel; vice-president, Mrrgaret Bemis; secretary, Lillian Ken- nedy; treasurer, Bernice Immel; re- porter, Kathryn House; sergeant-at- arms, Lucille McClelland; and chaplain, Marcella Noonan.

Speaking of inspirations it is evident that the Seven Sisters caught the spirit which was expressed in their Salama- gundi Rush Party, April 5, in Shatzel Hall. One would have scarcely recog- nized the room as the annex because of the way it was disguised by decorations. Tables were arranged in the form of a "seven." At these tables were played various types of games, the object being to bewilder the players as they changed at the ringing of the bell. It was no doubt an unusually fine way to acquaint everyone and make use of those char- acteristics which are so often hidden in every day routine. After the awarding of the prize to the winner dainty re- freshments were served in accordance with the Salamagundi spirit. o



Spring Pledges

The Delhi announces the pledging of Ford Bedford, Arthur Blackburn, Bruce Burkey, Edwin Burkhart, Otis Dermer, Cleo Digby, Charley Holstein, Floyd

Have Your Car


safe and stored. Special t

rates to students. I

I High-pressure Gasoline— I

cut prices on tires, tubes j

and accessories.


Court Street i Garage !

Junkins, Frank Purdy and Paul Reed. The following men have deceived the

third degree and are now full-fledged members: Karl Wheland, Howard Rus- sell, Roland Dehne, Loren Bibler, Har- old Treece, Arthur Kuder, Edwin Dig- by, George Wolf and Forrest Helvoight. Mr. Hagedorn will receive the third de- gree at an early date.

Ancient History The Delhi held their annual Easter

dance at the Woman's Building, April 16. About twenty-five couples were present and everyone had a most enjoy- able time. Faculty members present were Mr. Carmichael, faculty advisor, and Mr. Perry. Dr. Williams was un- able to attend. o

Love is the ability to see the beauti- ful which others miss, and miss the evil which others witness. o

"The man who isn't straight puts a terrible handicap upon himself. He must play tug-of-war nearly single handed against all society."



Skol Kid Party The Skol pledges entertained the ac-

tive members at a kid party May 10th at the home of May Catherine Steven- son. Early in the evening the kids went wild over animal crackers. Glad Denny and Marge Chapman captured the greatest number and the tie was set- tled in a Kiddie Kar race with Denny in the lead at the end of the heat.

The next feature was a bean carrying race, and here Alice Smith proved the most skillful and was rewarded with adequate equipment for spending an enjoyable summer at the seashore.

Gum was next distributed in generous quantities which the girls proceeded to mold into queer creatures which they "called" animals. Dottie Bachman suc- ceeded in making a sure nut? real ani- mal and received first prize.

The girls next proceeded to tell Peter Rabbit stories. Poor Peter was mur- dered, brought back to life, killed again, and, all in all, he must have suffered greatly. Merle Gray excelled in ex- pounding on Peter. She was presented with a real Peter Rabbit.

After enjoying some dancing, the youngsters eagerly partook of stick candy, pop corn balls, ice cream cones, and pop. On leaving, each child was presented with a big balloon.

First Degree Given The regular Skol meeting was held

May 3rd at Shatzel. After a short busi- ness session the first degree of initia- tion was rendered to the following girls: Mary Catherine Stevenson, Jane Jami- son, Gene Lutz, Mildred Goughler, Alice Richards, Anna Hayne, Bessie Crosb <, Ellena Percy, Geven Swartzcoff, Lois Decker, Edna Carr, and Helen Stark- weather.

Jonathan Edwards wrote in his jour- nal when he was a boy. "Resolved to live with all my might while I do live."

"A profound conviction raises a man above the feeling of ridicule."


Walker's | Studio

24-Hour Service

1st of May Brin.or in Your Films


Bee Gee Headquarters

Only Two Places to Eat- Home and at

MUIR'S COLLEGIAN LUNCH Don't divorce your wife because she can't cook. Eat here and keep

her for a pet. BUCK MUIR, Prop.

| Graduation Gifts j See our line of Gifts before you



buy. We give Red Arrow Money.

Holies Drug Store C. C. HUTTON, Prop.



On Wednesday evening, May 11, Quill Type held its regular meeting. The president called the meeting to order and roll call was taken by the secretary. Just fourteen members were present. We had four visitors with us.

During the business meeting, a com- mittee was appointed to notify all the members having three or more unex- cused absences in succession, that they were in danger of being dropped from the club.

We were very grateful to have with us, and to entertain us the following young ladies:

Miss Merle Gray—Reading. Miss Catherine House—Vocal Solo. Miss Martha Haley—Vocal Solo. This program certainly was enjoyed

by all those present and the club ex- tends its thanks to these young ladies.

There being no new_ members to be taken in, the meeting was adjourned.


April 26.—A very interesting lecture on mushrooms, poisonous and other- wise, was given by Prof. Holt. A most interesting and enlightening set of slides illustrated the lecture very well.

May 3.—"Just Wonderful"!—"best chapel we ever had"! Those are just a few of the remarks which could be heard after our chapel period. And the cause of all these comments was a musical program put on by the students of Find- lay High School, through the efforts of Prof. Tunnicliffe. Included in the pro- grams were several solos, a trio, and a number of quartet selections. It is truly one of the best programs which has been offered to Bowling Green stu- dents this year.

May 10.—Through the efforts of the Toledo club, Rev. Mayley of Toledo, gave us a lecture on "Mother." It was very interesting and it made everyone think more seriously of, and appreciate more than ever, his mother.


Bowers Do





Bowling Green Ohio I

Home-Made Candies Also

Lowney's, Johnson's and Foss Chocolates in Boxes

Ice Cream Sodas and

Fancy Sundaes CALOMIRIS'

Mark's Restaurant j Newly remodeled and !

decorated. Quick service j —quality food. j

College Students Invited i



The following letter was received by the editor with the request that it be published: Editor B. G. News Dear Sir:

We are offering a prize for the best essay by a college student on "SPRING- BOARD" by Robert Wolf.

The New York Times in reviewing this fine novel called it "the best col- lege novel yet written by an American." The prize essay can be either an affirma- tion or a denial of this statement by the Times. It should be not longer than three thousand words and must be sub- mitted to us, marked SPRINGBOARD PRIZE . COMMITTEE, Albert and Charles Boni, Inc., 66 Fifth Avenue, New York City,—before July 1st, 1927.

Heywood Broun will act as judge and his decision will be final.

The prize winner will be announced September 15, 1927, and awarded the prize of $150.00. Contestants grant Al- bert and Charles Boni the right to use their essay for publicity and advertising. No essays will be returned.

Please announce this competition in your columns and post this letter on your bulletin board.

Yours faithfully, ALBERT AND CHARLES BONI, Inc.,


At the regular meeting of the Five Brothers, held at the house on May 3, officers were elected for the following year. Those elected were: Old Skull, Francis Roach; Crossbones, Markle; G. A. P., Wheeler; Scribe, Kerr; Chaplain, F. Crawford; Loyal Brother, W. Miller; and Miser, Kreisher. These officers were to be installed on May 17. They will serve for the following year.

The saddest tragedies are the not- quite-enoughs. One of the richest sil- ver mines in England was found only two yards from where the original prospector stopped digging.

THE CLA-ZEL Sunday & Monday

May 29-30 Matinee Both Days

"McFadden's Flats"


CHARLIE MURRAY and an All-Star cast

Also Comedy, Scenic and News | Admission—10c-30c

j Wednesday & Thursday June 1-2

j "The Red Mill" | Auspices of Senior Class of the

Normal College

C. L. SMITH Confectionery and News Stand

Main and Wooster Sts.

Butter-Kist Peanuts and Pop Corn

PLANTS | For Hanging Baskets, j Porch Boxes, Flowerbeds, j etc. Flowers for all oc- j


Brigham's Flower Shop




Crepe Rubber Soles for

Sport Wear

Church Shoe Shop 146 W. Y.'ooster St.



Roy E. Loomis Agency Representing:

The largest and strongest multi- ple-line insurance organization in

the world. THE TRAVELERS

of Hartford, Conn. Life, Auto, Accident, Burglary,

Fire, Windstorm

Sanitary Dry j Cleaners \

! I The Best of Service and |

Quality in your Cleaning and Pressing.

♦*«.^»o. ,♦

Compliments of

Bill's Shoe Shop 215 N. Main St.



Macs L.—"I do hope you will pardon my dancing on your feet—I'm a little out of practice."

Charlotte G.—"I don't mind your dancing on them. It's the continual jumping on and off that aggravates me."

Rowe—"Will your people be surprised when you graduate?"

C. Cornell—"No. They've been ex- pecting it for several years."

Prof. Moseley—What's the most com- mon impediment in the speech of Ameri- can people?"

Hubie Schwarz—"Chewing gum."

Neighbor—"What's the new baby at your house, Jimmie, a boy or a girl?"

Jimmie (disgustedly)—"Aw, it's a girl. I saw 'em putting powder on it."

Balboa (arranging with the clergy- man for his second marriage)—And I should like the ceremony in my yard this time, sir."

Clergyman—"Good gracious, why?" Mac—"Then the chickens can pick up

the rice—we wasted a lot last time."

Moses—"Effen beauty was sugar you sho' would make fine vinegar."

Sambo—"Yes, an' effen brains wuz dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow yo' measly nose."

Mose—"Say, niggah, did you all join one of them there frat clubs?"

Sam—"No, sah, black boy, I done got whiteballed."

Mary Miller—"Jimmie and I are en- gaged to be married."

Genevieve—"You don't mean it!" Mary—"No, but he thinks I do."

Mary Austin—"I have a cold or some- thing in my head."

Betty Harrison—"A cold, undoubt- edly."

"Sin has many tools but a lie is the handle that fits them all."



It was a beautiful evening on the Po- tomac. At five bells the boats steamed for Sylvania carrying as cargo the Col- lege Band and a few friends and wives of some of its members. Dr. Williams acted as supervisor and main helmsman.

The following program was given in the Burnham High school auditorium on May 5.

PROGRAMME Concord—March Bennett Poet and Peasant—Overture-March — Fill more

American Federation—Overture Skagg So u Bennett Piano Solo—Polish Dance—Schwarnki... Miss Murdock

Charlnet Duet Mesrs. Perry and George Readings—Selected Miss Zindler Quartette Messrs. Perry, George,

and George Selections Orchestra Double Quartette—(a) Over the Deep Blue

Sea. (b) Lena Lee Messrs. Perry, Headington, McCoy, Wood, Schwarz, George, George and Powell

Vocal Solo—(a) Carnical. (b) Two Grena- diers Mr. Wyandt

The Thundered—March Sousa Night Riders" Patrol Huff Silver Wedding—Overture Schlepergrell Have a Little Fun Bennett Sabo—March Bennett

Robert Wyandt—Conductor

People pay more attention to our ex- ample than they do to our advice.

To be in the pink of condition physi- cally and mentally, and ready and will- ing to do anything that needs to be done is a great substitute for genius.

"We cannot conceal shoddy in the great web of life. Every wicked, rot- ten, sleazy thread will stretch itself across the fabric and testify against us forever."—Emerson.

Reading without purpose is saunter- ing, not exercise. More is gotten from one book on which thought settles for a definite end than from libraries skim- med over by a wandering eye.

"Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who know me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower when I thot a flower would grow."—Lincoln.

Latest in MARCELLING Finger and Water

Waving M. & M.

Beauty Shoppe Telephone 494

Commercial Bank Bldg.

The Home Restaurant I The Inn of the College


Mest Your Friends Here


Straw Hats Stiff and soft Straw

Hats in all the new styles and novelty straws.

Priced at

$1.50 to $6.00

Uhlman's Clothing Store



Graduation Gifts i We have assembled for your

convenience a host of gifts suit-

able for the graduate. Clever im-

ported numbers that will not be

found elsewhere. Make your gift j

this year a little out of the ordi- j

nary. We have prices to fit every j

purse. A visit will convince you. j

Graduation and "Thank You" I

Cards are here also in abundance.

Send every graduate a congratu- lation.

Picture Frame Gift Shop j

180 South Main St. j



Now, when so many people are trying to excuse their actions by saying, "We are what we were made," "Fate rules us," "We can't change our lives," and other phrases of similar meaning, it is refreshing and hopeful to read that poem, known to almost all of us:

"Out of the night that covers me Black as the pit from pole to pole I thank whatever Gods may be For my unconquerable soul.

In the full clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid.

Our Thanks to the College Students for their splendid patron-

[ age of this shop during j the past school year.

i W. L. Lake { Hotel Millikin Barber Shop i "The Latest in Haircuts Always" •v^.>-

It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the


The Barber Shop On The Square

You'll Find Your Friends Here


Wright & Dilson Tennis Rachets

Tennis Balls Golf Balls Golf Balls

Lincoln & Dirlam "The Drug Store on the Square"

i scroll,

I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."


-o- Strength is like gunpowder; to be ef-

fective it needs concentration and aim. o

We live by radiation, not by absorp- tion. The only way to keep some things is to give them away. Man doesn't live unto himself alone.—Prof* Maxims.


4% Paid on Time Deposits

The Wood County Savings Bank Co.

Capital and Surplus


E. M. FRIES, President J. H. LINCOLN, Cashier

S. R. CASE, Vice President A. M. PATTERSON, A. Cash.

A. H. LODGE, A. Cashier.

Students' Accounts Solicited.


The Commercial Bank & Savings Co.


Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $110,000.00

4% Paid on Savings Accounts and

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