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Bengkel Kecemerlangan Fizik Spm 2012 Jpwp

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KERTAS 1KECEMERLANGAN SPM 2013FIZIK KERTAS 11. Which of the following instruments can measure a base quantity?

2. Which of the following steps can reduce the parallax error while recording the value of current from an ammeter?A. Use more sensitive ammeter. B. Calculate the average value from repeated readings C. Use a magnifying lens to read the reading from the ammeter D. Use an ammeter with a plane mirror underneath the pointer needle.

3. Which of the following length is the longest ?

A. 10-4 kmB. 10-11 GmC. 10-7 mmD. 10-6 pm4. Spring x can hold a maximum load of 5 kg. Which of the following ways is used so that the cradle can hold a baby of 7 kg?

A. Change to a spring with bigger diameterB. Increase the length of the spring. C. Add another spring and arrange the spring in series. D. Add another spring and arrange the spring in parallel.

5. What is the principle behind the use of shock absorbers in automobilesto overcome the problems caused by potholes on the road?A. The surface area in contact with the potholes on the road B. The size of tyre compared to the pothole on the road. C. The time of contact between tyre and the pothole on the road.

6. Diagram 3 shows an appliance to charge a handphone.A. increase a voltage B. decrease a voltage C. produce an alternative current D. produce direct current

7. Diagram 4 shows the load M supported by the arrangements of springs, P, Q and R. All the springs are identical.

Diagram 4

Which comparison is correct about the extension of P, Q and R ?A P < Q < RB Q < P < RCQ < R < P

8. A ball of mass 0.5 kg is thrown horizontally with a speed of 2 m s-1. Which of the following statements is not true ?AThe ball will gain kinetic energyBIts total potential energy is equal to its total kinetic energy CThe total mechanical energy of the ball does not changeDIts horizontal velocity is 2 ms-1 just before the ball reaches the ground

9. Diagram 5 below shows a coin, marble and dried leaf being released at the same time in A vacuum cylinder.



Diagram 5 Which observation is correct ?A All three objects float in the cylinder B All three objects reach the base at the same timeC The marble reaches the base earlier than the coinD The coin and the marble reach the base earlier than the dried leaf10. Diagram 6 shows the path of light travelling from a glass block to air


Glass block42og

Diagram 6

The refractive index of the glass block is



11. When the system of weights as shown in the Diagram 7 is released, what is the acceleration of the mass labelled Y?smooth table

Diagram 7

A 0 m s-2B 7.5 m s-2C 10 m s-2D 20 m s-2

12. Diagram 8 shows a baseball which is thrown forward with a spinning, is moving in a curve.

Diagram 8slow airflow

This situation can be explained by using

A Archimedes principleB Bernoullis principle C Pascals principle

13. Diagram 9 shows an object of mass 0.5 kg is pulled by a force 10 N at an angle of 60 from the horizontal. If the object is moved over a distance of 1.0 m, then the work done will be

10 N

Diagram 9

A0.5 JB1.0 JC5.0 JD10.0 J

14. Diagram 10 shows a hydraulic lift system being used to lift a car .

Diagram 10

Which principle is used in this system?

AArchimedes principleBBernoullis principle

CPrinciple of conservation of momentumDPascals principle

15. Diagram 11.1 shows the reading of spring balance with a load. Diagram 11. 2 shows the reading of the same spring balance when the load is immersed in water.

Diagram 11.1Diagram 11.2

Which of the following statement is true?

Actual Weightof load NApparent Weightof load NWeight of displaced water NBuoyant Force N





16. Diagram 12 shows the position of an object and the position of image formed. If the distance between slide and screen is 66 cm and the distance between lens and slide is 26 cm.

Diagram 12 Calculate the linear magnification for the image formed.

A0.61B0.65C1.54D1.6517. Diagram 13 shows the position of an object in front of a concave mirror where the object is placed in between focal point, F and radial of curvature C.

Diagram 13

The characteristics of the image formed are

Areal, inverted and diminishedBreal, inverted and same sizeCreal, inverted and magnifiedDvirtual, upright and magnified

18. Ultra sound of frequency 25,000 Hz and having a wavelength of 4.8 x 10-2 m is used to determine the depth of the sea. If the time taken for the ultra sound to be transmitted and then received again is 0.4 s, what is the depth, h of the sea?

Bunyi ultra sonikdenganfrekuensi 25,000 Hz danmempunyaipanjanggelombang of 4.8 x 10-2 m digunakanuntukmenentukankedalamanlaut.Jikamasauntukbunyiitudipancardankemudianditerimasemulaialah 0.4 s, berapakahkedalaman, h air lautitu?

A120 mB240 m

C 250 mD 480 m

19. Which pattern shows effect of diffraction ?Manakah corak yang menunjukkan kesan belauan ?



20. Which of the following apparatus can only function due to atmospheric pressure only.


KERTAS 2 BAHAGIAN C1) A new harbour is to be built at a new location. The suggested new location is either at a bay or a cape. Four models for the structure of the retaining wall are given. Table 12 below shows the location and the characteristics of the four retaining walls. (2008)

Table 12Explain the best location and the suitability of each characteristic in Table12. Determine the most suitable retaining wall to be used. Give the reason for your choice.

2) Diagram 12 shows a radar system at an airport. Signals are transmitted from the radar system to determine the position of an aeroplane. (2007)

Table shows the specifications of four radar systems that can be used to determine the position of an aeroplane.Radar systemKLMN

Diameter of the parabolic disc105712

Distance of signal receiver from the centre of the parabolic disc Same as focal lengthLess than the focal lengthSame as focal lengthLess than the focal length

Types of waves transmittedMicrowave Microwave RadiowaveRadiowave

Height of the parabolic disc from the groundHigh Low Low High

You are required to determine the most suitable radar system. Study the specifications of all the four radar systems. Explain the suitability of the aspects


Calculation :1)

2) The specification of a frying pan is 240V 1000W. Calculate the time taken for the frying pan to heat up 1000 cm3 cooking oil from the temperature 30 oC to 120 oC. Assume that all the electrical energy was used to increase the temperature of the oil only and no heat loss to the surrounding.[Specific heat capacity of oil is 2000 J kg1oC1, Density of oil is 800 kg m-3] [5 marks]



QUESTION 1Force and pressureCompression of spring & speed(ticker tape)LightTemperature & length of air column(ruler)ElectricityLength of wire & resistance(voltmeter)Introduction To PhysicsLength & period of oscillation(stopwatch)Introduction To PhysicsMass & volume(measuring cylinder)

Introduction To PhysicsNo. of turns of coil & length(vernier caliper)Force and pressureDepth of immersion & Buoyant force(Spring balance)

Measuring instrument:

1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________3. ________________________________________4. ________________________________________5. ________________________________________6. ________________________________________

Take the reading:

(a) 3040303132292030 (b) (c)

= C = . C = C

12131415l1l2(d) (e)


i = l1 = . cml2 = . cm


t = .. s

1 A student carries out an experiment to find out the relationship between area, A, and the rate of evaporation, E, of liquid X. A petri dish is filled with 100 ml of liquid X. The beaker is then put on a triple beam balance. The arrangement of the apparatus for the experiment is shown in Figure 3.1.Seorangpelajarmenjalankaneksperimenuntukmencarihubunganantaraluas, A dankadarsejatan, E, cecair X. PiringPateri di isidengan 100 ml cecair X. Bikaritukemudiandiletakkandiatasneracatigatuas. Susunanradaseksperimenditunjukkandalam rajah 3.1

01235678910Petri dishPiring Petri

Liquid XCecair X

Tripple beam balanceNeracatigatuas

FIGURE 3.1Rajah 3.1

100 ml of liquid X is poured into a petri dish of the area of 100.0 cm2 and the initial mass of the liquid X, m0 is taken as shown in Figure 3.2. After 2 minutes, the final mass of liquid X, m is measured as shown in Figure 3.3.100 ml cecair X di tuangkedalamcakera petri denganluas 100.0 cm2danjisimasalcecair X, , m0di timbangseperti Rajah 3.2. Selepas 2 minit, jisimakhircecairX, m, ditimbangsepertidalam Rajah 3.3.

The experiment is repeated by using different petri dish with the area of 80.0 cm2, 60.0 cm2, 40.0 cm2 and 20.0 cm2. The readings of the thermometer are shown in Figure 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7.Ekperimen di ulangdenganmenggunakancakera petri denganluas 80.0 cm2, 60.0 cm2, 40.0 cm2 and 20.0 cm2. Bacaan thermometer ditunjukkandalam rajah 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 dan 3.7.

The lost of mass, m, of liquid X is given by the following equation:Kehilanganjisim ,m, cecair X di beridalampersamaanberikut :

m = m0 m


Figure 3.2 / Rajah 3.2:Initial mass of liquid X, m0, = .. gJisimawalcecairX, m0


Figure 3.3/ Rajah 3.3:Area / Luas, A = 100.0 cm2Final mass of liquid X, m, = .. gJisimakhircecairX, m


Figure 3.4/ Rajah 3.4:

Area / Luas, A = 80.0 cm2Final mass of liquid X, m, = .. gJisimakhircecairX, m


Figure 3.5/ Rajah 3.5:Area / Luas, A = 60.0 cm2Final mass of liquid X, m, = .. gJisimakhircecairX, m


Figure 3.6/ Rajah 3.6:Area / Luas, A = 40.0 cm2Final mass of liquid X, m, = .. gJisimakhircecairX, m


Figure 3.7/ Rajah 3.7:

Area / Luas, A = 20.0 cm2Final mass of liquid X, m, = .. gJisimakhircecairX, m

(a) Based on Figure 3.2, state the initial mass, m0 of Liquid X.Berdasarkan rajah 3.2, nyatakanjisimasal, m0 ,cecairX

.[1 mark / markah]

(b) For the experiment described on page 12, identifyBagieksperimen yang diterangkanpadamukasurat 12, kenalpasti(i) the manipulated variable,pembolehubahdimanipulasi

...[1 mark / markah](ii) the responding variable,pembolehubahbergerakbalas

...[1 mark / markah](iii) a constant variable.Pembolehubahdimalarkan

...[1 mark / markah]

(c) Based on Figures 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7, determine m when A is equal to 100.0 cm2, 80.0 cm2, 60.0 cm2, 40.0 cm2 and 20.0 cm2.Berdasarkan rajah 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 dan 3.7, tentukan m apabila A adalah 100.0 cm2, 80.0 cm2, 60.0 cm2, 40.0 cm2dan 20.0 cm2.

Tabulate your results for A, m, and m in the space below.JadualkankeputusanandauntukA, m, danm dalamruangan di bawah.

[6 marks / markah]

(d) On a graph paper, plot a graph of m against A.Di ataskertasgraf, plotkangrafmlawanA.[5 marks / markah]

(e) Based on your graph to state the relationship between m and A.Berdasarkangrafanda, nyatakanhubunganantaramdanA.


.[1 mark / markah]

graph of m against A

Graf m melawan A

Paper 3 Section AQuestion 2

2 . A student carried out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the resistance, R, and diameter, d, for a constantan wire, and determine the resistivity, , of constantan. The student used five constantan wires with different diameters and

fixed the length,l, of each wire as 2x103 mm.

The results of the experiment are shown in the graph R against in Figure 2.1. FIGURE 2.1

(a) State the relationship between Rand d2

...................................................................................................................... [1 mark]

(b) A constantan wire of unknown diameter has a length of 2 x 103 mm and a resistance of 0.5 .

Using the graph of R against , determine the diameter of the wire. Show on the graph how you determined the diameter. [3 marks] (c) The resistivity, , of constantan is given by the formula:

If m =Rd2, then where m in is the gradient of the graph of R against (i) Calculate the gradient, m,of the graph of Ragainst Show on the graph how you determined m.

m = ....................................[3 marks]

(ii) Using the formula, , calculate the resistivity, of constantan.


= ........................................................ [2 marks]

(d) Another constantan wire has a diameter of 2.5mm and a length of 500 mm. Using

the formula and the value of in (c)(ii), calculate the resistance of the wire.

R = ............................................................ [2 marks]

(e) State one precaution that should be taken during this experiment. ...................................................................................................................................... [1 mark]

Paper 3 Section A Question 2

2. A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the potential difference , V , across a filament bulb and the current , I , flowing through it. The results of the experiment is shown in the graph of V against I.

(a) Based on the graph, determine the value of V when I = 0.2 A. Show on the graph , how you determine the value of V. [2 marks]

(b)Ohms Law states that the potential difference across a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through the conductor.Based on the statement above m determine the range of the current that obeys the Ohm s Law.Show on the graph how you determine the range of the current. [2 marks]

(c ) The gradient of the graph represents resistance. Show how resistance varies with current. .................................. [1 mark]

(d) The electric power , P, used by the bulb is given by the formula P = I 2 m, where m is the gradient of the graph.

(i) Calculate the gradient , m , when I = 0.2 AShow on the graph how you determine m.

m = .. [4 marks]

(i)Calculate the value of P when the current I = 0.2 A.

P = . [2 marks]

(e)State on precaution that should be taken to improve the results of this experiment.



[1 mark]

1. Tips Paper 3 no 3 and 4.

(a) Planning experiment is the BEST to do and EASY to score but it is also easy to differ from the main point.(b) Identify variables from the questions from the statement, CIRCLE UP the variables involve and APPARATUS GIVEN in statement.(c) Think what ????experiment is using given apparatus as a HINTS. Plan and sketch the diagram of experiment step up. (d) Write inference, hypothesis and aim with the FOLLOWING FORMAT given.

Underline the variables of MV and RV from the diagram. Use the variables to substitute the format of Planning Experiment. Procedure1. State the initial measurement of MV.2. State the ways of measurement of RV with apparatus and follow with formula (if necessary)3. Repeat the experiment with 4 different MV values. a1,a2,a3 and a4.

(a) State onesuitable inferenceThe ___________________ is depend on the ____________________________(b) stateone appropriate hypothesis The higher the _______________________, the _________ the ____________________aim of the experiment to determine the relationship between _______________ and _______________ variables in the experimentMV _________________________ RV __________________________ CV ___________________________ listof apparatus and materials(From list given and use to measure RV and MV with controlling the motion and apparatus to control CV)_____________________________________________________ arrangement of the apparatus(diagram with label)the procedures of the experiment method of controlling the manipulated variable (initial data)__________________________________________________ method of measuring the responding variable (use what and how to measure )________________________________________________________________________________________________________ repeat with 4 difference value ______________________________________________________ the way of tabulate dataMV, symbol and unitRV, symbol and unitthe way you would analyse the dataanalyse the datasymbol and unitSymbol and unit

Kedah 1. Diagram 3.1 shows an empty plastic bottle being left on the seat of a car on a hot afternoon.

Diagram 3.2 shows the same plastic bottle the following morning when the weather was very cold.

With the use of apparatus such as a glass tube as shown in Diagram 3.3, water bath, and other apparatus, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3 (b).

2.Diagram shows a worker using a piece of straight long and uniform wood to determine the depth of a hole filled with water. When the wood is pushed a bit into water as Diagram 3.1, a small force is needed when the wood is pushed further down as in Diagram 3.2, a larger force is needed.

With use of apparatus such as a metal block/ iron rod, spring balance, beaker and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3 (b).

3.Diagram 3 shows a dented ping pong ball then put in a basin that consist cold water (Diagram 3 (a)), warm water (Diagram 3 (b)), and hot water (Diagram 3 (c)). Observe the shape of ping pong ball and their surroundings. (c) . With the use of apparatus such as a thermometer, capillary tube, bunsen

burner and other apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3 (b).

Diagram 3 (a)

Diagram 3 (b)

Diagram 3 (c)

4.Diagram 3.1 shows the water flows through the penstock of a dam. The turbine rotates faster due to the pressure of water which flows with high speed.

Diagram 3.2 shows the water flows through the penstock when the water level is decreased. The turbine rotates slowly due to the low pressure of water which flows with low speed.

(c) with the use of apparatus such as tall beaker, thistle funnel, rubber tube and other apparatus, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3 (b).

PAPER 3 : QUESTION NO.4 (FORM 5)4.Diagram 4.1 shows Jason taking a shower on a very cold morning. After the waterheater is switched on for a while, he still feels cold.Diagram 4.2 shows that Jason no longer feels cold after the temperature control knobon the heater is turned.Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan Jason sedangmandipadasuatupagi yang sangatsejuk.Selepaspemanas air dihidupkanbeberapaketika, diamasihterasasejuk.

Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan Jason tidaklagiterasasejukselepastombolkawalansuhupadapemanasdiputarkan.

Diagram 4.1 Rajah 4.1

Diagram 4.2Rajah 4.2Based on the observation on Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2 and using your knowledgeof the effect of current on heating:Berdasarkanpemerhatianandapada Rajah 4.1 dan Rajah 4.2 danmenggunakanpengetahuanandatentangkesanarusterhadappemanasan:(a) State one suitable inference. [1 mark]Nyatakansatuinferens yang sesuai.[1 markah](b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated. [1 mark]Nyatakansatuhipotesis yang bo/eh disiasat. [1 markah](c) With the use of apparatus such as a beaker, an ammeter, an immersion heater andother apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b).Denganmenggunakanradassepertibikar, ammeter, pemanasrendamdanradaslain, terangkansatueksperimenuntukmenyiasathipotesis yang dinyatakan di 4(b).In your description, state clearly the following:Dalampenerangananda,jelaskanperkaraberikut:(i) The aim of the experiment.Tujuaneksperimen.(ii) The variables in the experiment.Pembolehubahdalameksperimen.(iii) The list of apparatus and materials.Senarairadasdanbahan.(iv) Thearrangement of the apparatus.Susunanradas.(v) The procedure used in the experiment.Describe how to control and measure the manipulated variables and how to measurethe responding variables.Prosedur yang digunakandalameksperimen.Terangkanbagaimanamengawaldanmengukurpembolehubahdimanipulasikandanbagaimanamengukurpembolehubahbergerakbalas.

(vi) The way to tabulate the data.Cara untukmenjadualkan data.(vii) The way to analyse the data.Cara untukmenganalisis data.[10 marks][10 markah]


Identify variableManipulated :.Responding :.

(a) Inference :. .. [1M]

(b) Hypothesis :When increase / decrease.

increase / decrease [1M]

(c) (i) Aim :To investigate the relationship between

and [1M]

(ii) Variable :Manipulated : .

Responding : . [1M]

Constant : .. [1M]

(iii) List of apparatus and materials

. . . [1M]

(iv) The arrangement of the apparatus.


(v) Procedure : a. Control Manipulated VariableStart the experiment with . [1M]

Procedure : b. Measure Responding VariableUsing .. measure . and record data. [1M]

c. Repeating experiment and tabulate dataRepeat the experiments by using different. . .. . [1M]

(vi) Tabulate Data :


(vi) Analyse DataResponding variable / unit :[1M]

Manipulated variable / unit :



