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Beyond the red line: are universies re-imagining cies and ... · Beyond the red line: are...

Date post: 24-Jun-2020
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Beyond the red line: are universi2es re-imagining ci2es and urban life through their capital investment programmes? AAG, San Francisco, March 30 th 2016 Architecture of capital 1: atmospheres and prac>ces Dr Clare Melhuish UCL Urban Laboratory, London
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•  universi>esaslandownersandclientsinformal

historiesofarchitecture•  universi>esasactorsinarchitecturalrealisa>onof


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postcolonialurbanprac2ce•  formal/informalarchitecturalproduc>on

•  postcolonialprac>cedisrup>ngmodels‘thatparadeunderauniversalistguiseandeitherexcludeorrepressdifferentspa5ali5esofo7endisadvantagedethnici5es,communi5esorpeople’(NalbantogluandWong1997)

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‘thebusinessschoolsthataroseinpres>giousuniveri>essuchasStanfordandHarvard,generouslyfundedbycorpora>onsandfounda>ons,becamecentresofneoliberalorthodoxyfromtheverymomenttheyopened.…by1990orsomosteconomicsdepartmentsinthemajorresearchuniversi>esaswellasthebusinessschoolsweredominatedbyneoliberalmodesofthought.…TheUSresearchuniversi>eswereandaretraininggroundsformanyforeignerswhotakewhattheylearnbacktotheircountriesoforiginaswellasintointerna>onalins>tu>onssuchastheIMF,theWorldBank,andtheUN’. (Harvey2005)

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•  universi>esasplanninganimateurs(Benneworthetal2010)

•  shiefromurban/civictoneighbourhood

scaleandfocus•  alterna>vehybridprac>cesofformaland


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•  ins>tu>onalre-structuring•  modellingofnewhybridkindsofurban

andpublicspace•  fromcomparabilityandhomogeniza>on


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ethnographically-conceptualisedspa2alisa2onofcosmopolitanismandcosmopolitanci2zenship•  re-framingno>onsofci>zenshipasa


•  challengingthemodelofpostcolonialci>zenshipembodiedineliteurbanenclaves

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•  visionstatementsandmasterplanningbriefsasthematerialinterfacebetweentheuniversityandthepostcolonialcitythroughurbandesign

•  urbandesignprac>cecreatesthespaceinwhichissuesofcentrality,diversityandinclusionareplayedoutinrhetoric,designproposalsandmaterialform

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1.  newimageryandlanguages

2.  widerangeofpartnershipsandconsulta>on,withinandbeyonduniversity

3.  integratedcommunityfacili>es,resourcesandconnected,accessiblepublicspace

4. masterplansv.roll-outs

5.  interimusesofdevelopmentsites

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UniversityofNewcastle,UrbanSciencesbuilding,ScienceCentral,UK‘amodelofintegra>on–integra2onatseverallevels,betweenacademics,researchers,businesspeople,andmembersofthepublic’ ‘Thesocial


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universi5esare:2.enteringintoawiderangeofpartnerships•  cityauthori>es,businesses,thirdsector

organisa>ons,andcommunitygroups•  consulta>onatmanydifferentlevels,external,


•  architectsappointedonbasisofabilitytoengagewithstakeholdersanddeveloppar>cipatoryworkingmethods

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3.incorpora2ngcommunityfacili2esandresourcesintospa>aldevelopmentprojects•  publicaccessto(public-facing)university


•  wideningpar>cipa>on,life-longlearning

•  communitybenefitsagreements

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4.ques2oningtheuseofrigidmasterplanconcepts•  the‘roll-out’acknowledgesthe


•  avoidsover-promising,inlightofchangingneedsandcondi>ons

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5.promo2nginterimusesofdevelopmentsites•  encouragetemporaryandinformalusesto


•  communitygardens,temporarystructures,


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communityinvestmentover2me,andfromtheearlieststages•  frameuniversitycontribu>onstopostcolonial


•  promoteahybridapproachtodevelopment,andaflexiblearchitecturalandplanningmodel,allowingtheformalandinformaltoco-existandevolveover>me,makingspacefordiverseiden>>es

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