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BHRT Presentation

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Hormone Replacement Therapy using Bio Identical’s Presentation by:
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Hormone Replacement Therapy using Bio Identical’s

Presentation by:

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We are excited to share this information with you. We know you will have a lot of questions. To keep us on track and on time, please hold any questions to the Q and A period following the presentation

Thank you!

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Healthcare in Crisis• In 2012, half of all adult – 117 million have chronic health conditions.

• COSTS (per year):• Heart dz/stroke $315.4 billion• Smoking $289 billion• Excess alcohol $223.5 billion• Cancer care $157 billion• Diabetes total cost $245 billion• Arthritis $128 billion• Obesity medical costs $147 billionTotal annual cost (estimated) $1,504.9 billion, or….

• $1,504,900,000.00/yearwww.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/overview

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Trends in Medicine

Current Model (downstream medicine)

• Cure a problem

• Remove a symptom

• Treat the disease or chronic illness, but not the root cause

Proposed Model (upstream medicine)

• Prevent disease with lifestyle modifications

• Restore health

• Avoid the chronic diseases that affect so many American’s today

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Bio identical vs. natural vs. synthetic hormones. What’s the difference

• Biologically identical hormones are natural to the human body; they maybe found in nature of synthesized to be identical to what our body’s make.

• Natural hormones can be classified as hormones that are produced by Mother Nature; such as Equine (horse) hormones, that may or may not be natural to the human body.

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Menopause for Women

• Decreased hormone levels of:• Estrogen

• Progesterone

• Pregnenolone


• Thyroid

• Human Growth Hormone

• Melatonin

• Insulin

• Testosterone

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Andropause for Men

• Decreased hormone levels of:• Testosterone

• Pregnenolone


• Thyroid

• Human Growth Hormone

• Melatonin

• Insulin

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What does this all mean to you?

• Hormone Deficiency Symptoms Include:• Weight gain• Loss of muscle mass• Increase in degenerative disease• Compromised immune system• Wrinkling and thinning of the skin• Depression and stress• Cognitive decline• Insulin resistance• Loss of sex drive• Fatigue• Sleep disorders

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Leading Causes of Death (CDC 2013)

1) Heart disease

2) Cancer

3) Chronic lower respiratory diseases

4) Accidents

5) Stroke

6) Alzheimer’s disease

7) Diabetes

8) Influenza and pneumonia

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What can be done…….or, what are you going to do about it?

Option A

accept all your aches and pains

Accept chronic disease and take drugs to treat symptoms

Gain weight

Reduce activity due to pain

Feel and act old

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Option B

Take responsibility for your health

Restore optimal hormone levels

Modify diet


Enjoy life and avoid the diseases of aging

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Case study (How to Achieve Healthy Aging, by Neal Rouzier, MD)“I stopped my hormones after the big scare. Unfortunately I just couldn’t tolerate the hot flashes and mood swings. I was miserable but was told it would get better. The joint pains and soreness just got worse. In just one year I could feel and see the changes in the skin on my face. Sex became very uncomfortable. My best friend referred me to her doctor who put me on different hormones than before. Soon thereafter all my symptoms cleared up. Thank goodness, what a difference. It was a miracle (Janis 48).

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Common myths associated with Hormone Replacement Therapy

• Muscle bound

• Personality changes

• Cancer risk

• Heart attack risk


• Thousands of research articles today tell us if hormones are optimally replaced they are safe and effective and beneficial for long term health

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Misleading information

• The press and even medical publications often give misleading information and here’s why

• Oftentimes compounds described in HRT articles are synthetic and not bio identical to the human body – is it any wonder they cause side-effects and fail to slow or retard the progression of chronic diseases and aging

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Let’s examine several of the previously top selling drugs

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• Derived from PREgnant MAre’suRINe.

• Contains Equine (horse) estrones, not the human estradiols or estriols that your body actually needs.

• Many adverse side effects from horse estrogen molecules not natural to humans

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Medroxyprogesterone (Provera)

• Synthetic Progestin – not a human progesterone

• Many side effects

• Does not effect human progesterone levels

“Physicians often confuse the synthetic progestins with bio identical progesterone. The brand of medroxyprogesterone acetate called Provera is often mistakenly called progesterone.” Dr. Ray Peat

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Molecular examples to illustrate what is natural and what is un-natural to our body

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• Synthroid is a synthetic thyroid comprised of only T4

• More natural forms of thyroid contain both T3 and T4 which more closely resembles what our bodies currently produce

• T3 is the active form of thyroid and for those people whose body does not convert T4 to T3 Synthroid will be of little to no help in helping patients look and feel better

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Why would major drug companies produce drugs or products that are synthetic or that have adverse side effects?


Natural biologically identical human hormones ARE NOT patentable by drug companies – they already exist in nature

No Patent = no proprietary product = NO profit

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Biologically identical hormones Identical in molecular structure to what your body makes

Derived from natural sources (soy) and synthesized to be identical in molecular structure

Virtually no side effects if properly prescribed and monitored

Prescribed and adjusted based on your individual need

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Benefits of Estrogen (Estradiol, E2)

Protects against:

Heart disease



Alzheimer’s disease

Memory disorders

Vaginal atrphy

Urinary incontinence

Macular degeneration and cataracts


Menopausal hot flashes

Temperature dysregulation

Improves static balance in preventing falls

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Benefits of Progesterone

Moderates many side effects of excess estrogen

Reduces fluid retention and bloating

Reduces headaches, bleeding and fibroids

Is synergistic to estrogen’s effect on bone and lipids

Protects against uterine and breast cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease

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Case study (How to Achieve Healthy Aging, by Neal Rouzier, MD)

“Everyone in our office jokes about needing a progesterone pill when they’re in a bad mood. It really does elevate your mood. Before, I felt like I was on pins and needles every day. Now, although I still have the daily stresses, I feel better equipped to handle them. My PMS symptoms are eliminated when I take progesterone. I couldn’t work or function the week before my period. Now, there are no more cramps, menstrual migraines, or mood swings. I can’t believe the difference it has made.” Antonia, 48

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Benefits of Thyroid

Improved feelings of being weak, tired, cold, fatigued, thin hair, skin and nails

Improved loss of energy, motivation, loss of memory

Improved depressed mood, poor sense of well-being

Protects against heart disease, and memory loss

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Case study (How to Achieve Healthy Aging, by Neal Rouzier, MD)

I remember a patient, a teacher, whose estrogen and progesterone levels were restored to normal, yet she couldn’t shake her depression and fatigue. “I couldn’t focus on my lessons. I had a hard time being creative with my students and my attention span was poor. I couldn’t capture the interest of my students. All I wanted to do was stay in bed. I had no idea how significant the thyroid was until I started taking it. What a relief to find a doctor who understood the problem and could successfully treat it.”

It took her several doctors and several unsuccessful antidepressants to finally get referred to me. Her symptoms were so classic – hair falling out, brittle fingernails, coarse skin, and lethargy; I was surprised no one had thought to check her thyroid, let alone treat it.

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Benefits of DHEA

• Reduces cardiovascular risk by decreasing visceral fat

• Stimulates immune system, restores sexual vitality

• Improves mood, memory, increases energy

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Benefits of Melatonin

• Influences stage IV sleep and REM sleep improving not only depth but quality of sleep.

• Increases natural killer cells, modulates immune function, lowers blood pressure.

• Scavenger of the most reactive and destructive free radical the hydroxyl radical ( and all while you’re sleeping).

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Benefits of Testosterone for Men and Women


Improved well-being, energy, strength and endurance

Improved body composition, bone density, sexual function

Decrease in visceral fat

Maintenance of muscle mass

Improved skin texture

Decrease in wrinkles, fat deposition and cellulite


Increases muscle mass, strength and endurance, exercise tolerance

Improves libido and sexual performance, lean muscle mass, bone density, and healing

Protects against heart disease, hypertension, , excess body fat and arthritis

Improves cognition and enhances memory

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Case study (How to Achieve Healthy Aging, by Neal Rouzier, MD)• A 55 year old banker, Jake, had fallen into the rut of resignation. He

felt he needed to retire. He no longer had the drive or passion for job projects. He wanted to go into hiding. His lack of appetite frightened him. He lost his creativity and mental sharpness. He forgot important dates, deadlines, and projects. His mind and body began to let him down.

• Some of his friends had experienced positive results with hormone replacement therapy. Recognizing complacency, they recommended him to my practice. I devised a program consisting of thyroid, testosterone, and DHEA. He began to notice an obvious turnaround. He reported a renewed energy and vigor. He now thrives under pressure and again and enjoys beating the odds.

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Other Things to Consider

• Proper balanced diet

• Exercise

• Lifestyle changes

• supplements

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How to get started

The path to healthy aging begins here – consult a trained practitioner today!
