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Black Legion Codex

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Black Legion Rules

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  • Codex

    Black Legion

    Black Legion Special Rules

    The models in the Black Legion army use a number of special rules that are common to more

    than one unit, as specified in the individual entries that follow. Given here are either the details

    of those rules or reference to where you can find them.

    Executioners Strike

    Any model in Terminator Armor that chooses to Deep Strike only rolls a single D6 for scatter,

    rather than the usual 2D6. In addition, the unit may re-roll its reserve roll dice if the player so


    In addition to those units listed with this rule, any Black Legion model wearing Terminator

    armor also gains Executioners Strike. Also, all models in a unit must have this rule to benefit

    from it.

    Forces of the Black Legion

    Abaddon the Despoiler

    Abaddon is the supreme leader of the Black Legion, their new and dreaded Warmaster. For

    10,000 years he has led his legion in an endless war against the Corpse God and his minions,

    sustained by his hatred and his desire for revenge.

    Special Rules

    Fearless, Eternal Warrior, Daemonic Aura, Executioners Strike, Independent Character

    Commanding Presence

    Abaddon is a consummate leader, controlling his forces through a mixture of fear, respect, and

    masterful abilities of oration.

    Any friendly Chaos units within 12 of Abaddon gain the Fearless special rule.

    Warmaster of the Black Legion

    After they became the Black Legion, Abaddon has lead his warriors through countless battles.

    They, like their master, have become hard-bitten and experts at war.

    If Abaddon is included in a Black Legion army, you may select up to three units of Chaos



    Mark of Chaos Ascendant

  • Like Horus before him, Abaddon has managed to serve all the gods without giving himself to

    any one god. This is signified by a unique mark, which combines the powers of all four Dark

    Gods. Abaddons profile is modified accordingly, including his invulnerable save being

    modified to a 4+.

    Talon of Horus

    The Talon of Horus counts as a master-crafted lightning claw. It also incorporates an early,

    custom storm bolter with the following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    24 5 5 Assault 3

    In addition, any enemy unit in close combat with Abaddon suffers a -1 penalty to all Morale



    Drachnyen counts as a power weapon. In the Assault phase, Abaddon may make a single

    special attack with Drachnyen, in addition to his normal attacks. If he hits, the attack wounds

    automatically. In addition, any model wounded by this attack suffers Instant Death. Vehicles

    struck by this attack suffer an automatic penetrating hit.

    Chaos Terminator Armor

    The armor worn by Abaddon is blessed by the Dark Gods, granting him protection against the

    psychic powers of his enemies.

    If Abaddon, or the unit he is with, is affected by an enemy psychic power, roll a D6. On a roll of

    4+ that power is nullified.

    Mordred the Black

    Mordred was once a marine of great ambition. A rival to Abaddon, the two vied for their

    Primarchs favor on many occasions. One such time would irrevocably change Mordred from

    the proud warrior he was, to the taciturn marine he is today.

    During an engagement against a hostile xenos battle cruiser, Abaddon and Mordred were each

    given command of a squad of Terminators and tasked with wiping the vessel clean of the filthy

    aliens. What transpired after the legionaries were teleported on board the enemy ship is known

    only to Abaddon and Mordred, for they were the only ones to return. After their report to him,

    Horus bade them never speak of it, and he gave no official report of it.

    Afterwards, Mordred was never the same, and became like a shadow to Abaddon. Though is

    skill of arms and many victories in battle would have surely propelled him through the ranks,

    Mordred never sought such honors and even refused them when they were suggested.

    Forevermore he would stand with Abaddon no longer as his peer, but as his servant and silent



    Fearless, Executioners Strike

    Defend the Warmaster

  • Mordred has dedicated his life to safeguarding Warmaster Abaddon, and spends countless hours

    drilling his squad in protective stances and techniques.

    A single Independent Character that has joined Mordreds squad (chosen at the start of each of

    the Chaos players turns) gains a 5+ Invulnerable save, or has his existing Invulnerable save

    increased by +1. If Abaddon has joined Mordreds squad, he must be selected as the recipient of

    this bonus. Note that this bonus applies even if Mordred is removed, as he has trained his squad



    The Hand of Strife

    The Hand of Strife is a massive, two-handed power mace. It was said to be a gift from Horus

    himself, and now symbolizes Mordreds brutal, unflinching command of his squad.

    The Hand of Strife is a power weapon that adds +2 to the wielders Strength in close combat. In

    addition, such is the force of a blow from the weapon that all models that suffer an unsaved

    wound from it and are not killed must make an immediate Toughness test or suffer an additional

    wound, with no armor or invulnerable saves allowed.

    Because of its size, the Hand of Strife requires two hands to use, so Mordred may not claim the

    bonus for a second close combat weapon.

    Daemon Prince

    Daemon Princes are the mightiest of the Chaos Gods followers, having been elevated by their

    dark masters to the immortal ranks of daemonhood. These princes of the Warp lead mighty

    hosts of Chaos or act as patrons to powerful Chaos Lords.

    Special Rules

    Fearless, Eternal Warrior


    Some Daemon Princes are gifted with psychic abilities by their patron god. If a Daemon Prince

    does not have the Mark of Khorne, he may be upgraded to a psyker. He may choose one psychic

    power from those available to Sorcerers. He may use one psychic power per turn.


    Kai Gun

    Ancient and terrible weapons, kai guns are the mad creations of a lost race. Infused with the

    power of the Warp, these guns are wielded by only the most powerful of Daemon Princes.

    A kai gun is a ranged weapon that uses the following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    24 6 3 Rapid Fire


    A daemon prince equipped with wings function in all ways as jump infantry, though its unit type

    doesnt change. As such, a daemon prince with wings may be held in reserve and arrive using

    the deep strike rules.

  • Chaos Lord

    Special Rules

    Fearless, Independent Character


    Daemon Weapon

    See the Daemon Weapon section below.

    Chaos Champion

    The path to immortality is a long and bloody struggle for a champion of Chaos. Those who

    distinguish themselves from their battle-brothers, through acts of carnage and victories on the

    battlefield, rise to become Chaos Champions. Favored by the Dark Gods, they serve as

    lieutenants to mighty Lords and Daemon Princes, or lead their own small warband of Chaos

    Marines. They fight the Long War in hopes of rising to the rank of Chaos Lord, and perhaps

    someday achieving the immortality of daemonhood.

    Special Rules

    Fearless, Independent Character

    Chaos Sorcerer

    Special Rules

    Independent Character


    A Sorcerer is a psyker. He may choose any two psychic powers from those available to

    Sorcerers. He may use one psychic power per turn.

    Master Sorcerer

    A Sorcerer that has been upgraded to a Master Sorcerer may use a second psychic power each

    turn, for a total of two powers each turn.


    Force Weapon

    See the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

    Warp Talisman

    Any enemy pskyer within 36 of a Warp Talisman suffers a -1 penalty to its Leadership when

    attempting use a psychic power. If the enemy psyker is within 18 of the Warp Talisman, this

    penalty increases to a -2.

    If an enemy is within range of multiple Warp Talismans, the effects are cumulative up to a

    maximum of a -3 penalty.

    Warp Focus

    All of the sorcerers psychic shooting attacks count as twin-linked.

    Chaos Psychic Powers

  • A Chaos Sorcerer has two psychic powers; an Aspiring Sorcerer and a Daemon Prince with the

    Psyker upgrade have a single psychic power (chosen when the army is picked). A model may

    use one power per player turn, with the exception of a Sorcerer that has been upgraded to a

    Master Sorcerer, in which case he can use up to two psychic powers each turn. All Chaos

    psychic powers are used following the rules given in the main Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.


    The sorcerer blasts the enemy with a succession of bolts made of raw Chaos energy.

    This power is a psychic shooting attack and has the following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    18 4 3 Assault 6


    The sorcerer surrounds himself with a dimensional instability, which warps the passage of time

    and grants him the opportunity to place his attacks with supernatural precision.

    This power is used at the start of any players turn. If successful, the Sorcerer may re-roll all

    rolls to hit and rolls to wound for the duration of that players turn.

    Gift of Chaos

    The sorcerer unleashes a whirling flash of Chaos energy, which envelopes the target and rapidly

    mutates them. As the power of Chaos flows through the target, the unfortunate victims bones

    writhe, its flesh distorts and agonizing mutations tear the enemy apart.

    This power is used at the start of the Chaos players turn. The sorcerer may by in close combat

    at the time, as may the target. If successful and the target is found to be within 6 of the sorcerer,

    the target must make a Toughness test. If it fails, it is removed as a casualty. Use the models

    base toughness and a roll of 6 is always a failure, regardless of Toughness. Models without a

    Toughness characteristic cannot by affected.

    If the player has a model available, he may replace the slain victim with a Lesser Chaos Spawn.

    The spawn is immediately under the Chaos players control. A Lesser Chaos Spawn is treated as

    an individual unit and is always ignored for the purposes of any and all mission objectives. If the

    victim was in base contact with friendly models, they are now engaged in combat with the

    spawn, though it doesnt count as charging.

    Wind of Chaos

    The sorcerer unleashes a torrent of Chaos energy, which engulfs his foes and sears flesh from

    bones and blasts through even the thickest armor.

    This power is a psychic shooting attack and has the following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    Template X* 2 Assault 1

    *Wind of Chaos always wounds on a 4+, regardless of the targets Toughness. Vehicles struck

    suffer a Glancing hit on a 4+.

  • Chaos Gate

    Summoning forth the power of Chaos, the sorcerer blurs the line between the immaterium and

    reality, making it easier for his allies to arrive from the Warp.

    This power is used at the start of the Chaos players turn and the Sorcerer may not use this power

    in the same turn that he arrives from Reserves. For the duration of the Chaos players turn, any

    models in Terminator armor, Obliterators, or Lesser Daemons that wish to teleport onto the

    battlefield via the Deep Strike rule and choose to do so within 18 of the sorcerer wont scatter.

    Note that Lesser Daemons may be Summoned within the area exactly as if the power were an

    Icon of Chaos.

    Shield of the Empyrean

    The sorcerer raises his hand on high, and swirling torrent of warp energy surrounds him and his


    This power is used at the start of the sorcerers Movement phase. The sorcerer and any unit he is

    with receive a 6+ invulnerable save until the end of the following player turn. If a model already

    has an invulnerable save from another source, this save is improved by 1 instead, to a maximum

    of 2+.

    Eternal Hatred

    Calling forth his and his allies disdain for the weak, the sorcerer infuses them with a warp-

    spawned hate.

    This power is used at the start of the sorcerers Movement phase. The sorcerer and any unit he

    is with gain the Rage and Preferred Enemy universal special rules for the duration of the Chaos

    players turn.

    Chains of Torment

    Balefire burns in the sorcerers eyes as barbed, writhing chains erupt from the ground around

    his enemies, binding them where they stand.

    This power is a psychic shooting attack and has the following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    36 6 5 Assault 1, blast, pinning

    A unit forced to take a Pinning test suffers a -1 penalty to their Leadership test.

    Lash of Submission (Slaanesh only)

    A glowing whip of immaterial energy snakes out from the sorcerers hand and lashes across the

    battlefield. Those caught within its ethereal barbs are momentarily in thrall to the sorcerers


    This power is a psychic shooting attack and has the following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    24 n/a n/a Assault 1

  • If the target is hit, no damage is done. Instead, the target is moved 2D6 by the Chaos player.

    This moved is not slowed by difficult terrain, but dangerous terrain tests are taken as normal.

    Victims may not be moved off the table, into impassable terrain, or within 1 of enemy models.

    After this, the target must take a Pinning test.

    Vehicles are unaffected by this power.

    Nurgles Rot (Nurgle only)

    Gurgling praise to Grandfather Nurgle, the sorcerer belches forth a disgusting miasma of


    This power is a psychic shooting attack and has the following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    n/a 3 - Assault 1, Poisoned (4+)

    All enemy models within 6 of the sorcerer are hit automatically. The sorcerer may be in close

    combat at the time, as may the targets.

    Bolt of Change (Tzeentch only)

    The sorcerer hurls a ball of roiling energy, formed of raw Chaos, which causes rapid mutation,

    tearing the target apart.

    This power is a psychic shooting attack and has the following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    36 8 1 Heavy 1, Melta

    Twisting Path (Tzeentch Only)

    Calling upon the Changer of Ways, the sorcerer discerns the path of his enemies and redirects

    their fate toward their own demise.

    This power is used at the start of the Chaos players turn. Select one enemy unit within 24 of

    the sorcerer. If the psychic test is successful, the target must re-roll any successful armor saves

    and/or cover saves for the duration of the Chaos players turn.

    Greater Daemon of Chaos

    Special Rules


    Blood Sacrifice

    A Greater Daemon of Chaos always begins the game in Reserve. On the turn in which it

    becomes available, the Greater Daemon possesses the body of an Independent or Upgrade

    Character in the Chaos Marine army. The controlling player chooses any suitable model in his

    own army and removes it from play, replacing it with the Greater Daemon model.

    If there are no suitable models on the table at the time the Greater Daemon becomes available, it

    cannot enter the battle and is destroyed. Models that have arrived from Reserve in the same turn

    cannot be possessed.

  • If the model that is possessed is inside a transport, the possessed model is killed and the Greater

    Daemon is deployed anywhere within 2 of one of the vehicles access points. If the possessed

    model was engaged in close combat, the Greater Daemon is placed as close as possible to the

    spot it occupied, but at least 1 away from any enemy models.

    Once deployed, the Greater Daemon cannot do anything in that turns Movement phase, but may

    otherwise act normally (including charging in the Assault phase).

    Chaos Marine Chosen

    The ranks of the Traitor Legions are filled with brutal and skilled warriors. Amongst the most

    powerful of these are the Chosen. Veterans of a thousand wars, they are masters of combat.

    They are amongst a Lords most trusted and devoted followers, often acting as his personal


    Special Rules


    Psyker (Aspiring Sorcerer only)

    An Aspiring Sorcerer is a psyker. He may choose any one psychic power from those available to

    Sorcerers. He may use one psychic power per turn.


    Banner of the Black Legion

    Carried by the most favored of the legions warriors, this ancient banner bears the sigils and

    heraldry of the entire legion. For the Black Legion, it is a symbol of both their glorious past and

    their quest to overcome their shame. With grim pride, the former Sons of Horus ever fight to

    defend their dark honor and martial supremacy.

    The Banner of the Black Legion functions as an icon of chaos. In addition, all models in the

    same unit as the Banner of the Black Legion gain the Counter Attack universal special rule

    whilst the Banner Bearer is still alive.

    Chaos Terminators

    Special Rules

    Executioners Strike


    Chaos Marauders

    Marauders form the vanguard of the Chaos Marine armies, moving ahead of the main force to

    provide intelligence to their lord and wreak havoc amongst the enemy. Often veterans of the

    Long War, their skill lies in infiltration and stealth rather than brutal combat. Operating away

    from bulk of the army for extended periods of time, they often have access to the choicest of


    Special Rules

    Infiltrate, Scout, Move Through Cover

  • Wargear

    Camo Cloaks

    A model equipped with a camo cloak gains the Stealth universal special rule.

    Possessed Chaos Marines

    Special Rules



    Greater Daemonic Gifts

    - Daemonic Fury

    The unit gains the Furious Charge special rule.

    - Daemonic Talons

    In the Assault phase, all of the units attacks gain the Rending special ability.

    - Daemonic Resilience

    The unit gains the Feel No Pain special rule.

    - Daemonic Venom

    In the Assault phase, all of the units attacks gain the Poisoned (4+) special ability.

    Lesser Daemonic Gifts

    - Daemonic Speed

    The unit gains the Fleet special rule.

    - Daemonic Visage

    The unit counts as being armed with Assault grenades.

    - Daemonic Fire

    The unit gains the following shooting attack:

    Range Strength AP Type

    12 4 5 Assault 2

    Daemonic Strength

    In the Assault phase, all of the Possessed Champions attacks count as a Power weapon.

    Daemonic Blast

    The Possessed Champion gains the following shooting attack:

    Range Strength AP Type

    12 6 3 Assault 1

    Chaos Dreadnought

    Special Rules


    At the start of the Chaos players turn, roll a dice for each Chaos Dreadnought in the army. On a

    1, the model gains the Rage and Fleet universal special rules for the remainder of the turn. In

    addition, the Dreadnought may not fire in that turns shooting phase. This rule is ignored if the

    Dreadnought is Immobilized.

    Fire Frenzy

  • In the Shooting phase, a Chaos Dreadnought may fire any of its Heavy weapons twice (doubling

    its rate of fire). After firing and for each weapon it does this with, it suffers an automatic hit to

    its side armor at the Strength and AP of the weapon fired. Weapons with a Strength of 5 or

    lower will inflicting a glancing hit a roll of 6, but are considered to be AP -.


    Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon

    A dreadnought close combat weapon is a power weapon and doubles the Dreadnoughts Strength

    in close combat (to a maximum of 10).

    Chaos Hammer

    During the Horus Heresy, Dreadnoughts were often used as test beds for weapon systems

    intended for Terminator units. One example of this is the Chaos Hammer, a massive powered

    hammer used to smash asunder armor and fortifications. This weapon eventually became the

    Thunder Hammer, but still sees use by the Traitor Legions on their war machines.

    A chaos hammer counts as a dreadnought close combat weapon. In addition, all models that

    suffer an unsaved wound from a chaos hammer and are not killed will be knocked reeling,

    reducing their Initiative to a value of 1 until the end of the next players turn. Against vehicles

    with no Initiative value, whenever a chaos hammer inflicts any damage result, it also inflicts a

    Crew Shaken result.

    Power Scourge

    A power scourge is composed of a number of lashing arms or tendrils covered in razor sharp

    barbs and blades.

    A power scourge is a power weapon that grants +2 Attacks to the Dreadnought in close combat.

    A Dreadnougth armed with two power scourges may re-roll failed to hit rolls in close combat.

    A Dreadnought armed with both a power scourge and a dreadnought close combat weapon may

    not use both weapons in the same turn, as both are considered special weapons.

    Chaos Marines, Chaos Bikers, Chaos Havocs

    Khorne Berzerkers

    Special Rules

    Fearless, Furious Charge

    Plague Marines

    Special Rules

    Fearless, Feel no Pain


    Blight Grenades

    Blight grenades function of defensive grenades. See the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for


  • Noise Marines

    Special Rules



    Sonic Blaster

    Type Range Strength AP Type

    Varied 24 4 5 Assault 2

    Single 24 6 4 Heavy 1

    Blast Master

    Type Range Strength AP Type

    Varied 36 5 4 Assault 2, Pinning

    Single 36 7 3 Heavy 1, Pinning

    Doom Siren

    Range Strength AP Type

    Template 4 3 Assault 1

    Thousand Sons

    Special Rules

    Fearless, Slow and Purposeful (Thousand Sons only)

    Psyker (Aspiring Sorcerer only)

    An Aspiring Sorcerer is a psyker. He may choose any one psychic power from those available to

    Sorcerers. He may use one psychic power per turn.

    The Sorcerer Commands

    Unless led by an Aspiring Sorcerer or an Independent Character with the Mark of Tzeentch, the

    Thousand Sons Marines roll a single dice for their Slow and Purposeful movement.


    Inferno Bolts

    The shells fired by the bolters of the Thousand Sons Marines are charged with baleful sorcerous

    energies, against which most mundane armor is no defense.

    The AP value of the squads bolters (and Aspiring Sorcerers bolt pistol if taken) is 3 instead of

    the normal 5.

    Balefire Flamer

    Range Strength AP Type

    Template 4 5 Assault 1, Rending

    Lesser Daemons of Chaos

    Special Rules



    Units of Lesser Daemons always start the game in Reserve, even in missions that do not

    normally allow the Reserves rule to be used. When a Lesser Daemon unit becomes available

  • from Reserves, they are deployed via the Deep Strike rule, except that the first model must be

    placed within 6 of an Icon of Chaos. If there are no icons on the table at the time the summoned

    unit becomes available, the unit cannot enter the battle and is destroyed. Note that the icon must

    already be on the table at the start of the turn for it to be used.

    Once deployed, the unit cannot do anything else in that turns Movement phase, but after that

    they are free to act as normal, including launching an assault in the Assault phase.

    Chaos Raptors

    Special Rules

    Fearsome Visage

    After millennia within the Eye of Terror and a lifetime of war, the baroque armor worn by Chaos

    Raptors is warped into terrifying images of shock and awe, further amplifying the baleful war

    cries of these merciless predators.

    Any enemy unit that loses a close combat to one or more units of of Raptors suffers a -1 penalty

    to their Morale check, as though they had suffered one more wound than they would have


    Chaos Spawn

    Special Rules

    Fearless, Rending, Fleet


    Chaos Spawn are subject to the Rage special rule. In the Shooting phase, the unit must Run

    towards the closest enemy. In the Assault phase, the unit must always try to assault the closest


    Writhing Mass

    In combat, each Chaos Spawn has D3+1 Attacks roll each time they are about to attack. In

    addition, the unit may never board a transport (or enter a building) or be joined by an

    Independent Character.

    Lesser Chaos Spawn

    Special Rules



    See Chaos Spawn entry.

    Writhing Mass

    See Chaos Spawn entry.

    Obliterator Cult

    Special Rules

    Fearless, Slow and Purposeful, Deep Strike

  • Wargear

    Obliterator Weapons

    Obliterators may fire one weapon from the following list in each Shooting phase:

    Lascannon, multi-melta, plasma cannon, heavy flamer, twin-linked plasma gun, twin-linked

    meltagun, or twin-linked flamer.

    The entire squad must choose the same weapon


    Chaos Rhino


    The Rhino has a transport capacity of ten models. It cannot carry Lesser Daemons or models in

    Terminator armor.

    - Fire Points: Two models can fire from the Rhinos top hatch.

    - Access Points: Rhinos have one access point on each side of the hull and one at the


    Special Rules


    Rhinos are exceptionally resilient vehicles and can often be repaired by their crew in the heat of

    battle. If a Rhino is immobilized for any reason, then in subsequent turns the crew can attempt a

    temporary repair instead of the vehicle shooting. Roll a D6 in the Shooting phase, and on a 6 the

    vehicle is no longer immobilized.

    Chaos Predator


    See Weapons for various weapon profiles

    Chaos Defiler

    Special Rules



    Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon

    See the Chaos Dreadnought entry

    Battle Cannon

    Name Range Strength AP Type

    Battle Cannon 72 8 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast

    Chaos Vindicator


    Demolisher Cannon

    Name Range Strength AP Type

    Demolisher Cannon 24 10 2 Ordnance 1, Large Blast

  • Chaos Land Raider, Land Raider Slaughter, and Land Raider Depoiler


    Chaos Land Raiders have the transport capacity listed below:

    Type Transport Capacity

    Land Raider 10

    Land Raider Slaughterer 16

    Land Raider Despoiler 12

    - Fire Points: None.

    - Access Points: Land Raiders have one access point on each side of the hull and one at

    the front.

    Special Rules

    Assault Vehicle


    Stygian bolters

    Stygian bolters are a combination of multiple twin-linked bolters and combi-flamers. Each

    stygian bolter consists of two twin-linked bolters, fired as a single weapon. In addition, once per

    game it may be fired as a twin-linked flamer.

    Frag Assault Launchers

    The hull of a Land Raider Slaughterer is studded with explosive charges designed to hurl

    shrapnel at the enemy as the troops inside charge out. Any unit charging into close combat on

    the same turn as it disembarks from a Slaughterer counts as having frag grenades.


    Marks of Chaos

    A model bearing a mark of Chaos has been claimed by one of the Four Greater Powers of Chaos,

    and is granted special powers and gifts by their patron. Certain wargear items and psychic

    powers are granted to servants of a particular Chaos god. These are noted both here and in the

    army list later. For example, the Bloodfeeder is a gift of Khorne, and would be noted as:

    Bloodfeeder (Khorne only).

    Only models with the corresponding Mark of Chaos may select these items/powers.

    Mark of Khorne

    Models with the Mark of Khorne gain +1 Attack.

    Mark of Tzeentch

    Models with the Mark of Tzeentch gain a +1 to their Invulnerable save (to a maximum of 2+). If

    given to a model that does not normally have an Invulnerable save, this Mark confers an

    Invulnerable save of 5+. In addition, a psyker given this mark may re-roll one failed psychic test

    per turn.

  • Mark of Nurgle

    Models with the Mark of Nurgle gain +1 Toughness. This bonus does not affect the models

    Toughness in regards to the Instant Death rule.

    Mark of Slaanesh

    Models with the Mark of Slaanesh gain +1 Initiative.



    Range Strength AP Type

    48 7 4 Heavy 2

    Auxiliary Bolter

    An auxiliary bolter can be fired in addition to another weapon.

    Range Strength AP Type

    12 4 5 Assault 2

    Balefire Flamer

    See the Thousand Sons entry.

    Battle Spikes

    The armor of a champion of Chaos is festooned with all manner of blades and spiky bits, used

    both for trophy racks and combat.

    A model armed with Battle Spikes can re-roll a single failed roll to wound in each Assault phase.


    Range Strength AP Type

    24 4 5 Rapid Fire

    Bolt Pistol

    Range Strength AP Type

    12 4 5 Pistol

    Blast Master

    See the Noise Marines entry.

    Blight Grenades

    See the Plague Marine entry

  • Chainfist

    A chainfist is treated exactly as a power fist, but rolls 2D6 for its armor penetration value. See

    the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for details.

    Chainaxes and Claws

    Chaos Marines utilize an array of close combat weapons, though the deadly chainaxes and

    chainswords are the favored weapons of the Traitor Legions. Equally deadly are the claws and

    warpforged weapons of their daemonic allies.

    Chainaxes and claws are close combat weapons, as described in the Assault Phase chapter of the

    Warhammmer 40,000 rulebook. Note that is perfectly permissible to represent this with

    chainswords or other close combat weapons, as Chaos Marines use all manner of weapons.


    A Chaos Marine armed with a combi-weapon (combi-meltagun, combi-plasma gun, or combi-

    flamer) can choose to fire either the bolter, or the secondary weapon, each with the profile listed

    elsewhere in this section. The bolter can be fired every turn, but the secondary weapon can only

    be fired once per battle (a combi-plasma gun can Rapid Fire). You cannot fire both weapons in

    the same turn.

    Doom Siren

    See the Noise Marines entry.


    Range Strength AP Type

    Template 4 5 Assault 1

    Force Weapon

    See the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

    Frag Grenade

    Frag grenades are assault grenades, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

    Hand Flamer

    Range Strength AP Type

    Template 3 6 Pistol

    Heavy Bolter

    Range Strength AP Type

    36 5 4 Heavy 3

    Heavy Flamer

  • Range Strength AP Type

    Template 5 4 Assault 1

    Inferno Bolts

    See the Thousand Sons entry.

    Krak Grenade

    When used against a vehicle, a krak grenade rolls 6+D6 for armor penetration. See the Vehicles

    chapter of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for details on using krak grenades.


    Range Strength AP Type

    48 9 2 Heavy 1

    Lighting Claw

    A lightning claw is a power weapon and it also allows the wielder to re-roll any failed to wound

    roll in the Assault phase. See the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for details.

    Master-Crafted Weapons

    A master-crafted weapon allows the bearer to re-roll one failed to hit per player turn when using

    the weapon.


    When used against a vehicle, a meltabomb rolls 8+2D6 for armor penetration. See the Vehicles

    chapter of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for details of using meltabombs.


    Range Strength AP Type

    12 8 1 Assault 1, Melta

    Missile Launcher

    Each time a missile launcher fires, the controlling player can choose which type of missile is

    being used.

    Type Range Strength AP Type

    Krak 48 8 3 Heavy 1

    Frag 48 4 6 Heavy 1, Blast


    Range Strength AP Type

    24 8 1 Heavy 1, Melta

    Plasma Cannon

  • Range Strength AP Type

    36 7 2 Heavy 1, Blast, Gets Hots!

    Plasma Gun

    Range Strength AP Type

    24 7 2 Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!

    Plasma Pistol

    Range Strength AP Type

    12 7 2 Pistol, Gets Hot!

    Power Fist

    A power fist counts as a power weapon, and also doubles the users Strength (up to a maximum

    of 10) in the Assault phase. Attacks with a power fist are always delivered at Initiative 1 (ignore

    Initiative bonuses from special rules, wargear, etc.). See the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for


    Power Mace

    The precursor to the modern thunder hammer, the power mace saw wide use during the Great

    Crusade and later the Horus Heresy. When a mace strikes true, it can unleash a powerful burst

    of energy, though it is much more limited than its contemporary counterpart.

    A power mace counts as a power weapon. In addition, all models that suffer an unsaved wound

    from it and are not killed must make an immediate Toughness test or suffer an additional wound

    normal saves apply. Note that only one Toughness test is taken per Assault phase, regardless

    of how many wounds are inflicted by the power mace.

    Power Weapon

    Models wounded in close combat by the attacks of a model armed with a power weapon are not

    allowed armor saves.

    Reaper Autocannon

    Range Strength AP Type

    36 7 4 Heavy 3

    Sonic Blaster

    See the Noise Marines entry.

    Warp Blade

    Infused with the power of the Warp, a warp blade contains the bound essence of a lesser

    daemon. Though weaker than a true daemon weapon, they are more easily controlled.

    A warp blade is a power weapon that grants the wielder an additional D3 Attacks in an assault.

  • Because of its size, a warp blade requires two hands to use, so the wielder may not claim the

    bonus for a second close combat weapon.

    Daemon Weapons

    A Daemon Weapon is a powerful symbol of the might of Chaos and a devastating weapon in the

    hands of a champion of the Dark Gods. Such power comes at a price, however.

    At the start of the Chaos players turn, roll a D6 for each daemon weapon currently on the table.

    On a roll of 1, the daemon within has rebelled and attacks the wielder. The model suffers an

    immediate Strength 6, AP 1 hit.


    This blade may take the form of a wicked scimitar, great broadsword, or simply an axe or mace.

    A darkblade is a power weapon. In addition, the wielder attacks with +2 Strength in close



    Taking the form of a monstrous axe, greatsword, or pick, this is no armor or shield that can

    protect against its bite.

    A dreadaxe is a power weapon. Because of its size, it must be wielded in two hands so the

    bearer cannot gain an additional attack for having a second close combat weapon. In addition,

    attacks from a dreadaxe bypass Invulnerable saves of any kind. In the Assault phase, the wielder

    may not benefit from any Invulnerable save he may have, regardless of its source.

    Ether Lance

    Appearing as a great lance or grotesque cannon, this frightening weapon opens a hole into the

    Warp itself, swallowing up its enemies.

    An ether lance is a power weapon. Because of its size, it must be wielded in two hands so the

    bearer cannot gain an additional attack for having a second close combat weapon. In addition, it

    may be fired in the Shooting phase with the following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    18 5 2 Assault 1, Blast

    Bloodfeeder (Khorne only)

    Usually taking the form of an axe, a bloodfeeder is infused with the essence of a raging


    A bloodfeeder is a power weapon. In the Assault phase, the wielder gains an additional +1D6

    Attacks. Roll each time the wielder is about to attack.

    Plaguebringer (Nurgle only)

  • Encrusted with filth, a Plaguebringer carries a deadly contagion that can fell even the toughest


    A plaguebringer is a power weapon. In addition, during the Assault phase the wielders attacks

    count as Poisoned (3+).

    Deathscreamer (Tzeentch only)

    Appearing as a blade of fire or a twisted gun, the Deathscreamer hurls magical blasts at the

    wielders foes.

    A deathscreamer is a power weapon. In addition, it may be fired in the Shooting phase with the

    following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    24 4 3 Assault D6

    Blissgiver (Slaanesh only)

    A slender blade or writhing whip, those wounded by a Blissgiver are pitched into an ecstatic

    coma from which there is no recovery.

    A blissgiver is a power weapon. In addition, any wounds caused on the enemy by a blissgiver

    inflict Instant Death, regardless of the targets Toughness.


    Chaos Armor

    Models equipped with Chaos armor receive an armor save of 2+.

    Power Armor

    Models equipped with Power armor receive an armor save of 3+.

    Terminator Armor

    Models in Terminator armor have the Relentless universal special rule. However, they cannot

    perform a Sweeping Advance.

    A model equipped with Terminator armor receives an armor save of 2+ and an invulnerable save

    of 5+.

    Any model wearing Terminator armor can be teleported onto the battlefield. They may always

    start the game in reserve and arrive using the deep strike rules, even if it is not part of the mission

    being played.

    Terminators count as two models for the purposes of transport capacity, and cannot embark into


    Daemonic Aura

    Warp energies surround and protect the unit from harm.

    Models equipped with a Daemonic Aura receive an Invulnerable save of 5+.

  • Greater Daemonic Aura

    The warp energies that protect the unit are more powerful than most.

    Models equipped with a Greater Daemonic Aura receive an Invulnerable save of 4+.

    Other Equipment

    Chaos Marine Bike

    Models equipped with a Chaos Marine bike follow all the rules for bikes as described in the

    Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Chaos Marine bikes are fitted with a twin-linked bolter.

    Disc of Tzeentch

    A model mounted on a Disc of Tzeentch gains a +1 bonus to Attacks in close combat. In

    addition, the units type changes to Jump Infantry.

    Icon of Chaos

    Any models in Terminator armor, Obliterators, or Lesser Daemons that wish to teleport onto the

    battlefield via deep strike and choose to do so within 6 of a model carrying an Icon of Chaos

    wont scatter. If the icon bearer is inside a transport, then the range of the Icon is 6 from the

    transport vehicles hull. Note that the icon only works for units that are teleporting, not for units

    entering play using jump packs, wings, or other means of transport. Also note that the icon must

    already be on the table at the start of the turn for it to be used.

    Icon of Chaos Glory

    This icon functions as an Icon of Chaos. In addition, the unit may re-roll any failed Morale

    checks whilst the icon bearer is still alive.

    Icon of Khorne

    This icon functions as an Icon of Chaos. In addition, all models (except Independent Characters

    joining the unit) in the same unit as the Icon of Khorne gain the Mark of Khorne whilst the icon

    bearer is still alive.

    Icon of Nurgle

    This icon functions as an Icon of Chaos. In addition, all models (except Independent Characters

    joining the unit) in the same unit as the Icon of Nurgle gain the Mark of Nurgle whilst the icon

    bearer is still alive.

    Icon of Slaanesh

    This icon functions as an Icon of Chaos. In addition, all models (except Independent Characters

    joining the unit) in the same unit as the Icon of Slaanesh gain the Mark of Slaanesh whilst the

    icon bearer is still alive.

  • Icon of Tzeentch

    This icon functions as an Icon of Chaos. In addition, all models (except Independent Characters

    joining the unit) in the same unit as the Icon of Tzeenthc gain the Mark of Tzeentch whilst the

    icon bearer is still alive.

    Juggernaut of Khorne

    A Juggernaut is a mighty daemonic steed of Khorne, a fusion of steel and daemon flesh. Terrors

    to behold in battle, these unstoppable beasts are gifted to the greatest of Khornes champions.

    A model mounted on a Juggernaut of Khorne gains a +1 bonus to Strength and Attacks in close

    combat, as well as a +1 bonus to Toughness. Because of its size, a model mounted on a

    Juggernaut may not board a transport.

    Jump Pack

    Models equipped with jump packs are jump infantry, as described in the Warhammer 40,000

    rulebook. As such, they may be held in reserve and arrive using the deep strike rules.

    Palanquin of Nurgle

    A model mounted on a Palanquin of Nurgle gains a +1 bonus to Attacks in close combat, as well

    as a +1 bonus to Wounds. A model mounted on a Palanquin of Nurgle may not board a Chaos

    Rhino, but may board a Chaos Land Raider (in which case it counts as two models).

    Steed of Slaanesh

    A model mounted on a Steed of Slaanesh gains a +1 bonus to Attacks in close combat. In

    addition, the units type changes to Bike.

    Vehicle Armory

    Battle Cannon

    See the Defiler entry.

    Daemonic Possession

    The vehicles crew has been replaced by a daemon. The vehicle ignores Shaken and Stunned

    results on the Vehicle Damage table, although transported passengers are affected normally.

    Also, the vehicles BS is reduced to 3.

    Demolisher Cannon

    See the Vindicator entry.

    Dirge Caster

  • When the vehicle uses a Tank Shock attack, any enemy unit affected suffers an extra -1 modifier

    to their Leadership.

    Dozer Blade

    Vehicles equipped with dozer blades can re-roll failed Difficult Terrain tests.

    Extra Armor

    Vehicles equipped with extra armor count Crew Stunned results on the Vehicle Damage table as

    Crew Shaken results instead.

    Havoc Launcher

    Range Strength AP Type

    48 4 6 Heavy 2, Blast

    Pintle-mounted combi-weapon

    Pintle-mounted combi-weapons are treated as an additional weapon, with the profile of a normal

    combi-weapon. See the combi-weapon entry for details.

    Pintle-mounted twin-linked bolter

    Pintle-mounted twin-linked bolters are treated as an additional weapon, with the profile of a

    normal twin-linked bolter. See the bolter entry for details.


    Searchlights are used when the night fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight it

    must still use the night fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate

    it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the

    illuminated unit does not use the night fighting rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight

    can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the night fighting rules were not in effect,

    as the enemy can see the searchlight.

    Smoke Launchers

    See the Vehicle section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for details.

    Parasitic Possession

    The vehicle is possessed by a particularly cowardly daemonic entity, who only grants its aid

    when its own since of self-preservation kicks in. Only then does it work to repair and maintain

    the vehicle it resides in.

    Roll a D6 at the start of the Chaos players Shooting phase for each damaged vehicle with this

    upgrade. If the result is 5 or more, then either a Weapon Destroyed result or Immobilized result

    (owning players choice) will be repaired. If a Weapon Destroyed result is repaired, that weapon

    can be fired in the following Shooting phase.

  • HQ

    Abaddon the Despoiler.....285 pts

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Abaddon 7 5 4 4(5) 4 6 4+1 10 2+

    Unit Composition:

    1 (Unique)

    Unit Type:




    Talon of Horus

    Chaos Terminator armor

    Icon of chaos

    Mark of Chaos Ascendant

    Special Rules:


    Daemonic Aura

    Independent Character

    Commanding Presence

    Eternal Warrior

    Executioners Strike

    Daemon Prince.....120 pts

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Daemon Prince 7 5 6 5 4 5 4 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    1 Daemon Prince

    Unit Type:

    Monstrous Creature


    Power armor

    Daemonic Aura


    Special Rules:


    Eternal Warrior


    May take one of the following:

    - Mark of Khorne +10 pts

    - Mark of Slaanesh +10 pts

    - Mark of Tzeentch +20 pts

    - Mark of Nurgle +20 pts

    A daemon prince that does not take a Mark of Khorne may be

    upgraded to a psyker for 30 pts and gains one of the following powers:

    Doombolt, Warptime, Wind of Chaos, Gift of Chaos, Chaos Gate, Chains of Torment,

    Nurgles Rot (Nurgle only), Lash of Submission (Slaanesh only), Bolt of Change

    (Tzeentch only)

    Replace chainaxe with:

    - A power mace +10 pts

    - A lightning claw +15 pts

    - A warp blade +20 pts

    - A power fist +25 pts

  • May take one of the following:

    - A heavy flamer or heavy bolter +10 pts

    - A reaper autocannon +25 pts

    - A Kai gun +30 pts

    Replace power armor with chaos armor +15 pts

    May become a Disciple of +x pts

    May take any of the following:

    - Battle spikes +5 pts

    - Icon of Chaos +5 pts

    - Auxilliary bolter +5 pts

    - Greater daemonic aura +20 pts

    - Wings +40 pts

    Chaos Lord.....90 pts

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Lord 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    1 Chaos Lord

    Unit Type:



    Power armor

    Daemonic Aura


    Bolt pistol

    Frag and krak grenades

    Special Rules:


    Independent Character


    May take one of the following:

    - Mark of Khorne +10 pts

    - Mark of Slaanesh +10 pts

    - Mark of Tzeentch +15 pts

    - Mark of Nurgle +20 pts

    May replace chainaxe and/or bolt pistol with:

    - A power weapon, lightning claw, or plasma pistol +15 pts

    - A power mace +20 pts

    - A power fist or warp blade +25 pts

    - Darkblade +35 pts

    - Dreadaxe +30 pts

    - Ether Lance +30 pts

    - Bloodfeeder (Khorne only) +30 pts

    - Deathscreamer (Tzeentch only) +25 pts

    - Plaguebringer (Nurgle only) +25 pts

  • - Blissgiver (Slaanesh only) +30 pts

    May take one of the following:

    - A bolter +2 pts

    - A twin-linked bolter +5 pts

    - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10pts

    Replace power armor with chaos armor +15 pts

    May become a Disciple of +x pts

    May take any of the following:

    - Meltabombs +5 pts

    - Icon of Chaos +5 pts

    - Auxilliary bolter +10 pts

    - Battle spikes +10 pts

    - Greater daemonic aura +20 pts

    Replace power armor, bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades with Terminator armor with

    power weapon and:

    - A twin-linked bolter +35 pts

    - A combi-flamer, -melta, or plasma +40 pts

    - A lightning claw +45 pts

    Replace Terminator armors power weapon with:

    - Lightning claw or power mace +5 pts

    - Power fist +10 pts

    - Chainfist,Dreadaxe or Ether Lance +15 pts

    - Darkblade +20 pts

    - Deathscreamer (Tzeentch only) +10 pts

    - Plaguebringer (Nurgle only) +10 pts

    - Bloodfeeder (Khorne only) +15 pts

    - Blissgiver (Slaanesh only) +15 pts

    If Terminator armor is not chosen, may have one of the following:

    - Jump pack +25 pts

    - Chaos Marine bike +35 pts

    - Palanquin of Nurgle (Nurgle only) +30 pts

    - Disc of Tzeentch (Tzeentch only) +35 pts

    - Steed of Slaanesh (Slaanesh only) +35 pts

    - Juggernaut of Khorne (Khorne only) +40 pts

    Chosen Chaos Marines...25 pts per model

    You may include one unit of Chosen Chaos Marines for every Chaos Lord in your army. This

    unit does not count against your HQ allowance.

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Chosen 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+

  • Aspiring Sorcerer 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Chosen Champion 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    3-10 Chosen

    Unit Type:



    Power armor

    Power weapon

    Bolt pistol

    Frag and krak grenades

    Special Rules:


    Dedicated Transports:

    May select a Rhino or a Land Raider of any type as a dedicated transport.


    Any Chosen may be upgraded to a Chosen Champion +10 pts

    One Chosen may be upgraded to an Aspiring Sorcerer, replacing his

    power weapon with a force weapon +45 pts

    An Aspiring Sorcerer has one of the following powers:

    Doombolt, Warptime, Wind of Chaos, Gift of Chaos, Eternal Hatred, Shield of the

    Empyrean, Chains of Torment

    The Aspiring Sorcerer may take a warp talisman +15 pts

    Any model may replace its bolt pistol with:

    - A bolter free

    - A twin-linked bolter +5 pts

    - A combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10 pts

    - A plasma pistol or lightning claw +15 pts

    - A power fist +25 pts

    Any model may replace its power weapon with:

    - A lightning claw free

    - A power mace +5 pts

    - A power fist +10 pts

    - A warp blade +15 pts

    Any model may take:

    - Meltabombs +5 pts

    Any model may replace power armor, bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades with Terminator

    armor and:

    - A twin-linked bolter +17 pts

    - A combi-flamer, -melta, or plasma +22 pts

    - A lightning claw +27 pts

    Any model in Terminator armor may replace his power weapon with:

  • - A lightning claw or power mace +5 pts

    - A power fist +10 pts

    - A warp blade or chainfist +15 pts

    One model may carry one of the following :

    - Icon of Chaos +5 pts

    - Icon of Slaanesh +20 pts

    - Icon of Khorne +30 pts

    - Icon of Tzeentch +40 pts

    - Icon of Nurgle +50 pts

    - Banner of the Black Legion +35 pts

    If Terminator armor is not chosen, the entire squad may be mounted

    on Chaos Marine bikes +25 pts per model

    One Chosen Champion per army may be upgraded

    to Mordred the Black: +85 pts

    Mordred the Black.......+85 pts

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Mordred 6 5 4 4 2 5 3 10 2+

    Unit Composition:

    1 (Unique)

    Unit Type:



    The Hand of Strife

    Terminator armor

    Auxiliary bolter

    Battle spikes

    Special Rules:


    Executioners Strike

    Defend the Warmaster

    Chaos Champion.......60 pts

    You may include up to two Chaos Champions as a single HQ choice, but are otherwise treated as

    separate HQ units.

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Champion 5 5 4 4 2 5 2 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    1 Chaos Champion

    Unit Type:



    Power armor

    Daemonic Aura


    Bolt pistol

    Frag and krak grenades

    Special Rules:


    Independent Character


  • May take one of the following:

    - Mark of Khorne +10 pts

    - Mark of Slaanesh +10 pts

    - Mark of Tzeentch +15 pts

    - Mark of Nurgle +20 pts

    May replace chainaxe and/or bolt pistol with:

    - A power weapon, lightning claw, or plasma pistol +15 pts

    - A power mace +20 pts

    - A power fist or warp blade +25 pts

    May take one of the following:

    - A bolter +2 pts

    - A twin-linked bolter +5 pts

    - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10pts

    May become a Disciple of +x pts

    May take any of the following:

    - Meltabombs +5 pts

    - Icon of Chaos +5 pts

    - Auxiliary bolter +10 pts

    - Battle spikes +10 pts

    Replace power armor, bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades with Terminator armor with

    power weapon and:

    - A twin-linked bolter +35 pts

    - A combi-flamer, -melta, or plasma +40 pts

    - A lightning claw +45 pts

    Replace Terminator armors power weapon with:

    - Lightning claw or power mace +5 pts

    - Power fist or warp blade +10 pts

    - Chainfist +15 pts

    If Terminator armor is not chosen, may have one of the following:

    - Jump pack +25 pts

    - Chaos Marine bike +35 pts

    - Palanquin of Nurgle (Nurgle only) +30 pts

    - Disc of Tzeentch (Tzeentch only) +35 pts

    - Steed of Slaanesh (Slaanesh only) +35 pts

    - Juggernaut of Khorne (Khorne only) +40 pts

  • Chaos Sorcerer........90 pts

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Sorcerer 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    1 Chaos Sorcerer

    Unit Type:



    Power armor

    Daemonic Aura

    Warp Talisman

    Force Weapon

    Bolt pistol

    Frag and krak grenades

    Special Rules:

    Independent Character



    Upgrade to a Master Sorcerer +50 pts

    May take one of the following:

    - Mark of Slaanesh +10 pts

    - Mark of Tzeentch +20 pts

    - Mark of Nurgle +20 pts

    A Sorcerer has two of the following powers:

    Doombolt, Warptime, Wind of Chaos, Gift of Chaos, Chaos Gate, Shield of the

    Empyrean, Eternal Hatred, Chains of Torment, Nurgles Rot (Nurgle only), Lash of

    Submission (Slaanesh only), Bolt of Change (Tzeentch only)

    May become a Disciple of +x pts

    May take an Icon of Chaos +5 pts

    Replace power armor, bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades with Terminator armor and:

    - A twin-linked bolter +35 pts

    - A combi-flamer, -melta, or plasma +40 pts

    If Terminator armor is not chosen, may have one of the following:

    - Jump pack +25 pts

    - Chaos Marine bike +35 pts

    - Palanquin of Nurgle (Nurgle only) +30 pts

    - Disc of Tzeentch (Tzeentch only) +35 pts

    - Steed of Slaanesh (Slaanesh only) +35 pts

    - Juggernaut of Khorne (Khorne only) +40 pts

  • Lesser Chaos Spawn

    This unit is created by the psychic power, Gift of Chaos, and may not otherwise be purchased.

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Lesser Spawn 3 0 5 5 2 2 D3+1 10 --

    Unit Composition:

    1 Lesser Spawn

    Unit Type:




    Special Rules:



    Writhing Mass

    Greater Daemon ...... 100 pts

    You may include a single Greater Daemon. This unit does not count against your HQ allowance.

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Greater Daemon 8 0 6 6 4 4 5 10 --

    Unit Composition:

    1 Greater Daemon

    Unit Type:

    Monstrous Creature



    Greater Daemonic Aura

    Special Rules:


    Blood Sacrifice


    Chaos Terminators....32 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Terminators 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 2+

    Terminator Champion 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 10 2+

    Unit Composition:

    3-10 Terminators

    Unit Type:



    Terminator armor

    Power weapon

    Twin-linked bolter

    Special Rules:

    Executioners Strike

    Dedicated Transport:

    One Terminator squad in the army may select a Land Raider of any type as a dedicated



    One Terminator may be upgraded

    to a Terminator Champion: +10

  • Any model may replace their power weapon with:

    - A lightning claw or power mace +5 pts

    - A power fist +10 pts

    - A chainfist +15 pts

    Any model may replace their twin-linked bolter with:

    - A combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +5 pts

    - A lightning claw +10 pts

    One model may replace his twin-linked bolter with:

    - A heavy flamer +5 pts

    - A reaper autocannon +25 pts

    If the squad numbers ten models, a second model may replace his twin-link bolter with

    one of the above heavy weapons for the points listed.

    One model may carry one of the following :

    - Icon of Chaos glory +10 pts

    - Icon of Slaanesh +20 pts

    - Icon of Khorne +30 pts

    - Icon of Tzeentch +40 pts

    - Icon of Nurgle +50 pts

    Chaos Marauders . .......18 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Marauder 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+

    Aspiring Champion 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    5-10 Chaos Marauders

    Unit Type:



    Power armor


    Bolt pistol


    Frag and krak grenades




    Move Through Cover


    One Marauder may be upgraded to an Aspiring Champion: +15 pts

    One Marauder may replace his bolter with one of the following:

    - Flamer, meltagun, heavy bolter +5 pts

    - Plasma gun, missile launcher or autocannon +10 pts

    - Lascannon +15 pts

    Up to two Marauders may select one of the following options:

    Replace their chainaxe and/or bolt pistol with one of the following:

    - Plasma pistol, power weapon or lighting claw +15 pts

  • - Power fist +25 pts

    Or replace their bolter with one of the following:

    - Flamer +5 pts

    - Meltagun or plasma gun +10 pts

    Any model may take:

    - Meltabombs +5 pts

    The squad may have camo cloaks: +3 pts per model

    The Aspiring Champion may replace his chainaxe and/or bolt pistol with:

    - A plasma pistol, power weapon or lighting claw +15 pts

    - A power fist +25 pts

    The Aspiring Champion may replace his bolter with:

    - A twin-linked bolter +3 pts

    - A combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10 pts

    One model may carry one of the following :

    - Icon of Chaos glory +10 pts

    - Icon of Slaanesh +20 pts

    - Icon of Khorne +30 pts

    - Icon of Tzeentch +40 pts

    - Icon of Nurgle +50 pts

    Possessed Chaos Marines.....22 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Possessed 4 4 5 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Possessed Champion 4 4 5 4 1 4 3 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    5-20 Possessed

    Unit Type:



    Power armor

    Daemonic Aura


    Special Rules:


    Dedicated Transport:

    May select a Rhino


    One Possessed may be upgraded

    to a Possessed Champion: +10 pts

    The Possessed Champion may given any of the following:

    - Daemonic strength or daemonic blast +15 pts

    The entire unit may be given one of the following lesser daemonic gifts:

    - Daemonic visage +3 pts per model

    - Daemonic speed or daemonic fire +4 pts per model

  • The entire unit may be given one of the following greater daemonic gifts:

    - Daemonic venom +4 pts per model

    - Daemonic fury or daemonic talons +5 pts per model

    - Daemonic resilience +8 pts per model

    One model may carry one of the following :

    - Icon of Chaos +5 pts

    - Icon of Slaanesh +20 pts

    - Icon of Khorne +30 pts

    - Icon of Tzeentch +40 pts

    - Icon of Nurgle +50 pts

    Chaos Dreadnought........115 pts


    Name WS BS S F S R I A

    Dreadnought 4 4 6 12 12 10 4 3

    Unit Composition:

    1 Dreadnought

    Unit Type:

    Vehicle (Walker)



    Dreadnought close-combat weapon

    (with built in twin-linked bolter)

    Smoke launchers


    Special Rules:


    Fire Frenzy


    Replace multi-melta with:

    - Additional Dreadnought close combat weapon

    (with built in twin-linked bolter) free

    - Twin-linked heavy flamer free

    - Power scourge (with built in twin-linked bolter) +10

    - Twin-linked heavy bolter +5 pts

    - Plasma cannon or twin-linked autocannon +10 pts

    - Twin-linked lascannon +30 pts

    Replace a single Dreadnought close combat weapon and twin-linked bolter with:

    - Missile launcher +10 pts

    - Power scourge (with built in twin-linked bolter) free

    - Chaos hammer (with built in twin-linked bolter) +5 pts

    Replace a single twin-linked bolter with heavy flamer +10 pts

    Take extra armor +15 pts

    Take a havoc launcher +15 pts

  • Troops

    Chaos Marines..... 15 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Chaos Marine 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+

    Aspiring Champion 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    5-20 Chaos Marines

    Unit Type:



    Power armor


    Bolt pistol


    Frag and krak grenades

    Dedicated Transport:

    May select a Rhino


    One model may be upgraded to an Aspiring Champion: +15 pts

    One Chaos Marine may replace his bolter with:

    - A flamer free

    - A meltagun +5 pts

    - A plasma gun +10 pts

    If the squad numbers ten or more models, one Chaos Marine may replace his

    bolter with one of the following:

    - A heavy bolter or flamer free

    - A meltagun, autocannon, or missile launcher +5 pts

    - A plasma gun or lascannon +10 pts

    The Aspiring Champion may replace his chainaxe and/or bolt pistol with:

    - A plasma pistol or power weapon +15 pts

    - A power fist +25 pts

    The Aspiring Champion may replace his bolter with:

    - A twin-linked bolter +3 pts

    - A combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10 pts

    The Aspiring Champion may take:

    - Meltabombs +5 pts

    One model may carry one of the following :

    - Icon of Chaos glory +10 pts

    - Icon of Slaanesh +20 pts

    - Icon of Khorne +30 pts

    - Icon of Tzeentch +40 pts

  • - Icon of Nurgle +50 pts

    Khorne Berzerkers..... 21 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Berzerkers 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Skull Champion 5 4 4 4 1 4 3 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    5-20 Berzerkers

    Unit Type:



    Power armor


    Bolt pistol

    Frag and krak grenades

    Mark of Khorne

    Special Rules:


    Furious Charge

    Dedicated Transport:

    May select a Rhino


    One model may be upgraded to a Skull Champion: +10 pts

    One Berzerker may replace his bolt pistol with:

    - A hand flamer +10 pts

    - A plasma pistol +15 pts

    If the squad numbers eight or more models, a second Berzerker may replace

    his bolt pistol with a weapon from the above list at the cost listed

    The Skull Champion may replace his chainaxe and/or bolt pistol with:

    - A hand flamer +10 pts

    - A plasma pistol or power weapon +15 pts

    - A power fist +25 pts

    The Skull Champion may take:

    - Meltabombs +5 pts

    One model may carry one of the following :

    - Icon of Chaos +5 pts

    Plague Marines...... 23 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Plague Marine 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 1 10 3+

    Plague Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    5-20 Plague Marines

    Unit Type:



    Power armor

  • Chainaxe

    Bolt pistol


    Frag and krak grenades

    Blight grenades

    Mark of Nurgle



    Feel no Pain

    Dedicated Transport:

    May select a Rhino


    One model may be upgraded to an Plague Champion: +10 pts

    One Plague Marine may replace his bolter with:

    - A flamer +5 pts

    - A meltagun +10 pts

    - A plasma gun +15 pts

    If the squad numbers seven or more models, a second Plague Marine may replace

    his bolter with a weapon from the above list at the cost listed

    The Plague Champion may replace his chainaxe and/or bolt pistol with:

    - A plasma pistol or power weapon +15 pts

    - A power fist +25 pts

    The Plague Champion may replace his bolter with:

    - A twin-linked bolter +3 pts

    - A combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10 pts

    The Plage Champion may take:

    - Meltabombs +5 pts

    One model may carry one of the following :

    - Icon of Chaos +5 pts

    Noise Marines...... 19 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Noise Marine 4 4 4 4 1 5 1 10 3+

    Noise Champion 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    5-20 Nosie Marines

    Unit Type:



    Power armor


    Bolt pistol

  • Bolter

    Frag and krak grenades

    Mark of Slaanesh



    Dedicated Transport:

    May select a Rhino


    One model may be upgraded to an Noise Champion: +10 pts

    Any model may replace their bolter with:

    - A sonic blaster +3 pts

    For every six models in the squad, one Noise Marine may replace his bolter with:

    - A blast master +20 pts

    The Noise Champion may replace his chainaxe and/or bolt pistol with:

    - A plasma pistol or power weapon +15 pts

    - A power fist +25 pts

    The Noise Champion may replace his bolter with:

    - A twin-linked bolter +3 pts

    - A combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10 pts

    The Noise Champion may take:

    - Meltabombs +5 pts

    - A doom siren +10 pts

    One model may carry one of the following :

    - Icon of Chaos +5 pts

    Thousand Sons...... 22 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Thousand Son 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 10 3+

    Aspiring Sorcerer 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    5-20 Thousand Sons

    Unit Type:



    Power armor

    Daemonic Aura

    Inferno Bolts

    Mark of Tzeentch




    The Sorcerer Commands

    Slow and Purposeful (Thousand

    Sons only)

    Psyker (Aspiring Sorcerer only)

    Dedicated Transport:

    May select a Rhino


  • One model may be upgraded to an

    Aspiring Sorcerer armed with a force weapon +55 pts

    The Aspiring Sorcerer may exchange his bolter for a bolt pistol for free

    The Aspiring Sorcerer has one of the following powers:

    Doombolt, Warptime, Wind of Chaos, Gift of Chaos, Shield of the Empyrean, Chains of

    Torment, Bolt of Change

    One Thousand Son may replace its bolter with:

    - A meltagun or balefire flamer +10 pts

    - A plasma gun +15 pts

    If the squad numbers nine or more models, a second Thousand Son may replace

    his bolter with a weapon from the above list at the cost listed.

    The Aspiring Sorcerer may take:

    - Meltabombs +5 pts

    - Warp talisman +15 pts

    One model may carry one of the following :

    - Icon of Chaos +5 pts

    Lesser Daemon of Chaos..... 13 pts per model

    This unit does not count against your Troops allowance, but otherwise count as Troops.

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Lesser Daemon 4 0 4 4 1 4 2 10 --

    Unit Composition:

    5-20 Lesser Daemons

    Unit Type:




    Daemonic Aura

    Special Rules:



    Dedicated Transports

    Rhino ............................................ 35 pts


    Name BS F S R

    Rhino 4 11 11 10

    Unit Composition:

    1 Rhino

    Unit Type:

    Vehicle (Tank)


    Smoke launchers


    Twin-linked bolter

    Transport Capacity:

  • Ten models

    May not transport Lesser Daemons, Obliterators, or models in Terminator armor

    Special Rules:



    May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:

    - Twin-linked bolter +5 pts

    - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10 pts

    - Havoc launcher +15 pts

    May take any of the following:

    - A dozer blade +5 pts

    - Extra armor +15 pts

    - Daemonic possession +20 pts

    Fast Attack

    Chaos Bikers.....26 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Biker 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 1 9 3+

    Biker Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 2 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    3-10 Bikers

    Unit Type:



    Power armor


    Bolt pistol

    Frag and krak grenades

    Chaos Marine bike


    One Biker may be upgraded to a Biker Champion: +15 pts

    Up to two Bikers may replace his bolt pistol with:

    - A flamer +5 pts

    - A meltagun +10 pts

    - A plasma gun +15 pts

    The Biker Champion may replace his bolt pistol and/or chainaxe

    with one of the following:

    - A combi-melta, -flamer, or -plasma +10 pts

    - A plasma pistol or power weapon +15 pts

    - A power fist +25 pts

    The Biker Champion may take:

  • - Meltabombs +5 pts

    One model may carry one of the following :

    - Icon of Chaos glory +10 pts

    - Icon of Slaanesh +20 pts

    - Icon of Khorne +30 pts

    - Icon of Tzeentch +40 pts

    - Icon of Nurgle +50 pts

    Chaos Raptors.......19 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Raptor 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+

    Aspiring Champion 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    5-20 Raptors

    Unit Type:

    Jump Infantry


    Power armor


    Bolt pistol

    Frag and krak grenades

    Jump packs


    Fearsome Visage


    One Raptor may be upgraded to an Aspiring Champion: +15 pts

    One Raptor may replace his bolt pistol with:

    - A flamer +5 pts

    - A meltagun or hand flamer +10 pts

    - A plasma pistol or plasma gun +15 pts

    If the squad numbers ten or more models, a second Raptor may replace

    his bolt pistol with a weapon from the above list at the cost listed.

    The Aspiring Champion may replace his bolt pistol and/or

    chainaxe with one of the following:

    - A hand flamer +10 pts

    - A plasma pistol, power weapon, or lighting claw +15 pts

    - A power fist +25 pts

    The Aspiring Champion may take:

    - Meltabombs +5 pts

    One model may carry one of the following :

    - Icon of Chaos glory +10 pts

    - Icon of Slaanesh +20 pts

  • - Icon of Khorne +30 pts

    - Icon of Tzeentch +40 pts

    - Icon of Nurgle +50 pts

    Chaos Spawn....... 40 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Spawn 3 0 5 5 3 2 D3+1 10 --

    Unit Composition:

    1-6 Spawn

    Unit Type:




    Daemonic Aura

    Special Rules:



    Writhing Mass



    Heavy Support

    Chaos Havocs....... 15 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Havoc 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+

    Aspiring Champion 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    5-20 Havocs

    Unit Type:



    Power armor


    Bolt pistol


    Frag and krak grenades

    Dedicated Transport:

    May select a Rhino


    One Havoc may be upgraded to an Aspiring Champion: +15 pts

    Up to four Havocs may replace their bolter with:

    - A flamer +5 pts

    - A meltagun +10 pts

    - A heavy bolter, autocannon, or missile launcher +10 pts

    - A plasma gun +15 pts

    - A lascannon +25 pts

  • The Aspiring Champion may replace his bolt pistol

    and/or chainaxe with:

    - A plasma pistol or power weapon +15 pts

    - A power fist +25 pts

    The Aspiring Champion may replace his bolter with:

    - A twin-linked bolter +3 pts

    - A combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10 pts

    The Aspiring Champion may take:

    - Meltabombs +5 pts

    One model may carry one of the following :

    - Icon of Chaos glory +10 pts

    - Icon of Slaanesh +20 pts

    - Icon of Khorne +30 pts

    - Icon of Tzeentch +40 pts

    - Icon of Nurgle +50 pts

    Obliterator Cult....... 75 pts per model

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Obliterator 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 2+

    Unit Composition:

    1-3 Obliterators

    Unit Type:



    Power fist

    Daemonic Aura

    Obliterator weapons (one per turn:

    lascannon, multi-melta, plasma

    cannon, twin-linked flamer, twin-

    linked plasma gun, twin-linked melta


    Special Rules:


    Slow and Purposeful

    Deep Strike

    Chaos Defiler......135 pts


    Name WS BS S F S R I A

    Defiler 3 3 6 12 12 10 3 3

    Unit Composition:

    1 Defiler

    Unit Type:

    Vehicle (Walker)


    Two Dreadnought close combat weapons

    Two twin-linked heavy flamers

  • Battle cannon

    Smoke launchers


    Daemonic possession

    Special Rules:



    Replace either of the twin-linked heavy flamers with:

    - Dreadnought close combat weapon ( +1 Attack) free

    - Twin-linked heavy bolter +15 pts

    - Twin-linked reaper autocannon +20 pts

    - Twin-linked lascannon +35 pts

    May take a pintle-mounted havoc launcher +15 pts

    Chaos Predator.....60 pts


    Name BS F S R

    Predator 4 13 11 10

    Unit Composition:

    1 Predator

    Unit Type:

    Vehicle (Tank)



    Smoke launchers



    Replace autocannon with:

    - Twin-linked heavy bolter +5 pts

    - Twin-linked reaper autocannons +25 pts

    - Twin-linked lascannon +45 pts

    May take side sponsons with:

    - Heavy flamers +20 pts

    - Heavy bolters +25 pts

    - Lascannons +60 pts

    May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:

    - Twin-linked bolter +5 pts

    - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10 pts

    - Havoc launcher +15 pts

    May take any of the following:

    - A dozer blade +5 pts

    - Dirge caster +5 pts

  • - Extra armor +15 pts

    May take one of the following:

    - Daemonic possession +20 pts

    - Parasitic possession +30 pts

    Chaos Vindicator......115 pts


    Name BS F S R

    Vindicator 4 13 11 10

    Unit Composition:

    1 Vindicator

    Unit Type:

    Vehicle (Tank)


    Demolisher cannon

    Smoke launchers



    May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:

    - Twin-linked bolter +5 pts

    - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10 pts

    - Havoc launcher +15 pts

    May take any of the following:

    - Dirge caster +5 pts

    - A dozer blade +5 pts

    - Extra armor +15 pts

    May take one of the following:

    - Daemonic possession +20 pts

    - Parasitic possession +30 pts

    Chaos Land Raider......225 pts


    Name BS F S R

    Land Raider 4 14 14 14

    Unit Composition:

    1 Land Raider

    Unit Type:

    Vehicle (Tank)


    Two twin-linked lascannons

    One twin-linked heavy bolter

    Smoke launchers


    Transport Capacity:

  • Ten models

    May not transport Lesser Daemons or Obliterators


    Assault vehicle


    Replace twin-linked heavy bolter with:

    - Twin-linked reaper autocannons +25 pts

    May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:

    - Twin-linked bolter +5 pts

    - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10 pts

    - Havoc launcher +15 pts

    May take any of the following:

    - Dirge caster +5 pts

    - Extra armor +15 pts

    May take one of the following:

    - Daemonic possession +20 pts

    - Parasitic possession +30 pts

    Chaos Land Raider Despoiler.....215 pts


    Name BS F S R

    Land Raider 4 14 14 14

    Unit Composition:

    1 Land Raider

    Unit Type:

    Vehicle (Tank)


    Two twin-linked reaper autocannons

    One twin-linked heavy bolter

    Smoke launchers


    Transport Capacity:

    Twelve models

    May not transport Lesser Daemons or Obliterators


    Assault vehicle


    Replace twin-linked heavy bolter with:

    - Twin-linked reaper autocannons +25 pts

    May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:

    - Twin-linked bolter +5 pts

    - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10 pts

  • - Havoc launcher +15 pts

    May take any of the following:

    - Dirge caster +5 pts

    - Extra armor +15 pts

    May take one of the following:

    - Daemonic possession +20 pts

    - Parasitic possession +30 pts

    Chaos Land Raider Slaughterer.....245 pts


    Name BS F S R

    Land Raider 4 14 14 14

    Unit Composition:

    1 Land Raider

    Unit Type:

    Vehicle (Tank)


    Two stygian bolters

    One twin-linked heavy bolter

    Frag assault launchers

    Smoke launchers


    Transport Capacity:

    Sixteen models

    May not transport Lesser Daemons or Obliterators


    Assault vehicle


    Replace twin-linked heavy bolter with:

    - Twin-linked heavy flamer free

    - Multi-melta +5 pts

    May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:

    - Twin-linked bolter +5 pts

    - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma +10 pts

    - Havoc launcher +15 pts

    May take any of the following:

    - Dirge caster +5 pts

    - Extra armor +15 pts

    May take one of the following:

    - Daemonic possession +20 pts

    - Parasitic possession +30 pts

  • Summary Troop Types

    Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Abaddon the Despoiler 7 5 4 4(5) 4 6 4+1 10 2+

    Aspiring Champion 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 10 3+

    Aspiring Sorcerer 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Berzerker 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Biker 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 1 10 3+

    Biker Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 2 10 3+

    Chaos Champion 5 5 4 4 2 5 2 10 3+

    Chaos Lord 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+

    Chaos Sorcerer 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+

    Chaos Spawn 3 0 5 5 3 2 D3+1 10 --

    Chosen 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Chosen Champion 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 10 3+

    Daemon Prince 7 5 6 5 4 5 4 10 3+

    Greater Daemon 8 0 6 6 4 4 5 10 --

    Havoc 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 10 3+

    Lesser Daemon 4 0 4 4 1 4 2 10 --

    Lesser Spawn 3 0 5 5 2 2 D3+1 10 --

    Marauders 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+

    Mordred the Black 6 5 4 4 2 5 3 10 2+

    Noise Marine 4 4 4 4 1 5 1 10 3+

    Noise Champion 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 10 3+

    Obliterator 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 2+

    Plague Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+

    Plague Marine 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 1 10 3+

    Possessed Champion 4 4 5 4 1 4 3 10 3+

    Possessed 4 4 5 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Raptor 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 10 3+

    Skull Champion 5 4 4 4 1 4 3 10 3+

    Terminator 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 2+

    Terminator Champion 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 10 2+

    Thousand Son 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 10 3+



    Name BS Front Side Rear

    Land Raider 4 14 14 14

    Land Raider Slaughterer 4 14 14 14

    Land Raid Despoiler 4 14 14 14

    Rhino 4 11 11 10

    Vindicator 4 13 11 10

    Predator 4 13 11 10

  • --Armor--

    Name WS BS S Front Side Rear I A

    Defiler 3 3 6 12 12 10 3 3

    Dreadnought 4 4 6 12 12 10 4 3


    Weapon Range Str. AP Type

    Autocannon 48 7 4 Heavy 2

    Auxiliary Bolter 12 4 5 Assault 2

    Balefire Flamer Template 4 5 Assault 1, Rending

    Battle Cannon 72 8 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast

    Bolt Pistol 12 4 5 Pistol

    Boltgun 24 4 5 Rapid Fire

    Blast Master

    Deathscreamer 24 4 3 Assault D6

    Demolisher 24 10 2 Ordnance 1, Large Blast

    Doom Siren Template 4 3 Assault 1

    (Varied) 36 5 4 Assault 2, Pinning

    (Single) 36 7 3 Heavy 1, Pinning

    Ether Lance 18 5 2 Assault 1, Blast

    Flamer Template 4 5 Assault 1

    Hand Flamer Template 3 6 Assault 1

    Havoc Launcher 48 5 5 Heavy 1, Blast, Twin-linked

    Heavy bolter 36 5 4 Heavy 3

    Heavy flamer Template 5 4 Assault 1

    Kai Gun 24 6 3 Rapid Fire

    Lascannon 48 9 2 Heavy 1

    Meltagun 12 8 1 Assault 1, Melta

    Missile Launcher

    (Frag) 48 4 6 Heavy 1, Blast

    (Krak) 48 8 3 Heavy 1

    Mulit-melta 24 8 1 Heavy 1, Melta

    Plasma cannon 36 7 2 Heavy 1, Blast, Gets Hot!

    Plasma gun 24 7 2 Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!

    Plasma pistol 12 7 2 Pistol, Gets Hot!

    Reaper Autocannon 36 7 4 Heavy 3

    Sonic Blaster

    (Varied) 24 4 5 Assault 2

    (Single) 24 6 4 Heavy 1

  • Legal Dislcaimer

    This fan made codex is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

    Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos devices, Cityfight, the

    Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, 'Eavy Metal,

    Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Eye of Terror, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games

    Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, Inquisitor, the

    Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khorne, Kroot, Lord

    of Change, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space

    Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Tau, the Tau caste designations,

    Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k Device, White Dwarf, the

    White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles,

    locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either , TM

    and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variably registered in the UK and other

    countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All

    Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

    Design Notes



    Changed to be more like earlier versions, where his weapons were used separately. Drachnyen

    is no longer a Daemon weapon for fluff, it is, but Abaddon is smart enough to use it in

    moderation and control the daemon.


    New SC. Designed to be a bodyguard for Abaddon. I very much like the idea of Upgrade

    characters, and hope to include at least one in each of my Traitor codexes.

    Daemon Prince

    No change to stats. +10 pt increase.

    New weapon: Kai gun updated version of 3rd ed daemon weapon.

    Has many more options, including the option of carrying a ranged, heavy weapon. I did not see

    why a Chaos Marine would abandon his guns, and gives options for non-psykers in Shooting


    Cost of wings increased to 40 pts, based on the points for Winged Hive Tyrant.

    This unit is a no-brainer in the current codex, and is very powerful. Didnt want to nerf, but

    decided to increase some costs a bit.

    Chaos Lord

    Mostly unchanged, more options for wargear. Unlocks Chosen units, hopefully making him a

    more attractive choice.

  • Chaos Champion

    New unit, based on early 2 wound characters (Chaos Lieutenant and Mighty Champion). Stats

    comparable to Wolf Guard Battle Leader. Has most of the same options as Lord, except for

    Daemonic weapons and steeds.

    May take 2 in one slot, as I felt he would not be taken otherwise (except in smaller games).


    Stats in line with SM Librarian. May use one power per turn, but can upgrade to use 2 per turn.

    I originally had a Sorcerer Lord/Grand Sorcerer similar to the current Sorcerer also, but decided

    to save this for Thousand Sons codex.

    Psychic Powers

    As is the trend, psykers do not buy their powers points are built into the model. Powers that

    were around 25-30 points are largely unchanged, other powers were improved to be in line
