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Booklet 2015.1 gcdp projects aiesec recife

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Booklet with projects, job discriptions and goals
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AIESEC Recife ICX GCDP Projects 2015.1

AIESEC Recife ICX GCDP Projects 2015.1

In 2014, Aiesec Recife was one of the LC that grew the most in Brazil. We’ve become the top 1 LC in ICX

GCDP in @BAZI and global top 5 in ICX GCDP. For 2015 we wanna do more, and even better. Our

commitment is to deliver leadership and development in each XP, in the most impactful way for our EPs

and our city. In order to do so, we will be running six projects on an ongoing basis, throughout the year. In

this document, you will get information about the projects we’ll run: GiraMundo, X4Change, Smarketing,

Driblando, Gaia and Bom Amigo.


Project Description

It isn’t unusual for NGOs and non-for-profit organizations to lack some kind of expertise in management and marketing. Many times all they have is good will, desire for change, and actually be doing something. But their work and impact radius could be so much more effective and sustainable if only they had the manpower and expertise to do so. Smarketing project was developed to fill this gap. Talented university students, with background in marketing, communications or management will have the opportunity to help NGOs from within. EPs will do a diagnosis of the organization, identify their main needs, develop and implement strategies to help them communicate more effectively with their target audience, volunteers and sponsors, in order to strengthen their brand and increase their sustainability.

SMARKETING Main Objectives & Approach The main idea is to help NGOs to do more, with fewer resources. Make the organization more sustainable and self-sufficient. EPs need to be sensitive to identify the organization’s need and even more to apply strategies. It’s important to keep true with their objectives and reality. Among the things Smarketers can do are: build or improve visual identity; create and organize social media pages - and build capacity to run them after the project; create communication pieces (folders, posters, outdoors, etc.); develop marketing strategies to attract funds and/or partners; etc. Smarketing is a good opportunity to do good and gain work and life experience.

Job Description Trainees with background in communication and marketing will increase the visibility of the positive impact of the NGO to the society, helping it to get better external position. You will study the NGO's main needs in order to develop a marketing plan, create events with potential partners for fundraising, build the visual identity, and manage site and social media.

You will structure the entire communication department and create campaigns for promoting the entity, attract partners and raise the options for NGO maintenance.

Connect the NGO with international opportunities, by country cooperation initiatives or partners abroad.

Participate in activities planned by the LC and/ or the NGO during the internship. Also, be prepared to present your country during Global Villages.

Prepare weekly reports to send to the TN Manager.


Expected Results at the end of the internship

Make NGO more recognized in the community, attract more volunteers and target-audience to participate in the NGO activities, increase the number of partners that want to collaborate for the maintenance of NGO.


X4CHANGE Project Description

Many third sector organizations offer some kind of social assistance, in the form of

language and computer teaching, by providing the people in the community with the

chance to fight for better jobs and living conditions. However, due to the lack of

volunteers with this kind of expertise, the organizations are constantly struggling to

hold frequent classes. X4Change aims to bring English/Spanish speakers to teach

children, adolescents and adults and help the NGOs to provide this important service

to communities. Besides the languages, teaching computer skills is one the focuses of

the project.

X4CHANGE Main Objectives & Approach

In Brazil, less t han 5% of the population speaks

Intermediate English. Only 1% is fluent. Millions

of people have never used a computer. This kind

of lack of expertise minimizes the chances of

families to break the cycle of poverty and only

has a negative impact on the country and their

own lives. By bringing exchange participants, we

want to enlarge the worldview of children and

adolescents and build capacity for them to have

better chances for their future. We want them to

valorize their education and their future and

learn that there are different realities in the

world. We want them to learn and grow by

having someone from a different culture with

them. But especially, we want to give them a

chance of a better future.

X4CHANGE Job Description

Teach English or Spanish and computer skills to the NGO kids. Trainees are going to

work in groups between 2-4 people giving classes to children from 6 to16 years old.

Develop and prepare all the material (language classes, topics, themes) and

methodology (conversation groups, computer sessions) to be used during the project.

Teach Basic English and/or Spanish for different groups (20 hours/week)

Participate in activities planned by the LC and / or the NGO during the internship. Also,

be prepared to present your country during Global Villages.

Prepare weekly reports to send to the TN Manager.

Develop means to measure the impact of the courses within the project team. CEED

opportunity for AIESECers-aligned with interview.

X4CHANGE Expected Results at the

end of the internship

According to the planned content,

we expect children to develop

speaking, listening, writing and

reading abilities regarding what has

been proposed, as well the basics in

Office Packaging. Also, stakeholders’

satisfaction with the project.

GIRAMUNDO Project Description

Gira Mundo intends to promote an inclusive,

informative and fun educational environment. It

enables NGOs that assist children and teenagers to

promote learning and discussion about issues of

global interest. Young university students from all

over the world have the opportunity to develop a

cycle of lectures and educational activities about

world-relevant subjects, in order to create a

generation of socially conscious and responsible

people. The project also seeks to stimulate

improvements in formal education offered by

schools and NGOs. Gira Mundo is, since 2013, one

of the most well received projects by NGOs in


GIRAMUNDO Main Objectives & Approach

Contribute for the development of the people living in Recife through participative and

cultural enriching education. The ultimate goal is to foment the growth and

development of low-income children and teenagers into local change agents. We want

our children to become the main actors in the transformation of their own reality and

of the city, by expanding their world vision and giving them the tools to do so. Gira

Mundo promotes discussion about topics of relevance to the youth in Brazil. Especially

in under-serviced communities, which often lack proper education, these topics can

help develop global vision and social consciousness for the children and teenagers

attended by the program. In addition, they might be crucial if we want these children to

have any change to transform their own realities. Therefore, Gira Mundo will address

the following topics: Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Cultural Diversity, Drug

Prevention and Human Rights.

GIRAMUNDO Job description

The intern will work on GiraMundo Project inside NGOs, doing workshops with children and youth with different capacities and/ or needs.

Lead workshops about specific issues: Social Responsibility, Environment issues, Entrepreneurship, Humans Right and Multiculturalism.

Be creative, proactive and ready to adapt yourself to different types of public, working conditions and environment. Lessons must be creative to engage children.

Prepare a report that shows the whole result of the project. Write posts on a blog with ideas of workshops and information on how to use the subjects as tools.

Participate in activities planned by the LC and/ or the NGO during the internship. Also, be prepared to present your country during Global Villages.

GIRAMUNDO Expected Results at the end

of the internship

The project aims to develop

entrepreneurial and open-minded

characteristics. Implement the proposed

activities; Promote a comprehension of

multiculturalism, environment issues,

human rights, social responsibility and

entrepreneurship; Promote the interest to

know other cultures, create a successful

event in the last week of the project in the

NGO that shows the results of lessons and

engage the people from there.

DRIBLANDO Project Description Driblando is an attempt to use Brazilians’ passion for soccer and sports into a powerful

social change tool. The idea is to develop abilities such as teamwork, leadership,

holistic and strategic view in children and young people. We want to empower them to

think of their future and see alternatives and opportunities to shape it through passion

and hard work. Young university students from all over the world have the opportunity

to teach and lead children and adolescents and develop workshops and practices and

contests about all kinds of sports. They will teach them the rules and put them into

practice. Also it’s important to talk about good sportsmanship and how children can

apply the principles of sport into their lives.

DRIBLANDO Main Objectives & Approach

Driblando will be developed based on the

theory and practice of different Olympic

sports, individual or group. Also, one of

the goals is to discuss with the children

the big sports events that have happened

(like the FIFA World Cup 2014) and that

will happen in Brazil in the near future (Rio

2016 Olympic Games). It’s important to

discuss the importance of such events but

also the social impacts involved with


DRIBLANDO Job Description

Work in Brazilian public schools and NGOs with underprivileged youth to develop and present

workshops and practical lessons using sports as a tool to teach life skills and themes such as

the following: diversity, tolerance, healthy life, social responsibility, leadership, teamwork, etc.

These topics, related to sports, will make the youth learn to play fair and respect each other

and their own limitations. Choose a sport, teach the theory and rules of it, train the teams

and organize a final championship with them. Plan and organize, together with the group, a

final sport event and campaign to happen during the last week of the project. Write a weekly

journal during the internship. Write a booklet with ideas, methods and examples of

workshops and information that were used during the project using sports as a tool to

positive impact. Participate of all the activities planned by the Local Committee, the Incoming

Exchange Team and/or the public school/NGO during internship. Help develop and promote

leadership among your group in the public schools/NGOs to be ambassadors for the Project

and the subjects taught in the project.

DRIBLANDO Expected Results at the

end of the internship

During the project, we expect to

develop a few different topics in the

children, such as tolerance and respect

to differences and diversity, social and

individual consciousness, teamwork,

engagement, responsibility, life

planning and leadership.

GAIA Project Description Environmental issues cannot be ignored anymore. The human kind has degraded the

planet to its limit and the following years most likely will bring a global crisis because of

that. The world urgently needs leaders that are conscious about the environment they

live in and the needs of the Earth, if we want any hope of a future. Gaia is a project

focused on sustainability environmental education. The idea is to develop workshops

and activities to raise awareness of global (and local) environmental issues and in all

that what our individual roles are.

GAIA Main Objectives & Approach

The main objective of Gaia is to prepare

leaders. Leaders that will be able to deal with

the problems that will raise from the

environmental problems and, most

importantly, to promote change - starting at

their own homes and communities. The

exchange participants should bring the local

environmental problems into a global context

and promote activities that can help solve

those problems. Discuss the importance of

recycling, saving water and energy, consuming

less, eco-friendly products, preserving species

and ecosystems, etc.

GAIA Job Description

Gaia is a project focused on sustainability environmental education. The trainee will

lead workshops and activities to raise awareness of global (and local) environmental

issues and in all that what our individual roles are. Develop and prepare sessions for

the students about the environment and how we can have more environmental

friendly and sustainable habits in our daily life. Discuss about environment protection,

such as sustainability, recycling, urbanization, saving water and energy, consuming less,

eco-friendly products, preserving species and ecosystems, etc. Engage the students in

the lessons through practical activities, building a physical legacy to the NGO. Prepare a

report that shows the whole result of the project. Write posts on a blog with ideas of

workshops and information on how to use the themes as tools. Participate in activities

planned by the LC and/ or the NGO during the internship. Also, be prepared to present

your country during Global Villages.

GAIA Expected Results at the

end of the internship

EPs should leave some kind of legacy

to the NGO. It might be a kitchen

garden in the NGO or in the

community, a new way of dealing

with disposals, a hydroponic garden,

etc. All that must be prepared

specially by the kids, who will feel

owners of the project and will take

care of that space after the end of

the project.


Project Description Not only children need love and affection. The elderly also need to feel loved, and

sometimes they actually feel left out by their own families in a house full of strangers,

and lose their abilities due to the abandoning situation they get. Bom Amigo project

intends to make them rediscover their forgotten skills and feel well cared again. For

the trainee, the idea of taking care of someone much older might be too much, but it

will develop creativity, affection by the other and consciousness of the future.

BOM AMIGO Main Objectives & Approach

This project conducted in Homes for the

elderly, providing diverse cultural

moments. The main objective of this

project is to make people happy. The

methodology developed by an

administrator, educator and a speech

pathologist and is carried out in 3 steps

(emotional intelligence, cultural

development and cognitive development),

using the arts to perform activities. The

project is carried in the following

modalities: administrative and integration

with the elderly residents.

BOM AMIGO Job Description Provide for elderly between 60 and 100 years old activities related to their culture and

valuation of life.

Focus on Emotional Intelligence: Awakening cultural exchange through "alternative

communication" and facilitate activities and recognition of benefits that become into

the daily.

Focus on Cultural Exchange: Perform artistic activities that are related to the culture of

the trainee, promoting the awakening of life for participants.

Focus on Progressive Activities: activities that have clear improvement steps that

provide the elderly cognitive development.

Participate in activities planned by the LC and/ or the NGO during the internship. Also,

be prepared to present your country during Global Villages.

BOM AMIGO Expected Results at the end

of the internship

Improvements in the relationship

between the elderly and life. Number of

activities developed. Number of elderly

participants. Personal and professional

development, develop love and

knowledge of the elderly. Something to

remember the experience of diverse

cultural exchange.

Executive Board 2015 Aiesec Recife

Caio Lima


Laís Silva


Arthur Hinrichsen LCVP Fin

Tennily Pessoa


Priscilla Bello


Marília Chimendes LCVP TM

Larissa Landim


Luiz Ferraz


Cecilia Cavalcanti


Document elaborated by

Priscilla Bello

Local Committee vice-president ICX GCDP Consolidated Markets of Aiesec Recife


Rachel Andrade

International Relations Manager ICX GCDP Consolidated Markets of Aiesec Recife.

To apply for one of our projects, please answer the form in the link below:


If you are a VP or PM OGX and want to discuss

a partnership between our LCs, please get in touch at:

[email protected] or [email protected]
