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Brochure TradeKey

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What is TradeKey.com?TradeKey.com is a B2B Marketplace, established in 2006 with the aim to facilitate global trade and bring buyers and sellers from all around the world to one common platform.

What is TradeKey.com?

TradeKey.com is world's 1st B2B Marketplace that earned ISO 9001 Quality Management System and ISO 27001 Information Security System certifications to ensure maximum customer satisfaction, security and safe online trading for users.

TradeKey.com is a B2B Marketplace, established in 2006 with the aim to facilitate global trade and bring buyers and sellers from all around the world to one common platform.

TradeKey.com’s expert Internet Marketers put in their efforts to bring Global Buyers to TradeKey.com website for suppliers like you.

TradeKey.com is world's 1st B2B Marketplace that earned ISO 9001 Quality Management System and ISO 27001 Information Security System certifications to ensure maximum customer satisfaction, security and safe online trading for users.

Give extraordinary exposure to your products and connect to millions of global buyers with TradeKey’s optimized Search Engine Marketing.

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Connecting Over 15 Million Importers & Exporters Monthly

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Why TradeKey.com?TradeKey.com is world’s fastest growing business platform. Over 10,000,000 visitors visit TradeKey.com every month. These numbers support with the reality of the claim that we can give an extraordinary exposure to businesses in the international market.

Why TradeKey.com?

Ranked as 7/10 by Google Page Rank

Over 3,000,000 members registered in the shortest period of time!

Over 10,000,000 visitors visit TradeKey.com every month

Over 32,000,000 pages viewed at TradeKey.com every month

Over 6,500,000 Buyers visit TradeKey.com every month

Over 3,500,000 Sellers visit TradeKey.com every month

Over 85,000 New Buyers registered at TradeKey.com every month

Over 40,000 New Sellers registered at TradeKey.com every month

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TradeKey.com is world’s fastest growing business platform. Over 10,000,000 visitors visit TradeKey.com every month. These numbers support with the reality of the claim that we can give an extraordinary exposure to businesses in the international market.









TradeKey.com Visitors Graph

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Geo Location of TradeKey.com Visitors












United States China United Kingdom Canada India Australia Pakistan France

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Geo Location of TradeKey.com Registered Buyers

United States United Kingdom India AustraliaCanada China Egypt PakistanSaudi Arabia France Germany Netherlands







31,211 23,76123,947 16,991

23,761 15,46816,991


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Google PageRank?Google PageRank is a numerical value that denotes a website’s importance in the eyes of Google. It is an indicator that Google assigns to any website based on its identity, legitimacy and credibility.

Google PageRank?

TradeKey.com has achieved Google PR7 in the shortest period of time.

Google.com 10/10

Yahoo.com 9/10


Tradekey is just behind Google & Yahoo


Alibaba.com 7/10

Globalsources.com 6/10

Made-in-china.com 6/10

Ec21.com 6/10

Manufacturer.com.tw 6/10

Asianproducts.com 5/10

Allproducts.com 3/10

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TradeKey.com Ranked High in Google!TradeKey.com ranked high on millions of keywords on Google. Have a look at some snapshots and see how TradeKey.com powerful Search Engine Optimization tech-niques make TradeKey.com visible right in front of millions of global buyers and suppliers:

TradeKey.com Ranked High in Google!

Tradekey rank 1st on "b2b marketplace"


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Tradekey rank 2nd on "wholesale distributors"


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What 3rd Party Stats Say about TradeKey.com?Here are some 3rd party tools and their stats that clearly indicate the constant growth of TradeKey.com:

Google Trends Google Trends clearly indicates that TradeKey.com is more popular than other major B2B portals.

What 3rd Party Stats Say about TradeKey.com?

Tradekey.com also secures top position on Google Trends.

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Compete.comCompete.com also indicates that TradeKey.com is more popular than other major B2B portals in North America region.



TradeKey's Consistent Growth

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QuantCast.comQuantcast.com also indicates that TradeKey.com is more popular than other major B2B portals


TradeKey's Consistent Growth

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Service for Top PlacesTradeKey’s strong SEO services will enable you to appear on top in Google organic searches. This will provide you the exposure on certain Keywords in front of all the Google visitors.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Service for Top Places

Strong SEO enables TradeKey to come on top ranking of Google search even on general keywords like “suppliers” and “whol“wholesalers” etc.

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How GoldKey Membership Can Help You?Maximum Online Advertising. Ensures your customers find you fast by getting listed on top in premium member’s listing!

Maximum Online Advertising.

Get premium product’s catalogue and display your hot selling products with multiple keywords!

Ensures your customers find you fast by getting listed on top in premium member’s listing!

All your information will be listed on top pages in your customers' search results above other members!

Get listed on various Trade Directories by Tradekey.com

Optimization on Google Searches

Product appearence on top ranking

Traffic will be directed to your products on TradeKey.com

Highest exposure on organic search will result in more inquiries

Benefits of SEO

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GoldKey® Verifications (Establish maximum Trust)Win Customers' quick trust at first sight!

GoldKey® Verifications (Establish maximum Trust)

By receiving TrustPoints get the full benefit of increased inquiries.

Win Customers' quick trust at first sight!

Post your Company Certifications to enhance your Credibility.

By receiving TrustPoints get the full benefit of increased inquiries.

Advertise your company to customers 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.TradeKey’s traffic of more than 10 million buyers monthly will ceaselessly drive new customers to you from other parts of World.

Advertise your company to customers 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Convince your customers more easily by showing all your competitive advantages on your Tradekey website.

TradeKey’s traffic of more than 10 million buyers monthly will ceaselessly drive new customers to you from other parts of World.

Full Access to All Buyers & SellersSearch fresh buyers for your products in Tradekey Buy Offers Section!

Full Access to All Buyers & Sellers

100% access to all buyers and sellers!

Search fresh buyers for your products in Tradekey Buy Offers Section!

Send quotations to buyers who only accept quotation from paid members!

100% access to all buyers and sellers!

How GoldKey Membership Can Help You?

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Benefits of GoldKey Membership

3000% More Buyer Exposure

Multiple Accounts

Multi Year Accounts

Large Product Catlog

More Sell Offers

More Buy Offers

Bigger Email Quota

Extensive SEM

Access To Buyer Directory

Priority Listing

Fax Service

Dedicated Relationship Manager


Reposting Of Products Catalogue

Re-optimization Of Products Catalogue

Advertising Assistance

Keyword Assistance*

Junk Email Filtration

Trade Alert Setup

Collaborative Partner Search*


Keyword Ranking

Success Stories*

Buyer Directory

Order Now


TradeKey Managed Accounts

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Priority Listing

Buyer Database

Global Marketing

Email Marketing

Dedicated Relationship Management Team

Why This FeatureHelps you to be easily searched out by your Buyers on TradeKey

Yes No

Yes Limited

Yes No



Brings you latest buy offers.

To expand your business and help you develop new markets.

A new buyer finds you first! So that you spend less time finding buyers and more time talking to them!

Yes. TradeKey will proactively send Emails to new buyers of your Products, marketing your Products.

You deserve more! Our dedicated team will make sure you get highest level of support and service.

GoldKey Member SilverKey Member

Extensive Search Engine Optimization

To make your products more search friendly.

Yes Normal

To express more trust worthiness to buyers.

Trust Points Upto 3000 Upto 200

Product Description Content Revision

To make your Products more attractive to buyers.


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E-Consultation fromyour Industry Experts

Listings on Business Directories

Why This FeatureTo make your Products more attractive to buyers.

Yes No

Yes NoTo Market your products more effectively and find new buyers for you.

GoldKey Member SilverKey Member

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Goldkey Membership Add Ons*PRIORITY LISTINGSPriority Listings or Top Ranking Ads is a payable search ranking service only for TradeKey Premium members to maximize the Exposure Rate. It lists your products on the top zones of internal searches. You can choose from rank 1 to rank 5 for different Keywords.

Goldkey Membership Add Ons*

Key Word Search


$275 Prices startfrom $275

$275 Prices startfrom

only per keyword for a month.


$275 only per keyword for a month.

No.1 position is a Keyword Ranking

As you can see there are multiple gold suppliers who are competing for top ranking. Hence to out-beat your competition you need to be at the top of the list. This feature enables you to get exclusive rights on most searchable keywordsat any time during your membership period.

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Service for Top PlacesInstant buy option will let your potential customers place their orders instantly without any delay. You will have to provide sufficient information about your product like Prices, Product Features, Pictures and Shipment details. Interested buyer will read through the details and book their orders then and there.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Service for Top Places

*Prices start from $322 only for multiple keywords for a month.

Product displayed in Buy Now Option will have a top position, even higher than GoldKey and SilverKey.

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5. The orders are received in your


1. Provide complete Info about the Product

2. The Product will be displayed on the top of relevant search results.

4. Interested buyers will place their orders


3. Buyers can see the details of product with "Buy Now" button

How BUY NOW option works?

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Premium SupplierEnhance your chances of company profile exposure with our Premium Supplier section, allowing buyers to review your company history and achievements thus making them feel confident to trade.

Premium Supplier

Prominent position on Home Page.Exclusive space for our Gold Key Members. Prominent position on Home Page.

New Advertisement opportunities for our Silver Key and even Free members*.Exclusive space for our Gold Key Members.

Automated Roll over for ensuring prominent exposure.New Advertisement opportunities for our Silver Key and even Free members*.

*Conditions Apply





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“Being a Trusted Trade Partner”


MEMBER DETAILSMember: Lianwei LinCompany: Taticity International Trading LimitedMembership Type: GoldKeyCountry: Hong KongProducts: Shoes, Clothing, Purse, Wallets, Jeans, MP3Member Since: 2008


What's more, you may learn experiences of other Goldkey Companies who are dealing in Global market at Tradekey.com and much successful on our website for past several years.

Becoming a Goldkey member has transformed my business. I get positive responses from many customers which did not happened before. The reason is - I have realized now - most buyers prefer to transact with Goldkey members only.

High Quality inquiries flow into my message box. With Tradekey.com, it's become easier to find and contact buyers. Most of the buyers I come across belong to US.

How do I attract more buyers? Displaying products in a professional manner. When a new product arrives in our range, I utilize my dynamic sell offer facility.

Success Stories:

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“We are in the Same Boat: You Win, I Win

MEMBER DETAILSMember: Mr. LeoCompany: AUSIA INTERNATIONAL SPORTS(HK) LIMTEDMembership Type: GoldKeyCountry: Hong Kong Products: Sports jerseys, hair straightener, golf t-shirts, golf

Member Since: 2008


shoes, golf hats, hats, tie, sunglasses, belts

Member: Mr. LeoCompany: AUSIA INTERNATIONAL SPORTS(HK) LIMTEDMembership Type: GoldKeyCountry: Hong Kong Products: Sports jerseys, hair straightener, golf t-shirts, golf

Member Since: 2008

Posting high resolution images and detailed product description makes my Product Listings and Selling Offers highly effective. I always try my best to reply immediately to all inquiries I receive. It's very important.

I always say this, "The secret of successful business is honesty and fair dealing". Tradekey value me as a member with highest positive feedbacks. I value them as a dependable gateway to international business.

Launched in June 2000, AUSIA INTERNATIONAL SPORTS(HK) LIMTED. is a leading online fashion wholesale house, offering sport shoes, designer apparel and accesso-ries. We focus on providing our customers with top quality designer merchandise at affordable prices, with an emphasis on customer service and satisfaction.

We have been paid members at TradeKey for almost 3 years now. TradeKey has been on the back hand of all our successful orders. TradeKey provides us with the opportunities to do business with buyers from many countries and gives us the optimum exposure that we need. Like TradeKey we are honest, sincere, and developing every day, broadening the scope of our operations.

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“TradeKey Changed My Life?”

MEMBER DETAILSMEMBER DETAILSMember: Mr. David DongCompany: Holatrade Ltd Membership Type: GoldKeyCountry: ChinaProducts: Shoes bags clother watchesMember Since: 2009


Testimonials:Holatrade Ltd Company is a Chinese vendor of clothing and shoes line. For our company, Goldkey membership has made all the difference. We started at Tradekey.com as a free members hoping that it would be enough, and ended up with a few inquiries but no orders. Then we noticed that almost all companies in our industry are Goldkey members. After careful consideration we decided to invest in a Goldkey membership.

TThe first thing we noticed after upgrade was that the quality of inquiries we were getting had changed remarkably. More and more serious buyers were contacting us. We do not even have to search for new customers as much as we had to. To attract the attention of new customers, it has been enough to refresh and update our products and selling leads. Obviously, the Goldkey logo is a good recommendation for serious buyers. A higher ranking in searches, which also comes with Goldkey membership, has worked quite well. Of course, when we get a buying inquiry, we do ouour best to reply immediately and give the best service we can.

We have been paid members of several other B2B websites for about a year and a half and we think that Tradekey has demonstrated the best results and the best service out of all of them for the products we are selling.
