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Brussel Smart City

Date post: 14-Apr-2017
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Céline Vanderborght Smart City Manager BRIC [email protected]
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Céline VanderborghtSmart City Manager [email protected]

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The Brussels Regional

InformaticsCentre (BRIC)

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300 people50 M euros


Public administration which organizes, promotes and spreads the use of Information

and Communication Technologies within the Brussels-Capital Region

Target audience

Regional and Local Authorities Schools, Hospitals, Citizens


cutting-edge IT skills through IRISteam asbl

founding shareholder of IRISnet, the Brussel’s broadband telecommunications network.


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Improve connectivity for schools and public spaces


• 166 connected secondary schools by 2019 (28 schoolsper year)

• Average cost of connectivity35.000 EUR per school

• The Region will give 1 million EUR par year

A large scale free public wireless network: 60 sites connected, 4.000 users everyday

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IRISbox : one-stop shop

250 interactive forms 25.000 documents/year


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Fix My Street: local incident

management (roads)


19 municipalities 15.000 incidents in 2014

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UrbIS: geographical databases and interactive cartographic applications


UrbIS data / UrbIS tools / UrbIS applications

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Nova platform: processing environmental,

planning and land division permits


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Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) platform: 2.900 cameras integrated by 2018


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« In Smart Cities, digital technologies translate intobetter public services for citizen, better use of resources and less impact on the environment »

Digital Agenda for Europe

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Concept smart city 2008

• mobile > fixed

• Things > humans

• Rural > urban


New ICT paradigm• Mobile applications • Social networks• Internet of things• Cloud computing• Big data

Sustainability triangle• Social empowerment

and governance• Environmental resources

and pollution• Economic growth and


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A. Existing servicesB. ConsultationsC. European projects


• web portal http://smartcity.brussels on line since 3 June 2015• Smart City Manager hired in september 2015• Approval of a strategy for Brussels Smart City early 2016

Strategy and proposalsfor 2016 - 2019

“To create a smart city where living andworking are much more pleasant thanksto the smart use of technology”

State Secretary for IT andDigital transition Bianca Debaets

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3. Education (citizen, open data, teachers, uses within the wall of the school)4. Weaknesses of the private sector, innovation insufficientlyhighlighted, to re-inforce (start-ups, EU projects, universities).

5. Need of high quality information (transparency) in both ways(contribution, co-creation)

1. Citizen must be at the heart of every smart city strategy

2. Data related to privacy (to convince, educate, find a solution for the future of any exchange of personaldata)

Smart City Summit3 June 2015

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Meeting with ICT companies


1. Open data

2. The cloud

3. ICT training and education

4. Clusters and incubators

Smart City Wheel Boyd Cohen

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Fix-My-ProprétéWifi arrêts de bus

Streaming conseil communaux

Application qualité de l’airOpen data


Changement d’adresseCaméra d’ambiance

Antennes intercommunales

WiFi événementiel

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European Cloud Marketplace for Intelligent Mobility (CIP)


Platform to publish services available in the cloud. Mobile payment and parking assistance services

Proof of concept

Integration of BePark services (find and use private parking spots with access management tools) and MobileFor (SMS’s payement for on street parking purposes) http://m.ecim-cities.eu/

building an Internet of Things Open innovation ecosystem for connected smart objects (H2020)

Interconnection of platforms, use of combined set of data from different platforms and creation of application building blocks

3 proof of concepts (to be defined)

• Safety on the way to school (sensors: mobile and traffic counting)

• Smart mobility for emergency services (sensors: cameras and GPS)

• Measuring cyclists (sensors: bikes sensors, mobile, trafic lights)

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… andthanksfor your

