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1 Meetings: 8pm, 1st Thursday of each month at the Wentworth Hotel, Homebush West Vol 37#1 Jan-Feb 2017 The Journal of the BSA Motorcycle Club of NSW Inc The The The The
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Meetings: 8pm, 1st Thursday of each month at the Wentworth Hotel, Homebush WestVol 37#1 Jan-Feb 2017

The Journal of the BSA Motorcycle Club

of NSW Inc


Page 2: BSA NSW Banter V37 #1 Feb 2017bsansw.org.au/BSA2016/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/BSA-NSW-Ban… · b. 7/12 – from Neil P – Natureland Calendar for Jan to June. We have reciprocal


Club Officials & Contact Details

President Peter W 0432 322 980 [email protected]

Vice Presidents Denis 4421 7857 [email protected]

Terry 0407 708 925 [email protected]

Brian 9597 1827

Secretary Craig 0404 052 696 [email protected]

Permit Registrar Trevor 0408 282 243 [email protected]

Assistant Secretaries Tony K (Nowra) [email protected]

Terry (Newcastle) 0407 708 925 [email protected]

Dave (Mid-North Coast) 0407 490 677 [email protected]

Mebbo (Membership) 0408 640 542 [email protected]

Treasurer Victor 0408 286 434 [email protected]

Editor Mebbo 0408 640 542 [email protected] autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/bsa_banter

Public Officer Paul 0411 596 687 [email protected]

Club Captain Victor 0408 286 434 [email protected]

Assistant Club Captain Paul 0411 596 687 [email protected]

Regalia Mark Wh 0466 998 148 [email protected]

Machine Examiners Victor (Inner West) 0408 286 434 [email protected]

Dave (North Coast) 0407 490 677 [email protected]

Paul (Hills) 0411 596 687 [email protected]

Peter H (N Beaches) 0410 490 954 [email protected]

Terry (Hunter) 0407 708 925 [email protected]

Steve (North Coast) 0418 454 026 [email protected]

Tony (Crookwell) 0423 975 221 [email protected]

Conrad (South Coast) 0487 773 150 [email protected]

Denis (Shoalhaven) 4421 7857 [email protected]

Welfare Officer Peter W 0432 322 980 [email protected]

Webmaster Craig [email protected] www.bsansw.org.au

Sydney - P.O. Box 4023 Homebush South 2140 Nowra/Shoalhaven - P.O. Box 3323 North Nowra 2541

Mid-North Coast - P.O. Box 169 Lake Cathie 2445

FROM THE SHEDThe boys are back from Cowra recce - drowned but undaunted. They all rode there, except Pres Pete and Brian who were nice and dry in the backup vehicle (clever lads). Only casualty was Johnny B’s clutch cable - well it is a Trumpet...General consensus was that Cowra should be a really good venue, with good rides a great Caravan Park with plenty of space and enthusiastic and helpful locals.First Rally Committee meeting was last weekend, where the nitty gritty gets sorted and the aim this year is to get as many club members as possible involved with the organisation and execution of the Rally.

To paraphrase The Donald, “Let’s make Beezas

Great Again!!”☺On a lighter note...there’s a notice on page 4 about membership renewal. We’re going through a transition period to digital stuff so bear with us and take note of any emails Craig or I send out. You might have to upgrade your browser and/or operating system to be able to use the website, but it’s worth it. Some of those bits are free but others, unfortunately are not. Get out of the steam age (sorry Trevor!) and into Turnbull’s digital revolution!! AAARGHH...Even lighter, Mr Zoch is happily building me a new maggy from two old pieces of crap - genius!

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The BSA Banter is the official journal of the BSA Club of New South WalesIt is distributed free to the members of the Club and to other like organizations.,

The views expressed are those of the authors of each particular item and may not necessarily be those of the Club in general unless otherwise

stated. All articles reprinted have been credited to their original authors where known.

All articles printed are © Copyright BSA Club of NSW by virtue of publication or have, to the best of our knowledge, passed into the public domain.

Disclaimer: To the best of our knowledge, all archive material printed herein has passed into the public domain because of its age. If

we have inadvertently used any material which is currently subject to copyright by any other organisation or individual, please contact

us and we will either withdraw the material or acknowledge your copyright, as you prefer.

Continued on Page 4

Brought to you by Secretary Craig

Minutes of the ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of 1st December, 2016The meeting opened at 8.25pm with Peter W in the chair.Attendance: The following members and guests were present: John M, Victor T, Jim F, Brian M, Conrad B, Trevor H, Shane P, John B, Doug M and Joseph B.Apologies: Apologies were received and accepted from: Craig G, Joe W and Ron D.Minutes: Minutes of the ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of 3rd

November 2016 were taken as read. A motion to approve the minutes was put forward and carried.General Business:1) Welfare: No update since last meeting.2) Memberships: Fifteen (15) new memberships for the year ending 2016.3) Treasurer’s Report: As per last month’s report with some additional membership renewal funds incoming during the month.4) Correspondence:Mail (in and out)a. Newcastle Classic and Enthusiasts invitation to their rides and reciprocal invitation request. Trevor to respond.Email (all emails issued by the Secretary to the member email distribution list)a. Nil5) Magazines received:BSA Burble (Vic)Oct/Nov, CMCC Classic Clatter Dec/Jan, Macquarie Towns Nov, Newcastle Classic Bikes Nov.6) Regalia: No report this month.7) 2017 National Rally:

Accommodation for the February recon visit to check out the locations and ride, is booked. Trevor is working on rally accommodation requirements. Following the recon trip the Rally Committee will convene to start planning in earnest.8) Ride reports: Brian M. reported that overall, a good rally, however, the main ride was far too long at 100 klms each way with no breaks. However, the food was good

and was provided by the fourteen (14) Qld members who catered the whole event! No tags, people just lined up for the food.9) Upcoming rides:10) Club Christmas Party: A big thank you to all that attended and assisted with the preparation and organisation. A special thanks to both Paul A and Joe W and BIG special thanks to their long suffering wives, Julie A and Jane W for all the food and helpll!

There being no further general business, the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

Minutes of the ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of 5th

January, 2017

The meeting opened at 8.10pm with Peter W in the chair.Attendance: The following members and guests were present: Peter W, Craig G, Victor T, Paul A, Greg R, Brian M, John M, Joe B and Ron D.Apologies: Apologies were received and accepted from: Shane P, Trevor H, Conrad B, Shane Y, Joe W and Mark W.Minutes: Minutes of the ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of 1st


2016 were issued on the night and read out. A motion to approve the minutes was put forward and carried.General Business:1) Welfare: Peter W will be calling Ken T this week. It was good to see Phil F at the Christmas party.2) Memberships: John M reported that 57 renewals had been submitted to date. A reminder that membership renewals are due.3) Treasurer’s Report: Victor reported that there is $4,709 in the Club’s general bank account and about $700 cash at hand. Some $500 had been paid to John M during the month for mailing, printing and distribution costs. Peter W reminded all that we will have significant outgoings for the national rally.4) Correspondence:Mail (in and out)a. Magazines as detailed below.

Email (all emails issued by the Secretary to the member email distribution list)a. 3/12 – from Phil Edwards, looking to locate his Star Twin (numbers provided). None available in the Club. The Secretary to advise Phil.b. 7/12 – from Neil P – Natureland Calendar for Jan to June. We have reciprocal arrangements with this club. c. 17/12 – from Gordon Scutts – Taree and District VMCC – Taree Rally invitation and details.d. 20/12 – from Lyn Ingram of Hunter Valley NOC – invitation to attend their ride. It was AGREED that we confirm reciprocal arrangements. Action: The Secretary to confirm.e. 1/1 – from Julie Dorman – seeking the location of any ’39 B21 250cc to show her father. The Secretary to checkwith Trevor.f. 4/1 – from Michael Davis – seeking opportunities to provide merchandise. This has been handed over to theRegalia Officer for consideration.g. 5/1 – from Peter Lammers – bank details for depositing funds in Amsterdam for their International Rally.5) Magazines received:BSA Burble (Vic)DecThe Rocket (BSA Qld)Dec (Electronic), VMCC Drip Feed

Dec/Jan, Southern Star Jan/Feb (Electronic), Macquarie Towns Dec, Star (UK) Dec and Jan (Electronic), VHMCC Vintage Crankpin Nov/Dec, Matters of the Mount Dec (Electronic), Shoalhaven Classic Exhaust Notes Nov/Dec.6) Regalia: No update at the meeting.7) 2017 National Rally: There was more discussion in preparation for the rally. The following members wereplanning to go to the recon weekend in February: Brian M, Victor T, Peter W, Paul A, Trevor H, Shane P and John M. All are welcome. Action: Peter W to

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If you would like Craig the Secretary to email you a copy of the draft minutes of any month before approval, or other Club’s digital newsletters, email him on the new email [email protected].

discuss banking arrangements with Doug M. Craig G to send his post Goulburn rally notes. John M to also provide.8) Communication to members: Craig raised the various methods of communicating to the members which included the YahooGroups page, the Secretary distribution emails, club Facebook page, and the Banter magazine. The YahooGroups page has been very problematic. In addition, Craig suggested the “What’s App” application for Apple and Android phones. The application was free onto

the phone and sending messages to our groups was then easy and free. It was AGREED that the YahooGroups members page be discontinued by Easter. John M will archive any important information ahead of closing down the page. Craig will implement the What’s App group and members are encouraged to join in by advising the Secretary.9) Ride reports: Brian reported on the Five Towns ride. As always with the Macquarie Towns events, it was well managed with lots of marshalling. Plenty of food was also

available for riders.10) Upcoming rides:Ride to Patonga on 8th

January. Meet

at BP Asquith at 8.30am.Night ride from La Perouse to Brookvale for pizza on Saturday 28th

January. Meet at La Perouse at 6pm.

There being no other general business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm.


Following Craig’s email recently and several queries, the simplest way to renew your Club membership is:

The website - www.bsansw.org.au. You can download the renewal form and go paper + cheque, or simply do a direct deposit from your bank account to the Club via the details on the renewal site.

We do like to get a renewal form (one was attached to the October 2016 electronic Banter email sent in November last year), but if nothing in your details has changed, simply pay by bank deposit and include your name on the transfer, or pop me an email.

BSA Club of NSWBSB 012559Acct 563879231

You can still pay at a Club meeting with cash or cheque. Giving money to Victor on a

ride might also work ☺

Remember, If you are non-financial, any BSA NSW Club-arranged insurance is not valid and Conditional Registered bikes via the BSA NSW club are considered unregistered.

Membership [email protected]

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The new Mahindra Bhagwan!

Article courtesy of Old Bike Australasia

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Victor’s Run Page

Patonga, 8th January 2017

I was pleasantly surprised with the the turn up for this ride as it was so close to the start of the year and we were warned to expect hot weather, but clearly this ride and the time of year suited quite a few.

The round up at Asquith had Doug M on his Lightning and Doug's son in-law Mark on a modern Yamaha, Jim F also on his Yamaha, Paul A and his 71 Thunderbolt, Simon B on his 61 B40, Mark W and his Rocket 3, John B with his Triumph, Victor T on his Firebird, Brian G (Paul's mate) on an 80 CB650, Bob N on his 07 Royal Enfield, Greg R and his 70 Lightning, Craig G on his CBR500 and Craig's brother Peter on his Arial.

As all of the bikes were grouped together I managed to snap a great photo of the team and their bikes - see photo - before we headed off. Getting a group photo is usually not easy so I was happy to get this one for a change.

We left Asquith at 8.45am with Victor as ride lead, headed up the usual route of the old Pacific Highway and arrived for a break at Road Warriors around 9.30. It was as usual quite busy with plenty of other bikers and bikes but we managed to secure seats inside for a coffee.

Paul and his mates Bob and Brian stayed on for some more coffee before heading back home. One feature of any of these rides is the distance that people travel just to get to the start, and other family commitments. At around 10am the rest of us headed off to Patonga along the old Highway for a pleasant ride, although the group line stretched out. The ride was uneventful through to Kariong and then down Woy Woy Road to Phegans Bay, busy Woy Woy and Umina and we arrived at beautiful Patonga around 11.15. John B rightfully questioned my limited route knowledge on the way but the tail end managed to get there ok.

Patonga is a little oasis and really feels like a holiday area with plenty of people enjoying the sunshine on the day. Victor had already claimed a couple of tables and we enjoyed some classic

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fish 'n chips and hamburgers. I managed to take a photo of Doug and his bike, and Simon and his bike for the webpage, thanks gents!

Just after midday we headed out but, with the weekend traffic, we quickly got split up. By the time we reached Kariong the group was well apart. I saw Jim and one other head toward the motorway but my brother and I opted for the old road. Jim's idea was better as this section of the old Pac Highway to the Hawkesbury, whilst quite pretty with plenty of corners, is mostly posted at 80kph and quite limited. Jim and the team joined back onto the old road at the bridge and we all met up again for a break at the Pie in the Sky. We left the cafe around 1.50 and I was home by 2.30, having travelled 172kms. Others did plenty more.

A great day indeed.

Craig G

Simon and his ‘61 B40Doug and his Lightning

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Brookvale Night Ride, 28th

It was very warm on the afternoon as I arrived at La Perouse around 5.30. The sun was shining and the place was packed with people enjoying the afternoon but Victor had already managed to secure a couple of car parking spots for our bikes.

It wasn't long before the riders showed up. All up we had Victor T on his '70 BSA Firebird, Neil on his Suzuki, Bruce G on his '69 Lightning, Paul A on his Lightning, Joe and Jane on his HD, Ray W down from Queensland and riding Paul's much loved B40, Kees and Raylene on his Suzuki, Alan N and his HD, Glen (Ray's mate) on his Triumph, and Craig on his Honda. El Presidente Peter W was also there with his recovery vehicle and trailer. As we say, if you bring a recovery vehicle, then someone for sure will break down....... more on this later!

At around 6.15 the riders got away with Paul as ride lead and Peter as TEC. We took our time picking our way around and out of La Perouse because of the crowd and then headed off up Anzac Parade, Bunnerong Road and Wentworth Ave. Because we had quite a few riders, already on the ride we invariably broke up at traffic lights, so Paul managed a few stops to allow us all to catch up. Then it was up Southern Cross Drive, Eastern Distributor and Sydney Harbour Tunnel. There was plenty of traffic, probably due to the warm weather.

On the north side we travelled on Brook St heading north and joined the Eastern Valley Way. At Roseville it was off at Boundary St and then onto Eastern Arterial Way. This is always a pleasant run when there isn't too much traffic but still a few traffic lights, so Paul ensured we took an easy pace and we had a few stops to allow everyone to catch up.

At St Ives we turned into Mona Vale Road and headed down to Mona Vale. This was a really pleasant run but we again broke up so by Pittwater Road the team was quite spread out. Unbeknown to those up front, Ray on Paul's B40 had been having intermittent trouble and the bike finally gave up, so it was unceremoniously was hauled up onto the trailer. It has taken about 1 1/2 hours to complete the ride to Mimmo's at Brookvale.

Mark W who had decided to join for a pizza rather than the ride, had secured a large table at Mimmo's. Just as well, as we filled it. Thanks Mark. Although really warm inside we had a great dinner and lots of chat. Later in the evening a few of us had a look at the B40 but Paul declared that the battery had given up through vibration and that was that.

Around 10pm we wrapped it up with a couple of photos outside Mimmo's and headed home. All in all the I did 135km (quite a few riders did more) so it was a decent evening run. We all declared that it had been a great ride and a good dinner get together. The evening rides are popular indeed.

Craig G

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The “Fiery One” arrives (or leaves?)

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From the Shed of El Presidente Peter:

This revolves around my experience with the B44VS I am trying to get back together.

OK, got the '69 B44VS engine in the stand on the bench and while it 'looks' OK, just had to pull the primary case....just to see.

At first sight and smell, the oil is not good. No problems with that, a clean and new oil, lock wiring on the clutch spring nuts is pathetic, but used to aircraft grade so will remedy that.

One problem with the bikes of this era is the Lucas Rotor, P/N 54212006, which came apart and caused some interesting problems while riding!Already had one on the '71 A65 T/bolt and when Chris Zoch checked it, it already had a loose centre and was that ticking time bomb.And yes, the B44VS has the same Rotor.

So, timely removal and replacement in order -1) Bend the lock tab back.....no need as the lock tab is already bent back.2) Apply pressure to nut and back off....no movement so apply more pressure with the long torque wrench. OK, at 160 ft lbs of torque and no movement of the Rotor nut, time to look closely at the nut!3) Get Dremel out and proceed to remove welds on nut, lock tab and Rotor.

Yes people, if you do not trust the lock tab or Loctite products what do you do.....you tack weld the Rotor nut, lock tab and Rotor centre together!!Managed to save the nut but a replacement lock tab and a later Rotor is in order.Now, while I'm here.....do I dare pull the clutch off to see what lurks behind....??? You just know you have to!!!! (This may be a series...Ed)


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A short note to inform you that the Northern Rivers Classic M/Cycle Club will be holding their 4th Annual Members Classic Bike Display and Swap.This will be held at Alstonville Plaza, on Sunday 19th March from 8am : 2pm.There will be a separate area for visitors bikes to be displayed. (the more bikes the better!)All profits go to the North Coast Cancer Care Unit.We look forward to hosting some of your Members.Pls let us know if you are coming.

regards,Col. McAndrew0428 869889

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CLUB REGALIACLUB REGALIACLUB REGALIACLUB REGALIAThe Club provides personal club name tags to members at a nominal cost. The example shows the club badge mounted on a dark green background. The tag is fixed by a pin attachment on the back. If you would like your personal name tag, please send $7 and your preferred name posting to the Club PO Box on page 2.

Club T-shirts available:Deep green with yellow Club logo (sizes S - 4XL) $15 - financial members$20 - non membersBadges alone are $8, patches $6 and bumper stickers $3.

Postage $9 for tees, sticker/patch $3, sticker/patch/badge $6

Contact Mark the Regalia Man on 0466 998 148 or [email protected]

Rent!The Club owns two Patio Heaters (the tall post radiator type) which are available for rent. Rates are $10 per weekend each. Contact Victor on 0408 286 434 or [email protected]

If you would like a trawl down memory lane, through the ups and downs of the BSA Club of NSW, then the Banter CD is for you!

It contains all (or as many as have survived) of the Club’s newsletters from 1979 to the present day, ranging through the forefronts of technology from Fordigraph to laser printer. 191 issues of unadulterated news, gossip and stories.

See the nostalgic articles, the spares and bike prices, the spelling, the crap cartoons and jokes !

Not to be missed and available for $5.00 postage.To order, just email the Editor (see page 2).

A;lso available on CD are the Goulburn Rally photos. $10, proceeds to the Club. Contact Andrew G. via The Editor.


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RECIPROCAL RUN INVITATIONMembers of all clubs receiving this magazine are cordially invited to participate in the club events of the BSA Motorcycle Club of NSW Inc (BSA NSW Club).

To satisfy the regulations of the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) of NSW, receipt of the invitation must be in your club minutes or your official "Day Book" or "Move Book".

Please note that attendance at these events must be approved by both Clubs. Attendance by members of your Club are approved by the BSA NSW Club by way of this invitation, however be sure to have your attendance noted by the BSA NSW Club's Club Captain Victor Terry on Ph: 0408 286 434 otherwise your ride could be illegal and may nullify your insurance cover.

For additional details and application forms for runs and rallies, please contact Craig Greene, BSA NSW Club Secretary on email: [email protected] or Ph: 0404 052 696.


Don’t forget the regular 3rd Saturday Run

Any queries on runs, please call the Club Captain, Victor, on 0408 286 434

Meeting places:

Prospect Hotel 3 Great Western Highway, ProspectBP Asquith Corner Pacific Hwy and Jersey St, North AsquithWatertower Wood Park, small lookout carpark on Hume Hwy westbound at intersection of Stacey St, BankstownCaltex Heathcote 1344 Princes Hwy, Heathcote, south of railway stationMcDonalds Kellyville Corner Merriville Rd and Windsor Rd, Kellyville Luna Park North SydneySt Ives Showground Mona Vale Road, St IvesCrossroads Hotel Cnr Camden Valley Way and Campbelltown Rd (end of old Hume Hwy), Casula

January - May 2017 Run CalendarPlease Note : If raining on the scheduled ride day, the ride transfers to the following weekend. However, please check with the Club Captain, Victor, to confirm on the actual day as to conditions/ride etc as weather conditions vary in the Sydney region. Also see the webpage for other club invitations.

8th January Patonga fish and chips lunch Meet 8.30am at the Asquith BP.

5th February Bundeena Via Helensburgh. Bankstown Water Tower 8.30am then W/Worths Servo Heathcote

19th February Surfside Café Brookvale with Norton Club. Meet St Ives Showground 8.30am.

25/26th February 2017 National Rally dry trial for BSA Club members, Cowra – Meet: TBA.

5th March Kurrajong Café via Windsor, Putty Rd, Blaxlands Ridge Rd. Meet Kellyville McDonalds 8.30am

9th April BSA/Norton Run to Road Warriors Mt White. Meet BP Asquith 8.30am

7th May Brooklyn Lookout then return to Pie in Sky for morning tea. A short ride. Meet BP Asquith 8.30am.

21st May BSA/Norton Run to Mt Victoria and return to Kurrajong. Meet Kellyville McDonalds 9am

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For SaleBSA B Series 8 inch half width front hub. Alloy brake plate needs minor repair. Never to be repeated bargain basement price $100. David Lewis, 02-96306304.Bantam 125cc 95% complete, not seized, missing exhaust, Mitch [email protected] B33 well sorted, upgrades and recent rebuild, better now than ever. No Tyre Kickers. Suit genuine motorcycle rider. Many spares $ 6500 ono Andrew Nichols 0417324476 1971 BSA Thunderbolt A65T – Good condition, recently rebored & cylinder head modified for unleaded fuel. Speedo reading 32088 miles, which I believe genuine. Ready to ride & currently on Club Plates Engine & frame number – A65THE11710 For more info Roy Breyley 02 4421 2454 $7750 ono.B33 motor with B31 top end.Good bottom end. Barrel needs rebore, all there apart from push rods. $1100 Peter 0410490954 Killarney Heights1954 B33 gearbox. All good came from working bike and all gears present and correct. Not rebuilt or refurbished. $650 Peter 0410490954 Killarney Heights

Wanted1908 Triumph - A pulley wheel set for the crankshaft. Any valves, springs and cylinder head plugs for the 500cc 1908-1912 motor. 1908/9 frame & forks. 1908/9 tank with pump and caps. Bosch open works maggy I was told type DA2. Carby slides throttle & air for brass 1909 carby. Any maggy, air, throttle and a front brake lever's for this era. Speedo drive gearbox take off down at the front wheel for the Stewart speedo. Rear wheel belt rim.1912 Triumph frame, forks and with or without tank. Chasing head and head bolts for M35-11 600cc ohv twin port sloper. Robert Dick [email protected]


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Sydney Moto Morini & Royal Enfield Dealer



95-97 Princes HwySt Peters NSW 2044

T: (02) 9557 7234E: [email protected]

European and Classic Motorcycles Authentic Merchandise & Memorabilia

Service - Repairs - Sales

Also: classic leather gauntlets, white silk scarves, books, posters, b/w photos, classic bike DVD’s, badges, patches and a whole lot more.


95-97 Princes HwySt Peters NSW 2044

T: (02) 9557 7234E: [email protected]

European and Classic Motorcycles Authentic Merchandise & Memorabilia

Service - Repairs - Sales

Also: classic leather gauntlets, white silk scarves, books, posters, b/w photos, classic bike DVD’s, badges, patches and a whole lot more.


[email protected]

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