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Buisness plan Cool And Cane

Date post: 12-Aug-2015
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C&C Juices Pvt Ltd We Need Your Health

Awais Tahir Mughal


Zeeshan Afzal1573\FET\F11\A



C&C Juices Pvt Ltd We Need Your Health

Company Profile:

Executive summary:

A Unique marketing plan is one of the best tool of a marketer to be

successful in his business. As a student of International Islamic

university Islamabad we were assigned to make a Buisness plan. For

this purpose we selected “SugarCane Juice” as our product and

made a buisness plan of this product”

Company C&C will establish in 2015. Then it will continue to provide

best quality juices and products to its customers with products and

packaging innovations. The company will try their best to differentiate

themselves from other companies in the field.

C&C serves both the consumer market, as well as local restaurants. We will InshAllah succeed in developing a awesome business through the use of our two competitive advantages, quality and unique.

Our mission is to provide the best quality Juice. We are here to grt

more customers and to maintain customers. We will exceed the

expectations of our customers.

Then we discussed about strategic plan , STP analysis, market trends

and market growth. We did SWOT analysis, Competition analysis,

market summary and also our competitive advantage.

We will also provide, pricing strategy, marketing strategy and also

distribution channel. We catagorized our local and advertising and

promotional activities to get better results. We also included financial

plan and our implementation plan .

Company Summaries:

Legal Name : Cool & Cane JUICE

Trade name : C&C Juice

Business Address : H10 Markez , ISB

Head Office : H10 Markez , ISB

E-mail : [email protected]

Website : CANDC.com

Phone 1 : +923351585283

Phone 2 : +923139992513


Plant Location: We have to select a better manufacturing plant as

well as the distribution place. In favoring the environmental factors as

considered for the manufacturing plant as further the "H10

Islamabad" which area is much free from the violence of political

disturbance & other hindering factor.

Central office:

Our target distribution place is Islamabad and other cities. So, our

central official position is situated at the I10 Islamabad Sector and nearer

sectors. In other districts our own distributor sends our products through

low cost with our great transportation facility.

Size & capacity:

1. Establishing the manufacturing plant the size of capacity is a

great factor to run the whole processing plant. Size &capacity

should be effective for proper working.

2. In total we need 5600 square feet to move freely.

3. A small portion of that place will be used as a controller office.

4. Warehouse free space to store & preserve the raw materials.

5. Central office space is about 4000 square feet.

Product and Service overview:

Product and service overview includes categories of product, raw-

materials of product and also the nutritional value of the C&C.

Category of product :

There are six season in Pakistan. Among them summer is the most

vital season for huge production of C&C. We select summer

sugarcane for our juice production. So our target product is

summer C&C.

Strategic Plans:

The new marketing plan has developed its strategies by focusing on the

vision, mission, goals as well as its core competency.

Mission statement

“Our priority, your health”

It is the mission of C&C, to provide you the best. It is our duty to prefer

your health by offering tasty, affordable and highly nutritional product

to its consumers.


It is the vision of C&C, to be the leading company in juice production.

And always provide the assurance of outstanding quality to its


Objectives and goals of the company

The main objectives of C&C pvt ltd are as following:

To create strong customer relationship.

Identify the needs of customers like new taste and new products.

Maintain market leadership by maintaining the pure quality.

Stop brand selling but do not reduce the quality.

Aggressive distribution of the product.

Provide juices which are fit for human body.

Make their product available at every place of the market.

We divided our goals into further two part, financial goals and Non-

financial goals""

Financial goals:

1. Realize a 5% increase in gross profit margins through efficiency

gains every year. Reduce the transportation costs associated with

product delivery by 10% by the end of the first year.

2. We will address break-even analysis, sales forecasts, expenses

forecasts, and how those link to the marketing strategy.

Products of the company:

The company is already dealing in juices like orange and pineapple

juices. C&C is going to launch a new product in the market which is



Sub items which make the juice complete and more nutritious , are as





Citric acid (E330) as acidity regulator

Preservative (sodium benzoate)

Manufacturing cycle

Steps involved in production process

Production of C&C is a standardize process and initial preparatory

process for all fruits will be similar as will be the last stages of juices

section and packaging, although difference in handling juice

composition arise in certain cases due to nature of fruit and

percentage of vitamins involved. Basically preparation of C&C involves

the following steps.

Boiling of C&C

Storage in tank

Ingredient mixing syrup in tank

Juice preparation

Juice storage tank

Filling and packaging

Cooling and storage


Fruit boiler where sugarcane is cooked and shifted to the plate heat

exchanger. Then stored in the storage tank where ingredients are

mixed in desired quantity . then it is pumped to 90 degree centigrade

to inactivate enzymes and living organisms.

After that the juice passes through final filtration , before loading it

into a juice storage

tank. Now the C&C is ready for packaging.

Packing and labeling

The C&C will be then packed in the different type of quantities

demanded by the market but will be best quality . Consumer packs of

300ml packed and then labeled the RAMS juices.

It will remain in cool dry storage.

Benefits of drinking Sugarcane

Sugarcane prevent and heal source for sore throat , cold and flue.

This is the only sweet drink even the diabetic can also enjoy without

fear. It is because it has no simple sugars۔

Because of its alkaline nature it helps to fight cancer.

According to Scientists It has positive activity against prostate and

also breast cancer .

It hydrates the body quickly when body got heat from physical


It is Excellent substitutes for aerated drinks and cola.

It energizes the body of human instantly as it is rich in carbohydrates.

It strengthens the kidney , heart, stomach ,brain and eyes.

It helps the kidneys to perform their functions smoothly.


Market analysis:

Currently in Pakistan , there are 24 juice processing units and a

number of small units in informal sector are working . The recent

capacity is almost 400000 metric tons per annum and with a demand

for juices at 27% growing rate.

The juice industry reported the sales of 8.526 billion Rs in year 2008.

Market Summary:

We have good information about the market and knows a great

deal about the common attributes of our most prized and loyal

customers. We will leverage this information to better understand who is

served, their specific needs, and how we can better communicate with


Behavior Factors:

Are willing to pay a premium for best quality and tastier juice.

Value of more attractive beverage of this vegetable juice.

Enjoy a high-quality juice without making it at home.

Market Growth:

Therefore taste and health consciousness is what is driving this demand.

This demand can be seen by the increase of juice offerings by finer


Lastly, presentation is becoming a variable in gauging the quality of a


STP Analysis:

STP analysis comprises of market segmentation, target market and


Market Segmentation:

We have segmented our customer into two groups.

Individual consumers


Hospital (patients of joindess)

Target Market:

The target market also for our product will be middle , upper middle ,

and the elite class.

C&C is a type of product which everybody wants to have . But the

price of our product is lower , so every class can afford it easily . We

will be introducing our product in cities as well as small rural towns.

Following segments in the market will be targeted

Students of schools ,

colleges and universities ,

Specially the patients of joindess , auspicious thing for their liver

People of all age groups



Juice helps to maintain health in short time, which create a value in

consumers mind about this product and motivate to buy frequently .We

will position itself as:

High-quality producer.



SWOT analysis

The following SWOT analysis captures every strengths and weaknesses.

It can be within the company and out of the company and describes the

threats .


Company image

Market shares

Excellent market skills and services

Research and development


Quality conscious

Well developed


No competitors

Affordable price


Inadequate human resource

Indirect relation with customer


Profit margin

Capture the market

Expansion of business


New entry

Economic recession

Lack of efficient labor force

Rising manufacturing cost

Government policies

Political instabilities

Competition Analysis:

Sugarcane Juice is almost a new product in the market. No

competitor in the market in Pakistan.

Competitive Advantage:

Our competitive advantage is really a superior one;1. 100% Sugarcane.2. Less fat & calories than other drinks.3. Tasty & healthy

Strategic Marketing Analyses:

Strategic marketing analysis involves marketing behaviours, marketing mix, marketing objectives, and market research of C&C .

Marketing Objectives:

Our objectives of integrated marketing are:

Inspire consumers to view C&C in a new more vibrant light Show great taste of all C&C products Establish a connection between C&C and healthy active lifestyles

Marketing mix:

The marketing mix is the most important factor in order to let the

people know about your product . It involves the 4p’s . Product , price ,

place and promotion.

In order to capture the market , we have to apply an effective

marketing mix , so that our juice will be the most desirable juice in the



The company is offering the C&C products in tin packing , which is

highly hygiene and preservative in nature.

The price of the juice will be Rs 25.00 only


The company will initially launch its juice in Islamabad Rawalpindi,

Lahore and Faisalabad . But after analyzing the feedback of the people

, the company will try their level best to launch their product in the

other cities of Pakistan.


Promotion is the most important thing in order to create an

outstanding demand for the juice . Promotion steps should be very

effective , so that the more and more people came to know about the

new product.




Free juices


Radio commercials

TV commercials


However, this has been extended in recent years as certain features in

relation to the marketing of services have become recognised as

being important. There are an additional 3 Ps that now make up what

has been referred to as the 7 Ps.


People are an essential ingredient in service provision; recruiting and

training the right staff is required to create a competitive advantage.

Customers make judgments about service provision and delivery based

on the people representing your organisation. This is because people are

one of the few elements of the service that customers can see and

interact with.


Advertising and promotion:

A mixture of advertisements and networking will be used to increase visibility for C&C.

In first we will be focused on introducing the product. The advertisement will on different media . television, newspaper, facebook to make people aware of the product.

Promotional activity:

We make promotional activities for our product in different school, college, hospital, and restaurant.

1. Advertising themes will be changed with time and promotional activity will be carried out to generate the consumer.

2. In different occasion we will open special sales center where attractive point of purchase display would be arranged to create positive image in consumer’s mind.

3. We will provide different incentive to our distributor.4. Sometimes we will offer free sampling for the mass sale of


Company Organogram:



Chief marketingChief HRChief FinanceChief IT

GM Product &Service

GM HR Operation

GM Finance & Accounts

GM IT& Planning

GM Sales & Distribution

GM HR Training

GM CorporateGM IT & Operation
