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Business goals and employee burnout

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Presentation by : Rahul Jain “Business Goals and Employee Burnout” Sri Sharda Institute of Indian Management Research New Delhi 6 th June 2015

Presentation by : Rahul Jain

“Business Goals and Employee Burnout”

Sri Sharda Institute of Indian Management Research

New Delhi

6th June 2015

About Presenter

Presentation by : Rahul Jain

Rahul Jain

• HR Professional with diversified industry experience of 14+ Years in APAC Region.

• Worked in HR with diversified industries in all the rungs with different companies (Philips India, Dainik Bhaskar, SIVA Group, Cargill India, Coca-Cola and Hindustan Heavy Chemicals) at different location in India and Singapore.

• Have been an In House Certified / Trainer on Leading Compensation Conversation, Talent Management, Train the Trainer, Performance Management, Business Process Modelling, Effective Team building and Social Media Skills.

• Masters in HR & Administration, Commerce Graduate with Diploma in International Business and also in Software Engineering.

• Interests include Reiki Healing (Certified Master III B level and Trainer), Social Media, Reading Management books, Drawing Cartoons, Collecting and Sharing wisdom Quotes, Loves to watch News, Car and Bike shows, Movies.

Presentation by : Rahul Jain

• Business Goals

• Linkage with Employee Goals

• Employee Burnout

• Stress v/s Burnout

• Causes of Burnout

• Road to Burnout and Burnout Curve

• Dealing with Burnouts

• Prevention – Industry Practices

• Q&A and Stay Connected !

Presentation Coverage

What are Business Goals ?

Business goals are part of the planning process.

They describe what a company expects to accomplish over a specific period of time. Businesses usually outline

their goals and objectives in their business plans.

Goals might pertain to the company as a whole, departments, employees, customers, or any other area of

the business.

Business Goals



Employee Goals or KRAs are what an

employee needs to be successful in their job

and to contribute to their business goals.

KRAs are no longer SMART …. It’s SMARTER !Specific – based on a single theme, can be understood without explaining

Measurable – clearly stated way of measuring achievement

Achievable – realistic; feasible in terms of resources and in personal control

Results based – expressing desired end state directly related to the business plan

Time specific – clear target date for accomplishment

E – Extended or Stretched

R – Recorded

Employee Goals

Employee Burnout

Presentation by : Rahul Jain

Burnout is a frequently used term that

describes emotional and physical

exhaustion experience by employee as

a result of excessive work related


It cause physical, emotional,

psychological and spiritual damage to


Presentation by : Rahul Jain

Stress v/s Burnout

Causes of Burnout

Work•Less or no control on work•Monotonous or unchallenging•Un-organized or high-pressure environment

Life style•Taking on too many responsibilities •Working too much, not socializing enough•Too high expectations from too many people

Personality Traits

• Perfectionist Tendency; nothing is good enough• Pessimistic view of self and the world• The need to be in control; reluctance to delegate

Warning signs and symptoms of employee burnout

• Withdrawing from Responsibility• Isolating self from others• Taking longer to get things done

Spill over of Burnout –

• Negative Impact on Professional, Personal and Social Life

• In Long term makes body vulnerable (weak) to illness, breakdown.

Road to Burnout

• Exhausted all the time, feels like nothing makes a difference

• Taking out your frustrations on others• Skipping work or coming in late and leaving early

Burnout Curve

Presentation by : Rahul Jain

Work Output and Satisfaction

Sense of Emptiness and worthiness

Excessive Expectations

Hard Work , Low / No Reward

More Input, Less Output

No End Results

Rage towards others

Mental and Physical Exhaustion

Descent in to cynicism

Feeling of hopelessness

Loss of belief in any futureCollapse

Presentation by : Rahul Jain

Dealing with Burnout

Organization –

Recognize – Watch for the warning signs of burnout Reverse – Undo the damage by managing stressRejuvenate – Refresh and reviveResilience – Build hardness to burnout by taking initiate

Employee –

Start the day with relaxing ritualsAdopt healthy eating, exercising, and sleeping habitsSet boundariesTake a daily break from technologyNourish your creative sideLearn how to manage stress

Presentation by : Rahul Jain

Industry Practices

• Engagement and Fun at Work Initiatives

• Off Site and Team Building Exercises

• Sessions on Yoga, Stress Management

• Rewarding employees with Leisure trips with family

• Work life balance by Flexi working hours

• Employee Help lines, Counseling sessions


Presentation by : Rahul Jain

Let’s Stay Connected.

Presentation by : Rahul Jain

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