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Business Partner Orientation

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An overview of the Constant Contact Business Partner Program. How the tools work and what you can do as one of our valued Partners. The Constant Contact Business Partner Program was created to empower small business consultants, web developers, and agencies bring the power of Constant Contact to their clients.
Copyright © 2010 Constant Contact Inc. Business Partner Orientation Getting started with the Constant Contact Business Partner Program
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Copyright © 2010 Constant Contact Inc.

Business Partner OrientationGetting started with the Constant Contact Business Partner Program

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Business Partner Program

Welcome!Thank You for Joining the

Constant Contact Business Partner Program!

We’re Glad To Have You as Part of Our Team!

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Webinar Agenda

■ Constant Contact – the Company behind the Program

A. Your Business Partner Tools - BP Console/ Free Account

B. Promoting Constant Contact to your clients

C. Opening Accounts for your clients

D. Managing Accounts for your clients

E. Metrics and Reports

F. Other Resources

G. Next Steps

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Constant ContactThe Company Behind the Program

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Constant Contact is the Market Leader

■ Over 300,000 customers■ Fast growing profitable public company

■ CTCT on the NASDAQ

■ Industry award winning ■ Over a billion emails sent each month ■ High deliverability rate of 98%+■ Multi-Product Company

■ Online Survey■ Event Marketing■ Email Archive■ Autoresponder■ Premium Stock Image Library■ View as a Webpage

“Best Customer Support”

“Best Overall Company”“Executive of the Year”

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Focused on the Customer Experience

■ Usability

■ Communication Consultants

■ Customer Support via phone, chat & email

■ Live product tours daily

■ On-demand Tutorials

■ In-product coaching tips

■ Product updates and alerts

■ Customer feedback loops

Use Constant Contact to build better Customer Relationships

87% Have or Will Recommend Us to Others

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Constant Contact is Designed for Small Business

List Management

Image Hosting

Email Archive


Real-time Reporting

Permission Management

400+ professional Email templates

60+ professionally-written Survey templates

20+ Easy to use Event

Marketing Templates

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What Other Business Partners Are Saying…

Over 4,000 Business Partners In The Program To Date!

“With the Constant Contact Business Partner Program, we can help our clients explore email marketing with the confidence that we’ll take care of everything for them.”

Desiree Scales,Bella Web Design

“Our integration with Constant Contact will save our customers a lot of time, duplication of effort and manual work.”

Sally Grantham, ACS Technologies

"For the first time, our members can see the success or failure of their email marketing efforts and manage subscriber information. It really has been a boon to them – and to us as an association.”

Len Vlahos, American Booksellers Association

"Constant Contact's value-add is that in addition to providing an engine for easily sending out email, they also provide expertise on how to be a better email marketer. This sets them apart from other companies”

Tom Casale, Simplified Solutions

"I don't see myself as a Constant Contact business partner. What I do is help my clients achieve success, and Constant Contact is one of the tools that helps me do that.”

Carolyn Gardner, Cardcommunications

“Constant Contact is great because it’s easy to use for people with little HTML experience. However, for more experienced users or for developers like us, it let’s us get in ‘under the hood’ to make changes to the code.”

Rich Brooks,Flyte New Media

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A. Get Started Things to know – Your Partner Tools

• BP Console • Free Account

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Before You Get Started

Save Your “Welcome” Letter

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Bookmark the Business Partner Console

URL: https://bpconsole.constantcontact.com

The only Constant Contact location you need!

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Access Your Free Constant Contact Account

• Login to your free Constant Contact Business Partner account.

•Your personal account is free up to 5,000 contacts and includes Email Marketing, Online Survey, Event Marketing, Premium Image Hosting and Email Archive.

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Email Marketing

• Customizable HTML email templates

• Create email campaigns in a snap with our easy-to-use Email Wizard

• Schedule automatic delivery of a series of emails with Email Autoresponder

• Build, manage, and secure your email marketing contacts

• Get results fast with instant tracking and reporting

• Extend the life of your email marketing by using Email Archive

• Access a stock image gallery of 3400 pictures when you add Premium Image Hosting

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Online Survey

• Over 60 prewritten, easily customized Online Survey templates

• Easy-to-use survey wizard

• Multiple question types

• Built-in survey email invitation

• Survey reporting with graphical displays of data

• Live polls on your website

• Ability to create email lists based on survey responses

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Event Marketing

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• Over 20 custom event template designs

• Promote your event –email invitations & a custom events homepage

• Manage your event registrations – to see who registered and who didn’t

• Collect payment for your event – online or at the door

• Built-in reporting to help plan/manage current and upcoming events

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Engage your customers and drive traffic to your website by customizing the marketing templates with your co-branded URL

Marketing Templates

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B. Opening Accounts for Your Clients

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Accounts to offer your clients

You can offer three types of accounts:

• Fully Managed Accounts – The typical small business owner is incredibly busy and oftenwants you to handle all aspects of their email marketing. In this scenario, you use theConsole to launch the account for your client, load their lists, create their campaigns,and monitor the results. With a Fully Managed Account, you submit payment onbehalf of your client and invoice them for the monthly Constant Contact fee plusthe additional charges for your services.

• Co-Managed Accounts – In some other cases, your client may want direct access totheir account – but still rely on you for additional services such as marketing strategyand account support. In this scenario, your client pays Constant Contact directly andyou separately charge your client directly for the additional services.

• Self- Service Accounts – Some of your clients may only want a referral to an emailmarketing and online survey service. Direct these prospects to Constant Contactthrough your co-branded URL. Since the prospect signs up as a result of yourreferral, you still get credit for this customer’s list growth and account activity.Self-Service Accounts are a great way to boost your revenue without a lot ofextra effort.

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Under the Accounts tab,click on “Create NewAccount” or click on“Create New Account” abovethe My Accounts section.

Then, just enter your client’scontact information. Everynew client gets a free 60-daytrial with up to 100 e-mailaddresses. Just remember whois managing the account: youor your client.

If you are setting up aCo-Managed account, besure and contact your clientwith their Username andpassword after the accountis set-up.

Then, simply choose theproducts that your client willtrial: Email Marketing, Surveyor both (you can change theseoptions at any time).

New Account Creation from the Console

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Selecting the Primary Contact

This should be the person most familiar with the day to day activities associated with the account.

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Account Appears on My Accounts List


The new trial can be accessed using the Log In Arrow.

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Client Access to a Managed Account


Your client can access the account by entering their unique username and password into the customer login on www.constantcontact.com

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Use Your Co-Branded URL

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New Account Creation Using a Co-Branded URL

This is what your clients will see

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Add your co-branded URL to all your online activities:

■ Website■ Newsletters■ Email Signature■ Banners Ads

The cookies added to your site will ensure that you receive credit for all clients that sign-up through your co-branded URL.

Promote and Publish Your Co-Branded URL

Sample co-branded URL:http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?pn=yourpartnername

Your logo redirectsto your website

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Offer Clients Various Options:

■ Do-it-yourself

■ Training from the Experts

■ Outsource Everything


Add Constant Contact to Your Website

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Benefits to YOUR CLIENTS:■ Over 1 Billion messages a month for our customers

■ Customers know our Safe Unsubscribe will not generate SPAM

■ Well known and trusted brand

■ Logo on bottom of every Business Partner and client’s account emails.

■ Links to your co-branded site for signup and revenue credit

■ 20% growth in business from this link!

Benefits to YOU:Email Campaign Footer

Enjoy Co-Branded Viral Benefits!

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Viewing your Co-Branded URL Signups

When an account is created through your Co-Branded URL it will not start off on your My Accounts list, but will display in My Co-Branded URL Signups list.

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C. Managing Accounts for your clients

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Manage Clients’ Accounts

Access your clients’ accounts that you are managing on their behalf.

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Verified Email Address Uses:■ Billing Contact (B) – You, if you are

paying for the account on behalf of a client

■ Account Contact (C) – You, if you are managing the account on behalf of the client

■ Email Campaign Email Addresses -Always the Client

■ From Email Address

■ Reply Email Address

■ Signature Email Address

Account Verified Email Addresses

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Account Contact (C)

Billing Contact (B)

Billing Contact (B), Account Contact (C)

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Update My Settings Tab


Your Client’s Info

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Managed Accounts vs. Co-Branded Signups

View Managed Listvs.

Co-Branded Sign-ups

Accounts you manage

Self Service Accounts

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Promoting an Account to your Managed List

To Add To Managed List Account Must Be:

■ Already under your Business Partnership

■ You must know the Constant Contact Username and Password (CTCT will not provide this)

If your client creates their account through your Co-branded URL but requests assistance, you can promote the account to your My Accounts list. This will establish direct access through the BP Console. The Move to Managed feature provides the account username but the client must provide you with their password.

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D. Metrics and Reports

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Review Your Partner Reports

View New Accounts

View Account Payment History

View Your Revenue Share Accrued & Payments To Date

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New Accounts Summary

Summary reports are meant to provide insight into activity over a longer period of time (multiple months, year to date). Our recommendation is to use the summary report to identify a period of interest.

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New Accounts Detail

Once you’ve identified a period of interest use the detail report to review the specifics of each signup. Find out their name, when they signed up, where they came from, their total list size and the last time they logged in

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Account Payment Summary

Summary reports are meant to provide insight into activity over a longer period of time (multiple months, year to date). The Account Payment Summary report details the number of payments, totals and share earned by month.

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Account Payment Detail

Once a period of interest is identified, use the Detail report to view who paid what and when.

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Revenue Accrued to date/Check Payments to date

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E. Other Resources

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The Partner Extranet

Business Partner Extranet■ Brochures■ Presentations■ Banners■ Promotional Copy■ Educational content

■ Hints and Tips■ Whitepapers■ Case Studies

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Business Partner FAQ’s

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Add your Business Profile to the User Community. Find prospective customers looking for help in our chat rooms.

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U.S. Regional Development Directors

■ Phoenix■ Denver■ San Francisco■ Atlanta■ Dallas■ Washington DC■ Boston■ Chicago■ Seattle■ San Diego■ Los Angeles■ New York Metro■ Houston■ The Carolinas■ Philadelphia■ Minnesota■ Kansas City


Constant Contact has Local Presence!

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Learning Center for Live and Recorded Webinars

Resource For you and your Customers

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F. Next Steps

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■ Verify your existing Constant Contact account - listed under Personal Account.

■ Verify that your logo on your co-branded marketing page displays correctly. To add this to your page send your logo (265x50 pixels) to: [email protected]

■ Announce your new partnership to your clients and prospects using the custom Partner templates in your free Email Marketing account.

■ Create accounts for your clients using the Create New Account function in the Business Partner Console or the co-branded marketing pages.

■ Use your Online Survey to better understand their wants and needs.

■ Notify us of any Constant Contact accounts created for your clients before joining the program ([email protected]).

Next Steps

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Phone: 1-866-811-1344 or 781-370-8401

■ Press #1 for Program Support

■ Press #2 for Product Support (2nd Tier Support Group)


■ BP Program Email: [email protected]

■ Product Feedback: [email protected]

Still Have Questions

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“We are here to help you succeed”

Business Partner Program Team

Account Manager BP Programs – Patrick McAdams 866-905-5614, [email protected]

Account Manager BP Programs – Kevin Woodcock 866-905-5699, [email protected]

Business Partner Support Specialist – Tracy Dube781-472-6246, [email protected]

Manager National Accounts – Michael Eubank781-472-6256, [email protected]

Relationship Manager Franchise Program – Mike Tocci781-370-8566, [email protected]

Business Partner Marketing – Brian Donnelly: 781-370-8697, [email protected]

Director Web Services & Franchise Program – Kevin O’Brien781-472-8143, [email protected]

Senior Director, Partner Programs – Len Bruskiewitz781-472-6255, [email protected]

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We Look Forward To Working With You…

Visit the Partner Extranet in the Business Partner Console for a Copy of this Presentation
