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Cabling& Bracing - MichiganIndustryS tandards •AmericanN ationalS tandardsInstitute(AN S I Z133.1...

Date post: 09-Feb-2021
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Cabling& Bracing T reeS upportS ystems – Purpose, EquipmentandInstallation
  • Cabling& Bracing

    T reeS upportS ystem s– P urpose,Equipm entandInstallation

  • Industry S tandards

    •Am ericanN ationalS tandardsInstitute(AN S IZ133.1 /A300)

    •ZT V Baum pfledge(Germ anS tandardsForT reeCare& T reecrow nS upport)

  • W hy Cable,BraceorGuy

    • T osupportaw eakenedordam agedcrotch,lim borrootsystem

    • T ocom pensateforpoortreestructureduetodam ageor“ treegenetics”

    • T ocom pensatefortreeplacem entorhum aninteraction/alteration


  • W hy N ot?

    • “ N atural” P ropertreestructureisbetterthanany installed supportsystem (canyou pruneyourw ay toasolution?)

    • Installationofcertaintypesofsupportsystemw illdam agethetree

    •Altered“ treeharm onics”

    • L ackoftreestructure


    • L iability issues

  • T reeBiology

    W alls1-3 W alls1-4

  • C.O .D.I.T .

    •W all1 resistsverticalspreadofdecay

    •W all2 resistsinw ardspreadofdecay

    •W all3 resistslateralspreadofdecay

    •W all4 istheboundary thatseparatesthew oodatthetim eofw oundingfrom theneww oodthatform s.W all4 istheS T R O N GES T .

  • InstallationHardw are

  • Installationhardw are

  • CableT ypes

    Dynam ic(Cobra,T reeS ave)Flexiblehardw arethatw illallow slim itedm ovem entoflim bs“Elastic”

    S tatic(S teel)R igidhardw arethatseverely restrictsthem ovem entoflim bs.“Non-Elastic”

  • Dynam icS ystem sT reeS ave– ropetypem aterialcontainingarubbercoreforelasticity (additional“ dam pening” m aterialscanbeadded)Hybrid installation : invasive or non-invasive

    CobraCable– noninvasivew ovenplasticbasedm aterialusingrubberinsertsforaddedelasticity.

  • S taticS ystem s

    ExtraHighS trength(EHS ) A ircraft/ P liable/ Com m on)

  • Equipm ent“ L ifespan”

    S teeltypeHardw are:20-30 years

    R opetypem aterials:8-12 years

    Any system shouldbeinspectedannually and/orafterany incidentthat

    m ay havedam agedthesystem (s)ortree.

  • Cableinstallation

    S ystem T ypes P roperA ngles

  • S ubjectT ree

  • J-lagoreyeboltinstallation


    S crew orslideinanchorandattachcable

  • L oadAngleisIm portant!

    L agtw istedup(possiblefailure) L agpositioneddow n(supported)

  • P roperplacem entInCanopy

    S ecureplacem entonlim b

    M aintaincabletoboltangles

  • P roperplacem entifm ultiplecables

    T hedistancebetw eenthecableanchorpoints(j-lags& screw eyesshow nbelow )shouldbespacedfurtherapartthanthetrunkdiam eterandnot“ inline” w itheachother.

  • W hy orW henDoW eCable?

    FungalDecay P oorL im b/BranchU nions

  • W hy orW henDoW eCable?

    S tructuralDeform ity / “ looks” S tructuralDam age

  • W hy orW henDoW eCable?

    Decay “ JustInCase”

  • W hichIsBetter?

    N aturalT reeForm Com pletely S upported

  • Alw aysask“ What does the tree need?”

  • Bracingor“ T hru R ods”

  • R odsinstalledinadditiontocablesystem incanopy.

  • 3 boltsinstalledandtrim m ed

  • Callusgrow th3 yearslater

  • “ P ole” T ypeBraces

  • W hentheangleofacablesystemw ontsupportthelim b

  • T reestructurenotconducivetoanytypeofsupportivecablesystem

  • Guy/Anchorinstallation

  • W hy anchor?

    •W hatarew etryingtoachieve?

    •W hatarethesitelim itations?

    •How m uchw eightw illthesystem havetosupport?

    •How longisthisthesystem expectedtow ork?(tem porary orperm anent)

  • T ypesofHardw are

    “ S crew ” type “ DuckBill” type

  • R ootFailure

    P oorgrow th/structure

    W hy installagroundanchorforsupport

  • U prooted(partialorfull)

    Correct“ storm dam age” effects

    W hy installagroundanchorforsupport

  • T reeAttachm ent

    P erm anentInvasive T em porary ornon-invasive

  • P uttreeintodesiredpositionbyw hateverm eansnecessary!

    Heavy equipm ent

    M echanicaladvantage

  • “ Screw in” typegroundanchorscanbetem porary orperm anent;“ Duck Bill” typescannotbereused.


    Attachm echanicaladvantagedevise

  • S traightentree(s)cabled/guyedandplace

  • T reeS padeT ransplant-Guyedforstability

  • Happy “ Engineering” !

  • R eferences

    •Cabling,Bracing,andGuying(Chapter6)2006M assachusettsArboristAssociation,Inc.

    •ZT V Baum pflege,2006 edition

    •AN S IA300 (P art3)S upportS ystem S tandard

    • M odernArboriculture,Alex L .S higo

    Cabling & BracingIndustry StandardsWhy Cable, Brace or GuyWhy Not?Tree BiologyC.O.D.I.T.Installation HardwareInstallation hardwareCable TypesDynamic SystemsStatic SystemsEquipment “Lifespan”Cable installationSubject TreeSlide Number 15J-lag or eye bolt installationLoad Angle is Important!Proper placement In CanopyProper placement if multiple cablesWhy or When Do We Cable?Why or When Do We Cable?Why or When Do We Cable?Which Is Better?Always ask “What does the tree need?”Bracing or “Thru Rods”Rods installed in addition to cable system in canopy.3 bolts installed and trimmedCallus growth 3 years later“Pole” Type BracesWhen the angle of a cable system wont support the limbTree structure not conducive to any type of supportive cable systemGuy/Anchor installationWhy anchor?Types of HardwareSlide Number 35Slide Number 36Tree AttachmentPut tree into desired position by whatever means necessary!“Screw in” type ground anchors can be temporary or permanent; “Duck Bill” types cannot be reused.Straighten tree(s) cabled/guyed and placeTree Spade Transplant - Guyed for stabilityHappy “Engineering”!References
