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CAD Drawing Standards

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Page 1: CAD Drawing Standards

CAD Drawing Standards

Civil Infrastructure

Traffic Engineering

Open Space

Engineering Services

Page 2: CAD Drawing Standards

Table of Contents

1 Introduction........................................................................................................3

1.1 History................................................................................................................3

1.2 Scope.................................................................................................................4

2 Source Information............................................................................................5

2.1 Polygonisation....................................................................................................5

2.2 Geographic Information System (GIS)...............................................................5

3 Drawing Standards............................................................................................6

3.1 Drafting Guidelines............................................................................................6

3.2 Layering.............................................................................................................6

3.3 Layer Management............................................................................................7

3.4 Project Boundaries.............................................................................................7

3.5 Standard Symbols..............................................................................................8

3.6 Titleblocks..........................................................................................................8

3.7 Horizontal Coordinates and Drawing Units........................................................9

3.8 Levels...............................................................................................................10

3.9 Multiple Drawing Sheets..................................................................................10

3.10 Naming Conventions.......................................................................................11

3.11 Drawing Title....................................................................................................12

3.12 Amendment Panel & Version Control..............................................................12

3.13 Text Fonts/Styles.............................................................................................13

3.14 Drawing Authorisation......................................................................................13

3.15 Blocks and Linetypes.......................................................................................13

3.16 Drawing Status.................................................................................................14

3.17 File Formats.....................................................................................................14

3.18 Plotting and Pen Tables...................................................................................14

3.19 Data Ownership and Copyright........................................................................14

3.20 Checking..........................................................................................................15

4. Other Information............................................................................................16

4.1 Survey Limits and Accuracy............................................................................16

4.2 Data Exchange................................................................................................16

4.3 Attribute Data...................................................................................................16

Reference Documents...................................................................................................17

4.4 Managing Trees – As-Built Drawings..............................................................17

4.5 Surface.............................................................................................................17


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1 Introduction

To ensure that a consistent level of quality is maintained when preparing engineering drawings, Engineering Services Branch (ESB) has established specific Drawing Standards for CAD (Computer-Aided Design).

They are to be fully complied with for all drawings prepared by, on behalf of or supplied to Engineering Services Branch.

1.1 History

CAD drawing standards are designed to establish a consistent approach to the preparation of all engineering drawings.

ESB has operated a CAD system of drawing production since the 1980’s. During the mid 1990’s, the Victorian Government’s introduction of Compulsory Competitive Tendering resulted in Council outsourcing its civil and traffic engineering design function in 1997 (together with its associated drawing production), however, the resulting environment did not permit effective control of drawing standards with a consequential lack of consistency arising for all CAD drawings.

Subsequently, in 1997 Council introduced an integrated electronic document management system to ensure documentation that was the subject of the Public Records Act was properly identified, recorded and archived.

All current CAD software development is based on the AutoCAD product. AutoCAD files can now be saved in Council’s document management system (DM)

The CAD standards have also been modified to include changes to the spatial definition of a number of asset types, principally pavements. These have been upgraded from being simply line-work to polygons in order that they can better represent assets in Councils GIS and Asset management systems.

In an effort to provide ongoing assistance to drafters, productivity tools such as checking routines have been developed for use with AutoCAD using the AutoLISP programming language. CAD Standard documentation can be downloaded from City of Melbourne corporate website including:

a standard set of CAD blocks

standard drawings for specific asset types

Required attribute data

Survey limits standards and

Parking Plans

Design and Drafting guidelines for Design, Construction and “As Built” drawings

LISP checking routines

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1.2 Scope

These CAD guidelines set out drawing standards for “Design”, “Construction” and “As Built” drawings for all CAD files supplied to ESB. Drawing requirements will vary depending on its source. eg internal service provider or an external organisation.

This document sets out the requirements for the provision of CAD drawings to Council. These vary according to the type of drawing eg Design, Construction or As Built.

For ‘As Built” drawings, CAD files must conform to all required elements of CoM’s CAD standards.

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2 Source Information

2.1 Polygonisation

To facilitate the supply of base information for asset management, polygonisation and attribution of all surface based assets was completed in 2011 using 2008 aerial images, existing CAD drawings and ground survey. The compiled polygons are now updated regularly and stored in ArcCatalog. Council customers may request data from the current base map as need arises.

In addition, a suite of Parking Plans has been compiled showing the layout of parking spaces throughout the City. Although many of these plans are in electronic format a large number remain as hardcopy.

2.2 Geographic Information System (GIS)

It is Council’s intention, that all relevant physical infrastructure assets are represented in its Geographic Information System (GIS).

Accordingly, Council’s GIS system, needs to capture spatial and attribute information about recently created/acquired/modified assets. To facilitate this process, all engineering works undertaken by third parties that result in a “changed” asset must be accompanied by an “As Built” CAD drawing. This drawing must conform with Council’s CAD drawing standards such that it can be easily uploaded to CoM’s spatial and Asset Management systems.

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3 Drawing Standards

3.1 Drafting Guidelines

Guidelines for the preparation of engineering drawings have been compiled for use by Engineering Services, service providers and organisations providing CAD data in ‘Engineering Services Branch Design and Drafting Guidelines documents’ Attachment 1.

These CAD Drawing Standards supplement those guidelines.

Modifications to engineering drawing protocols including the control and maintenance of “master” documents, blocks, layer structures and AutoLISP routines must be approved by the Principal Engineer, Infrastructure, Engineering Services Branch.

A template CAD file and associated LISP routine can be found on the City of Melbourne website under Engineering Standards and Approvals.


3.2 Layering

Council has established a layering protocol for the preparation of all CAD engineering drawings.

The layering protocol provides settings for approximately 363 layers in the following 23 classifications. Refer to Attachment 2 - CAD LAYERS FOR COUNCIL INFRASTRUCTURE.

Table 1: Top Level of CAD layering classification










For completeness, an additional BOUNDARIES layer classification can be sourced from Council’s property maps. The Council’s Property Services (in City Planning & Infrastructure) maintains the boundary data – request for current property data for subject area from the manager concerned.

Layers for both existing and proposed assets may be created for each asset/drawing classification.

To facilitate proper usage of the ESG layers, a MCCLayers AutoLISP routine has been developed and can be setup using instructions contained in the file:

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‘PROCESS FOR LOADING LISP ROUTINES INTO AUTOCAD: MCC LAYERS SCHEME’ – Refer Attachment 3. For the macro contact the Principal Engineer City of Melbourne.

3.3 Layer Management

The following points set out the requirements for layer management.

Drawings are not to contain empty layers or invalid, unused or unassigned objects.

The AutoCAD PURGE command (or similar) should be used to remove such references once the drawing is finalised.

To prevent potential amendments to Council’s design/construction drawings, externally referenced documents (ie. X-REF commands) or embedded links to other drawings are not to be included in drawings that are prepared for civil infrastructure or traffic engineering purposes.

Any layers created by software that is expressly used to capture survey data or to prepare or compute engineering designs must be renamed in accordance with Council’s layer scheme.

As-built drawings are not to include any “proposed” layers.

Drawings containing non-standard layer names will be rejected and will require resubmission in the correct format.

Non-standard layer names will be identified by the MCCChecks LISP routine.(Refer Section 3.20)

3.4 Project Boundaries

The boundary defining the scope of work that is the subject of the drawing is to be delineated on the DRG-X-PROJ_BDY layer.

(For information concerning the requirements for project boundaries, refer Attachment 7 - SURVEY LIMITS AND ACCURACY STANDARDS FOR EXISTING CONDITION DRAWINGS)

NB: The DRG-X-PROJ_BDY layer can be turned OFF on all drawings submitted to Council.

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3.5 Standard Symbols

Design Drawings – Civil & Traffic Engineering

A suite of symbols has been developed for Civil Engineering and Traffic Engineering designs.

They are contained in the files:



For a DWG format contact the Principal Engineer City of Melbourne.

Only these standard symbols are to be used for preparation of engineering designs and as-built drawings.

Feature Survey Drawings – Including ‘As Built’

Feature surveys shall use ‘ENGINEERING SERVICES ACCEPTABLE BLOCKS FOR CIVIL AS BUILT DRAWINGS’ (Attachment 6), which include linetypes and surfaces.

3.6 Titleblocks

Titleblocks shall be used in the following circumstances:

final drawings for presentation or construction purposes,

standard drawings and reference material

existing conditions drawings and

“As-Built” drawings

Third Party organisations preparing engineering design plans are to do so using their own Titleblocks and corporate logos.

Common Requirements

In all cases, drawing Titleblocks must contain the following information (as a minimum) and may need to be prepared specifically for the project at hand.

Component Details

Amendment panel Refer Section 3.12

Approval date The date the drawing was signed approved

Approver name Refer Section 3.14

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Authorisation details Any requisite authorisation by CoM

CAD file name The drawing file name (where relevant)

Check date The date the drawing was checked

Checker name The name of the person checking the drawing

Council's DM# Refer Section 4.1

Cross-reference to Concept Plan Refer Section 3.11

Designer name The name of the person responsible for design

Drawing number Refer Section 3.11

Drawing scale The scale ratio used to prepare the drawing

Drawing size Refer Section 3.6

Drawing status Refer Section 3.16

Drawing Title Refer Section 3.11

Graduated bar For microfilming or scaling purposes (in mm.)

Map reference Derived from MGA coordinates

North Point For locating direction of True North

Notation about horizontal/vertical datums (ie. MGA, AHD) and reference to origin

Refer Section 3.7, 3.8, 4.2

Number of sheets Refer Section 3.9

Revision number Refer Section 3.12

Survey reference number The survey file/drawing no. (where relevant)

Titleblocks and associated text must be placed on the relevant Council Drawing layer.


3.7 Horizontal Coordinates and Drawing Units

Drawings may be compiled using layout (paper) space but if plan information based on Map Grid Australia (MGA) coordinates is included, the model space shall not be rotated, shifted or otherwise transformed. The datum must be in MGA-55, GDA94 coordinates.

All Drawings are to quote the coordinate origin as MGA-55, GDA94.

Drawings are to be prepared in metres with 1:1 drawing units.

3.8 Levels

Design Drawings

For design drawings, level information relevant to the design is to be placed on theDRG-X-CONSTRUCTION NOTES layer. This includes not only levels related to cross-sections and longitudinal sections but also any levels that need to be shown in plan view.

Z-axis coordinates are not required for design drawings.

Existing Condition Plans or As-Built Drawings

Existing condition plans shall show Z-axis coordinates for all features.

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As-built drawings shall show Z-axis coordinates of any “new” work and, if necessary, may show Z-axis coordinates for all features.

The height datum for all levels noted in design drawings shall be based on Australian Height Datum(AHD)

The inclusion of text to describe spot heights is only necessary where clarification of terrain levels is required (ie. REL-X-SPOT_HT) or to describe a representative height value for floor levels, roof levels or water levels (ie. BLD-X-FLOOR_LEVEL, BLD-X-ROOF_LEVEL, DR-X-WATER_LEVEL).

Survey Marks

Coordinate values for all survey marks shall include a Z-axis coordinate.

Quoted level values for survey marks are also to be noted in the SVY-X-TEXT layer.

3.9 Multiple Drawing Sheets

All drawings of the same class shall be compiled in a separate, single file. i.e. all





Drawings shall be compiled in a single file based on the class of drawing.

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3.10 Naming Conventions

Drawing Types

Codes for Drawing Types are shown bold in the table below and are to be used as a prefix in the drawing number

The codes are derived from the type of drawing.

E Existing Conditions survey C Concept Design

F Field Survey D Detailed Design

U Utilities S Standard Drawing

G GIS Extract R Reference Drawing

Works Drawings

All Works Drawings are to be identified by a combination of;

a prefix derived from the type of drawing,

The organisation’s “job identification” number

a suffix identifying the number of the drawing sheet

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Standard Drawings and Reference Drawings

All Standard Drawings and Reference Drawings are to be identified by the file number for the relevant “Design & Construction Standards” in City of Melbourne Website, Engineering Standards, specifications and approvals.

3.11 Drawing Title

The drawing title (drawing name) is to comprise 3 levels of detail:

Other Suppliers of Drawings

1 PROJECT NAME - Project Name


- Property address including name of street, street number and suburb.

3 TITLE OF DRAWING Description of the nature of the works. Eg

- Demolition Plan…

- Construction Plan…

- Setout Plan…

- Landscape Plan…

- etc

3.12 Amendment Panel & Version Control

Layout of Amendment Panel

Other Suppliers of Drawings

Version Number to be consecutive starting at 1

Description of amendment(If Version 1 in organisations system, then Description to be “Original”

ID of drafter making amendments

Date of amendment


Drawings are to be versioned using a numerical identifier (ie. 1, 2, etc..) with the first version always being named “Original” in the amendment panel.

Drawings shall be saved into a system capable of retrieving them efficiently and effectively.

As Built drawings are to be shown with all previous entries in the Amendment Panel removed. Revision numbers are to be substituted with a hyphen and the Description field is to show “As-Built”.

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Where drawings are created and supplied to Council outside of the DM environment, the data file is to be named according to the subdivision permit number (where relevant) or else the drawing ID number contained in the organisations drawing management system and versioned as follows:

First version A

Subsequent versions B, C, D etc..

Last or final version Z

3.13 Text Fonts/Styles

All drawings are to use the ISO-CP font supplied with AutoCAD.

Customising of fonts or standard shape files (.SHX) is not allowed. No other font types or text styles (other than a logo) are to be used in the drawing.

Only shape files (.SHX) forming part of the standard AutoCAD suite are to be used.

3.14 Drawing Authorisation

Where evidence of approval is required, the name of the person responsible for that approval is to be inserted in the relevant field in the Titleblock. This can include an electronic signature if desired.

Initials are not to be used for this purpose.

3.15 Blocks and Linetypes

Only blocks and linetypes authorised for use by ESB are to be used in a drawing.

If a new block or linetype is required, permission to create and use the block or linetype must be obtained from the Principal Engineer, Infrastructure, Engineering Services Branch before being referred to the Team Leader, Asset Management to action.

The standard suite of civil engineering and traffic engineering blocks is held in City of Melbourne Website, Engineering Standards, specifications and approvals (CoM Website).

The “MCC-Services.lin” file is the source of “special” linetypes for all ESG drawings (PROCESS FOR LOADING LISP ROUTINES INTO AUTOCAD: MCC LAYERS SCHEME -Refer Attachment 3)

All other linetypes are to comply with the standard linetypes contained in the “acadiso.lin” file provided with AutoCAD.

Wherever possible, blocks are to remain on their designated layer and are not to be exploded.

If a block is exploded, the block’s objects are assigned to Layer 0 and must then be recreated on the correct layer.

As-Built Drawings

Blocks used in as-built drawings are to be selected from the standard suite of civil engineering and traffic engineering blocks (Refer Attachments 6)

Where the dimensions of an asset exceed 0.36 sq meters (600 X 600mm), the as-built block must properly represent the dimensions of the asset being depicted. Scaleable blocks may be used for this purpose.

Nevertheless, due to the complexity of asset shapes, some asymmetrical blocks will need to be included in an as-built drawing if only to improve legibility and clarity.

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Asymmetric blocks such as those used to represent lighting (SELP, SELP1, SELP1T), logos marking bike paths or disabled parking (BIKE, DISABLE), lane arrows (ARROW1, ARROW2, ARROW3), buoy or channel markers (BUOY, CHANNEL-MARKER) are all allowable blocks.

3.16 Drawing Status

The status of the drawing is to be identifiable at all stages of the drawing’s development.

In DM, the “Status” field in the document profile must also be maintained to properly reflect the drawing status.

Accepted definitions of drawing status are:




Issued for Tender

Issued for Construction


3.17 File Formats

All CAD drawings depicting civil infrastructure or traffic engineering that are prepared in accordance with this document must be filed in Council’s document management system as an AutoCAD2007 format document or earlier version.

3.18 Plotting and Pen Tables

Pen tables may be customised to suit specific plotting requirements but they shall not alter pen settings established for each layer by the MCC Layers LISP routine.

3.19 Data Ownership and Copyright

Where a Third Party supplies Council with an “As Built” drawing, Council is to be acknowledged on the drawing as the owner of the relevant data and documentation.

Disclaimers used by Third Parties shall not negate Council’s rights to ownership of the drawing or the data contained in the drawing.

3.20 Checking

The LISP routines “MCCChecks” and “MCCFix” shall be used to confirm that layering requirements complies with ESB’s drawing layer protocols and that all blocks used in the drawing are properly assigned to the correct layer.

LISP routines are available for use by providers of spatial data . Data providers shall utilise the LISP checking routines prior to submitting final drawings.

Refer to Attachment 3 for a copy of the LISP routine and explanatory notes

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4. Other Information

4.1 Survey Limits and Accuracy

Data contained within drawings must comply with the standards for data capture described in “SURVEY LIMITS AND ACCURACY STANDARDS FOR EXISTING CONDITION DRAWINGS Prepared By Engineering Services” (Refer Attachment 7).

Coordinates are to be referenced to Map Grid Australia(MGA-55) using GDA94 and Australian Height Datum (AHD) for heights.

Local or arbitrary coordinates are not permitted in as-built engineering drawings.

4.2 Data Exchange

Other Suppliers of Drawings

The format in which drawings are supplied to Council will vary according to the drawing status.

Drawing Status Type Format Requirement

Draft PDF – Mandatory, DWG - Optional

Final PDF – Mandatory, DWG - Optional

Signed PDF – Mandatory, DWG - Optional

Issued for Tender PDF – Mandatory, DWG – Optional

Issued for Construction PDF & DWG - Mandatory

As-Built PDF & DWG – Mandatory

Hardcopy drawings must be supplied if requested by Council.

4.3 Attribute Data

Submission of ‘As Built’ plans must include detailed asset register which categorises assets by the CAD standards layer name. For

- Point assets (eg outdoor furniture) the number of assets of each layer class must be recorded.

- Line assets eg drains and all attributes associated must be recorded along with the object ID

- Polygon assets eg road carriageways and all attributes associated must be recorded along with the object ID

The asset register must be supplied in the form of an excel spreadsheet.

Reference Documents

All design drawings are to be prepared with reference to:

Council’s Construction Specification

Relevant Technical Notes, and

Standard Drawings for relevant assets.

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For instructions on the whereabouts of this information check CoM website


4.4 Managing Trees – As-Built Drawings

Street Trees

Trees within the road reservation are to be represented by the TRUNK block on theVN-X-TREE layer with the outline of the canopy shown on the VN-X-TREE_CANOPY layer

For street trees, the canopy can be shown either circular (if prepared using ground survey methods) or "true" (if prepared using aerial photogrammetry methods)

Park Trees

Within park areas, trees with canopies less than 2 metres in diameter are to be represented by the TRUNK block on the VN-X-TREE layer with the letter "T" placed nearby on theVN-X-TEXT layer

Trees within park areas having canopies greater than 2 metres in diameter are to be represented by the TRUNK block on the VN-X-TREE layer with the outline of the canopy shown on the VN-X-TREE_CANOPY layer

4.5 Surface

Surfaces within council spaces i.e. road reserve, parks, council owned buildings and other public spaces will be denoted by the polygons surfaces in ‘Acceptable Blocks For As Built Civil Drawings’ (Attachment 6).

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Attachment 1: Engineering Services Branch Design and Drafting Guidelines

Attachment 2: CAD Layers for Council Infrastructure

Attachment 3: Process for Loading Lisp Routines into AutoCAD

Attachment 4: Engineering Services AutoCAD Block Symbols: Civil Engineering

Attachment 5: Engineering Services AutoCAD Block Symbols Traffic Engineering

Attachment 6: Engineering Services Acceptable Blocks for ‘As Built’ Civil Drawings

Attachment 7: Survey Limits and Accuracy Standards for Existing Condition Drawings

Attachment 8: Asset Register for CAD Layering Standard for External Organisation
