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Capability QFD

Date post: 06-Apr-2018
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Improv ing the Rationale Capture Capabi lit y of QFD Y. Reich Depart ment of Solid Mechani cs, Materials and Syste ms, Tel Aviv Univers ity, Ramat Aviv, Israel Abstract. The goals of Des ign Rat ionale Cap tur e (DRC) are improving design quality and reducing design time. These general goals have led to the design of many DRC techniques originating from research in various design and other related dis cipl ines. However , lit tle evi dence about att aining these goals or about their usability or utility in practice has been demons trate d. To impro ve this situat ion, we use QFD tools to desi gn a n ew DRC techni que. QFD can be us ed to transform general needs into working products; its practical ut il it y in improving desi gn qual it y and reduci ng overal l des ign time are widel y recognise d. In the course of usi ng QFD, si gni cant desi gn knowledge is g en er at ed and recorded. Consequently, we picked QFD as a candidate DRC technique, and used QFD itself to improve its DRC proper- ti es. The ut il it y of QFD as a DRC tool is il lust rated by usi ng it to captur e the rat ionale underl ying its own design. Keywords. Col laborative des ign ; Commun icat ion ; Des ign arg umentat ion; Desi gn pract ice; Des ign rati ona le; Grap h models; Hou se of qua lit y; Qual ity function depl oy ment ; Resear ch method ol ogy; Shared memory 1. Intro ducti on  Design Rationale (DR) is a record of the reasoning process and inf ormatio n that und erl ie a par ticular artifact desi gn. DR may incl ude various desi gn decision, issues, alternative choices, the argume nts for or agains t dif ferent choices, their evalua tions and assumptions, as well as additional relevant infor- mation . The premis es under lying DR researc h have been that DR is usef ul and usable for desi gners, and that in capt uring it , desi gn qual it y coul d be impr ov ed and it s du rati on shortened [1]. More specically, DR researchers have become convinced Corre spon dence and offpr int reque sts to: Prof essor Y. Rei ch, Department of Solid Mechanics, Materials and Systems, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978, Israel. E-mail: yorameng.tau.ac.il that the avai lab il it y of DR can assi st desi gners in future design scenarios, and even contribute within a lo ng-t erm pr oj ect whos e DR is co nt inuo us ly recorded. The proponents of DR suggested that DR can ass ist in the fol lowing des ign acti vit ies [1–3]: A1: Struct uring design problems or spaces. A2: Per for ming var iou s comput ati ona l serv ices such as: the mainte nance of des ign con sis t- ency or desig n verica tion. A3: Communic atin g reas oni ng and per specti ves to others. A4: Documenting design. A5: Creati ng and accumul at ing desi gn knowl- edge. A6: Debug ging, modifyin g, redesi gning or main- tainin g desig ns. A7: Critica lly reecting during design. Through these activities, and others, designers would be able to answer how, why, by whom and when a part icular arti fact was des igned to sat isf y its goa ls. The y mi ght be able to ask vari ous ‘what if . . .?questions, and use previously captured rationales to short- cut the developme nt proces s of new art ifac ts and improve their quality. To materialise this poten- tial, DR research has explored a range of techniques between two extremes: E1: DRC for us e pr imaril y by comp uter pr o- grams. E2: DRC for use primarily by human users. The rst extreme involves creating formal languages that can be mani pulat ed by computer programs. However, these approaches are rest ric ted to well und erst ood des ign pro blems. Therefo re, mos t DR research has concentrated on the second extreme. It involves creating semi-formal (structured) languages that users can use to record various kinds of infor- mation related to design work, and that other users can read , int erpret and reuse. These langua ges are sometimes called argumentat ive DR. Engin eerin g with Computer s (2011 ) 16: 236–2 52 © 2011 Spring er-Verl ag Londo n Limi ted

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